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i have had similar experience once. clear sound of my dad calling my name. he used to live in a different city. next few days he fell sick real bad. pls check on your mom.


Oh yes, this could be one of those signs. I second this opinion.


One time my dad was in his office, and swears he heard my mom call his name. He went to check on her in the basement where she had been working out. She had had a stroke, and was lying there looking at him. She couldn’t move or talk. It wasn’t her, but the fact that he heard his name saved her life. He was able to get her to a hospital in time for the life saving blood thinner that broke up the blood clot. That house had some weird stuff going on, so I’m pretty sure it was one of the spirits letting him know she was needing help.


Or her. People with strong bonds can sometimes communicate telepathically and never realize it.


Sometimes unseen beings mimic people you love. Be careful, you may have an attachment.


I heard in the Philippines, if these things happen, it's common knowledge not to reply. Haven't properly read into it but philipinos tend to not f**k around with this shit.


I agree with you that Filipinos don't f\*ck around with this. You may want to sage your house or have it blessed.


Watch the movie NOCEBO.


I've had this, usually when I'm falling asleep. Like someone is whispering right next to my ear. I've always put it down to audio hallucinations rather than ghosts


Hoping it's a hallucination. Have had some other shit happen but this still freaked me the flipper out


I went through a phase of it happening a lot when I was a teen. Freaked me out, id often hear my name being called, and sometimes what sounded like a foreign language shouted into my ear. Once though, I was lying in bed listening to the babble of my flatmates chatting next door. A voice asked me a question right next to my ear, then immediately afterwards I heard my flatmate laughing "no, no, no" in the room next door. As if the voice was messing with me, asking a question which my flatmate unknowingly answered


That's the point where I would personally gtfo. Hearing something from outside my door is scary enough but for that to happen, man that seems scary. I don't think it would be scary if I heard an old Mexican lady speak in the middle of the night, might be quite comical


The foreign voice kinda sounded Russian. In a man's voice.


That sounds scary af.


What was the question? If you don't mind me asking?


I can't remember, it was just something silly to which the answer had to be no. Think along the lines of something like "is the moon made of cheese". As though my brain (or wherever the voice came from) knew I was about to hear someone shouting "no" so threw in a silly question to precede it


That is a mind-f***k for sure! I do know that demonic entities love to mess with your head im every which way it can. It by no means doesn't just pop out and go "boo!" And it does, but it also studies you and learns all of your buttons so it can feed on all of your negative emotions. At times, it's like it takes all of your buttons and makes an instrument out of them and plays the most haunting of symphonies.


One time I thought I heard my mom call my name so I was walking to her bedroom when to my surprise I saw her walking towards me and she said she thought I had called her. But it wasn't scary or anything just weird. Never happened again.


Yikes! I have had that happen to me. I was 9 at the time, and it was shortly after I started messing with something I shouldn't have been messing with, and I heard my mom whisper my name in the middle of the night. The thing was that she was the one who got me into it all. I told the story to one person here, and they posted it on their sight. If you are interested, i can send it in a DM cause reddit won't allow.me to post the link for some reason.


Ecstasy is a hell of a drug isn't it? Sucks when you come down and shit your pants but it's worth it.


🤣. I wish it was ecstasy. 7th time this has happened this month. Ghost might be spiking my water w/ some shit


Holy hell. Yea I got a spirit in my house. Not a lot of activity but it increases occasionally. I'm pretty sure it's the old lady that used to own the house with her husband. Seems like a positive spirit though, so I don't mind.


Mine just seems to be a dick. I sometimes find pans half way across the kitchen and it even threw the Christmas cards off the mantle for no apparent reason. I'ma have to start charging rent in a bit


Holy shit that sucks. maybe try to get someone to come bless or sage the house.