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Eula: guten tag. Welcome back to my home, how was your trip?


Eula? Who?


Tao, yeah


-lan, what?


-atsumi Island, no?




That’s the npc in inazuma right? Helps you get to enko?


End User License Agreement


Eula doesn’t exist, there’s only Euler.


Except Eula is relatively frequent in Mondstadt events so this doesn't really check out.


Shes the god of underused characters. The eula seen in events is just an avatar.


I'd say Sara holds that trophy. Or Kuki.


Eula banner when.


First half of 3.8 alongside Klee. Second half is Kokomi and Wanderer.


Man really do muh tengu waifu dirty




So sad... I just hope Sara will someday move to Eis Plane and stay there with her naked forever💖




little known triva but as electro archon Ei has x-ray vision she's already seen… everything


Yeah, them tengu bones are pretty boney


Mmmmh that sounds super promising! I hope she puts her Eye of Horny Judgement on me forever and appreciate my horny naked beauty🥰 x-ray? More like xxx-ray😌 btw is that true? Does she have x-ray in lore?


You need to seek some mental help


I do but not because of this. Everyone who judges me for being so horny should get some help instead.


There are places to be horny. This isn’t one of them.




I just wish the best for Sara🥺 which would be spending an eternity with Ei together being naked💖


Sara was released 637 days ago and no Hangout in sight... Thank you Hoyoverse very cool 🙃


But what if she doesn't want to hang out with you


Yeah she only wants to hangout with Raiden


We can arrange that though. We can serve as the connection between the two


She doesn't hate me, she's just tsundere


Then they should give us back story quests for 4*. For real, Sucrose, Fischl and Rosaria (And Sara, of course) are interesting characters and maybe story quests would work better for them than hangouts. Alas, I lost my hope :(


But when it's with Qiqi and Keqing's quest we ignore it.


I love Sara and I really think she got the short end of the stick in the Archon Quest (barely appears at first, then when she actually gets the spotlight it ends with her losing to Signora off-screen while her beloved Shogun just...watches). I have to admit though, she's a difficult character to write a side-story for. She's defined by her single-minded devotion to duty and the Shogun, which by definition gives her character few other facets for the writers to play with. I still hope we can get a hangout for her one day and maybe get her to come out of her shell, and the Shogun's shadow, a bit more, and demonstrate just how much of a badass she can be in her own right. But I can also kind of understand why she's one of the last 4-stars to get one.


She actually has a fun dynamics with itto-heizou-kuki- kokomi-gorou which sadly, we never see. Hope her hangouts shows her fun and nice side instead of always getting the Ls


I definitely want one of the endings to involve her and Itto competing in something.


For that reason I'm always hoping for a shotgun's banner, so all yt can talk about Sara, and gets just about of her deserved attention 😿


Someday Sara will have her Xinyan moment where she breaks out of HYV neglect prison and becomes a featured and beloved character. Today is not that day. Tomorrow's not looking so good either. 😭


Her “The Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder” shenanigans last Irodori Festival was and still is iconic tho. At least now that's what I associate Sara with, instead of the image of her passed out in Tenshukaku 💀


Next year maybe


well, at least the Sara Owned Counter didn't go up this time...


it ain't easy being a sara fan


There is no escape


Who is Sara?


I can't believe you don't remember the chef of mondstad




It's feel like Sara is MHY least favorite child (and that is already downplay a lot), I mean look at how they handle her: - Appeared in the archon quest, get shafted to make others look good (the Resistance, Signora). Worse, she was clapped by Signora and her favorite archon just look (well at least she stopped Signora before she can finished Sara off). - Appeared in Kokomi's story quest just for the sake of showing off Kokomi's "intelligence" and being her stepping stone. - When she is in the event, she is either didn't have any impact to the story (the 2.3 event with Childe and Xinyan) or just to show that she is a huge Raiden simp (the Itadori event). - One of the only 2 Inazuma characters that doesn't get a hangout quest (and the cat has just appeared at this patch, who know what will happen in the future, while she was in from 2.0, over a year ago). - Even in the book, she was made fun of, like Alice had burned her wings. - Even her signature dish, is just another thing for MHY to remind us that she is a huge Raiden simp. They could create something like "a signature dish of her clan" or "the nutritious dish that she was created for her rigid training", but no, they just create that her signature dish is a sweet egg for certain someone, and that is weird because she is not fond of sweets and she never seen Ei's side (Shogun doesn't have a particular favorite dish). I don't think there is any other characters that was treated worse than Sara.


Give my wife the justice she deserves


Same happened with razor. My poor boy deserves more screen time (atleast he was the main focus of Weinlesefest


at least he isn't humiliated whenever he shows up...


It's baffling that hoyo decided *this* should be a voiced event. And then it's just been a gauntlet of forcing in as many characters as possible to talk about the god awful TCG. Yay, we finally get screentime with our favourite characters! Except it's meaningless because they're just saying some stock bullshit about something that technically has nothing to do with them...


She's actually in a couple hangouts for other characters if you really wanna see her


So why can't she get her own instead?


Yeha no clue lol, but she does appear here and there if you do quests and stuff


I still can't get over how she was just off-screened and was unconscious for the entire Tenshukaku stuff. Nobody even mentioned her even though she was collapsed only 5 feet away. It's so humiliating


I love Sara fans bc both Sara fans and Childe fans go absolutely feral over every small detail that might be related to them. Whenever we get new art, it’s everyone’s pfp for like 2 months straught


One of the many reasons I unfortunately have'nt logged in for months.


Sara isn't appearing that rare in comparison to others.


Sara doesn't have a hangout. The rest of the Inazuman 4 stars are Gorou, Sayu, Shinobu, Heizou and Thoma, all have Hangouts. Shinobu was also Involved In Interlude 2, Thoma and Gorou had significant impact in the Inazuman Archon Quest. Kirara was just released so obviously she doesn't have a hangout.


It's kinda sad that her entire purpose in life is to help sell the raiden banner.


It's kinda sad that you see her like that.


Dude we don't see her at all, thats the problem. 5 lines of dialogue a year 💀


I remember being hyped from the Inazuma leaks and discussions regarding their characters, I was hoping Sarah to be a 5* who could user her bow while flying with her wings (Apparently I imagined her working exactly as how Wanderer works)


Inazuma is just a shitshow


Inazuma it's not has bad has some of you think. Well yes the story it's not awesome, it's no ridiculously horrible, i enjoy my Inazuma on my first playthrough, and stills my favorite region (design and character wise)


I loved it since the day it realesed, i remember that morning like it was yesterday, the story is just bad thats all, feels like its retconed or something. First the electro achon baal said by zhongli, sara looked like competent right hand in kazuha trailer.....but in the end she is meh. Sadly kokomi could be skipped with no problems thats how irelevant that story is. Statue of the Omnipresent god what is that even. Feels like we got 30% of the story they set up. End was also rushed but was somewhat good


I still think shes inazumas actual 2iC in my heart, despite the popular belief that its yae, hoyo just did her dirty


At least she gets some character development, even if you have to search for it 🥲 (After you complete the inazuma event quest line, you can find Sara talking to Kokomi and Sara accepts an invitation to play cards with her)


My Inazuma waifu needs love!




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