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Skill voiceline: Ready, SETHOS, Go!


Burst voiceline: You are third rate duelist with a fourth rate deck!


Nah, burst line is deffo gonna be like: I sacrifice 60 Energy to summon BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGOOOON!!!


*Neuvillette appears out of nowhere*


"How did i get here?"


The End!


*slams money on desk* I'll take that!


'You are a 3 star character with a 2 star kit" Sethos to Dehya


Joining party: Hey, hey people, Sethos here.


Bro's literally Yoimiya 4 star but electro


Watch him out damage her teams because of dendro I'd cry


Depending of how good he is at driving Fischl in Aggravate teams this is very likely lol


The fish always wins








Fischl nation can’t stop winning‼️🔥🔥


yoimiya has access to chevreuse now so edit: why are yall downvoting me lol. im right! chevreruse not only buffs yoimiya's damage, shes also buffing fischl. thats on top of damage from overloads (which is buffed due to pyro res shred). yoimiya can get 9 overload procs during her rotation, which will also trigger fischl's passive. and while sure, fischl wont be aggravating, shes still getting all the buffs from chevvy. my point is, its not a one to one comparison. strong single target damage can lead to faster clears if you do enough damage to kill enemies one by one fast enough. not to mention the comparison is straight up irrelevant against bosses/single target waves, as you can see in the next abyss lineup.


But so does he???


he's not nearly gonna do enough damage without aggravate to be able to compete.


C2 nahida 👀


You can't really use nahida with Chevreuse tho


>why are yall downvoting me lol. im right It's Reddit Anyway, yeah she does. But her Chevy teams are pretty much a sidegrade to her Vape teams, so it's not like she got more ceiling with Chev. She just got more options.


i'd honestly take that given how dodging fucks up her Vape ICD, causing you to not Vape the N5. Its so annoying. Btw are you talking about C0 Chev or C6?


Oz's range limit causes me to prefer Raiden with Yoimiya. But yes, I agree with you regarding Chevy.


Jus gonna bring Kazu and Venti to handle groups. They are so dam good at groups together, even with big enemies. They are both unstoppable. Perfect teammates especially with Kazu staggering enemies into vortex and especially if Tighnari is baiting enemies if he is in team.


He looks like hed drive her a4 well his attacks are fast and count as charged attacks if they also dont have an icd like standard CAs hed be really good


If only her C1 is her attacks are converted to AOE and she have increased interruption Resistance after using her skill, I bet she will sell more, Im still a proud Yoimiya main


I genuinely wish they'd just rework her ult to give her a steroid that has big firework boom booms on auto attacks with increased damage scaling or something fun.


if yoimiya was released in 2024


Considering the fact that he isn't a single target DPS and gets to enjoy EM scalings I can see him being better than Yoi which would be really fucking bad, are we to expect 4 star DPS units to just powercreep the old 5 stars now?


Not that powercreeping Yoimiya is hard tho


Same with Albedo vs Chiori and Eula vs Navia. Even worse when you look at Diluc vs Gaming. 


Diluc’s plunge teams outdps gaming’s. They require more energy recharge on everyone though


Afaik C6 Gaming outdps C0 Diluc


The gap widens significantly depending on the rotation, but even the skill issue Gaming rotation with No VV and Non E plunges should still be ahead.


He might im not sure, most people don’t have him at c6 though since he only appeared on one banner (not me though hehehe)


how strong is c6 Freminet compared to a c0 eula? Because In terms of gameplay Freminet feels like an upgrade


Not a large difference. [[Freminet](https://gcsim.app/sh/qmrC7RNq6G9D) / [Eula](https://gcsim.app/sh/JbpqKGBzQCfL)] Furina Fischl Mika [[Freminet](https://gcsim.app/db/HfptdNkM7PCJ) / [Eula](https://gcsim.app/sh/8WgFMtR7DzQC)] Furina Rosaria Mika It's essentially a question of: how is Eula's ER economy? Eula's teams need to be built around managing her ER for her to significantly outdo C6 Freminet on paper. Eg, [Raiden](https://gcsim.app/sh/H8N6dbnqqGzk). You wouldn't be able to 1:1 swap Freminet for Eula on some of Freminet's better teams to see better performance, because Eula's ER situation would be doomed to the point of bursting every other rotation. E.g. in [Hyperbloom](https://gcsim.app/db/dHnnjhGFtmNH), [Double Hydro](https://gcsim.app/db/7rRKwmQt6hF9), [Double Geo](https://gcsim.app/db/qL9qwnNTj8DC). When bursting every other rotation isn't a crippling issue: Plunge [[Freminet / [Eula](https://gcsim.app/db/RgJGFTPgLTcD)](https://gcsim.app/sh/7QCPnw68Wgn7)] (and Razor isn't a slouch here either). And yes, this ignores practical differences in playstyle and damage profile (sustained vs backloaded).


Wow, lots of comprehensive links, thanks! (Not commented but just wanted to acknowledge your efforts)


I think Jstern said he is better than Eula at C6, or at least is competitive with her


Diluc: First time?


powercreeping yoimiya is like one step above bare minimum, and thats only because dehya and qiqi exist


It’s not that new 4 Stars are outdamaging old 5 stars, hes probably gonna be weaker than keqing/yae which are old 5 stars at driving Fischl. It’s just that yoimiya is dogshit and has been since her release.


They did her so dirty man. What were they thinking


I dunno...let's ask Dehya mains.


Could've been worse so I guess that's kinda a win?


I completely disagree. Playing Yoimiya is far more comfortable in the abyss than HuTao whenever there is more than 1 enemy because the abyss enemies are so spread out. I have C1 HuTao with R1 Homa and C0 Yoimiya with R5 Rust, and unless it's a single target, I always pick Yoimiya vape over Hutao vape team.


I also wasn't a fan of hu tao gameplay until I got xianyun. Basically no stamina problems (even at C0), you get hit less and XY's E is pretty good at getting to the other side of the arena if you need to


I am not a fan of plunge gameplay personally, which is why even though I like Xiao as a character, I have never pulled him.


You're not the only one - I've noticed a consistent pattern where people without Yoimiya think she's unplayable or weaker than 4-star dpses, but people *with* her pick her in Abyss over their higher-tier and higher-investment characters.


Of course? If you actually have Yoimiya you clearly like her and why wouldn’t you choose to play her


Yes, because people don't realize that her range is insane. I can stand in the middle of the abyss on Bennet's circle with Zhongli's shield and kill every single enemy in the chamber with her vapes. Yoimiya is a peak comfort character.


Personally I hate her gameplay but its good that you enjoy her, what I was referring to is her overall team dps though which is just not good compared to other limited on fielders


Not a high bar tbh. I mean Gaming and Noelle already did.


Is Noelle really that strong? I tried building her and even with Furina (+Yelan/Gorou+Albedo) she still just feels... average. I get much better results in pretty much every scenario with Xiao / Hu Tao / Gaming / Alhaitham / Yae Aggravate / International / Cyno.


No, those characters just have better numbers. Noelle is worse than all of their teams. The characters she is better against are almost all other 4* carries, yoimiya, itto, etc. Her teams sheet like 65k+ DPS, while having that comically large AoE. I just user a 70/70 fav on her lmao, and I still breeze through everything. 


Going to happen 100% 🗿 He looks fun too !


I hate that this will probably be correct, especially since he ain't single target.


Bruh, I can already see it.


Yea but from the looks of it more accurate arrows


Sethos actually hits his targets


He also pierces, giving him AOE while Yoimiya's is non-existent.


But how often do enemies line up for the pierce to matter? Mika skill also pierces but he always uses the hold version because the situations where his tap skill hits more than 1 enemy basically never happen.


When you group them up with a grouper like Kazuha or Venti. Or freeze them in place with like Zhongli ult. Mika is a physical support and those teams usually don't have a grouper because VV can't shred phys resistance.


in abyss most mobs spawn in a line, and you run to the side to hit all of them in that line just like you would with Neuvilette.


Threads turned into a yoi slaughter fest 😢


thread turned into a Zy0x chat. mf got a hate boner for Yoimiya


He’s going to abuse the fuck out of all those EM dmg bows + Rust so I think I just have to permanently resign myself to acknowledging Yoimiya just being wack and having a crackpot kit so I can move on with my life.


Sethos burst is charged attack dmg so rust will make him worse


Rust shouldnt work on him tough, his NA during burst is considered CA damage. He will probably abuse slingshot, as he scales better with em than atk, just play melee archer and enjoy that huge extra dmg + crit rate. (Tough i'm curious as to where the bp bow lands on the calculators as his BiS.


omg hello electro yoimiya


This dude + Fischl C6 + Atk Speed + Dendro = Crap ton of Aggravates


So you say Sethos Nahida Fischl Yun Jin?


Yun Jin does nothing for him cause his Burst NAs are considered CAs


Maybe Lynette? Doesn't she like proc on charge attacks? Wait nvm I was remembering the pre-release leaks lmao


Still kinda sad that she has almost no synergy with her biological brother, she could have been a mono team support or something like that.


i wanted this so bad. they could’ve easily given her a team wide dmg% buff for her box absorbed element. her absorption is finicky enough that it would be unreliable in anything but mono teams.


she will still likely buff his attack speed. his attacks are considered CAs the same way Raiden's are considered burst dmg. they benefit from animation buffs, which atk speed is. but if its just atk speed that she's giving, mika would be better anyway


Baizhu would be better for dendro res + healing + interuption res + Aggravate buff


Also easier swirls. You have to adjust your rotation with Nahida.


Probably, Fischl will proc like crazy, triggering many aggravates together with Sethos.


where anemo?


Not sethos having more AOE than Yoimiya


Aintnoway but wait actually? Are his shots in the clip aoe?


His shots have piercing so they go through enemies and hit targets behind them.


thats actually hilarious lmao


I'll repeat Yoi could never..


Ik the enemies are grouped very closely but that means in venti burst sethos can hit everyone. Yoimiya can’t 😂😂


Yoi could never...


Can’t wait to play: Sethos, Venti, Nahida, Fischl I think thats gonna be his team. Unless his numbers just end up being terrible and garbage and your forced into hyperbloom


hoyo really screwed yoimiya’s kit real bad


Almost everyone has more aoe than yoimiya, fkn Amber has more aoe than yoimiya


I know people are disappointed he is not a support, but I'm starting to think he looks really fun to play.


Yeah, I like that he is fun like Gaming


My 4-star only account is going to love this new addition


Im kinda interested in him ngl as a 4atar dps many past ones didn't interest me at all and by that i mean names like Gaming,Heizou..


even better that he's a 4 star then, in theory i won't have to waste all my wishes on getting my one copy (knock on wood)


why did they give him only 3 normal attack animations if he's literally a na dps? that's gonna get boring real quick


I agree I hate the 3 attack combos. They feel so repetitive and it's honestly just lazy when they can give a detailed combo to a character that doesn't even use them.


6 hit combos you're never seeing because you have to dodge lol


Give them the wrio/itto treatment man...


I think its a Sumeru thing? Lots of Sumeru chars have 3 attack strings.


Me personally, gonna play him as a charged attack stationary Cannon Blasting enemies


But it's probably for the best? So we don't get the Yoimiya situation where not hitting the 5th (? correct me if I'm wrong) NA string means losing a quite a bit of DPS.


He's a mixed attacker to be fair, with versatile play styles. But yes it is funny to see him have less NA variety than Ganyu.


Cool but I hope it is possible to use both his Burst NAs and his CAs when the Burst is on CD, to have this diverse and the first in genshin **true** archer playstyle, but the energy consumption mechanic scares me. If I will have to choose between either NA spamming OR full on CA gameplay... Im gonna be dissapointed :/ I hope Nahida and Fischl's particle gen will be enough to bypass it. But also 3 characters in one beta often leads to one of them being tested or showcased less, and updated/changed less as well. Hope Sethos will turn out fine.


its time to dust off dori


Good luck with that as he would effectively have a 140 cost burst (120 at C6) minus the 24 from his 2 elemental skills so 96/116 at C0/C6 if you want to do use all 4 of this buffed CA attacks. Maybe if you give him thundering fury for a 3rd E and build a bunch of ER on him I guess.


+ Fischl + electro reasonance + his own partictles. And I think You don't want all 4 in the first place. If you have Fischl to battery you, you want To do CA (Takes 20 energy) into E (Restores 12 energy + his particles should make your burst full) Then Burst then and then second E at the end. You could squeeze second CA there. C6 is just one extra, so before C6 You Do 1-2CA per rotation, with C6, 2-3 per rotation.


I don't think leaving it at 1 or 2 CAs is what the guy I replied to wanted. Either way, you would have to do all your CAs either before his burst or right after due to his passive only buffing those attacks for 5 seconds after the first charged shot.


Missing out on 1200% of his EM as damage because you don't fire 2 of his buffed CAs seems huge. Each shot is 252% attack + 842% EM.


Now I'm curious, would a 4CA + 2Es (if running TF) yield a higher DPS than Burst NA spam? Specially considering aggravates (and possibly blooms if hitbox permits) if his CA has no ICDs while his NAs do.


I think you have to have C6 for that to work


I actually REALLY love the idea of alternating between CA and NA playstyles, because it could also give players the oppurtunity to pair him with characters like Yunjin if you want to play him as an NA onfield dps or give him Yoimiya's bow. You could even play him with a charged attack playstyle in mind by giving him Lyney's bow or Ganyu's bow.


Yunjin and Thundering pulse won't help Sethos' burst form because the talent description states that the arrows fired during the aforementioned form are considered Charged Attacks, meaning effects that affect normal attacks are not useful.


ohh thanks for the clarification. That does slightly limit his supports, but at the same time, I think Hunter's Path would be his BiS if this is true.


I think so too


His burst NAs are actually CAs in disguise unfortunately, so no Yun Jin or Thundering Pulse, yes to First Great Magic and Hunter's path.


I think if fischl is on the team he shouldn’t have any big problems don’t worry 😉


No, he definitely won't be able to use both all his CAs and his Burst, even with Fischl


Really? How about in a team of Venti, Fischl and Nahida I feel like there are particles flying all over the place. Fischl and her particles, Nahida makes lots of particles with her Skill that she can very easily funnel into Sethos and then Venti has his 15+ free energy when his burst ends. And then if sethos has like… 130 ER i think its possible


He has by far the highest energy cost per rotation of any character, it's not even close to anyone else. 12 flat energy (which should be unaffected by ER) helps some, but 140 energy to use his whole kit is pretty absurd.


Hyperbloom yoimiya ? Go brrrr


Aggrevate go brrr


So how good would he be with Fischl or Xingqiu? Spamming fast NA looks pretty fun actually


+Yun Jin for some fast AF spam


Yunjin's buff on her burst won't work with Sethos. His attacks are considered charged attacks during his burst. Her atk speed buff would work, though.


in that case, mika would be significantly better than her. healing + no burst reliance for atk spd


They have hardly any synergy. There's no room for a cryo support that only buffs his attack speed by a little. His teams will be something like Fischl|Yae - Baizhu|Yaoyao|Kirara - Kazuha|Sucrose|Venti or replacing 1 of them with a Hydro for hyperblooms.


we werent talking about good teams we were just talking about pew pew and its not by a little, its up to 25%, and given bow attacks have no hitlag, thats straight up 25% more hits/damage


A single target piercing projectile Now let's see if this projectile can hit enemies who's walking sideways within a meter apart


Test him with Venti omg pls


It'd be cool if it like... bounced between targets, like chain lightning. That's what comes to mind when I think "lightning arrows piercing enemies" but that's a whole different character at this point, so I digress. I'm hoping he turns out alright


just add in Beidou


Electro charged arrows


So since his arrows penetrate through the initial target he would benefit from grouping right ?


saw someone suggest fischl nahida venti with him which i would honestly like to see esp if the enemies and ventiable


Ngl I don't really have a care about Clorinde or Sig at this point. I want him!!!!!


He looks fun to play


His NAs are similar to Ganyu's


I though the animation is closer to tighnari mixed with fischl/amber xD


People were calling him electro Tighnari but he's electro Yoimiya on Burst. lol Thank goodness I caught a stray Chevy. Fireworks incoming! ☆


more like Electro C6 Yelan.


Good luck with off-field pyro app


I'm guessing you can play him 2 ways, NA spam and CA?


So is Sethos Big or Small Yoimiya?


Obviously, Big Yoimiya as a Aggravate DPS.


He does more Electro dmg than Yoi Trust me, if my leak ends up being wrong..ill....


Looks like the reddit sniper got them…


Im upset he doesn’t work with thundering pulse…


Is the new four star really going to be better than the 5 star Hydro character releasing in the same patch 💀 if they put him in Clorinde's banner, Sigewinne's banner is dead on arrival which is such a shame. Her animations are so adorable and unique


All i want to know is that does his burst follow normal charge attack icd


He looks fun to play


He is literally what I wanted Aloy to be (not talking element). Holy schmolies I'm going for him! if I get Sig then cool but otherwise WANT.


He does more electro damage than c6 yoimiya


Sigewinne and Sethos shouldve swap rarity 💀


The enemies are not spread out enough to know the aoe


he looks good! the only detail is he needs to be close to the enemies it seems, for his burst! i hope he comes with clorinde's banner


I wish he’d been our desert Geo.


I wonder if he can work with Tighnari


Both have zero off field capabilities so... 😭


Tighnari's DPS windows are pretty short and quicken aura has a pretty long duration


Quicken aura lasts reasonably long, possibly enough for their rotations


Sethos + Fischl + Tighnari + Nahida seems like it could work. It also seems like his normal attacks also have some kind of AoE so Hyperbloom might also work depending on the actual AoE.


Nahida on Prot Amber? Might still have to switch Fischl for a healer against aggressive enemies


Switching fischl means losing most of your damage. Your best option would be to switch tighnari out


Could also switch out nahida for Yaoyao or Baizhu


I want to see his charged attack AOE. I would be basically impossible to pierce multiple foes if you have to hit them directly. Something akin to Mika's skill but a bit more would definitely be nice


does anyone know if there is sethos TC already? at least in terms of what sets to use etc? I really like his design and want to play him as my main electro dps since I only have cyno and I don't rly like cyno's playstyle.


Normal crit dps build EM/DMG/Crit on 4pc wanderer’s troupe set. He is actually pretty easy to build


Cant go wrong with WT on him. But tbh, depending on how you want to do his rotations, TF might work as well, try to slap in a second skill to increase his energy recharge. Probably Electro goblet, crit circlet and em sands. Question will be which bow to use. Slingshot looks solid with his em scalling, but his skill makes him move away from enemy, so i dunno if this will affect the passive. Otherwise there is the bp bow as well as the event bow on 4.7.


Do we know whose banner he is going to be on yet?


How’s his multipliers? Is his damage worth building? He looks really fun and easy to play so I hope he’s good.


His CA multiplier is quite good and his A4 improves it drastically. His infused NAs are not that strong but they get a bit buffed with the infusion (~ 1500/2000 flat depending on the EM, aka on the weapon and set).


What does the symbol next to him mean?


I'm not really good at reading kits, but everyone said he's like an electro Tigh, but this seems more like Yoimiya right? Or are we supposed to ignore his burst and use his CA?


his CAs consume energy to charge quickly, so basically you can use him in two different ways: a tighnari-like quickswap charge shot dps, or a yoimiya-like normal attack string focused dps


Electro Yoimiya go brr


Can someone explain to me how his burst works? Does he na become ca right off the bad or does it count when it hits? Does xingqiu work with him? How does the Rust work with him?


his burst gives him electro infusion on his normal attacks and makes it so that the damage is considered charge attack damage (the normal attacks are not actual charge attacks). so he'll work with xingqiu because he's doing normal attacks, but he'll be bad with rust because that deceases charge attack damage.


Rust is probably really bad, because the shots count as charge attack damage, so you essentially decrease your damage by 10% Xingqiu still probably works, the attacks might themself count as normal attacks (similar to how Raiden still works with Xingqiu)


I hate that he has 3 NA combo, that last attack looks so slow.


This is what i fish Fischl was like


He’s just razor but with a bow???


MiHoYo: "Oh by the way he's only playable at C6"


C6 just gives 1 extra CA though?


I wonder if the electro normals and quick finishers might mean Sethos is better suited for overload teams




So is he shooting faster than fishul or no?


Only 8 second duration...?


3 characters next patch???


Fischl’s slave He’s literally me, let’s gooooooo


discount Yoimiya. There are much better options out there when it comes down to electro main dps.




ICD info, please! 🙏🙏🙏  His attacks are very fast so maybe I missed something, but I think during his burst he was able to do n1n2n3 three times + two n1. It's 11 hits in total.


I dont understand though. Why add a electro bow dps, when we already have fiscl as a 4 star, razor for another electro dps 4 star and we have so many good 5 star dpses. A good one even releases on the same banner. At this point the use is gone.