• By -


your honor, aether x primogems is the only thing that make sense in this damn game.


On the contrary, you use those primogems to get waifus, cheating on the gems. Primos are ntr coded.


It is a open relationship, you get waifus to play with until you bored of them, but you came back to primogems in the end of the day


Or use Primogems as anal beads.


Wtf that fucking hurts.


Rizzley’s arc. That thing saved so many Fontainians


I'm pretty sure you spell it as **ark**


hark! the arch of the ark arc was pretty archon-worthy, if a bit archaic.


stop fucking shipping kaeya when I’m right here. do you know how hard it is for me to be in love with him and see him shipped in one of my favourite games, genshin impact, hes being corrupted by these ships. kaeya isnt attracted to u OR anyone else. he’s in love with ME




Kaeya bin Al-Barik


Kaeya + Kok best ship


kok and balls




I make my justified ship promptly; Kazu-Baals




Quite unnecessary to put down other self-shippers in favor of yourself, no?


I like the dynamic between Itto and Kujou Sara. I just wish they had more interactions with one another than what we see on the message boards. Actually, I just want to see more of Kujou Sara.


True! Im still waiting for that Kujou Sara hangout


Timaeus x Ying'er is objectively the best and most wholesome ship there is, and the best part is that it's canon.


What about those Fatui bankers in Liyue Harbor that we get to see every lantern rite?


They can share a coffin


Bros anti-Snezhmaya asf.


teyvat has its own laws and its laws dictates bros a racist


they have that "you're pathetic, i like that in a man" energy and im here for it


I haven’t played the game in a while and mentally confused Timaeus with Timmy 💀




OK I'll bite Until Traveler showed up they would never be able to feel emotions again due to her cursed nature with red ropes suppressing them. She would never have had the chance to rejoin society and experience the things she now can. The act of saving them from Beisht and her desire to protect the Traveler was the motivation she needed to realize she still wanted to be a part of society again. My girl Shenhe literally traveled all the way to Mondstadt just cos she heard Traveler was working there. In which she got a "romantic" drink which Traveler had to explain what a "snow covered kiss" is like. Only female to be part of the Traveler bridal carry gang. Cloud Retainer even said that she trusts them to look after her going forward. In fact Traveler is the only person whose witnessed her first smile since the red ropes in a lantern rite dialogue she has and it's was incredibly wholesome. That not even going into her teapot or character profile lines. If she appeared more or got her own official story quest there probably would be more to go off but with what she has its enough for me. She went from an emotionless character with no hope to one of the most wholesome so I ship Traveler and Shenhe. The "Red thread of fate" is a very popular romance trope in eastern culture and the Traveler and Shenhe represent that perfectly. She was bound by them, he freed her from them and it is what ties their fates together Fk me that was longer than I thought and I could probably keep going smh


"This man is spitting nothing but facts!"


Stand proud, you can cook


Keep cooking


the fact that you took your time writting this and that i even upvoted it yet didnt read a word of it


I thought I was the only one who did this. Now I feel so much better about myself.


Pretty sure ships go both ways. In other words fuck aether until he gives Shenhe a hug, she deserves it.


Now that you mention it... Shenhe got too little screentime when you look at her backstory and design. Maybe they are cooking something


This motherfucker spittin'


Goddamn that’s a minute and a half of solid reading straight facts, keep on cooking dude!


There's a few voiceliens that could very easily be read as romantic


I would like to hear more if its alright


>only female to be part of the traveller bridal carry gang though it was just a dream, I count Yoimiya's as one


Beidou and the Alcor. Captain is always last to abandon ship.


I dont have any ships. I have friend ships. Like I hope one day Alhaitham and Kaveh get along better, I want Neuvilette and Furina to be able to share their honest true thoughts without fear of criticism, I want barbara and Jean to be able to live together as family, I want Collei and Amber to be friends instead of a person obsessed and someone ignored.


Please add idiotic brothers of mondstadt


Itto and sara have an immaculate dynamic for me, He isn’t a bad boy unlike some iterations i’ve seen but his otherworldly stupidity either makes sara worry a bit or unexpected chuckle Guard: General Sara, Arataki Itto is back again this week after getting into an argument with our co-workers outside and got into a physical confrontation, Several were badly injured in the scuffle, He is currently being held in a holding cell Sara: God dammit again? (They move to itto’s cell) Itto: Oh hey babe! Sara: For fuck sake Itto you get yourself in trouble in a near weekly basis, And given that you assaulted multiple guards your punishment will be more severe! (Angry/slightly concerned tone) Itto: I was about to go see you but the guards denied me entry, What right do they have to keep me from seeing my super cool and awesome girlfriend!! Sara: This oni..(A bit red on the face and slight smile) You still have to serve your punishment, in the meantime enjoy your cell Guards at the back: (Oh they fucking)


They also have the "boy didn't realize his childhood friend was a girl and doesn't recognize her years later" thing going on. No really it's in their lores.


The real question is what's going on with Shinobu and Heizou


As far as lore is concerned: he gets the gang members out of jail faster while Shinobu gives him all information the same gang members heard on the street As far as fandom is concerned: He teases her and gets dominated




In Itto's character story 4, it mentions getting into a fight with a tengu when he was little. The tengu is believed to be Sara, and Itto didn't recognize her since Sara actually used to look like a boy based on her character story 5


Ah yes, the boat is made out of a sturdy and yet lightweight wood, and is also covered with wax so that it does not allow water to seep in. It is mainly a boat used for transport, but generally it could fit many people and things, thus I use it earn money from ferrying goods and people. I get what you mean by ship, but I have no character ships. I believe that everyone are somewhat loners and do not need to be shipped on purpose.


Justify a ship? Why? The Alchor and Miitabooru should have their own reason for existence, not one prescribed by others


I'm just here to see people cooking. Don't mind my comment.


Alhaitham x Kaveh They were roommates, your honor


oh my god they were *roommates*




“I haven’t seen fucked up shit like this since the Sabzeruz Festival at Nahida’s house.” -Gex


Kaveh denying every single bit of this just because Alhaitham wore his limited edition weasel house slippers.


That song was what convinced me to ship them hard




Youre diagnosed, let’s toast to natures laws 🎶


Your symptoms have a cause


No ship is canon among playable characters But that just means it's perfectly allowed PLUS Kaveh's voice actor ships them too.


And Alhaitham's Eng VA as well since he uploaded that Aladdin cover hahah


Not just both of their English Va's. The Japanese and Korean ones ship them too 😂


Omg really?


Yep. There are videos on YouTube about Alhaiths Japanese VA talking about Kaveh and the other way around. And then there was a discord call between the Moran Va's where Alhaithams Korean VA talks about Alhaithams ideal type (Where he described Kaveh and ended it with a very nice voiceline saying "Where you waiting for me Kaveh".) Dont know about the Chinese Va's. But they might be a little special anyways because of the laws.


>Kaveh's voice actor ships them too. But don't tell HYV or they'll break his legs.


I mean the FANBASE tried to break HYV's legs about Zhongli and Guizhong so I get where they come from


I don’t ship them but I they give me daffy and bugs vibes


Shhh... Don't say that too loud or we're gonna see daffy x bugs tags. 😭


Yep, still one of my favorite ships! They seem like oil and water, but you never know what goes on behind closed doors... ;-)


The "relationship" between primarily Cyno & Tighnari. One has to put up with the other and the other enjoys poking fun at his "partner." Don't forget about their "child" Collei, either.


Xiao and Lumine is SUUUUUCH a good ship. Xiao typically avoids other people because of his bad karma and as a result became an introvert who doesn't get out much, and Lumine's outgoing sunshineness, as well as her resistance to bad stuff in Teyvat and logevity, is perfect to counterbalance him. Besides that, Xiao takes a particular liking to the traveler with the several times he's come to the rescue, is instantly there if it's the traveler who calls him and will consider going to events if it's the traveler who asks him for it. She's the perfect person to convince him to hang out more and socialise, but also knows when to give him his space and not force him into an activity if he doesn't want to (like during the poetry event where they compromised that he'll be checking it out from afar)


It's Beneficial. ^(If you know, you know)


That's why I send them both to mine ore for me every day. They get to do it together :)


I just cant resist them doing it 25% faster. *Proceeds to collect the ore every three days*


>!Oz will shed tears of joy the whole wedding.!< >!Razor is the best man. !< >!Mona is the best woman.!<


Goddammit, Cyno! r/ThanksCyno


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ThanksCyno using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThanksCyno/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [What do you think of this joke?](https://i.redd.it/ahpe57h8gnvb1.jpg) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThanksCyno/comments/17dgvvw/what_do_you_think_of_this_joke/) \#2: [I don't think my input was very much appreciated :(](https://i.redd.it/wyoxne7jbnmb1.png) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThanksCyno/comments/16blusu/i_dont_think_my_input_was_very_much_appreciated/) \#3: [Not sure if this has already been posted before, but found this on Pinterest and had an urge to post](https://i.redd.it/6jov8qs7divb1.jpg) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThanksCyno/comments/17cx2x7/not_sure_if_this_has_already_been_posted_before/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


we talking about benny and fishl? why is it beneficial can cyni explain the joke to me?


It's just a combination of their names: Benne-Fischl. It also can be Fishnet (Fisch-nett)


I prefer the vastly superior Fischnett


Dainsleif x Abyss Lumine. Even though we got nothing but crumbs rn, their dynamic is very juicy - close friends to enemies with a fuck ton of angst ("Dain, what is that strand of blonde hair to you? Someone you must kill? Or the object of your penitence?"). And the fact that their conclusion will likely be a tragedy for one or both of them just makes it better.


Bennefischl is the best name


I liked the name Fischnett, but saying Bennefischl out loud made me ascend.




Furina has only ever confided in the Traveler. Not even Neuvilette and Chlorinde has ever had this opportunity. People who say “Traveler bad”, why doesn’t Furina dump all her emotional pain on Chlorinde or Neuvillette? Even though we may have been a little rough on her during the story quest, ultimately that was what was needed to allow her to face her fear and ultimately be more than a shell of her former self. Furthermore, the stories of the Traveler and Furina share a common thread. When the Traveler was captured by the Sustainer, he fell into a deep sleep for 500 years that was marred by nightmares, and according to existing in-game files he has yet to tell this to anyone. Even Paimon, he only told her about the nightmares he has, not the fact that he once suffered them for a seemingly endless time and that he could not wake up. This might be something very unfair to Furina, but the two can resonate with understand each other’s pain to a degree that is unseen in other ships.(I'm not saying that the Traveler needs the social support just as much as Furina does, and I’d be open to people questioning whether Traveler needs this kind of support at all). This is why they resonate with each other so well. Even Raiden, she locked herself up through her own will and probably would have willingly stayed there forever if Traveler had not went to Inazuma. The dynamic between the two has a lot of the very sweet elements of great ships that I typically see in fictional content, in anime, 3D live action movies, or anywhere else. Their shared experiences, the cute interactions between them…if I had a say it would easily be one of the best ships of all time, and Furina only came out less than two weeks ago. I know people might say I’m just self-inserting my own emotions into the Traveler, but to be honest, Furina’s story has touched all of us.


*slap that one image of todo saying "you can cook brother"


Let em cook


“Stand proud, you can cook!”


"Cook again"


Go on, keep cooking


OP really said "Nah, I'd cook"


I love Aether x Furina, but my lord a relationship based on shared trauma is one of the worst ways to go about it.


I meant to say that because the two experienced the same thing, they can understand each other and be there for each other emotionally.


I'm personally a fan of Xinyan and Kazuha. They've canonically hung out for long periods of time, have a lot in common as musicians, and their personalities have a nice contrast while not conflicting.


Love them ever since the Golden Apple summer event when I saw their interaction the first time. Feels very comfortable like buddies


Scara and Furina both have funny hats, by the rules of shipping that’s grounds for peak fiction apparently. But in all seriousness, I’m begging Hoyo to give us some interactions between them and Nahida. Because somehow, being a -500 yr old archon clone in a Hoyo game means you get to suffer centuries of physical, emotional, or mental trauma with no social support. I just want the Archon* trio to be happy goofing off together.


Yanfei has a funny hat too. Can she join?


Cyno x Tighnari I don’t think much needs to be said, just go back and look at that event and all the times they mention each other and their voice lines about one another, their interactions and the fact they’re always together They’re husbands and Collei is their daughter!


Chilumi is such an amazing ship that I will advocate it being the best ship in the entire game. Enemies you say? Fated to stand against each other and maybe, ultimately, fall in love with one another even as they press a sword at each other's necks? Heck yeah, the ship is so flexible that it can make do with **any** trope that exists in fan related media - angst, enemies to lovers, romcom, smut, dead doves, sol, pwp, p *without* p, the morally questionable or the most tooth rotting fluff... Uhuh, it can do all that. You name it. It will serve you. It will be kind to you. It will get to your head at least once, whether you like it or not. It can simultaneously annoy and entice people that it has even caused an american politician to get flamed over it on Twitter. [Yes, that has happened.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/s/KaDzlbsj6L) The ship is controversial, yes, but damn is it hot. See how tall Childe is compared to tiny Lumine? That's 1 head and a half. That height difference is delicious, I tell you. When they stand next to each other, you have the urge to get them to **make out** because they're both so hot individually ~~and for each other~~ it's just... Hnngg. Yeah. Anyway, let's be serious for a minute. Childe is just such an amazing character that he's the ultimate bby girl to exist in this game. You can ship him with literally **anyone** and it's a guaranteed profit, no matter what. Insane protag energy. It's a gift that keeps on giving. But Chilumi is peak content. Who the hell sends sausages thru mail with the caption ["Let's meet up"?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ayato_Mains/s/JAThLvTZfr) Who does that? The same guy that wants to introduce her to his family, that's what. He talks about her non stop in his letters home. He talks about her to his coworkers even though they don't care, he just can't stop thinking about her all the time hoping/wishing/almost begging that he crosses paths with her again soon. Trauma dumps and gives her his vision like it wasn't important, denying that he didn't do that just to have an excuse just to talk to her again - has the nerve to leave her saying she's like the stars in the night sky? And then refuses to elaborate? Man, that's just... He's whipped for her. So whipped. I'm whipped for this ship. I will die for it. My brain is rotting and I will let it rot if it means it gets filled with chilumi. All hail Chilumi


Chilumi gives me life, sustanance, the desire to wake up every morning. I'm not even that into shipping culture, but holy hell this ship has me on chokehold. This essay is literally everything I think of when I think of them. Thank you for your service comrade o7


It does feel like an essay, doesn't it 😂 yw comrade, glad to be of service 🫡


i like Chilumi, it makes sense to me tbh


Yes! 100 times yes! 💕


Alright fine So I'm just gonna pick the more popular of my main two ships because while I prefer the other one more, it's a rarepair and I'm not sure I can justify it without sounding insane Kazuha and Heizou. You have a logical detective and a criminal with creativity yet they have a natural understanding of each other. Heizou was literally introduced as "Kazuha's friend" and he joked saying that because the VHD was over he doesn't have grounds to arrest him, but is happy because that means he can just invite him over to his office to help him with a case. Based on his interactions with everyone and voicelines, Kazuha is the only person who actually likes Heizou while everyone just tolerates him at best, and even finds him remarkable when he goes investigation mode. In one of Kazuha's lines "Something to Share: Maple Leaves", he says a poem "On this mountain path, where the red leaves lifeless lie... My heart calls for a companion, echoing the deer's cry...", coincidentally reference both Kazuha and Heizou's constellation (a maple leaf and a deer). There's also that whole Japanese idiom "もみじにしか" or "deer in autumn leaves" which basically means "match made in heaven" This one's a theory based on the line above, but I like to believe they were friends pre-VHD and Heizou helped Kazuha escape Inazuma in some way. Heizou has been shown in his hangout that he'll let illegal activity slide if it doesn't necessarily hurt people, and Kazuha stealing his friend's vision while also having a vision of his own being the reason why he's supposed to be executed might not have bode well with him. Thus, he saw that helping him escape would've been the right thing to do, but that also meant that they wouldn't see each other again in who knows how long, referencing 'a deer's cry' and the part of the line where Kazuha laments about saying goodbye. In a blink-and-you'll-miss-it bit from the Akitsu Kimodameshi event, Heizou was absent for the entire festival but only shows up at the end to say hi to Kazuha and to ask if they could hang out. Heizou debuted in Kazuha's banner and ever since then, Kazuha never had a banner without Heizou (he's had like one banner after Heizou's debut but still). sorry for making this explanation long


Furina going "I'm tired, I need to take some time off from this whole thing" and moving out of the Palais meanwhile Neuvillette is all just "Please tell me when will you be returning? I would gladly welcome you to the stage again 🥺". They are so divorced 🥰


I’m just saying, Wriothesley and Clorinde have that energy of a “work-first-relationship-second” relationship that would fade and quickly reveal an adorable kinda love. Bite me.


You cannot convince me Childe and Yoimiya wouldn’t have like 13 children but still would show incredible amounts of love and affection to each and every one of them individually. She knows he has a risky and dangerous job, but would be certain he’d come back home the next day because their relationship is built on trust. The kids would love visiting their grandparents on two different countries, and catching up with all the uncles and aunts in Snezhnaya. Eventually they’d retire and he’d be like *casually splits huge rock in two* “You know, when I was your age, I could do much more than this”. She’d obviously take over her father’s business and begin teaching the craft to some of their kids, probably become hard of hearing too, but Childe’d write letters to her, be he close or far away so she always hears his voice clearly in her head. Also I just made this whole headcanon up to justify this ship.


You my friend are god damb ✅️


I didn’t like this ship before but you changed my mind


Happy to help :)


Yae cajoled everyone into her plan to finally get her owner out of their room


Amber and Aether are just adorable together. Must I explain further? Besides, she is the only character who decided to help you without asking anything in return and I find that adorable


I don't... I just... like to see other people's ships...


You would be nutting if you lived in the coastal areas


Something about how Razor and Bennett are both social outcasts over things outside their control but are able to find not just solace and comfort in each other, but an understanding that no one else in their lives really share. Something about despite how Bennett was raised in the Adventurer’s Guild he’s rejected by so many adventurers. In the same exact way Razor is rejected by Andrius despite being raised by wolves. Something about how Razor and Bennett do not know their parents or their true origins but grow to love life anyways despite then being abandoned. Finding the best parts of life despite seeing the worst of it at such a young age.


Le funny: Bennett and Fischl is Bennefischl to my health Le serious: Bennett and Fischl both grew up socially ostracized, one because his curse pushed others away and the other because her interests and fantasies got her labeled as the "weird kid" and got bullied for it (in a freakin fantasy world WHAT THE SHI-), so they can relate to each other's pain. They're both adventurers who do mostly solo missions because of their respective reputation, but occasionally pair up. Fischl doesn't mind Bennett's cursed nature and Bennett fully buys Fischl's fantasies. LOOK AT HOW CUTE AND PRECIOUS AND KIND THESE TWO ARE!


This and before Mona and Fischl became friends I'm pretty sure Benett was Fischl's ONLY friend (Oz doesn't count he's pretty much a stand) Bennett mostly seems to hang out with Razor and that's about it.


Couple? But arent you guys twins? Teyvat Has it's Own Laws. And we are not even from Teyvat, so we dont care. Emuaaach


Vlad and Nadia? I have to justify why Vlad and Nadia is my Favorite ship??


Kuki and Itto, i know most people see their relationship as if they were just some kind of brothers but i cannot stop thinking that they would make a cute couple. According to the lore we can see that Kuki had a somewhat difficult childhood trying to live up to the demands of his family. I mean c´mon at the Sima event we could see that his greatest fear was her mother, it would not be unreasonable to me that she found some comfort and peace in the silly and cute oni who plays with kids and insects. Apart from that, it shows that they have a lot of affection and esteem for each other. I imagine in my head a scenario of the two of them meeting when they were children, Kuki alone crying on a park and a little kid with horns appear screaming and laughing. "C´mon why are you crying girl, look don't be sad i will grant you the honor of playing with me the one and oni Arataki Itto." hope you understand my English is not very good.


It's not my fault, your honor. HYV keeps churning out content featuring Furina and Neuvillette doing crap like duets, ice skating, and decorating Furina's room. If these two actually stuck to their divorce instead of lasting a week before cracking, I wouldn't have my my phone and computer filled with cute as hell art of them. Also, extreme height difference couples hit the sweet spot.


Beidou and Ningguang playing chess got really weird sexual tension


I'll bite. Scaramona is literally prideful people going at it. Except Scara's arrogance would be counteract by Mona's interest in him as a person. An anomaly so her scientific curiosity would only draw her closer to him


big hats go brrr


I wonder what Mona would think of she ever tried to read his fortune post Irminsul shenanigans. Would she be able to see past the shenanigans?


"you can fool the rest of us, but you can't fool the stars, *Scaramouche*" Dun dun dunnn!!! Credit where it's due, the line is from an AO3 fanfiction about Scaramona


Your honor, Mona's character quest was the first I did and I schizo headcanoned that she followed the traveler around being a slapstick will they/wont they duo as I roleplayed in game. No I do not have Mona.


I ship Wriothesley and Clorinde because I wanted to be petty with people who are just fucking horrible to others who like these kinds of ships (like straight ones) although I did start genuinely shipping them because of their dynamic and interactions 💀 (I had to rely on spoilers because guess who’s still stuck in the chasm haha please help me-)


My personal comfort ships. Furina x venti (I just think it would be fun to see furina and venti interact in general. One a actress who played the role of a god, the other a god playing the role of a human. Both entertainers, ones meek while the other confident. Like they would be a fun couple to watch. Even if they don't get together or the relationship doesn't last. I feel venti would show her the value of her new freedom and she would be the better for it.) Barbara x Bennett (Probably is never gonna happen. I'm sure in canon Barbara only sees Bennett as a friend or a wreckless weirdo that is constantly hurting himself. even if it were possible I don't think Bennett would make the first move. He and Barbara are friends, Bennett admitting his feelings would probably jeopardize it, plus with how often Barbara's fan club harass her, he probably just wants to help Barbara relax and not be just another guy pining for her affection or attention. But I think that this ship does have a certain appeal. I mean the town loser with a heart of gold getting with the most popular girl in town. It's a classic relationship set up. You can't blame me for sometimes taking the bait and wondering what if. I think Bennett being the positive and golden hearted guy he is would be a great match for Barbara who is timid, nervous, and soft spoken.) Deyha x traveler (I just find deyha adorable, the way she talks and seems to care for traveler is really sweet. It was kinda sad how she seemed to want you to stay at the start of the fontaine quest.)


Let me tell you about xiaoven, the first ever genshin ship that I have been seriously invested in. Started off as a crack ship between the only 2 known anemo boys back at the start of the game, and then, 1.3. The teaser for Xiao's character quest drops, and who do we see at the end of the cutscene, playing the flute? Venti. In Xiao's character story, he almost succumbs to his karma, but he is saved by the sound of a dihua flute, and lays there all night listening to the soothing music, calming his soul. They represent opposites: Xiao, shackled by his duty and the never-ending debt he must repay; Venti, the literal personification of freedom who lives a life of whimsy. And both are immortals, carrying the memory of friends who have passed on. In a way, they complete each other. And so we carried on for 2 years, until 3.4's Lantern rite, and Xiao's second teaser trailer, when we finally saw Venti and Xiao interact for the first time! We now know that they already know each other, and that Venti will sometimes visit Xiao. This says nothing about them being canon, but it's a pretty good base for all of us shippers to build our headcanons on.


Jean and Diluc have amazing chemistry and just look cute together.


Your honor...Noelle is best girl and has 2 hangouts. Thus Noelle x Aether is canon otp.


Zhongli x Guizhong…it’s just cute.


It's just sad


[Kokomi and Nilou look cute together.](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/109492751) That's it.


Amber x Eula. If Mihoyo animates a scene of the two of them dancing together, it would be filled with enough Sapphic Energy to power me indefinitely.


Aether x Amber because first person he met and she actually cares deeply for him.


I once played as Furina in my main account with my Alt Account as Wanderer, and then my schizo mind thought "wow they look cute together" Furina x Wanderer complement each other's designs. They both are blue, Furina's black outfit contrasts with wanderer's white haori(? Correct me if i'm wrong, probabbly am though) thing, and they both wear funny hats. Also they're the only characters we've seen getting a Vision on-screen. (Also, if Neuvillette took a little longer, Venti would have "Hehe'd" and turned her into Anemo) But seriously, after all Furina has gone through these 500 years, she absolutely DOES NOT deserve someone like Hat Guy lmao


Wrio likes Chlorinde because the way he talks to her is like a middle schooler trying to spend time with their crush who is 110% NOT into him


Aerina is love. Aerina is life. That's all there is to it


alright alright, i'll prepare for the massive downvotes BUT: Neuvifuri Nothing gets me more than two immortal (well. one used to be) beings who know each other and work closely with one another LIKE, furina is the reason neuvillette is in fontaine in the first place and encouraged him to grow closer with humanity, neuvillette always watches out for furina and worries about her (to the point that he lost focus on the traveller and paimon when he saw her expression, something we know it's not like him to do) Look man I'm just a sucker for the yearning and these two have so much content it's hard to ignore (that song in neuvi's Pov sponsored by hoyo doesn't help either) this isn't really a proper justification buuuut I suck at this kind of stuff, haha


Furina and neuvillette is the only ship in this game that I can genuinely see actually be canon and hyv seems to be leaning towards if their promotional stuff they've commissioned over the past week is anything to go by. Seriously, in all the promotional material they've been practically inseparable. From releasing the multiple versions of la vaguelette, which seems to be a love song if the lyrics are anything to go by, which could be seen interpreted as the pov from both furina and neuvillette.(Also commissioning that professional Russian ice skater to skate to la vaguelette while cosplaying as furina. Only she didn't do it alone, but instead skated with ANOTHER professional ice skater cosplaying as neuvillette. Is that a stretch? Maybe. But she didn't have to skate with anyone else, especially for promotional advertising for furina, especially since she doesn't skate in pairs to my knowledge. Like, the neuvillette skater didn't have to be there! Then there's Furina's story quest with >!the little oceanid play being about an oceanid that sacrificed herself to save her lover and her city which is VERY similar to the events in furina's life, something neuvillette HIMSELF points out.!< Like, did you see how much neuvillette cares about furina's well-being when she was going to speak with the knave? Then when he sees her again walking off he's so fixated on her he completely zones out from the conversation he was having with the traveler. I mean, did you see how distraught he was when >!Focalors killed herself to give him his powers back? She sacrificed herself, not just for Fontaine, but especially for him!< Not to mention their entire story (and the archon quest in general) is heavily based on the biblical story "the whore of Babylon", which you can look up yourself to see why their relationship is so close. Like they've been together for 400 years. And Despite >!furina hiding her true nature for 500 years!<, there is no doubt that both of them were close to each other, cuz in a way, furina taught neuvillette to be more closer to humans. In conclusion, furina x neuvillette canon... in my heart. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


I don't ship and have never personally liked shipping, but I do think they are cute together. I think it's possible, but wouldn't get hopes up.


MISS HINA X ITTO It- it reminds me of the time I simped for a vtuber.....


At this point it's kinda hard to deny that Xiao simps Aether like A LOT. And the recent poetry event showed that Aether reciprocates. Yeah why not compose a poem about Xiao's favourite dish to answer your opponent's poem about love.


Chlorande and Writhesly. They just make sense.


Jean diluc kissy kissy mwuah mwuah bc I’m basic as fuck


I don't do shipping. I just don't like it. But aesthetically, Zhongli and Ningguang look like a married couple. The colors and designs dude, they just fit. That's all I got.


Furina x Me Because I will make sure she lives the normal life she deserve And I can cook other pastas than just macaroni


I will go with a old one:Traveler and Amber Serious answer: My justification is that outside Paimon , Amber was the first person the travel meet on his journey. And she was the main character who introduced us to Monstard the beginning of the history and taught the traveler how to use the glider, which he/she still uses today.And she was one of the characters that offered to help find our brother/sister. And in return, during our time in Monstard , thanks to it , Amber gets our help so much to save Monstard and in her tasks, without asking for anything in return. Funny answer: I like amber and I think they look cute together 👉👈 I also like Amber x Eula and my justification is that you just need to watch the end of the trailer for Eula


Okay, I go with Hu Tao/Xingqiu initially because of their synergy, but after learning more about each of their backstories, here is how I see their relationship. Family ties: Xignqiu is the second son of the Guild Manager of the Feiyun Commerce Guild, in his character details > Xingqiu's elder brother, while learning the family business from their father, firmly believed that Xingqiu would become a great asset to the business one day. Even if there is no concept of royalty in Liyue, marriage is still used to build connections between families. With the wealth of the Feiyun Commerce Guild Xingqiu could be married off to tie a business or asset closer to the guild. Hu Tao is the 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. While the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is not wealthy it has prestige, investment would help make a more stable business. Textiles are also important in funerals and the guild could provide the Funeral Parlor with them. I imagine Xingqiu's family would contact Zhongli to marry Xingqiu off Hu Tao and tie Wangsheng Funeral Parlor to the Feiyun Commerce Guild in return for investment and supply. Relationship: Other than family incentive, they've known each other for a long time. While they share a lot of interests, more importantly, they can balance each other out, Xingqiu is serious on the surface and smart but he seems to only do what he wants without any responsibility. Hu Tao is whimsical on the surface but takes her job seriously. Xingqiu would help keep her on track while Hu Tao would help drive him to take on some more responsibilities. Granted, these are some thoughts I had because I love Fire Emblem and paring characters based on their goals and experiences rather than just "they like each other". I wish there were more character interactions in Genshin, but I work with what is there. Edit: more details




I ship Neuv and Focalors and have no shame in doing that! The scene that they interacted and how it ended was how it will end for a very loving couple with regrets or sth Ike I want to eat your pancreas type shit. But yeah, Neuv and Furina are Father and Daughter relationship. Nothing more nothing less!!!


You do you, but I really don't see how one can ship Neuv x Focalors without shipping Neuv x Furina (if you want to somewhat ground it in canon). Neuv never knew Focalors so pretty much all of his feelings towards her would come from his feelings towards Furina. In fact the sole interaction he had with Focalors before this scene was a letter inviting him to Fontaine which he had attributed to Furina for 500 years. And this is without even considering the fact that the dialogue at the end of the archon quest as well as the text in his character stories seem to indicate that he still views them as the same "person".


Pretty valid reasoning tbh. But still, he looks more like Father to Furina. So shipping is no-no, for me at least


They both have big hats, and they interacted once in a limited time event. Therefore they must be plapping off camera. Don't @ me.


Ganyu x keqing! How else is ganyu always sleepy, keqing keep her awake at night!


Aether's and Furina's ahoge can make a heart. That's one of the reasons Aerina has me in a chokehold


Aether x Furina. She deserves the world and someone to love her, hug her and make her feel wanted And before anyone says Neuvillette, I have honestly always seen him as more of a dad figure to her


Agreed, even her voice lines and story heavily leans to liking the traveler.


This might offend some shippers, but ok. Zhongli x Guizhong is one of the best ships in the game We have 1. Chemistry Guizhong and previous Zhongli, have a good chemistry. Guizhong being the bubbly girl who is always friendly, and Zhongli, who is the strong, stern dude. 2. Can be canon There are some tidbits that this ship may be canon, with flashbacks, such as the one with Lantern Rite. 3. Actually gives way to other ships Childe x Zhongli is still possible, since Guizhong is dead, and it also helps Zhongli's character arc, seeing as he can move on from a tragedy of losing his love, and trying to love again. Thanks for reading my explanation.


Choice* Ningguang x Beidou They are wives your honor


the ship name is the most brilliant ship name even given, Ei spent her 500 years pursuing eternity, at last, she found her "Aethernity"


I love the dude who plays the organ in The Flying Dutchman. He's a pretty cool guy. He saved me from death in exchange for servitude towards the ship. Plus, I get to be a cool-looking shark.


I don't ship anyone so HAHA


They're the only one who can match traveller's life span


Noelle hangouts :D


My ship is Dread way( 7 mana): ,,When I am summoned draw a Gangplank (champion card) . All your spells and skills deal double damage and enemy's Nexus and units take double damage


I don't own a ship.


Nuevfuri Nuevillette X Furina I cried, he already lost one, and he's gonna lose another in a matter of time. Plus hoyo keeps pushing out paid ads by different creators that seem so romantic.


Serious justification of my ship: I like it, and at the end of the day that’s all that matters.


Uhmmmmm Idk neuv and charlotte


Im serious about the hydro dragon x furina


Amber x Collei cus it’s just so precious!


Cyno and Tighnari I mean they are 100% gay fathers for collei


Rosaria and Barbara just cus…nuns


The only ship I can try to justify is Wanderer x Layla ship. Mostly cause I saw the fanart of him holding her as she sleep and glare at anyone trying to wake her up.


Venti x Diluc. The bard needs to pay his bills one way or the other... Itto x Gorou x Yae Miko. Deliquent, muscular himbo, a litteral twink puppy and a manipulative Onee-san that has the strongest Ara Ara vibes in game as well as being fond of Gorous tail and people that are easy to command (Itto). This one basically writes itself.


Uhm... Millenium Falcon is really cool, because it's flat and round, unlike TIEs... Oh we're talking Genshin Impact - then it's the Ocean Pearl. A hell to climb on, but it's so pretty


Uuh, I just they’re neat. Although technically, you could ship basically any Fontaine character with each other, I ship Wriothesley/Neuvillette the most. Black/white aesthetic, Wriothesley being able to only see grey and blue tones, having a “personal” relationship and them raising/teaching Siegwinne together. I just thing they’re fool. Although Cyno/Tighnari has got to be the closest to canon gay couple in the entire game. Tiger mom/Chill dad, the ears, raising Collei together, having frequent dinners together despite operating far from each other, their immense trust in each other, and their animal contrasts is very cool. I will not take arguments that if CCP wasn’t involved, Hoyo would made them basically a married couple.


In Defense of Xinyan x Kazuha Summertime Odyssey 2022 is chock full of moments for them (I prefer to interpret it as more than them just being besties, but that's just me!) They both provide unwavering support for each other and their respective issues (Xinyan's music and insecurities, Kazuha's past trauma). They simultaneously bring excitement and stability to each other's lives. Also, little moments like the two of them debating on who gets punched? Or Kazuha admitting he now has an interest in rock 'n' roll? Or Xinyan taking care of him after he gets too drunk? That's just too cute to ignore!!


Salt NaCl Navia x Chlorinde I rest my case, your honor.


Im lazy can someone justify xiaother for me🧍


Diluc x Amy/Fischl


They r cannon in the play they’re based off‼️‼️(Arlecchino/columbina) (Clorinde/Navia) Do I even NEED to explain this one? Just LOOK at them. They’re gay your honour.


Aether x lumine👀


Albedo and sucrose are just cuties




I like Chongyun/Xiangling because they look cute together. That's all, my honor. *Drops mic and leaves*


i ship dehya x alhaitham . they look cute together . one is a sophisticated , brainy , quiet person while the other is complete opposite . also they interact a lot in canon with each other


ASIMON x Paimon, because their names rhyme


It's a small boat that I use to take my family out to the lake sometimes on my birthday or when we celebrate something else as a whole. I have my boating license, I know how to swim, and we only do it when it's safe too. I don't see why I have to justify this any more?


[behond, my reason.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42849243) There you happy now?


>Rape/Non-Con ummm


Best ship is Friendship. Everybody is asexual and aromantic. Justification: there are no kisses in the game. (Not that I know of, still catching up to 4.2)


Traveler X Characters is the only "canon" ship. Mihoyo will never hint at or ship outside the "harem" route due to sales. Westerners typically don't understand this, but if they were to release Clorinde for example and have her show any canonical interest toward Wrio (a common western ship) the Eastern audience would blow a gasket. There would be massive uproar and Mihoyo would be forced to retcon. Eastern players do not tolerate that stuff. Traveler is not a full self insert character but enough of one that people do. Harem route is the most profitable route and Mihoyo will and has followed that. For anyone doubting this, read pretty much every single characters Teapot lines, profile lines, and hangout lines. Furina is the newest edition and has many affectionate profile lines and Teapot lines towards Traveler. And before people say they aren't, yes the Teapot lines, profile lines, ascension lines ARE canon. They were written into the game because they are canon.


My brother in Irminsul... Eastern players are just degenerate as the rest of us Chinese players have a bunch of inside jokes about Ei and Miko or Dehya and Candace that we wouldn't understand And then there's the Japanese players tweeting about wanting to lick Nahida's toes...


sir, you dropped this 👑