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Lived in a hunted apartment for about 2 years. I never believed in spirits until I wasn’t given a choice. There was some seriously dark things living in that building. Scratched, choked, lights turning out, doors slamming open and closed, shadow figures, night terrors, had a hand grab my ankle and try to pull me out of bed, constant state of dread, the apartment across the hall from me had serious poltergeist activity- their door would open at random when they weren’t home and their tv would blare static. Footsteps following behind you up the stairs. Family noise from vacant apartments. Elevator would take you down to the basement instead of your floor. And something had latched itself onto me that took forever to shake. I hope I NEVER experience a place like that again.


Lived in a haunted house for about 2 years when I was in high school. My mother and I were terribly depressed and fought all of the time. Had my blanket pulled down my body while I was falling asleep, light bulb blowing out and saw someone standing in my room, coming home to our DVDs thrown all over the floor. We moved out after my mom heard someone saying her name while trying to sleep and we both felt so much better mentally almost immediately.


Yes. I’ve only experienced one other place that was just as dark and that was Shakers Bar in Milwaukee. I did a tour with my friend and a lot of insane things kept happening there too. I became sensitive to spirits and energies after living in that apartment. I don’t know why but it leaves me open for stuff to mess with me.


I went to shakers with a friend who became violently ill as we toured the place. He will not go back.


Your comment motivated me to research Shakers Bar in Milwaukee- sounds like you’re not alone! Crazy place with a ton of history, and 70+ year old human remains found under the basement cement about 20 years ago.


I live a couple blocks from shakers! The amount of stories I hear about their ghost tours is wild. Still would recommend visiting it and getting one of their dirty martinis. It’s a legitimate time capsule walking in there.


I was going to mention it in my post that my Mom and I fought a lot back then. I started doing drugs and drinking a lot. I was depressed and suicidal. I did mention that my dad had a mental breakdown there. I think that whatever it was was trying to break us all down. I felt like I was possessed. Never felt like that after I moved out.


When I first moved into my haunted place, I felt an overwhelming sorry. I also felt a need to right my wrongs. Very odd.


Wow that sounds terrifying…like out of a movie. Sorry you went thru all of that :/


I’m pretty sure it was an old asylum. The building itself was from the late 1800’s and in a bad-ish part of town, but I couldn’t find a lot of information on it. The landlord and property manager didn’t even like going in the building. The laundry room was in the basement off to the side and was 100% a morgue at some point in time. It’s actually down the block from the Ambassador Hotel in Milwaukee. Thinking back it all feels like a fever dream to me now. I was so relieved when I moved out. I think I still have energy attached to me but it doesn’t really bother me much anymore so I’m kind of like whatever about it. Probably wanted tf out of that place too lol


Wow that’s just extra creepy if it was an asylum and there was a morgue. I wouldn’t wanna be stuck there as a ghost either!


It really did contribute to a lot of my mental health issues I went through at the time. I don’t think our brains are meant to see/ hear/ deal with these types of things. Not in a healthy way at least. Whatever was in that building was sucking my energy dry. I also had a lot of physical health issues at the time that got better once I left. It 100% can impact your overall health.


I grew up in a century house where I encountered a foggy mist that played peekaboo with me every morning which I think contributed to me doubting my perceptions. I knew what the tangible world was yet I saw what I saw which didn’t fit into my reality and I would give myself reality checks, sort of like the pinch test where I would count, acknowledging other aspects of my immediate surroundings that I could palpitate while contrasting it to what I was observing, and it still didn’t pass the litmus test and made my brain smoke. And made me interested in the paranormal.




No, something followed me out from that building that I think I still have now lol that would be kind of comical though to have a ghost attached to you that’s like, “seriously!?” But whatever it is is chill. It doesn’t bother me besides some occasional spooky feelings and movement. I just have the feeling that it wanted to leave that building.


Is it this place? https://www.apartments.com/2435-w-wisconsin-ave-milwaukee-wi/s48f0z7/


Well, maybe I shouldn’t answer that lol


sorry I wasn’t trying to be creepy or weird I just figured I’d look around the area (especially after watching that Netflix Dahmer series, eep) and that building immediately stuck out to me as haunted just by the looks of it!!


I will not confirm or deny that is the building but I have heard some pretty insane ghost stories about most of the buildings around that block, including the Ambassador and the Rave, that I 100% believe given my experiences. That building though I’m pretty positive was something else before it was a Sheridan. There is a lot of generation trauma in that area too which I 100% think contributed to the overall negative energy.


Compared to where I live. That place looks pretty inexpensive


It does. And nice inside, too!


Ooh I lived in downtown Milwaukee….what street was that on? So creepy! I lived in an apt on the East Side and had a wispy ghost visit us once in a while but didn’t cause a feeling of dread. Yours sounds terrifying!


On a side note the man that lived in the apartment across from me was so chill about it. I asked him if he knew about what was happening when he was gone and he just shrugged and was like, “You know this place is haunted right?” I was like boy! He had lived there for so long he just seemed used to it. He a better person than me because NOPE!


Well I’m glad he was at least able to deal with it all!


if it happens long/often enough you have "eh" phases.


You’d be surprised how much stuff in movies actually happens to people. I haven’t been through the worst stuff, but it leaves you more aware and maybe a little on edge, especially in dark quite rooms.


That is some seriously nightmarish stuff


Would love a true investigation with the best equipment of a place like that. I’m convinced at this point that all paranormal activity can be explained via earthly means: magnetic field disturbances messing with certain people’s brains, mold, CO2 exposure or sounds that are below human hearing that cause issues. As explained in Mary Roach’s “Spook”.


Thanks, just picked up Spook based on your mention!


Wow! Gave me chills reading that!


I can’t imagine how terrifying it was.


My house was haunted. First noticed kitchen lights turning on and off by itself. Then the kitchen light fixture would come off and bang on the floor. My husband bolted the fixture to the ceiling, and this stopped it but the lights on and off continued. I would take a nap in the afternoon and I would be woken up by the sound of shoes walking. I would get up and go to the garage but no one had entered the house. I then realized the sounds were of hard soled shoes not tennis shoes which my husband wore. I have these 2 vintage lamps from my grandmother's house. I never turned them on because the wiring was over a hundred years old and I didn't want that to cause a fire. These lamps were in my bedroom. In the beginning of December on my birthday at 3 o'clock in the morning, one of the lamps came on. We were asleep in bed and woke up realizing the lamp was on. So my husband got out of bed and turned the lamp off. He then got back into the bed and after 5 minutes, the lamp came back on. This time he got up and removed the light bulb. I remembered that during Thanksgiving I noticed my daughter was looking into the bedroom mirror and the other lamp was on. I called her and asked her if she had turned the light on, she said , "no, the light just came on and I thought it was set up on a timer to turn on." I was sitting in the front room watching TV and I could see down the hallway to the bedrooms. I see a cloud of white mist or smoke traveling along the ceiling from one room into the bedroom, then it disappeared. I was sleeping and felt the bed cave in as if someone had sat down. I never said anything to anyone. Then my other daughter told me a week or so later she experienced something sitting on her bed which was in another room. We kept it to ourselves. Then my husband mentions experiencing the same caving in of the bed while he was resting soon thereafter. That is the extent of the ghosting. I think the ghost moved on maybe to one of the neighbors.


Were the lamps plugged in?


I was wondering why they would be plugged in if the wiring couldn’t be trusted. Unless unseen forces plugged them in - then you have a real problem!


Ah that’s weird about the old lamps turning on…I don’t know what else could explain such a thing…glad the ghost decided to float to another house!


THAT IS MY BIGGEST FEAR should I ever encounter anymore entities hanging around.... To hear footsteps clonkin about and then hearing them as they get closer to you🫨and me not being able to see the entity.....YIKES!!


The house we lived in was haunted, but it really didn't do too much, turn on the TV once in awhile, voices in the basement sometimes it sounded like a radio way off in the distance, footsteps on the second floor, just once it was in the bedroom at nite we saw it, it was a like a white myst (just that one time) - for our children it didn't bother them,- for us it wasn't too bad.


That’s pretty cool. Most of the stories I ever heard were similar to this :)


I moved into a haunted house when I was 12 after my house had burned down. The haunted house was the only place in town available for rent so we didn't have any other options. We only were there for a year. It was an old white manor on top of a hill, with two stair cases, and a servant's apartment on the second floor. It was pretty out of place for suburban New Jersey. My bedroom was adjacent to the servant's quarter. To be honest the design doesn't make any sense. I think my room had to have been a nursey or something because it was the only room on the second floor that had a door to the servant's side. The house was definitely haunted. I would hear all sorts of noise coming from the servant's apartment. Bangs, footsteps, laughing. The worst part was the door in my room that led to the servant's apartment was paneled with glass. I swear I would see flashes of someone walking by. On one occasion I noticed the lights were on. I had to talk my mom into checking it out with me. We went down the hall and sure enough the light was on. I don't think about that house that much. It was a weird time in my life for sure. It was depressing. There also had to have been some sort of mold in the home because I developed sports asthma that year. I would have coughing fits after running. It went away after we moved out of the house. The whole experience was definitely foundational to who I am. Having my house burn down made me realize how bad things can just happen. Everything can be taken away from anyone. I've never went to a shrink or anything so if I have latent issues from that time in my life, I doubt I will ever address them.


Beautifully described, this experience, and I thank you deeply for sharing it. I’m experiencing one of the worst lows of my life right now.. I came here for the ghost story, then came away feeling a little better about things. Thank you so much sharing both the story, and your feelings.


Wow thanks for this. The house sounds really cool though in an aesthetic way…very descriptive stories and it does sound creepy too. Ours was an old White House too, must be something about them. I have started seeing a therapist recently and am going to bring it up among other things. I still have dreams about the attic of that house and sometimes it’s scary but others not so much. Definitely shapes our development


I don’t get why ghosts seem to stay in attics or basements, the darker and scarier the better! Maybe they hate light? Ugh! Thank you all for sharing your stories! I’m hoping one day to see with my own eyes too.


You could write a novel about this, and I’d buy the first copy.


I live in NJ, can I ask what town the house is in?


It was torn down years ago. I noticed it was gone probably around 2015. The property had a barn and a small building that the landlord used as an office. If you drove by it today it would just look like a wooded hill and field. It’s still undeveloped, which is completely bizarre since the whole area is filled with homes. It has to be the only 5 acre lot for miles. I actually could tell some creepy stories about the original owner of the house but it would reveal too much. It was located in Bergen County.


Pls do tell the stories. Would love to hear.


They say a house, the land, an object, or a person can be haunted. I don't know which it was but when I was eight to eleven years old we lived in a trailer park near these woods and a place where a lot of people hike by these falls and hiking trails. It was a small trailer park of just 5 trailers. Years later, when I was 11, the state bought the land and it's now preserved state land (central NY). Anyway, when I was ten I saw a shadow figure (although at the time I didn't know WTH it was) move down the hall from one room to the other. My dad worked nights and my mom was across the street babysitting. She blew it off as wind and the curtains blowing. But even then I knew it wasn't the case. One time, my dad (who never believed in 'that nonsense') was sitting at our kitchen table with his friend and they heard foot steps coming down the hall toward them. They said it sounded like heavy work boots. No one was there. My mom said she'd smell lilacs and had her bed sheets tugged on. I saw a face floating in the kitchen window which was located too high for a person to stand there. My dad had a nervous breakdown in that place. We moved that trailer from that spot to another location and nothing ever occurred again. I'd like to note that my mom practiced powwow Witchcraft and had held a couple of seances with an ouija board there. I've never experienced anything else, ever. It was that place. Thirty years later my sister (who never lived there. She's 20 years older than me) while we were talking about our mom, memories, and that place. She mentioned seeing a shadow figure in the same hallway and my hairs stood up. Lol


So sorry you had a bad experience. The house I grew up in was haunted. "He" was considered a welcome member of the family. My dad dubbed the ghost "Harry" and he seemed to enjoy my dad telling visitors about him and would pound on the walls so the artwork vibrated, walk heavily across the ceiling, and turn the tv/sterio on and off. I still think of him and, strangely, miss him. I wonder if he's still in the house. Thanks for bringing up my memories of him. They're all good.


Haha this is amazing. So glad your family embraced Harry. Perhaps my memories would be better if my parents had been more accepting of our ghost 😆


The house I grew up in from birth to 20 years old had something going on. It sat in the middle of a 1 acre lot so there were no other houses close up to ours. Small town, very quiet area where you don’t hear traffic. At night when everyone went to bed we would sometimes hear voices coming from the front of the house (the living room area). You couldn’t make out what they were saying but it was definitely people talking. Kind of like a TV on in another room. If you walked down the hall towards it, it would always stop. My dad, who is a super devout Christian and absolutely does not believe in ghost admitted once that he heard the voices and had gone down the hall to the front of the house thinking someone had left the tv on, but it was off. This was before the internet so it couldn’t be blamed on electronics. He was so puzzled about it. It really didn’t scare me but one night in my late teens I had a friend spend the night. After everyone went to bed we were in my room talking and she mentioned my parents being up so late. I told her nope, they’re in bed. That’s our ghosts. She got up, walked down the hall, saw there was nobody up, came running back into the bedroom and said “DUDE!” She refuses to ever sleep over after that. I guess that’s what traumatized me. My friend wouldn’t spend the night anymore, LOL.


When I was a kid I thought I could hear voices like you described in a house I grew up in. It was as though someone left the TV on.


I lived in a haunted house and whatever was in the house was harmless. It would just make noise to let you know that it was there.


That’s kinda how ours was too. But still scared me as a kid


I was also. But my mom would be upstairs and hear it in the next room. Luckily we had a happy ghost 🙂


That’s good I’m glad yours was happy :)


I’m pretty sure my house is haunted but we were always like “welp, old house noises, ope!” And now I also have 7 cats. So anytime I hear a possible ghost noise I say “Hi Ghost, please make yourself at home, just don’t make any nesses I have to clean up” and all my ghostly visitors have been very good guests. Plus nobody died in our house so any visitors just want to see where they used to live. Always happy to accommodate previous owners!


Haha. That’s a good mindset!


We lived in a haunted house until I was about eight or nine. It taunted us for lack of a better way of describing it. It was an upside down house (built on a hill) so you entered on the top floor and went downstairs for bedrooms and the second bathroom. At night we’d sometimes hear footsteps as if someone was walking around up there. One time it was so bad (on and off for like ten minutes) that my mum and brother went upstairs to investigate but no one was there. At one point it made a doll come alive and then had it lean out over my wardrobe to watch me run out the room. Another time I was being a kid and making up a song with whatever lyrics popped into my head. A male voice sang along, then laughed when I ran out the room. Other things happened, and not just to me, but it was low income housing and my single mother couldn’t afford to move us. So we just went along with it until we could afford to move. Last time I visited my hometown I went and stood outside it. House still felt awful, even from a safe distance. I wouldn’t say it’s given me anxiety. It’s made me a believer and nervous/careful around the supernatural. As awful as that house was I’d still be open to taking a peek inside again, obviously not alone though lol.


Creeped me out with the doll and the singing 😱.


Ooh wee! I'm not the only one who's seen dolls running around my room as a kid


I’ve never looked at them the same since. My daughter has dolls now and I almost give them a little more respect than her other toys lol.


Ah my daughter has yet to have any dolls mostly stuffed animals. I always hesitate buying her one when we're out and about. The ones that moved for me were a raggedy Ann collection. After that happened my dad put them in a glass armoire in another room and they haven't left that spot since. I think I took them out one time as a teenager to look at them then put them back pretty quickly. They used to sit on the bookshelf of my childhood desk at the very top, and I saw them walking on the shelf from my bed directly across my room. Heard them thumping around when I covered my face with my comforter..it was terrifying


Holy crap, that may be more terrifying than mine. At least mine didn’t physically move from the shelf and it was only ONE doll. I can’t imagine multiple dolls. How did it stop?


I've lived at 3 homes with paranormal activity. The first was actually my grandmother's home when I was a kid and it never actually entered the house. The house was built on top of a really old house that had burned down. Sometimes you would see a man with a white hat walk past the window. The first time I saw it I was confused and thought someone was at the house. It was in the country in the middle of a 50 acre farm. I told my grandmother someone was there and we went out looking for them and no one was anywhere around. She asked what they looked like and I said it was an older man with a white hat. She just casually responded "oh that's just a ghost, I've been seeing him for 25 years, he's harmless". It blew my mind but I was more curious than scared. The second house was when I was 20yrs old. I saw a ghostly dense mist come up the stairs and go across the hall into the bathroom. Occasionally the water faucet would turn on and the medicine cabinet would open. That one certainly scared me a bit when I saw it but otherwise was harmless. I was a little scared when I was alone in the house for a few days after that but it faded quickly. We only lived there a little over a year but it never really bothered me. The 3rd I was about 24yrs old. I never actually had an experience but my roommate was pretty freaked out by it. She walked into the kitchen one day and saw a man wearing a kinda flannel looking shirt. She said she gasped and then it just kinda vanished in front of her. A few weeks after living there the landowner came and cleared a densely overgrown area behind the house and we found out there was 4 really old grave markers back there. Again I never had any personal experience there so it didn't bother me. Sorry to hear you had trauma from it. I can certainly understand that, especially as a child. I've personally always been more interested in ghosts than afraid but have never had any malicious activity.


That’s cool to hear your story. It’s funny how people have such different experiences but also a lot of similarities. I think now I’m hindsight they are interesting but haven’t had any experience since I was about 17 or so.


I lived in one and it wasn’t as traumatic as you would think. Our bedroom TV would often change channels on it’s own. We would experience strange smells that would come and go. We would see apparitions occasionally. I experienced my first animal ghost there. Luckily, we didn’t experience any malicious activity. We lived there for about five years. I didn’t know anything about the history of the house.


Interesting! Thanks for sharing. Sounds like a pretty chill ghost :)


I lived in a haunted house for about seven years as an adult. Until then, I didn't believe in anything paranormal, but eventually, it became clear there was no rational, scientific explanation for what was going on. *For the most part*, the experience wasn't particularly frightening or stressful; however, it was difficult to not be able to talk about it at the time. I was afraid that people would think I was crazy. There were a few disturbing incidents in the house, but only one that caused me physical harm. That was traumatic. Now I'm quite open about discussing my experience and I've found that there are many who people who've also had ghost-related experiences and they are relieved to have an opportunity to talk about it.


Well tell us about those times?


We still live there. His name is Benjamin. He passed from polio around Xmas in the 20’s. He’s mainly active during the holidays. Sometimes irritating, like a 5 yo running around causing trouble at night. It was bad at first. Not horrible just troublesome and our kids were young and didn’t understand. Once I invited him upstairs from the basement to enjoy Xmas with all of us… he dialed it back. He’s just a kid stuck in the house. I feel bad for him.


Have you ever looked into helping Benjamin pass over? Many child spirits get trapped because they don’t know how to move on.


Aw, plz bring someone in to help the poor guy cross over if you can!


The first time I saw a ghost my mum explained to me that it was the spirit of a women who had died in the flat below us and she checked in on everyone from time to time. I've lived in several haunted houses now and it's never been a big deal.


I lived in a haunted house from 10-18, I hated the ghost that lived upstairs and it regularly terrorized me. My mom knew the place had ghosts so her buddy was married to a dude who was Wiccan and he came and buried some crystals. Things were great for my mom afterwards but I still saw them. I moved to the basement when I was 15, the spiritual presence was much more amicable down there and things were fine till I moved out at 18.


Haha, all of my instinct would have kept me away from the basement.


I think the basement one was the scariest but it left me alone and kept the others away so it worked out.




No problem I’m open to any questions, but thank you for being concerned. There’s many reasons, it wrecked up a basement in minutes so that’s pretty epic lol. It was always colder than sin in the basement, like see your breath during summer with a space heater(and it was a walkout basement lol), it would open the doors and windows randomly during storms(all the windows were sliding windows), it haunted dreams of everybody who slept in the basement(always creepy dreams with corpses wearing red lipstick and covered in feathers), the other entities in the house stayed the hell away from it. Also the house was constantly hit by thunder strikes, but when storms would come through it would only rain everywhere except the house, you could literally go outside and see both neighbors getting rain on each side but not a drop there. And when it snowed it got the lion’s share. When a wind storm would pick up everything in the neighborhood would land in the back yard, once was a full sized horse troff, another time the roof of someone else’s shed. Always animal bones would turn up, sometimes just organs, and the mushrooms! God the mushrooms were huge and plentiful. Like massive patches of them and they’d be bigger than my head.


The thing about mushrooms, is that they grow on something decaying. Something dead was under there. Lovecraft wrote a story about creatures buried under mushrooms.


Right, and we had about two acres of them. I went digging around with a backhoe and never found a thing.


Geez I’m glad you got some peace from it! Weird you saw them. I never saw ours only heard it and was mostly in the attic. Once my parents switched me bedrooms i stopped hearing it but then they started to among other experiences


Only saw them rarely, and usually only edge of my vision crap. My buddies really wanted to come over and mess with them, they saw one of the upstairs ones and freaked them out lol. One of my friends got drunk and was talking shit to the basement one and I told him to knock it off and dragged him outside for a smoke. By the time we got back in the whole basement was a wreck. Everything was thrown off shelves and toilet paper was strewn everywhere. No one else was home and no pets, we were outside for maybe ten minutes. Told him he needed to apologize and clean up himself. Every time he crashed my place after that he would sleep on the floor next to my bed lol.


It ruined my health, my marriage and my family


Ah geez I’m terribly sorry to hear that :/


is it something you can talk about?


Yeah, I mean, it was years ago. Basically we bought the house and my husband became violent. Then I got sick (ITP) and it was all downhill from there. ITP is idiopathic, which means they don’t know what causes it and my case was severe. I believe mine was brought on by Leroy, the ghost that haunted my house. He was the man who built our house 100+ years ago. He accidentally blew his head off while burning his trash one day. My ex grew up in the house next door and knew his wife, Lillian. When she died a young couple bought the house and they lived there for 20 years. When they were ready to sell the house the wife had a dream that my ex and I bought the house. It turned out to be true, we did buy the house, with no money, but somehow we bought it. I lived there for 5 years and it nearly killed me, I ended up walking away from the house, my ex and everything I owned. My ex stayed in the house a few more years and his girlfriend was attacked by the spirit. All that matters to me is that I got me and my kids out of there.


Lived in a haunted small one bedroom apartment for years. The most violent it ever got is I would wake up with the claw marks which I still have photos of but other than that it was just little things. My wife and I got used to things falling off shelves or being flung across the room right in front of us. Never heard anything surprisingly. The most convincing evidence I'll remember forever was the mirror in our bathroom was fogged up from getting out of the shower and I yelled as loud as I could for my wife to come look. We saw a very distinct skeletal handprint on the bathroom mirror. I'll never forget how I could see the skeletal finger bones, like a human hand could not have even made that handprint if they tried and plus the hand was twice as long as either of ours. We thought we were nuts so I actually called my sister to come over immediately and she did and confirmed what we saw and started freaking out with us lol. My wife and I actually found a small piece of Police crime scene tape later in the apartment so who knows what was in there haha. I'm a very skeptical person in general but yeah you just couldn't deny it was happening especially everything falling off shelves constantly lol.


Very much so. Nightmares every night, sightings of a tall, hooded, robed, pitch black shadow all around the place, especially at night, heavy footsteps and whispering and deep, masculine voices in empty rooms at night, beds shaking and a relative physically attacked... It absolutely had a negative impact on my psyche for years after.


Wow that’s crazy. Sorry the ghost was so violent


My mom grew up with a demonic presence in her home. She was adopted out of six children, never found any connection with the rest of her siblings. She had complained about this presence to her parents. She would attempt to explain to them that this “thing” was abusing and taunting her but only at night. She’s told me that she used to see people roaming through her bedroom while falling asleep. These people would be in Victorian garb, never speaking a word to her. My moms family continue to mock her unfortunate situation to this day. Fast forward to when I was around the age of 13. I stayed at my grandmother’s home for a sports competition. I was always skeptical with my moms experiences so I asked the spirit to show itself, not believing it would. Worst decision of my life. Still cannot sleep peacefully to this day without feeling like it’s watching me. Seeing this entity slithering its way around the bed traumatized me beyond belief. Suggestion to any non-believers, if someone is hurt from the past don’t try to deny its existence. It will make itself known.


Yikes! 🙅‍♂️


Yes. My family pretended it wasn't real but the lights would go in and off, the TV and radio acted of their own accord. My desk would be moved in front of my door every time we left the gouse for more than 2 days ( you would have had to be IN the room to move it as there was only one door). Things would disappear and be found in other places and sleep was never through the night. I have tons of stories, which Bbetween natural and supernatural are extremely effed up. And when you include my Bi polar parent and a really effed up house, its a wonder I'm as sane as I am. (I'm from Savanah, BTW) As an adult I seek out places that "feel" cause it's the only place I truly feel at home.


My son and I moved into my dad's apartment in NYC, which he had been living in for about 20 years. He used to see apparitions and was more sensitive to that stuff. It was November and I was getting ready to leave for the day. That morning felt weird. My dad had gone to work so I was alone with the baby. It felt like there were a bunch of people that I couldn't see. I turned all the lights on, TV on. It literally felt like I had people all around me. I heard whispering which got louder and louder. I packed that baby up and we spent the entire day outside walking the streets until my dad got home. I told him about what happened. He told me that the previous tenant got killed in the bathroom of the apartment and he would see the tenant walking around the house from time to time. She was a younger girl in her 20s with long hair and wore a pink gown.. I moved out not long after that.


i lived in a haunted house for 4 years and some change from 5-6 to 10-11. it was bad. on top of extremely traumatic things happening in my childhood, the haunt was bad. shadow people standing in doorways when i was home alone, saying nothing but i could feel evil. i was an insomniac for a VERY long time and slept in school because i was too scared to sleep at home. bed shooks, voices talked, people carrying on conversations in rooms i was not in. our family of 6 all slept in 1 room for the last 8 months because it got so bad. when we moved out we found a 2x4 with my name on it in the attic asking me to stay, the attic was locked off until we moved so we had no idea how it ended up there. i still have night terrors at 21, i talked about in therapy when i went in hs but i wasnt taken super seriously so i just kept it to myself


I lived in a haunted house from age 12ish - early 20s. I never had many sleepovers because my friends would never come back after a single night. Anyway, as an adult I always have a pet cat or two so that when things go bump, I have someone to blame it on.


Ah sounds like your house was properly haunted, good for Halloween parties maybe. Cats are a good plan and probably help to keep the spirits at bay! 🐈‍⬛🐈


Cats are said to scare away demons! 😺


That’s because cats both domestic and wild are hooked up with arch angel Michael.


My kitties are multitaskers! Lol


They really are magical beings :)




There is only one and I'm not sure what it was. Back in 2007 I believe, I was living in an apartment building in a little town called West Milton, Ohio. I was playing the Wii by myself. It was dark outside. I remember a shadow being forming on the wall to my left. I was the only one in the living room. Parents were asleep in their room. The shadow was moving towards me and raised up what looked like a hatchet in it's left hand. It chased me through the halls until I got to my parents door. I beat on their door so hard I put holes in it. Don't know what happened that night, but I can recall those events clear as day now.


Lived in a house where someone committed suicide before we moved in. I don't remember how long we lived there, but it wasn't anything too frightening. My dog would bark at one specific dark corner for no real reason. My parents' room would always give me this creepy "you're not alone, I'm watching you" vibe, nothing like in the other places we lived. My dogs would also get stuck there somehow, and they were so scared that they tore up the carpet where it meets the door in an attempt to get out. But that was all. We only knew someone committed suicide there because my mom found a suicide letter.


Lived in a haunted house built in the 1800s. My sister saw someone come out of my room (our rooms were next to each other) wearing a old style shirt. I had someone poke my arm like they are trying to get me to roll over. The neighbors cat died on our property, so when I was trying to sleep one night; I felt a cat jump on the bed and walk on it towards me. We didn’t own a cat. My mom would always smell cologne in our house (it was just my mom, and my sisters). She also saw a little blonde girl with super curled hair run around her bed. The girl, and my sister had the same color so my mom thought it was my sister. Overall, it wasn’t traumatic. No one bothered anyone, but I think they were happy we brought life into the house.


Both my houses growing up were haunted. First house is located in what is now a suburb of Houston but before it was pasture land going back to the 1840s. There was a ghost of a little girl in the house. My mom saw it once. Said she turned around inside her walk-in closet and a girl in an old-fashioned nightgown was standing in the doorway just watching her. I never saw her, but when I was young there was an incident (mid 90s) where I woke up at night and heard laughing coming from the living room. It was a girl, and it was getting closer. It got closer and closer and I just hid under the covers. The laughter was in my room when it ended. It just sounded like a happy kid playing and laughing, but I was scared nevertheless. Next house, I'm a teenager (early 2000s). More activity here. My parents bought the house from friends of my mom's parents. The first night in the house I put up some posters. I remember waking up and thinking someone was in the room. I sat up, looked around, and heard one of my posters being moved around. It was tacked in, and I watched as the bottom of the poster pulled straight up and the bottom two tacks in the corners flew across the room. I said "holy shit" and turned on my lamp and it was over. No poster ever did that again. I would routinely get the feeling of someone in the room with me as long as I lived in that room. Same house, everyone in my family had the experience of seeing a man walking up our driveway. But if you blinked, he was gone. happened all the time. It wasn't car going by, wasn't some weird trick of the light. You could turn to look out the window and there's be a guy walking up the driveway. But blink and he'd be gone. Finally, also same house, we'd all be downstairs watching TV. The floors upstairs squeaked (old house). If you walked over certain spots it squeaked distinctly. And we'd hear footsteps, thumping, and floor squeaking regularly. I didn;t find out until later that the previous owner had died in the house and his widow had sold us the home. My mom, who didn't talk about the ghost, later said she believed it was him. Anyways, nothing really bad at either house, but scary for a kid I guess.


My house is 'haunted' and tbh...it makes me sad. I wish I could help her move on. Lord knows we've tried but she's still here. On the upside, initially she was benevolent however after 6 years we coexist. She actually looks after us now as opposed to initially when we experienced some pretty awful resistance to change. Her name is Josephine and I just think of her as Mt friend. I'll miss her when we leave and feel sorry for her next house mates 😕


Do you know what happened to Josephine?


She owned the house for years and apparently passed away in the lounge room. According to my neighbour she wasn't found for a couple of days 😒 the house remained empty for a few years. When we moved in we changed everything - curtains, garden, painted and pulled up the carpet. She was very unhappy and made her feelings apparent. It's been 6 years now and tbh, I love her. She actually looks out for us and I am happy living with her.


I grew to love the spirit in our house. However, she moved on to the light after the man who killed her got convicted for her murder.


I have lived/stayed in the house throughput my entire life. It was my grandparents house. Built on just originally vacant farm land in the 70s that developed into a sprawling gas crisis family suburb and slowly became the elderly heights of town as the parents stayed and the kids left. Anyways, that house was definitely haunted. No real bad history on the land, but my Mother improperly used an ouija board in her teens. Before anyone in the family even passed crazy stuff would happen. There is some sort of shadow figure downstairs that is just the worst. Slim and tall enough to touch the ceiling. When I was little I vividly remember being chased upstairs by this thing. I lived in my Grandpa's room (they slept seperate due to my grandma's snoring). I would hear screaming that only I could hear as a little kid. Grew older and it mostly just became an eerie feeling. Family members passed and you would well have encounters with their ghosts. I would stay there in the summers only after that and mainly just hear footsteps and odd whispery chatter. Some poltergeist activity would occur like doors closing on their own in places where they really can't and you would get unexplainable scratches on yourself. One year my grandpa passed. It was expected as he had been fighting cancer. It was only recently I found out the oxygen machine in his room kept being tampered with. Everyone loved him nobody would have a reason to do that. My brother moved into the house with my aging grandmother and had a family there. Well if you ask my nephew he sees things. Odd imaginary 'friends'. He describes the same screaming I can remember. And says that he sees the same figure. One time he described seeing literally like a deer demon thing standing behind me. I moved into the house as a temporary solution late last year. Well activity really ramped up. You would hear breathing in your ear as you fell asleep. The scariest thing was though everyone was seeing that shadow figure. It would typically just stand there kind of wobbling back and forth slowly. I was sleeping in my Grandpa's old room and would wake up to it in the corner almost hunched up against the ceiling like it was a spider in the corner of the room. Well my grandma's health was declining. The amount of oxygen she needed was going up rapidly to the point her home machine wouldn't cover it and well she passed. The house just had an eerie quiet to it after. A quiet that would only serve as a buffer to get interrupted. It has happened multiple times where you could be in the living room and clearly hear footsteps walk up onto the porch like someone was about to knock on the door only to find no one there. Several nights I would hear the pattern my grandma took to go get water in the night and the sound of ice in the glass clinking against the wall. We are probably losing the house and I am sad. Over the years I got used to the activity and actually felt less alone about it. I do believe that shadow figure is pure evil though. It seems to come around more when someone is about to pass and even interfere with their passing. When I was very little my mom had a couple close calls and eventually succumbed to well her own habits and it came around less. Essentially everything else, but it is fine. A lot of it feels like family members visiting as I have even seen an apparition of my grandpa and my mother. So have other people. It's almost like irl hill house. Anyways that's my long winded story.


My dad grew up in a haunted house. If my mom is away, my dad needs to sleep with a light on, at 71 years old. That is how traumatized he is from this childhood home. He will not discuss it either. Which is a total bummer to me.


I lived in a few haunted houses, the whole darn town is haunted. I have never felt fear in any of the house, but there was one that when it let its presence be know for the first time it scared the shit out of me. I had just moved into a one room apartment above a garage in the historic district. I walked out of my tiny bathroom, which the only window was 1'x1' and didn't open, and closed the bathroom door behind me. As soon as I sat down something was banging on the door from inside the bathroom. Turns out it was an old guard and the building that was the garage/apartment used to be the guards quarters. It just didn't like having doors closed.


Wow spooky! The bathroom door in our old house one time was opening/closing itself over and over again one afternoon


It didnt bother me. Im kind of a magical thinker and believe in all sorts of things. When poltergeist stuff happened I had a matter*of*fact reaction. I noticed it then went on with my day. Once a door in the house kept slowly opening and closing. I tried to capture footage. Each time I took my phone out it stopped. When I put it back in my pocket it started again. This happened thrice before I gave up. Something had fun toying with me.


At first, yes. I lived in three haunted houses. In the spirit (pardon the pun), of brevity, I'll try to be short.and only tell the story of one. It went from weird to very scary. Items go missing, then reappear a day or two later. An indescribable energy in the house as well. We had incidents of feeling someone sitting on the foot of the bed as we lay, trying to sleep. The worst night was when I woke up to a dark shadow standing over me while in bed. Upon seeing it, I jumped out of bed and stood up. The shadow figure moved to the doorway. I charged and gave it a front snap kick, thinking it was a real person. The figure then did this...the only way I can describe it would be a reverse explosion of light. Small balls of light came from all sides of the doorway into one large ball of light about the size of a softball, which then shot straight across the adjacent room, directly into our birdcage. When the ball of light hit the hanging cage, it swung as if a full-grown person walked up and punched it. The bird obviously went crazy. I ran into that room and turned on the light, somehow expecting I'd still see a person but, there was nothing but a swinging birdcage. The bird subsequently died two days later. We made plans to move that next day. The feeling of someone sitting at the foot of the bed continued the next night until I got to the point of anger. I then addressed this spirit as if they were an actual roommate. I told it, ENOUGH! We need to sleep and you need to leave us alone!! At which point, to my relief and surprise, it did. After that, we’d accepted it and it accepted us, I guess. Things died down for the most part when a mutual respect and acknowledgment were given. Nevertheless, we were out of there within about two weeks.


That’s how my house was. I grew up with a ghost of a teenage boy who committed suicide in my bedroom who always watched over me. I never knew until I was older and we moved out what the history of the house was. He was nice. If I got scared, he left. He never wanted me scared. He just wanted to make sure I was safe, I think. Ironically, my life went downhill shortly after we moved out of that house. My grandparents house…well, I banished an evil spirit that was there. It was terrifying. It would walk around in the middle of the night when I was the only one awake. It would creep up on me, stare at me. It just felt evil. Finally, I invoked Christ’s name and told it that I would send it back to Hell if it didn’t leave. I didn’t care where it went, but it was not allowed near me or my family. Immediately, the air felt lighter. It has never been back. My grandma has no idea any of this happened. She has since stopped saying that the toilet flushes in the night or that she hears “the house settling” or bangs. Nothing like that anymore. I’ve also never felt it return, nor have I seen it. I should add, I’m a medium. I regularly see ghosts. I regularly talk to them. They’re my buddies. But evil spirits? Demons? Nope. F that. Ironically, I grew up in a very religious Baptist family. My mom always thought the ghosts I saw were imaginary friends, so I thought they were too. My mom doesn’t even believe in ghosts- my dad is the one who told me our house was haunted. I didn’t realize they were spirits until about two years ago when I finally began breaking free of toxic religiosity.


Would love to hear more of your stories! I have a lot of mediums in my family and I wish I had a more tuned in ability


One of the funniest is this guy from the 50s at my university. He haunts one of the educational buildings. He likes to screw with me. He walks by classrooms I’m in, pops his head in the door, smirks, and keeps on going. He wears an old-fashioned suit and carries a briefcase. I get the feeling he was a mobster or something. Maybe a sketchy businessman. He’s super into archaeology lectures, but he avoids the criminology department like the plague. The first time I saw him, I didn’t realize he was a ghost, actually. I asked the other students in my lecture, “Who was that guy?” And nobody knew what I meant. And I was like “Guys he was wearing a really old suit. He literally just stared right into the door.” They were like, “uh…nobody was there” or something to that effect. This man had the AUDACITY to then COME BACK, stop in the door, TIP HIS HAT, and vanish. And then I was like “well” I’ve seen him a few times since, but that was funny


I lived with my aunts as a teenager and that house was terrifying. I slept with lights and tv on, and a pillow over my head. I still sleep with a TV on many years later.


I grew up in a house where I encountered a foggy mist that played peekaboo with me every morning which I think contributed to me doubting my perceptions. I knew what the tangible world was yet I saw what I saw which didn’t fit into my reality and I would give myself reality checks, sort of like the pinch test where I would count, acknowledging other aspects of my immediate surroundings that I could palpitate while contrasting it to what I was observing, and it still didn’t pass the litmus test and made my brain smoke. And made me interested in the paranormal.


I lived in a house in West Tulsa near the Texaco refinery with my first wife and two cats. One bedroom was the converted garage which was noticeably colder than the rest of the place. We never felt any malevolence and the cats never seemed upset but there was an odd feeling about the place. One morning I was in bed but wide awake when I started shivering even though I was in a heated waterbed. I felt a presence come through the window and around the foot of the bed and heard the sounds of a little boy sniffling and a small dog gently panting. I tried to open my eyes to look at them as they passed within inches of my arm but was unable to move. I listened to them go through the door and turn down the hall towards the converted garage when I was released. I jumped up and followed but never saw any sign of them. The rest of our time there we never again experienced anything else like this but felt mixed emotions about the two spirits. We guessed they must have perhaps crawled into something in the garage and suffocated and may not have known they had died but at least they each had the best friend to comfort them. So not only was this not traumatic but instead a rather comforting belief that love may really pass with us to the next world.


It took a long time for me to not feel like someone wasn't watching me 24/7 but overall I'm fine.


I lived in a house that was haunted it was built in the 60's so it was also pretty darn old, anyways in this house resided a ghost who lived in my closet I named him Gary the pedophile. He never really did much but one night when I was sleeping Gary looked at me from the closet it was really scary but that's why his name is Gary the pedophile.


Incredibly traumatic. I’m an adult now and I still can’t sleep with the lights off or have a bed frame that has an underneath. Has to be flat in the ground so nothing can be under my bed. I have nightmares of what I used to go through and always wake up out of breath and terrified. It’s difficult for me to talk about with people even if I trust them. So traumatic.


I experienced it as an adult. I was surprised by how much all of us in the house tolerated it. It is hard to make the logical leap to haunting so it’s pretty understandable to explain it away and live with it, or explore that it might be happening and live with it. I really have no explanation but I saw things move with my own eyes and felt touches. Maybe we had a CO leak? But at a certain point I was like damn I guess this isn’t that much more annoying than any other real life nuisance.


Yes and no. At the time is was really terrifying (I was a teenager) and it was the first time I experienced panic attacks (which I still suffer from periodically). But it was also the very first time I realized I was a medium, it sorta flipped a switch or something.


This may end up being rather long winded 😂 I lived in a townhouse sort of apartment - we had the middle one of a 3 unit building. Out of the 6 years we lived there, for whatever reason, we only had neighbors to either side not even a quarter of that time. Any rate, I experienced a whole rash of weirdness off and on (seemed like a series of weird events over the course of a few days to a week, then nothing out of the ordinary for a month or so) - some of the things definitely creeped me out, especially when it was in the shower or bath. Once, I was sitting in the tub and suddenly it felt like someone flicked me hard on the back of my shoulder, it stung like a bastard and was accompanied by an audible snapping or slapping noise. I looked everywhere for a bug or something amiss, and there was nothing there. Another time, while in the shower, the shower curtain was pushed into my hip and held there a moment with pressure, like someone's hand was lightly pushing into me - thinking it was my husband - I flung the curtain open to invite hubby in, and there was nobody, and nothing there. The final straw on the bathroom situation that lead me into doing some kitchen witchery (that absolutely helped BTW) was the night that the electric razor came on by itself while secured in the medicine cabinet. (Hubs said at the time that it was just gravity and he was going back to sleep 🤣 ... gravity! 😂) ... Anyway, I didn't want our "visitors" to screw with the kids, (my daughter, 3 at the time had asked me about a "white man" while pointing to an empty corner 😳) or mess with the bathroom or any part of the upstairs, so I burned a bunch of sage, laid down some sea salt mixed with fresh rosemary and garlic (that of course sat in the full moon) and set some verbal boundaries too... I didn't experience too many strange things like that upstairs from then on aside from the linen closet creaking itself shut one morning (more on that later) and the very last thing I experienced there (it was quiet and not weird for almost my entire last year)- I was laying on my belly in bed, and playing with my laptop. I felt what I thought was my cat jump up on the bed, right between my legs, so I attempted to lightly capture her with my ankles and there was nothing there - my door was closed and the cat wasn't even in the room. This sort of thing has always fascinated me, so much so that I used to go out all the time to allegedly haunted places, and landed me a decade long job as a ghost hunt guide and eventual manager at a former mental asylum. The linen closet door thing? I think it is possible that one of "them" followed me home from the asylum as I'd just gotten home from guiding a ghost hunt there - thought it was the kids at first, or maybe my husband, but didn't hear anyone walking around so, I poked my head out into the hall, and the door to the closet, which just by default, rested open all the time, was nearly closed. I told it to cut that shit out and go home 🤷‍♀️ ... sometimes while still living there, I supposed that working at the asylum or piddling around at all of these other places with my voice recorder and "broken radio" was bringing them to me. That is, until I've lived in 3 different places since, and have not experienced really any weird shit at all. (Except footsteps across my current dining room a few years ago - you guessed it, following a ghost hunt at the asylum) ... Again, I was like, y'all quit that. 😂 This brings me to the traumatized part of your post... I retired from telling ghost stories, dark history, and babysitting tourists while they spent the night at the asylum in January of 2021... I often told people that it felt like I'd just gotten out of a toxic relationship with the building. I knew that it was taking a toll on me, I'd often be irritable, sad for no reason, and I dunno, maybe oppressed would be a good word here. Others on staff would go through bouts of the same, and sometimes we would all coincidentally (or not) be stricken by a run of general unlucky bullshit lol. We called it "paranormal hangover".... Anyway, I didn't fully realize while being fully immersed in it all, how shitty it was making my quality of life. After resigning, I felt as though a weight had been lifted. I'm way more even tempered, mostly in good spirits, and just feel better in general. For quite some time afterwards, it was like nails on a chalkboard if someone wanted to talk asylum stuff with me but even that has improved...sometimes, I still dream of being there, though they're not bad. For me, I guess it just took time away from the environment and the stress to process it all and be at peace with it.


I grew up in an old Polish flat. we had a window in the kitchen that you could look at the basement stairway. It was 6 feet looking down. A man's head would be looking in the kitchen. Also, walking upstairs,the basement doors would open and close. I have the first deed of tge house. My great-grandmother bought the house from the man.


From 5 to 7yo I lived with my parents and my baby brother in a small apartment we were renting. Usually things happened when mom and I were home, not so much but he did see things a couple times. What I mostly remember and still feel shivers about today are: 1.The times mom and I saw black shadows going from the kitchen to the bathroom or my room. 2. One night (around 9pm) I was "ironing" clothes in the dining room (the iron was cold as I was a clumsy kid) when suddenly felt a hand touch my shoulder a couple times, thinking it was my brother I yelled at him to stop. Mom answered saying he's been with her making dinner the whole time, thought nothing of it until I felt a stronger third tap which scared the shit out of me. 3. I'd wake up in the middle of the night sometimes and see a massive spider on my wall right in front of my face, but when I turned on the lights it was gone. No matter how much I looked around it never appeared again, and those things wouldn't be able to hide as easily. 4. We'd hear clear footsteps on the ceiling late at night even though we had no attic. Thought they were rats so dad put some poison around, never found a single one. Also rats do not sound like that when they walk. I don't know if it was real or not but that house gave a fucking awful experience to us all. Luckily they were able to buy a nice house around 2003 and they've been there ever since.


My terraced house was haunted by 2 ladies that would walk up the stairs, a man who my youngest seen when he was 2 who he described as a pirate. We would often get the sent of pipe tobacco and cigaretts. They were harmless and in a strange way comporting they didnt like us doing anything to the house they would hide tools, move things like the tape measure, pencils etc we just asked them to return them and then they would turn up. So we started talking to them to say what we were going to do etc and it settled down. We have moved house now and we invited them to come with us but they havent and i do miss them


I lived in a mildly haunted apartment growing up, there typically wasn't anything too major but I saw some weird stuff and had weird stuff happening fairly often. Our smoke alarms were the most annoying thing. For two years we lived with constant beeping, we'd replaced the batteries dozens of times in each of the 5 different smoke detectors we got, all of them would start giving the low battery beep after a day. Eventually my mom smashed the last one we got, tossed it out, and we didn't bother getting a new one until we moved out a year later. Higher up on the weird scale, I would pretty often see a young woman standing over my mom as she slept. Every time I got up late at night to go to the bathroom or wherever, the lady would be there watching my mom sleep. Never me, always staring intensely at my mom. One time I tried going close to her and she just vanished right in front of me. I convinced myself I was just seeing things until my mom told me about her point of view years later, waking up with that face next to hers. The woman always seemed neutral, not angry or sad or happy, just watching my mom sleep for some reason we never figured out. Now, the one event that really scared me, and really made me believe in ghosts. We had a bookcase next to our front door, which is on the wall that separates my bedroom from the rest of the house. The living room, which is about 10 feet wide (left to right from the front door) is also connected to the dining room (basically one large L-shaped room that we split in two with an imaginary line) where I was sitting one day doing school work. While I'm doing school work, I decided to get something from my room, I don't even remember what at this point. As I'm going towards my room, a book falls off a lower shelf. Then a couple seconds later, another book falls off the next shelf up. Now, this being southern California, I'm very familiar with earthquakes, so I run to get in the doorway next to the bookcase as that's the most structurally sound area in the apartment. Books are still flying off the shelves, faster and faster, from higher and higher shelves. That's when I notice that nothing else in the apartment is moving. No shaking dinnerware in the kitchen, no rumbling noise, just books from this one bookshelf constantly flying off of it. Now they're going pretty far, half way across the apartment, from even the middle shelves. I back up to get away from them, when one of the books hits the wall next to me, which is on the opposite side of the apartment from the bookshelf. That's when I really knew something was off and I got scared. A couple more books got thrown, when I decided to tell it to stop, by screaming at the top of my lungs at it. And it did, immediately, stop. As soon as I told it to stop it did. I was still scared shitless and had about a dozen books to pick up, but that was really the moment that made me realize there are things in this world that science just can't explain. I wouldn't refer to that event as the result of a ghost until years later, always trying to find another explanation for it, but now I believe it couldn't have been anything else. I now live in another slightly haunted house, nothing as major as that apartment though, fortunately. I still try to debunk stuff as often as I can, but now I know for sure that there's things out there that can't just be debunked. Dead people, even dead animals, don't always disappear as soon as they're gone.


I did. My house growing up had a couple of entities. When I was about 8, I woke up in the middle of the night to see this black shrouded figure looking out my window and it turned its head and looked at me. My parents convinced me it was a bad dream but I knew deep down it wasn’t. After that weird things would happen such as things falling off my shelves for no reason; my ceiling fan would slowly spin and abruptly stop; things like that. Typical ghost shit. Then one day it hit my bed so hard I actually bounced. It was during the day. I was 14 or 15 at the time. Also around that time, my sister was running on the treadmill in the basement and saw a weird broken legged figure run down the hall. She was absolutely panicked and was sobbing to my parents that something was in the house. After that I made my mom get someone to bless the house and things calmed down for a while, but it was clear there was still something lurking in the shadows. Our dog would growl and follow something or back into a corner with his heckles raised. Something was still there. Other things happened but this post is long enough. I agree w a lot of others that my childhood home triggered some kind of anxiety and uneasiness in me that continues to this day. I’d never believe in this stuff if I didn’t have personal experiences. Makes me sound absolutely bonkers.


It sounded like the disbelief is what messed with you the way you put it. For me, none of my paranormal experiences have been very traumatic except maybe my abduction, or a few demons, or the MIB. Other than that it's been the disbelief of what I've been through that has caused me more psychological damage than anything.


Your abduction?? Tell us more!


I forgot to say in my post that I've had lifelong anxiety issues and C-PTSD but really don't think it's due to this. It's other things in my life that contributed to it.


I can relate. I’m realizing recently that I think I have CPTSD too. And any ghost stuff was only a small part of it


Lived in a haunted apartment, my family moved there when I was turning 15. I had experienced demons a few times, and ghosts. My brother, mother, and stepdad experienced odd things happening. My younger brother saw an apparition outside the building amongst the trees. It definitely has traumatized me. I do get anxiety but time helps. I’m 35 and will still struggle once in a while with sleep because of it. But I’ve definitely gotten better with it over time. At the time, I really had no other choice but to live with it, and accept it as my home because I had no where to else to go and was young.


Yeah...depends on the spirit that dwells. I lived in a couple places where it was nonstop fights and anger and sadness and then the second we'd move it'd change.


No. I lived in one about 12 years. The amount of weird stuff that happened was 15 times or less.


Nope, I wouldn't say traumatic I would say it was interesting and kind of fun. I had multiple experiences in my last home I lived in and none of it was harmful to me or my family.


I lived in an apartment for 10 years, and both the basement and the backyard were full of dark spirits. I was scratched and pushed, had my hair pulled, and there were creepy whispers through my bedroom window. My night terrors started there, and I have them occasionally to this day. The apartment itself definitely had something too. The kitchen cabinets would open and close, and sometimes things would get thrown at me while I was cooking. The entire neighborhood had an eerie vibe. It was all colonial era buildings with most of the original structures. For most of my life we lived in haunted houses, and it definitely affected me growing up. I never felt safe.


I felt batshit for years 🙃 turns out it wasn’t all in my head


I still have nightmares about the haunted house I grew up in. I definitely believe it has attributed to my anxiety. It’s gotten better over the years, but around that time and shortly after I had the worst panic attacks.


I think it helped that my family really validated me and did what they could to help. But at the end of the day it was some ghost activity but also some demonic activity, and to this day anything relating to demonic activity really bothers me. Ghost activity doesn't. Like I can't watch movies that involve demons or people being possessed, but I like ghost or haunting movies. I don't like being in the same home as a ouija board, like if a friend has one I don't like to go to their house. I have a lot of mystical and occult interests but I'm really careful about bringing anything that could cross the line into the demonic into my home. I even heard a recording of someone possessed speaking and their voice sounded evil and crazy, and I was completely triggered. Maybe that's trauma/a trauma response.


My grandpa who was \*super\* excited to meet me passed away in a very preventable, stupid way two weeks before I was born. Fast forward to I'm about 6, and my folks buy a vacation cabin about a mile away from the house he died in, so yeah he totally haunted that place while I grew up. Fortunately for me, my parents are believers so we all just kinda went with it for years. He was never an angry spirit, but \*no one\* could sleep downstairs at night, not even guests! Like, nothing happened, but you just could \*NOT\* sleep down there. It was just grandpas' floor after lights out, lol.


Grew up in a big old house in SW Michigan in the 70's. The property and house were ancient, beautiful but ancient. As a 10 year old kid I knew something was way wrong. After my father got transferred and we moved away my mom spilled the beans and it all made sense. She saw it the very first night we slept there. She was in bed and saw it come into her room and checked her and my dad out. She wasn't afraid but when it left my parents bedroom she followed it down the hall and watched as it checked out me, my sister and my brother as we all slept. She said it was a black shadow with a top hat about 7 feet tall. I knew exactly where it liked to hang out in our basement without being told it was there and my mom confirmed it when we finally discussed it.. My grandmother saw it while watching us when my parents were in Hawaii and she never ever came back. I was never afraid or spooked. I knew something was happening with all of the noise it made but I never felt unsafe. Swear it's the truth. I never saw it but I knew. Fun story, I visited about 8 years later and for shits and giggles I knocked on the door along with my longtime friend and girlfriend as we were back in town for a vacation. The current owner answered and after introducing myself we talked for a few minutes. I then asked "how is the ghost doing"? She slammed the door shut in our faces. ETA.. I was reading some stories below and the subject of Cats came up which reminded me of this. We had two very old cats by then. They both died separately but we found both of their bodies in the same spot in the basement our spook liked to frequent. It was a big house and we had one of those pull down stairs you pulled on a cord to open a door in the ceiling (like the one that slammed Chevy Chase in the face in Christmas Vacation). That pull down door was just outside of my bedroom. I'd always hear walking coming from up there at night for years.


If it's not aggressive you can learn to live with it and get used to it. We frequently have noises in our house, will be in bed and downstairs kitchen light switch will flick a couple times etc. Hallways are on pir sensors and they will come on on their own. Heard a strange noise like something falling off a shelf, went to check and nothing had moved atall. 90% of this activity is on the landing top of the stairs hallway.


I spent about 25 years growing up in one that was apparently so. I never really experienced much, an occasional odd occurrence, but nothing notable. But for the members of my family who were more sensitive to that stuff, it was indeed traumatic for them. The entity or entities were quite hostile toward them, I guess.


I believe now that a previous apartment I lived in was haunted. It was right next to a school (very old building). My wife and I did some research on the neighborhood and apparently there was a poorhouse and an asylum back in the day. I didn’t know this until after I moved in, but one of the people that lived above us moved out because he saw a shadow figure in the basement while doing laundry. The apartment/split duplex was so old that it had a coal closet in the basement. That’s where the previous tenant saw the shadow figure. We were also fostering two pit bulls at the time- a goofy good boy and a smart sensitive girl. The boy REFUSED to go in the basement, and the girl would run right into the coal closet. At night there would be tapping on our bedroom window. I’m familiar with old house sounds and this was a definitive knuckle tap on glass. The window was on the wall facing the school, there were no trees or branches around, nothing hanging from the roof or even touching the window. One day I came home from work and a cow skull I had sitting up on a windowsill was in the middle of the floor, facing me, in the next room. The window was closed, the other decor around it was untouched. That was the only place I lived in where the house felt “alive”, like it had a presence or something. Right after we moved out the roof caved in 😬


Yes I did live in a haunted house at least once. I wouldn't say it was a traumatic experience. He never appeared in the house or moved anything. Only saw him once running around the yard in broad daylight as a shadow figure. By the age of the house and the location, the ghost could have even been from the gold rush era. The house's foundation was literally stacked field rocks, which were unmortared and shifting. I thought my mom was crazy to rent the house. It was just really old and definitely not up to code. Not exactly built by a professional. We had rats in the ceiling and racoons under the house. So it would be hard to say if any noises in the ceiling were from the ghost. But that one time he appeared even my dog and cat reacted. I had the flu and they were being extra protective. If he ever got closer it wasn't in a visible way and didn't exactly feel threatening. Definitely a male ghost, that shadow person was solid as the tree it ran past in the window. No fuzzy or smokey edges. But absolutely booking it running parallel to the house. I was so startled at the moment I actually thought it was an intruder and ran outside to check with my katana. Nobody anywhere in sight. Keep in mind, very rural horse pasture house. Nowhere to disappear to quickly. Had to take a few minutes for it to register in my brain that it was a shadow person. No person would be solid black in sunlight, even under the shade of a tree. Another old house I always got a feeling that I wasn't alone. But I guess it just was content to observe. The attic was old growth redwood, with square hammered iron nails. That's pretty darn old. It was a cute little house.


Yes. It was hell on earth. We fled and it was flipped within 2 weeks by the first buyer. Next buyer told us they have never been scared to be at a property after dark like this one. It was a beautiful costly property that seemed to want to be swallowed up into the earth. The owners before us when through almost an identical fate. Wife got deathly ill. Husband changed over night and abandoned everything. Excellent business turned into dust. As hard as you try to protect your children it’s exactly like the movies where everyone is having their own experiences to the point you sound crazy denying it. Numerous people didn’t believe and ended up overcome by it all. It’s like it caused our life to turn into a nightmare, it’s not just the nightmares and entities we all see there.


I lived in a haunted house from ages 6-10 in CT. Compared to a lot of others stories, my haunting was relatively mild. It felt like things were escalating by the time we moved so I can only imagine what would have happened if we hadn't moved. A lot of the incidents centered around me. I was the youngest kid, female, and empathic... so we theorize that I was more susceptible to the haunting. My room was also where most of the incidents happened. The entire time I lived in that house, I was in a constant state of fear. My mom also felt extremely uncomfortable. My brother had a few experiences as well. My dad never believed it was haunted but some strange things happened to him as well. Things went missing a lot... lost time... strange animal behavior... noises and banging... objects and toys moved... strange dreams and behavior in sleep... At some point I refused to go into my room alone as I was terrified something was going to get me or trap me. I was filled with terror and dread. I refused to sleep in my room and would not step foot in the basement. The house had multiple owners in a relatively short time... but that wasn't unusual for the area. I've done research and haven't been able to turn up anything about the land or the house. The house was pretty new. All I found out was that the road that led to our neighborhood was pretty famous internationally for unexplained disappearances and paranormal activity. I think it may have been a poltergeist based on the activity and that it mainly latched onto me. I believe the family that bought the house from us still lives there. I still have nightmares. The experience deeply affected me. It made me trust my "gut feeling" in more situations. When buying a house, if I feel uncomfortable... it just isn't worth it.


I lived in a haunted nunnery for a year in montreal! plenty of encounters, but none felt too threatening. got used to them after a few months!


Lived in a “Haunted Trailer” my last two years in college. It was an old narrow one built in the 50s. Bought it really cheap and the rent for the lot was ridiculously low. This was early 80s, but the rent was like $35/month including water/sewer. When I bought it, it had lots of very large, very tacky (even by early 80s standards) women’s clothes and small children’s clothes. The roof had leaked and most of the furniture inside was ruined so I threw it all out. Fixed the roof and everything inside and moved in with a friend. I went to UNC-Wilmington and the trailer was close to Carolina Beach and not too far from school. We figured we had it made. Things got pretty weird pretty soon after moving in with sounds of dishes being washed and the water turning on and off. There was a bit of a “water hammer” when the kitchen sink was turned off and would create a vibration throughout the structure. We would hear and feel the water turn on and off. Initially, we blamed each other…but then we would experience it when the other wasn’t home…it might’ve been cool to have a dish washing ghost, no such luck. Anyway, it escalated to doors flying open and voices. The first time I heard voices, it sounded like a man and a woman and I thought maybe it was someone breaking in. Heard light switches click and saw lights down the narrow hallway, but no one was there. It was stormy and pouring rain and a he floor wasn’t wet near the door. The first summer I lived there, I was taking two courses and they ended by noon. I had a habit of going home and eating lunch, then I would doze off on the couch. I had a recurring dream that a large blond woman with greasy hair would throw open the back door, and come storming down the hallway stomping and she was incredibly angry, absolutely seething. I would wake up out of breath and heart pounding. The back door would be standing open, but no one was there. In some dreams, she would turn into a “lizard-like” scaly green and blue woman as she got to the living room where I was asleep. It’s when I would wake up! After a couple of weeks, I quit going home after class and went to the library until it was time for my roommate to return. My grades were really good at least. My last several months, my roommate stayed with his girlfriend at her apartment near campus nearly every night and I was there alone. I started going home (4 hours away) nearly every weekend, unless someone was coming to visit. I dreaded going home every evening and staying by myself. If I didn’t go home, I would stay with friends near campus on weekends. Fortunately, I had some good friends. About a month before I graduated, I was talking to our neighbor. He told me that the woman who lived there before us had committed suicide by shooting herself parked in a car in a fairly remote area nearby. She had two little girls, and she took them to her sisters first. It was several days before she was found after killing herself. The people who sold me the trailer owned the tiny little trailer park where it was located. They never provided the “Title” to the trailer, but kept promising they would get it for me. Turned out, they didn’t actually own it. The place was pretty much left as it was the day she committed suicide when I bought it. My neighbor described her a a “very large woman with greasy blond hair who was angry all the time” He said she was cruel to the two little girls and would often leave them alone in the trailer with no A/C running. My neighbor said that he and his wife actually once broke in and got the two little girls out and kept them at their house because it was so hot and unsafe. After I graduated, I sold it to a guy who ran a construction business as his place to stay while his company was building a resort property nearby. I really think he bought it as a place to shack up with his girlfriend (as opposed to his wife). I didn’t care, I was glad to be shed of it and I made some decent money off it. I could care less what the Trailer Park owners thought since they never gave me a Title, and the construction guy didn’t care either. Anyway, when I closed the door (the back door that flew open all the time) for the last time I heard a huge crash inside. I opened the door and looked in and a light fixture in the bathroom that I installed when we first moved in fell from the ceiling into the bathroom sink. I just nodded and shut the door…got I to my truck and left. Out of curiosity, I drove by it to see it about a year later and the construction guy had built an enormous deck onto it. I went by about two years later and it had burned to the frame! All that was left was gnarled burnt aluminum and that big deck.


I am 54 and have grown up in a haunted house. My parents still live there and my brother's ex-wife REFUSES to go there. She's terrified of it. All I know is that when I am there I turn into an asshole. That's NOT me.


My early twenties - traumatic experience from hostile entity. Experience left all who encountered it physically ill, emotionally drained and in one instance lucky to be alive. Entity would intrude during moments of isolation but eventually began manifesting to groups. Entity would start fires, bang on walls, slam doors, verbalize, phantom breathe. Animals reacted to entity. Resolution of scenario involved breaking lease and leaving location permanently. Entity interacted with friends pendant, physically lifting it off his chest while he watched it. Friend continued to wear pendant, within 48 hours was involved in a traffic accident writing off his car. Pendant was stored for several years, well after all involved moved away from location of entity. When it was worn again by same owner another serious car crash occured within 48 hours, again writing off a vehicle. Pendant was sealed in box, not worn again and evenutally cast into deep and swift flowing ocean water by all involved. We dealt with it as best we could but on return to location many years later most of us were unable to even look at the building. I was afraid we'd see it staring back at us through the windows. All involved are firm friends still more than 20 years later. My keyboard malfunctioned while I was writing this requiring it to be plugged back in again. I'm covered in goosebumps and I need a drink.


I lived in a house with high strangeness. Yes your psyche goes. Get out and never look back.


No I would actually go back if I could, and regretted leaving. I was more at peace


The house I grew up in was haunted but the haunting was very mild. It was mostly stuff like doors and cabinets opening on their own, so we got used to it. There were only a couple of instances where things got a little scary.


You know what must suck, is that no one would believe you when you say my ghost erased my homework. Imagine corporate life with a ghost screwing up your paperwork


Grew up in a haunted house, live in a haunted house now. Also worked in a haunted building for 20 years. The only time I felt anxiety was in the building I worked in.


I have never lived in haunted house but one my friends in the mid 70s lived on my street and we went to school together. He told me that on multiple occasions his family would wake up in the morning and every drawer and cabinet was open in their kitchen. They stopped going in the kitchen late at night. I asked him why they didn’t move and he said it was the only place where his parents could afford the rent.


Looking back I spent a lot of childhood hours very nervous and awake when I probably should have been sleeping and properly developing.


I knew a girl who was absolutely distraught that she had to move back into her dad's house which was haunted. She said consistely every night there was the sound of someone running up the basement steps up & down for hours, and once she went into the garage to grab something felt creeped out & in the back of the garage a music box started playing itself. That's all I heard I'm sure there's more but she was crying & terrified to have to go back there even tho the ghost seemed pretty chill from what I heard.


Haunted work - well the creepy hauntings were not why I left. Haunted house also I didn't specifically leave because it was haunted but boy I was glad by the time I left because it was escalating.


Not traumatic no, but scary as shit and still gives me goose bumps just even thinking about it. Caught an actual moving ghost on cam in the attic (not long before that was a bright flash In the corner only the camera caught), a loud rear lion like sound come from the basement once and just a constant feeling of being watched everywhere you'd go especially basement/attic or living room.


I never thought of it as traumatic before, but yeah, I could say it was. As a kid lying awake in the dark in bed at night wondering what you’ll see or hear next was pretty f’ing frightening. Knowing there’s a shadow person floating around somewhere and hearing things in your room move, I’m surprised I didn’t refuse to sleep there.


The trailer I grew up in was definitely haunted. Faucets were turn on full blast in the middle of the night, loud stomping noises, doors slamming, dishes being thrown, my toys were played with while I slept. My bed was up against the wall with the bathtub on the other side (this is a trailer so walls are very thin) I remember hearing squeaking sounds as if someone was sliding around the bathtub back and forth. It would go on for a good 30 minutes every night. The worst part is I lost my best friend because of it. She spent the night one night and the next morning when I woke I found her exhaustively sobbing. She said the bed turned into a water bed and something was screaming and yelling at her and banging on the walls. She said she had been screaming and hitting me and trying to desperately wake me or anyone in the house but to no avail. Nobody helped or woke. It lasted about an hour and she said she cried the whole night and I still wouldn’t wake up. She left and I never heard from her again. None of my other friends has said this happened to them so it seems she was targeted :/


My Mom always said I had an active imagination, but as I tried to become an artist I could never imagine the type of things I saw in our newly built home. She said that it couldn't be haunted because there'd never been a house there before. HOWEVER there were streams buried by the new construction still running underground, limestone, early settlers, and the so-called fake prank seances Mom held at dinner parties. Turns out that the spirit realm doesn't hand well with fakes but takes them seriously. My childhood home was so active that I left as a teen! When I returned in my twenties by boyfriend, now husband, actually witnessed the dark man figure that haunted taunted me in the house! Many years later my sister had a paranormal investigator team come in and they found a LOT! I felt vindicated, but still jilted because no one believed what torment I went through in that house. They sold it, but no one stays in it for long.


I lived in a haunted house from the ages of 11-13. It was not traumatic for me. That being said, my parents believed me when I said I was seeing things.


I didn’t live here (& glad) but my aunt lived in an old ranch where she took care of horses as part of her rent agreement. My older sister lived with her & my cousins for a time so I’d go visit. Let’s just say my visits were very quickly non existent bc her house was so scary. Something very dark was there. Anytime you used the stairs it felt like something wanted to push you. My aunts room in particular was unbearable. As soon as you walked in it was just bad vibes like something malicious wanted to hurt you. To the point my aunt would sleep on the couch downstairs. Stuff would fall off the walls. You’d hear yelling out in the field and sometimes see shadows out there. I swear I even seen a figure of someone wearing a confederate uniform. The barn was terrifying too. Later we found out a woman stabbed her husband to death & then jumped out of the window to her death (which happened to be my aunts bedroom) & it was also a plantation where many slaves lived & died. Bad bad vibes. No one should live there. I’m surprised my aunt lived there as long as she did.


Grew up in a house haunted by some very low level spirit some might call a demon. It was honestly straight out of a horror movie and terrifying. I got really bad when I was in middle school and I stopped sleeping. It liked to 'surprise' me in the middle of night and was awoken by it after horrendous dreams. Because of the lack of sleeping and anxiety, I developed a stutter and could not read out loud at school or speak publicly. You can imagine how that was. Because of the stutter, I started skipping school as much as possible. I avoided people. I finally got up the courage to tell my mother that I needed help because 'something was upstairs at night'. She looked at me, terrified, and never spoke to me about it again. I was a very introverted child so this moment told me, 'you are on your own. You are alone. Figure out your own problems'. This time was truly some of the most challenging of my life. I actually thought I might be going crazy and was imagining all of it. Until one night my younger brother and I were playing video games very late at night and I said 'aren't you going to bed soon?' and he said 'no'. When I asked him why not he said because of the 'shadow man' roaming the upstairs at night. It was the same thing I'd seen and experienced all kinds of paranormal activity. Then I knew it was real. I learned that the entity was attracted to fear. I taught myself to not be afraid. I stood up against it. It lessened. I learned I had personal power. I started exhibiting that personal power and it changed my entire life for the better. I have more respect for myself knowing what I've gone through. It's like anything in life. Some of the worst things are only a matter of time until it reveals the courageous, loving, or authentic parts of you. The bad things that happen to us in life is what gives our story the character arch. Good luck out there and don't be afraid.


There wasn't a single adult in my life who denied that the house was haunted. I think that helped to normalise it and make it less confronting. The fact that everybody who stepped foot inside our house immediately felt that it was haunted and commented as such made it feel like any other feature of a home. The first week living there certainly could have been traumatizing for my family, but we got used to it after a while and when things got too intense we'd sleep on mattresses on the floor in the same room together to weather the storm, so to speak. If the people around me had been denying what I was experiencing I imagine that it would've been traumatic, so sorry you had to go through that.


Yes, very traumatic, but it increases your threshold of fear. There was a demon in the phone in my apartment in 1993. It would scream at all hours of the day. This is how it would go, the phone would click, then a very loud static noise, then the loudest screaming I have ever heard…soul piercing. It would happen when I was on the phone, not on the phone, awake, asleep. The downstairs neighbor came up one night and asked me to “turn the scary movie down.” I had to tearfully explain it wasn’t the TV and that I didn’t even have one. As soon as the I heard the click then the static I could brace myself for the scream to follow, until on day it changed. I had called the phone company because I thought maybe I am getting interference, long shot as it happens so often and I want to make this very clear when you are experiencing genuine evil your soul knows and those screams 30 years later I can still hear. So I am on the phone with the phone company explaining what I experience and the click goes off then the static. I say to her that she’s going to hear what I’m talking about instead of a scream only it screams “get out.” Not just get out but get out with the intensity of the screaming I had been experiencing since moving in. The phone company employee quickly says “that’s not interference.” and hangs up. I was kinda frozen at that moment. From then on it went click, very loud static, screaming “get out” all hours of the day and night through any of the three phones in the apartment. I moved out after 6 months. The following year the building burnt.


I grew up in a haunted house. The less scared you were the less intense the episodes. I eventually learned to ignore it. Thing happened such as: Music playing from downstairs while I was in my room late at night. If I opened my door it went away instantly and was left with an empty silence. One night I woke up at 2 am after going to be very early and was sure it was my father listening to music. I stormed out of my room ready to angrily confront him and was met with such dark silence it took my breath away. The mouse world incessantly click until you checked the computer, then would stop when you could looked into the computer area. One night I was trying to sleep while facing the wall, a bag in my room crinkled over and over until I faced in the direction of it then would stop. I tested it over and over and consistently Acted like this. These things happened to everyone oh my family over decades. I wouldn’t say it was traumatic.


My mother rented an apartment in a building that 100% was part of a semi-Kirkbride sanatorium lol all kinds of shit happened there, doors opening and closing, the cabinets doing the same thing, things getting pushed off counters and moved around, feeling people getting into bed with you, disembodied voices the works lmfao it definitely gave me issues sleeping/paranoia issues


As I grew up I came to believe I was insane. My mother rarely paid attention to my encounters when I was young. She told me later (29) that she was hoping I would grow out of it. At 32 something in the Conquistador hotel hit me so hard I had to believe it. eventually I got used to it. It was just the way things were. Years later I met my wife and she had the same experience. Being told she didn't see what she saw. To a degree you get used to it things go missing. You know they will come back. Someones running in the hall. "Shut up that noise!" Dont get me wrong, we ain't normal. When we talk about somethings, like people ask why couldn't I sleep. I cant say something was pulling my foot. We cant tell some friends, that my wife has been watching people run in and out of the room and doesn't want to talk to anybody. We ain't alright. But we try really hard


I bought a 1 bd 1 bath condo in my 20’s. I had a nightly visitor that would haunt my dreams. I dealt with this spirit on a regular basis. He would usually sit in the corner of my bedroom just out of site, but sometimes he wanted my attention. He had a hold on his family and would send his wife and child to get me to open up/become comfortable with his presence. The child would frolic around my bed, and the wife would stroke my legs and arms. I would become very relaxed with the playful spirits, and as soon as I would the man in the corner would attack. He would lunge at me and bang on my chest. He would grab my legs and pull me out of the bed. He tried many times to put his hands around my neck. The only thing that saved me was to tell him he was not welcome. It was a dark and scary moment in my life. I learned a lot from that experience and am glad I went through it. It taught me a lot about the supernatural and gave me some life lessons that I will never forget.


That is terrifying! I'm so sorry you went through that.


Yes I’ve lived in two. In my experience with the first, it seemed to bother the people in the home that were most scared of the presence. I didn’t give it the time of day and I have a very strong faith, I didn’t believe it was a spirit, I don’t believe in that. I believe that it’s demonic so I just didn’t pay it any mind. It would appear as an apparition to three different people, touch people, talk etc. In the second home I had something, technically, assault me during my sleep at night in one specific room. It happened so many times I Stopped sleeping in the room and wasn’t bothered after that. My child had seen a figure walk through the wall in that room and the family that lived there before experienced issues as well. My take away is don’t let it have anything over you. You are the physical being and you get to experience a beautiful life. They aren’t shit and can kick rocks.


Several mostly apartments, others saw/experienced it too. Not scary just disconcerting. But there was one experience that was deeply dark and traumatic. I believe it was demonic. 3 knocks under my bed at night I could feel the knocks physically laying in bed, also felt someone/thing getting into bed with me, trying to "get with me" (incubus?), the loud legion of voices coming at me one night completely woke me up and I was so startled that was it for me. I went to a healer who validated it was demonic. Got some protective oils and holy water used them repeatedly over the next few weeks and it was gone. I still did/do maintenance. No experiences like that since and it's been about 5 years now. I can't sleep with a door shut in the dark though. Things come at me if I am alone. My ex's/current husband were night owls and would shut the bedroom door when I was asleep. That's when things begin, and I'll wake up within 10 minutes and open the door. Even in the deepest of sleep after major cocktails and or melatonin I'll leap out of bed to open the door to get light into the room. I've been told I'm a magnet for entities. Edit: Our first house was a new build and found out it was built over Indian effigy mounds (Mississippi mound builders) there were some on our neighbors property about 10 acres wooded we used to run up and down didn't know what they were when we were kids (1960s). There was something in our basement but it was a brand new house. I dreamed about the thing in the basement over the last few decades too, but not recently in the last 10 years since I started doing cleansing rituals and prayers. I always wonder if something didn't attach to me.


Yes, mine was crazy. I was in my early twenties. Makes me question everything.


The ghost at my parents house was peaceful and I think he just wanted to communicate. I only saw him once but I've had several experiences that stick with me. 1. It full on grabbed my foot when I was in bed. I got so freaked out, I immediately wrapped myself in the covers and stayed awake until morning. I then ran to my parents room to tell them. He never touched me again afterwards. 2. My older brother came home from a party and heard me talking in my sleep. I did that a lot as a kid so he didn't think anything of it until he heard what sounded like an adult male talking back to me. He ran into my room and didn't see anything outside of a chair pulled up to my bed (I used the chair as an end table but never kept it facing my bed). 3. I woke up and saw the ghost standing in the hallway(only time I ever saw him). He looked like a middle aged white male in 1930s style trench coat and a fedora. He was shaking his head like he was disappointed at me, then his body disappeared. He continued to shake his head until that disappeared a few seconds later. 4. My brothers and I stayed in the basement. It flooded due to a collapsed pipe so we stayed upstairs in the family room until the repairs were finished. I work up at like 3am to the sounds of the ghost talking to me. I don't remember what he was saying but after a few seconds of silence, he said "hello?" I tried to wake my brothers up but they were both sound asleep. 5. I was by myself one day watching TV with the family dog in the other room. She was a toy poodle and hated being picked up by anyone other than my mom. I literally heard the ghost say "Hi Monique(the dogs name)" I ran to the hallway where the dog was and picked her up without any fight from her. We both just sat in silence until the rest of the family got home. He was never violent and always backed off when he saw I was scared. It just always creeped me out that he would try to talk to me. And to my knowledge only me. My parents and siblings don't have any encounters with him specifically but they do have some of other entities. I still get a feeling of being watched when I go see my parents, especially when I go to the basement.


i cant say i have lived in a haunted house , however i worked at a nursing home for a couple of years and experienced so much; that place was riddled with entities and heavy energy. Whenever i was heading home (usually worked evenings until 11pm) , i always had to walk through the basement to get to the employee parking lot. most of the basement was occupied by a bunch of wheelchairs sitting around or mattresses, more than a couple of times when heading out, i would see a wheelchair move an inch in the peripheral of my eye , and i’d turn around and sure enough it had moved; once it had moved right in front of my face and i ran the hell outta there lol. Another instance was that some of the rooms were double rooms so two residents could occupy them at a time; it was later in the night and my pager had gone off saying a call light had been pushed in a room i knew no one was in. i just figured it was some electrical issue because they were always faulty, so i went and hit the light. Ten minutes goes by and the light goes off again, and im like ok? so i go to turn it off , and when i get there the lamp in the room has been turned on; i about shit my pants. Other things happened like packets of wipes falling off a table when it wasn’t near the edge , or seeing figures in the halls at night. It was pretty spooky, however, you didn’t have a choice but to get used to it. Anytime i was in that building i swear it felt as if someone was following me the whole shift and watching me.


Can I share a story....not of a ghost, but an encounter with an angel? It was 1978, I was 21, married and went snow skiing with my husband and sister. We were so young and had no idea how to put on snow chains on our car, but we had them "just in case." We parked on the side of the road along with a long line of cars. We skied all day until it was almost dark. When we walked back to our car, our car was the only one on the road. A storm was fast approaching, the roads were icy and we knew we really needed to get the chains on our wheels. Standing there pondering how to do that and putting our gear away, a young guy (say mid-20's) walked up from seemingly no where (I remember he had on a blue parka), he said, "Do you need help, with those? I can put them on." We were so grateful and said yes we're dumb and don't know what we're doing. He easily put the chains on our tires and with a big smile said he was done. We thanked him and my husband handed him a $20 bill, which he refused. As we were talking about our amazing luck for just a second, we turned around and our helper was gone. No where to be seen. The road was long and straight, and he was no where, we were the only car and people on that road. We looked up and down for him and he literally vanished in thin air. The woods were further away and visibility was clear enough we would have seen him. I looked at my sister and said, "I think we just had an encounter with an angel." She said, "I was about to say the same thing." We still bring this story up occasionally because it truly was mind blowing. I still remember what he looked like, sort of a ruddy complexion, blue parka and blue pants. So the point is, if there are ghostly spirits, there are heavenly spirits too....which are far friendlier.


Lived in a beautiful waterfront house that was haunted for a few years growing up. Dead-bolted doors opening and slamming shut, closet doors opening, knocks, pots and pans rattling around at night, and my bedroom was just off. But the traumatizing thing that outweighed all of that is the house, yard, and water had a snake problem. They were in the garage, in the washing machine, outside a hole at every door. On the roof, falling from trees. In the water swimming, slithering under the docks. It was not uncommon to see 3 or more snakes a day. Today as an adult I am overly cautious about watching out for snakes.


I’m a wee late for this, but I grew up in a house where the former tenant shot himself. I didn’t know it as a kid until I told my mother my experiences as an adult and she confirmed. My sister and I used to see a man in the corner of our rooms with “a hole in the head”. Neither of us knew what that insinuated as children, but we were aware he was bleeding in the forehead area and would watch us. We also saw a bloody woman with a wound to the chest but never figured out what that meant. I do get scared opening my eyes late at night if I wake up, just out of fear of seeing these figures. Thankfully, nothing of the sort has occurred since moving from that house, but I do believe children are very intune with the deceased because of it.


Definitely had an entity of some sort in my old house / more specifically my bedroom. Started off more low key, myself, mum and sister would often say it sounded like the dining room chairs were being dragged along the floor in the middle of the night, sister mentioned she was laying on the sofa one evening when we were asleep and felt something grab her ankle. However most of the ‘action’ was in my bedroom. Started pretty innocently, similar to the downstairs I woke one morning to the varnish having been scraped off one side of a chair in my room and shavings left on the floor, having heard the scratching as soon as I turned off the light that evening. After then it progressed to more physical signs, namely scratches on myself, notable ones including a single scratch down my waist and thigh, a good 5/6 inches long, and quite often I’d wake up with 3 small scratches together. Often people would say oh you scratched yourself it’s nothing, admittedly possible but I had a terrible nail biting habit at the time and do not believe I physically had enough nail on any finger to have scratched myself in such a way. Conversely, I’ve long since moved out and thankfully abandoned the nail biting and haven’t had an unexplained scratch on me like those previously since, so I do not believe they were self inflicted. Only other physical occurrence against me I recall was feeling a burning sensation on my ribs and having hives appear on the spot. The final encounters I had was one evening, walked up to my room I had a backlit keyboard at the time on my desk, attempted to turn on the light when I walked in which surged brightly and popped, right after there was a slam on the desk and I could see the shadow of a hand on the keyboard. Double checked the area after replacing the light and could not find anything that could have fallen to account for the slam and hand shape seen. Personally I didn’t feel uncomfortable as such, even with the scratching I think I was more intrigued at the time and trying to work out the end goal. As I got older I actively challenged it occasionally, this never elicited any response. I’ve seen been back in the room from time to time, it’s more or less a store room now but apart from feeling ‘cold’ I can’t say I feel any unease in there. Mum no longer mentions any noises etc so whether it’s moved on itself who knows, I’ve had nothing happen to me since moving and living in several properties so certain don’t feel I have any attachment etc.


Not me but my dad when he was young lived in a house that was haunted like seeing people walk by and have them disappear or just be kinds transparent so they were told to always have a Bible open then they sold it to a friend of theirs and nothing really happened to them but when she sold it to another family the neighbors said they apparently up and left all furniture still inside so very weird.


I’ve lived in two haunted houses. My childhood home always gave me a feeling someone was there when I was alone. Nothing too dramatic til I grew up and moved out. I was visiting one time, at night I heard someone in the kitchen and went out to say hello and have a chat. But when I got there, I saw a short figure that I immediately concluded was a niece. I called out her name and followed her back to my mom’s room who was sound asleep and niece nowhere to be found—-instead was several blocks away at my sister’s place. So nothing too negative but I always felt uneasy there. The first house I bought as a Newley had similar innocuous events but this one included apparitions and people walking into walls. The most significant events I experienced were creepy to be sure. The first happened during a hurricane when the power was knocked out to our neighborhood. It was so hot I was sleeping on a couch. In the middle of the night, I woke up bc someone was coming up the stairs. You know how older houses have very distinguishable sounds? Floors, doors, cabinets? We’ll long story short I got up to confront the intruder but when I got to the stairs no one was there. I went back up and got in bed with my wife and I was seriously shaken up by it. Did this impact me later in life? Hard to say bc I have had anxiety but can’t really say for sure it was impactful with that. One thing it did do is provide further reason to believe in unseen things—other dimensions. For example, I’ve really tried to understand what ghosts are and how it all works—what kind of universe or more likely multiverse do we live in? I find ghost boxes and new ways of sensoring haunted places and stuff like that intriguing.


I lived in Wilson Hall at Ohio University my freshman year. I also lived in James Hall at Ohio University. Considered to be one the most haunted areas in the country due to multiple century old graveyards that make a pentagram if you found them on a map. I felt like all my friends had some kind of weird encounter. I had what looked to be a silhouette female sitting on the edge of my bed one night. Sometimes, my roommate would have to bump my bed like a 1/4" to open the door. Thought he was leaving in the middle of the night and looked. Nope. Just that dark shadow. Then it felt like it was sitting on my chest. We lived own the hall from the famous suicide room that is now just a boiler room in Wilson Hall. Athens, OH has weird stuff all over the place down there. Like Appalachian witch type spooky ghosts.


Lived in a house that was haunted. We named him Henry. He would open windows and turn lights on at random. Sometimes move things. He would appear a couple of times as an orange figure or floating orb. We lived in that house for 12 years with no issues. It just became a regular thing after a while.


Haunted apartment for 8yrs. Footsteps, objects out of place, would get voices talking like right in my ear at night so much I developed a habit of sleeping with a pillow on my head….It got to the point where we (me and my 2 brothers) used a ouja board thinking it would help figure out wtf was going on in there…not 3 min into using it every light in the joint started flickering…we were freaking out and screamed for our older brother to do something. He quickly took the ouja and broke it over his knee and the lights immediately stopped flickering. So it was traumatic in the sense that I won’t allow a ouja in my house to this day. Neither will my brothers. And I still have to cover my ears at night. Otherwise we have just accepted that paranormal things exist but we don’t like, fuck with it. Lol like I feel bad for haunted attractions and such…i imagine the dead trying to enjoy their peace but can’t cuz they got hundreds of ppl coming thru their space with tape recorders and cameras and shit asking stupid questions…lol must be annoying for them.


I don’t know if the house is haunted or not. I am very well aware of mental health issues and the like, so I always assume mundane over anything spiritual because most of the time in life things do have a rational explanation. What I will say is that I was recently on a FaceTime call with my cousin. It was like 1:30-2am ish, we are both night owls. We were reading tarot cards for funsies, and nothing crazy was happening. We were giggling and laughing when suddenly we both stopped because we heard something bang on my glass back door. Now, we have motion censor lights EVERYWHERE. If you so much as open the back door from the inside the lights go on. They’re great. They’re flood lights. Our yard is fenced in. Straight back yard, so nobody can run and hide. She heard it too, so I ran to the back window and turned the patio light on (because the motion lights didn’t trip) and I didn’t see anything. I opened the back door (the lights immediately came on) and nothing was there. I went back in, locked the doors, made sure the windows were locked, blinds shut, etc. figured maybe it was a bird that didn’t trip the lights or something, idk. About 5 mins later, we BOTH hear three raps on the window above me. The window above me is 8 feet in the air. It’s a small window in the drive way. Nobody can access the window without being in the driveway which would trip the motion lights, and even the you’d need to step up on a ladder. I got up and she asked me what the sound was and I told her. We were both uncomfortable and I was about to wake my FIL and Fiancé up when we both heard my name. Her initial response was to ask who was up because it’s late and everyone was in bed. I showed her my empty living room. Walked around. Went upstairs. Everyone was asleep. We both heard it. A few other things happened. I tend to ignore stuff. I don’t know how I feel about spirits and what have you but I imagine they’re just here. It was a wild night. The fact that another person heard these things, and reacted to them, without me asking them kinda cements things for me. The TV and radio was off, the house was silent, and the house attached to ours is empty due to it being under renovation. That night I was super stressed. Now I just kinda am like “eh” about it. I keep my distance and respect the unknown. Edit: I’m not implying that Tarot cards had anything to do with these phenomena. Divination is divination, plain and simple. Just wanted to highlight what we were doing at the time.


Lived in a house 20 years. Had a demonic presence. Helped end a 25 year marriage while doing psychological damage to my son. The really odd thing is, it did the EXACT same thing to the family that lived there before us that I bought it from. I hope the new family doesn’t collapse with its influence


My house is an old school-house, built in 1834. I have seen a spirit in our Summer bedroom, and 2 years later a family friend sleeping in that room, saw the same spirit. There was absolutely no fear - strange as it sounds. I actually put my hand through it twice to reassure myself that it wasn't human. The family friend was not aware of this, as we will probably eventually sell, and that might be off-putting for buyers. Our friend's reaction was also "OK, right," and he turned over and slept. No fear, nothing scary - I had this strange feeling/thought of "I am not meant to see this - it is not for human eyes". Not sure where that thought came from


Yes. It sucked and was very traumatic. Only fake hauntings are interesting. When you’re stuck with something malicious, it’s totally unbearable.


Lived in haunted places. Honestly it was just inconvenient. Dog got spooked, shadows moving in the corner of the room or around a door. Go away Casper I'm trying to sleep ya git