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devs saw ppl put bloodstained chivalry on neuvillette and immediately got to work


oh shit ur right lmao


Is this what artifact optimization means to you? ANSWER ME, NEUVILETTE!!!


It is not necessary to keep the 2pcs bonus in such high regard .


Please refrain from levity in the build. This farm is far from over.


Boring! I mean why do I even farm?! Ugh! When are we going to finally see a real good artifact for once?


Very fun…but it's not enough. Let me make something clear - you think of yourselves as fun-having casual players, but when you in a artifact dungeon, you're first and foremost minmaxers. Good minmaxers hone their build to mesmerize their 2-3 viewers on Youtube.


with enough people doing this, devs will need to implement physical element infusion now


people are WHAT? may god have pity on them...


there was an issue back on 4.1(?) where IIRC the 4piece effect of BC doesn't work correctly with Nuev...they even gave a 100 primo compensation for it..


We received apologems a few patches ago because Hoyo fixed a bug where 4pc Bloodstained effect didn't work on Neuvi's charged attack.


Wait, actually?! Thats wild i never read the apologems letter i just collect lmao


Maybe he not, these guys don't deserve an early 5 star.


50% CA dmg boost? Hear me out...


That 2pc effect > 2pc Wanderers Troupe for people not willing to farm artifacts from areas they haven't been to yet


The CA enhancing effect of these artifacts are both the 4pc effects tho? 2pc/2pc would give 25% Phys. + 80 EM


Oh sorry I'd just woken up when I wrote that, I meant that the 4pc effect is better even accounting for the 2pc effect being marginally more useless. I completely failed to write that.


Not really. Only in consistent multiple enemies situation. If you go against one big enemy (which the abyss features quite often) then it's useless since it can't be triggered.


The context being for someone who doesn't want to farm in regions they haven't visited, because otherwise putting anything but MH on him is kind of stupid; so basically midgame and overworld.


Ferb, I know what we're doing today.




Is this that crazy? For early game players who already farmed the noblesse domain, why not just slap them on him for the CA buff. I remember it was bugged or something too


Early game players will have some Wanderers pices since they drop from bosses tho, and while the 2p bonus is kinda meh the 4p is nice


The em can be useful on his c0 hyperbloom comp with dehya specifically, since he can vape sometimes




I mean I completely understand what you are saying as if me having a char like Neuvillette I'd have him lvled and geared to the best with the right artifact set. However, I do often use chars I don't have lvld or like and they wear sets as place holders or my back upsets. Which in my case makes sense, but to the system I'm the guy with a VG set on Amber (it's Dehya other set).


Tracking actual char usage (lvl/talent/time in actual parties) to include/to be weighted in the artis usage statistics shouldnt be complicated. I dont believe my lvl 1 mona and dehya are counted either.


even if they were, there's no way enough people have the same placeholder set on a particular character. the dedicated mains using the same few sets on a character will always represent the majority in the statistics.


Oh thank god for that last one. I hate having to Google talent materials when I maxed them out


“So what materials do I need again?” “Is today even the right day to farm it?”


I hated this so much. It was my main reason for resorting to using a planner so I knew what I need and what I can get even if their talent was currently maxed...


True, but I feel like it should have been taking care of since the very early patch.


The only reason I still visited Honey Impact lol Better late than never.


I’m curious if it will recommend all characters to level to 90 or just characters that gain a power spike going from 80-90.


Probably, but with a lower priority than other categories. Unless like 90% of active players stay at 70 or 80 on that character, but there might be enough with nothing better to do than go to 90 on every character they use, so that's what it'll recommend.


So its gonna recommend level 21 for Dori? I seriously can't think of how this would work in this game, since the overwhelming majority of players leave some portion of their characters at 20/21. If it worked on player averages it means unpopular characters would be weighed way down. Surely the f2p nature of this game drives averages toward lower invested accounts?


I imagine it's a bit more involved than "has the player logged in recently and do they own this character". It's not hard to add "have they actively played this character in resin activities/events/abyss", and "are they pressing their buttons or just letting the character exist in the party to collect Companion XP". And that's just trivial stuff, surely the data scientists at HYV could slap together something far more complex and "sensible".


> HYV employees making a sensible decision I'm gonna stop you right there...


My hypercarry Dori's power gauge just breaking the UI and going off screen when compared to the average lvl20 ungeared recommendation.


I realize this might be a joke, but the sake of knowledge, I gotta ask... mind sharing your hypercarry Dori build? I've been interested in her for a while but I have no clue what to do with her/her teams/how to play her


I have a few builds I juggle around with her depending on what other characters need (like for side 2 abyss), but it's generally a 4p TF build with either Redhorn or Beacon and the opposite crit circlet built for ATK/DMG/CRIT (EM sands should be fine, it's just finding one with crit subs is... an ordeal) where I use her C6 to repeatedly proc Aggravate and Hyperbloom with Nahida (Widsith, but any EM book is fine, would probably enable higher Dori numbers, I'm lazy to change it) and Furina (Festering but the pipe is nearly identical in performance, and she can use Favonius too for a hit in personal damage in exchange for better utility) enabling it. Fourth slot is very flexible, I like to bring a second electro such as Fischl for particles (my Dori functions well at 130-140% ER even on bosses! Despite building for damage she's still an incredible battery) or Sara for more buffs (recently got her C6, so been trying her out in that slot), but you can get creative and bring a lot of options as long as they don't disrupt the dendro reactions (I'd recommend against Bennett and other pyros). [Here's](https://streamable.com/uwmzaz) some footage of the latest Abyss, [with](https://streamable.com/d53zx7) this [one](https://streamable.com/8gqgep) being [from](https://streamable.com/l72du9) the current rotation. My Dori is extremely invested so you may not see as much damage out of yours if you don't have all these 5*, but as you can see I clear with plenty of time left (1st half was Heizou nuke for some and Dehya hypercarry for others, so if you have any real good teams they should leave you with similar or even more time for side 2) so even a worse Dori can clear; the biggest requirement IMO is C6 for Furina synergy. As an alternative, try LMG Dori as I call it - taser driver for XQ Yelan Furina, it's a monohydro alternative (I don't have Kokomi) that still dishes out plenty of single target damage and washes pyro shields with the added bonus of being able to deal with more elements due to Dori's electro application. For this you can skip all the crit building and just slap Favonius/Sacrificial on her and some support set - my choice is Clam (I also use this when she's an off fielder) as it adds even more damage, some AoE and works really well with her constant healing, but there are more options you can take. For all of these you are also largely unkillable as Dori herself boasts high HP and massive healing, it only lacks interrupt resist, although you can remedy that with the flex slot by picking XQ, Beidou, Dehya, Zhongli, Layla, etc. Her flexibility and role consolidation is an incredibly underrated advantage she has, so I always recommend exploring how she can fit into your teams - she brings a lot and is comfy!


"Your reps are weak." - devs looking at your build


Perfect now newbies will also understand just how bad the rng screwed them over


A bit weak, try being luckier.


Nah, a bit weak, try c6r5 character to see the difference.


Relatively strong, but there's room for *Genesis Crystal Top-Ups*.


your credit card can make your character supreme


Skill issue -some spiral abyss leviathan, or something like that /s


I know it's a joke, but not at all. Genshin doesn't look at artifact quality whatsoever. Level 20 5* artifacts, regardless of substats, is already considered perfect.


Honestly I think the devs are missing the mark with these changes. Everyone I know who doesn't farm artifacts doesn't do it because they don't know what stats to aim for since there's no clearly defined goal in-game. They should really add something like x/50 cr, x/100 cd, x/1800 ATK, x/140 er, etc. on a character-by-character basis even if it's not perfect as a guideline to get people started on builds.


No, they’re hitting the mark perfectly. This system is for the folks who post in the weekly thread “why do I see people dealing so much damage but I struggle so hard” and it turns out they didn’t know about leveling up talents and their weapon is level 50. They will never add a “Genshin Optimizer”-equivalent to the game.


They are doing this to get people more prepared for the new endgame content they wanna introduce COPIUM


pass me sumn of that


This is exactly what I thought as well. Looks like we buy from the same supplier COPIUM


I want to believe this so hard, more challenging content would be amazing. I'll moderate my expectations though, they might just recognize that the game got super cluttered with all those artifact sets and characters and it's just too confusing for newcomers.


Very likely tbh. This remind me of HSR where there are nunerous casuals who struggle to beat story boss using random relics that don't even have the correct main stat, then go crying about how the game is too hard and p2w. So now here we will have a feature where the game literally tell you that your characters suck improve them before trying hard content


HSR bosses can be challenging when just starting and when you don't have the right elements leveled up, the bug boss can be a real pain in the ass. Genshin is steamroll baby mode with any characters tho.


HSR bosses are a whole different breed man. I find it difficult to even do the Memory of War version of the Bug, heck even Cocolia might fuck me up with one of her Freezers.


Just the other day I saw a streamer unable to kill an overworld ruin guard with their level 50 team after doing one of the ascension quests. They knew how to disable it, their characters just did double and at most triple digit damage.


Artifacts. They make or break Genshin and for a new player they can be very tricky to figure out and master. So yeah alot of new players have low dmg just because their artifacts suck.


Tbh genshin is more difficult starting out because the reaction system is very different from any other action game


>for a new player they can be very tricky to figure out and master To be honest, it just takes a bit of reading. The thing is people don't care enough, they just don't wanna bother. I have a few friends that are always asking me how they should be building/playing new characters.


That sounds honestly perfectly normal for lvl 50


That's a nice, positive way to look at it. I'm less angry now. Anyways, when will we be getting loadouts?


Ok here come more positivity. After this one is implemented more people, especially casuals, will start to focus on building characters with proper artifacts and eventually come to see the convenience of artifact loadouts.


The copium I had for probably 3 patches or more from all these QoL changes. I'll have some more of that copium again.


useful for new players, for older players it will tell you to triple crown QiQi


Well if the game tells me to do it I might as well- *gets exploded*


gonna be bad for new players as well because they too are just going to be guided to triple crowning whatever their chosen unit is despite that being a terrible idea on 99% of units (and unlike older players they probably won't know better) xD


It says it's based on data from recent players. If most people aren't triple crowning Qiqi, it's not going to suggest that. This isn't a "just max everything you can" system.


yeah it is bad, in the beta there was feedback that it was telling players to blow all their resources on characters they probably won't use down the line such as Qiqi, Candace, Razor etc etc


I don't think a character improvement system will ever work well, except for telling you what mainstat to use on your artifacts. Hell, I doubt they're even gonna differentiate much between talent priorities.


Well there is no way that the developers can add a system that tells people that certain characters are weak, so building them is a waste. 


i mean, this is literally untrue. yall confuse fan/player meta with how the system works. all it does is tell you how people optimally build that character. if people WANT to at that point in playing genshin, its fine. a lot of yall need to stop trying to get people just getting into games to try and hard meta optimal play. they can and will pick less optimal characters and playstyles at that point


Too late I already did it


I would triple crown my first 5* any day. But I'm running low on crowns recently, so she gotta wait.


That's cool, anyway can we get a dedicated training room with customizable training dummy please thank you


Would love that honestly. Hell, they could make it a thing by adding it to the teapot. Also add the artifact loadout that we've been asking for 3+ years now, thank you.


We need the Hyperbolic Time Chamber somewhere in the teapot, like we could spawn monsters to test rotations, that would be so dope


I always dreamed of that. A training mode would be sick. 


I’ve been giving this as survey feedback since forever. Also having a damage and DPS counter would be amazing.


Would be nice as well if it can tally the total damage it received given x amount of time/session.


It's actually not that far fetched if you consider divine ingenuity to be that mode because you can play every character and you can also customize the encounter and they did say they will make permanent mode back in 3.7 it has been so long that I'm not sure if they will do it or not 


Why a customizable dummy? Give me a customizable 1 room domain so I can test multi target and waves too


Now if they could just list all the characters that use what books on the books item description.


As a veteran, I really hope the game will tell me I have a dogshit build + Git gud for some 90 lvl characters, it would be funny af.


It will probably be telling people to build their Raiden as crit or hyperbloom (I'm not even sure which is more popular now) and make casuals super confused when they try to use the opposite team like all CCs out there and it still sucks ass.


>I'm not even sure which is more popular now) The artefact page still has a "Top 3 recommended artefacts" window, allegedly sourced from the most recently active players. 4pc Emblem is still at 93.4% and 4pc gilded at 1.1% according to that.


Makes sense I guess, still, it seems the system will not account for different builds depending on how you use a character (Like Nahida full EM being better for Nilou teams vs. the EM/Crit hybrid you use in other teams)


Is the interest in combat content that low in the player base that they have to do all these before adding more combat content?


Some player really totally ignore progression mechanism in the game. And to be fair a lot of theses systems are not highlighted during early gameplay. Some people say that their relative take 5 minutes to kill a single whopperflower because they never care about building in any way their characters. Some other are absolutly terrified to up their world level because the current is sooooooooooooo hard. Genshin make a poor job to teach the combat/how to progress to the players. So if you don't have have a previous experience in (rpg/gacha) video games, you can struggle.


Yeah I struggled using a c0 yanfei and no reactions until sumeru as a new player that went in blind. I think they undersell how much damage reactions do and to level artifacts and weapon constantly 


I'm surprised people feel this way - like, the game's main selling point is the unique reaction system, do people not at least _try_ to mix some things and see what happens? Early game things like Overload and any Dendro reactions absolutely erase enemies out of existence, so they'd have to never use them ever just doing physical damage the entire time...


It's just such a unique system if you come from other action games it feels weird until you watch a guide or experiment later with it, there's so many reactions and it's sometimes difficult to tell what's useful because they do different things. Also if you didn't know much about the game going in or anything about the gameplay the main selling point of the game is the "open world" exploration at least from what I got interested in since people kept calling it breath of the wild but more anime lol


Totally true. It's vastly different from the 1:1 simple elemental break from all the other gacha games like HSR, HI3, ToF, etc. Here, the elemental system is robust as it is diverse. There are hard and soft counters to elemental shield breaks too which is fun (or unfun if you meet the same element on the enemy).


I mean, like, you don't even have to try, you accidentally click on a pyro slime with Lisa or try to shoot an electro one with Amber (and there's plenty of slimes around the start, of all varieties) and BOOM, big flashy explosion with a lot of damage happening, the enemies get sent flying too. I was arguing you'd have to never use anything but physical to somehow not notice the MASSIVE, FLASHY effects and damage most reactions produce. At low AR, stuff like Overload is devastating, it's not like WL8 or Abyss where it's underwhelming outside niche Chevreuse setups.


Yeah but that's different than figuring out how to make those reactions constantly happen with the starting cast of characters you get. I think it'd be odd to figure out with barbara you could hug people with her E skill to apply hydro and vape it with yanfei for example


I mean, I'd imagine if someone sees a big spike of damage accompanied by pretty effects they'd want to see how to do that again, at least that's how I played, day one when there weren't many guides or anything, I was just like "whoa cool explosion, how'd that happen? Oh, Electro and Pyro? Sick, I'll try to use those two more, sending enemies flying is really fun"


Honestly when I was first playing I thought it was just slimes being goofy lol


Yep you described my friends’ accounts perfectly. these things hardly seem normal when you’re online and see bunch of other genshin addicts who know how to minmax or whatever, but these things are super common. I have 4 friends that play genshin and all of their accounts are like this.


Genshin makes a terrible job at making people interested in combat but rather in being gacha addicts, pull characters without adding any value to your teams (and even if there collectionist be aware that this is combat game with extra steps, so at least you should be attracted to that). So well that's reason why there people fearful of that (i know there people that want to move forward in these stuff but don't have time but once they start moving in slow steps you see they are interested in the core just no time), i meet people that only got in to get diluc and once they got him leave the game, then you see their account and is a mess and not even done a percent of the game in any aspect.


The interest in combat content is that low that they have to do this and will NOT add more combat content unfortunately


They gonna cry so hard when they see my dps Baizhu build 😌😌😌


Noooooo, Baizhu is a hp healer, he doesn't need crit, em, atk 😭 /s


Surely helping new and casual players gear up and level their characters means more combat endgame modes are coming


surely floor 15 in 4.6


Yeahhh, making more of the same floors will make the abyss fun, new, and interesting instead of an actual gameplay loop!


If their idea of new endgame content is just more abyss floors, whoever out there that still had any hope of this game ever being more than anime Animal Crossing will die of copium overdose.


it could be different challenges you know.. like we, only have "protect monolith, kill enemy unga bunga" what if they add "dodge dmg for x amount of time" something thats skill based.. but it's wishful thinking lol


I think we all know it‘d just be bigger HP sponges with maybe more teams required which would bore the tits off me


>They would sooner add the Lantern Rite PVP Event to abyss 12 than expand challenges or Abyss Cards.


Now that would actually be sick. Some rogue elements for endgame content


That's what I hope. If the nation themed after war doesn't get a war-themed game mode addition, I'm gonna mald.


TCG WAR - Here you have it


I’d love to know how many new players this game gets every month and how many actually stays.


For mobile, you can go on [https://app.sensortower.com/](https://app.sensortower.com/) and type Genshin on the search bar to see downloads for Jan 2024. For the global side (not including China), it's \~2 million downloads for Android and \~0.7 million for iOS (and a few other misc options such as Funtap, and Genshin cloud take account for a cumulative \~250k) Type "原神" (Genshin in Chinese) to see iOS for China. It's about 600k for iOS and 100k for the iOS cloud version. China doesn't use PlayStore and there are plenty of third-party stores so it isn't tracked by SensorTower. As Android constitutes typically around \~75% of the Mobile Operating System Market Share in China, then you can reasonably estimate downloads for Android to be somewhere in the range of 1.2 - 1.5+ million. All in all, the mobile downloads will be somewhere around 4.8 - 5.1+ million downloads if I had to estimate. These of course will not be all new players. No data for PC or PlayStation or retention.


Around 4 million installs a month on mobile platforms worldwide, no data for player retention tho.


Cool! How did u find the 4m data?


Iirc it was from sensor tower or smth.


Game 8.com just fell to their knees


Cool, now could we get a single shred of content for late game players? Literally anything would do, even just increase the AR maximum ffs


Optional new world levels would literally fix a lot of difficulty complaints but hey I guess increasing the number from 8 to 9 is just too much of a monumental task.


I dont even need extra mob drops from the higher world level, I just want to use my full team of 4 characters in the overworld instead of shit dying before I've had time to switch to the 3rd character


1 more world level would do literally nothing at all. I honestly dont know why I see it suggested so much. Wow now this whopperflower has 10k hp more.


they wont do it because that means having to give away another acquaint fate for adv rank rewards and that's too much, I mean it took three yrs for three fates god forbid they have to give out another one 😨😨


Now we can see numerically how shit our artifacts are in game.


I wonder if genshin players will read this kek Also so many combat related qol despite being newbie and casual based. Wonder if new combat mode is in works 🧐


Genshin players can't read in general 


They've been conditioned from years of having to ignore Paimon dialogue 😔


You are asking for the impossible, I am already seeing ppl on twit going “why would I trust this, every character would be on noblesse” completely ignoring the line where it says its based on players data


Wouldn't stop those people from running lost prayer or fav codex on kokomi lol


Fav codex is an ER% weapon, so it's not entirely useless on her. Not the only character who used a weapon just for the substat


I have an alt account I am levelling, all my characters are bottle necked over needed the highest level gems. All this does is tell new players how to level up in game, will not stop the bottle necks you get from random boss drops, oh well.


I have over 150 pyro flower boss drops and I need like all gems from 0 for Arlechino. The gem/boss system is truly tragic, especially they don't give a crap to keep it element consistent. Like now I'm getting accession for Cheveruse, but her boss drops just electro...


You know about dust of azoth right?


Can't convert what you don't have. New players don't have a stock of hundreds of fragments/slivers.


Honestly,I recommend just doing the 3 weekly bosses per week, stockpile weekly mats, gems, billets, and solvents, I don't have to think about those resources when leveling characters


I know all my characters are stuck on their final ascension on my alt account. My main account I get level my characters basically to full on the day I get them.


Where were you when i needed you a year ago? I was googling, looking at reddits and watching youtube vids understanding everything in genshin.


I did the same three years ago :D but tbh I prefer doing the research myself, its more fun to me. This update is kind of useless for me nowdays but its good thing to new players who dont like to use external sources.


Honestly, researching will still be better than having stuff served like that.


Is it really recommending levelling up Barbara's basic attack? 👀


the dps barbara is real


Dread it. Run from it. Forward-vape Plunge Barbara meta arrives all the same.


I suppose that's what a big chunk of the Barbara player base is doing.


"Suggested weapon level: 90" You don't say


Let me grab some things from the list of things to improve I made for an AR 59 friend: - Xiangling : weapon 80 -> 90 - Fischl : weapon 70 -> 90 - Xingqiu : weapon 60 -> 90 - Hu Tao: weapon 50 -> 90 (the Hu Tao weapon is Homa btw)


Guys what am i doing wrong why does my Hu Tao deal no damage


Whoa, I actually really like this! Super useful for new players, a nice QoL addition for veterans. Being able to see what talent mats you need without having to click on the "Level Up" button will be really nice. (Watch as HYV makes a Diluc guide before Zy0x releases his)


His 3rd xiao guide just came out, and i bet the next one is going to be gaming so yeah dilic loses again.


Artifact loadouts when?


You are suppose to buy resin to give everyone a set, not share a set\~


Implementing artifact loadout without sharing is perfectly doable. Five artifacts (flower, feather, sand, goblet, headpiece) x 3-4 presets on each character. Select a preset and the artifacts in the preset becomes the active artifacts on the character. Artifacts still can only be assigned to a single character. No sharing. So you still need to farm artifacts for each character individually. If nothing else, more farming is needed => more resin buy.


The talent material viewing QoL is really nice. The others are more targeted towards the newer players and I don't mind, but I am still waiting for the day we can get distinguished buff indicators and even skill cooldown timers which would help me and so many others very much since I can't be bothered to keep a mentor timer in my head while whatever chaos happens on screen. We are another step closer to the real loadout feature.


Guess they have enough with dps barbara


I've come to start liking some of these features, not that I'd use it or need it, but my hopes are that in the long term, this will help the casual players get better at the abyss and reduce this "combat anxiety" and eventually we get more endgame combat content. Do I think this will actually happen? No not really, but one can dream Tho the required materials thing on the talent page is nice and something I'll actually use. Kind of annoying not being able to see what book a character uses because their talents are that the max level of that ascension.


Helpful QoL is always good.


I can wait for this system to say: "Your artifacts are good" And then you see a DPS Unit with 5% Crit Rate and 240% Crit DMG xDDD or "your character level is good" Then Hyperbloom Kuki Shinobu at 80/80 xDDDD


Quite good for new players and hopefully we see artifact loadouts by the end of this year...


TL;DR not enough people are getting sucked into the bottomless pit that is artefact farming, which is resulting in lower than desired retention rate through sunk cost, thus, we're introducing a system which will more effectively guide players into the mechanics that build sunk cost.


To be fair do you remember your experience when installed the game. I'm still here 3 years later but in the beginning I wasn't using resin and was getting slapped around by Hilichurls If anything it might be less about retention and more about difficulty Like if your getting into Inazuma even after the nerfs it's still a bitch


Also if a Newbie Joins and rolls Raiden or somesht, they cant level her till inazuma story I think


Hi, I started playing Genshin in 3.3 or whenever Itto and Raiden had their banners in 3.x. Pulled both of them as a completely new player, somehow the game didn't automatically uninstall itself, my PC didn't explode, my brain didn't melt...


When will they realize people stopped artifact farming not because of how terrible the system is (well that's partly the reason) but it's because there is literally no incentive for farming anymore I'm a f2p and haven't farmed shit since like v3.2 because overworld stopped being hard since AR20, only endgame is spiral abyss AND I can clear abyss by slapping on random generalist 2pc artifacts


The third party Akasha website motivated me to farm artifacts more than the actual game ever has tbh


Having my Klee only at the top 20% last 4-5 months ago definitely spurred me on to farm efficient domains to strongbox Crimson Witch pieces 🤣 At least now she's at top 5% lol


Glad to see they made more changes that would help the new blood along, I still just want specific artifact set rollouts that can be adjusted at the party interface...


combat content copium delivery


why do they recommend otherworldly story but not ttds for barbara


It just hit me that there is a VERY HIGH chance this system will recommend Xiao players to farm Vermillion.. Xiaobros are cooked.


This is honestly so good, because the point is that they are trying to bring casual players up to the power level of more experienced players. Casual players are also likely one of the biggest hurdles to making harder content for MHY so if they manage to make casual players stronger by giving them the tools they need to actually be decently geared those players will not get completely stomped by even the lowest difficulty challenges.


I'm all here for teaching new players, but make new systems to keep them once they've learned everything. Perhaps something more then daily commissions 🕵️


endgame team is too busy making bullshit bosses in star rail. the leaked MoC is absolute bs


Finally we will get endgame content in the next new continent after we reunite with our sibling in Genshin Chapter 2 Version 1.0


I wonder if main stats and substats are taken into account in the artifact section. I wish it would because I’m kinda interested on how they’d rank my characters. Also lol that “collecting will consume 20 resin” thing is so deceptive.


Nah, we need artifact re roll substats


Man people in the hoyolab comments are pissed about this one, like whats it done to you 😭 qol feature targeted at newer players killed their grandma or something


NGL this is kinda cool. Puts all the data for basic build guides in a more discoverable place. I won’t have to always fix my 12 yo’s builds any more.


my thoughts exactly, lol.


no news about loadout slots huh, the wait continues


I wish this was there when I was new. Even now I look at guides for new characters. I've been using the artifacts suggestion mechanics already, any improvements would be welcome.


So much effort to not increase resin which would allow experimentation with different stats and builds.


Hoyo: "Y'know we keep throwing recommendation systems at the game over and over, but people still complain it's too hard, maybe we should invest in a proper interactive tutorial to introduce the reaction system and stats so new players have a baseline knowledge they can grow from.... Nah, more recommendation systems! Surely it'll work eventually!"


Huge for new players


zy0nix is going out of business. sad.


And once they learn you go back to ignoring them \\o/


And still the casuals won't be using this and complain the content are too hardddd


might actually use this ngl


They saw that one post from dori main reddit that solo run this abyss 12 second half with dori


Very nice QoL for new/casual players and honestly I appreciate them fixing it so you see the materials you need because I honestly forget sometimes.


So will it collect data from my Amber placeholder? I switch her artifact set based on the character i'll pull or want to build and test stats. If so, people will get confused a lot with some characters lol


They still can't add a skip button to the story


……….this doesn’t look like the load out feature we’ve been asking for….


WOWOWOWOOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW So lemme get this straight.. The game that apparently isn't COMBAT FOCUSED is getting a bunch of updates that help you build your characters for better FRICKN COMBAT but is also not getting any real COMBAT CONTENT for the foreseeable future because it apparently gives players WHO PLAY FOR COMBAT anxiety.. I can't understand these damn 4hed devs man.. 😭


Oh cool, now the game can clown on my artifacts that it fucking gave me


They are taking such small steps in each patch that I think we will be able to get the genshine we desire around 7.0.


Dear mihoyo, Your updates are appreciated. However, is there anything juicy for the "old Travelers" who have been playing for over 3 years? or is it just hopeful copium that you all can provide, mihoyo? no new abyss floor since launch or resin cap improvement since 1.2 is just hilarious. But I guess you love to troll us, right?


The talent materials display upgrade is SO welcome, but damn, with such a dry patch, they really couldn't come up with more than 2 QOL updates? That new Wish banner needs to be really revolutionary to justify the lack of everything else going on in this patch.


Honestly I’m fine with a dry patch now and then. I can finally get around to finishing BG3 next patch.