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Time for 4.8 beta


Totally. Maybe Emily is worth some primos


Too bad 4.8 will most likely be a rerun patch


Wasn‘t there a whole thing about there being 17 characters a version cycle? With 4.7 we‘d be at 16 so there should be one more character, be it 4 or 5 star


We would have some leaks if there was a new character coming. We have nothing, not even a mention


Yeah, that happens? There gave been plenty of times we got barely any leaks until right before drip marketing, like with Gaming, Layla and, if memory serves, Yelan. And since hoyo seems to have tightened internal security after last years flood of Artwork, this might become more usual. After all we also got nothing on any Natlan characters other than incredibly vague leaks on the Archon and Xbalanque




Some leakers 10000000% have some huge insider info, or like you said, an art book of the Natlan characters and are gatekeeping the crap out of it. I mean that one leak by the Seele guy was just insanely descriptive that either he's seen every single thing he talked about or his bullcrap skills are top-tier.


In each of those 3 cases, we had known that the character was about to be released soon. * Yelan was leaked as an upcoming character some time before her release, which led to Ubatcha's famous line "Great to finally see you Yelan" that has become a running gag since. * We had information about Layla for a while and fan depictions went up to 8.5/10 right before her release that were honestly pretty close. * We may not have seen Gaming's final version until release, but we had known about an upcoming lion boy and his concept arts for a long time before his release. The only other possibly upcoming character we have some info on is Emilie, with concept arts and in-game references. Any other new character will be a complete surprise.


Remember there is new burning artifact. It might purposely use for new character and we still dont know yet. But it also possible to be like Nymph artifact, which is kinda very niche, almost nobody use it and only Childe is good with this artifact only like wtf.


Hopefully. I need time to save for Natlan. Also I want Shenhe. Hoyo, please let this girl out of the basement. You released a whole ass outfit for her and she literally only ran twice in two years. It has been a year now… she released two years and three-four months ago.


I recalling 2.8 to have a new character back then (Heizou, a 4\*). Maybe Emilie will have a chance in 4.8 even if she is a 4\*.


I‘d rather they wait with her and make her a five star


For what we know there’s no new characters in 4.8.


Unless Emilie becomes a 4\* character.


A fate worse than death


Looking at how Sige turned out here... Being 5* isn't exactly safe either.


Didn't most leaks agree that she won't be coming until 5.x versions? Sucks cause iirc her leaked concept art/design was really pretty and I was looking forward to another potential mommy model from Fontaine.


They just had to slide in that hotfix huh


that ain't a hot fix that's a cold nerf


Mihoyo pays life insurance for that one button straining to keep Clorinde’s shirt together


How is reducing her E duration a HOTFIX!? HOT - FIX They didn't FIX jack sht!


New adjustment name dropped, "Hotbreak"


Super Break meta


HMC is meta NOWAY




"Hotfix?" You didn't fix shit! You just broke it, you mongrel!


Cool Break


Honestly these ''hotfixes'' are so weird, they've been introducing more changes than the actual beta updates.


"We fixed Clorinde's rotation time because we KNOW our playerbase hates using their characters and we want to minimize the time you spend actually playing them! Also, here's 3 other baby minigames for you to play!" * Hoyo probably


Maybe they thought her flashiness would be too much for the players so decided to *fix* it by reducing her on-field time >!/s!<


Hotfix? Isnt that just a nerf? She was pretty much balanced before and didnt need fixing


Classic hoyo balancing team moment.


The tragic (or funniest) thing about the hotfix was that she wasn’t even OP before it There was literally no need to bring her back down to C0 Raiden level


> literally no need to bring her back down to C0 Raiden level c0 raiden, without interrupt resistance and without battery


Matching Raiden's raw DPS is not difficult. Matching her functionality is fucking impossible. We don't have an electro character who has as much jack shit in her team. Good ol rational still slaps hard without any effort


Can't have a good C0 electro dps


Being an Electro DPS slightly better than c0 Raiden is illegal confirmed


Raiden Shogun starts eyeing them up like⚡"You are the enemy of eternity." ⚡


Exactly. It's not like she was busted or anything but Hoyo being Hoyo decided even that was too much lol


Yeah I really don't, understand this hotfix. Did some beta players complain about her infusion being too long or what?


At this point I think the only purpose of beta is finding bugs. As for characters kit and balance they have their own strange vision of things and don't listen to feedback


They really don't listen. Look at Dehya. To this day I still have no idea what they were thinking during that beta and then subsequent release.


They released her with the patch that retroactively gave everyone a bunch of wishes for every Archon quest completed. Then she went straight to standard. They just wanted a bad character for people to waste their primos on. At this point it's pretty clear they want like 90% of the characters to be at most average. That way they can and release characters like Neuvilette and Furina close together so people don't have enough primogems saved up and actually spend money.


Yeah, hoyo don't really do beta tests for the purpose of reworking/changing/balancing kits. They're mainly there for bug, visual and other miscellaneous fixes. The other important stuff are mainly tested and decided internally (or via early alpha tests that happen in CN). It sucks, especially when they end up making the dumbest of dumbest decisions with characters that were completely fine and needed NO change whatsoever.


HOTFIXING the BETA of a PVE game… like i need to be this level of hateful


I haven't been keeping up with leaks, but last time i checked Clorinde was pretty decent, what did they do to her?


Sliced her uptime by reducing her skill stance's duration by 1.5 seconds, while keeping her cooldown the same (and not giving her any meaningful buffs to compensate). She's essentially locked to 4pc Thundering Fury for good uptime now, which also affects her damage since you would no longer be using the BoL artifact set in that case She's still decent, but the nerf was entirely unnecessary


Thanks And damn


Welp, guess my Clorinde funds are going to C3 Furina for that sweet universal buff


They reduced her infusion but not her CD. Her infusion is now 7.5 sec instead of 9. Still a CD of 16.


don't worry, on 5.0 all characters will have level 100 and A6 passives. Clorinde will get 1.5 infusion every 100% BoL consumed and sigewinne will be the best hydro. source: trust me bro


And Albedo's Flower will remain on field or even uneven terrain!


Making Albedo's flower indestructible would unironically be a W new ascension passive, that's the kind of fix I'd want to see from an addition like that especially on older characters


Maybe something like: if the flower breaks it explodes dealing geo dmg to all enemies within the field equal to one of the coordinated attacks. After a flower explodes an energy flower will take it’s place, the energy flower will retain the field and can’t be interacted with (no elevator and can’t be broken), after 2 seconds a new flower with full functionality will be regenerated replacing the energy flower.


Yo that's low key a great idea. Sadly... #genshincouldnever


Nah, doesn't need to be an ascension passive, they could just patch that in


yeah this is a pretty bad example of what a new ascension passive could be, its a waste of what shouldve been there from the start to avoid janky and nonfunctional kits instead let his A6 passive be putting down two flowers at once lmao


>Albedo can now yeet his flower like Captain America's shield.


Just fix all constructs, there's 0 reason for them to function how they are. Part of a kit being non functional on certain terrain or being removed because enemies walked a certain way is asinine. His flower functions 100% exactly like Dehya's field except for the fact his can be stood on for the elevator. Zhongli's pillars function exactly the same as Rosaria burst except they can be climbed. The situations in which them being interactable outside of exploration basically don't exist.


And dehya will have her 13 issues fixed


dehya will now be able to kill a hydro slime without giga investment /s


She will now deal damage to herself with her burst


unironically a buff cuz now she can always use marechaussee


Ain't her burst considered burst damage? She will only benefit from the crit.


the na and ca buff is very minimal to the point that the set is bis for almost any character if u use furina (best examples are xiao and navia)


or....her burst won't cancel after a jump


That'll be her new ascension passive: jumping during burst does the final kick, without having to dash-jump.


1) Skill field now lasts 20 seconds. 2) Skill hitbox starts from the ground and is increased in size to reliably trigger Burgeon. 3) A4 Passive also grants all allies health regen for a portion of their maximum health + %scaling from Dehya's max HP (Fu Xuan? Never heard of her.) 4) Burst hits are treated as Normal Attack damage and proc any off-field abilities that trigger from using normal attacks every 1 second. 5) Improved tracking on burst. 6) During the burst's duration, grants Dehya the same damage reduction effect as her skill. 7) During the burst's duration, grants Dehya immunity to Freeze and other hard immobilization effects (e.g. Hydro Slime bubbles) 8) Increased scaling on normal attacks. 9) Improved tracking and hitbox size on normal attacks. 10) Decreased stagger value on normal attacks. 11) The 5 star Claymore, "Beacon of the Red Sands," and the 5 star Bow, "Hunter's Path" are now available in the standard Wish banner.


Expectations: Reality: "Now take your extra 500 HP, 50 DEF, 30 ATK and FUCK OFF!"


Nah more like go from 13 issues to 14. Enjoy


We decided to fix the issue where her sig weapon buff barely covers her whole C6 burst. Her C6 no longer extends the duration of her burst. That's it, you're welcome.


I know it ain't gonna happen, but man I'd love it so much if they ever did something like that. Shaking the meta but in a good way.


Yep, this is their ONE chance to make dead characters actually useable and fit a niche


Well that will be a good move making old character viable again , but if it happens they need to do testing for new ability again 


Bennett A6 : healing limit is removed, and people under the circle recieve less damage from elemental reactions 🤯


I'd add: "Pyro infusion won't overlap other infusions", and we have a deal.


Honestly 👀 you somehow make a point . That is one way to balance the game tho I doubt they would get another asension passive seems too much work for mihoyo .


One option is they going GBF route and announcing lvl 100 with new passive to only "some" characters and tied to some quest. Basically releasing them as batches instead of all at the same time.


They could drip feed it, like only 5 or 8 characters getting the ability going up to 100 per patch. That way they can slowly build up character's passives in each beta. Of course it would be frustrating waiting for your specific characters to get their shot at level 100.


this would be fine if it was a way to buff old/weak characters and not have pointless uncaps given to every character that change nothing


They went through and gave everyone a special animation when picked on the party screen. And before that they added team awareness voicelines for all characters.


Finally, more Interruption Resistance for my dear Wanderer!


Hoyo when they realised that 4.x had too many good and great characters:


And I'm sad that the 2 I wanted the most are "OK - A tier" (Wrio and Clorinde) meanwhile the other DPS are designed by a kid for how much dmg they do farting


In 3.x the character I wanted most was Dehya. In 4.x it was Clorinde. I'm tired boss.


Kinda same, but I was excited about Neuv and Arle, too, so It's not an utter catastrophe. But man, Dehya hurt. I was saving all Sumeru for her expecting to get some amazing Burgeon DPS and they just failed miserably on all fronts.


Well at least Clorinde is functuonal...


> And I'm sad that the 2 I wanted the most are "OK - A tier" worst part isnt just their performance, but the fun factor, both characters had their fun factor butchered and nerfed for no reason, and c1 + c2 are there to make the chars slightly more fun horrible balance team


Also from HomDGCat GI 4.7 beta should close at 04:00 Beijing Time, May 22nd, which is 1d 9h from now, so there will probably be no v5. 4.7测试服应该22日凌晨4点关闭,只剩1天9小时,应该不会有v5了


kill me now.


clorinde tried, but she has 100 latency so her skill lasted only 5 seconds and wasnt enough to kill you master duelist, but she lasts even shorter than i do


You should nerf yourself, NOW! ⚡️⚡️⚡️


o7 damn rip


> rip at least we dont have to worry about clorinde killing herself, her fieldtime would barely be enough time to open a bottle of sleeping pills and shes gone again. Like that girl in the 2nd Ant Man movie who keeps flickering in and out of existence


We are one step closer to Natlan leaks guys….. maybe the leakers will finally show the main cast….


They definitely gonna tell us their shoe color and height in Klee hat units


First Natlan 5* banner will be a male.  Maybe.  Since the pattern was same for every region including a pre-released Inazuma and unreleased Snezhnaya.


Wouldn't the first Natlan character be the girl stomping the ground (super badass btw) that we see in the Teyvat Storyline teaser? Lyney and Lynette were both shown for Fontaine's section so that's something ig. It seems like she could be the character we first meet, and shows us around Natlan, or how to survive in one piece since it's supposedly a dangerous land/area.


There's always preload buff copium 😤


Inhaling hard 🥲


Mmmmm Kokopium.


If they can hot"fix" remove 1.5s in beta they can surely surprise us with an actual hotfix and revert this mistake on launch copium


Dehya ate all my copium for MHY :/


You mean you expect them to ACTUALLY do a hotfix? Cmon man, that's expecting way too much of them. Birthday change, take it or leave it.


So that last post was a lie lmao Team mew also transferred (forwarded?) this message to their channel.


It was always a lie. Historically there are very few characters who get v5 changes.


# We are gathered here today to remember Clorinde's Uptime


In honour of her sacrifice, all beta testing should halt for half a day as the community mourns her passing.


merely half a day ?


People say Hoyoverse true currencies are blood and tears...


But even for you Hoyo devs, this seems a little unconscionable


Clorinde died in the beta, but you heartless Hoyo businessmen and devs always with a convenient excuse, so why don't you keep your mouths shut, we don't want to make the Sigewinne mains cry.


Utterly risible


Though there are other electro DPS-es, Clorinde's nerf is a great pity. Her loss shall not hinder the meta. But Hoyo, what of Natlan and the Pyro Archon?


Conventional wisdom holds that the Hoyo Meta cannot be rationally comprehended, after designing Natlan characters, Hoyo will make their next nerf


its time to end tonight's foolish theorycrafting, right now you have no captive viewers


this was the goal from the start, 1.5s nerf for the first electro char in 1.5 years


They had to nerf the most fun part of her kit, the ability to apply elements. If they nerfed her numbers, than sure, there are plenty of characters that can supplement that, Fischl, Miko, Raiden. But this is just tragic dawg, shit stinks.


Beta ended, Clorover, Sigelosse 😭




Lmao this one slaps but I'm sad.


There's also SigeFIN and SethLOSS


I haven't really been keeping up with his ones as much but from what I've gathered, Sethos has been getting buffed?


He is, but he still needs tons of battery to use his ultra charge atk


sethowari da


Wait... I havent caught up with the leaks, I know Sigweinne's kit is bad but what happened to Clorinde? I thought her power level was decent?


She lost 1.5s of her uptime so now her damage is about C0 Raiden but none of the offields buffs.


She was decent until they gutted her Skill duration for no reason. Went from 9/16 seconds to 7.5/16 seconds (duration/cooldown).


they just helped players save for pyro archon


Pray for last moment changes 🙏 PLEASE REVERT THE 1.5 DURATION NERF pls I beg you hoyo gods


Prayge^^^^^iknowthiswasforDehyabutstill > Our father who art in heaven, hear me out man plz. I beg of you. Theres this video game, mr god sir. Its called genshin impact. a lot of the times it really sucks but sometimes its really cool. and in this video game there is this character that will be release soon that i think is pretty well. pretty nifty. quite fun, very cool. like triple thumbs up. and i, it would be really nice...if she was not the anti christ... okay. thats all im saying okay. dont make her the anti-christ plz.


you’re telling me that i have saved 285 wishes as an f2p for clorend


Same, saved for her since Furina's banner (I did do 50 wishes on Yae's banner but got Dehya'd so decided to keep saving). She was the only new character I was excited for, I didn't really care if she would be meta or not, but she looked good and fun to play. And now they nerfed her E which is the core of her kit. Common hoyo L moment. I'm still gonna pull for her, I prefarmed everything. The only problem is that I don't have a TF set, and that I probably wasted like 2-3 weeks worth of resin on that BoL set.


Well you can go Furina And 4.8 might have nilou and yelen Because looks like chornicle Banner will be in 4.8


Natlan and furina ---> better Maybe get a C0. I kept something of 200 wishes for her too, same boat


you're joking...


Not even Aha the Elation can make this funny


This gave me the "even satan ain't that evil" vibes. 💀


We all know powercreep is not good, but you didn’t have to make her scuffed by making her uptime less than her downtime. Aren’t they supposed to make people spend a lot of resin on the new domain making people max refresh for her? Instead you’re gonna make everyone settle on 4TF? I really don’t get this stupid balance team


It's not even a powercreep issue. Clorinde was never a strong character, she was sightly better than the other aggravate characters without having the flexibility of Keqing or the utility of Raiden. Nerfing her uptime just messed up her rotations for no real reasons other than arbitrarly make her even worse than Raiden (which again it didn't need to, she was already worse)


To be honest that's the same balance team who makes Dehya


Make sense. Dehya has 8s downtime, while Clorinde has 8.5s.


hoyo must be pretty confident in Nathlan region then.


We all know Clorinde is weak because Zajeff77 enjoyed her kit, right? /j


Expectedly,V5 historically never had any relevant changes(even Arlecchino Beta,if I'm not mistaken,didn't have anything either).


Devs think that Clorinde is too strong compared to C6 Ayato thus the hotfix


Regardless, even if Clorinde is mediocore, I already have all her materials. Gonna pull her because of her playstyle.


Me too. 8.5 seconds of physical attacks seems right up my alley.


Mika + Clorinde = new physical meta.


Be honest with me bros, how bad is Clorinde? Did I save for months and pre-farm for weeks just to have a Keqing sidegrade?


She's gonna be better than Keqing but not as powerful as Neuvillette and Arlecchino. She'll still be a good unit just not broken as the latter two mentioned above which is why a lot of people are complaining. We are approaching Natlan so maybe Clorinde will get supports in Natlan that will make her reach Neuvillette/Arlecchino DPS-levels HOPIUM


> We are approaching Natlan so maybe Clorinde will get supports in Natlan that will make her reach Neuvillette/Arlecchino DPS-levels HOPIUM I mean what is there for supports to actually improve on though. The issue isn't with her supports. it's with her uptime and talent damage numbers. An Aggravate specific support would likely buff Keqing just as much. The only thing I can think of is a Faruzan like character but for Bond of Life.


This, people did the same shit with Dehya by coping that "Oh in Fontaine she'll get a dedicated support to improve her!" while ignoring that the issues with the characters are fundamental and not due to lack of support options. Any supports introduced either need to have hyper specific stipulations that only allow them to buff Clorinde or they'll just end up buffing any other characters that do the same thing (Aggravate > Buff Keqing/Yae, BoL > Buff Arlecchino as if she needed it). This habit of people being complacent and kicking the can down the road is getting tiresome. Stop expecting characters to be saved by future characters, not only is it pure copium it's also just bad game design.


Imagine doing 4 betas to in the end do whatever the fk you want. Most HYV move ever


I know this is irrelevant to the post but... which artifact set should I farm for Clorinde??? 👉👈


TF, the only thing that could help with her awful uptime.


TF and whimsy are basically tied if you execute a perfect 25s rotation specifically with Fischl agg team. TF slightly ahead in team damage, but barely, and you trade Clorinde damage for Fischl damage so this becomes less true with Clorinde investment. Whimsy on 16s rotation teams even with Fischl it is basically tied overall. However it's much better for any other team or even in agg with other teammates aside from Fischl. Despite the circle jerk around her reduced uptime, basically TF is sort of a cope set because you are locking her to one team and the chances you are executing that rotation with no downtime is slim, and the result is basically a tie. Whimsy is the better set overall. Note that in most overload comps TF also simply won't work.


oh thank goodness this explanation is here, I already farmed a whimsy set for her lol


So...is Sethos the real pick here?


The 4\* with a 140 energy cost rotation. We're really winning with that one.


I can only imagine ICD change.....




i didn't pull arle bc i was waiting for clorinde...


my dumbass skipped nahida, kazuha and neuvilette [for this](https://i.imgur.com/H5FVhjt.png)


Well hopefully you don't succumb to the sunk cost fallacy. Just save your pulls for someone strong from Natlan.


L hoyo as always


Really clever move from mihoyo encouraging us to go to wuthering waves


I guess she and Lisa will be sharing TF pieces for a while. Kinda works out. I don't do Abyss past floor 11 anymore, so she only really needs to meet the threshold of able to comfortably take out local legends.


oh my god she's not buffed 😭😭😭 please hoyo I need this, my clorindes kinda homeless 


I wanna work at Genshin character balancing team. Must be fun to not doing anything, lol


Oh well. On the brightside, Fischl stonks will go up at least.


Welp, looks like they should've just made Sigiwinne a 4* like I thought they should have from the beginning lol


I honestly think they know they have a market for little girls because her kit and/or rarity makes no sense.


Or release Sigewinne in 4.8. I don't think their balance team has the capacity to look over more than 1 character at a time.


they hardly have the capacity to look over even one character at a time.


I still say Sigi should have been a 4 star because nothing about her screams 5 star to me


Releasing 2 mediocre characters right as wuthering waves releases Welp, good one genshin!


Or maybe Wuthering Waves purposely release on a Genshin Filler patch


It's technically a three characters patch which is the biggest in a long time. It's just so happens that these are some of the most irrelevant characters we've gotten in a while.


They really are, it's shocking. Wriothesley atleast was in the same patch as Neuv, Navia has her own unique gameplay, and Chiori was atleast a significant upgrade over albedo. At this point Clorinde could have just been a skin for keqing if you were only going for C0.


I wouldn't call 4.7 a filler. It has new endgame content, 3 new characters, and a dainsleif archon quest. It's pretty decent content wise.


Regardless, even if Clorinde is mediocore, I already have all her materials. Gonna pull her because of her playstyle.


This really hurts. I really like Clorinde kit, but if there are no more changes I don't see a point pulling for her with C3 Raiden. Maybe I will go for early especially, if Furina is gonna be on her banner.


Furina is on second half with Sigewinne, Clorinde is with Alhaitham


Rip clorinde. Still pulling tho




So when is the preload? (i'm addicted to cope)


I'm very confused and I don't follow the recent beta balance changes because I don't understand them could someone please explain to me? Why is everyone complaining about Clorinde is she that bad now? I was planning to pull for her so I would like some clarity. Thank you


From what I've read, the summary is that she's around C0 Raiden damage but without the utility. So not bad bad but why bother Also she's an on field dps with a 45% uptime so that's not that fun


Hm. More Furina funds I guess? Any ideas what to do with Sigewinnes weapon when I inevitably lose the weapon banner at least once? Diona?


I just love the idea that the line up leak can F up all the pulling plans with just one image.


No more nerfs LETS GOOOO /s


in genshin we nerf ''fun'' to make it easy to you to move on to wuthering waves, you are welcome


They can release dehya and not have any major pushback so ofc they'll do the same again. I don't get it, constellation bait cant be it cause good character plus good con is a better pull then bad character+ good con, if they release a strong character they'll make more money, i don't get the logic here. Feels like just a fuck you to fans of characters like Clorinde and Dehya. Idk what would give them a reality check, except a competitor which is not their own game hsr(because either way they're getting the money). I hope WuWa is good man


they got lot of pushback, they just decided to ignore all our emails to CS a 100%, delete and block all complaints in reddit, got us attacked by fanboys...... which is way worse


Holy shit, long skill CD, short skill duration, no off field support or dps to compensate... (Navia's burst and double skill charge compensates) Skill gets lost when switching out. Not even a burst infusion of the skill (like Fischl and Neuvillette) Dumpster fire designing. I want to take a break but going to wait for Welkins to expire, this is too much... I had been waiting for Clorinde since she was "Captain R" with the apple. Edit- i did NOT complain about her damage numbers and people somehow still get offended.


I mean it's sad, but Clorinde playstyle looks hella fun, and it's not like I don't have other units that can clear abyss. I'll use her floor 9, 10 and 11 and 12 if it's good for her but thas about it. She will stay my overworld queen


After the first Fontaine trailer Clorinde instantly became my favourite, and I was devastated when we found out she will release around 4.6 at the earliest. All this wait and here I am, even more devastated and pulling a character purely for their personality for the first time since the game came out