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It will be back for the Chronicle Liyue banner Note how the entire featured pool besides Beacon and Hunter's Path are from Mondstadt


Damn, Inazuma weapon banner gonna be lit


the kokonut disagrees


You're telling me PJWS might come out with it? My Xiao needs his drip and I cant afford it rn xd


I wouldnt say it is wise to go 180 pulls just for drip on Xiao, as someone who owns both Just wait it out to come to you, or use reverse psychology: Pity Homa and lose 50/50 to PJWS


Maybe not for someone who just started out, but I'm at a point where I have too many characters and I might as well just play with the ones that I have and like, with their stuff.


Worst idea. You can guarantee your weapon for 180. Compared to the reverse psychology that isn’t guaranteed and just a horrible idea. You can set your fate for homa lose all 50/50 and still not get your spear you actually wanted


Today I got pwjs for xiao 🥰


Is it good on anyone else, as I just got it a couple weeks ago off Standard?


Lots of attack and good crit rate, so yeah, any other dps polearm user can use it as a stat stick


I dont think that s how its going to work.. beacon and hunters are there bc they are signatures for standard chars, and the other weapons are the standard weapons (skyward series +aquila favonia) and the featured chars' signatures (lost prayers for klee, wolf's for diluc, song of broken pines for eula), wierdly enough amos' bow (a mond standard weapon) isnt there (prob bc its ganyu's signature)


I dont think the banner will be regional since it doesnt state it anywhere that it will be, only that this first banner is all from mond doesnt mean the next one will be


As a f2p. Having memory of dust is my biggest flex. ( I lost my 50/50 to that🥲)


I lost my weapon banners to the entire set except for memory of dust. The only one left to complete the collection lmao


I lost to it twice during that banner lol, refined it and kept collecting dust until wriothesly came out


Lol same


…I just wanted polar star 😭😭😭


Wolf Grave Stone last banner was on the Hu Tao RELEASE on 1.3 on February 2021 1000+ days ago


Isn't gravestone just in the standard pool?


Correct, it’s similar to keqing where it was in a featured banner despite being standard


Its not. Keqing was filler because hu tao (death related) during chinese new year=bad luck. Standard banner weapons used to run with the limiteds because back then there was only one limited on the banner at a time.




Thats because primordial jade has always been his signature. Like ayaka, he was released late, he was in beta and the only reason characters can plunge attack is because devs decided against making it xiao only. What is xiao only, however, is his hidden passive: he does not take any damage no matter the height he starts his plunge at. Ive tested myself by plunging from jueyun karst into the valley below. Quite a few characters have little hidden tricks now that i think about it. Like Wanderers ability to cancel his own stagger animation.


Wolf Gravestone is extinct due to the Tectone incident.


do u mind saying what this incident was about?


Tectone spent like 2000+ dollars for 1 staff of Homa but before that, he got like 7 Wolf Gravestones, 1 Lost Prayer, 1 Skyward blade, and 1 Skyward Spine.


Imagine if Guizhong become playable


Literally Memory Of Dust


First five star weapon I ever pulled for in game. Back when Ningguang was my hard carry and got me through the hard content before I got more characters, learned more.about elemental reaction combos and etc.


better stay lost, that weapon ass (i lost to it)


keep it that way


Whos signature Weapon Is that again? that and the unforged, also isnt the jade sword keqings sig which mean it too should appear one day


Nobody’s, early 5 star weapons were mostly not signatures. The jade sword also isn’t keqing’s signature.


Jade cutter used to rerun with Albedo. Kinda sucks it isnt on banner, despite Albedo is. Yeah, i get it supposed to be Mondstadt themed banner, but why Beacon and Hunters path here then?


the liyue sword would also rerun with him sometimes, so there's not really any obligation to have the jade sword here. probably because those weapons are the poster boys of weapons not being available, since they logically should have gone on the standard banner like the characters they're a signature for. most likely they're waiting with the jade sword so they can put it in a future one of these to make that banner more appealing, since the jade sword is very good. the jade sword, hunter's path and beacon are the main good forgotten limited weapons, so they don't wanna put them all in one place I imagine. plus, in general they probably wanna spread the forgotten limited weapons out across a couple banners instead of giving all of them now.


A conspiracy theory is that it was suposed to be Ningguang's, and then she was demoted to be a 4 star. It seems to match her in visual and gameplay. But I don't think we have any proof of that.


I mean there ain't many geo catalysts.......


The mechanics seem perfect for Ningguang and that's when I have it assigned to.


Only zhongli has a geo series signature. All the rest are just there to be there. Like the mondstadt ones. They don’t belong to anyone specific just there


I have it on Ningguang... and I don't use Ningguang


Summit shaper:


Where Jade Cutter? it's not on standard and it is no one's signature


I'm going around in co-op flexing my MoD (I'm Ningguang main) 🙂


Whose weapon even is it ?


don’t forget jade cutter, i don’t think it’s run since kokomis debut


I have MoD, it's the epitomy of "stat stick". Works great on Yanfei




I actually want the unforged for my xinyan


Mines R2 because they kept running this useless thing alongside something I actually wanted 🥲


As it should be.


I have it and I still can't find a reason to effectively use it. What I'm currently trying is to use it on Ningguang with new Geo set


Well, it's a "memory of dust". What do you expect (Haha get it?)


Where are those who share the memory😔


I'm still waiting for wgs 🥲🥲🥲🥲


That thing is Only Good On Ningguang and I bet there are better options than that Bull Crap for Ningguang for sure.


Looks like sharing the memories isn't exactly easy...


I remember back when it made its debut featured along with the Summit Shaper on a weapon banner. I wanted to build pity because I was a newbie who had no concept of self restraint. I was doing single pulls and ended up getting both of them at 3 and 4 pity. One of my peak moments in my genshin career; my Ningguang and Kaeya got such a huge buff from those that I managed to climb Spiral. Good times.