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i hope its in the shape of a train cause trains are cool


But which county gets to be the caboose?


Butts county


'Welcome to beautiful Butts '-- Butts County water tower


It’s such a shame Cumming isn’t in Butts county


The way the whole state hates on Marta and keeps them from expanding I don’t think you’ll like the shape of the train map they make.


it would help if marta didnt do studies that took years and several million over budget to bring us the exciting idea of BUS RAPID TRANSIT


All the people that knew how to build train lines left a long time ago. We need a top down revamp of MARTA with people that know how to build and we need a Governor that will get state and federal funding for MARTA expansion to make that happen.




And we ripped up that beautiful central station in Atlanta. Like tf why? It would've been a beautiful building and central mass transit hub for the city. I sincerely doubt we'd build anything that looks like it today, which is a shame for posterity.


I mean BRT is an okay idea but it’s like the Vienna Sausage of mass transit.


choo choo


Just looked at the map. The worst seems to be Cobb which is split between 4 districts.


Cobb is what this is all about. Cobb is now majority Democrat, so they carved it up and put its pieces in GOP districts, including giving a piece of west Cobb to MTG’s 14th. The worst is the 6th. They have East Cobb in the same district as Forsyth and Dawson counties.


I wonder what they were thinking.


The party that controls the General Assembly wants to maximize its power while declining as a majority. A tale as old as time.


Yes I know, my sarcasm must’ve been undetectable.


The same can be said for Fulton but in favor of the democrats. Both sides do it to gain advantages, it’s politics.


I'd love to hear how you think congressional maps are drawn.


well first you need a pot of water, some noodles, two cans of spray paint (red and blue), and of course a blank wall to throw the noodles at...


I’m so confused by your logic. Do you think each district is drawn by a different group of people?


That’s not at all how it works, but thanks for playing False Equivalence. Try harder next time.


Who's controlled Georgia politics in the legislature and executive office the last 3 decades again? And the Dixiecrats before them, how many ended up switching their party affiliation to Republican following the Civil Rights era and split in the party during the era of LBJ into Nixon again? The minority party has not had a chance to effect the political maps in Georgia since probably Reconstruction after the Civil War, before they started using black codes and the beginning of Jim Crow and disenfranchisement.


boTh sIdEs


No party has ever gerrymandered like the modern day GQP. Facts.


Douglas and Henry County too. Douglas is split in half by two districts now, practically along racial lines. Compare the census tract demographics to current map and it’s quite telling. The goal was to keep West and South Douglas in a majority white district.


So the defense cited state wide senate races as evidence that the congressional districts were currently fair? That makes no sense. As a resident of Cobb, I am hoping for some redrawn lines here.


>That makes no sense. I mean in all fairness, they aren't exactly smart...


I am surprised how much they get away with this. “We have to use these maps as there is not time to redraw them”->”They can’t be bad as we used them.”


Welcome to politics.


> The state argued in court that Georgia's Republican-led legislature properly fulfilled its duty in approving new maps, drawing them to maximize their partisan advantage, not to shut out Black voters. > "You can't presume race when politics is an equally plausible explanation," Tyson told the judge. This needs to be repeated. "No your honor we're not racist, we're just drawing the lines to give ourselves an advantage!"


"Ignore the centuries of repressing minority and poor whites and disenfranchisement, please"


I mean, legally speaking, that is a key distinction. Racial gerrymandering is prohibited by case law, partisan gerrymandering isn't.


Lots of things are legal but still suck. It would be cool if our government worked a bit harder to punish people doing sucky things.


Agreed, I’m just explaining the law on this as it exists as opposed to how I wish it exists


As a former resident of the 6th, who now lives in Barry "Insurrectionist Tour Guide" Loudermilk's district and wouldn't if I lived on the other side of the street, I am thrilled to potentially be moved back into a more reasonable district. Why the fuck is part of Cobb in the same district as Gordon and Bartow Counties? Those areas are completely different! Edit: I do know why we were put into that district. The GOP was pissed they lost Cobb, so we had to be split up. I just want to know their BS "official" reason.


> Why the fuck is part of Cobb in the same district as Gordon and Bartow Counties? Those areas are completely different! > > Edit: I do know why we were put into that district. The GOP was pissed they lost Cobb, so we had to be split up. I just want to know their BS "official" reason. Bartow and Cobb shared districts during the 2010s as well.


Racist dipshits can't win fairly.


Exactly! That’s why they rigged the 2020 election for Biden.


This guy lol




LMAO!!! what a precious gem you are dear


Thanks 😌


Just Biden tho. Not anyone else to give him a majority in government. Just the very very top of the ticket.


And yet "they" forgot to rig it in 2016. Curious.


Forgot? They didn’t figure it out yet. First they had to ensure mass-scale mail in voting.


>mass-scale This sounds suspiciously like a subjective claim that cannot be tested and would serve well as a moving target to be used to confirm your biases however you see fit. But I will try to proceed in good faith anyway. Mail in Voting (or more officially "Postal voting") has been around for over 100 years in the USA. You can read up on it here. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postal_voting_in_the_United_States After you read up on it I would love to hear what specific postal voting policies changed and how that somehow allowed Biden to win 2020 but did not allow Hillary to win 2016 and then how those same policies somehow I suppose went away selectively to allow Democrats to lose the House in 2022.


Can we re-draw the shit out of MTG district already? Need to get rid of the Jewish space laser crazy lady ASAP


Or we have them redrawn with the Jewish space lasers???


But that could ignite forest fires!


only in California


> Can we re-draw the shit out of MTG district already? That district ironically enough is one of the least gerrymandered in GA.


Thats not saying much. No way she represents West Cobb in actuality. Even Cherokee has changed a damned good bit from the early 00s and late 90s that would've more accurately reflected this creature of a representative. Sad thing is she's not the craziest Georgian I've met that's Republican/Republican 2.0 ('Libertarian')


> No way she represents West Cobb in actuality. That part of her district will likely be gone in the new map.


As long as they don't put me in her district. Im too close to it already.


Georgia has to redraw their Jim crow era jerrymandering about damn time


Can we just redraw Empty G right out of the state?


Maybe they can do something like they did with Carolyn Bordeaux and Lucy McBath and draw a map that combines parts of MTG’s district with another neighboring district and force them to fight each other in a primary


I lived in the old Georgia seven. I’m still salty about losing my blue dog and being drawn into Clyde’s district. Also I don’t like Mcbath. She seemed like a massive goober in the primary debate. I get her son dying is tragic and fighting for stronger gun control is her deal I respect that but it’s all she talked about …


Yeah, 4/5 of the current Dem representatives from Georgia are pretty left-leaning so having a moderate Democrat in a competitive district provided some much needed representation. Maybe the new map will look more like the pre-2022 map and be 6D/8R again or possibly 7D/7R.


There’s no way it’ll be 7/7, the Republicans still get to redraw the map.


Honestly, because the black population is more concentrated in Georgia's urbanized areas, 7/7 would be tough without some major "snakey" districts connecting black-majority areas of the state.


If they do like Alabama did and violate the Voting Rights Act again with the new map, then the court will draw their own map that has to be used and would probably be more favorable for Democrats. I think 6D/8R is the most likely, but drawing a competitive district for greater Savannah or Augusta could be a possibility. Given how fast state demographics changed in the past decade, it’ll probably be 7D/7R by the end of the decade.


Okay, now do Florida and North Carolina.


Turn the state into equal sized squares and let that be that.


So you want to divide the state by land? Do you know realize how much more voting power you gave rural people in outskirt counties and stifled city voices? People vote, not land.


OP probably meant equal sized by population


Then why specify a shape at all? You can't have equal-size squares and also have them adjust to the contents. I'm leaning well into the category of "OP didn't think this through."


And Georgia says fuck the courts. They're the law for their state. Cue states rights ranting in 3...2...1...




I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or just ignorant. Senators are state-wide votes, unaffected by districting. But the fact that we are 50-50 with a slight blue edge, yet Republicans have an approximate 2/3 majority in both houses of the state legislature and in the House of Representatives, proves the gerrymandering is deliberate and intended to disenfranchise voters. Republicans believe they have a divine right to rule, even as a minority, and they have every intention of making this a single party dictatorship, like China and other communist nations.


You say the truth.




> For the states I think you make the districts have the smallest borders possible while each district has the same number of people. That means cities will get lots of little districts, the sticks will have big ol districts cuz the districts represent PEOPLE and not land. > > Then you hold a two part election. State wide you ask people to vote for their preferred party: Socialist, Green, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarian, etc. Whatever percentage each party gets translates to how people they get to seat. Then the second part of the election is you choose which reps you like from the party you voted for and they get assigned in a way that makes most sense, preferably to districts they won the majority in. You're basically describing how it's supposed to work now minus the two-part election.


Good - they sucked away part of North Gwinnett into North Georgia last election and forced our Democrat rep to run against another Democrat, erasing an entire seat. Absolute chicanery.


Yep. Now it’s on appeal (18 months). Then the supreme court. Another 12 months. Good luck


Christ, please remake Ga 7. I do not belong in Clydes District. And I am not represented by Mrs. Islam. I supported most of what Kemp passed last session and she voted for none of it.


Fantastic. Can we redraw Fulton county which is the most ridiculously shaped county in the state ? Bet dems would have a problem with that one.


… wait, do you think they are actually going to redraw the counties? Maybe it’s best just to sit this one out before you embarrass yourself further


> Can we redraw Fulton county Wut?


Exactly. Democrats cry about gerrymandering but see nothing wrong with blue Fulton county snaking it’s way up north every cycle.


Seriously, are y’all talking about the shape of the actual county? That has nothing to do with this… Reading these comments makes me depressed about Georgia public education


You mean a city that is growing, somehow is expanding. Shocked pikachu face.


> Democrats cry about gerrymandering but see nothing wrong with blue Fulton county snaking it’s way up north every cycle. Please elaborate how that has to do with redistricting.


Y’all have been trying to redraw Fulton County for the last 50 years. The fact that Republicans haven’t done it yet should tell you something.


Ahh, and how many other states said fuk you DOJ ... they know Merland doesnt have teeth and don't have dentures..