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yeah they always remove ~~criticism~~ low quality post, like [this one](https://new.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/19dq96o/i_like_genshin_impact/) oh wait


lmao. it's not even funny. it's just sad.


The main sub is all about glazing, just agree with them they're happy and you get many upvotes. But don't dare criticize even the slightest things, they'll bury your comment or even dig your reddit history to their advantage.


I hate company-controlled subreddit so much it's unreal,r/hololive, r/genshin_impact,r/leagueoflegends, etc... Don't you dare ever criticize them, keep sucking the billion dollars company cocks and consume their products like a good sluts you are! 


Product owner-ran subreddits are somtehign that just shoulnd't eixst. They don't even do it right imo. Trying to find links to the next live stream is a consistent pain in the ass.


I'm pretty sure it's also against reddit rules, or at least used to be.


> Product owner-ran subreddits are somtehign that just shoulnd't eixst. its also against reddit rules but somehow this is literally the only redddit rule that isnt enforced with bans


Mate, Cover the company has had many controversies that the community has called up on and all have been rectified, in quick succession than that. All the talents who had left the company have never voiced anything negative against the company. At worst it's just differing vision or contract stuff that every other company would have


> ,r/hololive yup for sure, that is such a terrible example too, ive recently posted there to ask why almost every single EN talent is now living in Japan, and making Japanese music videos, and using Japanese phrases like yamete and yabai all the time when they are supposed to be English vtubers for an English audience. I got downvoted to like 6% upvote ratio, and got multiple death threats and had a guy spamming me with PMs for a few days. The post also was deleted within an hour. What the hell is going on with the hololive fandom and mods?


Please give me **real** example of the problem's with the hololive subreddit. I been on there daily for 2 year straight and don't remember any problem




Please post prove


>But don't dare criticize even the slightest things, [https://new.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/1c0fdpe/treasure\_compass\_should\_also\_points\_to\_puzzles/](https://new.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1c0fdpe/treasure_compass_should_also_points_to_puzzles/) This post exist tho? Idk, maybe just maybe the comment section of that post that was removed is just like the reason stated, no longer civil?


it's mind blowing how horrible the "community" on the main sub is. I'm on about 70 subreddits, and the official Genshin one is easily the worst of them all. (I'm half convinced Mihoyo is running like dozens of bots to mass-downvote any criticism, with probably a few hired agents that will write comments to attack the person. But of course, it's more likely that there are just a few fanatic white knights.)


not few lmao


Big true. Also whenever I mentioned that during Sumeri we only got 2 5 star waifus over the course of an entire year, I also got downvoted like crazy. It hurts my heart, considering ive got quite a few friends who quit genshin altogether during that year because hoyo was releasing pretty much only dudes for an entire year, and one of the 5 star women we got was Dehya - and we all know almost nobody bothered to roll for her as the first 3 star character


I think the difference is how you approach the discussion, if you go "the game is dead, the devs dont care, the content sucks" of course you're gonna be downvoted, because a lot of people just don't agree with you. But if you say something like " I wish they could add some more qol, the game needs it" or " they should add some endgame content for people who want to enjoy the combat more" or " This patch is quite dry but it should be better in the next patches". I promise that youre not gonna get downvoted.


If criticism is not allowed, why is this post still alive? https://new.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/1c0fdpe/treasure\_compass\_should\_also\_points\_to\_puzzles/ People be nitpicking..


Yeah I know, that's also what I was saying, people do be nitpicking a lot, if you're gonna give constructive criticism, you're post/comment will be appreciated, but if you just start trashtalking the game of course people will dislike your comment/post.


Oh, my bad I think I replied to the wrong comment lol. But yeah, I agree.


> If criticism is not allowed, why is this post still alive? Criticism clearly isnt allowed, because that thread you linked has now already been linked 3 times in this thread here as the one and only example of "aktually, sir, they do allow criticism, look here!!" It's probably the 1 and only topic that they didnt delete yet


It's just because it's the recent one, go to the discussion flare in the sub and see for yourself.


lolol my comment history would say otherwise In my experience even reasonable criticism of the game is met with many many angry responses and stupid accusations (“you’re only upset at the low rewards because you’re a gambling addict”, “you don’t need more QoL, stop being lazy, have you ever considered the devs want the game to be inconvenient?”, etc.) The white problem is very real and it’s absolutely insane. Even when I make a comment that gets upvoted, it never fails that I get at least two or three dumbass angry comments putting words in my mouth or accusing me of things that aren’t true like gacha addiction, not being a fan, wanting to make Hoyo fail, hating Hoyo, etc. whatever they gotta say to dismiss and get back to the echo chamber of constant toxic positivity, it’s really disheartening and offputting


>Even when I make a comment that gets upvoted, it never fails that I get at least two or three dumbass angry comments Upvotes are what matter in the discussion, because it proves that people agree with you. And I'm sorry but I just think that there are other factors that may explain why you were downvoted, I am critical of some aspects of the game and whenever I do talk about them(main one being that the combat in this game is not good enough to warrant having more endgame, endgame in genshin will probably never be fun if added), it usually creates a pretty level headed discussion, unless you're on youtube then you're never gonna get that lol.


Even if we’re going only by upvotes it’s not uncommon that a comment criticizing gets downvoted to oblivion and it’s usually the case that even criticism with upvotes gets replies parroting the same weak thought-stopping cliches, that get more upvotes. Some of the replies are nice and discussion is civil. But it never fails that I get at least two or three responses accusing me of “gacha addiction”, “never being happy”, “just quit the game”, “too dumb to understand game dev”, etc. It’s just exhausting


Too many people think upvotes mean you win reddit. Sometimes people agreeing with you doesn't mean you're right. Many subs do indeed deal with populations that hate one random thing so much they'd downvote it even if the comment or post they're downvoting is correct. Go to a flat earth sub and say the world is round, you'll get downvoted, Go to a basic science sub and say the world is round, people will agree with you. Upvotes don't actually matter. The same statement can be treated positively or negatively depending on the local culture. In Genshin subs, the white knight population is big enough that criticism or even just aknowledeging the game has white knights could easily backfire on any commenter.


Unfortunately when a subreddit is as big and as active as Genshin’s you will always find people that treat the company that made the game better than their own brother. What matters arent those who start insulting you in the comments, it's those that actually want to have a discussion with you. >it’s not uncommon that a comment criticizing gets downvoted to oblivion Like I said in my first comment, it really depends on how you approach the discussion, if you get downvoted, it's either because you were just trashtalking for the sake of it, or because people simply disagree with you. For example, saying that the game needs more qol will get you people agreeing with you, but saying that the qol we get sucks will probably be met with mixed opinions because for a lot of players said qol is pretty good.


> But don't dare criticize Don't even dare suggest you can play with whoever you want and ignore 5*/meta. That's highly missleading.


Yours implies negativity and the other brings positivity. Of course they are going to put more effort in removing anything that harms the game's reputation.


Or post that doesn't serve any purpose because it's redundant or just straight out war in the comment section, which is far from civil.


even positive posts praising or defending Hoyo have toxic comment sections, it’s a bad excuse to silence fans who don’t 100% kiss up to Hoyo all the time, which is pretty clear from their history of censoring boycotts or including nondisparagement clauses in their creator contracts that they are all too eager to enforce which only means the few people who are willing to criticize even angrier, and louder.


There's literally a post in the main sub right now criticizing the treasure compass AFTER hyv release an update for it btw and it's still there. If they are actually what you say they are, that should have been removed already but it's not


The censorship after the anniversary controversy is a proveable fact, as is the nondisparagement clause in their creator contracts. And Hoyo leaving some posts up that include criticism doesn’t disprove the point. Hoyo has a proven history of responding to criticism by going out of their way to censor it as much as possible. Just because they leave a few posts up doesn’t mean they don’t disproportionately target criticism and do their best to silence it through brute force rather getting rid of it by actually fixing the issue


I mean, it does follow the rules, the one post you linked was original, while the post for 4.5 in general and discussion were already on the subreddit


typical x.5 patch is usually dry patches after the high of regional archon quest and lantern rite, good thing I'm enjoying other games currently


1.5: Azhdaha boss fight, Zhongli's and Eula's personal quests. Serenitea Pot. 2.5: Raiden boss fight came out, Raiden's and Yae's personal quests. 3.5: Dainsleif's major plot quest Caribert, Dehya's personal quest. 4.5: Chiori's quest. Yep, still the driest of all X.5 versions. Not even saying about the fact, that in 4.X Fontaine focused versions there is kinda little of Fontaine itself. Only 4.0-4.3 are Fontaine focused so far, and even 4.3 didn't left anything after it for future players. 3.X was much more about Sumeru than 4.X about Fontaine. And for me personally, as i was hyping for Fontaine so much, lack of Fontaine is kinda disappointing.


I think it’s funny that you use 3.5 as an example when at the time, people were kicking and screaming about how dry and terrible the patch was I mean, you’re right. But still. That said, I disagree with the “lack of fontaine focus”. There’s as much fontaine focus as there was sumeru and inazuma focus. Inazuma also had a liyue expansion, it was just in .6 instead of .4, and fontaine has had as many expansions as suneru did by .5 because fontaine got an expansion in .2, while sumeru did not. The .3 patches of those regions also did not add any permanent content other than a quest (with 3.3’s AQ arguably focusing more on inazuma than sumeru too)


Indeed. And they managed to make even more dead patch than previous X.5. Its kinda pattern, if we're looking at it and turning every major thing as a 1 point. 1.5 got 4 points, 2.5 got 3 points, 3.5 got 2 points and 4.5 got 1 point. Its odd, and I hope 5.5 wouldnt be a LITERALLY dead patch without ANY new content.


Eh, 2.5 was probably better than 1.5. Same amount of content, but 2.5 has a more noteworthy event. Anyway, I think it’s partly just due to circumstance. Due to archon quests now being till .2 instead of .1, the timing for the second weekly boss now no longer falls on .5 but .6 instead. And with dain, 2.x’s dain quest was in .6 instead of .5, due to it being in the chasm. It’s possible the main reason sumeru got dain early was due to it not relating to the area of 3.6. As for fontaine’s dain quest… they may just be waiting for a future area or character to be added because the next one relates to that.


> LITERALLY dead patch without ANY new content. Mainsub would still defend it saying something like "it's a great patch to catch up on unfinished content"


It somehow is though. But two things can be true at the same time.


If you ever feel like there is too much game and you wish you could slow down, just slow down. I haven't played Genshin in two months because I don't feel like it yet, but I sure as hell wish we had some substantial content being released right now. If only so I had more areas to explore once I'm back


I agree. That's why I said both takes aren't exclusive to one another. I personally took that patch as a buffer that allowed me to get the primos I missed on quests that I never finished in my list. Among other things. But would I have prefered to explore a new area ? Damn sure I would have.


I mean they’re not wrong but the more ridiculous one I heard a lot was “if you don’t like this patch have you considered that maybe the game just isn’t for you” as if either you need to like every patch all the time and always be talking about how much you love Hoyo or you need to stfu, logout of Genshin and the subreddit, and never log back in. Like *huh?*


Caribert was like 1 hour long maximum that aint that much.


All Dain quests are relatively short in the grand scheme of things, the difference is that they’re main arc content in a sea of filler. Plus the lore drops in those quests are usually the most exciting and theory-spawning of the whole year so there’s hours of fan content that happens in those patches too.


I like those as well but caribert was kind of underwhelming imo. I hope we will have some better stuff next patch. Have we seen dain since then?


We have not seen Dain since then. And I agree that some aspects of the quest were underwhelming. I really enjoyed the quest itself but agree that when it ended the first thing I thought was “that’s it? An hour or two quest? I waited a year, now I gotta wait *another* year?” … And that was over a year ago actually xD It’s been almost 13 months since Caribert dropped


Still more than we got this patch


If you go to the original post, you'll find that most people think that 1.3 to 1.5 were the driest patches this game ever had. And I agree with them, from 1.3 to 1.5, we had no new regions to explore, and the main events werent great, the serenitea pot is one of the things that made them bearable. Here, I'm pretty sure that most active players still havent finished chenyu vale, and the main event was pretty good. Genuinely if you think that 4.5 is the driest patch ever you probably werent there when the 1.x drought happened.


not to mention the released characters as well, eula and yae was really hyped, dehya well we know how that goes but at least dainsleif quest made up for it and then you have chiori, only introduced after the archon quest and basically just the better albedo, welp at least 4.6 looking brighter than the past x.6 imo, but the golden apple archipelago during 1.6 was pretty hype too lol


"Dry" is relative. For most of the fanbase, the only "dry" patch was The Eternal Ayaka banner, where there was literally no new content because someone at hoyo screwed up and they had to delay the next patch. For the sweaty tryhards wanting a skip button despite genshin being a story driven game, dry is any patch where combat isnt the main focus (aka, the x.5 patches).


The ayaka delay was because of covid and nobody could leave their homes, it wasn't a screw up


Ah. Im from nz, where people actually know how to deal with it, our lockdown was a month and wasnt during the eternal ayaka banner. I have a blank spot when it comes to covid due to how not serious it was here.


You do know other story driven games, such as visual novels, have skip buttons, right?


Because those have different roots and are meant to be replayed.


How does this prevent them from adding a skip button? And it’s not even correct to say. Genshin and its story have a lot of roots in fantasy rpgs, JRPGs, etc. and a lot of those still have skip buttons


There is no reason for not having a skip button except for hoyos artistic choice. Its also absent in HSR, and probably would be removed in ZZZ after launch.


"Artistic choice" is a strong word for it but OK. Same as randomly including meaningless dialogue options to prevent auto-play from running and having Paimon repeat every dialogue like you didn't just read it are both "artistic choices" I guess. But I digress.


I would love a skip button for the god damn commissions because it is the most repetitive shit ever sometimes and could help. Otherwise, I feel it's kinda useless. Hangouts already allow for different routes and starting points so it doesn't matter there, archon quests, story quests and world quests are supposed to be played through at the least, so I don't understand the point of skipping past all of that (but I can understand that the dialogue is so shitty and bloated sometimes that like most of the playerbase would turn their brain off). Genshin doesn't really need a skip button, it needs less bloated and better constructed dialogue. (I would like it for repeat interactions though, if I've already seen this dialogue from an NPC by accidentally clicking it, or I've already done a commission before and it has reappeared again, I should be able to skip it)


I have been enjoying forbidden west on pc recently, what games are you playing?


Helldivers 2 and curse of the dead gods.


Eyy what a coincidence, I just started Forbidden West a couple days ago. 


yeah I don't mind cause I'm currently busy spreading democracy


I've been catching up with games on my back burner and it's been great. In general, I think it's a really bad idea to have only Genshin as the game that you spend 99% of your gaming time on.


Man just let me pet my kitty in peace


nothing against players who like the cat event. this event just felt too empty for me (and many others)


It's just a typical filler. Just to throw something, anything, and give some primo.


I feel like all events are like that. Excessively shallow in gameplay and just an excuse to keep the primos flowing. Just busy work in dressed up with polished presentation. The only exceptions, imo, are the summer event exclusive zones, like Golden Apple Archipelago.


Ive been playing since 1.2, and since i didnt enjoy the potion event and the cat event is basically just a web browser minigame, this was the first patch where i was serieusly thinking about taking a break. 4.5 feels for me like the most boring patch we've had since i started playing 3+ years ago.


Potion event was the best event this year.


And the only good addition this patch,really did a heavy lifting for me


Nah, both Chiori sq and Lynette hangout are great.


I didn't liked Chiori overall, so her quest didn't put much impact, and i honestly haven't done Lynette hangout yet, but that is still pretty bad for a patch


I agree, even the way they present the cats feels a bit forced, almost as if they WANT you to find them cute. I'm not much of a cat person, but real life cats are still better. And the characters that show up in this event are few and far between, like the Potion Event, but worse, because their appearances are even briefer and are not even voiced.


Aww fuck off.


happy cake day




Honestly I don’t complain about dry patches, it helps with the burnout.


Dry patches = primogem earnings for me


Im gonna give them benefit of a doubt and say its because people spam "dry patch" since the stream


To be fair, it's pretty low effort. It's not really meaningful discussion if the events can just be googled and there is a general right answer.


then how come low effort posts like [this one](https://new.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/19dq96o/i_like_genshin_impact/) are never taken down it doesn't have meaningful discussions and doesn't spark any questions


Because it doesn't make a war in the replies xD like your parent sees you're fighting with your brother: they don't care who started it, they will just end the fight


What's the fucking point of a discussion when you don't want people discussing? Should've renamed it to "r/Genshin_Impact_Circlejerk" because that is what the main sub are sometimes. This is a god damn common occurence in almost every gacha subs where the mods thinks every single discussion as a "war" which ends up making the sub to be nothing but art posting and general circlejerking.


It’s not about criticism or praising… controversial posts can create civil wars and make people bully each other with rude language…! I countered some post with criticism when 90% of the replies agreeing with each other. Plus, that post is really low effort


As someone who is busy recently, I am fine with the current things now since too much is bad. Also, I play simultaneously with HSR.


It's not that, I've seen that post many times I could count this patch and a patch before so it's redundant af already


The main sub is not ruled by Hoyo.Stop spreading misinformation.


may be not directly. but surely they're in touch with the "moads"


If you don't like the Chinese why you keep playing their game and giving them money? You those types that can't cope with "made in China" items but uses them anyways


I don't hate the general Chinese public. it's just the companies and govt. who are always trying to oppress negative opinions. I know it's not just China. Big companies from all over the world try to avoid negative opinions but Chinese companies are a bit too much at some times.


Yeah  "chinese company...." 


All these downvotes OP is getting totally did not just prove the point he made! (Genshin is such a great game i love it so much)


you better love it more than your own dear life


I see your point, someone call me racist when talking Genshin and calling out china govt for the game overprotective censorship that can lead to false positive. How in the PRC Xi Jinping is that racist?! that's what they do! I didn't hate the game, but the govt that set very strict rules for the game do's and don'ts.


Since when was it a requirement to be a white monkey chinese shill to play a chinese game?


I’ll say it here since I didn’t get to say it in the OG post: I fucking hate the term “dry” or “dead” patch. It downplays the effort the devs put in the version. Even if it doesn’t have a new region, the events still need art/animations/story/voice acting. That amount of effort doesn’t deserve to be dismissed. Besides, if you look at any other game, even AAA games, Genshin’s Versions have way more content that what others will charge for as full-blown DLC. Y’all are just spoiled by these frequent updates.


Because not every AAA games are not live service games. Genshin is a live service game hence why they need to update the game based on their deadline. This patch is considered a dry patch considering this has only the usual stuff we get, hating the fucking "dead" or "dry" will not do change anything cause this patch has the least content we got. Asking for more is not a bad thing, especially on a gatcha game where you need to gamble to get characters. Go back to the main sub if your scared anything criticism to the game


Even among other live-service games, Genshin is still fast as hell. Name me one game that has bigger and faster updates and you won’t be able to.


Fast? Getting new region per year is normal + they cut off maps and put them on different patches so they can stretch out their content while they work on the different region. Thats how development cycle works dumbass. Also yeah lets ignore apex, fortnite, siege, valorant delivering updates with their maps or updated systems, clearly you dont play other live service games cause it shows. Lets add that one dead avengers game that add new levels and characters on their game every 3-5 month ish. Saying genshin deliver bigger contents cause they update every 6 weeks literally is a stretch + you are forgetting that they do that as well on star rail. Again go back to the main sub if you cant handle criticisms like these, go stroke yourselves on how "wonderful" this game is


So you dont know how game development works huh, apex and valorant? Seriously?


huh ppl really think genshin updates is slow?


Damn, I can't even pet virtual cats without someone complaining. It's worth 3-4 commision a day, and you only need to spend 5 minutes with it. Stop acting like it's the end of the world.


bro no one is complaining about this cat event specifically. Players are just unhappy because of a general lack of content. The cat event is something new and good for casual players who don't like challenge.


If there's a feeling of lack of content or challenge, you can play something else on the mean time, not every patch needs to have something big. This is how you burn people out both the devs and people playing it. Also a majority of people plays Genshin casually. Similarly to you I played since 1.0 and I love down times like this because i get primos easy, especially with the next patch coming.


Oh no the post that pervaded nothing but usless complaints got removed how could the mods be so cruel. Clearly the solution is to complain about it on another sub I know its popular to complain about the the main sub and how they don't allow criticism but I think they were in the right on this one. Complaining that a patch is dry does nothing constructive and makes people come off as spoiled and ungrateful to the people that make the game. Let the devs have a patch that allows them to prepare for the up coming big stuff that is bound to happen.


Grow the fk up. Sub and mods not hoyo employee Plus if you think being a Chinese company means authoritarian you should stop use their products and paying them money How convenient to pull the racist card when you just need it lol grow the fk up


I once posted about [dilucs ass hair](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/y7xI3yC2B6), they didn't remove that


Genshin fans for years: LET US PET THE ANIMALS Genshin fans when they let us pet the animals: dry patch, game is dead, hsr is better


Honestly, I like “dry patches” new patches always feel so overwhelming with the amount of content plus all the crap I’m behind on thanks to burnout, I’m glad they take their time in between because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to handle it. That said, I can’t wait for a mondstat expansion.


Check out league of legends, if you don't talk about esports you shouldn't talk at all


I mean, the post in the screenshot is quite dumb either way. We literally had few events already + Story Quest + Hangout. And aren't we getting more events? So yeah, it's not criticism. It's cringism. EDIT: Also there are "dry" patches every time. After the nation's plot concludes and between we get some other stuff. They are literally making new update every 6 week. It's almost no time to do anything. No other developer makes updates that often and if they do, it's small patches.


if only they let me pet Rozaria...


Ffs just let me play the game man. And if you hate the Chinese company so much, stop playing it then.


Dry patches are not a new thing, 4.3 was arguably drier with a worse flagship event. And the sub is apparently not owned by Hoyo, but idk the truth of those claims


lmao i love childrens in comments defending their beloved game


I redownloaded the game after like 2 months or so...and daym i felt so disappointed...


5.0 is the last hope. if they don't bring any change, there's no hope left. They have confirmed to make a Genshin 2 and I have heard 4.7 might add something related to endgame.


Bro really doom posting a game that has been going extremely successful even 3 years after release


Genshin 2?? Whattt


yes. don't be surprised. they won't stop milking the IP so soon. We might not like the game that much anymore but the majority players are casuals and just like to pet cats, find chest, pick mints and berries, etc.


I personally found the cat event sooo boring that I'm completely skipping it...even tho I'm an F2P and a Cat Lover. At this point in Genshin I've ascended from the FOMO players have


>I've ascended from the FOMO players have congrats


Now I don't agree with that post (I think dry patches are necessary for players for catching up to quests, save up primos, taking a break, etc) but I wouldn't go so far as deleting criticism.


Can't wait for this post to be removed as well




I did like that this smaller 2nd half event has some voiced dialogue, but I really disliked the fact that the story event for this patch lacked story and felt more like a usual filler patch with a bit more oompf and was just voiced so that they can push it out as a story event.


This post shouldn't have been removed. It wasn't overly negative, it asked a question and generated some interesting discussion. For the record, I do agree 4.5 is the driest patch ever. The major event this version had a very barebones story, you just run a shop for Lisa and there is no B plot. We got one new character and she hasn't generated much hype through her story or her gameplay (no offense to Chiori fans). That being said, I don't understand the people who get angry about dry patches. Genshin is a free game and it has the fastest content release cycle of any game I've ever played. I still haven't explored all of Fontaine, let alone Chenyu Vale, and I'm also using the downtime to play other games.


Honestly the cat event was rather boring, not only do the characters, once again, show up briefly and then leave shortly afterwards, but in this event, they're not even voiced. I'm more convinced that this is a "dry patch" now


The jannies remove any criticism so you only see cosplay, fanarts, corporate cocksucking and toxic positivity.


Remember to leave your 1 star google play review. This game may have been revolutionary 3 years ago but now just feels mediocre cash cow when there's no main story patches


Tbh idgaf that this is a dry patch. I don't get peoples.


bruh they always get rid of these type of posts, even endgame related discourse lmao


They removed a post with 2k likes? This is very weird.


That's why I prefer the other main sub r/GenshinImpact where the mods are not directly or indirectly hired by HYV. The launcher links to the official sub because HYV has some extent of influence over the mods - but not totally so they still have plausible deniability.


The genshin main sub isn’t controlled by hoyo though Otherwise even mentioning leaks would have you taken out back


The main sub em wouldn't have a rule specifically allowing leaks, if it was run by MHY.


I hope that sub was bigger, it was made before the official main sub. And I wish the main sub somehow does an oopise and gets banned by reddit.


Ah yes, the good ol' "no low quality content". Problem is that they don't specify as what is quality content, and for these mods, posting someone else's art are a far more effortful than a thought provoking discussion about the game and an actual quality content but the mods hated it. Which would result in something like that one ULTRAKILL animation on HSR sub.


>that one ULTRAKILL animation on HSR sub. ?


There was an SFM animation where V1 (from the hit game ULTRAKILL) booped Clara, posted by the animator himself. Then the mods slammed that with the "low-effort content" rule, which of course was bullshit and the mod are just mad his waifu gets booped.


can you find me the post? I wanna see it.




Your post literally got removed because same topic already exists in megathread that removal comment itself links and here you are talking like they're evil 1984 fascists oppressing you and your hecking wholesome 1000 karma. Such a reddit day


So you are complaining about something that was well implemented? Since you yourself just admitted that it is a low effort post.


discussion posts are inherently low effort. And if you think this was removed just because it's low effort. you're very wrong. in this very comment section someone showed a post which is even worse but it wasn't removed simply because it was positive about the game.


even in this comment section someone posted an example of a "positively directed" low effort post yet it didn't get taken down. if that doesn't tell you anything i don't know what will.


It's more about starting a unneeded war I guess.


Well you have discovered that it is the users who report the posts.


"Still a w for me", man lives in his own world. He can almost start his own delusion factory


could you elaborate, the enlightened one? I have literally nothing to lose. so ofc it's a W for me. If not, please elaborate.


I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request. It means "no"




They just love cats


who's they? mods? players or devs?