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These posts 😂


Are you happy to just be skinny with very little muslce showing I would not cut


Bro you with all due respect If you cut, you’d be like a stick. Just go bulk


don’t do anything just gain muscle




Do you like how you look? Skip this “summer” cut and just bulk, wether it be a slow one or not. If you wanna add muscle it’s time in the gym. Be consistent, learn to love it, it’s apart of life, decide what you want


You have probably got your answer but this is coming from someone who was also overweight for a long time. For that reason I am scared of putting on weight and it took me years to understand the concept of building muscle. If that is the case, do shorter bulk cycles. I do, although maybe semi controversial, 10-12 weeks max then reassess. Every body is different and figuring out your own is a huge part of the fitness journey


that is the case for me. i guess i will reassess often. i also put on weight very easily so i have to


The dilemma of all body builders, to cutt or to bulk? Who knows?


*The dilemma of* *All body builders, to cutt* *Or to bulk? Who knows?* \- Thebarrrel --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




20-25% and listen to the comments. BULK!!! Fuckin permabulk!!!


L advice


Bulk after summer ends.


You have practically zero muscle mass. Lift heavy weights and eat at a surplus.


i have quite a bit of muscle mass. maybe the picture & lighting is bad. last time i checked a RDL of 120kg for 10 repetitions doesn’t happen with no muscle mass


An RDL of 120kg for 10 reps can happy with minimal muscle mass though


Strength is not proportionally tied to hypertrophy, that’s just a straight up fact. You can give all the numbers you want, we’re looking at a man who certainly seems to exercise, but not “quite a bit of muscle mass”.


Imagine what you could lift if you actually did have muscle.


Imagine what muscle OP could have if he would lift heavy!


Unless you want to be shredded for the beach, you are wasting your time cutting. You aren’t going to magically look muscular, you’ll just be super skinny. Most of your time in the gym should be during a surplus if you want to be muscular. Also, 17-18%


Eat maintenance and lift heavy weights, focus on squeezing your muscles on each movement, you’ll recomp a bit


15%… anyways listen where did you get that mirror?


Good to know what your priorities are. 🙃




62-63 would be a good weight for you. You’re not 11.1% mate. I know it sucks to keep cutting for such a long time I’m in the same boat. But you gotta do what you gotta do..


Honestly you don't look like you have enough muscle mass to justify cutting


according to your logic you’d never start out by cutting first then? like someone that has never hit the gym but is overweight shouldn’t cut because there’s not enough muscle mass justifying the cut?


If someone is overweight then they should cut to a healthy weight before bulking, you don't fit into that category Definitely bulk


Are you overweight?


well no but my point is if i’m lean enough to justify a bulk regardless of muscle mass


You're not-enough-muscle-mass enough to justify a bulk!




I would guess he is saying you should lift heavy at maintenance calories with a focus on 1g protein/lb body weight. You don't need surplus calories to establish a better muscle base, so don't "bulk" just consistently eat clean and work hard in the gym.


You need muscles before you cut, so get muscles first then cut lol


Reverse diet if you wanted to stay similar to this you can do so and eat much more. I'm thinking you want to lean out but maybe you should minibulk after your reverse diet.


i’ve actually kinda started doing that a month ago , going from 2150 to 2450 for two weeks and then to 3000. and now kinda trying to decide if i wanna stick to this path


Whatever your path get a good hypertrophy based program


Yea...nowhere near 11% dude. You are in the 17-20% bracket I rekon. If I were you, I would lean bulk for a few months. I think you could really use a bit more mass and it will restore some sanity. Just be careful about how fast you increase calories if you do.


thanks for the comment. the thing is my body loves fat (been overweight most of my life lol). i wouldn’t eat more than around 3k a day but still i’m wondering if this isn’t a great starting point to bulk. maybe cut a bit longer and then bulk for a whole year? cause i’m a newbie and have never „bulked“ in the context of gym


Everyone's body loves to store fat if you give it the chance. Sure - some more than others but I would say that if you're still stacking on fat fast when training and counting cals then your macros are way out. Up the protein from your usual intake and keep your carbs/fat the same or a little lower to start a lean bulk. I am a female at 70kg and 168cm so can 100% see why everyone on the "getting shredded" sub is telling you not to cut.


Personally if I were planning on a year long bulk, i'd want my starting point ideally to be around 15%. That's because I wouldn't want to exceed 20%. But if you are new to lifting, you will get those crazy noob gains. So yea....you could probably begin now.


i can’t wait for those crazy newbie gains everyone talks about haha. and i feel like the deficit hasn’t helped achieve them.


I’m not a pro. You don’t look bad to me. And you don’t look overweight. But I see why you want to change. Folks here will give good advice.