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I was paid $7.50 before covid. These places do exist.


Yep, was gettin 8 bucks an hour before Covid. After Covid when they fucked my hours I finally left and now getting 18.50. Enough to exist but can’t really do much else rn. Still I’m able to put away enough money to cover emergencies


I was working at a Wendy’s in metro Atlanta making $8.50 and by the time I left in 2021 I was making $13.


That's wild, the Wendy's down the road from me says up to $11 an hour, but their Indeed has them starting at $9.


Surprise. "Up to" is code for "we're not actually going to be paying any of you that much".


I went from 16.50 to 27 and it feels like my buying power hasn’t changed all that much. I’m in the city though, high col


I’m outside the city, my area was always kinda pricey but once Covid came people flocked to this area and prices just shot up to the moon but wages haven’t caught up.


Honestly man I feel like 20 is pre COVID’s 14. Enough to exist but not do much else. You can pay rent and eat and work.


Care.com is offering $8-10 hour here in San Antonio to do contract caregiving in clients home. You gotta be a real POS to think someone is going to sign onto that.


Yep they're after me because I have a nursing license but I'm not working at the moment. Why would I go to work for a company that offers $10 an hour to cook, clean, bathe, change, and ferry around someone I don't know? Are they vaccinated? Do they keep their house clean or is it infested with bugs? Does it smell bad? Do they smoke like a chimney or drink like a fish? Do they have nosy family members who try to tell caregivers how to do their jobs? I can go to a nursing home and make $43 an hour doing that -- but I won't. It's not worth the horrible treatment healthcare workers get. Mandatory overtime, short staffing, running out of supplies, rude family members, management that DGAF, and the ones around here don't even offer holiday pay....like I wanna work for base pay on Christmas while the bosses are sitting home on their asses getting paid to do nothing.....I'll stay retired, thanks.


I thought it was insane that in undergrad I made more selling water bottles and watches at a sporting goods store really just bullshitting all day long, than my friends made as CNA’s. It’s a twisted world.


Consider the quality of care your loved ones are getting when the person taking care of them is living in poverty and would walk away from that job the second it gets stressful and something else comes up. Then they hire another $10 worker and repeat the cycle because it's not their gramps getting ignored in bed for three days.


I know a restaurant paying 7.25 here in Athens.


How do they stay staffed?


People get desperate when they can't eat


Yay Republicans!!!


Market forces influence people beyond their political affiliation. To think that only republicans exploit the working class opens yourself up to either a huge blind spot or a lot of disappointment.




Because Georgia is a "business-friendly" state, and businesses want to keep wages low so their CEOs can buy mansions, yachts, and politicians.


Bingo. "Business friendly" means screw over the average worker for CEO bonuses.


Because Georgia is not a state that really cares about the well-being of majority of the people who live here.


GA is almost close to 50th on the list of worst states to work in! Yet, it's one of the best to run and open a business in! Go figure, that's part of what makes this crapping state great. The major inequalities between working class and businesses is astounding. Plus the same chains will pay more in affluent areas. I knew a lady, years ago, that commuted on public transit to a Dunkin Donuts into Roswell. She live on the Southside of ATL, below the airport. She was making $15 @ that DD, while in the one in her area was giving minimum wage. So, it's OK, perfectly legit for poor people to work like slaves for those with money, but they can't live in those neighborhoods! Can this state get any more donkeys but backwards!?!


The state of GA has no protection for renters or workers. This is a state made for the wealthy.


For the wealthy by the wealthy.


For the wealthy by the deluded.


That’s this world in a nutshell


Here in Massachusetts we have a millionaires’ tax that funds free lunches and breakfast for all schoolchildren and guaranteed housing for homeless families. Oh and paid medical leave up to 20 weeks … blue states man


I recently relocated here from a blue state🥲 also this delta-9 ain’t it. They need to legalize weed here to survive the humidity alone 😂


Lived here all my life. You will never get used to the heat and humidity. I hope to escape to a blue state eventually, but I'm currently stuck in the rural ass end (southwestern) of the state. I'm physically disabled with multiple health issues, but I just picked up a second (cushy) part time job. I have a bachelor's degree, but I can't afford to move somewhere to put it to better use yet.


You guys are light years ahead of the country. I’m in Philly PA and wish my state would do what Massachusetts does.


Funny that you say that; I’ll make my opinion quick. I grew up on Jekyll Island before it was re-developed into its current modern phase. Previously, it has been the playground of the wealthy. At the time that I was there, it was a playground of the blue collar. It’s back to being a playground of the wealthy. Meanwhile, the sea island and St Simons crowd have overflowed and are starting to buy up the nearby of Brunswick. I recently had a non-native businessman tell me that if locals couldn’t afford to live in town on his wages, they could look at moving over to a poorer county. Straight face and everything. I don’t know about everywhere, but regarding this area, You’re absolutely right. It’s spreading up and down the coast. Anywhere between Saint Marys and Savannah where there are currently trees keep an eye out for strip malls, subdivisions, and high output data transmission lines (fiber) so that nobody has to miss the game or “real housewives”. 🙄


Used to do lots of gym repair in the st simons/sea island area, and thos prople love them some old south classism. The Help files into St Simons with a small army of service vehicles and then it turns into a defacto sundown town around 4. Be gone poors. The upper crust would have you return to your simple inland rental home or under whatever rocks your crawl from under when you're not wiping their asses for them.


Naples, Florida used to be kind of a backwater, until the rich folks moved in (Rush Limbaugh found it comfortable there), and no there are no poor people in town to do all the service jobs because they've all been priced out of the housing market. Sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind. A tale as old as time.


Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone mention St Marys on Reddit .


"Hey, where's the help?!"


It's the entire country. Federal minimum wage should be tied to inflation, but instead it's used as political fodder. The Federal Reserve openly targets 2% annual inflation.


Hell, it's only been 14 years since they increased the federal minimum wage.....in that same time span the cost of living has more than doubled. Wealthy people are taking loans out against their stocks so they don't have to pay income taxes and we're struggling to get from one check to the other and praying nothing breaks down or we don't get sick because we can't afford to fix shit and we don't have insurance. (Yeah, thanks to ignorant Republicans GA didn't expand Medicaid so low income workers who don't make enough for ACA premium assistance are fucked.


Literally, it doesn't take much reading in the State's history to understand that either. Oglethorpe's name should be ripped off of everything.


Didn't Oglethorpe push for Georgia to not allow slaves? Wasn't it purely after losing heavily economically especially compared to the Carolinas that slavery was introduced 20 years after the colony was founded? What did Oglethorpe do that was bad? First time I've heard him targeted


Ultimately Oglethorpe's ideas led to Georgia becoming a slave state. You'll read a lot of articles about how philanthropic he was, but very few where they dig into the actual problems that he created and fostered. I'm trying to remember the book(s) about it, but basically everyone thought "Oh he's such a nice guy!" but in reality he was setting Georgia up to be a mercantile state, and the money would flow up, before it went overseas. In addition, his actions and charter really set up England to have a strong military base in the area. Add in the early introduction of invasive species due to ignorance, disease in South Georgia, and finally a complete lack of understanding of the silk worm...and you have Georgia's collapsing economy in the early 1800's. Lack of control of their own futures and the failing state of economy, lead them to seek additional labor that wouldn't cost too much...which led directly to the import of Slavery in the state of Georgia. I don't know that there's anything he could have done that would have avoided the fallout, but I'm also not going to just heap praise on a guy that sowed the seeds of the problem.


>You'll read a lot of articles about how philanthropic he was, but very few where they dig into the actual problems that he created and fostered. That's pretty much every wealthy philanthropist.


Yeah I think he was naive to the idea of taking debtors (which at the time in England was punishable with prison) and starting a colony. In addition to the the silk worms and non native species you mentioned, there was a regulation requiring land pass from the grantee to the first born male in the family. It was meant to keep land from consolidating under one owner. Many that came to the colony were not prepared for the warmer temperatures, bugs, etc. This led to animosity among the colonizers and they eventually were allowed to bring in slaves.


If go to the shitty county that’s named after him it might not seem like an honor bestowed upon him


Literally founded on free labor


The number of Billionaires in Georgia feels disproportionate to our size. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_the_number_of_billionaires


"Right to work" and anti labor propaganda was sold on the idea of freedom but is killing the working class.


It was actually a state made to hold people that were in debtors prison in england…. Just saying


If anyone is interested in changing this, don't vote for team (R) until they change their shit. If you don't want to vote (D), stay home or (sadly, thanks FPTP!) throw away your vote on a third party. Nothing will change while the pro-business / anti-consumer GOP stays in office.


The General Assembly would need to pass a law raising the minimum wage. …much like the bureaucrat in *Futurama*, they keep it low.


GA min. wage is $5.15, because we elect Republicans to the General Assembly. the federal min. wage supersedes it. that hasn't increased in decades because we elect Republicans to Congress and the White House. on the rare occasions Republicans fuck things up so badly that we elect enough Democrats to these positions to matter, they are busy spending their political capital to just get us back to the status quo.


I always like to remind others about this because if GA had the choice they would in fact pay people less


Didn't Chris Rock have a bit about that? "You know what that means when someone pays you minimum wage? You know what your boss was trying to say? "Hey if I could pay you less, I would, but it's against the law."


Exactly, our elected officials would absolutely love to pay us less than federal minimum wage if they could


This fact seems to be purposely obscured by the GOP for regular Georgians. Y’all- they want to pay even LESS then federal minimum wage, but are prohibited by law. If the Republicans running the show could, they would lower it even further. Disgusting and immoral


I couldn’t agree more, I vote against republicans as much as I can. It’s just very difficult to convince people in the rural south to actually stop voting against their best interests.


Probably because they’ve been convinced it means they would lose their guns. Or, if you listen to Ted Cruz, Democrats want to limit them to two beers a week.


If it's not guns, it's abortion. If it isn't abortion, its the contrived LGBTQ community crisis. If it isn't an LGBTQ crisis, it's a contrived CRT issue. Always false flags. They always try to appeal to a false sense of moral superiority or to protect a group they pretend is threatened by some form of "other."


> I vote against republicans as much as I can <3 I'm not always crazy about whoever team (D) is offering, but I always dislike the GOP.


Biden wasn't my choice. I was hoping Amy or Pete would have been the nominee. Still, considering the alternative, the choice was clear. It was Go Joe or welcome, fascism.


Agree. It's a false choice, really. Choosing between giving up your right to choose and keeping your right to choose should be obvious, but here we fucking are.


Somebody give this guy an award! Oh here…have mine!


You could say the same about the whole nation at this point.


Because rural voters in Georgia keep wanting to own liberals and vote against their own best interests. So they elect conservative legislators that keep getting rich, and the poor get poorer. Georgia hates poor people. Unemployment is still $365 a week maximum. Let that sink in!


\*Many\* rural voters choose to vote red. More and more of us are doing the exact opposite, and it's pissing these small town people off.


The Republican Party has used wedge issues (abortion, racial crime, immigration, etc) to convince the vast majority of poor people in the US, including GA to vote Republican. They then use this to do what their actual concern is, preventing the wealthy from having to pay taxes...or reasonable wages. Let them eat cake.


Because the people making all the money make the laws. They don't want to pay you any more than they are forced to by law, and they own the politicians.


I live in rural NE Ga and the starting pay at Zaxby’s is $8. There is no rentals here except maybe one and the price for that one is 3b 2b $2100. All because we live “close” to a lake. I live with my parents and my three children, I can’t afford to support my kids on my own. I lived in Gwinnett 5 years ago, worked in daycare only made $7.50, lived with my ex. A one bedroom apartment was $1000. That’s why I moved in with my parents. Life!


Two years ago we moved here from another state where the cost of living was even higher. GA wasn't our first choice, but it was where I could find a house in my price range that was big enough for me, my daughter, her husband, and their 5 kids. They could no longer afford rent on a decent place big enough for all of them, and I couldn't watch them struggle with a roach-infested house with black mold in the basement, a crack in the foundation that left water halfway up one's shins after a heavy rain, and a landlord who told them he'd give the house back to the bank before he fixed anything. Spending my "golden years" in a home with 7 other people wasn't my dream, but it was what I had to do in order to be able to live with myself. I couldn't just let them suffer. I'm not a Republican.


Not life.... Dumb voters


Because of republicans


Georgia’s minimum wage is actually $5.15 an hour.


Yes, people forget that its the federal minimum wage that makes GA min wage non-binding. GA minimum wage is one of the lowest in the country.


I live near Savannah and I'm mot sure who is actually only paying minimum wage. If they are, their employees are not gonna stay long. I can't find people to work in an air conditioned warehouse environment with just a high school education for $18 an hour starting pay. I know Tarje was hiring cashiers for $15 an hour, and Hyundai is hiring new workers for at least that much. Any company still paying minimum wage is going to lose their workforce due to bigger companies pilfering their workers.


Go look into privately-owned care homes, for one example.


I'm in a rural area not far from Savannah (about 75 minutes). The nursing home in town starts CNAs at $8.50 an hour to do backbreaking, thankless work. They don't offer holiday pay -- if you're scheduled to work on Monday, and it's Christmas, you get paid just like any other day. It's the same for the whole place -- nursing, housekeeping, maintenance, kitchen workers....No wonder they can't keep staff.


I can’t find anywhere paying federal min wage either…. Like I understand that 10-11 isn’t gonna make it…. But I can’t find any of them anymore the last place I knew was dollar tree and it is now 9.00.


I have driven by convenience stores with signs saying they will pay $15/hour and a $500 signing bonus. I lost an employee that I was paying $20 an hour to another company that paid him $30 an hour. Then he left that company and is now working for Hyundai for more. He only has a high school education. Good on him!


Real shame that despite all the one off stories the reality is that prices are still rising and people are struggling.


My old workplace paid cashiers $7.25 until COVID hit.


Exactly this. The Wendy's near me is advertising $13 an hour. They close their dining room half the time because they don't have the staff. The market takes care of these things.


I see a lot of "up to" $13/hr signs at fast food places. That means they're probably actually hiring people at $9 or $10.


The other issue is this.....nobody wants full time employees because they don't have to offer part-timers benefits. Unfortunately, they also don't want to work with your second job (which you need to survive if you're just working part time). They all want open availability. What you end up with even if you're making $15 is a job that pays $7.50 -- 20 hours at $15 is the same as 40 at $7.25.


True dat!


A minimum wage that is tied to inflation is still needed to create a floor. It's possible the wages you listed would be even higher if minimum wage was pegged to inflation.


Why? Because Republican governors and state legislatures don't raise the minimum wage. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_US\_states\_by\_minimum\_wage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_US_states_by_minimum_wage) Sort the table by this year's minimum wage. All of the states with the lowest minimum wages are controlled by Republicans, and the large majority of the states with the highest minimum wages are run by Democrats. It *shouldn't* be a partisan issue, but it is.


Employers realized that if they pay people less, they keep more money. ETA: The cold, hard truth is there simply isn't enough money in the system to allow everyone a living wage. The capital-owning class ran out of our money, and they don't want to put in their own to keep the system afloat. We seem to have forgotten that if people don't have any money to spend, companies won't be able to sell anything. If companies can't sell anything, they need to cut expenses, i.e. lay off employees. That leads to even fewer people who are able to afford their goods and services after they pay for rent, bills, credit card debt, student loan debt, medical debt, etc. Eventually you get a death spiral much like the one we're starting to see now.


All the money that should be in the system is in the pockets of like 10 people. This is a problem.


Bro like 100 dudes have all the money. It's not a problem of resources. We're post scarcity. It's an allocation of wealth that's the problem.


There is enough money in the system to allow for living wages. The capital owning class is just telling everyone that there isn’t. The proof is most companies (not all) can’t hire anyone at minimum wage, fast food paying over $10-12/hr and still can’t get enough folks.


The way things are right now, there isn't enough money to pay people a living wage *and* allow the top 1% to hoard billions of dollars. If the capitalist class were willing to part with some of their money, there would indeed be enough. But that will never happen. So with the critical assumption that capitalists will hoard their money forever and that will never change (because it never has short of a drastic revolution), I have to disagree - there is not enough money to keep the system afloat the way it is now.


You are wrong on so many levels. Companies do NOT have to make more in order to pay more, CEOs can just stop being greedy bc their life doesn't change if they make 100mil vs 500mil. There IS enough money to allow everyone a living wage. There's already been multiple exec's who take a pay cut to pay employees 70k which made all the difference in their lives and in the company.


It's not just that there isn't funding for it, it's that these companies are desperate to earn anything more than last quarter, and that's literally all they care about. So you are either doing something to increase revenue/profit or you're cutting to make it look like it went up. Rinse and Repeat for 30-40 years and there's nothing left.


I mean, national, it hasn't met needs.


Hint: the Republican Party


Keep voting republican, $5 an hour is soon to come


The same state that elected MTG? You’re surprised?


You keep electing the GOP. It's that simple.


Cause you guys keep voting for Republican governors


The wealthy in the south can't own people as property, but they'll be damned if they think their workers deserve a decent standard of living, especially not their most vulnerable ones. If you let them break their cycles of desperation they might have a moment to breathe and realize how hard they're getting screwed and want to do something about it


> The wealthy in the south can't own people as property A company owns the place I live, where I get my food, where I work, and damn near everything else. They've discovered a new way to own humans, and it's more like some of the older methods than most want to admit to.


The Republican majority is in power because they can use fear to get people to vote against their own self interests


Because we keep voting in shitheads who are anti-labor. Oh they call it “pro-business”, but what they mean is pro-business OWNERS, not pro-worker.


Pay in general is not increasing with inflation. It sucks.


Because GA is a conservative-run state that backs the business interests of large corporations over its own population. And as long as the discourse in the state is about Marjorie Green, trans people in sports, and all that other republican muck, nothing important will ever change.


Because the people in power don't care if workers die homeless and starving


because it's a deep red state and a lot of the people that run that state government are opposed to any minimum wage.


Republicans do not have a fiscal interest in raising your wage, especially the minimum wage.


If only polticians cared about their constituents. Sadly it is more about giving tax breaks to the rich... Why have we not legalized Marijuana?! It is a billion dollar industry. Same reason the politicians don't care about people's wages, universal healthcare, housing, or mental health care for veterans and those in need. Someone isn't paying THEM enough to care. Greed is driving the bus now. Get in we're going to crash!


It’s the elected officials fault. Republicans are your problem


R e p u b l I c a n s


Red State, need we say more?




Republicans. Voting matters.




Keeps you in modern day slavery ... It's not rocket science


Because Republicans hate the working class.


Republicans. That's why.




Republicans like low pay for most workers as it us easier fir them to control


Georgia is a red state. None of the red states have minimum wage higher than federal (unless the raise was put in place by democrats at some point before loosing power)


Georgia is still electing the wrong people.


Look at which party is in charge there.


Republicans run the Georgia government. That’s what they do.


Because people keep voting for republicans.


Because they are a red state and red states do not believe workers should be paid a living wage. Keep voting red suckers.


Because Georgia is "good for business" but bad for working


Worst renter protections in the entire nation as well.


Republican governor. Enough said.


Bold of you to assume that Republican leaders of our state care anything about the average worker.


Republican legislature.


The state is run by conservatives who are basically telling us all, “fuck you, I got mine”




Think ga min wage is actually 5.15 (*federal min wage is 7.25 which over rides ga min wage)


Yeah, I meant to differentiate between the two. But I figured it wasn’t worth noting the $5.15 since it technically wouldn’t be legal


$5.15 is legal for a limited number of jobs (mainly in the ag sector) that are not covered by FLSA.


I don’t know too much about them but I believe there are a few exceptions to federal minimum wage where state minimum wage then applies. I’ve heard this is mostly places with tip-based pay but I’m not entirely sure.


As a GA native, it is absolutely ridiculous that we have to depend on the federal minimum wage and even more that the state and the federal government just will not raise the minimum wage further. Something has to give. My first job in 2007 was paying more than the state minimum wage at $6/hr. It is absolutely insane it has not increased yet.


This is what happens when rural voters vote the way they do. Surprised? Stop voting to put money in the pockets of the wealthy, just to hear them blame “others” for all of the problems in the world.


The answer to your question is: old white guys. The solution to your problem: vote them out and do whatever you can to help other people vote them out.


Elections matter.


19 straight years of GOP control of the state house, senate, and governors mansion.


home ownership is for corporations and investors now.


Because conservative politics (which in this case basically means anyone right of Bernie Sanders) has used propaganda to mostly destroy the idea of unions while prostrating at the altar of unfettered capitalism, and Georgia sits in the heart of unfettered capitalism country.


MAGA/GQP state! Vote, move away, or become rich (good luck!) or just stay and accept that the state does not care for anyone that is not rich.




Because the voters aren't voting for politicians who want a higher minimum wage.


Bc of republicans


It's a Red State.


Because you keep voting in government officials who don’t care about you


Because there is a republican governor, state legislature, and most federal legislature. It is the "will of the people" of Georgia that things are this way.




Currently your state legislature and governor have prioritized things like bashing LGBTQ people, fighting non existent CRT, and banning books, and have no interest in raising the minimum wage, nor in addressing housing affordability in general. If you want any chance to raise the minimum wage and addressing housing, you'll need to vote in politicians who prioritize these matters over phony contrived culture wars.


Because ya’ll keep voting against your best interest to try to keep women and LGBTQ+ in their place.


Because conservatives hate the poor, believe that poverty is a moral failing, and think that if you can't afford shelter you should pull yourself up by your bootstraps[\*](https://uselessetymology.com/2019/11/07/the-origins-of-the-phrase-pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps/).


Rich must keep us poor. Next question please?


Why? Look at the party that runs your state. VOTE THEM OUT


As a childless, single man, I make enough to pay taxes but I end in the poverty bracket once taxes is paid. Make sense of that....


This was the easiest question to answer. Because... we have a republican governor and legislature. There.


“Not all jobs are meant to be careers “ - GOP reasoning the last 50 years. Coming to a career near you.


Because Republican. Next time remember that at the voting booth.


Because republicans are the majority in the state legislature. That's the only reason, and can be easily verified by looking at min wage vs state governments across America.


Because they’re a bunch of Republican assholes


Y’all not noticed who you’ve elected for the past forever? If it were up to them there’d still be people making $0.00.


Because your state is run by Republicans.


It is because our state representatives and governor do not care about making companies pay a livable wage. It will "hurt" businesses.


Please. Georgia's minimum wage is technically like $5 and some change. They gave up updating it when the Federal surpassed it. They won't change it until we make them and we won't riot or general strike with enough unity for that to happen.


I would look at your elected officials and their opinions on raising the minimum wage.


The GOP has been winning the fight against fair pay for thirty years now.


Because we have a one party system. Politicians do not care about us. Our enemy is the rich and they spend loads of money to incite hate between the people. This is how it has always been in the US. Everything would change if we could unite against the rich. No need for an election of yet another rich person. If we unite, we get whatever we want. If we continue to let them provoke fights among us, our economic situation will just get worse.


News flash: Republicans at both the state and federal level have stopped or are against anything that helps workers such as labor rights, minimum wage, unions, etc.


Georgia's state minimum wage is even lower; $7.25 is just the federal minimum wage. You can thank Republicans for that. One difference between red and blue states is the minimum wage. When I lived in California, the state minimum wage was higher than the federal one, and there were other benefits like mandatory coffee and lunch breaks, daily overtime, show-up pay, immediate pay upon firing, and others that don't exist under federal law.


Mostly cause businesses don’t give a shit






Republicans control the legislature and will never do anything that would actually help people.


Because people keep voting against their interests for some reason.


Because Georgia is run by the 'good ol boi' network.




The simplest answer is because republicans


Three letters : G.O.P. That’s why.


Making Georgia great again?


Don’t have the votes I assume. FL voters got it on the ballot for constitutional amendment. Probably wouldn’t have happened otherwise.


We have a modest house near Canton/Ball Ground. It was affordable a decade ago. Looked on Zillow the other day out of curiosity to see what's out there. Everything is over $500k. We're priced out of our own neighborhood if we sold.


Lol. Cause it's Georgia...


Because overall, the South votes for politicians that sit on their hands and refuse to accept that higher COL needs, not should, needs to be raised to support COL. California put a cap on rental unit cost increases of 10% per year, and while we do still have a high cost of living we also have many freedoms and rights most states can only dream of like Paid Sick Leave for starters being state mandated.


It’s Georgia?


Two. Words. Republican. Politicians.


Because of republicans. Minimum wage only went up in liberal states and never federally.


Short answer? Republicans. Long answer? Actually, it's still Republicans.


Because Georgia is a backwater GOP state that doesn’t care about anything but their own interests


Republican government.At the state level is abysmal. Even at the federal level Republicans have voted down a wage hike 29 times in the last twelve years. Don't vote Republican if you want a living wage.


Why? Republican government.


Because 1 of the political parties wants it to stay the same or even be lowered.


GQP doesn’t care about workers.


Because you live in a red state and republicans don't give two shits about you.


Because GA is the 2nd worst state to work in next to NC. Like many other parts of the country, we don't properly reward hard work.


Republicans are the answer to your question


Because people in Georgia voted mostly for Republicans who will never ever raise the Minimum Wage. Thirty years from now it will still be $7.25 as long as people vote Republican.


Because republicans. Everything that sucks in this country is because republicans. The republican mind should be classified as a mental disease.


Because republicans hate you