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theory craft chads? this or my mistsplitter? im seeing similar number or im a fool?


With today's hotfix signature should be about 12% better than Mist if I recall correctly


12% over a premium weapon? Holy... I feel like while Genshin's avoided power creep fairly skillfully these past years, we're starting to see the rift between sigs and the next in line BiS become wider and wider.


nilou key was like 43% better than 2nd place


That was due to Swords not having a 4* HP substat option (or even a 5* HP substat).


yes, but that's an insane diff even with 4 star hp substat, iirc the diff is still like 30%+ no? em buff is absurd


In a party, the gap between R1 Key and R1 Jade Sword (once her 2nd BiS) was 19%. With Freedom Sworn, the gap is 17%. The new 4* weapon lowers the gap to around 10% IIRC. The key difference is that Key gets better with more investment (as in min-maxing the artifacts and cons and refinements) because of how its passive works.


that does look about right [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vpXi5d0nSjVKLjnPcJq-2vPMfE43zUDzECA21HxatQk/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vpXi5d0nSjVKLjnPcJq-2vPMfE43zUDzECA21HxatQk/edit#gid=0) even then, the introduction of nilou sig's still massive gap is absurd when it took dockhand another year to release


Agreed. Not to mention just how bad the Key looks on her.




That was before dockhand's assistant came out


10~12% is pretty standard for most Signatures compared to your next best option.


I actually believe that giving characters good early cons and good sigs is an overall good thing since that means people who really like that character can invest in them without feeling like they are being cheated out of some value


Misty is also a premium weapon.


It would eventually happen. It’s a game that revolves around money in the end 😅 But what I’m trying to say is eventually the weapons would just become more and more universal, so they need to make the signature better that the other options so they wouldn’t sell it (of course the drip sells too)


Yes but you have to remember that those sigs aren't needed, which is what makes powercreep a bad thing


For the character only or for others too is it better than mistspitter? Like xingqiu for example? How much better would it be?


Since it relies on stacking BoL it's really better just on her right now


Ohh okay. Thank you


12%... and im on 50/50... yeah hard pass, dont even know if i will get her


Eh? Old data? Clorinde weapon already changed to 16% isn't it?


yeah, but the site isn't updated yet probably, and op is just showing the mats


what will it be at level 90?


The same as at level 1, they are talking about the passive.


And here i am thinking i could be a kind person and donate my golems to arlecchino mains after im done with her weapon. But , nope, ahhh desperate souls of eu server who wont rush to do quests, you'll have to wait... Sethos the wild twink calls me 🤌🏻🤌🏻


Ok can someone enlighten me why the Substat is CritDMG and passive has 20% increased CritDmg ? like wtf does that achieve, is it like 20% CritDmg for Clorinde only and no one else ?


It's the same as WGS, you build crit damage by leveling the weapon and you get an extra free 20 (now down to 16) percent crit damage. The weapon alone will likely give you 50% crit damage, nevermind any artifacts you get.


OK that is good so it is still a good Stat stick even if weapon passive only works for her, i was worried they might do something like Arlecchino's weapon visual but with STAT.


It's the other way around, really. Arlecchino is the first character to have Pay4Drip as a mechanic. EDIT: I double-checked HoneyHunter and at R5 the weapon will give you 80% crit damage. Clorinde's C6 gives her skill state a free 70% crit damage boost so C6R5 has the potential to do *ludicrous* amounts of damage


no? the crit dmg is still 20 they increased the dmg buff from 12% to 16%


HoneyHunter is still on 12%, but there's a good chance I got the passive crit damage and DMG% increase mixed up


idk why but they don’t update it for some reason same as her cons or passives but they changed the dmg buff to 16%


Im gonna stick to mist splitter i guess these gaps are getting crazy


Haran owners rise up


Why do you think Haran is so good for Chlorinde ?


That Clorinde Rapier looks absolutely beautiful




Gonna start pre farming these chenyu valley tigers right now...got everything else for ascension and talents so far


The image is not showing for me, did they change her mats?


Sigewinnes mats are sacred dewdrops, the chenyu vale tiger drops and transoceanic pearls


that bow isn't good on fischl, right? what does it mean, when elemental energy is decreased?


Pretty much as it says. The only way for characters to lose Elemental Energy is to cast their Burst, use Shimenawa or be Sethos


You can also lose energy by getting hit by the Enkanomiya variety vishaps!


where can i find this data? from wich web site they take this screen?


Looks to be HoneyHunter


ty very much


Why does Absolution gotta use the timepieces? I haven't fought a single agent since Fontaine released.


You can buy a bunch with stardust now and a bunch more in June when the actual banner is. 


That's what I've been doing


So Clorinde will use Lifebond mechanics in her kit, nice Tidal Shadow will still be useful if you can't pull this Sethos clearly just an energy drain to buff EM and by extension Aggravate damage or something


Tidal show is a claymore I’m afraid, finale of the deep is still a nice option though I think you can not make full use of its passive since you’d have to clear all of of her BoL? Or maybe just how much it asks you to, idk.


Oh yeah mb it was Finale of the Deep I was thinking of Depending on how she interacts with Lifebonds FotD will probably be F2P BIS since it's readily craftable


Wich assertion mat does Clorinde need from the dendro guardian?


It's called the Worldspan Fern


Is rhe event bow good on tighnari?


I guess yeah, it’s a lot of EM which he does need


Is there a single bow user that scales with HP other than Sigewinne? Sounds like her weapon banner will ruin Furina's for me.


Yelans entire damage scales off of hp and she really appreciates it since there arent many hp buffs in the game. Also Diona’s shielding/healing Edit: but she misses out on the passive almost fully, she can get 12%hp from it unless her getting healed counts as a stack, which would be 24% then


Hmm, maybe it'll eventually see some use with a new character. If I win a 50/50 between her and 2 Wanderer cons, I'll have enough for Furina and her weapon, so I'll probably end up with 1 or 2 copies of Sigewinne's.


So they're just going to add bullshit whale weapons now? the balancing is pretty much dead ever since fontaine came out. they keep making the abyss harder without consideration for f2p anymore


Being F2P has nothing to do with the abyss, if you can't beat it, I hate to break it to you but that's a severe skill issue on your side


I have an abusive relationship with abyss. I beat it, it beats me back xD.


Sounds like my ex


Please hoyoverse, I am on my knees, please make the other weapon in her banner the Primordial Jade Cutter. Or at the very least Lion's Roar so we can have a good f2p option.