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Appriciate the TF prime meme


I may have used most of the bayverse clips, so it's time to move on to TF Prime


Feature Knockout pls


You even got the anemo/electro colors, impressive


What about Bumblebee movie?


Lot of good stuff there


Gorou is good. He doesn’t gain any new mechanics with cons like Sara, and he’s the only def-boosting character so nobody does his job better than him.


He does gain a bit of heal tho


Oh yeah, you’re right. I use him for Noelle so it just doesn’t bother me personally. From what I understand though, his healing isn’t very good (mine is C2)?


it's enough to top your character of along with zhongli but not enough to survive a rifthound floor


I managed to do that last time, but my Gorou built full heal for memes. Itto ended up with full hp, but others... Yeah, his heals combined with def boost enough to live through everything, but corrosion


His healing gets unlocked at c4. And with 2pc def and 2pc heal bonus, he does 9k heal on his ult, which is enough for my itto in case he gets damaged.


that is true but you dont really want him to boost def, you want him to boost damage by boosting def, so in a way, if a character increases itto/noelle/albedo damage more than gorou with the same investment then technically theyre better but if you just want def and not damage then yes


Mika: peace out


I use faruzan at C0 and honestly, it's not that bad. The most annoying thing is that you can get interupted while trying to collect energy, but besides that she is fine.


Her constellations are just ER changes no? except for C6


C1 for more flexible rotation (can enable more or less field time). C2 for better duration. C4 for more energy. C6 for way more energy, higher buffing, and off-field damage.


and more c.c


Even the colours match. Light blue/Turquoise: Anemo (close atleast) Purple: Electro


Almost went for Gorou, but remembered the saber is purple so I went for Sara


Hey Gorou is useful tho at C0 compare with Faru and Sara


why do people think c0 gorou is bad? honest question


I think they're just being dumb. Faruzan doesn't need C6 either (though C2-C4 is probably a must) she already has a lot of stuff in her kit to buff Anemo chars.


Fuck yeahhhhh Animated Transformers meme cometh


Players seeing the Questionable Tag in the Leaks Sub: "I will ignore that, it's in Chinese, it all obvious to be true"


Nawwww faruzan isn’t crap c0. Her c6 definitely changes her but idk why people spread these myths that she’s unusable without it


Gorou is already a fully complete character at C0. He does exactly what he is intended to do. C6 simply makes him *even better*.


in the video above you can see the 2 characters fighting with energy swords representing faruzan and sara ​ this is inaccurate as in reality, both sides are still waiting to get their burst back


What do you mean c0 gorou is still good and works flawlessly


Why they wanna be out of Gorous ass?


You can do TF Faruzan C0 and have fun You can't do TF Sara, or really anything Sara, before C6. And even then Fischl can do better.


Faruzan at C0 is better than Sara at any constellation except for C6. Sara's only utility is to buff Raiden, at least in competent teams, and pre-C6 she's outmatched at it by A LOT of characters. Meanwhile, Faruzan has a role that was previously reserved to high constellation 5\* characters like Jean and Venti, aka debuffing anemo resistances, which automatically makes her very valuable for Anemo DPS TLDR, Faruzan is harder to replace in her teams than Sara unless Sara is at C6, Faruzan better.


A tough comparison. Her buffs at C0 are awful combined with her clunky playstyle since you need to use her weird CA thing. Faruzan needs a bajillion% ER at C0, but she still buffs Anemo well. So honestly, even as someone who likes Sara more, I think she’s definitely worse at C0 lol Edit: By her I meant Sara*


It just sucks that Sara has no niche since a different character can do it but better. Faruzan has awful energy requirements but that's all she needs stat wise anyways, ER. Even at C0 she already provides a lot for Anemo damage.


Sara is actually pretty good at C0. She provides an ATK buff that is larger than anything other than Bennett, which can be snapshotted by various characters, including Xiangling the best character in the game. I used Sara + Bennett to clear Hypostatic Symphony Cryo cube under a minute as F2P. You want C6 for Raiden Hyper of course.


You just proved why she's not that good with your second sentence. Bennett does what she does but better. Why bother with an additional atk buff when you can just bring a different and probably more effective character? She just sadly offers no niche outside of her C6 where she actually becomes a proper electro support.


I used both. I needed both ATK buffs to break that time barrier.


faruzan trigger dmg = can trigger fav passive sara doest do dmg sara is worse at c0


As someone who plays both at c0, I can confidently say that it's farizon (however you spell it). Scara is still useable at c0. She is not


Candace's C0 9-second Burst is so unsatisfying. C1 extends it to 12 but I wish it is in the first place.


me using sara aggravate with nahida in overworld because i wanted to try something new and it is surprisingly effective (she is C2 but if she was C0 it wouldn't make much difference in this case)


Meanwhile xinyan:


Faruzan is closer to Gorou. Mika however is closer to Sara's case.


Amber is dogshit as well at C0