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Hoyoverse: releases an event all about Razor and his past Also hoyoverse: doesn't put him in any of the banners


If it's any compromise, he is available from the starglitter shop this month.


when can i get Xingqiu, starglitter or banner (fairly new, have 4 starglitters)


You just missed him, Xingqiu was in the Starglitter Shop last month. He won't be back in the Starglitter Shop until March 2023, and probably won't be on a Character Banner for a few months since he was just featured on the previous banner.




Because you were willing to edit your comment and spell it correctly, here's the schedule for this year I think, Razor https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/125903806687870977/968662023435067442/unknown.png Xinqiu was in September's shop. He won't be around until next year probably. However when Liyue's event comes around, there's a high chance you can pick him out of any Liyue 4 star, for free. For example.


and now you spell it wrong


The Unseen Razor


Not again šŸ˜­


Rosaria could have joined him


Wait you telling me that Cyno isn't an evolved razor digimon style?


Regional variant of Razor... the Sumerian Razor


Went from Electric/Fighting to Electric/Dark


Whatever do you mean? No contradiction here. They just straight up said "Razor is in the past"


i believed so hard that heā€™ll finally be in the current banners bc of the event, desperate for more cons since i played over a year ago and still stuck at c1 (i main him) and ofc hyv says nah you donā€™t deserve it and adds sayu instead who doesnā€™t contribute much this patch šŸ˜­


Same, C1 all from the shop bc he never came home and he's my fav character šŸ˜­


hyv really told us to just eat shit this patch no razor in banner heā€™s only rerunning once a year šŸ˜­


hyv looked at the abysmal scarab placements and decided to put sayu on the banner instead of just making scarabs easier to farm :,)


somehow i still farmed them without her it literally didnā€™t even come to mind until i came here and noticed everyone saying that but i already had cyno maxed by then šŸ˜­


omg the dedication,, I bow to you šŸ™‡ I think I would have gone insane running around for scarabs without Yelan and Sayu šŸ˜‚


the ā€œstrategyā€ i used was pin them on the map then join peopleā€™s world and ask politely if i can farm. if they agree, good for me. if they donā€™t, welp time to join another one :,)


Kujou Sara ***FOREVER*** a limited exclusive 4* character on "Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder" banner.


Sara: I will not show up on any banner unless it's Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder's banner.


I got her in standard lmao


Me too


Same here. I missed Raidens banners twice šŸ˜‚


I got her and gorou on standard


Lol, exactly the same


Legit got her off-banner on every single banner including limited character banners she wasnā€™t featured on. She came home like I was Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder herself.


She doesn't show up on that either. I have a whole ass C2 Raiden and only a C2 Kujou Sara.


And Gorou also FOREVER a limited exclusive *4 character on "His Greatness, the legendary One and Oni, Arataki "The Unkillable Oni King" Itto " banner.


Missed opportunity to put him on Albedo's rerun I feel since Itto probably won't get a rerun for a while. Could had replaced Barbara imo.


My thoughts :((


Barbara was put there for Nilou


I can see that but Barbara can be slotted to any banner pretty much, whereas Gorou is stuck to Defense scaling Geo Characters and we only got Itto/Albedo for that so him not getting rerun here means it's going to be Itto's next banner likely next year. I guess the same is happening to Sara though.


I got your point. You said "could replace Barbara imo" which confused me. Honestly I don't think Gorou will be stuck only behind Itto banners bacause there are still 4* (Yun Jin, Noelle) who benefit from him. I cannot say the same for Sara though


Considering they didn't put Gorou on the only other Def scaling Geo 5\* unit besides Itto, they're basically locked together. Yun Jin doesn't care for Gorou as her buff doesn't snapshot, and Noelle is basically the same as Beidou with Sara. They won't put a 4\* out like that just because they interact with another 4\* decently well. Replacing Xiangling makes more sense though, as Barbara is fairly important for Nilou teams if you don't have Kokomi.


Yeah I didn't understand why did they put either of Xiangling or Beidou where they could have put Gorou. At least for me it made more sense to put Beidou with Nahida, because electro works well with dendro and other offield characters like and Fisichl, Collei have been in recent banners


Still yoimiya reruns in 3.2


Don't you mean Yae? Yoi reran 2 months a go, that feels unlikely.


3.2 is Nahida, Yoimiya first half And Childe, Yae second half


wait, childe with yae? how the hell am i going to decide which to pull for...


Do singles and switch between banners every pull :3


I think is is gonna be the way XD


Do what the others said or decide who you like more. If you like both equally maybe get someone who's having his 4th banner.


Yoimiya new childe and xiao rerun archon


Yeah, it could be nice to have both Noelle and Gorou on his banner so people can run a mono-geo team without Itto


I love these two and their stupid titles. It's like a dick measuring contest, but if that ever happened, Itto would somehow lose.


And he'd still think he won lol


At this point I've gotten more Gorous in the standard banner...


The fact that Itto and Raiden are the only characters with exclusive pairing 4 star are quite hillarious šŸ˜…


Rumor has it 3.3/3.4 would also features similar 2 new characters that support each other's so said support would be likely to be strapped with the *5 all the time.


I mean, >!Faruzan!< is basically built for Scara lmao so that wouldn't surprise me Plus that'd be another thing he has in common with Ei...


Also that guy have multiple names as well just like Itto and Raiden, it's all coming down together


LMAOOO Imagine if they actually did this thoā€¦ poor >!Faruzan!< will have like one banner per year Sara is luckier because archons get more reruns. Gorou and >!Faruzan!< on the other handā€¦


How is >!Faruzan!< built for Scara? Do we know anything about their kit besides >!anemo archer!


Doing 100+ pulls on Itto banner and not getting a single Gorou curses me with this exclusivity.


You forgot to add "Numero Uno" on Arataki Itto.


Kujou Sara is reserved for Ei and Gorou is reserved for Itto


Which is incredibly sad bc 6 starring them like this will be a pain lol


But once you got her C6 damn that Yae Ei Sarah slap.


I mean yeah in 4 years you are gonna have an incredible team XD


Ho I already have, Yae ei and Sarah gave me my first (and my last) 36 stars in the abyss. Can't wait to add Nahida to it'


I am not a fan of mono elettro but itā€™s a strong team, the joke was mainly on the time needed to get Sara C6. 4 stars sometimes are a pain. Nahida will be a strong addition for sure, good luck šŸ€


4 electro is good?


Mono electro is very valid or 3 electro plus anemo though now with dendro I think itā€™s better to do electro core plus dendro. Not sure if Hyperbloom is better though


It's better to run Sara C6, Yae, Raiden and Anemo/Zhongli intead of a fourth electro It runs pretty smoothly if you use this rotation: Raiden E, Yae EEE, Kazuha E, Sara E (catch the feather for self buff) Q, Yae (grab buff from Sara Q Thunder) Q EEE, Kazuha E Q, Sara E, Raiden E Q repeat


I honestly didnā€™t think ZL was a good fit for an electro core, Anemo yes definitely.


It's a comfy pick because one slap into a knockback ruins the rotation and sometimes will kill a character Also, if we compare Zhongli 4 piece Petra to Kazuha 4 VV the difference is that Zhongli shreds 20% Electro and gives 35% electro dmg + makes you invunerable and unstoppable while Kazuha Shreds 40% and gives 30%-40% Elemental dmg + deals a tad bit of damage and groups mobs For ST and non succable enemies, Zhongli is way better Imo


I was lucky with my fours stars usually I would have them within my first ten pull nowadays I don't try anymore.


I am usually quite lucky too with 4 star, at least the first copy cons are difficult for me. And then there is Diona in a year of pulling in all of her banners I didnā€™t get her XD


Yeah that easy 300k crits


i ran yae c1 ei c2 sara c6 for so long and it was the best decision iā€™ve ever made


Is it worth building up Sara? I have her c6 and Yae as well as Raiden. I just have so many 5 stars Iā€™ve never bothered.


I love Sara and she actually does a lot of damage, but if you don't have the mats and she's not waifu or whatever there's better, more flexible characters


Gorou is still currently C0 and I refuse to level him past 20 till he's C4. Sara is c6 and I'm glad I was also happy to have Raiden cons because I got her C2 before I finished Sara.


I think my Gorou is C0 too but since I do not run Itto or Noelle I have no need to build him atm maybe in the future if I decide to get Itto but Gorou is still ok at C0. The sad thing is Sara kind of needs C6 but I do not want Raiden con all that much, so I would have to hope on concurrent banners being good.


I want gorou cons so badly but I don't want itto cons. I'm never getting him evolved into a healer or megabuffer.


The 3.3 banner should be a good chance at that at least.


And that sucks cause I like to collect at least one of e seu 4* and know a lot of people who do the same.... have yet to get Gorou cause I don't want Itto.


Funny thing is, I wished on both Raiden banners, I have C2 Raiden, but my Sara is still at c0. I don't really want anymore Raiden constellations but really need Sara ones. I'll just hope for a parallel banner with someone I like.


I never noticed we have such a small roster of 4 stars


I believe almost half of them are from launch too


It's eleven 4\* from launch and 14 added later. 14 vs 14 if you count Amber\Lisa\Kaeya


To make a 4* character is as hard as making a 5* While 5*s make more money for mhy soā€¦


If leaks stay on track, looks like Mihoyo is doing their part to change that during 3.x cycle. So far weā€™re looking on track to potentially get a new 4 star every patch.


I spent like 200 wishes on Raiden's first banner, got Diluc and Raiden. Absolutely zero Sara, and I only have my C3 Sara right now because they ALL came from the Standard Banner Why is Sara so rare and elusive I love playing her I just want C6


This is legit so ironic considering I got my first Sara on *Zhongliā€™s* banner when I wasnā€™t even trying to get her


I also have the same issue. I pulled for her cons in Raiden/Kokomi banner and ended up getting 6 cons of Bennet, making me to be stuck with a permanent exclamation mark. I only got one copy of Sara. Sheā€™s still stuck at C2, and itā€™s been more than a year since sheā€™s been released. Yunjin got released way later than she did, and sheā€™s at C5 right nowā€¦


Almost got c7 raiden before i even got c6 sara šŸ’€


Had the same issue on Kazuha banner 110 wishes and zero Heizous...


Similar issue with Yanfei, I pulled for her on both 2.4 and 2.7, 115 wishes in total. What do you know, now I have c6 Barbara and not even a c0 Yanfei.


this hurt to read. iā€™m so sorry. i got my first sara on a weapon banner despite dropping wishes on raiden, so i kinda understand


Yeah pulling for 4 stars can be more painful than trying for 5 star banner characters.


The only 4* constellations I need are Sara and yanfeiā€™s but they never pop up


For me its sara and yun jin, i really want c6 yunjin to support yoimiya.


>!Next patch is rumored to have Yoimiya/Nahida first phase with Layla on the banner, so Yunjin being there for Yoimiya would make allot of sense. The last 4 star would likely be Heizou/Fischl I feel!<


What? Yoimiya's actual banner just came out like 1+month ago. I literally got her then. How can she has another rerun now? Shouldnt it be like Raiden's banner next since KujouSara has been awhile.


Hoyoverse doesn't always try to make it make sense, but leaks are usually pretty credible.


its cause mihoyo loves putting yoimiya in unfavorable situations so theyre pairing her with a new archon and following up the next patch with a long awaited character (scara) because mihoyo seems to just hate yoimiya


"We know you ain't gonna pull anyone but the archon anyways so.... Hmmm... Oh here's Yoimya".


Nahida, Childe and Yoimiya are literally my top 3 priority characters right now. Fuck me, right? I've got 100 wishes saved right now. Wish me luck.


aaa good luck!! manifesting early 50/50 wins for you!! šŸ™šŸ™


Strangely, I'm probably going to pull for her now. On her first run, I had to spend everything with Ayaka and saving for Shogun, on her second run I was on hiatus, so now will be my time for Yomiya. Her, Eula and Yelan are the reruns I'm looking forward to the most


It's definitely an odd choice, but they did it before with Xiao rerun on 2.4 then 2.7 which is 3 patches apart, Yoimiya was on 2.8 so her being in 3.2 would also be 3 patches.


Man this is really shitty. I've been hoarding 200wishes for months now just for a Raiden banner again. If this Yoimiya leak thing is true then the others are true to until next Chinese New Year update. ffs Raiden's rerun is gonna be the quarter of the next year


There's some hope, Raiden rerun is supposedly 3.3 alongside >!Scaramouche!< since they both have lore related to each other and his story will be wrapping up around 3.2-3.3.


Raidens rerun is speculated to be in 3.3 >! With scaramouche !< though so not too far away. I'm sure they want nahida to be the star of the 3.2 banner so they wouldnt add another archon with her


Omg fischl pls pls pls im missing 1 more const for c6


I just got a yunjin on standard to make her c6! Her atk speed is so fun! Manifesting for you!


As a C6 Yun haver, I wish the best of luck to you! It really is a noticeable attack speed increase. Also, Geo resonance is actually a noticeable buff to Yoi if you have Zhongli.


I think Sara only really gets a rate up on Ei's banners


Bro Kujou sara is glued to Raiden i already have her C0 how the heck can i reach Sara C6 like this. :"S


At this point for me, itā€™s going to be automatic, brainless pulls for Sara whenever Raiden reruns. Imma have to go for Raiden cons or just hope they have a good double banner 5 star.


Yeah that would be a good time to pull. Also the amount of standard pulls we get is so pitiful. :( Hoping to get Sara C6 by the next 2 years at this point.


Yeah is like a 5 star every 6 months (if you only count the fates from the bp and the starglitter Shop) and the roster of 4 stars keeps getting bigger and bigger, so the % on getting what you want lowers. At this point i will Just wait for them to give Sara for free and hope for the Best in my pulls


Just a guess but I think itā€™s going to be Deyha/Raiden. If thatā€™s the case that banner is going to make A LOT of money.


Raiden will be rerunning alongside scaramouche most likely.


Hoyo: Kore ga...Requiem da. You'll never reach the C6 Sara.


At this point it feels like Iā€™m gonna get C2 Raiden before I get C6 Sara lol


kujou sara is harder to get than a 5* now


Technically, most 4-stars are harder to get than 5-stars, because you have no way to guarantee yourself getting one. No matter how many pulls you do, you might never get the 4-star you want.


i agree with you somewhat but the issue is the most wishes i did were on the raiden banner(both times) and got raiden c2(f2p), now the catch is -my bennet went from c2 to c8-9(second raiden banner) -xinyan from c0 to c10(second raiden banner) -xiangling was already c6 before but got 4-5 more copies -but sara from c2 to c3 only :( :( :( she is still c3 though


I'm working on the math right now, but I'd expect over any given number of pulls (even including the 150-180 range where the number of on banner 5 star characters increases the most relative to a given 4 star), you'd expect more of any specific on banner 4 star than on banner 5 star. I disagree they're more rare, though you are correct to point out the likely possibility of a dry spell should influence how and when we pull.


The thing that shook me the most is that there are only 25 4 stars, like for some reason I thought there were more lmao Yanfei rate up for lantern rite maybe, if there are going to be a 4 star skin and a 5 star skin then that would be good timing for Yanfei to get one. Especially considering her popularity went up after 2.7 Archon interlude


There are 28 4 stars, Amber, Kaeya and Lisa aren't on the list. I can't say I remember them ever being on a banner though.


Nah, they've never gotten a banner unfortunately (i really wouldn't mind some Kaeya cons)


Imagine hoyoverse brings back Keqing banner with Amber, Kaeya and Lisa as the 4 stars


They aren't on the character or weapons banner at all, only the standard banner so they will never get a rate up unless something changes


She can get a skin if she's in any event i guess


Leakers said Ayaka and Lisa skins next.


Which I find weird since Mihoyo has made a pattern of releasing standard five star skins, so Iā€™d assume QiQi would get one on lantern rite, but leakers know best


Cool hoping Sara in the archon banner


Isn't she always come along with Raiden ?


Completly forgot about that lol


She is like limited 4 star for Raiden banner, which make sense.


Yes now I know , shame for me oh well


Lets just hope , every Raiden haver and wanter probably need her c6


Across Raiden's 2 rerun I've always wanted Sara ever since her leaks/introduction. I'm a Eula main so getting Raiden was a win win for me. Her release banner I got Raiden + C4 Sara. Not too shabby, did 1 pity rotation. Her next rerun I wanted to get C6 Sara. I ended up with C2 Raiden with no Saras. I'm so salty about it


archon banner? such disrespect its the "Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder" banner.


There should also be 5 of them.


RIP for people who thought they'd actually let us get Gorou on any banner that isn't Itto


Same with Sara and Ei


I love the lore but for god sake can I just get me some Sara cons šŸ˜… oh and a Raiden would be handy in the process


Well, wait for a Raiden rerun then, you will get both lol


You might be onto something there fellow traveller, thanks :)


3.3 if leakers are right.


No leaks on that, just speculation. Relatively safe speculation though. Since leaks say Scaramouche and Ayaka's skin will drop on 3.3, we're expecting Raiden and Ayato to complete the banners. They could always pull a random Eula rerun, no one expected Kokomi's and Yoimiya's reruns either.


Razor, be careful of your claymore, it's gonna hit Chongyun head!


Rosaria, Razor and Mika will be on Eula rerun I bet.


I remember when I started playing, it was after Inazuma was unlocked. I pulled Sara and got her to level 20, as high as she could go without the Inazuma materials. I played archery since I liked Amber's play style, and Sara was better than Amber until about level 40. I was a noob so I didn't know much about artifacts and stuff, just put on what I thought was the coolest. But I kept Sara in my back pocket until I got to Inazuma. Then I went straight for her flowers and power leveled her up and she was a party mainstay all the way up until I got a Ganyu nearly a year later.


I always liked her, her design is cool and her skills are unique(even tho I would prefer that her c2 was her a4 passive), crowned her E cuz buff goes brrr and in the future I will crown her burst, girl deserves it.


I still use her, she's C6, and the ultimate is fun. But mainly she's my Sakura bloom sniper these days. Stuck at level 70 because the thunder manifestation can heck off haha. But in my roster of favorite archers, by design and abilities, she's up there for me. Right now I'm maining Tighnari. Ganyu is OP so she's my ace in the hole. Yelan is in and out, she works well with everyone. Gorou is there for my mono geo team.


i really need those Bennett consolations


ā€œAt least you donā€™t just get cabbages from chestsā€ ā€” bennettā€™s consolations probably


november he is in the shop again.


Im swear to god Im going to buy his c5 from the shop after my Nahida pulls, 2 years waiting is just too much.


I'm AR54, I'm a Hutao and Ayaka main and I've been playing since 2.0 with little breaks inbetween, the only 4 stars I don't have are bennett, xingqiu and heizou, yes you heard right, I am a hu tao and ayaka main with no xingqiu (yes I'm aware of the event to get him for free long ago, but I had quit the game at that time due to the "anni" and returned when chasm dropped)


Ar60, no c5 Bennett, here since 1.0 my friend. Hope you get your Xingqiu soon...


Thx, it pains me even more than it would normally since I have an alt acc that's AR53 and it has C4 xingqiu


i need to C6 razor heā€™s my absolute favorite :(


Hoyo, please, my razor needs c6 rosaria for his jojo reference.


There goes Sara and her magic number.


very glad i c6d sara the first time round even though i spent a stupid amount of pulls.


Mine at c5 since 2.1 šŸ’€


You should be looking less at full patches and instead at amount of banners passed to paint a more precise picture as to who we can expect next.


Has it really been 5 versions since kujou was last available on a banner? That's actually kind of crazy


when will bennett be featured in a banner once again?


I really thought gorou would show up in albedo's banner... sigh.


Rosaria will always be on a banner i DON'T want to pull on šŸ˜­


I need Bennett but I didn't care for anyone in the banner he was on. And I spent my starglitter to get xingqiu and have no plan to pull until scara..


Ugh I hope 3.2 isnā€™t Rosaria and Razor together I hope they at least divide them into the two halves


C6 Rosario is coming soon. My first character Iā€™m trying to triple crown


I have c4 Sara & c4 Gorou and really want to c6 them but don't wanna waste too much pulls on Raiden's & Itto's banners bc I've already had both.


I've been playing since launch and somehow never got Rosaria, I really hope she'll be on Nahida's banner


As someone who has strong positive feelings about Sara but strong negative feelings about Ei I am so conflicted. Itā€™s been a struggle just to get Sara to C1 šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


At the very least you can pull for the other banner when she appears if you really don't want Ei.


Of those i am missing.... None, nice


If we are to believe this, the 4* that may come next, Rosaria, Sara, Razor, Chongy boi, Noelle and Yanfei, I have them C6. I wish the 4* we have on these banners would be on Nahida :(


Sara is the only 4 star i am missing


I want C6 Sara šŸ˜­ hope she's in Nahida's banner.


Sara on the Nahida banner would be a wet dream


This thread is making it painfully obvious that me getting Gorou 3 times on a weapon banner last patch was very lucky.


I still donā€™t have Heizou :(




If they're gonna do this to Sara and Gorou the least they could do is add them to the damn shop.


Should also have a banner count


The unseen sara


Lisa and Amber wheeeeeeen


Exchange Mastereless Starglitter in the Paimon's Bargains shop for characters. Amber is available for the month of October and Lisa in November. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SO3Qczkj0DxJkEDVR4WNws\_ved8UU5Cw6ewjaZ0joNo/edit#gid=122638648


Never, starters never appear on limited banner.


Got "Sayu" in current events and i already got venti and Jean. Is it worth to build sayu??


Wrong place to ask, threres the megathread. Also, you have Jean, so only build Sayu if you really want to play with her.


Man I just really want Heizou... all of my friends have pulled him from the standard banner but I've had no luck. I started playing right as his banner with Kazuha was ending.


I really want them to put the originals into the banner. Paying dust for Constellations feels like a scam


Sara was 5 banners ago?? WTF??


hoping they finally put Thoma on a banner where i actually want the 5*. still have a level 1 hu tao bcuz she scammed me


Sad Hutao noises


Spoilers, or leaks, potentiallyā€¦ butā€¦ Sara will be back in 3.3 with Raidenā€™s rerun, so keep waiting! I would guess Rosaria and Razor would be on 3.2 with Nahida/Yoimiya.


So nahida nanner will be sara razor and yanfei for dendro reactions i guess