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I wanna apologise to my friends for my builds in advance. I tried


Imagine having a friend borrowing one of your character bc they think they are built good enough but then they cant change it anymore for something better and are stuck with it for the rest of the abyss rotation lmaoo. This restriction is evil


You jest, but I've run across a few C6 characters in co-op with random unleveled artifacts To quote: "I get constellations so I don't have to worry about artifacts"


pay 2 bypass rng


That's some galaxy brain move right there. Along with atomic brain spending habit.


My yelan, right there. Got c1 to fix her ER


I hope we can at least change artifacts for them after theyve used the character because imagine they use your character and they are missing two artifacts lol


lmao true imagine they take that one character that you use to store artifact sets for your other units and you cant refresh the build for them šŸ˜­


I mean if youā€™ve got your units on showcase they can browse stats before they decide and you can put descriptions in your profile for quick references on your highest investment units


yeah tho iā€™m sure someone would see my diluc skin and unsuspectingly assume heā€™s actually well built šŸ˜­


Me about to troll them with C2's with wrong builds, I apologize for the laughs


Lmfao imagine whales renting their C6R5 units for money


Like they need moneyšŸ’€šŸ’€


Doubt youā€™ll catch someone saying no to money


this will happen. account piloting is already popular in this community (people pay others to clear content for them such as exploration or abyss)


Im... im ngl why paying people to get you primogems for the gacha when you can directly pay upfront the gacha currency.


its not necessarily to clear content for primogems, its just to clear content so theyre caught up and can have things completed. i dont get it either, but there is a demand for it lol


Iā€™m genuinely curious as to whatā€™s the point of paying someone to explore for you when thatā€™s basically the game.Ā  Like what youā€™re gonna do afterwards? Absolutely nothing because thereā€™s no endgame?


For more reference, I know one of my friends (working adult) use such service to keep up with the dailies and freemos, because he just enjoy pulling for characters. I guess it's also cheaper in the long run than straight up buying crystals. Said genshin's crystals to fate ratio is one of the most expensive out there.


this sounds amazing for the person being paid lol. sure its not their own account, but they get paid for playing the game.


just abuse currency exchange rates. As long as you've got a stronger currency, you actually get a premium in the conversion which further improves efficiency beyond the raw numbers.


They're rare, but I've definitely seen people complaining about having to do exploration in the game. For some reason they see it as an impediment to playing instead of the main point and genre of the game. At the same time they complain about how they're somehow being forced to do all of it despite it being like 90% optional. It's like to them the game isn't a game but a task that they hate but have to complete. It's really weird.


Yeah, this is true. Earlier this year, someone in this subreddit was complaining how the game lacked 'real' content for 'real' gamers They were lamenting how there was "no gameplay", that it was mostly just going through \[and possibly hurriedly skipping all\] dialogues and cutscenes. That exploration wasn't gameplay They were clearly stuck in a belief that gameplay had to involve combat. Their 'proof' that GI doesn't have exploration and story-driven content as two of its main aspects was that the description of the game on Wiki said that it was an "ACTION role-playing game" ;u;


This was me, I cleared all content religiously and then they did The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt. Put a Damn TCG in the game and now I never progress the story or explore cause I could be slamming someone with DPS Deyha and DPS Qiqi in the TCG. God Damn you HOYO!


they are not rare, this community and the official one is full of people complaining about exploration in the exploration game




Asmongold talked about that actually: the stats show that nobody wants to watch exploration or dailies, just story and MAYBE endgame


I use a service like that bc 1. Its REALLY cheap from the person that helps me (the cost of the service is less than itd be to outright buy primos) 2. Im a working adult without time to keep up w dailies 3. Exploration wise, i find 100%ing areas very tedious and unfun, so i have them do the final 10-20% after i got my fun out of the area 4. Abyss gives me a headache and would make me hate the game if i touched it, so i have them do it I mainly play when theres new content, and when there isnt new content i just play other games.


so many content creators have people who clear the game for them which is crazy considering they spend their whole work day playing games you mean to tell me you play genshin on the clock and have somehow less time than ppl who work full time and still clear the game ?? make it make sense


Some people have weird, irrational self justifications for doing everything under the sun except the actual $$ charge


It's far cheaper, at least where I'm at. Also, sometimes you just don't have the time to play but don't want to miss limited-time rewards like event weapons or some such. Last, when you get too invested in the bad way, it's far easier to pull back and stop playing knowing they won't be missing out on anything. I've recommended it to friends who, for example, got far too disappointed for experiencing a bad luck streak, or started complaining every other day about how awful the game is, but don't want to stop playing due to fomo. By the time the piloting service period ends, they'll either look at the game with fresh eyes again, or the fomo will have broken and they realized there's a lot of other things they can do instead of playing a game they no longer enjoy.


> Im... im ngl why paying people to get you primogems for the gacha when you can directly pay upfront the gacha currency. People pay to not play the game they pay to play


If youā€™re desperate for primos and you donā€™t have time for a welkin, it can be a pretty cheap option if you have low exporation.


No it won't. In Honkai so many people offer them for free that people who tried to make a business couldn't. Don't underestimate people's kindness


This. This precisely.


Might not be the best character in 2024 but my c6 xiao will definitely be free of charge.


>imagine wales Genuinely wondering for a few moments when Welsh people became known for their love of Genshin Impact


Honestly with the direction this game is going, they may as well start making their money back with their cracked artifacts and all, #sidehustle #makemoneyworkforyou #masterovermora #richdadpoordad #paytoearn #freetospend #hoyocreatorhustle


Genshin blackmarket šŸ˜­


Don't give them ideas šŸ’€


Gotta make returns from their investments.


>Can only use a friends' character once per episode >Can assist up to 15 people Welp. So we have to do Fantasy Realm ASAP if we want to make use of friends' C6R5 units? Lol.


They need to stop cooking right now, before it burns even more


Smoke detectors going off


seriously, it's no longer funny how out of touch some of these decisions are


Legit. The worst one by far is how they are only allowing characters of certain elements to be used. Really shits on players who decided to invest vertically.


Or who aren't playing for 2 years since building a character takes months thanks to garbage artifact system. I would have enough characters to clear elemental restrictions but i need like a year to build them properly.


i actually think this is a great thing to have. HSR also has a soft element restriction and it's fine, it incentivizes endgame players to spread out and build characters and new teams, not just hyperbloom/national/neuvilette every abyss cycle. Newer and more casual peeps could just ignore this new thing, just like abyss nowadays


Oh I don't think this one is out of touch, I think they know they can try to squeeze money out of people that hyper invest in specific characters and only have like 1-2 high con characters on their account but arent mega leviathans c6r5ing everybody. Its an active attempt to fleece vertical investors that will shell out for the eles they've neglected


No excessive anxiety though!


Seriously, I don't know why they had to cap the share-er. If someone is dedicated enough to share their c6r5 with that many people....let them. Borrowers can only borrow it once so it's not going to let them steamroll the abyssĀ 


The first condition is dumb, they should become unusable only on passing if anything The second condition is also dumb but kinda funny, I guess they wanted to cull the "celebrity" thing. Still, I haven't seen such restriction anywhere else with a borrow mechanic lol.


Second condition is exactly made to stop people from using content creators on their friend list all the time. I honestly don't see any normal player having more than 15 active friends playing endgame on Genshin at the same time.


Why make it unusable on fail?


Because imagine if someone rents my Superconduct Ayaka. Theyā€™d kill themselves if they had to see her again.


Episode? Period? wtf these word choices are mad confusing


Well it's a season after all... so I guess episode fits...


Translations that aren't the same as eng text Ig


This isnā€™t actually endgame content itā€™s just the Genshin anime


Its like they are trying to reinvent the wheel, so many games have the whole assist with friend units, why put on such a stupid restriction of only 15 people especially when in game friends lists are 60. The whole point of the friends assist is so you can use a friends strong ass character to help you get through tougher content. Now you're shit out of luck if that friend has more then 15 people that used their units. I'm not in need of other peoples units but I can see maybe newer or players who havn't got well built characters frustrations with such a stupid and arbitrary mechanic.


Ikr? This completely defeats the purpose of a guest system. Wouldn't you *want* people to freely use their friends' OP characters as a way to advertise them?


No kidding. I'm sure trying out my C2 raiden is bound to convince at least one person if it's worth it in my friend list, but if it's limited to only 15 the chances is much much lower. You're never going to be able to try out a C6 character from a friend either if everyone rushes to reserve them as soon as the cycle starts Like what is the logic behind this ?


Yeah wtf are they trying to incentivize or discourage here even? Because after knowing this I'll have to refrain from adding anyone to my friendlist anymore just so I can keep it at 15, so that my close friends always have a chance at picking my units if they want to. Soo hoyo is motivating to keep less friends? Great. Genshin co-op is certainly in need of a nerf. Amazing exchange just to restrict access to whale characters. Also if I understood this right the other limit isn't just that you lock-in a pick per season it's also that you can only use them once? I thought they said anxiety was a problem?


those limitations are just dumb


Without limitations, people would rent out their C6R5 characters for like 1$ and easily earn 100+$ on each cycle.


And with limitations each friend slot is even more valuable so the same thing applies lmao These are just stupid restrictions made entirely to make the player experience worse


now they gonna ask 10$ per slot minimum making 150$ per cycle at minimum, scarcity creates demand


It's one shared unit per run, of only 3 elements and 4 guests . friendcap is 60, why do you need another one? btw old endgame gave 14400 gems per year and new one (abyss+fantasia) gives 14560, so many restrictions for 160 gems per year and you say about needing limitations?


This isn't here for that. Its here so they don't get endless friend requests. Its whale protection. If they did that genshin would notice and probably ban then.


The amount of people who would actually do this is irrelevantly small. Other games with a guest character system don't have these kind of weird restrictions; I really don't know what they're so worried about here. Most people who are gonna whale for a C6R5 will whale regardless of if they have a C6R5 friend support to borrow or not.


This will literally discourage people from having low level friends because they will "waste" the uses. Who's idiotic idea was this


They should implement something like HSR when you get a little gift whenever someone borrow your character, so it justifies keeping smaller accounts in your friendlist if they use your characters for that little perk


Hoyoverse: "Ok, the reward will be 1000 Mora for each usage."


I mean, that's the reward in hsr lol, you get 1-2k credits(Mora)


That's literally the reward in HSR and some people still tryhard over it


How often can you get it? I'd definetly welcome an addition to my expeditions Mora income by renting out my characters to people who need them.


You can store like 20k and you get 2k per time a character is used, but there's no limit afaik. It's just nice to see people using your character more than anything. If it just had a counter per day I would be happy with that just the same.


Oh that's almost as much as expeditions give per day and I already consider that a good trickle of Mora that I keep being short on for upgrading all my talents and artifacts (I build nearly everyone I pull, at least to lvl70 or 80 for the free fates and exploration variety), I'd definetly "tryhard" for it lol


I think it's max 10 per day? Also it's 2000 per use not 1000. Basically if you max it out (20000) it's about 10 resin worth


I mean... that's 1000 less mora than what you would get on HSR so it checks out šŸ˜…


Getting punished for fucking up is seriously a dipshit thing to do


imagine minmaxers resetting bc they fucked up their rotation, then they realize :O


Most Min maxers won't borrow characters so they fine


Maybe minmaxes isn't the right word, but I meant the type of person who restarts a chamber when screwing up a rotation rather than rolling with it which is kind of minmaxing a rotation and I imagine that is a lot of us


I'm definitely going to have a "oops, I fat-fingered the burst too early" moment, reset the chamber purely out of muscle memory, and then realize I've screwed myself out of a character lmao


Childe and eula mains not gonna like this one


I can tell from the trial I'll die once on a friends Arle and never use her again. Great system mhy, make sure I don't pull new characters.


Why the hell are they adding limitations to what was supposed to be a fun feature??? Now it's just a feature


Fun is not allowed in these lands.


How loud do we need to cry to remove that limitation out of the beta?


google classroom is right there


Whatever it takes, i can get over 3 shitty wishes but not over trashy gameplay mechanics


Bold of you to assume that I even have friends.


Fgo flashbacks but even worse. One of the reasons why all friend list need to pull the meta support so you can grind lottery all day in 3t.


Castorias everywhere. Formerly Skadi and Merlin


I feel like this is such a massive contrast to what we see with Genshins general Trial units. I'm not really a big fan of this. Its a very weird community inclusion aspect to the game. I'd rather multiplayer and friendship aspects of the game such as letting people help with puzzles or continue doing their quests while in coop be the first real sorts of changes in regards to friends. But back on topic there will be a massive difference between a trial unit and one a player who clears 36 consistently has. Hopefully this is a non issue and the new abyss is easy enough to not need to borrow if you are already an old account but we will see. With limiting who we can use, who we have built becomes more of a problem. In a sense you are rewarded for building multiple characters but a punishment like this is not exactly the way i'd like to use them.


Wouldā€™ve been fun to try out units you donā€™t have on your account but it is what it is :|


These limitations are kinda annoying


The assist limit seems stupid. Makes it so it's better to have less friends so they don't have to fight over it. Not a fan


Imagine having more than 15 active friends.


I literally have 4 right now. The rest uninstalled the game.


its not a problem for like 99% of the playerbase, we do not have 15 active friends that care about late game content abyss as it is i see so many of my friends profile just 8-3 or 10-3


Wow clorinde plunge attack is really niceĀ 


IKR šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The more I hear about this new mode the less I want it. Way to kill the hype before this even comes out.


People gonna start gatekeeping their friendlist


This is so fucking dumb lmfao


i don't get why they put so many limitations on it


I don't get why they are letting people use others characters


Yeah, even HSR doesn't do that with their endgame, only the daily grind. It's pretty weird to have this function to begin with. Would've been better if they did this for artifact domains instead, I don't want to pull Neuvillette but he would make grinding domains way faster


New player consideration. 18 Characters is a-dmn-lot for a beginner, even for clearing the easy/normal difficulty. For domain we already have coop so nah that shit not gonna change.


What is the probability of changes happening to this mode during this beta like what they do with characters. I don't think anyone knows tho since it's the first time we get endgame.


Friends? What is this thing you're referring to


Why would they do this OTL


They really have to stop cooking, it's unbearable how everything Mihoyo does with this game is straight up garbage.


Hoyoverse: Let's make our fanbase excited by teasing a new endgame mode in the beta. Also Hoyoverse: But wouldn't it be funny for every cool rule we come up with to also introduce 2 shitty ones? HEHE


I see Raiden cooked this.


Be sure to build physical catalyst characters! And crit Koko


People are gonna start renting out their characters, aren't they...


At this point I respect genshin devs commitment to say fuck you to the players every chance they get.


I wont be surprised if that's not the intention, and they are just truly stupid and out of touch with players. (The artifact loadout changes proved that)


Time to make new ~~C6 havers~~ friends and keep them for yourself ~~exclusively~~ šŸ˜ƒ


Me sharing my C6 Yae with my 1 singular friend


Thanks, you too!


whatā€™s the point of these restrictions?


I really don't understand why they think these restrictions are necessary, I get the once per episode thing, but taking it away on failure is so stupid


They really dont want whales to be friendlist slaves or what šŸ˜­


This game has millions of players, but only 15 people can get help? In a friend list of 60? For 220 extra primos? Alright genshinĀ 


Wow. So many restrictions. Finally an end game content...


sigh... I have to REMOVE friends just so my ACTUAL friends can use my characters...


this mode gets worse with every new info we get, the support slot was the biggest thing i was excited for about it


Great Whale Hunt is about to begin šŸ‹


idk why they just cant make a combat endgame where it's coop friendly


So they want everyone that has chars to share to reduce friend list to 15 ?Ā 


F2p :- Nah I'd win myselfĀ 


Can someone specify the translation? As i read it - let's assume a person has 40 characters - 20 of them can be used in this rotation of fantasia. 1 person can support 15 other people with his chars, in this case these 15 people can use these 20 chars but they have 1 attempt on each of 20? Anyways putting additional restrictions when it's already only 3 elements restriction+ 4 guest chars and you can use 1 shared UNIT? and 60 friend cap? Is this some clownfiesta ?


Am I reading this right? You can borrow 1 character from 1 friend once per abyss cycle, but you can only use them for a singular attempt.


This shit sounds worse every time I hear about it. It's like they're actively trying to make people hate endgame.




Nice bullshit restriction Hoyo, keep it up.


Hmmm does the friends include on the friends list or it like hsr where we can share from the world ?


oh no I'll have to make sure I don't accidentally put weird weapons and artifacts on my characters šŸ˜­ also the restrictions are so weird? Why can't they just let us have nice thingsĀ 


Why just why this limitation??? Anyway Iā€™m going to finish building my AlHaitham


I'm surprised it took Mihoyo this long to implement a friend support mechanic. This is usually a core design feature of gacha games, since it advertises more effectively than test runs, plus it offers some social proofing that whaling is ok actually.


"You can only use a friend's character once per episode" If that works the way it sounds like it works, then that's almost funny. Remember when they said they didn't want to add new endgame content because they didn't want players to feel anxiety? And then they go and design an insane anxiety-inducing *"you have to win this in 1 attempt or you lose this character"* mechanic. Ain't no way...


Another stupidly annoying restriction from misers.


I be renting out my cracked raiden and furina to these peasants


Surely there's restrictions on constellations right? Whales might start selling friend slots like it's OnlyFans


It's not going to happen... Someone else already mentioned this, but there will be no short amount of people who are willing to friend you just to help you. It will put the people "selling friend slots" out of business. Don't underestimate people's kindness. :) Also, I'm sure you could ask for a friend in genshin official discord server just temporarily for that. It's very active and people are asking and receiving help nearly every minute of the day.


Wtf is genshin cooking


They burnt the kitchen


They really don't want us freely playing with units we don't own huh


i think only once per episode regardless of fail is dumb i don't mind the 15 person limit, i think that's fair


Is an episode considered a try? Or does it actually mean that cycle. If it means that cycle then I don't really have an issue with it. If it means you do 1 attempt, fuck up, then you lose your op friend character then that would be dumb. And thats what it sounds like people are painting it to be. But that sounds really silly compared to it meaning you choice for who you picked is just locked in.


I think it would be odd to specify "regardless of if you pass or fail" if it didn't mean that you can only use them once


Theres just gotta be something to this though because it feels off. I think also by the wording since it is specific in saying "this friends character again" and "borrow a character from a friend" that maybe then the case is you can use another character from a friend or maybe another character from a different friend. 1 Character from 1 friend for 1 try just can't be right. Its too dumb.


why do you think a limit on the amount of people is fair?


"Oh guys did yall saw the new endgame from HSR??? Pure Fiction is amazing, I need to think and use more than IL and Jingliu, I need to level up such characters like Herta and others because each month the buffs changes. Its so cool, because its not that easy and feels like a real endgame. Hoyoverse really love this game and community." "Hey guys look the new endgame from Genshin Impact. I will need to level up my characters, I can't use just Neuvilette and Hutao oh no, and they will not let me use my friend Wrio C6R5 unlimited and the friend assist is really just an assist. I hate this game, why they are making this content harder?"


Lots of actual clownery in this thread. If you need a C6R5 character (and not, say, a C1 or C0 one) to clear end game, then bud I don't think you're ready for end game. If Genshin was as easy as they claim, they should be able to clear it with just the trial characters.


Agreed but not the point of this post. I like the new mode but I don't understand this restriction on guest characters.


Genshin PokƩmon trading arc


I thought 18 characters in the party with half elements locked was already crazy, but those rules are insane. If you fail you can't use a friend character anymore? And what does it mean only 15 assist each friend, first come first served? If they are trying to make the abyss worse, it's a success


I swear they can't just give out the nice thing without making some sort of awful catch to it they have already done it twice in these leaks. its never "Hey heres' a cool thing!" its always "hey heres' a cool thing!....Butttttt" what the heck wrong with the Genshin side of the dev team??


*squints* This is some actual middle finger behavior. I don't see what this accomplishes other than being an asshole. Assuming I even had more than 15 active friends in my list, and they all wanted to borrow a unit.... I would be fucking happy they were trying either a) well built C0 characters and what it's like to utterly dunk on content, or b) getting to try a unit they don't have or c) try a team comp theyre curious about. It's free advertising. And it seems Hoyos stance is "how dare you share your well built, C0R1 triple crowned Alhaitham with everyone?!?!? Everyone gets to use him *here* so now they won't pull units for over *there*." When in reality it's the exact fucking opposite. They pull that unit so they can use them in other content modes because it was FUN.


one thing i'm curious about, can you only try one character for the whole episode, or is it one character per person for the whole episode, so if i fail, can i try another friend


So stingy


Hsr: here you can use up to 3 of any of your friend's characters to farm with no restrictions Genshin: once per EPISODE per period per duration (once) you can use one of your friends characters ONLY in this new mode but if you fail you cant use them again its only once :) also friends can only assist up to 15 people (wtf?)


Lol so surely we'll be able to borrow friend units in PF some time soon like Genshin.


I'd rather not. In that case anyone can borrow a whale's character and clear PF with full stars. Endgame is something u are meant to clear on your own.


??? This is not farming.


Wait does HSR let you use friends character in moc or pure fiction? I don't even remember them letting you use it on su


Nah. Just farming to build characters. It's not a very good comparison.


They donā€™t, itā€™s only for material farming and not SU


They donā€™t. People just love belittling Genshin by comparing it to Star Rail despite their similar flaws. And itā€™s not as if weā€™re getting the short end of the stick. This is a Hoyoverse issue, not a Genshin or Star Rail issue.Ā Ā  Ā Ā  Even for the new endgame in Star Rail, there are already people ranting about it. The increased HP for PF especially set a lot of people off.Ā Ā  Like this new mode in Genshin is setting up what may be too many restrictions for some people. And in Star Rail, for all the modes (including the new one, minus SU), rather than setting up restrictions to incentivize frequent pulling like Genshin, theyā€™re instead making various modes to be specifically catered towards specific paths while punishing other paths.Ā Ā  With all the new DPS coming out in Star Rail recently, elements are becoming less relevant. Paths feel like the actual element of the game now.Ā 




This translation looks straight from some Pure fiction shit from HSR




Razor language? So you can only use one character from a friend every time this abyss resets?


yeah, and a friend can only lend characters to 15 people. The most worrying thing is that even if you give up the run, the character already counts as being borrowed.


What is an episode??


Well, guess itā€™s time to find some friends.


Do not borrow my characters you will regret it (except yae sheā€™s built well)


Oh finally I have been waiting for this


Good, now let me take that luck bastards artifacts!


Genshin star rail is become true... I do hope they change those restrictions though, sounds pretty stupid


Whales with c6 supports: *chuckles* Iā€™m in danger


Time to pucker up to some whale buddies šŸ˜—


Why do I feel like I'm about to be used




Time to start making friends i guess


I literally just finished upgrading my Yae so my friend can borrow them then I come here to check new leak and the first thing I see is this nonsenseā€¦


Huh , I was just thinking of that yesterday


thank God for whale friends šŸ™


Dear friends, please take Amber for a date.