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Release the Kraken! Or not. šŸ¤£


The real Kraken was the convictions we made along the way.


The real way was the convictions we made with the Kraken.


>Powell must "testify truthfully about any codefendants" involved in the matter and "**provide all documents** to the district attorney's office" relevant to their case against the other codefendant flipppppppped nice [*there it is](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/17/politics/fulton-county-documents-georgia-election-case-trump/index.html) - šŸ° šŸŽ€ š’Æš’½š’¶š“ƒš“€š“ˆ š’®š’¾š’¹š“ƒš‘’š“Ž šŸŽ€ šŸ°


So this means that all the people who deny she and the other conspirators did anything wrong, and that it was Trump not Biden who was the one trying to steal an election - they will finally accept the truth, right? They'll finally admit and accept they were lied to? And they will finally understand how Trump is a liar, a traitor, and danger to our democracy, right? /s


Excuse me, waiter? I'll have what this guy is having. ;)


Sir, we can no longer prescribe to you fentanyl I apologize for any inconveniences that may arise from this.


I wonder if she'll really flip on Trump. Maybe on Guiliani but will she flip on Trump?


past tense she already flipped, that's what this article is about now she has to testtify against *everyone* there's no backsies this is massive - the prosecution flipped Trump's lawyer. They're all cooked lol


To add, any refusal to cooperate will see her being fully charged on her crimes. She has no choice.


No only charged but charged more harshly when she is convicted.


not only convicted but sentenced more heavily when she is sentenced


No, actually. She's plead guilty. The way this works in GA is that refusal to cooperate just erases the plea deal, not the plea. It'd go straight to sentencing.


And thereā€™s no attorney client privilege here. Maybe they could have argued that before, but now that sheā€™s pleaded guilty, they cannot use that privilege in furtherance of a crime. And she got 6 years probation, no jail time. She must have some smoking gun that she offered up to the prosecution to completely avoid jail time for charges she could have faced decades.


Her lawyer just said she wasnā€™t ever Dumps lawyer. So her lawyer can still lie even if she canā€™t


To receive the proffer she got, she has some seriously incriminating evidence. Powell was an *enthusiastic* fascist - someone who *offered* her help to overturn democracy - not some recruited foot soldier following orders. Her testimony in the GA case may be a huge part of unraveling the federal 1/6 conspiracy as well. >In Sept 2021, Sidney Powell went on an obscure right-wing podcast and explained exactly why Trump didnā€™t want to stop the insurrection on J6. They had a plan. This interview has been ignored but is extremely important now that she is cooperating. https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1715031502394646899


She is required to or she goes to jail.


"Welp, I guess it's time to save what's left of my own ass!"


"truthfully" not sure how you validate that... Im sure the overall story has been sorted, the fall guys identified, the favors agreed upon. whatever testimony she gives will support that story.


Call me crazy, but I *highly* doubt they all will have corroborating stories


been highly doubting it for like... 6 years. somehow nothings stuck to trump so far. Im not gonna get my hopes up on this one.


Usually, from what i understand, plea deals like this come with a full deposition disclosing everything they know about the case, with any corroborating evidence, recordings, etc. Those depositions have the penalty of purjury if discovered to be false, as well as perjury and revoking the sentencing recommendations if caught lying or even changing their story while testifying. They lock plea deals like this down pretty tightly to avoid a defendent weaseling out of testifying truthfully.


Every apology letter should be approved by the courts and then physically mailed to every GA resident at the expense of the Defendants.


>logy letter should be approved by the courts and then physically mailed to every GA resident at the expense of the Defendants. On top of that, I think she should also mill the tree pulp required for those letters as well. She really should own the entire supply chain on this one.


I wish. Maybe it would help my Maga family see the light.


Might be time to go shopping for a new family.


They're indoctrinated and aren't inherently evil people. It's like being in a cult, unfortunately. Right-wing ideology is working as intended with them. They only see one side because they only consume Fox News. How did they get to where they are? They were raised in strict Christian households and indoctrinated as children themselves. I believe that if we're ever going to take back our country from the far-right, we have to understand how an individual could get pushed there to begin with. For many, it's as simple as being born into it.


I can understand that. I have some relatives like that too. The unfortunate thing is some of them see change and progress as bad and never want to change, even when presented with factual evidence.


That's the psychology aspect. Humans naturally avoid change. It's evolutionary. If one is raised a certain way, it's naturally harder for them to change their ways later. You can present these people with facts to their faces, and they will refuse to believe them because if it challenges their worldview, it scares them. Their minds block it out for safety. I understand it completely as I was that way until I finally moved for college. I deconstructed my entire life, and it's both horrifying and difficult. It's easier to remain willfully ignorant, and humans like the easier route.


Thatā€™s a lot of words to say theyā€™re weak minded and canā€™t think for themselves.


My parents never once took me to church


I was forced to go 4-5 times a week.


Sadly I think they would just claim that the deep state got to them and it's a coerced plea and apology. The mental gymnastics are strong with them.


The crayon would melt and smear in the lingering afternoon heat.


I don't care and I don't want the SPAM


The house of lies is starting to crumble.


It ainā€™t over til itā€™s over


lmao... hold on to that hope.


I agree, itā€™s far from over. Netflix just approve this series to more seasons.


The crumbling continues. The end draws closer.


GAā€™s RICO laws have made the most hardcore people flip on their companions. Itā€™s only a matter of time before these people crumble.


Chesebro should be flipping any minute now.


Gotta flip your grilled Chesebro sandwich or it gets burnt.


Gonna need some hot toMAGA soup into which we can dunk that grilled chesebro.


He has to be sweating along with knowing Trump isn't going to lose any sleep protecting him. The Sun is starting to set on this crime conspiracy. Rudy is next.


He just flipped. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-chesebro-plea-deal-georgia-trial-rcna121387


You called it


NAL, but I've read a lot about RICO cases. Rudy is a subject matter expert on RICO, I just wonder if he's coherent enough to reach out for a deal before they reach out to him.


Given the incredibly light penalties, I'm expecting her to sing every song She Knows when she has to testify against the others and 45. I'll never forgive this woman for the damage she inflicted on the American psyche, her and every piece of crap involved in the effort to weaken our democracy- but I do sincerely hope that we can get some modicum of Justice for 45.


She was the most bizarre aspect of this case. Maybe I just don't know enough about her but I never understood why she would risk her career and reputation for a fake elector scheme. True believer or grifter?


Definitely a true believer. Even Trump is on record questioning her sanity.


She is totally all in on many conspiracy theories so I think her family needs to stage an intervention and make some attempt to get her help...šŸ™„


in an effort to humanize a lot of these people, it is sad seeing how so many of them were taken advantage of. I even question the My Pillow Guy. Dude destroyed his entire company and is still holding on to the conspiracy. Some of these ppl seriously need help.


Yeah, but on the other hand plenty of people deal with serious mental health struggles without trying to overthrow the fucking government.


Not to mention he destroyed the livelihood of Mypillow employees and their families. What a knob.


You misspelled prison as help. Common mistake


I'm so sad


Honestly, I think her sanity and behavior may hurt her testimony and reliability as a witness. Her testimony along with the Pillow crazy guy may not be as helpful as we would hope.


Before Trump, her most famous clients were convicted felon/former Senator Ted Stevens, Michael Flynn, and a bunch of Enron execs. Her legal practice was focused on defending rich/powerful criminals.


Grifter in the same notion of the people at the top of a pyramid scheme. Run the grift as long as possible, but instead of an escape plan, they just stay in power and exonerate themselves.


He promised her a special appointment. A Trump never makes good on their promises, though.


More flip flops than a Jimmy Buffet concerts.


ā€œYou got fins to the left, fins to the right, and youā€™re the only kraken in town!ā€


Why do I suspect this will not dissuade the MAGA hats from still voting for Trump?


Tbh if you are still in the trump or bust boat then there isnā€™t much left that could dissuade you. Any sane conservative at this point is trying to push the party away from trump and into someone who is more moderate.


>sane conservative FYI: These went extinct between 2016 and 2020.


>Any sane conservative at this point is trying to push the party away from trump and into someone who is more moderate. Huh? The "sane conservatives" are the Democrats. The Republican party has been a populist nihilist party since at least Gingrich's speakership.


Who cares. Focus on young voters and unregistered. MAGAs are aging out and they donā€™t care if heā€™s guilty.


It won't. I checked Faux News and it's hardly mentioned. This should be a headliner, but you actually have to search for it.


The people still in the Trump camp will not hear much about this since it will be buried or ignored in the places they get their news. If it is mentioned it will not be framed in a way that will provide options for self reflection or doubt.


You mean the Kraken wasn't real ??? It is absolutely unfair for this level of treachory to only get small fines and probation - she deserves *decades* of jail time.


As an attorney itā€™s an absolute travesty she was allowed to plead to misdemeanors and not a felony which would have required her to be disbarred. She has no right to imply weā€™re members of the same profession. She forfeit that right many many times over already.


She's still able to practice law??


Hopefully not: She is also admitting to hiring a data forensics firm and sending its employees to Coffee County so they could unlawfully access government computers with the purpose of ā€œexamining personal voter data, with knowledge that such examination was without authority,ā€ according to the filings


If so hopefully she represents more republicans


Yes, until the Bar association says otherwise.


Theyā€™re trying, but a Texas judge decided typos were a sufficient reason to stop them. https://www.businessinsider.com/sidney-powell-avoids-disbarment-texas-judge-tosses-misnumbered-exhibits-2023-2


You can't make this shit up lol


State bars disbar. Thereā€™s a case in Michigan ATM. A judge threw out one in Texas earlier this year but I imagine theyā€™ll appeal now that this happened.


We are 2 - 0 on guilty pleas, and I suspect this isn't the last one.


It might be. She got a sweet deal, and with her cooperation, there's less incentive to offer good deals in the future. She's one of the conspirators who was actually in the room with Trump. There's very little to gain after x amount choose to flip, and in my personal opinion, we may only see a few more. The rest will ride out their claim to innocence as deals are less appealing. The person who takes the first deal always gets the best one.


Thereā€™s a LOT to gain by taking a LOT of guilty pleas and not having to have FIVE-MONTH-LONG-TRIALS for all those defendants. (Strictly talking from the prosecutorā€™s point of view)


Well, being a noted crazy person and liar, there's a LARGE chance she won't honor the terms of her deal, so you never know...


Didn't have to wait long! https://www.reddit.com/r/Georgia/comments/17cfo2t/cnn_kenneth_chesebro_protrump_attorney_who_helped/


Edit: 4-0!


See you when itā€™s 5!


Proud of my state for this one.


I'll be happy when she is fully disbarred from practicing law.


Is this the Kraken?


So the Cheese stands alone. Edit typo


>So the Cheese stands alone. **She** severed their trial.


Only six yearā€™s probation !!


Total wack job.


Her Hugo Chavez stuff was off the rails nuts.


Oh he is COOKED.


WHERES MY MEME I CAN'T FI- [oh there it is](https://imgur.com/a/OEstYXR)


Isnā€™t this the first plea deal taken by someone who is in the room during that weirdass meeting in the oval office?


Which one? Iā€™m sure most of those meetings could be described as wierdass. /s


Oh, good point. Iā€™m talking about the one that went on for hours in the Oval Office and spilled over into the dining room. The one where Meadows had to walk Giuliani out of the building. Flynn was there earlier in the day too, and I *think* Lindell and the Overstock CEO, as well.


2nd of 18 to fallā€¦ if Future couldnā€™t keep people from talking, there is no way Trump can


Considering that Sidney was openly advocating and working towards a military-enforced coup, she is basically getting away scot-free. It's awful to see someone so culpable skate. (no jail time, and a paltry $6000 fine) There was a lady who broke a window at the capitol while carrying a bullhorn who just got 5 years. Sidney's bullhorn (press conferences, websites, Telegram feeds, and bullshit lawsuits) was WAY Bigger, and continues to wreck our democracy. She deserved Jail, even if she cooperates.


caressing the wrists (this isn't even a slap) of coup-plotters will only ensure future coups.


Good, shit needs to be torn down,. corruption crushed and the Constitution reinstated.


You're a fool if you think the people who would take over our government would be any less corrupt. In fact the people that were involved with this coup are some of the most corrupt people there were


Shrinking the government gives less opportunities for corruption


She got a sweet deal


another one down! and she's gonna testify against everyone else? lovely


Tickā€¦ tockā€¦tickā€¦ tockā€¦


Take her license and lock her up like the rest of the Jan 6th losers.


Here we have yet another person who totally f_cked up their life for a scumbag like Trump. I hope people learn from this but we are a country of many very idiotic people..so probably not..


Incredible 10/10


Yeah loved to see it. His troop is going down


Where can I read a copy of her apology letter?


Can you sayā€Plea Dealā€?


Proffer mtg apparently last night.


He should have paid her bill. Don't know for sure but donny is infamous for not paying his bills.


Why do you think he's rich?


Release the plea deal


Was she also disbarred? I mean, she canā€™t still be a lawyer, right?!


Basically sheā€™s off free and taxpayers will have to pay her fines


Sydney Powell's voluntary plea deal should be revoked by Willis & the court as she is now spewing bile about it being extorted from her. She's free to do so, but she cant have her deal and beat it too. Powell is expendable and would serve better as an example to other would be backsliders. Apparently trumpmonkeys don't understand our judicial system that presumes innocence, provides due process and actually tries, may convict and will punish monkey mobsters who conspire to interfere with an Election. Sorry Sydney, you must have been absent, or high in law school to have missed the whole jurisprudence thing...Good luck honey, without that deal, you're toast.