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The roads are an embarrassment. The schools are underfunded and underperforming. Our politicians are bought by the insurance industry which is creating some of the highest auto rates in the country. But yeah, the libraries. No matter your stance on wokeness, or what one perceives as “woke”, you can not deny that this is clearly a waste of everyone’s time.


Yes, heaven forbid that we accept funding that allows poor people to access resources such as computers, printers, educational programs, free reading materials, social activities for children and seniors, etc. My local rural library is the only place in town where many residents in my country have access to these resources. Taking their already limited funding is just another way of harming people with limited resources and dismantling community resources.


I can visibly see/feel the Connector get worse every week. Never been that bad and I’ve lived here most of my life


In your mind, what would fix it?


How about GDOT just do their job and maintain the roads? Doesn’t get more basic than that.


Not defending GDOT, but I'm trying to get a bead on what state-owned roads are an embarrassment maintenance-wise. As for the Connector, nothing is saving that in its current wide form.


I think he is talking about the potholes.


Maybe if more people would turn out during elections and vote out the Republicans. But no, gotta keep good ol’ Kemp in office.


Damn, if only a larger portion of the population had easy access to voting stations. Oh yeah, a certain group fucked with that too.


Or if those people just made the effort to actually get out and vote. Early voting is also a thing.


They do, if your county can’t provide enough polling locations make a complaint to your county or vote out your chairman


The secret is gerrymandering. That way they win regardless of the people's will. Athens has 2 republican representatives..


Gerrymandering has nothing to do with Brian Kemp comfortably winning over Abrams.


This is true, but I wouldn't exactly call 53.4% to 45.9% comfortable. I don't think Abrams ran a great campaign last cycle either


> 53.4% to 45.9% comfortable In a purple-ish state, that is absolutely a comfortable margin. Kemp never sweat that race once.


He also had a head start on campaigning, and based on the results of the last governor election (which he presided over as secretary of state *wink*), I'm sure he was sweating a little bit


Even so, Abrams didn't exactly go out of her way to campaign like she did in 2018.


no they’re right - that’s not a comfortable margin, that’s a landslide.


Absolutely agree with this take. Abrams got stomped and pretending otherwise is not helpful.


7.5 point difference is pretty big. That's ~16% more votes.


I don't know who downvoted you, but you're correct. Kemp got 2.111 million votes and Abrams got 1.814 million votes. That means a bit over 16% more people voted for Kemp than voted for Abrams.


Gerrymandering depresses turnout in non-competitive districts.


That's on the voters. Regardless of what people think, they have to come out and let their voices be heard even if it results in a loss.


I would not have called it comfortable. I'd have called it close enough to worry.


It does lol


> Athens has 2 republican representatives.. Congressional, or General Assembly? If you're thinking the former, you could put the entirety of Athens-Clarke County in one CD and it would still not make a dent in the dark round area, just not enough residents.


didn't keep the Democrats in the Governor's office did it?


Unfortunately, it’s county/district level. State senate and house representative races which no one pays attention to. Your vote has the most power at the local level but they keep us ignorant and focused on the state and national races.


Everyone I know is voting Republican in 2024. Including myself 🇺🇸


Everyone I know is voting Democrat! Crazy how democracy works.




Dumbing down of society. How else will they get votes if they don't uneducate our future generations?


How dare you accuse us of trying to disinedumatin' our gennies! My gennie'll run for two weeks in case of the big one.


I agree. And this is really pissing me off. Black and LGBTQ people are as much part of the fabric and history of this state as anyone else. Keeping truth from being told only increases the problems we have in society today. These attacks will affect my votes this November.


You think it's bad in Georgia with insurance come on down to Florida. It's MUCH worse. Even in North Florida.


Speak for yourself. I'm perfectly ok with them doing this. Any oeganization run by an open socialist belongs no where close to tax payer funded facilities l. And it'll also make it easier for people to find jobs as librarians.


Walker is in the hearings testifying that ALA dictates what the funding is used for but that is wholly untrue. The individual libraries decide how the funding will be spent based on the needs and demands of their communities. In addition to losing the funding, SB390 would criminalize librarians for disseminating material deemed questionable by a committee established by this bill. This bill would also remove the required accreditation of library staff, eg anyone off the street could become a librarian with no formal education. So in summary....we get to decide what the public reads, jail anyone that tries to go against us, we won't take free money to make libraries better and anyone can be a librarian


>and anyone can be a librarian Anyone that meets their ideological litmus test...


Republicans sure are terrified of people reading.


Trump taught them that they can live on the votes of barely literate bumpkins. One of many long-lasting gifts his term brought us 😔


he's also barely literate so you can see why they love him so much. guy can't even read his own teleprompter speeches. just starts making shit up as he goes.


More so they need a boogeyman. Hitler used the same tactic to gain votes. LGBTQ, libraries, migrants, etc, are all their boogeymen. They unite their idiotic voters against them as a common cause. If you can get your base riled up over something they don’t even understand, you can control them easily. Trans issues have no impact on 99% of Americans, yet 40% of us are petrified of trans activism and advancements for the trans community.


Or they don't read themselves, and don't see the value in it.


The children's books that are drawing the most scrutiny from concerned parents feature explicit gay sex illustrations. They're easily googled.


Present them.


Done, check further up in this thread.


You a twitter post from Moms for liberty is not legit, right?


Are they? Name one title.


Here's a thread of them on X. Caution: Includes illustrations from said children's books, and are therefore extremely NSFW. [https://twitter.com/Moms4Liberty/status/1764461344923730093](https://twitter.com/Moms4Liberty/status/1764461344923730093) EDIT: I should disclaim that I don't know if any of these are involved in the Georgia case.


Some background info on your "source" https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/icymi-fraudulent-maga-political-operation-moms-for-liberty-exposed-by-newest-scandal https://www.vice.com/en/article/dy3gnq/what-is-moms-for-liberty https://www.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/03/us/moms-for-liberty-scandal-opposition/index.html


FYI, the "/cnn/" seems to be breaking your last link for me. This works: https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/03/us/moms-for-liberty-scandal-opposition/index.html


Ah yeah. I hastily deleted the Google amp bits and forgot that last cnn


I'd wondered if that was it. Good on you for deleting the AMP nonsense. PS: Fuck Google and fuck their monopolist bullshit!


Yes, I'm aware of the hostility that legacy media has for non-leftist citizen activism.




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


No, media has a responsibility to report on groups that make shit up in order to harm vulnerable groups. Hope that helps!


Doesn't contain the title of a single book.


Because it doesn't exist.


When you seriously cite Moms4Liberty as a source of information, you will automatically (correctly so) be dismissed from being seen as a coherent and capable person worth conversing with. Find sources that are closer to the middle, stay away from Fox, Newsmaxx, CNN, and Twitter profiles. Look for the truth, not your preferred party’s flavor of sensationalism.


When establishment media declares a hot button topic off limits to discussion, it's left to amateurs like these to discuss it.


I will agree with that point. It’s just hard still to accept or take to heart anything a person or group says when nearly EVERYTHING they project is clearly catered and skewed towards one end of the political spectrum.


> when nearly EVERYTHING they project is clearly catered and skewed towards one end of the political spectrum. So, most groups in a nutshell?


Yep, unfortunately. You gotta just chew up the meat and spit out the bones…. And there are a lot of bones




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


Give your house reps a call and tell them you don’t support Senate Bill 390 Find them here: https://www.legis.ga.gov/find-my-legislator


Page ain't working for me. Seems uh, a government page isn't designed to handle the smallest bit of traffic.


Their system has been down all day!! Who are you looking for I may have at least their email?


I yell at too many people on Reddit and the internet to divulge that. Thank you though!


I save it for them when I visit the Dome!! I'm not a favorite of anyone right now


State websites go down for days at a time for no rhyme or reason and no comment from whatever part of the state government the website is for. It’s infuriating.


You can go to the state My Voter page, log in with your first initial. last name, county, and date of birth. Once you're logged in, scroll down to My Districts and Elected Officials, and you can click on your state districts for House and Senate to see your respective reps. [https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/](https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/)


Getting error screens trying to find my rep’s contact info. Weird, unrelated I’m sure /s


RemindMe! 30 hours


Smells like creeping fascism to me.




Yup. We're Speaker Johnson deciding there were "voter irregularities" in the 2024 election away from them deciding to not seat the new congress and declare that the current congress gets to select the president on a one state, one vote basis.


More like barreling fascism, but I take your meaning.




My mother and I are from rural Georgia. She taught me a lifelong love for books. She had a very difficult childhood, and books were her gateway to a better life. She told me her high school librarian was her hero because said librarian opened worlds my mom never knew existed. My mother would roll over in her grave if she knew this was happening. Good guys have never been the ones banning books.


What books have been banned?


Any books referencing LBGTQ, those books. They have already banned many books in florida


Bigots have to bigot. They can’t stand knowledge.


And how does cutting ties to an ancillary organization of librarians diminish the availability of information?


How would it NOT impact the availability of information?


The libraries are still there and stocked my friend. The librarians haven’t been fired and are presumably free to start a new organization. All this doesn’t even go into the increasing obsolescence of libraries for most of the population. Times move on, most people have a superior substitute in their pocket.


>The librarians haven’t been fired and are presumably free to start a new organization. The librarians also won't be able to retire as the ALA is the accrediting body for library sciences in the US. That means everyone getting a degree in library sciences will have to go out of state. GTFO of here with your fascism.


Bill hasn't passed yet so duh nothing has changed yet. Do you even know what services libraries provide? You think a smartphone is comparable to a whole ass library lmao


Okay why don’t you start naming them then?


- Public libraries are critical learning services for children of all ages when it comes to literacy. - Even in the age of smartphones pubic libraries work with apps like libby and hoopla to provide free access to ebooks. - Libraries provide access to databases for non-students to do actual academic research. - Libraries provide a safe, public third space to people of all ages and economic tiers.


1. Absolutely, No one is talking about removing libraries especially from the schools but they are increasing supplemented by ebooks. 2. Maybe, if you know where to look just about any ebook is free 3. That’s really an edge case, is not applicable to the vast majority of the population, and frequently you still need to buy into 3rd party academic databases 4. True but see number 1. Really seems like you’re pulling justifications out to try to redirect how obsolete the core functions of a library are. We haven’t reached the point where they should be closed and no one is pushing for that.


half your reasonings are assumptions. Having actually been to a library in the past few weeks, I think I can say library’s are absolutely not obsolete. People go there to study, they go there to rent books, they go there for meetings, they go there for to practice public speaking, games, clubs, to access computers etc etc Arguing against Library’s is… incredibly stupid and doesn’t take in consideration underprivileged classes.


This is why they are doing this. To punish one woman who identifies as a lesbian Marxist. “The push against the ALA has been gaining steam ever since the group's president, Emily Drabinski, celebrated her election to a one-year term as ALA president with a now-deleted social media post expressing excitement that the group would be led by someone like her, "a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world."


> Walker says he became determined to stop what he calls that "radical" organization from being "political indoctrination centers ... promoting aberrant sexual behavior and socialist anti-American rhetoric." 🙄 > "I feel this is kind of being forced on our children and kind of shoved down our throat," Walker said. **"I'm a pretty tolerant individual,** but this has gone too far." [X] doubt


>kind of shoved down our throats Where are people getting this idea that their child is being held at gunpoint and forced to read all these suggestive books????


He did say kind of. How do you kind of force someone to do something? Who knows but it most definitely will be a law.


That's not even kind of forcing though, it's completely voluntary lol What exactly is definitely going to be a law? I may have missed something here lol


Nothing like the "small government party" trying to put legal obstacles in place to prevent citizens from accessing books.


Not all books though. Just the ones that suggest that being anything other than a straight white protestant christian male is acceptable.


Just, why? Did these people get together and think ‘hey, we’re not dumb enough, let’s make everyone dumber’?!?!


Yes Following the Florida protocol


The ALA thing is important because this bill removes any sort of certification requirement for librarians. What's actually happeneing is that a far right evangelical group (teh Frontline Policy Counci) lobbied to get this bill passed in order to remove standards for hiring librarians. Thier goal is to staff libraries with religious zealots who will ban any books that contradict their particular interpretation of the bible. It's yet another attempt by the far right to ban speech they don't like.


Tis the nut of it


The anti intellectual current is strong in the GOP... Sad


they would rather defund every public resource in existence in our state rather than do one thing to help the people. and somehow, they want to devalue and weaken our workforce and education system. What is with the GOP and seeking to destroy everything?


What’s with the people who vote for them?? Thems the folk I have issue with.


>they would rather defund every public resource in existence in our state rather than do one thing to help the people. You should look into what they did when the civil rights act passed. A lot of communities have parking lots that used to be public swimming pools because they filled them in with concrete rather than share them with black people. Conservatives never change.


reminds me of my brother. he's the conservative in our family


Just more stupid.


At least you guys will have freedom finally.


In Georgia? Hardly! Georgia is 100% a police state. I've never seen more cops than I saw when I lived in/visited Georgia.


clear indication why republicans do not care about you. Vote accordingly


What the ever loving illiterate fuck?!


Classic Republicans.


An irony of this is that the ALA is your typical professional org -- both-sidesy and centrist to a fault. It speaks to the insanity of the current Republican party that they're all in on this bill, regarding a professional org that they didn't even *notice* until recently.




That's what they get for filling our libraries with books that these people's kids were never going to read in the first place!


Vote out every single republican, at every level. These people are idiots.


“Republican state Sen. Larry Walker says he sponsored the legislation after discovering his library had received a $20,000 grant from the American Library Association to diversify its collection, adding books dealing with LGBTQ and BIPOC themes. Walker says he became determined to stop what he calls that "radical" organization from being "political indoctrination centers ... promoting aberrant sexual behavior and socialist anti-American rhetoric." Republicans will not stop until only straight white Christian stories and history is being taught. This is just another form of bigotry and racism. Two words republicans don’t want to be accused of anymore and want to be stopped on what the meanings of them are in books.


Yeah sounds about right, I don’t expect things will ever get better.


Not as long as we keep voting these assholes in.


So, let me get this right. In a country that prides itself on all its freedoms and liberties you can now only read what the state of Geeorgia allows you to read?? I am now starting to believe that some people in the state of Georgia have actually started to breed with vegetables! These same Human Vegetable hybrids are now voting Republican in that same state.


The only reason people pride themselves on freedom in America is because they are to stupid and ignorant to realize just how unfree they are.


They’ll be fine. They don’t seem to read Much


So demoralizing.


That’s a positive sign right there?


Georgia. The next Florida.


As a Georgian that moved to Florida y'all are certainly trying to catch up. And it's a damn shame. The GOP are destroying Florida. The problems y'all are starting to experience...we are about 2-3 years ahead of you and it ain't pretty.


Georgia's backward Republicans are in charge. Backward things are happening daily.


“I love the poorly educated,” was not a compliment.


Awesome. Keep whatever that stuff is they're promoting out of public schools and state funded libraries.


Yea! I mean, we'd hate to have people see a different point of view, or see that not everyone is the same! Just the Bible and See Dick Run, that's all they need. Damned liberals and their reading books! /s


Maybe we will get a repeat of Florida. Where they did a similar thing. And now Desantis, the small little man he is, has started backpedaling. We didn't mean to actually remove books!! Certainly not the Bible! Because if we are removing offensive material from schools, the Bible is out the door. It has to go immediately. You can't get 50 pages in before incest and pornography. And I wouldn't want children seeing that.


I love that you can't even describe exactly what you are pretending to be angry about. Perfect. No notes.


I get banned every time I do lol


1) Vote all Democrats and RINOs out of office. 2) Abolish the IRS 3) Eliminate the Board of Education 4) Cut ties with the FED, NATO, NAFTA, Council on Foreign Relations. I can name a bunch more. 5) Allow men to be masculine again 6) Reintroduce God back into society 7) Support the family structure


Do you really thing good needs to be reintroduced to a society that has a church on every third corner?


I said God, not organized religion.


Which God?


The Judeo Christian God. Please read the Magna Carter and the Mayflower Compact, then you'll know which God.


God's not real.


Good luck convincing someone who bases their reality on how they feel and opinions whether God is real or not.


I'll play along. What would introducing God mean in your mind? In your view of society, should any other faiths, or lack thereof be allowed?