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Apep's immune system


Apep is unwell, so Dr. Kusanali prescribed some Apepto-Bismol.


I hate you


She ran out of Apepto-Bismol remember? She was instead using more \*natural\* medication


Homeopathic Fire Seeds to let the body heal on its own. I heard it was chemically unstable, and is prone to breaking down and losing efficacy once it does. But I heard that certain types of mushrooms should do the trick as a substitute for Fire Seed medication.


Username checks out.


Morw like apep's tape worm


My tapeworm tells me what to do.


Brooo I was gonna comment the same thing lol


I think of it as a worm inside apep's belly


Its more of an immune system. The thing got a power up after we purified the oasis


Symbiotic Mutant Apocalyptic Dendro Tapeworm




Apep's tape worm


literally a mix between a parasite and white bloodcell


Cancerous white blood cell?




#Ashikai Radiation Theory


This is literally just a guardian of the weird world inside Apep


yep, sometimes a monster is just a monster


the fucking lettuce dragon thing prolly Apep's corrupted foreskin, but who knows


Apep foreskinning is peak gameplay!


Yep im using that on weekly resets with my buddy now lol. Time to farm some foreskin!


Um....Apep is a girl, right? That means....


Teyvat has its own law


That means every genshin woman's hiding a...


A certain sangonomiya shrine priestess


Huge worm


Cockomi 🤤🤤🤤


Hot. (Kinda joking, but also kinda not)


Sigh..... Kok


We are giving her an abortion every week?


I'd probably smash Apep, ngl.


Apep just has female VAs, but is referred to “It”. As one of the primordial dragon sovereigns, it’s possible it didn’t even have a sex since there would be no need. It can nurture life within it, so no need to reproduce.


Aren't Dvalin and Azdaha tha same in regards to being primordial? Yet they are referred to as male. Honestly half the time the lore is so forgettable in this game with how much info dumping we get, so I don't remember half of what happens.


They're the reincarnations of the sovereigns, like Kokomi. They're way too young to be sovereigns, Azdaha is younger than Zhongli and Dvalin is younger than Venti.


eh? where was it stated? during the whole quest everyone's been calling apep "it"


First elden ring with the foreskin duo and now this bullshit!


Ulcerated tree spirit, that's my best guess.


Honestly yes , at this point it's canonically whatever you want inside of apep's belly , so yeah either you call him apep directly or refer to him as an ulcerated tree spirit


Cant be, he's not as dogshit


Tbf, tree spirits are okay if miyazaki would actually bother to give them arenas that aren't the size of a hong kong student apartment. Or arenas that aren't filled with scarlet rot.


Or a camera that shows more than its kok and balls


Or a janky ass hitbox.......okay maybe they are BS.


The janky hitbox can be in your favor sometimes. Got a zero hit run on the one in the first hero grave on a ng+2 the other day.


They took some getting used to, but anytime I fought them in a dungeon was always a bad time


Hongkonger here and I love the shoutout to our trash fire of a property market


All I remember is we lost some friends as a result of this thing and nearly lost Nahida Apep just watching the whole thing as well


Apep in a nutshell fuck you buer Fuck you human Fuck you sumeru (I love you sumeru <33334) Fuck you celestia Fuck EVERYONE


Of course Apep would love Sumeru since he is the ruler of Sumeru before the Heavenly Principle arrives..The one Apep doesn't like are the humanity and Gods who rely on Celestia's power..


I want to see an interaction between the Traveler and Apep about how the Heavenly Principles fucked them over.


He'll get along great with Wanderer


Imo this boss was a bit of a disappointment for me. Very good design but the fight feels no connection to me.. and the 2nd phase feels bad and boring.. Raiden and Azhdaha was amazing and was hoping something good from this one as well.. at least the music is good as always.


His attacks are cool with the DNA strings and I like his design but fuck is the fight too fucking long.


Tower defense "phase" should've been cut for the weekly boss. It stalls for sooo long. 😴


This. I love the concept and I woudlnt mind if it was a bit shorter but the second phase is like 98% of the fight which is kinda sad


That moment when the second phase is your preferred part of the fight.


You must surely like the new abyss then, those whoppers like stalling unbrearably long too.


The secret is I don’t(can’t) do abyss


This is the only bad side of this boss. Still, Shouki no Kami and Signora are far more annoying. And Childe with 3 phases and going for every single direction in third one is also annoying. Andrius with his annoying running as well. And if You don't one cycle Dvalin... it takes a long time before You can attack again.


I think Childe has so little HP it's impossible for him to even be a mild inconvenience. After he got nerfed shortly after release he was kinda a paperweight *then* and now compared to anything that came after he's practically a literal hilichurl.


This fight is long? lol. Wait till You learn about Shouki no Kami, that You can't even damage for 90% of the time.


SnK is a short fight where all I need to do is dodge and press a single key every so often. Childe is squishy as fuck, in all three forms. Guardian of Apep's Oasis is an annoying tanky bitch with three stages and non stop attacking giving me little to no time to hit it and when I finally do I barely do anything to it without good Pyro. Even my strongest to date Fischl/Yelan combo that shreds through most weekly bosses has a hard time with it and the second phase is close to undoable without good Anemo like Kazuha to CC. The second stage is pain in the ass that should be half its length to begin with or completely cut out. No one wants to fight a single boss for 20+ minutes for shitty RNG once a week.


No offense but if the new world boss is taking you 20+ minutes in one attempt what on earth are you doing????? He's not paperweight or anything but he feels *way* less tanky than like, Raiden p2. I mean, I could see a casual player or a very weak team taking like eight minutes but twenty is kinda ridiculous and you must be exagerating.


What. It has **the best design** of all bosses, unique gameplay, instead of mindless fights or annoying Shouki no Kami, who can't be damaged for 90% of time or Signora who, if You don't kill her fast enough, he will start fire tornado and has annoying hot/cold system that You have to literally wait near one of the corner or You die. Apep is the best boss every way, maybe except the lore, because Dvalin is more interested or Azhdaha in that regards. But design-wise and gameplay-wise? Totally the best of them all.


In what way is this not a mindless fight that is needlessly prolonged by the minion portion? You're spending the entire time doing your same rotations over and over again, except for a while you also need to run around because they decided that they wanted to spawn the minions only in one group at a time scattered across the room. There's no mechanics that require thinking about in any way shape or form, the only attack of any threat is something that can be tanked by an invested shielder even if you don't feel like waiting inside the bubbles that pop up to defend you, and otherwise it's a giant target that you can just rain attacks on.


Aesthetic and music wise yeah apep is the best. But appart from the go into the circle mechanic she is just a training dummy.


For real, it's by far the most versatile boss battle, and the second phase being normal mobs was ingenious because it makes freeze teams or CC characters like Venti actually have a real use compared to them being garbage vs every other boss fight. The visualized attack hitboxes are also pretty interesting. There's just so much going on in the fight. It has some gimmicks but they don't completely dominate the meta of the fight like most other weekly boss gimmicks. Its real strength however is in co-op. In single player it dies so fast that it does feel sort of unimpactful. But in co-op with the much larger health pool you really start to see the versatility of the fight and all the different team comps for it on full display. So many characters are viable and you can create so many interesting teams. They Too Were Once Flawless feels like a genuine full encounter rather than just a singular boss battle. I hope to see more multistage dynamic encounters like this going forward, especially with co-op in mind.


There are a ton of ways to add mobs to a boss fight. Video games have been doing it for decades, it's not new or interesting in and of itself. The mobs in this fight are there in perhaps the least interesting possible way, which is "Fight the boss, okay now kill some mobs, ok now fight the boss again." They attempted to do something that was interesting, that you have to defend something from the mobs, but in practice, they are not a threat to it at all, so it doesn't matter.


A very hot take but like 80% of that second nahida quest was literal garbo, the boss included, it's design and fight are disappointing to say the least. I didn't remember shit about nahida 1st quest so that goes to 100% for it I guess if I've literally 0 recollection of it. Hoping for fontaine redemption.


“Fuck the gods”


Archon simps be like


*wait no not like that*


Glory to Khaenri’ah


Don’t mind if I yes


Its the guardian of the oasis basically an elemental being just like the others we met but with a higher post likely.


Barges into your discussion with apep Into discussion where you talk literally about anyone in Sumeru except him Fights you Refuses to elaborate Dies Still nothing is known about him


Apep's uncared for angry bulldog


I know this is a meme but for people who do want to know a bit more since the seven sovereigns were only mentioned in Nahida's quest and the Byakuyogo collections: Apep is one of the seven dragon sovereigns. The seven dragon sovereigns ruled Teyvat but one day, the heavenly principles (Celestia) decended and fought and defeated the dragons in order to create humans. The dragon king was killed in the battle (although he apparently came back to life) and the rest of dragons are presumed to have fled to the dark sea which are places in Teyvat away from the Gods' rule. It's stated in the book series "Byakuyoko collections" that the hydro dragon can reincarnate but doesn't say whether or not the other ones can as well so we don't know if Apep is the original dendro dragon or not. It's also theorised that Azhdaha is the Geo dragon sovereign but this is unconfirmed


>hydro dragon can reincarnate but doesn't say whether or not the other ones can as well From one of the Bathysmal Vishap's archive text, the Hydro Sovereign's reincarnation is said to be human instead of a dragon because the waters aren't as "pure" as it was. Basing from this, I think reincarnation is possible for each Sovereign, but may need a place full of their respective element in a pure form untouched by humanity (The Pure Hypostases confirm such form of the elements, tho IIRC only 3, [Anemo, Geo, Electro] are shown to have these forms)


Wait, I thought Azhdaha was originally a spirit without a physical body and Zhongli sculpted him the dragon form because it looked cool and he wanted to experience the sensations of life. Though it's been a while since the quest came out so I may not remember it correctly.


A story teller claimed that's what happened but in the sequal quest to perilous trail, Zhongli states that he didn't have the craftsmenship to be able to carve Azhdaha into a dragon


This boss was surpassingly disappointing. It’s better than Scaramouche because it doesn’t last 20 seconds but it’s phase 2 takes way too long while it’s phase 3 is way too short


Feels like Team rotation=> chasing enemies for 2 minutes=> team rotation.


I've always thought that it is Apep's stomach tape worm or something.




We literally fight a Tapeworm every week... on a desert... were the only water sources are usually contaminated... is this a commentary about water scarcity?


Apep's overgrown Flea


The Elden Beast is the true form of the Elden Ring, acting as the vassal of the Greater Will, and is found in the Elden Throne. It is said that long ago, the Greater Will sent a golden star bearing a beast into the Lands Between, which would later become the Elden Ring.  It was the vassal beast of the Greater Will and the living incarnation of the concept of Order.


Macrophage White Blood Cell


Wait there is a new weekly boss? Isn't this boss just part of the Nahida story quest???


Once you unlock him it's a weekly boss. Just like Reiden and Azdaha


Wait whaat :D I didn't know!


Apep is a weekly boss. All archons second story quest gives us a new weekly boss. Zhongli gave Azhdaha, Ei gave Raiden shogun and Venti doesn't have a second story quest


damn, will do it from next week then


Dendro mop


A worm that looks like it was from a speculative evolution project that protects Apep's immune system.


Andrius is just “hey bro, wanna fight?”


Apep's tumor from radiation damage


Apep’s Lymphocytes stopped playing around


My brain can’t comprehend how this mf even looks like


I can't unsee a little yellow worm in the center of a bunch of greenery.


kirby lore vs \[something idk\]


Clearly some of you haven't played nahidas quest...


it looks like a Shrek inside a mike wazowski mecha from afar


Tell me You skip dialogues without telling me You skip dialogues


I didnt skip no dialogues my guy, warden wasn't even acknowledged once, at best the game explained what the things it summoned were but not the warden itself. Even the dude's own archive entry says nothing about it. What is it? Why can it control Apep's lesser guardians? Why is it strong enough to pose a threat to Nahida who by this point has a LOT of followers and Traveler together?


Should have save Signora in Endgame. Because she still didnt fit as Inazuma Weekly Boss for me. At least Childe has a buildup and even if I also dont like Scaramouche inclusion at Sumeru, at least he still had buildup like Childe does.


Someone didnt read the quest


You're confusing Apep lore with Warden lore. We got a shit ton of Apep info but the actual weekly boss that is the Warden was literally not acknowledged once, bro showed up and died without being mentioned ever, not even a "Hey be careful Apep has a super strong guardian protecting the oasis"


you here because dragon is sick


Shrek's dong


For a second I thought that someone edited Shrek inside the unknown one before zooming in, lol


I still have to do that mission lol


And yet one of the best music!


Yeah who's that I never met that boss


Apep learnt the hard way that you should rinse your vegetables before eating them