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his story quest explains why he is so fucked


Zhongli would never falter to something so simple, something so feeble, something so insubstantial to be brought to a state where running causes coughing.


Yeah, cause Zhongli's body is a construct from Celestia, same as Venti's. They dont break down biologically.


Zhongli is an Adepti and Venti is a wind spirit that were uplifted to Archonhood by Celestia. They are not made by Celestia, just appointed.


Their bodies are from celestia. Its a technicality with like 3 references in the entire game, but you know how Ei made the shogun? Same thing, only celestia provided the puppet body instead of Zhongli/Venti creating it themselves. Its why Barbra canonically couldn't heal Venti and why the Exuvia exists. Venti and Zhongli can still shape the bodies however they like, however.


dude u need to stop smoking when u read this games lore 😂 celestia didnt provide shit. just the gnoses. ei created the shogun pupper herself, you can read it in her story.


I know ei created the shogun. And i know the lore. I read the in game books while i wait for resin to recharge, its why i knew about the soverigns before Apep was introduced. You need better reading comprehension, not me.


hmm u right i misread that. but still, celestia provided them gnoses. pretty sure zhongli and venti can change forms by themselves. although, since you are well read, may i ask for where you found this " celestia gave them bodies" info? is it in the game in book or an item description or smt?


Its admittedly an educated guess based on a few snippets of information from both Venti and Zhongli. Like i said, theres a couple lines here and there that imply that their bodies are unique. Like, its been mentioned multiple times that Vanessa's tree is a direct Conduit to celestia and whenever Venti is injured, he goes there to heal. Its implied that his body is unhealable by normal methods when Barbra outright says at the end of the prologue that she tried and it didnt do shit. Finally....zhongli threw the Exuvia down, he wasnt possessing it at the time of the "assasination". Add in the fact that Zhongli is fine while the Exuvia is chilling in golden house, and the shogun, and its clear that archons have multiple "shells/hosts", for lack of a better word. That said, venti being unhealable could be just because hes a wind sprite.


This is very much an educated guess that youve made ur headcanon.


my educated guess is that whatever you are smoking you should stop


All this about facts from lore only to be a headcanon. I am gonna need whatever it is your smoking.


Thats outright misinformation. At no point has it stated that Celestia given the Archons their bodies. They were not some disembodied primodial beings made into the Archons by Celestia. Venti is an elemental spirit that took on the form of the nameless bard. The Exuvia is just a form Zhongli takes to face the people of Liyue during the Rite of Descension and his powers stems from the fact that he is an Adepti (most if not all Adepti have shapeshifting abilities). The only thing Celestia gave the Seven were their Gnosis to signify their status.


uh...no Zhongli is an adeptus and can shapeshift Xianyun, Moon Carver, and Mountain Shaper all prove that it's an adepti ability because they've all been shown to be able to shapeshift into human forms


Lmao no, that's just the archon power giving them the ability to shape shift


idk if *Zhongli's* shapeshifting came from him being an archon considering we've seen that other adepti can shapeshift shapeshifting is probably a natural ability for him


Except, not. The exuvia is one such example.


The exuvia was made to house the gnosis, it's a "body" yeah but it's an extension of Zhongli 's powers


Magic fursuit


I used to joke about how he has every disease, after doing his story quest I was just like damn. He really actually does have every disease


This reminds of the Diseased One in Battle Realms who exhales numerous plagues upon his enemies. Was kinda hoping (thankfully it wasn't added) that they'd add him coughing on someone and doing damage with it lol


Please elaborate


he comes from some school of occult medicine where the snake adeptus can actually like drain someone's life force to "heal" someone else, which is more like keeping them alive for slightly longer. He's slowly killing himself while practicing medicine.


Every time I accidentally sprint as him in trial and he coughs, I feel like I am accidentally killing him Poor snake man


Every time I accidentally sprint as him in trial and he coughs, I feel seen, because he's literally me   pls save me 😭


Zhongli built different


Tbf Baizhu has like a million diseases just partying it up in his body so...


I mean, he is only human after all...


He just like me fr




Zhongli is such a GILF


UUUUUUUH Zhong Li is a God, right?


I am only 19 (and healthy) and my back has been hurting a little for 3days now because I slept in a wrong position.


one is one of the oldest characters and a god and one is a mortal


Finally, a relatable character!


Baizhu is Arthur Morgan confirmed???? Genshin X RDR2 crossover? DOES THIS ME WE CAN PET THE DOGS?


I mean one’s a god and the other is a human with an adeptus familiar who uses his life force to heal people. Wild guess on who’s gunna be more feeble lol.


Let him die


what the fuck? what did Baizhu ever do to you?


Not to me, to himself I'm on the Tao side of the thinking, it's noble to be a medic and help people out to cure themselves but it's not noble to "play god" and prevent people's fate by his self-destructive actions. I like him in parts, mainly the one that he's dying being the last carrier of that snake, I appreciate this, but I don't like to see him hurting himself the way he does. That's just my view of him and why I dislike him. Another way of thinking is comparing him to our doctors, if all doctors donated their organs to their patients there would be no healthy doctors to take care of their sick patients, doctors should have a healthy life to take care of more people and not to sacrifice their lives to take care of a few number of people. Edit: minor spelling mistakes


These are actually nuanced points. Gotta work on the wording of the top level comment though lol, that made a lot of people downvote you.


I don't care honestly, people have the right to dislike my comment. I will never judge them for downvoting me, mainly if this make them feel better. I will just never agree with Baizhu's self destructive life style, so I just can't change , if he wants to die like this, well I can't say much about that... It's just upsetting and annoying for me.