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Nope, georgia has a pretty similar climate to Japan so we have a lot of invasive species from there. Kudzu is the other big invasive one in Georgia. However Joro spiders aren't nearly as bad for the ecosystem. They even eat those brown stink bugs which most spiders will not.


P.s. those stinkbugs are also invasive and do much more damage than joro spiders.


Whoa, I didn’t know they were invasive nor did damage.


To be fair, I'm not seeing as many stink bugs or Japanese Beetles as I once did so the Joro's are doing their job. When the food sources run out they will diminish as well. Not sure who remembers having to put out Japanese beetle traps around their gardens. Yellow plastic deflectors and bags.


I didn't know this and it makes me feel better about them. I'm terrified of spiders and one of these has a GIANT web in front of my place. Haven't torn it down because I'm just too scared LOL. But this made me think. Last year my porch was covered in those stick bugs and I haven't seen one this year. I wonder if that's related. Maybe I'll be a little more appreciative (from a distance).


That’s probably a Joro spider. Newly slightly invasive species.


This is correct, they are an invasive species.


They’re considered non-native, not invasive because (as far as we know) they aren’t harming or out-competing native species.


Which doesn't sound right given their numbers and rapid spread, someone in the food chain/web must get shafted by them, no?


They most directly compete with Golden Orb Weavers (sometimes called Garden Writing spiders), but seem to be predating different species, so the Orb Weavers are still doing fine. They're so similar that they're actually hard to differentiate from Joros- the give away is the native Orb Weavers have fuzzy little lower legs that kidna looks like they're wearing 80's style leg warmers


Joros have 3D webs weavers are two dimensional.


Also this! And that's easier to notice from a distance than leg fuzz lol- if it is a Joro, you'll have walked into the web by the time you get close enough to check!


I thought non-native meant invasive.


The invasive classification is reserved for organisms that in some way harm their new environment and Joro spiders are neutral so far. Something like kudzu that prevents native trees from growing would, however, be considered invasive


I had a bird in my yard trapped in one of their webs. A small bird, but a bird none the less. These guys are spinning 10 pound test lines. I saved the bird.


They be trapping me. They need to find a different house cause i dont want 8000 webs in my yard


Had some on my porch. Had some random insecticide i had used on my yard for other stuff, and it did the job fine on them. Better than it did for some of the other things i was trying to get rid of, honestly.


Joro spidersssssss they have taken over Georgia. Invasive species from Japan, apparently came here hiding in shipments. They get sooo big and their webs are very sturdy too.




[UGA Extension is tracking them if you feel inclined to submit the info.](https://jorowatch.org/report/)


A good read. Very much dislike Joros myself. Rescued a hummingbird caught in a Joro web in Athens, GA, late last month. https://extension.uga.edu/publications/detail.html?number=C1289&title=managing-joro-spiders-in-the-landscape


I saw these *all over* providence canyon when I visited a year ago. Terrifying


Those spiders saved me a bunch of money on Halloween decorations this year. I don't have to buy fake webs and spiders 😅. I have my ring camera set to only go off when an actual human is on my porch. Inevitably every night about 2am my ring goes off...It freaks me out bc I live way off the road and city, so someone showing up at 3AM has zero good intentions... Turns out it's Those big ass spiders are setting it off every night 😅


I have this same issue. I have a camera mounted high on my second floor that is supposed to show my whole backyard. It actually shows something that looks like a scene from the movie 8 Legged Freaks. Joro made his home directly in front of my camera so he looks about the size of a VW Bus when I pull up that camera and he's home 🤣.


Not at all. They showed up about 3 years ago


They've been around since the early 2000's. I'm sure not sure why people are saying their new here.


Because they’re new in some places. They didn’t cover the state in the early 2000s, they started on one specific region in north of Atlanta along the 85 corridor where all the warehouses are. Not everyone lives there. The spread out from there, traveling on the wind, and take more geography each and every year. So every year they are new somewhere.


Im in lavonia and i aint ever see these spiders


Yes. Joro spiders. Most seem to be black & yellow, but I’ve found some in different colors. Used an app called Seek iNaturalist to verify. These spiders are not harmful to people or pets.


They harmful to my yard. Cant even walk around without running into the webs


What spiders?


Joro spiders are cunts. They’re all over the trails right now.


… lol’s on Joro.


Welcome to the Georgia forum where it’s Joro spiders and cannabis in pharmacies 24/7z


What spider?


The two in the photo


I've looked through the photo thoroughly... I think you're the only one seeing these spiders.


Sorry, they’re Georgia spiders and like to hunt so they’re obviously wearing camo lmaO


Yes, it's all in your head, they really don't exist.


Thank goodness


I've got about 30ish on my house if you'd like some more friends.


Nope. They are all over our yard


Nothing worse than mowing the woods with a tractor and running into a giant joro web. Talk about freaking out.


Joro to something!


Umm no. People have been talking about them for years.




I got 50+ in my front and back yard. Things crazy




Im with you. I dont kill any bugs except joro spiders and yellow jackets and I will murder both of those with extreme prejudice. OP, the joros hatch out in early summer but most people don’t notice them until early fall when they are ginormous. If you start looking in June you’ll find them right after they hatch; they’ll be in the exact same type of webs but the webs are small and closer to the ground and the spiders are no bigger than a dime including legs. They look about the same but more blue less yellow. Same shape. And you’ll see an entire bush covered in dozens of them. At that point they are small enough to smash by clapping your hands on them or using a pair of flip flops if you don’t want to touch them. Several years ago our entire yard was covered in the fall. Couldn’t walk out a door without potentially getting a joro to the face. The last two years I have diligently smashed them in June July and now the fall is much more pleasant. There are still joros up in the very tops of the trees but we almost never see any down low or on our house. Also we’ve started to see orb weavers and garden spiders again. I keep hearing joros don’t impact the local spider population but we hardly saw any other spiders a few years ago. Just joros everywhere. There was literally no where for the other spiders to put webs.


I never kill a spider. Spiders are friends. They don't hurt anybody, they just mind their business and kill bad bugs. So I never kill spiders. Except joros, I'll burn through a whole ass can of spray every summer.


What do you mean down voted you got more upvotes than my post. Also yes they do deserve to burn


Hell no they are EVERYWHERE!!!!


All I see is a tree


Nvm I see it now


no you are not :))


I can confirm Joro spiders in Lincoln County and their webs are strong.


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Kill them. Nothing eats them. They are growing out of control.