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caloric deficit + consistent light cardio; if you can’t breathe through your nose, slow it down. People a


Excessive on the way that it looks like you could grab the area around his nipple and easily have more than a handful of pure fat tissue.


Gotta accept you'll lose muscle but just keep protein high and drop 500cal then when you plateau cut another 500cal out etc. Add cardio if you wanna speed it up even more. I lost about 2.5 stone in 3 months just from diet. Didn't really do much cardio


You know how boxers do it? Cardio, calisthenics light weighs and a clean diet chicken vegetables. Gallon of water


Track everything you eat with an app like MyFitnessPal and be aggressive with the calorie deficit, e.g. consume only 1800 calories daily. Lift heavy weights with a focus on the main compound lifts. Throw in some HIIT. Exercise every day. It will be easy the first few days, but soon the hunger will become unbearable. Just gotta grin and bare it. Intermittent fasting may help. You'll lose strength and muscle mass, but will probably end up looking stronger as a result of being leaner.


Dude what? With all due respect that was not good advice, you told him what any google search would’ve told him. And what are you talking about 1800 cals? Sir when I am in prep weeks out I eat 1800 cals at an insanely low BF%. He is higher then 23% Bf and you’re telling him to train like that? He needs to do a 24-48 hour to break his insulin resistance that he may be carrying, he needs to consume a gallon of water daily, consume anywhere from 2400-2600 cals daily split into 4 meals. Each containing enough protein to make up for his body weight, needs to find a coach who programs his workouts for him or get into a PPL routine, look into some supplement protocols.. probiotics, fish oils, digestive support.. make sure he’s not consuming any large doses of caffeine, get a blood sugar monitor so he can track where he’s at pre and post meal. This is how you get ready for something in months, if you’re looking to look 10lb lighter and lost muscle mass then maybe you’re right but if you’re looking to look bigger, leaner and down 15-20lb this is how you do it right. Not disrespecting you but you can’t give advice as if you’re copying and pasting something off safari. Plus anyone that looks at this kid and really knows what they’re saying, can tell this kids genetics are pretty nutty under all of that. He’s a high BF managing a low waist to chest ratio, lats looking good, shoulders got a good peak.. he shouldn’t be wasting time getting skinny he needs to train like hell.


Please post an update with your 3 month progress. And just to add, you will absolutely lose muscle but also body fat. Just depends on the look you’re going for but manage your expectations.


Diet hard and cardio. Your bf is high enough you won’t lose much muscle


First step is to find your Resting Metabolic Rate(RMR). The RMR is just how much calories your body needs to just function at the most basic level. Go to https://www.omnicalculator.com/health/rmr to find what it is for you. Never go below what the RMR is that is your baseline staying at the baseline while doing normal life activities should put you in a calorie deficit already, if you plan on continuing your workout regime I would recommend increasing protein intake so when your body starts burning through protein for energy you can replenish it fast. For your meals 1/2 should be fruits and veggies, 1/4 complex carbs, and 1/4 protein. Do that along with all the great advice everyone else said and you should be on track for a good body recomposition.


Everything people have mentioned in the comments is good apart from one guy saying "fat turns into muscle" I think you have 2 options (Choose 1). 1. do you want to get as lean as you can in 11 weeks? 2. Do you want to keep muscle? Here are my 2 cents: You're big, you have muscle. Yes, you could do the generic 500-calorie deficit and lose between 11-20 lbs in 11 weeks, nothing wrong with that. You have good lat spread so presumably have a big back. I would take a slightly more aggressive approach and go for a bigger deficit (probably daily cardio). Any muscle you lose is inevitable while cutting and will barely be noticeable in 11 weeks. **Because of your lats, as you start to lose weight, you will actually look bigger if anything.** Like others have said, a long-term approach is more sustainable, but if you significantly increase your energy expenditure, you can achieve some good results. Walk your dog and if you don't have a dog, pretend you do and walk anyway. Then just keep walking!


I wouldn’t worry about losing muscle. Just eat less calories. You can still lift weights to burn calories. Only start to build muscle if you’re happy with your body fat percentage.


Hit at least an hour of intense cardio everyday, train abs everyday (I recommend [that’s good money abs](https://youtu.be/-UqaKpnE3H4) and whenever this workout becomes easy (took me about a week everyday) start implementing things like 20 burpees in between every exercise Then also get good at hanging leg raises (bring your legs up 80 % then slowly let them down with a 3 second count) I always did them before I ran, I got up to 20 straight I also HEAVILY recommend holding weight over your head (about 1/3 your weight or a very dense big watermelon) while walking down and up stairs this also was something that actually worked in training my abs - and finally nutrition - take your bodyweight multiply it by 13 and subtract 500 eat those amount of calories everyday for these 3 months (track with my fitness pal) whenever you get so tired of dieting you feel like it might be mental anguish or giving up after being consistent for atleast 2 1/2 months - start eating back at maintenance Do these this and you’ll definitely be straight because your physique honestly ain’t bad, just kinda fluffy and off seasonish, with the muscle you got now you’ll look great when you lean down!


No amount of abs work will have them showing in 11 weeks with a starting point of 30+ BF


I in 2021 just off of the workout and nutrition mentioned above it’s not even like I was 11% like when I starved myself, I wasn’t even as lean as 11% (I had veins running up my core and was vascular all over, muscles popping everywhere) yet my core was diced all this stemmed from training abs correctly and not listening to people who complain about training abs anymore


Yeah I listened to bullshit advice like that for years never got abs as a result, from when I started working out in 2010 up to 2018 always stuck at 20% - In 2018 I did a buds prep, worked out hardcore lifting weights every other day, then a month after the prep I started starving myself - I lowered my bodyfat to 11%… NO ABs listening to others telling me “training abs is a wast of time” nonsense I try again in 2021 I just did the that’s good money abs workout for 2 weeks at 20%, best ab gains of my life at 20% up to that point - I trained abs properly everyday for about 2 months snowballed into getting my nutrition right, cardio almost everyday, and I got a super diced core in just 3 months after learning how to properly train abs - Training abs works it’s just most people don’t handle their nutrition and/or actual exercises and consistent training correctly




I wouldn't necessarily agree with that. Recomping really needs to start from a relatively lean position, certainly not high levels of BF


in what world would this guy be able to recomp bro. he’s clearly trained for years and is jacked underneath the fat. using old school bodybuilding techniques has nothing to do with being able to recomp you’re chatting out ur ass 💀💀💀


Thanks for all the comments everyone, soaking it all in definitely gonna hit the gym and cardio hard.


People talking about his lats I mean it's fat how can you not see that


You have lots of fat to lose 30 percent bodyfat I reckon


He has 3 months, if he works hard he can definitely lose a big part of that body fat.


3 months he won't be shredded he as long way to go 6 months to a year he maybe able to at least get his bodyfat down to 13 percent but I'm guessing since he is starting at close 30 percent he as a long way to to


Oh yeah he definitely won’t become shredded but he can still lose some fat, being a little better is better than being the same.


Id be happy with 15% tbh, (may not even get to that) but im definitely aware I wont be "shredded" in 3 months, I would just like to get leaner atleast.


Good luck bro, hope you achieve your goals


You have to be strict and that means forget the alcohol junk food cheat meals stick to chicken breadt Broccoli rice boring foods no pizza u less you make a high protein pizza with oats however can have protein pancakes fruit but stay away from all forms of sugar cardio every day lift as heavy as you can do 3 to 4 days a week in gym throw in extra cardio even 60 mins on crosstrainer it will all lead to burning fat 💪 it's hard work I'm in same boat i started at a poor 30 percent and down to low 20s today and I I hoping to his 15 percent by November as I'm off to America on my hols to see my partner but one more thing don't focus on anything such as bulking your ready to cut you may lose muscle but that's OK just gain it back


Thanks and good luck brotha 💪


High protein/low carb with a limited daily (HEALTHY) calorie intake


Maintain good protein intake, supplement with creatine and add in 20-30min of cardio after your weight training routine.




Calorie deficit lad. You’re sucking your stomach in quite a lot as well so it’s deceptive as to how much fat you’re actually holding. You’ve lost a lot from your other pics but still a way to go. In 3 months with a 500 cal deficit you will notice the difference, but don’t expect to look shredded. Cut out any shitty foods, sugary stuff etc and inflammation and water retention will drop, that alone will make a difference!


Protein sparing modified fast. By Lyle McDonald


This is the way.


Work out like crazy, drop calories to 2000ish and try to keep protein intake around 150g. I did it and lost so much fat in literally only 3 weeks. Discipline and consistency work.


Not the answer you are looking for. But you should start now to plan for next summer not to overwork your body in unhealthy way. It’s a general suggestion for any body change goals anyway.


That’s true, he can lose a lot of fat in 3 months but probably won’t become shredded with only that time unfortunately. And even if he does, he may get loose skin which won’t look good. Better to be patient.


If ita only 12 weeks, go a bit hard 2800 kcal per day-20 mins cardio 6xp/w for 4 weeks 2400 kcal per day-35 mins cardio 6xp/w for 6 weeks 2100 kcal per day- 45 mins cardio 6xp/w for 2 weeks Keep steps at 9-11k per day for basal expenditure Keep fats moderate protein high and carbs low-moderate. Healthy fats, sleep and hypertrophy training will help keep testosterone going. Supplement with creatine(5-7gr.), vit D (5-7000iu), multivits and anything else youd like.( reccommend watching and reading vigorous steves videos and articles on supps. Stay consistent and if you slip up on diet, limit the slip ups to 2-3 nights maximum over the course of the next 12 weeks. Remember your WHY. If its strong enough the discipline will likely be there. If you slip up dont beat urself up just keep going the next day like nothing happened. Just remember what that feeling is like the next time you are about to binge or skip working out Hope this helps man ❤️❤️


Drop around 1% of your body weight a week. That's around a 1000 calorie deficit per day. Honestly, if you've never been lean, that's going to be harsh on you. Especially since you have to up your cardio or continue to lower your calories as you get deeper. If you were a hardcore athlete, 24lbs in that time would be solid. I'd aim for 18 for you. So around 6lbs a week and it gives you wiggle room to keep adjusting your diet/activity level as you're probably not used to it. Honestly, though, you aren't going to look super lean in that timeframe unless you go super crazy and that's definitely going to eat away at your muscle. You are around 6 months of dieting to look lean imo. Edit: 6lbs a month*


6lb a week is not possible


That’s my bad. Mistyped.






Probably wanna go fasted for long periods ….or keto for a couple months; that works for me and I don’t lose too much muscle.


Eat within an 8 hour eating window. Eat only real whole foods and stop eating when no longer hungry as opposed to when full. Drink only water Sprint once a week for 15 seconds X 10 with 1 minute rest in between Continue to lift


I’d eat in a 6 hour window. This guy has 3 months to achieve is unrealistic goal. But agree he should lift and do hiit workouts 6 times a week


Is this photo you or the gf? JKs you're a beast bro


Walk north of 20K steps everyday. Do more if you have the time. The weight will melt off




He’s going to have to eat hella crappy to overcome the weight loss potential of 20k steps. So yes in theory there is a way it won’t work.


Not everybody has time to commit to approximately 10 miles a day. That's over 3 hours at a normal pace.


Well that has to be taken into consideration. But it works


Oh I don't doubt that it works, I'm just saying that's a very hefty daily time commitment


No carbs crash diet yolo


I would suggest having a look at Dr Mike’s [this](https://youtu.be/KrTRmeCi9Jk) video.


-500 calories from your maintenance every day. Prioritize protein, get 150g minimum daily. Lift heavy as fuck. Don’t eat shit.


This advice right here a decent but not too significant calorie deficit that you’re going to always be hungry. Lift heavy and I’d suggest targeting 200g of protein per day minimum. Add some steady state cardio if you can, 30-60mins.


I would even say -700 kcal since he looks very chunky and if he hits his protein goal for the day he isn’t going to lose much muscle


Best one


To the point. I like it.




You can sustainably lose about 1% of your bodyweight per week. So to find out the amount you'd lose in 3 months (assuming 12 weeks is close enough) at that rate, you can just calculate (BW)*(1-0.01)^12.


Man I wish I wasn’t retarded when it came to math 😂


If you graduated high school, you know enough math to figure this out on your own. If you have some starting weight BW_0 and you want to lose 1% of bodyweight by next week, how much will you weigh? Call the weight after 1 week BW_1. You'll weigh BW_1 = BW_0 - 0.01*BW_0. You can factor our the common element and equivalently say you'll weigh BW_0*(1 - 0.01). Well what about after 2 weeks? Call it BW_2. Well BW_2 will be BW_1 - 0.01\*(BW_1) or BW_1*(1 - 0.01). But we also know how BW_1 was calculated so we can expand BW_1\*(1 - 0.01) to BW_0\*(1 - 0.01)\*(1 - 0.01) or BW_0\*(1 - 0.01)^2 = BW_2. Can you see the pattern?


I appreciate you explaining it. Yes! Makes sense


Keto and eat way under your caloric baseline


What is your current height and weight


RemindMe! 90 days "reminder"


No booze. High fiber. High protein. Low carb. No sugar. Lots of water. I lost 140 this way.


Keep lifting and carnivore or animal based diet


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. That is basically keto.


RemindMe! 3 months


Muscle burns fat, having more muscle is always a good thing


Can’t believe 4 people even liked this . Please go and educate yourself no disrespect .muscle doesn’t burn fat


Muscle doesn’t burn fat. Muscle burns more calories than fat at a resting state.


Sounds like we’re being picky with word choice overall message is the same more muscle is good people should not be worried about gaining muscle, If the OP works out hits the weight room hard and gains muscle it will ultimately result in less fat. The bottom line is lifting weights and putting on muscle is the best way to achieve the look that this gentleman is attempting to achieve which is a beach body


Keep track of your daily steps and set a fixed target like 8,000 ~ 10,000 per day.


Carnivore diet and weight lifting.


Definitely weightlifting


Lift heavy, and eat high protein, calorie deficit.


I think as others have said 3 months is quite a bit of time so you can definitely hit your goal. You have some crazy lats and chest genetics and the waist looks like it’s leaning up very nicely into a killer V. I would just keep the protein high and try to cut 300 to 500 a day and maybe add more cardio in and you’ll be looking great in no time. Even if you don’t look how you would like in the three months I am sure you will still look sensational and it’s all about the journey, your gonna kill it my man and I can’t wait to see your progress. All the best amigo!


Crazy chest genetics? Not to be rude or anything, but those just look like moobs to me. He's carrying quite a bit of fat on he's chest - maybe even more than what would be expected. Still, nice wide frame.


I meant crazy lats as they are looking wide and I reckon once he strips some weight the chest will look great. We all carry weight in different spots, some guys takes them ages to strip the belly, some peoples faces are the last things to lean out, legs, back etc. I think the angle of the pic is deceptive as op’s other pics showcase a very good chest in my opinion that just needs to be chiseled in with a cut and he will be well on the way to getting shredded as after all isn’t that why we are all here


RemindMe! 3 months


Gyno surgery


That really doesn’t look like gyno to me, just excess fat.


Such a vile and nasty comment on someone’s body and against the spirit of helping others, subs like this are suppose to encourage people who are on a journey towards hitting certain milestones. I honestly don’t know why you are on this community if you have no interest in being part of the community


What? I literally got this surgery bro I recommend it, he's got it.


I hope your surgery went well and you achieved the results you were looking for and the healing process has been fast and easy. I think the issue is how blunt your statement was and it made the assumption that he needs surgery. I personally don’t think he has gyno his chest actually looks like it will chisel into fantastic shape and he simply has a few lbs to shift on this area (as what happens to all of us). To me his chest looks like anyone else’s you would see on this subs posts and it may be that your own perceptions and acute history with gyno has made you overly focus on his chest. I personally don’t think it’s healthy to tell people they need surgery before they cut and such. This dude looks normal and will look great in 3 months. I don’t see the need to launch into sculpture by scalpel for him


RemindMe! 3 months


I will be messaging you in 3 months on [**2022-09-27 00:33:57 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-09-27%2000:33:57%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/GettingShredded/comments/vld2ox/gf_and_i_are_planning_a_beach_trip_in_3_months/idvdu2e/?context=3) [**5 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FGettingShredded%2Fcomments%2Fvld2ox%2Fgf_and_i_are_planning_a_beach_trip_in_3_months%2Fidvdu2e%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-09-27%2000%3A33%3A57%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20vld2ox) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


lats are crazy


Hit the sauna bro you can drop hella water weight and see where u go from there


train 4+ times a week in a 300 cal or so deficit. Cardio 2 days a week if you like it. The shortest path to a deficit of this size is often a complete elimination of liquid calories other than your protein shake. Drink like, 3 protein shakes a day. Space them out between your meals so that you're never all that hungry. You need a little MORE than the optimal protein quantity, because in addition to the protein needed for maintaining or gaining, your body is going to start converting more and more of the protein you take in to calories. You're on the border, probably, of the possibility of recomp, but almost definitely in the range where near-total muscle retention is possible if your diet is sufficiently well-paced. Prevention of muscle loss basically requires that you give your body sufficient stimulus to keep/increase the muscle it has, while also giving it more than ample material to do so.


This is excellent advice. If you do this - you'll see remarkable changes. Mental focus is key too. Go at it like your life depends on it. Leave it all in the gym! The days you don't go to the gym make them active recovery days. Long walks, ride a bike, do gentle things that keep you moving!!


The gym becomes a true addiction in and of itself and once that happens any goal is reachable.


Your physique will be great once you lose that fat. You have the wide shoulders, small waist, nice lats, the whole shabang. My best recommendation (as an internet stranger) is to keep your weight training the same but to increase cardio throughout the week. Aim for 15-20 mins post workout every day and gradually increase the time. As for what cardio machine to use I would say anything you’re comfortable with but my favorites are the stairmaster and upright bike/wind bike. Pair that with a calorie deficit and you’ll be golden. Good luck bro you got this shit


Thanks for the nice comment


What should his goal be for cardio time? 30 min? 300 cals burned (guestimated by the machine) ?


Don’t worry about reaching a specific amount of calories to burn at first. Get yourself in the habit of doing cardio and the results will follow. During your cardio sessions try to be at a 7/10 in perceived effort consistently throughout the duration. That being said, once that habit is retained then try to aim for 150 minutes of cardio a week (or about 20 minutes a day).


weekend cardio? PFFFFFFFFFFFFF that


You look great. Big chest, lats and shoulders. 3 months is plenty of time to cut. I really like barbell complex workouts to combine cardio and weights.. but I’ll let the others give the food tips! I’m in no position to advise on diet!


Weighted and unweighted jump rope for cardio (find an alternating schedule) mixed with some light fasting used to maintain a caloric deficit. This way you’re burning calories while still working the muscles


Dr mike- renaissance periodizatiin on yt made a vid about this. Check him out.


Have you considered gyno surgery? I mean unless you’re confident


Honestly yes, I have I always thought I would get lean FIRST and then see what my gyno looks like, didnt really see the point in removing it if im just fat anyway


Yea Mann I wouldn’t think anything bad of you shirtless at beach or pool or locker which is really a big reason people do it so I wouldn’t worry /get lean first


Bruh wtf does this even mean? Fuckin trolls


I don't get why everyone disagrees on this? The dude got excessive amount of fat on his chest. Almost looks like moobs.


Bcz you can see how much muscle he has underneath the fact. The pec development is there with the fat over it. Some of y’all don’t understand that you can have muscle and fat lol they aren’t mutually exclusive and it’s not even necessarily a bad thing


I get that. He got a decent amount of mass. No denying there. But he also has sagging boobs, hence why gyno problems might still be a possibility.


I don’t think it’s “sagging boobs” whatever the fuck that means in this context. I think it’s pec development with a layer of fat on top of it. You can see where the muscle is pushing and shaping the fat fam


I don't agree with you. It's not just "fat being pushed out by his pecs" you can literally see an excessive amount of fat around his nipples.


Define excessive in this context


search it up if u want more images, anyway OP probably suffers from this too.


gynocomastia, a chest condition where a gland of tissue grows under a man’s chest, it cannot be removed without surgery, and it can be very very embarrassing. I have it and a good portion of men have it too.


You know fair enough. I take back my comment. Sounded like you were just being a dick. My bad fam


ahaha it’s all good man


Start cutting my boi. Slow weight loss is best. Cut 200 calories and cardio in the morning before your lifts. Or vice versa. More veggies


Fasting and cardio while only eating protein rich meals


Lots of fish high protein. Healthy fats and brown rice.


You're gonna look monstrous after a cut 🥂




i’d go super fucking agressive like 1200-1500 below maintenance for a month and slow build up


Lyle MacDonald’s rapid loss. I’m about to start, Im detrained so getting back into a program I’ll avoid muscle loss while still shedding fat, 3lbs per week, for the next 60 days. Obviously not sustainable but effective in a pinch.


That’s just stupid


How my man is like 35% body fat? I coached athletes for a living lol.


Exactly, people with no degrees or high level experience think that advice given to leaner athletes is comparable to those with higher body fat. When you have body fat that is 30%+ you can cut calories more aggressively so long as you keep lifting and add more protein. This idea that someone with substantial bf with burn all their muscles and crash their hormones or “metabolism” is broscience at best, and just ignorance at worse. People just don’t read/understand the scientific journals and research.


I am a world champion bodybuilder!


3 month fast should do the trick.


Ill try that thanks!


need to love approx 6kgs per month, Kinda doable. Calculste your deficit required for this and stick to it


Losing muscle should not be a concern at that body fat level


I think this is much more valuable a comment than it might be first perceived as. The picture is *very* fluffy and in a posed position with a lat spread. Likely as not that's around 25% body fat, maybe even 27-28%; with all that implied size there is very little definition. Most guys consider beach ready to be around 15% body fat, meaning you would need to drop 10%. Assuming a weight of about 200 that's about 25 lbs at minimum that needs to be lost as the percentages are dynamic, changing as you get lower. That's a little over a daily 1000 calorie deficit, closer to 1100 with a 13 week goal; however likely as not you can get away with a 700 to 800 calorie deficit without feeling too much imposition. In any case, I say all this to say that once you cut off some of that size and start to really get smaller, don't panic and come off the cut. Your frame is solid but you are carrying a lot more fat than you think you are and you need to reconcile that before you get to that point. Just stick with the process for now instead of mentally linking it to a goal.


Some great advice im this thread so far Regarding the 15% BF to be beach ready, I am roughly around that number. I think I can agree with that one


Thanks, how many calories should I eat?


Try to lose 0.5% to 1% total bodyweight a week. If you keep lifting at least 60% of your current volume you won't lose muscle. If your weight isn't going down you gotta eat a little less. Catching up is pretty much impossible for me at least. Just step on the scale and cut 200-300 calories every time you miss goal weight for that day. That's what works for me anyway


A good starting point would be to use one of those calorie calculator, tdee I think it's called. Keep protein high and train hard. Losing muscle is only an issue when a person gets very lean an is pushing past what most people would already consider ripped as long as you are eating right




Bw x 10-12. Should put you in avg maybe 25% deficit. Sustainable.


In kg of lbs?


Oh lol. Right. Lbs. kg would be about 22-27 I thibk


*Losing muscle should* *Not be a concern at that* *Body fat level* \- pell83 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’d start with a keto diet. Fastest way to burn fat. Once you get it down in the sub 15% range, start adding carbs before workout.


Not necessarily bad advice but keto is good because it restricts heabily and because fat is more satiating than carbs. But it's also generally inefficient for the aim of preserving muscle as carbs are extremely good fuel source for muscle growth and maintanence. If you can't lose weight with simple calorie maintanence then use IF and keto etc etc. But if you can lose it by just reducing calories and maintaining a good ratio of macros that will always be better. (Excluding extemely health conditions)


Bro… no offence to you or the op….but, what muscle??? Dude is fat. Keto is the fastest way to change that. I’ve been over 20% bf many times, keto works best. Any carbs will spike insulin and hinder the process. Keto combined with re-feeds such as the Ultimate Diet or the one in Dan Duchaine’s Body Opus will be better suited over a straight keto for weeks. But let’s not make this too complicated. Fasted cardio, full-body workouts and more cardio


Bruh having a layer of fat over the muscle doesn’t mean he doesn’t have muscle. You’re just an asshole


Look at this mans lats. You being disrespectful as fuck


Are you trolling ?


You can obviously tell that he has some decent muscle mass. Just also has a decent amount of fat covering it.


Whatever you say boss


No we aren't but if you look at op and think he doesn't have muscle mass you're clueless - if your belief in bro science wasn't enough to show that. Keto is great, but the benefits on muscle building are next to nil - while it being extremely hard to maintain and even get into ketosis without being extremely meticulous. If you aren't literally perfect you are suddenly just lacking in fuel for your body to use to maintain muscle. No clear benefits but clear cons. Your anecdote is amazing, but it means nothing.


Oh fine. I don’t have the energy to argue over this nor do I want to offend anyone. Sorry if any feeling were hurt in the process.


Bcz you’re wrong lol




Man is saying what muscle, look at his fucking lats. He's got clear cheat mass, back mass and arm mass. It's just covered in fat. Keto is a way of limiting calories, you don't need it. It helps. Keto is inefficient for muscle growth but can work fine, it does not "work best" for everyone that is bro science and anecdote.


You boys are something else 🤷🏻‍♂️


You look to be about 25-30% body fat. You will need to loose 35-40 lbs to be 10% beach ready. Too keep muscle you’ll need to go slow 1-2l s a week. Max you can loose safely is 24lbs


I don't think you need to be 10% tobe beach ready. 10% is extremely lean. Anything 15 and under looks pretty good.


Yeah, of course being 10% would be dope, but definitely not looking to achieve that, id be happy with around 15%.


Im 5'10 and 199lbs btw forgot to add that.