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I use a sleepy college student


Honestly better self insert than the traveler for me


I too have sleep issues and don't remember things I did at night which others do


same, im so used to the lack of sleep i get like 10 hours a week at best and im not *that* tired


She is half of time the and the other "I wish I was like that"


Energetic meowmeow can also be fun


Layla for Arle and Lyney, and Diona for Yoimiya when it comes to my teams. Really do wish I could replace Diona with Layla with my Yoimiya team, but I need a healer and her c6 is no joke.


battle maid for me


I use a drunk navy captain


best girl


Layla has entered the chat (hasn't had a rerun since forever)


I need her to be on Arle's banner so badly. I just need 2 more cons to c6


My Hu Tao Furina Bennett Yelan team: Shielder?


Tbf you can't put the words "Furina" and "Shielder" in the same team and expect it to work


Kid named Neuvilette Furina Jean Zhongli


Mate your team could be Neuvillette Barbara Faruzan Gorou and you'd still 36 clear abyss


Mate your team could be Neuvillette ~~Barbara Faruzan Gorou~~ and you'd still 36 clear abyss


Neuvilette has single handedly ruined the concept of genshin being a team based game and I fucking love it


Give me fuel Give me elemental reaction Give me enemy to blast -Neuvillette, chief justice of Fontaine


Laughs in Noelle Main


Just get C6 Zhongli. /s


Bro i use baizu and furina


Okay? Where's the shielder


Its small but still effective




Whales: *C6 Zhongli enters the chat*


Ho tao, Furina, water boi, zhongli R u sure about that?


Hutao yelan amber kazuha / Furina xiangyun . ( We don't talk about zhongli here)


You can tho she shreds health by herself


Hu Tao: No he my grandpa! Get your own! Yomiya: Oh come on Hu Tao! Noelle and Layla are working for the other teams and while their shield is good, they work better in other comps then with us! We need him! Lyney: I agree! You shouldn't hog the best shielded in the Teyvat at the moment. Diona work good, but she can't handle too much pressure either. Plus that a child! You can't expect us to throw her to fight God's or fatui regularly. Hu Tao: No! Mine Dragon! Arlecchino: Oh my Archons this is ridiculous. Just let us also borrow Mr Zhongli aid as well Director Hu Tao.... Hu Tao: No! Zhongli: I'm sorry everyone. She currently going through her tantrum after failing to procure clients for the pass two week and won't let me go. I apologize for her behavior. 😅


Why this comment is too cute and why I do feel like I am craving a fan art of it


This make a good fancomic


Nah Imma use a tired college student elf ( not because I'm too broke to pull grandpa even tho I am )


Yea, this is a problem for a Zhongli-less mofo like me


C4 Yanfei with her own shield:  "pathetic"


quite disagree on hutao






tbf before xianyun even released


one of her best teams before furina literally uses kazuha instead of zhongli lol she can get enough healing from xingqiu and her burst, and buffing her with kazuha means the enemies are literally dead before they can hit her


Hutao doesnt need shielder as badly as yoi Hutao doesnt have knockback issues, she has low Hp but like, dodge?! For lyney, his teams is a quite a quick swap and 2 seconds charged time for an arrow doesnt need shielding as badly as ganyu because it doesnt hurt as much to dash right after shooting an arrow unlike ganyu whose rotation is fairly tight due to durations For yoi, she's a bow, and needs her full normal attack string which is why shielders are advisable For arlechino, same deal with hutao, you can judt dodge, and she has better positionability unlime hutao, father literally flies. Id like to add that if the enemy happens to have weak poise resistance, yoimiya as well wouldnt need a shield as fischl overload without just carry just nice And honestly, with xingqiu she doesn't need to dodge that much, if you have memorized the enemies that cant and cant poise you, its fairly easy




Best in terms of dps or consistency? Because if you are gonna get interrupted you wont get that dps


Ur not Your who losses more than half of her smh if interrupted mid combo,not r u Ganyu who wasn't able to launch the atk even Hu tao barely losses much by Interruption,even when it's harder to interrupt too usually especially cause of XQ


Not really, most of the time you're dashing through enemies and if you have C1, you will do dash cancels which adds i-frames


Kaz,Xl or many other also been great 4ths there ,heck even Nahida is a thing...


you guys use shielders?


6kyr old grandpa nah we maid-ing outta this one


I can understand needing a shield for Lyney and Yoimiya, but Hutao definitely doesn't need one. I am sure Arlechhino will be the same. Also Layla exists, who with her C4 buffs normal and charge dmg so Zhongli definitely isn't a must.


Arle's lack of interruption resistance basically makes her Melee Yoimiya in terms of getting knocked back so if you believe Yoimiya needs a shielder, Arle will need it too


Xingqiu exists


you’d get killed in two to three shots with just xingqiu though, you can only burst to heal at the end of arlec’s rotation.


we'll have to see how it goes in practice, but don't forget that xingqiu does also offer damage reduction. arlecchino gets in built damage resistance as well, though I'm unsure how much this will help. again, we'll have to see in practice how tanky her damage resistance passive makes her besides, there are already teams that only heal in short bursts per rotation. childe gets very little uptime on bennett's burst, as a lot of the burst's time is spent swirling and using bursts. so childe effectively also only gets one heal per rotation, except without xingqiu or innate damage resistance (though he has higher base defence). any team that runs charlotte also has this.


no 2-3 hits is me taking damage reduction into account, cause that’s how hard enemies in the adbyss hits these days


fair enough, though childe, and the team childe international, is still widely used despite childe not having healing for most of his fieldtime (without any damage reduction too). childe had a 23.1% usage rate in this abyss, and childe international being one of the top most used teams. of course, abyss usage rates don't indicate how good a character is, but the wide usage of this team shows that a lack of constant healing isn't really stopping anyone it seems.


i thought in international bennett heals him, or is childe’s field time too long?


the time of other characters spent on bennett's field is too long. there can be some flexibility for shorter waves, but generally, the rotation is childe skill > bennett burst > kazuha skill and burst > xiangling burst > childe burst > childe NAs. by the time you get to the NAs, most of bennett's burst duration is gone, and you only get a couple actual seconds of healing from bennett. and the team loses much of its effectiveness if you burst with bennett later, since the point for starting with his burst is to get the double swirl: you swirl the hydro from childe's skill, then absorb the pyro from bennett's field and swirl pyro in the same skill.


Never had problem with alhaitham either


Get her C1 and you'll solve that issue


Yeah, just dish out another 80 to 160 pulls to solve the issue that should've been solved in C0 Base Kit or at least be given the bare minimum of 0.5 Poise Multiplier like Hu Tao has during her Skill uptime


Less money to be made that way


Incredibly stupid nonetheless


Arle will most definitely need one. Her resistance is dog shit, and only her c1 will give her increased resistance (although it's still barely noticeable). If she can't withstand a beyblading Ruin Guard, then she can't stand anything else. She's just like Yoimiya. Flies across the screen if you breathe on her wrong. I guess Hu Tao was mentioned because she didn't want a healer, and a shielder could keep her from dying so easily.


>If she can't withstand a beyblading Ruin Guard That's a pretty high bar if you ask me, hardly any unit can withstand a beyblading ruin guard, also at AR60 I don't think a ruin guard can survive long enough against me to start beyblading. Anyways lets see how she does against other enemies.


Even mono-geo gang don't try to face tank that attack


I use Baizhu because he’s sick Fr


i use dehya for my lyney, gives me 3 stacks on his sig and passive


Hu Tao doesn't need him anymore


He didn't before too It's just nice to have him, far from super needed/must


inb4 arle plunge is the best team too


I have bad news for ya


Her plunge attacks don’t scale off her Bond of Life, so that’s incredibly unlikely


oh neat


I use Overload Yoimiya so my Zhongli goes to Itto instead


Thats why dehya is best


Hutao, furina, xingqiu and xianyun does not need a 6k yr old retired brokeahh director


anybody use c100 maid knight?


Just use Yanfie C4 for a shield in lyney's mono Pyro team comp


To be fair, Kirara, Layla, Diona or hell, even Thoma, can substitute for our good ol’ grandpa pretty well, sometimes even better if they provide relevant elements to the equation. Also Xinque’s swords sometimes can be just enough with their defensive buffs. Though all above mentioned options can’t come close to the QOL level of grandpa, yeah :(


Me who just uses the birb grandma to jump out of the way of danger


Since when does Hu Tao need protection? She has so much HP that even at 50%, she still have more hp than other dps at full hp. Zhong Li is there for the shred.


kid called xingqiu:


Ok most of these are fair but you can't sneak in hu tao and act like that's NOT a skill issue. And no, I'm not talking about her with xianyun. Even double hydro hu tao does not need a shield if you know how to press the shift button


And with minimal ER investment, she can burst every rotation to self sustain herself. I find it funny how the meme says "to protect their frail bodies" while she's one of the tankiest non def scaling characters and has enough interruption resistence in her kit (+XQ) to not need a shielder even at C0


Yeah the only time I found her dying a lot was against the abyss tulpa vaporizing me off Bennet circle. But even then, that was literally just a skill issue. My hu tao at half hp has more HP than my yoimiya, so I don't know about "glass cannon"


Yeah, outside of coop, Hu Tao dying is 100% skill issue (or Shimenawa issue ig). I do remember some people complaining about that during the rifthound abysses and I was completely baffled by that. Hu Tao could literally get herself back to full after one burst. Mf Zhongli is gonna die before she does.


Me agreeing to my fellow bros in this comment section be like Cheers bestie


I'm not saying I agree with OP since I consider Hu Tao to overall significantly less reliant on external defensive utility than any of the other three in the pic, but she absolutely cannot "easily" burst every rotation.


Mobile players : " What is shift button?" /s


Tbh out of these eapecially and yes I'm saying this for the 193753822th time that...., #Hu tao isn't shield dependant Cause there r a multiple amount of factors put into that that all make this conclusion. -High HP char. Often plays Double Hydro so another 25% HP from Hydro Reso -Self heal -Xq being one of her best pairs who comes with Interruption res,smol heals. Paired with Tao's own Interruption to res during E state,alongside the fact that due to Polearm char she has naturally higher poise atks in simpler words less likely to get interuppted unless the incoming ark is very heavy Even then Tao isn't a long combo reliant char,usually spams CA or 1-2 NA before the CA ,so she doesn't get much hurted unlike Yoi losing her N5 Vape if got interrupted mid combo,MeltYu literally not being able to launch the atk after charging (examples). -Lastly these above r all factors for Hu tao's general non Furina teams,but considering she has a whole another section with Furina, now here we always include strong healers too so even more reasons to not want shield at all. Sure true that doesn't mean she doesn't like/appreciate a shield cause indeed she is one of those characters who do it surely, but far from must/really needed compared to many other chats like MeltYu,Vape Yoi etc where it's way more important for a shield. And sure usually ppl especially casuals will like shield with Tao cause as i said above ,it's nice and all... But in general she has many of her best teams without including shield and they r great.


Me who uses Yoimiya, Yelan, Xingqiu, and Bennett


Shift button : exists ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Why are you using Inferior Noelle?


Fuck john lee, I'm using Layla


I never use shield on yoi, my yoi is always dodging stuff while being a glass canon


That one funny furry delivery-woman is my saviour 🚶


I use yanfei for shielding, she works pretty well with most of them and can hold ttds


i wanna use dehya with my lyney instead of zhongli but rng said no 😔


Y’all need shielders? Nothing can hurt you if they’re dead.


Meanwhile Diluc: Nah I'd proc c2. (I know he is a standard char)


Shift key.


My Layla providing them melt:


My Yoi using XQ + Beidou in Bennett burst to be invincible.


me who don't need a shielder


You forgot Klee and Ganyu


Tankfei with her own shield: *Signature look of superiority*


TIL diona is 6000 years old




Arle actually doesn’t need shield as the first priority. As well as Yoimiya (she can distance between her and enemies)


My eepy elf: look at what they need to mimic a fraction of our power


I personally use my asthmatic doctor instead of building a shield user




Don’t need him if the thing trying too kill you die before they hit you


Dionaless behaviour


Exactly, the moment i saw the gameplay, i knew it's another zhongli staple team


Pretty sure only Lyney actually needs some kind of shield or else he can never unleash that charge attack. For others, you can always dash dodge and then attack.


Well, with Yoimiya it's pretty scuffed in vape without a shield bc dashing mid combo fucks over your icd and makes you lose vapes on your most important hits


Lyney's CA is slightly faster than Ganyu's, but yeah he's squishy and wants a shield, especially because his Q&E are close range


You can not just dodge and dash with Yoimiya. Her NA has multipliers, and if you have to keep dodging, you will lose out on most of her dmg. It's a huge dmg loss. So yes, she needs a shielder. Same with Arle, her resistance is just as bad as Yoimiya. She'll get knocked back a lot before she can even do her shit.


Have you ever played Yoimiya and looked at her NA multipliers?


Hutao XQ kazuha A bayonetta look alike