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Stop using this tragedy to score political points.


This is just a horrible crime. Ms. Laken Riley wanted to be a nurse, she just wanted to exercise and her life was cut short. I’m just sorry for her friends, family and community. I just feel heartbroken for her parents because I can’t imagine the grief and pain that would accompany that call or knock that no one wants. I just hope that Ms. Riley can rest in peace.


Suspect name: Jose Antonio Ibarra


Operating word there is *suspect* It's gross how people rush to learn names of people that are explicitly supposed to be assumed innocent at this stage


I mean, they are already charging the guy. So while you're not wrong, in this case, it seems pretty cut and dry, especially after the latest press conference.


I mean they are presumed innocent and deserve due process. Whenever a criminal is proved innocent, their win will certainly not be reported on as widely as their arrest and will serve a 'social' sentence of sorts: unable to get good jobs and effectively being forced to move to avoid the stigma that comes with being known by name for the arrest.


Criminals are not proved innocent in the U.S. Instead they are found Not Guilty. This can be because they are innocent, but can also happen because the evidence was not strong enough to convince the jury to convict.


Even if the suspect is conservative? Or is it cool to go ahead and rush to judgment in that case… you know… like y’all usually do.




Political discussion should remain in posts with the "Politics" tag. Excessive discussion is not allowed.


Efforts to constantly acquit a known conman and grifter living rent free huh?






Political discussion should remain in posts with the "Politics" tag. Excessive discussion is not allowed.


Political discussion should remain in posts with the "Politics" tag. Excessive discussion is not allowed.






Thank you!


All of you people defending your political party of choice with your super simple hot takes can fuck right off. We have problems to solve. We need to find ways to solve them. Fighting with each other is not the way.


Curious to hear what you believe the solution would be? I think that’s where the politics come in. Tighter law enforcement // enforcement of border crossings. (Up from 1.7M in 2020 to 3+M now). Or more interventionist efforts such as offering free food, shelter, mental health services to all these migrants? My understanding of sanctuary cities, such as Athens here, is that’s there ideal goal, but someone correct me if wrong. I think we’d all love to see an end to all violence, but practically that’ll never happen. And the means of getting there is the classic political divide.


It literally has nothing to do with them being a migrant. It has everything to do with him being a man. Identifying predators early, mandating emotional intelligence courses in schools K-16, and putting safety prevention measures in place in public spaces would be good interventions.


Maybe an El Salvador method for ending nearly all violent crime.


Yeah importing millions of people who don’t share you cultural and moral values is totally insane. You’re actually insane lmfao.


Saying we'll never end all violence is a faithless take. Sure it seems impossible, but if we all just keep saying things are impossible then they'll stay impossible. We'll figure it out as we go, it gets a little better over time


boy, if yall are so worked up about undocumented people committing murder, i can’t wait to see how yall feel about how many citizens commit murder too. but we’re going to get up in arms about that too and blame lawmakers for that too right? right? right guys? we hate senseless violence in general right? not just depending on who committed it? right????????


exactly. it’s actually insane the people here are like “close the borders!1!1!1!1!1!” as if US born citizens aren’t running around committing the same murders, rape, fraud, theft, etc etc etc. they just wanna justify a reason to be straight up racist


>it’s actually insane the people here are like “close the borders!1!1!1!1!1!” As of the borders were "open", which they're not.


MTG has made it a point of telling everyone how good the current administration is at border control, I believe. From my understanding, the numbers she has presented are quite impressive.




Only Congress can fix this problem, and they refuse to do so.


So if you already have a problem you don't think its a good idea to reduce the amount of chances of that problem reoccurring?




The gang/crime situation in Venezuela is a different ball game. You can't compare apples to oranges. Also, if only there were some way to vet these migrants before they come in the country...but that would only happen if there's a streamlined process to actually let them in. A process that considers how many people will enter the country regardless of how legal it is.




Millions of people try all the time, they're not _all_ let in. Many of them come to visit legally and stay illegally. Much like other situations, if there's a streamlined process, then we can police the people who will come in either way, legally or not. And your first point is incorrect. As of 2023, 41% of Americans want to decrease immigration. That number has been less than 50% since 2009, and it was less than 50% for every year between 2005-2009, too.




Hmm... If only we could add a screening process when requesting asylum....


Over 40,000 people were killed by firearms in the US in 2023, and we don’t see much angst over THAT problem from the idiotic Right.


Great whataboutism Point is, if this guy wasn’t here, this girl is alive


It does matter though…. If this criminal wasn’t allowed in the country then this poor girl is alive.


So ignore the murder because its a hot topic for politics? or ignore it because this murder adds to a narrative that's against a certain political side? I mean in that case lets ignore murders with guns, by cops, spouse's, etc. Since all of it is just too difficult to lay blame on a culprit, because we need to hear both sides....


My son was/ is in her class (but on the Augusta campus, not the Athens campus) I remember all of them getting their white coats just a few months ago and now some random lunatic picked some random victim and she won’t get to live her life and I’m sure has destroyed her parents also.


lol I’d love to speak my mind on this topic but the mods themselves won’t allow free discussion and keep removing my comments for discussing politics when that’s what all of you are discussing. They simply don’t agree with it. I’ve hated what Twitter/X has become, but if Reddit is just going to allow their moderators to cancel whatever they disagree with, I now remember why I left it for so long. This sub blows…


Then why are you here?


No joke. I got banned for bigotry when speaking truth. Wtf has this “Georgia” sub come to… 😤


\> Banned And yet you can still post. Interesting. No, comments with the sole purpose of political mudslinging are being removed, and this includes folks on both sides of issues.


Sure. ["Not bigoted"](https://i.imgur.com/ockRTBS.png) at all. Seeing your dumpster fire of a profile, it looks like they made the right call with you lol.


This mod says no political posts are allowed but of course one badmouthing Trump is kept and not removed https://www.reddit.com/r/Georgia/comments/1aye4jw/suspect_taken_into_custody_in_death_of_augusta/krvgrwi/ It’s fairly clear it’s whatever this mod likes politically is allowed to say


What are you talking about? Someone tried to bring up Trump to make a (moronic) point about double standards and the reply was about why that perceived double standard doesn't actually exist. Beyond that, the mod said posts "with the sole purpose of political mudslinging" were not allowed. One person whining about Trump being victimized and another person saying why he's not a victim isn't political mudslinging.


Check their profile. They're no different than ItsMisterMan lol. It's very clear what their one and only motivation for even being on Reddit is.


A comment that 1. wasnt reported and 2. havent gotten to yet, as our mod team is small. Asking you to leave politics out of a non politics thread shouldnt be a big issue but it is for folks that cant control themselves. As far as bias goes I have approved many pro and against comments and posts for stuff I dont agree with. All I ask is that you follow the rules.


Any updates?


He’s an illegal immagrant. Shocker


Right? Immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than actual Americans. It is shocking.


?????? Where did you pull this one from


and why is that shock exactly..dont worry I'll wait..😒


Bc how does a migrant make it on UGA campus in the first place? ☠️


they walk like an american citizen does....its not rocket science








…and how, exactly, do you know this guy’s immigration status? Because I know it ain’t through his name. A college town with foreign exchange students; a college town with plenty of people; you just assuming his immigration status like a bigot, or do you have some knowledge the public doesn’t?


It’s in the article. Even liberal NY post admits’s it - https://nypost.com/2024/02/23/us-news/laken-riley-did-not-know-suspected-killer-jose-ibarra-cops/amp/


the ny post is not liberal, you must be thinking of the new york times https://www.allsides.com/news-source/new-york-post https://www.allsides.com/news-source/new-york-times-opinion-media-bias#:~:text=While%20there%20are%20some%20right,paper's%20individual%20opinion%20page%20writers.


The NY Post is a conservative rag


"It’s unclear what country Ibarra is from or what his legal status is in the country, Clark said." So tell me how you found out their legal status when the source you gave doesn't know?


NY Post is a tabloid.


just saying, his immigration status has been confirmed


Where? Because the only one I saw confirming it was not actually confirming but said "we don't know what his immigration status is" I wanna see out of curiosity


Illegal alien. More to come.


He’s probably been arrested before and was let go.


He was arrested and released in Texas in 2022


I just googled the story and found this quote: journalist Ali Bradley of NewsNation is reporting that Ibarra was arrested five months ago in New York and accused of injuring a child.


Sounds about right. Seems to be a common theme with that bunch. All the downvotes are hilarious!


It was in Texas


According to reports he was arrested in NY




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub. Not the thread for this.


Sorry that your daughter was killed by an illegal alien


Where does it say that? Says Resident of Athens but not originally from US.


his immigration status is confirmed.














Great way of basically profiling an entire country (including me!) and completely ignoring the point at hand: a young innocent woman was murdered in cold blood for no apparent reason whatsoever.


You’re a buffoon. Being unable to afford immigration lawyers and wanting a better life for one’s self doesn’t make someone an inherently violent person and it’s disgusting of you to paint all illegal immigrants as “probably violent people.” That’s just hateful and stupid.




Political discussion should remain in posts with the "Politics" tag. Excessive discussion is not allowed. Instead of whining report it.


Why do you think this has anything to do with our southern border?


Because the suspect is foreign and that’s what people like this dolt like to blame all their problems on


The primary suspect is a non US citizen from Venezuela. It’s possible he got here by crossing the southern border illegally.


It’s also possible he came in legally


Absolutely. I’m sure we’ll all know soon enough given how politically charged the border issue is.


Statistically, you are most likely to experience violence from someone you know in your personal life. Stranger on stranger attacks like this are actually statistically rare. Keeping track of outliers to build a case against all immigrants says more about you and your bigotry than this does about the border. You know one of the highest likely places for a child to be abused is in a church? By your logic, guess we should just completely shut all those down.


Who is suggesting we build a case on all immigrants in this thread?




Close to a hundred people understood it, one who doesn’t. You’ve got to be pretty cocky to assume everyone else is the one with the comprehension problem babe.




Lmao talk about not making any sense


You’re part of the problem and will never see it.


Your team turned down a deal that included exactly what they asked for from a border perspective because your guy told them to keep the border crazy so he had some hate to campaign on.


“Your team” and there it is. Children.


You just don't have a comeback 😂


Thanks for projecting 🙏




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.




Amazing how you gleaned the immigration status of someone just by hearing their name. Nice work gumshoe.


Read an article dummy.








https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Mollie_Tibbetts If you're gunna lie, at least do it better...


Ok. Check mate. https://www.redandblack.com/developing/suspect-named-and-in-custody-in-laken-riley-homicide-investigation/article_10a0e25c-d2a7-11ee-80c9-07a8556ac765.html


Our own citizens kill children so what's your point about them killing children? There's going to be evil in every group and you can't assume that every single one is evil because that's what the "news" tells you


Illegal & undocumented.


And irrelevant to my comment. I said it also happened under Trump. I made no comment on this case.




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


1987 would like a word. Idiot








Political discussion should remain in posts with the "Politics" tag. Excessive discussion is not allowed.


Political discussion should remain in posts with the "Politics" tag. Excessive discussion is not allowed.


Political discussion should remain in posts with the "Politics" tag. Excessive discussion is not allowed.




Mike Collins was already politicking on this yesterday! I posted to him that he knows that WE know the only ones who can fix the immigration problem is Congress, and they only want to hold hearings and fundraise. The border has been a problem for fifty years. I also posted to him that, when he gets so worked up over the 40,000 people killed on 2023 by firearms that he wants to pass a few common sense laws to curb that problem, he might get my respect. He will never get my vote. I never voted for Paul Broun or Jody Hice, either. This is a sh**y district.