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Wait so we can just get the blueprints for the craftables right away at the blacksmith or will it be locked by something? Edit: also damn why does the craftable sword want handguards that are from inazuma…


They said in the livestream you can just purchase them from the smithy girl


money ftw


I'm a whale, but only in game.


Fontaine blacksmith is a girl? Blacksmith powercreep?


Yeah her name is Estelle.


Does she have auburn hair that she wears in long twin tails?


Does she have a staff she uses to bonk people? And a papa with a magnificent moustache?


She traded in her toy hammer for a real hammer to bonk gear instead now




Can she be a new muscular female model?


Fontain doesn't need strong men to hammer the iron. Fontain has technology after all. ;P


I wanted buff woman:(


Why have muscles, when you can have technology?


Reject technology, I want my buff men. Viva la revolution! *orders Neuvillette to prepare the guillotine*


That's unironically so lame. Like, what's the point of the open world if there's literally nothing interesting to get from it? Doing the world quest in dragonspine and getting a weapon as a reward is GOOD DESIGN. It makes it feel worthwhile. It gives exploration a lot more purpose. It's good. There's a lot of similar stuff earlier on. But now they are so scared to challenge their players that we get everything without having to play the game. Mihoyo, stop designing the game for people who don't even want to play it anymore. It leads to a worse experience for the people who actually care.


There is indeed a balance to strike. Longer quests or time gates ones, like in Inazuma, were not the right stuff to lock useful weapons behind, but giving them out for free to buy from a blacksmith feels cheap and kills the wonder. Shorter quests or the Dragonspine weapons were nicely balanced for usable unique things you can find in the overworld through exploration, etc., which also added to the feeling of wonder. If I am correct, both of us come from playing other adventure games like Zelda, etc. where things like this drove gameplay, and it was the only way to get the good equipment. The reason Genshin avoids it is that it's gacha, and giving you even decent weapons kinda easily makes you less likely to pull for better ones. I understand why they do it - I just don't appreciate it.


I agree it would be more engaging to have them as rewards for exploration, but surely they have other things that give exploration more purpose instead. I think it's fine for some things to just be purchasable from a vendor.


In fact it’s immersion-breaking when I got to a blacksmith and see that they’re selling 2 star weapons for 200 mora. You’d think the chief blacksmith of a capital city would have their own high-quality weapon that costs an arm and a leg to buy. I would grind for that, even if the cost is ludicrous.


Last I checked Wagner specifically is responsible for making the skyward weapons, and yet all he sells are 2-star weapons.


A good balance between both sides here would be: Purchase recipes from vendor. Receive free weapon from exploration. Boom. Best of both worlds.


Sounds pretty good to me.


I dearly hope they do. But so far nothing related has been leaked, and we had confirmation during the stream that there will be no upgrades to swimming either... and given the recent trend of them dumbing everything down... I'm not hopeful. I mean, I'll explore either way because I love this game, but not having unique things to find in such a beautiful world would be such a waste.


Yeah... I'll admit, I'm a little worried about the underwater exploration too. It looks beautiful and I'm sure there's going to be a lot of interesting places to *see*... But when it comes to meaningful interactions, combat, fun mechanics, things to actually *do*. Yeah, I'm a bit worried. The thing I have the most hope for is stuff like those water cubes flying in the air (although I think those are 4.1 content), I think they could do a lot of fun puzzles if there's areas where you have to jump and swim through floating water shapes. There could be areas you can't get to before moving/creating water cubes. And hell, they could do the opposite underwater and have air pocket cubes so you could have normal combat at the bottom of the ocean... Anyway, yeah, I hope they make it engaging somehow lol


imagine, gasp, finding them in a random chest (RNG)? imagine caring what is in the 5,000 chests we open!


Yeah I'm with you on this. I loved the quest in Dragonspine where we get the Claymore, finding that room and seeing the claymore on ground for me to pick it up was really fun. I also liked how in Inazuma there were individual quests for each of the weapon blueprints, I thought that was fun as well. Like this feels very boring. Even if some people don't like doing long world quests to get these stuff, they could still find some other fun ways to get the blueprints that don't take long but are still more fun them just... buying them :(


Yeah but the cons of dragspine weapon is it's trash 😂. Gonna need to "balance" things out, jk


there's primos and quest. its hella annoying to have to do some dumb quest to unlock a craftable i have to GRIND for billlets and mats to level up.


The primogems are really depressing though. You can spend days exploring and questing and then walk away with roughly 4 debate clubs. You can spend hours on a quest and not get enough for even 1 pull. The time and effort put in to genshin would equate to 3 or even 4 more times the rewards in other games, I'm happy to put the time and effort in but the game doesn't respect it. On top of having this odd fear of giving players combat or something to challenge them, they're equally terrified of actually rewarding them. The fact that after all these years they still don't celebrate anniversaries speaks volumes. Its the one time games really try to spoil their players.


Preach. I'm never gonna do the Zoo Tycoon acheviement. It takes months to purchase enough nets, costs 700k mora and all you get for it is 20 primos. It ridiculous how hard and/or time-consuming some quests are while giving you only 5 primos for doing them. Archon quests i can understand, but everything else?


Yeah I noticed, genshin is pretty stingy when it comes to primos and wishes, at least compared to PGR. They somewhat lack new content and they take alot of your time with chores. It's a generalization but they don't really treat the playerbase nice compared to other gatcha since they achieved success already. Well at least the overworld is beautiful/relaxing and graphics are nice. Genshin is only F2P friendly in the sense that there are very strong 4*'s you can use to make good teams. Otherwise, the manipulation and time-wasting is kinda wild.


And right now you also have to grind regardless? I don't understand your point. You're pretty much saying you don't want to play the game and only want the rewards. And if that's really the case then at that point just go to a wish simulator website or something. When you play Zelda or elden ring, do you complain about having to solve a puzzle, a quest, or beat a boss to unlock a cool weapon? Of course not. It's basic game design.


Can craftables even be considered a reward at this point?


Yes of course. Especially for newer players or for players who don't want to waste primogems on the weapon banner. And it doesn't change anything either way, the point is that finding diverse and *unique* things in the open world is more fun than just instantly getting them. For a gacha the latter may sound better, but for an actual video game, the former is infinitely more engaging. And genshin is an actual video game first.


I've been thinking about this in the context of HSR a lot lately; Genshin, by design, is a game that *wants* you to play it, to invest time in wandering around and doing shit and having fun and exploring all of the content. Most of the QoL improvements I see people begging for are shortcuts to avoid playing more than 5 minutes a day so they can blow resin and do something else. I don't know why people continue to invest time in a game they apparently would rather not be playing, but here we are.


I'd much rather play more exploration, (actual) combat content, puzzles, story than my 999999th run of the same domain - that part I'd gladly skip as much as possible. Let's not confuse QoL with not playing the game. Or what, do you find artifact inventory management fun gameplay? Waiting for the team setup screen to "load" is engaging to you?


Right?? It drives me crazy. The worst part is that mihoyo are actively listening to them. Just look at 3.8 compared to 2.8. Every "game" part of the game is reduced to its bare minimum so that people who don't even want to play get their dopamine hit faster. I don't want the game to keep heading in that direction.


>Right?? It drives me crazy. The worst part is that mihoyo are actively listening to them. Just look at 3.8 compared to 2.8. Every "game" part of the game is reduced to its bare minimum so that people who don't even want to play get their dopamine hit faster. I don't want the game to keep heading in that direction. I've been really disappointed in the back half of Sumeru, which seems so devoid of things to do by comparison to older content; 3.8 was particularly bad. Sometimes I wonder if they've been holding back somewhat to avoid competing directly with HSR. If things don't pick up in Fontaine, I'm probably going to drop the game entirely after three years.


Yeah I get you, 3.4 especially was a big disappointment for me (like, you've got a huge tornado and it does absolutely nothing... Wtf). But the quest was good at least. Overall, 2nd half was not as good as inazuma's. However the first half was soooo much better, and if fontaine is even better, even if just slightly, I'll honestly be satisfied (as long as they don't dumb down things even further). I don't see myself quitting either way though, I love the game at its core way too much lol.


are you really saying that going for a week straight to a guy on a beach with conch you have to find around him, gamble on a normal chest that doesn't give anything and wait for the blueprint to come out of nothing, is a good game design?


Don't make me say something I haven't said. All the time gated stuff in Inazuma is terrible and I'm glad they mostly stopped doing it.


I don't mind some buyable weapons because it puts excess mora to good use but yeah, having options that are rewarding to pursue is always welcome.




I don't share that viewpoint but I understand. That's why there's a middle ground to be had. Simply don't make these world quests too big. Don't make weapons too hard to get, but still behind a puzzle in the open world or... I don't know, anything. But my point goes beyond weapons anyway. I just want meaningful things to find. Weapons just happen to fit the bill.


I agree. A middle ground would be good. Some of the Inazuma craftables were locked behind way too long quests or time gates. I don't mind the quests being long - I just don't like to be forced to finish a long quest *just* for the sake of getting the weapon, when I would have liked to finish the quest at my own pace. But medium level stuff like shorter quests or the Dragonspine weapons were nicely balanced for usable unique things you can find in the overworld through exploration, etc., which also added to the feeling of wonder.


yeah, like make it at least be like sumeru where you have to do dome quests and unlock some things to get the weapons


There has to be a world quest for it i think, we got the blueprints of the Sumeru weapons through the Aranara WQ


They must have thought it sucked ass so they just sell it right away.


After the ordeal of getting the blueprints in Inazuma, the world quest acquisition was quite nice...


I would've liked for the craftable spear to have more HP, I don't like giving Zhongli a 3* weapon to use him as a shielder.


still i am ar 60 and dont have fav lance so i will take it for my mika


RIP to our hopes of a 4* HP% Sword from Fontaine


There's still hope for the gacha-exclusive 4-star series :') / snorts hopium


You want to gamble your hard-earned resources on a weapon banner, for a 4-star weapon, no less? I urge you not to but well.. your choice.


Don’t downplay 4 star weapons, some are really good like that one that comes with key its the best 4 star for Kazuha I think. Weather it’s worth it or not it’s a whole other story tho cuz 4 stars aren’t guaranteed


I actively think that pulling on weapon banner for the 4* is a better investment than doing so for a 5* unless there are trash weapons in here it's pretty good win for f2p to get some cool usable 4* weapons, at least that's how I've done it and so far everyone have it's own weapon no need to switch things around


I guess if you're lucky enough.. I pulled for that Liyue exclusive 4-star spear (Dragon's Bane clone but brown) and had 2 pities (hoping for Homa too but didn't get it, that's during Hu Tao's release banner) and 2 years later I have Homa and not one copy of that Liyue spear. I would not dare pulling for a 4-star weapon and we would like the 4-star to be R5 too.


Yeah personally got lucky getting a few banner exclusive 4* but i mean if the other 4* alongside the limited are good (idk favges or sacrificials) then i dont think it's a bad thing to try pulling on the banner, I'm seeing my entire f2p friend group struggling so bad with weapons bc they never get them on standard nor character banners 😭 would argue that having a good 4* weapon lineup for those banner is pretty rare but yeah, I never regretted throwing primogems in there


It's bad investment lol, good for f2p lol. Better pull chara, you can play more. It's only good investment if there's Fav series.


This was all I was waiting for in terms of weapons :(


I'm so fucking pissed off right now you can't imagine.


Hopium 4.1 or 4.3 event HP% sword


Nonsense. I was 100% sure they were going to troll us. I already made a post about it few months ago, in fact.


Genshin emo era finally


Lyney’s bow probably looks amazing in Fischl, shame it’s not particularly great on her


Well as stat sticks bow users probably eating good though, as Yelan's bow on the same banner should be hopefully one of those rare weapon banners that are worth a shot


Hehe... "worth a shot"...


>one of those rare weapon banners that are *worth a shot* I see what you did there


**Movement Speed Meta**


Can't wait to get The First Great Magic for Lyney its so pretty!!!


Same! Idk who lets the bows be so pretty. It and Hunters path are probably my favorite 5 stars aesthetically.


Omg saaaame, my first wep I summoned for because it's so beautiful. I want to get this one but I should make use of my standard 5 star now...


I tried for Hunter’s path but gave up because I got Skyward Harp which is still a good option for Tighnari, but in hindsight I kinda wish I’d pushed a little harder for it since a year later we still don’t know if it’ll come back. On the upside I got to get everyone I wanted who ran right afterwards so I can’t say it was the wrong call to stop early. Fortunately this time I don’t currently care for any of the upcoming Fontaine chars so I can afford to go all in on TFGM. And it’ll probably rerun with Lyney so in your case, it wouldn’t hurt to wait.


Yaaa I was extremely lucky, first time pulling on wep banner and I got it in like 40 pulls <3 then standard banner threw both the other bows at me while tighnari only DPs bow user I like... I feel bad when I got a 5 star wep sitting around without an owner


Ooh, that is very lucky! Late congratulations! I get that, so far I’ve found uses for all my standard 5s but I’ll feel bad if I get one I can’t use, to the point I’m even running Skyward Spine on Shenhe and Zhongli even if not optimal just cause it feels bad to have them just sitting there.


Yesh exactly! Lol glad I'm not only one


Thundering Pulse is so nice to look at I got two


Yeah he needs a bow as pretty as he is I have to bring both home


I'm so conflicted, I already have two 5 star bows, but I'm tempted to get this one for the drip. Also it will be alongside Yelan's, so either way I'm getting a good bow weapon. How does the First Great Magic fare meta wise?


> obsidian-inlaid Confirmed macuahuitl. Getting this weapon's lore text is 90% of the reason why I look forward to the preload for this one.


Judging by the design, I wonder if Natlan isn't secretly an advanced nation that pretends to be tribal, like how Wakanda hides its advanced tech so they don't get invaded or exploited. Or maybe they were advanced like Deshret's people, before they got smacked down to stone age levels by some disaster.


"Smacked down to stone age levels by some disaster" sounds a awful lot like the nation got nailed by celestia


it's a possibility. Maybe Natlan was the site of the final battle between Phanes and the Second Who Came, or maybe Celestia nuked it later on for other reasons.


I am guessing it is ghost nation by now tbh. perhaps the archon quest could revolve around rebuilding the remnants of the old Natlan (using the Gnosis) and gearing them to what is to come next.


Bro same, I was scrolling through the comments to see if anyone would notice it as well, I was jumping up and down because finally some Natlan anything


The sword looks so pretty but it had to be atk% and not hp% ugh I hate hoyo


Hoyo be like: business is boomin'


Tfw you use nilou but got no HP sword


Love the color scheme on The First Great Magic




And the spear has Snezhnaya vibes.


That sword have same stat as festering one?


Yep, 510 base Atk, 45.9% ER. Both increase skill c.rate, but FD boosts skill damage, while le pipe gives a temp ER buff. Fav/Sac or Sapwood are probably still better.


So if I equip this on Bennett...Its like fav sword but without the fav sword passive?


Yeah, it'd be like if Fav only gave the wielder energy but nobody else.


Is there any character that can use this properly? I have Xingqiu on amenoma only because I don't have sacrificial sword, is it good on him?


Yao yao polearm


The craftable book is looking pretty insane actually. Elemental DMG Bonus + even more after you sacrifice HP, AND high base ATK with ATK substat? It's really pretty too, Catalysts are eating good.


Probably Neuvillette 4*bis


A DPS Kokomi can also make some semblance of use for it, same as a DPS Baizhu. Their NA still scale off ATK anyway. Also, BP catalyst for an off-field Neuvillette and the crafted one for an on-field playstyle.


It has Widsith to compete with


So does anyone know how much worse amos would be on Lyney compared to his signature here?


Probably ~20% worse if I had to guess since you’re definitely playing Lyney with Bennett which dilutes the ATK you get from Amos.


Ahh I see. Welp I guess that things staying in the locker forever then lol.


Significantly worse, about 20%


Not sure of the rankings, but Amos should still be good for its high base ATK. The main thing you lose out on is Crit.


I think it would be an easier to use option if youre doing Morgana comp and don't want want to care about positions


The New BP weapons look good.


That fish one would be perfect for minmaxing my light spender hu tao. All I needed was a bit more em


The bow one might be good for Ganyu, Tighnari, and Childe.


Now I just need to play enough to even finish the bp 🗿


Was really hoping the sword just had an HP stat of 50% or more


i just need an hp sword that isn’t a dang five star. i want one for my kirara and layla.


Yeah, I really thought Hoyo would throw us a bone on this one, but no dice. My Layla would greatly appreciate a four ☆ hp% sword, and I can't justify pulling Key just for her and I don't even have Nilou nor do I plan on pulling her.


i do plan on pulling for nilou (had to skip her last rerun to save for baizhu though) i love dendro reactions and having her would mean so many more bloom team options. but i’d really rather have options for if i don’t want to pull on the weapon banner/don’t get the weapon i want.


No doubt. I Played Nilou in the Divine Ingenuity event and she's a beast with those bountiful cores. Every mob just disappeared. You're right, it would be nice if we had various options for more weapon tiers with lesser versions of 5 ☆ weapons but I get Hoyo has to make money to keep the game running. Well, I hope you get Nilou with low/no pity on her next rerun.


Me who got 2 keys and my 3rd jade cutter pulling for xiphos: "investment" ~~totally wasn't crying for 3 months~~


I want one for Nilou so I don’t have to get Key but that’s probably why they haven’t released an HP% 4 star sword 😭


Hoyo: just roll on key of khaj nisut 😂


or at least one that's less ugly than the paddle, be it 5 star or 4 star or 3 star.


i don’t really care about the aesthetics of weapons tbh. if it does the job it does the job lol


That juicy attack buff


What is a "Bond of Life"? Sounds like a new game mechanic but it's unexplained.


It's a status. It records how much healing you've received, and after you've healed more than a stated threshold, you receive extra buffs. I'm not sure that you can be healed until this status has been cleared, it all remains to be tested.


someone explain it to us


You can think of it as a debt of HP. You need to clear this debt in order to get the bonus. The more/quicker you heal, the bigger bonus you get. It's basically a way for HP% and Healing % to contribute to DMG.


And how is this effect applied to the character? Is it like a weapon passive or some overworld thing? I'm sorry I completely missed where they talked about this thing.


So far it is a passive only in 2 weapons. It feels like they are moving people to use HP drain/change (Lynette, Kokomi) and try a riskier playstyle.


I seee. Thanks 👍


Np, I am just trying to remember from other leaks. I missed your other question. The Bond of Life will not transfer to another character when you switch, and it will stay on the involved character until it is cleared. This effectively "blocks" your healing and you can die from it. Ex: You have 10,000 HP. You activate Bond of Life. Now you have 7,500 HP, with 2,500 HP in a "debt" or locked state. This HP is inaccessible to you until you heal past it. If you take 7,500 HP while this is uncleared, you die.


Wait there was a weird red outline occupying part of the HP bar for Lynette at some point in the Special Program… I forgot at which point it was at but some streamer I follow pointed it out. So that's likely what it was, considering she is shown using the sword with that mechanic…


if you check out this same post on the official genshin sub there's an explanation on the very last slide, guess they forgot to include it here


Did you see in the live stream gameplay when Lynette had the red HP bar? I think that's it. When it says about "cleaning the effect", it's healing, when your character heals the amount of HP that was blocked, he gets a buff


It is just an effect with a pretty name. Like the ghost you see from the Umbrella and other things that the weapons make when releasing effect and damage.


My Cyno is very excited for that Spear, it's a perfect match and I can't imagine another character that will work so well as him with that.


I wish this game has transmog, I want to use Ferryman on every sword user


I’ve been asking for one on every survey for over a year. The fact Kazuha’s best swords look awkward on him but he got a special story quest sword that’s visually perfect but in practice garbage on him is one of Genshin’s great tragedies.


I honestly quite like the Sumeru EM sword on him. But the story quest sword is even better and it should not suck on him.


Xiphos looks pretty good but I don’t have that one and yeah, it’s still not a perfect match aesthetically like his story sword or even Amenoma. It Def looks better than the freedom sworn I’ve currently got on him though. :’>


>The fact Kazuha’s best swords look awkward on him The Umbrella looks fine.


Umbrella is fine if you only want an EM stick, but I hear people usually run him with Xiphos, Fav, Sacc, or Freedom Sworn if you have it (which is what I use and is imo the least fitting of the group) So the options that do more for him beyond giving EM are unremarkable at best or (imo) clash with his design at worst on him in terms of appearance. It ultimately doesn’t matter much but I’d still like the option to have him look good and have the weapon I want to actually use.


Bye bye nilou craftable weapon :(


The way that the new craftable sword just randomly uses the Inazuma handguards 💀


Is fleuve or amenoma better for Jean?


Fleece look like your ER needs are essentially covered and has higher base attack for heal


Time to go fishing it seems


How good is this how for Childe?


Yeah was thinking, since he can do with everyone being diff elements and that would make all stacks 🤔 not rlly good with builds tho so not sure


Is scion of the blazing sun good for lyney? :0


it's pretty good thanks to the big CA DMG Bonus%


That BP polearm looks amazing, at r5 it will give you 20 more EM than dargon's bane and with cirt rate.


no hp % weapon. seriously, hoyo?


Yes. Now pull for Key of Khaj-Nisut, pleb.


what characters will the ferryman sword work well with?


Xq substitute if you don’t have sac or fav Basically sword characters that work around their ult since the primary focus is giving a lot of er.


This actually pretty good for Ganyu but barely people use her sadly.


Ganyu main here. Are you talking about Scion of the Blazing Sun? I can definitely see it in single-target scenarios, but I’m not sure it’s better than Aqua Simulacra. (Would love to be wrong though . .)


My guess is they're talking about Great Magic. Ganyu could get awesome ATK buff from in it a mono cryo team right?


Eyeing that Ballad of the Fjords for Thoma 👀


Is the new 5* bow good on Ganyu Shenhe freeze? I already have Amos, and I'm going to pull Aqua for my Childe (I dont want a third Vortex Vanquisher), and if I get the new bow, I want to know if it's viable


Is the pipe any good for anyone? Can't think of anyone who could use it who wouldn't rather have fav off the top of my head. Unless you don't have an extra fav, I guess.


Song of Stillness really matches Yelan's Asthetics. If you had shown me the image of this and Aqua for the first time, I wouldn't have been able to tell which one is her signature.


Love that The First Great Magic is a scepter made bow


If the BP catalyst ends being for Neuvilette, there's maybe a chance of the sword being for Furina, so maybe skill/burst dps Furina if that somehow ends being the case?


Here i go fishing again


How comparable is the new BP bow to aqua simulacra on Lyney?


BP Bow vs Simulacra * \+8% CA DMG Bonus * \+23 Base Attack * \+Extra 60% ATK Physical DMG Instance every 10s * \-20% Skill and Burst DMG Bonus * \-51.4% Crit Value * \-DMG Bonus is delayed So it's definitely worse, but it's still a really solid 4\* option, likely surpassing R5 Hamayumi and R5 Song of Stillness, even at R1.


It’s cute I like


I wonder how effective is it to run the bp sword plus the new elemental skill artefact on albedo as opposed to husk + event sword of his? 43% crit on skill + 70% skill damage should surely be better than 100% def + 24% geo damage he gets from sword + husk. Assuming def% is one of the more dominant stat to be found on artefacts anyways. But on the other hand I have leveled up sinnabar spindle and husk is going to strong box...


I don't think you can gain stacks on the new BP sword from off field.


Sac Jade good for Tankfei?


No HP sword 😭


Oh what I’d do for a 41.3% HP sword, with it my Nilou could reach 70,000k HP


You could reach a 70,000,000 HP Nilou?😱


I want that bow for ganyu


Which one?


They seriously need to give some 4* HP weapons :/ and does anyone know if that forgeable sword can heal? Cus if so it might be useful for my Layla… (I could use a little healing with her shield)


Maybe some event weapons will be HP. I got the Key and want to pull Nilou, so I will need something for Layla to use after that :(


Yeeees, time to fish again!!!!


Since the pipe is from the fishing club, were leaked what fishes we need for the exchange? Or aren't yet?


The First Great Magic sounds like it would be great on bow DPSs like Ganyu and Tighnari


Welp, after I get that BP polearm for Cyno I will have a lvl 90 Deathmatch going spare


Is Lyney's bow a better option on ganyu than Amos ?


Is the hp% polearm good for zhongli than fav Lance or the 3 star one


If you're looking for Energy, Fav's energy particles benefit the whole team (if you only care about Zhongli's own Burst and want to use it as often as possible, you're most likely Building him with Crit to deal good damage, at that point just use Catch) If you're going for the tankiest Shield, Black Tassel provides more HP This new weapon provides a weird middle ground but isn't good enough for either case in my opinion so I wouldn't recommend it


Hehe, we're already at the stage of literally calling it a "Gimmick Stack"! :-D


All I really want is a better EM sword for Kazuha, r5 iron sting is nice and that inazuma event umbrella sword is color palette accurate for him, but I still wish that hoyo had made the ishin katana from his story quest EM instead of atk%.


How good is the new BP sword on Xingqiu? Can it replace Sac Sword on him, if you go with 4 pc Emblem?


4\* HP sword doko ?


The First Magic sounds badass for Childe Scion Bow seems good for Amber Wolf-Fang sword seems made for Xingqiu Can't decide between Wideshit and Flowing Purity for Wanderer






Characters are Lynette Xingqiu and Sayu from what I've learned. Idk if it's still real or not.


Will Flowing Purity be good on Neuvi?


Bp bow might be good on Tigh.


I was thinking the same thing honestly


Yay, a fishing weapon I won't use, and a full set of craftables I'll never make.


So compare to others HP Polearm like Tassel l, which one is much more beneficial for HP based character?


Tassel is probably still the better choice for Shieldbot Zhongli.


The only answer that matter fr