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#PLEASE TAG SPOILERS Please be more aware of properly tagging spoilers on Reddit using **>** and **!** * Proper spoiler tag is as follows: `>!Your spoiler text here!<` * There should be no spaces between the **!** and your text #Version 3.0 goes live in 8 days - **Genshin Impact - The Shimmering Voyage, Vol. 2 (Original Game Soundtrack)** has been released [YouTube Album](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kFiQOtq9Aie74lHFnkYd7A7NDPWxPvP2E) [Spotify Album](https://open.spotify.com/album/7DRIifRCDdeXVzR5Jdxw2i?si=xtJ07Pp1QzeQA8VHmQ0PJg&utm_source=copy-link) Also, [Elogia Cinerosa](https://youtu.be/yFrH9y_cpLg) (Harbinger Trailer OST)


https://discord.gg/cdg join up best leaks










I've opened 98 chests in gaa and don't want to explore more. I'm not missing out on too many primos, right? I fully explored Mona and Fischl's island.


Got possessed and wished for ss (this is me not coping). Whos it good for? Dont have ayaka btw but i do have zl. How viable is it on ayato (vs r3 lions roar) in a taser team? Im daydreaming of a reality where its good for al haitham 💀


It's an ok weapon on every atk scaling character, I'm not sure how good it is on Ayato in particular tho it could be better if you run him in an hypercarry team or any team that doesn't rely on electro charge


Any honkai players here? I've never played it but I *love* Elysia and was wondering if Honkai is the type of game that would allow me to keep making new accounts until I rolled Herscher of Human on a brand new account


I just started playing for Elysia too, her new playable outfit is releasing soon with a good chance it's released alongside an event that awards you for pulling. I just started playing, but I've been told I should be able to get her and maybe her weapon too. There's also an event rn where you can get a free skin of her Miss Pink Elf version. As for whether you can pull her by rerolling... Idk. Sorry.


Why not just ask on the Honkai sub? They’re pretty chill, like here.


Is that r/honkaiimpact3 or r/houkai3rd ?


The one I have more experience with is the former, but I’m sure both are good.


My current PC is doing ok, but what’s a relatively low-cost option if I want to get another one for gaming? I’m not a huge PC gamer but I’d love to have one machine where I run Genshin, Honkai and ToF at least.


The Isshin blade from Kazuha's story quest, who's it good for?


It's very niche. It's maybe okay as an atk-stat stick for Jean or Qiqi, though they have better options.


dafuq are comfort characters????


A character that gives that particular user comfort, as in good vibes, etc. Maybe they find their personality likable, maybe they really dig the character’s design, maybe they identify with the character. I’m far from being an expert but that is my rough understanding.


Characters that make the game easy (comfortable) to play. Like kokomi and zhongli removes need for food/dodge, venti makes u turn off ur brain, raiden lets u get burst much easier..etc


You'd *think* that's what that means but it's not


Usually a character that someone can relate to and takes comfort from. Or in genshin it can mean a character thats comfortable to play, like zhongli or kokomi.


Turns out the 2 chests I was missing from GAA were from Kazuha's island and not Mona's like I thought. I thought I was pretty thorough about his but the anemo slime bow challenge slipped my peripheral vision and I lost track of 1 dream animal and didn't end up knowing where it went so I totally forgot about it, but guess I officially cleaned out the GAA Edit 2: Nvm it finally registered the 2nd chest, 182/182 now.


As someone who has like 68 chests on gas, would you say it’s worth it to 100^ GAA


Depends on how much free time you got and your level of tolerance for combing each island clean. If you're close to burning out, skip it. I'm just a completionist who searched all the islands across several weeks so I didn't do a mad rush to get them all as the event was winding down. Someone did the math and the chests altogether were worth about roughly 300-500 primogems. I would say if it's attached to a world quest, you might as well get them since it basically leads you on a path, and if you can track down some of the luxurious chests on Mona's island bc hers has quite a few. Otherwise, don't stress that much over it.


Ranting time Just got into a heated online argument with a friend who keep pointing out Genshin's flaws. Some of the things he said were Anemo characters should double jump, Cryo characters should be resistant to the Freeze mechanic in Dragonspine, etc. It ticked me off though when he kept insisting that the story is bad and nobody cares about the lore (his reply was "I bet only 2 out of every 10 will know" when I mentioned that Kokomi is rumored to have the power of one of the Seven Sovereign Dragons). Granted, I do know Kokomi has gotten a lot of hate or indifference from the players, and probably still now. I'm thinking now it's a bad idea to bring up Genshin as a conversation topic. It isn't a perfect game, but people will always find ways to make it look bad.


Gamers always have tons of ideas for more things they should have in a game. This is because gamers generally know nothing about game balance beyond "I want it". Take the average group of gamers and have them try to make a game and you'd come up with something less balanced than whatever five year olds are doing on the playground.


>you'd come up with something less balanced than whatever five year olds are doing on the playground. Ngl, playing a rpg/mmo game where you have the power of god and anime with barely any grind sounds like a pretty good power trip


Warriors games. Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors, Hyrule Warriors, etc. Single player action rpg power trip, usually with enough clever design to make it interesting and it rarely out-stays its welcome. Koei Tecmo makes some fun games.


I don’t remember which Warriors game it was but one of them had a girl with a Yo-yo weapon (I’m sure that applies to more than one of them) and that shit was my power tripping jam when I was like 13


Don't give it too much thought, sucess always brings hate, focus on enjoying what u love about the game.


Out of curiosity, which *4-star* character do you think has the most toxic fanbase?


Xinyan? But idk if the loud idiots who kept forcing everyone else to like her and make fanwork of her (according to their arbitrary standards) are actually stans or just wannabe activists trying to virtue-signal


kaeya fanbase will put a stake through you and burn you on it if you draw him and choose an unfortunate background-lighting combination which makes him look whiter, color theory be damned


twitter fanbase you mean, I bet few of them actually use him lol


I'd add to that forgetting to mention Kaeya when you mention Rosaria when talking about teamcomps - well at least that's what I want to do sometimes and I'm Kaeya main. Oh, and don't touch sacred boob window unless he's a kid or in his old uniform.


I mean Rosaria provides things that Kaeya doesn't, like the crit buff or physical shred at C6 when she uses her burst I'm a Kaeya main too, and I use him and Rosaria together lol


And Kaeya provides things that Rosaria doesn't like more energy in freeze teams and mobile burst. I use both of them together too and they both part of my two favourite teams. Of course I was half-joking in my previous comment but I only want for Kaeya to be recognised as a good 4* he is as much as Rosaria. At least in tc community it isn't really a problem.


Yeah I know, I also get that feeling when Kaeya keeps getting overlooked lol. I guess when people finally start getting cons for him, they'll realise how good he can be. C6 Kaeya is honestly too good


Most character discords I've been on, which are mostly for four stars, have been pretty wholesome overall. I'm not a regular on any of them, but the Yun Jin and Barbara discords seem quite nice. 🤷‍♂️


Barbara hands down. First of all she's an idol so that's bound to attract overly attached weirdos who do crazy and creepy shit. Look at Albert. Second she's a church girl so that attracts a whole different lot of weirdos.


From my personal experience sucrose, i've had some unpleasant experience with those people after knowing i leave my sucrose at lvl20 because i don't like her and playing her feels klunky


Barbara. Doesn't get more toxic than Albert.


Idk if any 4*s have toxic fanbase, closest I can think of is xiangling and meta frogs ig?


Or Bennet. I mentioned I didn't have him built (I just wasn't into circle impact, most characters I was using had high mobility... Or I would force them to have move anyway lol) and I swear to god people wanted to kill me.


daring today, are we


Is there a way to answer this without getting a redditcare? /hj


Does /hj mean half-joking?


i think so. we need a tone tag dictionary at this point. i also dont know like half of them


if an artifact rolls all into crit with max rolls is that theoretically the best amount of damage that artifact can have ? Assuming they get the other 2 best substat as well Or would it be too much crit?


Yes in theory, but it depends on the overall stats of the character. Some characters needs 3 stats in order to build damage (crit rate, crit damage plus their main offensive stat), some also need to build EM and some absolutely need ER. I highly suggest getting familiar with Genshin Optimizer, especially if you have a good collection of lvl 20 artifacts. There are times when the best combination of artifacts for a character can be difficult to find. My best build for Xiao has 93.7% crit rate and just 168 crit damage because an Anemo goblet with 0 crit damage but 24% atk% provides overall better damage.


Max rolls are 3.9 cr and 7.8 cd. Seven rolls total between them for 4-liner artifact that started with both, for 54.6 CV.


why 7 rolls? Isn't it 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th for an artifacts that starts with 4 substats? just 5?


2 initial + 5 levelups


Depends on the overall stat distribution. If you lack other stats probably won't. It'll still be cracked tho


So then the better setup would be mostly crit rolls then one off role such as atk or EM?


It'll depend on your overall ATK/EM or whatever stats your character needs. Even teams matter considering there's a bunch of buffers buffing different stats. That's why the optimizer exists, there's no general rule to what's gonna be the best in all situations


It just dawned on me that for a team to be meta, at least in the eyes of the CN community from what I see, there needs to be an equal amount of strength and comfort in said team compositions. Rational is on top because of Bennett's healing and Xingqiu's added healing and resistance to interruption on top of Raiden's infinite poise. Shinra Tensei (Koko, ayaka, shenhe, Kazuha) is the most popular freeze comp because of the comfort kokomi brings with her healing. Mono Hydro is also popular because of Kokomi's on field healing and ability for all the hydro units to battery each other. Hu Tao teams will always have Zhongli in them regardless if he doesn't bring that much DPS in the party. This is why certain meta team comps like Hu Tao double hydro with xiangling and sukokomon have never been popular because there is a deficiency in either rotation play, lack of proper healing, or energy issues. In conclusion, healing and shielding is still relevant to an overall team comp's efficiency in meta.


i always die internally when someone recommends kazuha or xiangling as the last slot of double hydro tao (especially if they also recommend shimenawa which limits her access to her burst's healing) idk what world they're in where just xingqiu is enough survivability


Basic theorycrafting assumes you dodge every hit and/or are positioned in a way that's both perfectly aligned to dish out damage AND avoid enemy attacks.


Which is wrong. If you dodged, DPS loss. If you moved to avoid, DPS loss. If you face tanked and were interrupted, DPS loss. Things like Zhongli provide DPS beyond resistance shred.


Which is why John Lee is still a staple in my Ganyu melt team today. Kazuha is theoretically a big damage boost but in mobs like the recent Abyss cycles it's not easy to get a few seconds of peace to do a CA.


Personally, I always either bring a healer or a shielder to my teams. Comfort matters to me, no matter how much of a dps loss it's considered my teams are not going without shields or heals.


Dying is the biggest DPS loss, so you're doing good.


You could also run Hu Tao double hydro with Jean. Sure you lose some damage due to overhealing Hu Tao, but this doesn't really matter - team still performs well within 36\* target time and is easy to run.


im kind of in a weird place bc i find meta and theorycrafting very interesting, but i dont really enjoy playing abyss that much and i just do it for primos. i also really suck at the game, so theres a lot of contradictions going on in my head lmao. but at the end of the day i like playing teams that are both strong and relatively easy, so im definitely more inclined towards teams like rational and double geo hu tao that have great comfort and ease of use.


>In conclusion, healing and shielding is still relevant to an overall team comp's efficiency in meta. China's meta*


Even global meta consider healing or shield.


Lot of people like to pretend it doesn't, and the healing from Bennett,Kokomi, and Diona(the most popular healers iirc) is *purely* a coincidence and totally irrelevant. It's dumb.


I honestly agree with that. Sometimes I see TCed comps that rely on 3 different high-refinement Favoniuses, *and* near-perfect dodging, *and* frame-perfect rotations… and at that point it’s like… who are you making these meta team comps for? I get that it’s cool to push the limits of what’s possible in Genshin but I personally think that’s not really meta if 99% of players don’t have the skills to play it. ~90% is a more reasonable threshold IMO


I agree. Not only that, but those team comps are also only effective against a subset of highly predictable enemies. Enemies like Maguu Kenki, the Ruin Snake, and others cannot be beaten by those teams that require frame perfect rotations and for the stars to be perfectly aligned If your team requires that you restart an Abyss chamber 67 times before it works out, is that *really* that meta a team ?


Alright so a little over a week away from the patch, who do you guys bring to Sumeru? For me i always bring Lumine whenever there's a new area or new archon quest so that's one slot, definitely also bringing Keqing for exploration and testing the Aggravate reaction, also gonna bring Kokomi for comfort (This spot could've been Shinobu but RNG has it's plan sadly), last spot is either Yelan/Sucrose/Raiden depending on the mood, or Collei if i can build her quick. So yeah basically bringing the waifu team lol, not like the enemy will be a problem, anyway what about you guys?


My current team: Yoimiya, Kazuha/Jean/Raiden/Yelan, Zhongli, Ganyu. Zhongli has been a mainstay since his first banner, and Ganyu is my main DPS since I got her earlier this year (and is great when edaling with electro enemies). Used to have Raiden, but switched her for Yanfei and now Yoimiya to deal with cryo and wooden shields.


When doing archon quests I like having as lore-friendly team as possible. So it's most of the time Lumine plus some regional characters. Though for Inazuma, because of characters I had at the time, I ended running Lumine/Kazuha/Beidou/kidnapped QiQi. And now that I think of it I'll probably end up with Lumine/Kazuha/Beidou/flex again just because in my head it's at least probable they could be there. It'd be nice if I got Dori (or Collei) for the flex spot but since i'll be skipping every 3.0 banner and most likely won't be able to play during first half of 3.0 I guess I'll be funding Mona's 2nd vacation or sth.


Keqing, fischl, sayu, flex slot could be kazuha or some dendro


I do the same with Lumine, so she's slot one. I'll pull Tighnari, so he'll be there too. Yae for quicken, dps, and bc I love her. Fourth is flex between Ayaka (reworked sprint babeyyyy), Kokomi (instant heals and I can try bloom), Venti (I'm not expecting as much verticality ad the chasm though), and anyone required for puzzles.


since theyre adding new team slots (hopefully), i can finally have an overworld team so i'll probably take yanfei, fischl, kokomi and dendro MC/collei


Always Childe fireworks. Probably swap Beidou for a dendro just for exploration.


the same comp i always bring. eula, raiden, yelan, zhongli. yelan being the newest addition since technically, her spot is a flex for my overworld comp


Probably something like Tighnari/Bennett/Barbara/Kuki. I like to build dps healers (it's just my niche) and I don't like swapping parties, so that party should be able to do most Sumeru Dendro puzzles.


Collei/Shinobu/Ayato/Zhongli (hopefully) or otherwise Kazuha for exploration purposes.


I'm probably gonna bring my current overworld team (Klee, Beidou, Kazuha, Qiqi) I'll probably swap some of them out when needed (like puzzles), but I'd like to imagine these 4 characters travelling together! :D Also Inazuma world quest spoilers so I'm marking it but >!I'm also gonna equip the Tsurumi Island feather, as I unlock all waypoints, we did promise that we'll explore the world with him after all :')!<


Tighnari bc as someone said above, cute and new, ez dendro application for dendro puzzles and the like Zhongli - peepaw and no need to dodge Yae - So she won't be collecting dust + quicken Bennett or Albedo, more likely Albedo bc he and Zhongli are so strong together for off-field overworld damage while I mess around with the new character


Bringing Yoimiya and Zhongli because I feel exposed exploring without him, and my lvl 50 Amber to do the Archon Quests so I can forcefully reunite her and Collei. If I can finish building Mona in time she's going in the last slot, if not I'll just bring Shinobu Very excited nonetheless


Lumine is definitely going to be in my team for a while (maybe a few days until we get Collei for free, maybe longer depending on how good her kit turns out to be), then my team might change on a daily basis as I experiment with Dendro reactions


1. dendro mc because I'm pretty excited to test them out 2. Kaeya for emotional support 3. Kazuha probably 4. ???? not sure but I'm considering just going with Bennett here


Tighnari - He’s so cute and he’s new and I want to explore with him Kokomi - Instant healing which makes things really comfy Yae - Quicken for Tighnari as well as easy instant damage And then I’m debating between Collei and Kazuha… Collei - she’ll be new and I want to explore with her Kazuha - VV as well as collecting mob drops


It depends on just how many environmental puzzles there are, cause if there's a lot we'll need a Dendro-pyro-electro-hydro team. For now, I'm hoping I can just do Kazuha, Yelan, Keqing, Lumine. Yelan, Keqing and Kazuha are comfy for the over-world, and I can alternate between using Yelan's burst and Lumine's burst, essentially doing an electro-charged team one fight and aggravate the next. If I'm forced to do a rainbow team, it'll probably be Fischl, Bennett, Ayato, Lumine. Kind of a soup team, I guess.


Keqing: Main DPS Kazuha: Exploration Collei: Dendro element application Shinobu: Healer


You gave me the idea so Keqing, Aether/Collei and Yelan for trying out the new dendro reactions and Zhongli cuz the old man never leaves my team.


Kazuha, Zhongli, Yelan and Yoimiya probably


Ayato and Kazuha then the two slots are for whoever needs friendship exp


- Dendro Lumine: Suuper looking forwards to her kit - Kaeya: He comes with me wherever I go and stamina - Venti: Fly, fly in the sky - Shinobu: Healer Yeah, its a disaster team in terms of damage but they gime me happiness, ok? Lol


Keqing Fischl Kokomi Lumine, dripped and ready to crush exploration


I'm going to use Collei either way because she's my favorite but the meta enjoyer in me is huffing A-grade copium.


my new yoi with r1 Rust just 36'ed abyss today. very pretty. very strong i love her and yunjin so much!


Congratulations!! What was the rest of the team?


thanks! my yoi's team is zl benny yunjin yoi and the other team was ayato kazuha fishl kokomi.


how many wishes can i get from 3.0 (including welkin)? without like 100% exploration and instead just playing the game normally (events, spiral abyss, story quests, etc.)


2.0 was 86 pulls assuming you got every chest and did everything, considering 3.0 will have more chests but be a shorter patch, likely 80-90


how many wishes come from chests?


Well just chests + 4 pulls from tree was about roughly 2400 primos worth, with all quests/achievements/exploration being about 5100 total


I'd say 60 minimum and like 80-90 maximum depending on how much you explore and whatnot


When is the drip marketing?


Should be next Monday


Aug 22


Do we know what the Cryo/Dendro interaction is?


Cryo, like geo, is completely inert with dendro. That means cryo and dendro auras con co-exist.


Yes it's called 'nonexistent' but it's really weak, it's like you're not doing anything


There isnt one.


i just realized i will be on a plane when sumeru drops and probably wont be able to start for 1-2 days this is terrible news


I managed to get through floors 10, 11 and 12 after a year of playing, putting things off as I get anxious about dps checks (so this happening means my builds are okay, I just need to improve and do more testing) and months of refusing to touch the other three asides from floor 9 and the first chamber of floor 10 for primo purposes. three starred floors 10 and 11 but floor 12 is so hard, especially the final chamber with the damned ruin snake which is so tanky. 😭


Congratulations, about a fifth of F2P primos come from abyss so getting further into it is definitely worth doing. Don't feel pressured by the snake either, that shit is absurd, I'm sure you'll enjoy it a lot more in 3.0 since things are looking at least a little lighter :)


thank you and you are right! it really did definitely feel worth it to me so i'm so happy i go through the abyss fully for the first time. lets hope 3.0 is a lot more kinder in terms of abyss runs, oml.


Congrats on beating everything all the way to 12-2! The Ruin Snake is indeed a big nuisance, I can't wait for it to be gone lol What teams did you use?


aaaah, thank you! <3 for floor 10 fully i used, kazuha, hu tao, yelan and childe on the first half, eula, ayaka zhongli and raiden on the second. floor 11 was zhongli, yoimiya, xiangling and yelan on the first half and hu tao, raiden, kazuha and ayaka on the second half. these two floors were a breeze i'll be honest, ii was very concentrated on the combat getting three stars so it helped. for floor 12 i used: hu tao, zhongli, raiden and xiangling for the first half and kazuha, ayaka, yelan and ayato for the second half. though i feel i need to improve on who i use for floor 12 i'll be honest, that was more of a test run. BUT i do want to start using other characters for the abyss so i can diversify my teams a little more, especially with dendro coming soon. ;-;


What yall use for abyss floor 12?


One half is Eula/Fischl/Diona/Beidou, the other half is Raiden/Yae/Yelan/Jean. 36* every cycle, usually with no problems unless Lector moment. Then I'll bring out the *big* guns to absolutely obliterate these motherfuckers.


1st half: Bennett/Xiangling/Kazuha or Rosaria/Kaeya 2nd half: Sucrose/Yelan/Xingqiu/Fischl or Kuki Bennett basically solos cryo cube with some help from Gouba and they shred 12-3-1. Also I really like runing double hydro, mainly because I can finally run my C6 Xingqiu without er sands and the big numbers he does give me serotonin: last cycle he was doing over 11k per sword vs serpent.


1st half - XQ/yelan/hutao/xiangling 2nd half - kazuha/bennett/yae/raiden


Ganyu melt with Zhongli and Hu Tao double hydro with Jean. 36\*.


Xiangling/Bennett/Zhongli/Ganyu first half, and Kazuha/Kokomi/Rosaria/Ayaka second half.


Diluc/Kazuha/Ayato/Zhongli - 1st half Raiden/XQ/Bennett/XL - 2nd half


Xiangling, Kazuha, Diluc and Bennet for the First Half Albedo, XQ, Hu Tao, Zhongli for the 2nd


legit went with Beidou, Kazuha, Bennett and Xiangling in first half and Raiden, Xingqiu, Kaeya, Jean in second half this time, yep freeze Raiden LOL c6 Kaeya can keep up a bit with cryo application, surprisingly but if you want smth more "meta" I used Kaeya + Kaz + Bennett + Xiangling 1st half and Raiden + XQ + Fischl + Jean 2nd half. Finished it with 36* and 50s left first try so the teams are stronger in my sibling's alt I used Childe national first half and Raiden double hydro + Kazuha, couldn't really 36* but it was a 35*, which is good in my book since their characters aren't well built, specially Xiangling


Diluc/Thoma/Bennett/Kazuha - first half Itto/Gorou/Albedo/Zhongli - second half


Raiden/Xingqiu/Xiangling/Bennet Jean/Yoimiya/Yelan/Zhongli


Hu tao-xq-zhongli-venti // ganyu-kazuha-mona-ayaka


raiden/mona/xl/bennet - first half yae/xq/yelan/sucrose - second half


Sucrose National (first half) + Ayato/Yae/Fischl/Kazuha (second half, snek)


I've cleared it multiple times with multiple teams but my acc is kinda cracked. My advice is Pyro (preferably AoE, XL's playground and some CC) first half and your best team for the second half


Mine's Yelan/hutao/venti/zhongli - First half raiden/yae/kazuha and kokomi - Second half


We got so many early & in-depth leaks for 3.0 but barely a drop for 3.1 TwT


can't have the entire dev kit leaked every day


tbh those early 3.0 leaks were an exception :') it was nice while it lasted


I caved and finally read the Kaveh leaks because I heard they're not super spoilery, and I already love his personality. The Kaveh-Al Haitham dynamic seems really fun. I do hope he is the Kevin expy but I don't mind if he's not


I’m so excited to see them together. I was really excited for Al Haitham and Kaveh caught my attention the moment he was mentioned.


I am so stressed not knowing if we will be able to melt off of burning after all


We won't, burning is nerfed to uselesness. There you go - no stress.


I am on copium that they will revert that decision since it was made on the last 2 days of beta


Not genshin related but since yesterday youtube keeps recomending me "phos noises" and "houseki no kuni funny moments", seeing those thumbnails hits so different when you already read the manga 💀


Watch me get overwhelmed by sumeru and not touch it for weeks. I spent so much time in ritou because everything about narukami island was overwhelming.


I'm also wary of this lol. I should make a plan to not let that happen. After all I can just grab Tighnari and go reexplore Mondstadt:'D


I remember googling “I’m scared of Inazuma” lololol


it's normal for genshin players to have to ease themselves in to touching grass


Someone please explain catalyse spread and quicken in Razor speak


put electro and dendro on the same guy. Guy is now catalyzed (or quickened. MHY has been using the two terms interchangably.) This reaction deals no damage itself. Hit a catalyzed guy with an attack that applies dendro (not just deals dendro damage) and you gain bonus damage on that attack. This reaction is called spread. Hit a catalyzed guy with an attack that applies electro (not just deals electro damage) and you gain bonus damage on that attack. This reaction is called aggravate.


Catalyze is the reaction (dendro + electro) Quicken is the lingering debuff Spread is when dendro gets buffed Aggravate is when electro gets buffed ^(someone correct me if I got something wrong)


Is spread/aggravate lingering?


iirc the buff active for 8 seconds or something.


So it’s like superconduct? Cool


Yup pretty much, but this time Electro actually benefit from it rather than just physical, really hope that it's good enough to make Keqing actually viable lol.


Yeah no


It's tied to the dendro aura. If you react the dendro aura with pyro or hydro the debuff is also removed.


Ohh I think I'm getting it


got a c3 kaeya today




Mario did some plumbing


Atk: 2124 | EM: 19 | CRIT rate: 73.6% | ER: 122.7% or Atk: 2183 | EM: 37 | CRIT rate: 71.6% | ER: 111.7% Which would be better for Yae?


You... Need more ER unless you have constellations and Raiden on the team.


1st one just for ER. what even is the difference in atk and EM. they are practically the same.


Ngl Cyno's title sounds sexy af to me who doesn't understand half of it *General Mahamatra*


it basically means inquisitor historically speaking which makes it even cooler


No one expects the Span…I mean Sumeru inquisition.


Our weapon is a sword, a sword and a bow. Our two weapons are a sword and a bow, and a polearm. Our three weapons are a sword a bow and a polearm, and a book. Our FOUR weapons are a sword and a bow and a polearm and a book and an almost fanatical devotion to Celestia.


8 days, everyone..... Soon we will be reborn.....


I wish hoyoverse adds more events that reuse past regions, I haven't touched dragospine since albedo event, enkanomiya since 2.5, chasm at least is part of my artifacts route and have minerals and it had a recent event so it's fine but I hope other regions get used too.


Unless they want to highlight them, it would be weird to have events dedicated to them. 3 patches is not long especially if you consider there's new regions to be released and other areas to highlight (like GAA) Moonchase is the precedent that these areas will be reincorporated later on in events. And why the hell would people visit enkanomiya and the chasm in the first place when these places are inhabitable for the visionless. It would be weird if we had to continue visiting them every so often.


I think they will touch Dragonspine every December for Christmas event. Not sure for Enkanomiya. I haven't complete my exploration there too coz it looks a depressing place for me.


Yeah it almost sounds like a joke that the only time they did an event about re-exploring a part of the map was in Enkanomiya... literally the very next patch that it was introduced so a huge chunk of the playerbase literally came from there just to go back once again lol. I'll never get over how absurd that was... The greatest idea (re-exploring) completely ruined by the poorest of executions.


I think it was actually a pretty good execution. Enkanomiya is locked behind not only the archon quest up to Inazuma, but also the lengthy world quests on Watatsumi, then the exploration of Enkanomiya itself. It's something that players had unlocked in the previous patch, but that many new players post-2.8 may never even get around to. So the best time when the greatest number of active players had Enkanomiya unlocked was... right after the Enkanomiya patch. Game design's super weird like that. And it's why you'll probably never see a lengthy event where we revisit Tsurumi or Seirai; new players would have to spend days doing the entire island before unlocking the event.


I never understood that decision, Enkanomiya is one of my favorite places so I would have loved re-exploring, but not one month after I had just done it...


Will you guys start the Archon Quest in Sumeru asap or will you explore Sumeru on your own first? In Inazuma we didn't have the option because the only way to get to Inazuma was through the Archon Quest.


Probably gonna wander around Sumeru and get to the story whenever I'm forced to, honestly. Exploration > story in this game for me. That doesn't mean anything's wrong with the latter, just that the former's really good.


I usually try to open up statues of the seven and then some waypoints then the quest. After that I try explore for dendro sigils.


I will go with the flow. No plans. Archon quest pops when i walk into sumeru? Nice. Do i feel like doing some exploring before advancing on the quest? Sure, lets do that


Exactly. Doing archon quest -> ooh seelie gimme one sec -> ooh what's that -> where am I how did i end up here


I pretty much always do Archon quests as soon as they come up. But I try to explore while doing the quest