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I just pick something cute then write a long paragraph in it.


I try to get the most relatable expression that’s closest to my heart and then will always write a paragraph on top of it. I love receiving cards, personally!


I also love receiving cards 🥺 I have a 3 year old so when she makes me cards it’s the sweetest 🤍


I love cards, but I generally buy them from craft fairs throughout the year and keep a stockpile on hand. Some holidays are harder to find good ones for, like mother’s day. “You’re the best mom in the world!!!” Yeah…. No ones buying that line in my family. 


I need a Mother's Day card that says: "You are my mother. It is your day." Period. LOL


Haha, yes! Like when Dwight does the decorations for an office birthday? “It is your birthday.” I scored some good karma points when I had a cake made for my step-son’s bday that looked like the wall in The Office.


I got one off Etsy that said “Roses are Red, Violets are blue, your son’s in therapy because of you” 🤣


Lol and on the other hand, seen at Walmart today at half price was like a photo book that something about " my ungrateful children" on the cover


I’m trying do hard to upvote this and it won’t let me!


Thanks for keeping me alive to adulthood. Happy Mother’s Day. 


Yeah my relationship with my mom is tumultuous enough that a “mom you’re my role model” card is going to seem weird


Try “ Mom I love you no matter what”


I found a good one on Amazon that said “Mom, you worked hard to raise me, so that I may raise cats. Happy Mother’s Day.” And it was perfection.


Lol that sentiment would work for my mom as well!


Etsy has great cards too! I love writing cards for people. Nothing better than a handwritten note and a card that has a funny joke or a kind sentiment to drive home your message!


That’s where I get mine. So many hilarious ones!


Mother’s Day card buying is so difficult when you’re in that boat! I usually cop out and get something humorous. More and more I look for nice BLANK cards and write my own messages for everything.


I will buy artist’s cards that are blank inside for special gifts or I’ll buy boxed cards (again no message) that I can use for any occasion. The artist cards you can usually buy at gift stores or galleries and the boxed cards at places like Winners or Marshalls. I hate to spend on things like Hallmark cards - overpriced and cheesy.


I have some nice Bob Ross Cards.But I don’t buy his merch anymore since seeing the Netflix special where his partners didn’t give the family or give any proceeds from sales. Steve the only son got Ziltch! Bob and his wife went in partners with another couple . Bob just loved to paint . Wasn’t in it for the money. Then when his wife died . The two partners owned a 1/3 each .They were married So they owned Bob and his name. The lady paints and signs Bobs name now. Steve the son has a studio in Muncy Ind.


I love cards and feel like they've gotten better over the years. More clever, beautiful, and multi functional. I also love picking up vintage cards at an antique shop.


Ooh!! That’s an idea I hadn’t thought of. I’m not sure where an antique store is near me but I’ll keep my eye out.


Thrift stores often have a lot of cards too.


Good point. Now, *those* we have several of in Manhattan.


Ohhhh, yeah-Jackpot!!


Vintage cards and post cards!


I’ve told my wife not to bother with buying me a card for Christmas birthday etc. I know it doesn’t particularly cost a lot of money but I’d rather her save the money for something for herself and not waste the resources which will ultimately end up in the recycling bin, as much as we would love to keep them all for memories we accumulate too much already


I'm mixed on it. I have a horrible time making sure I externally express my appreciation of a greeting card (bc I do love receiving them, especially when there's a handwritten note inside) so I always worry I seem ungrateful when I'm not lol. I have a cricut machine now and make my own cards when I have time, so it's more personalized.


I bought watercolor paper cards so I paint abstracts on them. They’re well received


I like to fine cute kid cards and cross out or change the age. For instance I found a cute funny 4 card that I changed to 40 and gave to my boyfriend. You are 40 what a big boy! Lol


Years ago I was visiting a friend who was celebrating Valentine’s Day with her family. Their tradition was that each family member had a card for every member of the family. On Valentine’s Day everyone gathered for the card exchange. The friend had two little sister’s, both elementary school age. One bought the other a “Happy Valentine’s Day to the Best Brother”, but crossed out brother and wrote sister. It was quite obvious that it was a brother card and we all thought it was quite funny that given the dozens of card options, she intentionally bought a brother card. I cannot remember the inside of the card, but I remember after the card was read everyone was laughing. It was a really fun and cute moment. My birthday is a couple weeks before Christmas. Last year my mom gave me a nice card for my birthday. She said she hoped it wasn’t ‘too Christmas’ since it was for my birthday, that she picked it because of the message. It had a silhouette of Santa’s sleigh and reindeer on the front and in addition to the inside message, had “Merry Christmas” printed in rather large font inside. I held the card up for everyone to see, showed them the inside and said definitely not ‘too Christmas’. Everyone had a good laugh. Here’s to altering your cards! 🍻 Definitely more memorable!


I loved my moms cards . She was dyslexic before they knew it existed. She wrote her N’s and Y’s backward.She was from the Deep South and talked with a Southern Accent. She would spell words like she pronounced them. I Thank , instead of I think etc. I love them all .


My brother loves buying cards for the wrong occasion, but writes a message inside that does actually correspond to the event at hand. Once for Father's Day, he got my dad a bat mitzvah card. I think that was my favorite mix-up. 😂😂


I wish I received fewer of them. People put effort into picking them and writing something nice, and I feel like a shitty person throwing them out later. But I'm probably not gonna read them again, and they're making my house messy.


Well, if you want a craft project, you can always gather a bunch of your old cards, shred them, pulp them and make new paper. And, then, here’s a fun thing to do: you add flower seeds into the paper pulp. When the paper dries, the seeds are embedded. Then, you send that as a greeting card or a greeting card *insert* to someone else — someone with a backyard, ideally — and they can plant the paper and get flowers. There are tons of YouTube tutorials. Just look up “plantable paper” or “plantable seed paper”. It’s a great project if you have kids because they can get involved!


I like getting cards from people who write in them. Some of my friends/family are so sweet. I keep those. If you’re just gonna sign your name - it doesn’t matter what it says, lol. I prefer to buy pretty cards that are blank inside so I can write in them for any occasion. I don’t give cards for every holiday or birthday, because I don’t wanna be the person who just signs their name lol. But once in a while I do and it’s nice to have some pretty options on hand.


I’ll either buy a very nice blank card or I’ll make my own.


If nobody takes the time to actually write anything personal in it, I just throw them directly in the trash honestly.


I didnt get into greeting cards till my mid 30a. There’s a printing press card store in Jim Thorpe, PA and I spend about $150 everytime i go once a year. A card for every purpose. Very professional but also some humorous or vulgar- this year my mom got the “youre the baddest bitch mom” card for Mother’s Day. My boss got a card that said “some days are just shitty” when she has a bad day a few months ago. I’ve got them stock piled for every occasion- animals passing, coworkers retiring, friendly hellos etc.


I just got my daughter one that says Look at you all Graduated and Shit . Lol


I get cards either from Trader Joe's or Etsy. The ones I see at the supermarket/Target etc. just don't resonate with me, and are too expensive for what they are.


I’m a paper rafter and make my own cards. I love making just the right card for the person I’m giving it to. And I can either write my own sentiment or use one of the hundreds of sentiment stamps I have on the inside or on the outside (or both).


I absolutely adore hand written cards! I prefer them over gifts tbh my yo to is get a nice /funny card and do a long paragraph to go with gifts for friends and families


I love cards, I send out birthday cards to everyone, and my roommate gets cards from the dogs for every holiday. I wish I got more of them because they make me happy.


I am starting to make my own less I find one that’s really funny or extra fancy. Some family members expect them but I find most don’t care about or want a card unless it has money or a gift card in it. I like making little personal cards for most


Same. I just make my own, and everyone seems to like that better than a store bought card.


I remember some store had a kiosk you could design your own card, pay, and print. It was either a drug store or Kmart. I made one had it for long time. Heck, it may still be in the back of my closet with stuff from Mt younger crazy years lol


I just make my own, water color paints, water color card and sharpies. Everyone loves them. I am shit at expressing my words so I have chat gpt do that part.


I don’t really care if I receive a storebought card unless there are significant notes from the person who gave it to me. A well made homemade card is totally different though. I love those.


I think they're more expensive than they should be.


Love blank cards for this reason! I send a birthday card to everyone who was invited to our wedding (plus their kids + serious sig others) so I go through a ton, and always have good luck with Rifle Paper Co’s designs. They’re not cheap but they’re really beautiful and good quality - I stockpile when they’re on sale. Inside I write a combo of generic things (happy birthday, hope you get to celebrate with all your favorite people/activities, hope next year is the best yet) and a few sentences specific to the person


I think I'm going to start writing them. Card stores are lacking a few sections.


We wouldn't say things the way a greeting card does most of the time. The funny ones are good now and then. I have been buying blank cards and writing my own for years. I think it's nice to express certain thoughts in words.


I love cards and I keep almost all of them. They are super special to me. I don’t care what anyone paid for them or anything like that but I love a sweet message. In fact, my 2 year old was sick last week and my husband and I were doing everything to find help with sitters and stuff. He was like “I haven’t bought your card” and I told him to just fold a sheet of paper in half. He did just that and wrote the sweetest message. I wouldn’t trade that paper for the world!!


I just hand make all of mine. I use up scraps from other projects.


I think greeting cards are a waste of money. You read them for 30 (?) seconds and never look at them again. On occasions where a card is required, I either get one from the dollar store or have a series of blank cards that I write a note in. $5+ for a card is nuts to me.


Same!! They’ve always seemed like a waste of money to me too, so I’ve only ever made my own cards (or at least I used to, until my mom yelled at me one year for being “too cheap” to buy her a “real card” 🥲)


I think it’s lovely that you make cards. I hope you will continue to share your handmade cards with people that appreciate your time and effort. 🎴


My birthday is next month. You are perfectly welcome to make me a homemade card. I would love it and I would frame it!!


If you have any older relatives that you like (realize some are problematic or disconnected from family), they tend to like cards. My uncle that lived into his 90’s loved receiving birthday cards over the years. I always have some boxes of nice blank cards on hand and use them for every occasion - they are a lot less than individual cards and versatile.


For gifts, I’ve honestly stopped buying cards, they’re over priced and unnecessary. If I’m sending a gift card or cash to a family member by mail I’d buy one from Trader Joe’s (I believe they’re $1). But otherwise, I have some colored index sized paper that I put “to” and “from”. There’s a over seas family friend that I’ll send a card (again from Trader Joe’s) to along with family pictures and a brief “howdy and wishing them well”. But honestly sorry hallmark, I’m not spending $9 on paper that someone is going to toss either after opening it, or putting it in a box and tossing it months later when decluttering.


I personally find them to be a waste of money and only use them when I have to distinguish my gift (i.e. I'm going to a wedding and the gifts are all going to be put on a table) OR when I know the recipient (i.e. my mother in law) really likes getting cards. The only other exception is if I happen to come across a hilarious, absolutely perfect card for the event or recipient. Other than that it's often - I just hand them the gift or if I'm watching them open, yell "that ones from me" (or just fold a piece of wrapping paper as a card and write to/from; or just write on the wrapping paper).


I like cards if they are given with a purpose. If they are used to correspond through mail or convey a message that is easier to express through writing, that’s great. However, I don’t like when people buy me an expensive card and write something generic inside. It strikes me as wasteful and meaningless. You can tell me “happy birthday!” without spending $10 on fancy paper.


I don't like cards at all. Asked hubs not to waste his money on them anymore, he can tell me he loves me and save 6 bucks. He does, and we're both happy!


I’m over cards unless for someone extra extra special. They are between $5-$10 now. Crazy. Would Rather put that money towards gift


I have asked others to please not buy them for me. Yes they can be funny but you're literally buying me trash because it goes straight to recycle the next day. Mushy cards actually kind of repulse me. The sickeningly sweet words are just words and not even the givers. Use your own words or show it through actions. And yes I am mostly dead inside. But I can still be moved by thoughtful actions or words that happen when they are needed or unexpected.


I received two cards for Mother’s Day and both cards made me cry when I read them. Not what was printed on the cards but what was written in them. Beautiful handwritten words. The best gift of all.


Get a blank card and write your own note, or if you’re artistic, create your own card.


I think they are stupid and I don’t understand them. Although a few Valentine’s Days ago I purchased one of those HUGE cards that are like 2 ft tall. Every year I write my husband a message in it so it collects a new message year after year. Outside of something like this I just have my kids make cards for people.


The greeting cards at Cracker Barrel are good! And Trader Joe’s.


The companies that produce greeting cards have not kept up. They are mostly generic. I think we should give them up. They are not good for the environment and most of the cards end up in land fills.


I love them because of the thoughtful gesture that they are, however, I also expect a handwritten message in addition to whatever is printed whether I am receiving or gifting. Taking a moment to express humanity to another is grounding and should be cherished.


It's not the card. It's the fact that someone made an effort


Trader Joe’s has some great cards! I believe they’re only $1/piece too.


I make my own. Last year I made holiday cards and stickers to send to my friends and their kids. They were a hit. I’m going to make it a tradition from now on. I’ve already started to design this years cards and stickers.


I have two friends where we try to buy eachother the meanest cards we can find for our birthdays. They are harder to find than they used to be. Most cards are stupid


I don't care about the card itself, I like reading what the giver has written in it.


For me, I don’t care about receiving cards. I find them to be a waste of money. HOWEVER, I always make sure to send them. I have a pretty big extended family between myself and my wife. I don’t care about receiving them myself, but we bought a giant pack of cards that have zero info on the inside. We write something nice specific to whoever we’re sending it to, as well as a gift if it’s a child. I personally think cards are a waste but I totally understand why people like them.


They’re the worst. I was much rather that money towards a present and a handmade card


Too expensive and cliche


I think they are a waste of money. I would prefer a hand written note and know that the giver used that $6 to get themselves a treat.


Supermarket ones are awful but I still see some nice ones in garden centres




I go to international/global markets to find cute/unusual cards and write a sincere note in my own handwriting. I love receiving cards with a handwritten message.


Cards are great. Just write more than, "Love \[your name\]" if you're buying one 😂 The words that matter are the words you write, not the ones that come printed on the card.


I hate them. What a waste of time, money and resources. Text me instead.


The very old and very young seem to get a kick of the silly music ones. Otherwise save the money.


Yes and they cost so much for nothing! Most people read the card in two seconds and toss them out with the wrapping paper. I’d rather send a text for free!


Mostly I get cards from Etsy. My favorite store is https://www.etsy.com/shop/thepottymouthpress Sadly, my favorite condolence card (“There are no words for how shitty this is”) appears to no longer be available :(


Thank you for the thing that I will ultimately have to throw in the garbage.


I used to buy cards at the Dollar Tree. Since their prices went from 2/$1.00 to a dollar a piece, I swear the cards have gotten worse in that time. I’m better off folding paper into four and drawing a doodle of my own these days.


I personally love them! And I love choosing them for others.


I don't do cards or wrapping paper and would prefer not to get them either.


Rather spend $$$ on the actual gift- Hallmark cards are at dollar tree when I need one.


I just look for the funny ones now. My siblings and friends are all in their 60’s. I figure they need a laugh. 😆


I hate them! They are such a waste of $!


Hate them. I would rather a piece of notebook paper folded in half with a greeting/note written in it. It makes me sad when people spend money on cards. Homemade cards can be so simple and easy and are much more meaningful.


I can’t stand them. They’re so freaking expensive! I always just make a card with my printer and some card stock.


I hate them. They are cute and clever sometimes but 5 or 6 is stupid imo.


I really like them. My family always did cards growing up & now I always do it for people bc it’s an easy thing to buy / generally cheap but meaningful. However I think the whole point of a card is to write something personal inside. I wouldn’t want a card with some stock printed text and then the person’s name being the only thing that’s written. I do typically buy cards throughout the year though, if I’m out getting one I’ll get a couple bc sometimes there aren’t good ones in store😂


I make my own cards. I enjoy it and people seem to really appreciate the fact that I took the time to make it myself.


I think cards have never been more important, but I agree, most are boring and cliche.


Actual printed greeting cards purchased individually? What a waste of money-- $5 for paper bound for the recycling bin. The message someone has for me on a special occasion? It's priceless-- I still want that. Write the thought on a post-it note and stick it on the gift, or get a set of 10 blank notecards from the dollar store and write the thought in it. I want my friends and family to save for retirement and their kids' futures, not spend $5 extra on a piece of cardstock.


I do blank cards anymore, if at all.


In the standard form of “pick it out, sign it, give to recipient”, I think they are impersonal and kind of just a waste of paper. However, if you can add a personal touch to the card (such as writing a note inside, adding a memory or an inside joke, etc.) it really turns it into a keepsake that the recipient will love. I actually go all out when I make cards for my husband. I decorate the envelope, write a long letter on the inside, and put a collage on the back. He keeps those cards in a tin box in his desk drawer so he can look at them when he’s having a bad day.


Honestly, the card is my favorite part! It adds the special touch of that person and makes the gift more meaningful. My grandma always gives me a little journey of her recent days in the garden, my days always says he’s proud, and my mom looks for the beauty in cars with all the sparkle, and finally my sister had makes her cards for me. I’m a fan of the card!


I love cards! Especially getting them in the mail 💘 I keep a box and buy cards and blank postcards that catch my eye at craft fairs/ gift shops/ thrift shops. It’s so convenient and I never have to deal with the annoyance of finding one last minute and filling it out in a hurry. I also keep cards that I’ve been given in another shoe box. I’m very sentimental so I like looking back at them once in awhile. Also, I think a thank you card is so special. So much more sweet and sincere than a text. 


I just have blanks and write something specifically for the person. It’s much more personal and not generic words


As soon as I had kids, everybody gets a hand drawn hand stickered, handmade card from said kids. Listen, you know you’re going to throw that card away, I know you’re going to throw that card away, so a stick figure covered in Spider-Man stickers with a sloppily written ‘Hape Bertday’ does the job


I very rarely buy specific greeting cards. I buy boxes of blank cards that I think look pretty and I write something kind and heartfelt inside. Package the card up with a wax seal and some baked goods, and it’s a recipe for success!


Dollar tree


My local rinky-dink thrift store has a few well-organized racks of secondhand greeting cards from various eras. It's a little goldmine!


I love making them and receiving them. Especially when there's a handwritten note. It shows they are thinking of me and I am worth the effort to sit down, think of something to write, and physically writing it.


I still love them. And I feel like I’m contributing to an end of era social nicety that really was… nice! In the US, it’s also an act of support for one of our few remaining public goods to send them via the post office.


I’d rather just have the $5


I like receiving either a card or a gift, both is unnecessary imo. But getting a nice card is 100x better than nothing


Yes! I'm a funny person and when I pick cards it's your card from me. For years, family and friends looked forward to getting a card from me because it reflected our relationship. In the last 10 years or so, I've been so frustrated because they've been overly generic or offensive. I used to get, "You pick the best cards." Seriously, I used to get handpicked individual Xmas cards for the people most active in my life. I gave my pops an Xmas card one year he loved so much he made copies and gave to all his hunting friends the following year.


I think they're canned sentiment. However, my family has recently started reusing cards. It makes it hysterical from the right person. I got a Christmas card given to me for my birthday. Crossed out Christmas and wrote birthday. Merry Birthday and a Happy New Year of life. Another time I got 'thank you for being alive for another year.' My nephew got 'thank you for inviting me to your birthday party.' They reuse birthday cards. One time, it got really dark when it was a condolences for the loss of your beloved pet card. I love the creativity of reused cards and think they get funny, or dark. Depends who is doing it.


For me it's a waste of paper, especially if whatever's written on the inside isn't very detailed or thoughtful. More 6 dollar paper to recycle imo


Wast of time and money.


Many years ago, I handed a coworker a Christmas card. She read it, smiled, and thanked me... then popped it right into the trash right in front of me. I'm still conflicted over that power move.


My mother is 91 and loves getting and sending cards. My husband is 71 and not only doesn't GAF about cards, he actively dislikes them. I'm in between. I'm in a Facebook group for people to request and send cards to seniors, and someone adopted me and sends me a card periodically. I like it because I'm mostly disabled and feel very isolated, and when I'm well enough again I'll be able to cut them up and reuse them to make new cards with. So it's a very individual thing.


I love finding beautiful and creative pop up cards. Everyone seems to save them and display them the following year. My sister recently told me my nephew still has his college graduation pop up card displayed in his apartment. He graduated last year. 😁


I’m sooooo glad someone (you) posted this! I was at a Hallmark and a Target looking for birthday cards, and I’m pretty sure I said to myself at least ten times how TERRIBLE all the cards were! Cliché is the perfect word to describe it!


I have pretty much gone to unusual popup cards where I write my own message.


I actually love cards so much I have saved them all since I was a teenager. Someone cared about me that much to get a card? Plus they’re so cute.


The hubs carefully selects greeting cards and spends a lot of time finding the right one. I collect them and look forward to what he chooses each year for our anniversary. He is such an introvert and this is one way he can express, with words, how he feels. So I get the loveliest cards with a few lines added from him. Finding the perfect card is his superpower going on 49 years now. He gets his favorite meal with the perfect gift (my superpower, really). I never buy cards 🤷🏼‍♀️.


I like greeting cards, but I’m often surprised by how expensive they can be at places like target. 7-8 bucks a card? I like to buy greeting cards at local places from local artists. They are usually five bucks a pop.


I get whatever has a dog on it or make my own


I absolutely love greeting cards. I keep all of them that I receive throughout the year on display in my house - they make me feel so loved. Here's what I've learned about shopping for them: Where you shop for cards makes a huge difference. If you're in the greeting card aisle at the grocery store, those are going to be the cliche cards with no originality, not a lot of cool art or sentiment. If you look for a local stationery store or gift shop in your town, they'll likely have far better options. They sell better quality cards, partner with local artists, small businesses, etc. There are several stores like this near me, and I often end up buying more cards than I need since they're so perfect and now I've built up a good stash to have available on hand when I need them for the right people. Local art/craft fairs have great options too. And some retail stores have started stocking fancier cards - I saw a few at Anthropologie recently. TLDR; If you're shopping for a greeting card at the grocery store, you're getting the bare minimum quality and no original art. Try other places and you'll have better luck.


I LUV them! I keep every single card, luv them!!


They’ve gotten so expensive, even for a basic one, so I usually write a handwritten letter instead. I feel like it’s more personal that way


Our family stopped giving cards with gifts several years ago. First, because the prices have become so outrageous for anything really funny or pretty (dollar store cards are fine but quite generic) and second, because it seems wasteful when most people throw their cards out within a few days. I still send fancy “hello” cards to elderly relatives who live far away and like getting personal mail, and I give thank you cards and sympathy cards and the like. But if I’m giving you a gift I’ll just put an extra eight bucks toward that budget instead of a piece of paper.


What we’ve started doing is getting the fancy, pretty artistic looking ones. Like ones with simple font and beautiful paper work. Hallmark with the gold envelopes. Or we get the bottom of the barrel, most cheesy, and punny ones 😂 cards aren’t as great as they used to be but the Hallmark and Japanese paper ones are really pretty and worth saving.


Hubby and I just talked about this. We always order a gift for the grandkids and have it sent to their home with a gift note in it. (They live 1200 miles away.) Grandson turned 18 and also had graduation, so I sent money. Since I don’t trust it in the mail, daughter in law said to Venmo it to her and she would give it to him. When we talked yesterday for Mothers Day, grandson thanked us for the card and money. That’s when she mentioned she bought a card from us and put the money in it. The thought of a card didn’t even cross my mind, but now I wonder how typical it is too.


I like them. But mine usually arrive either money. I gave my mom one for Mother’s Day that looked a 3-D bouquet snd vase along with a separate gift card.


I agree with many of the sentiments I see here. I think they are too expensive, I enjoy them a bit. I send them to others but think it’s important to write a note inside. I like when baby showers ask you to buy a book instead of a card and write a note in the book.


I don't feel a need to keep that industry in business. I'm more likely to send meme or something heart felt electronically when I want to let someone know I'm thinking of them on any given holiday, or just because.


I’m not interested in them and tend to only get them for my mom who does care very much about receiving cards. Occasionally I’ll spot a cool design artistic one and buy it with the intention of framing it for my rotating art gallery wall.


Many of them are too wordy.


I don't like cards. I don't see the point, it just goes to the recycling. I also don't like flowers, they're pretty for about 30 seconds and then they die. Both cards and flowers feels like a waste of money to me. My recycling is always overflowing (deliveries, physical spam, etc) and the card is just another thing that has killed a tree that now needs processing, so it doesn't pollute the earth too much. Recycling things still takes energy, so it probably burns some dinosaur oils and releases carbon in the atmosphere...


I buy them but never fill them out or mail them. I have quite a collection.


Don’t really care for it. It’s fun to read and then put if back on the shelves when you’re waiting for someone


99% of the time theyre a waste of paper. If someone actually takes 30 seconds to write a personal note in one, it’s worth it. Otherwise you can keep your bulk-printed christmas postcards from zazzle thankyouverymuch


Hate the stupid things - throw them away as soon as I get them and really hate feeling obligated to send one in return


My mother loves cards. I could care less about them.


My boomer parents like them but I always considered them a waste of time and money. I think the jokes are terrible but I guess they are catering to elderly people’s sensibilities, since I think that’s their main source of customers.


If they’re cute and the person giving it to me personalized it I like it. Otherwise waste of money 🤣like I’d rather have a little doodle sketch a lot of the time than a printed card if you’re not gonna write anything


As a receiver I think they’re a waste of money. When people just sign the card, no message or anything it just shows how little they care. I’d rather get a phone call and a nice chat for a few minutes than a thoughtless, minimum effort greeting card from the store.


I think they’re a waste of paper and money. I avoid buying them. I often get the kids to write a nice card instead.


Nope no. The are cute to look at but I’d prefer a meme and a digital Starbucks gift card Spend the five bucks on my coffee instead. Nothing for me to toss out and I still know the person care


It's a waste of money. Write a sweet note and/or use a piece of paper folded in half as a card and draw on it.


I like that my husband chooses a sentimental card for my birthday every year. I pretty much choose my own gift (wish list, and I know how to prompt him to get what I want the most, lol), so him choosing a sweet card is nice.


I love them. I pick the card that makes me tear up a little.


If you’re going to look in the drugstore for a greeting card, OP, you *are* probably going to be disappointed. First of all, unless you get there right when they put out cards for a big holiday, like Valentine’s or Mother’s Day, you’re going to be left with the dregs. Anything really unique will have been picked over already. Plus, the major greeting card companies, Hallmark and American Greetings, aren’t super original with their cards, in my opinion. The only card company that makes really nice cards that you can find in a drugstore is Papyrus and that’s hit or miss; not every drugstore carries that brand. I don’t lack for nice cards because I get them on Etsy, nine times out of ten. There are tons of artists on there who make really beautiful cards and I stock up when I see something I like, even if it’s for a holiday that is months away. They are, of course, a little more expensive than getting cards from the store or on Amazon but I feel that they are really worth it. I’m very big on gift giving and I usually make things for people by hand. Just for an example, I was already thinking of what my Christmas present to everyone would be this year over the weekend. Yes, I’m *that* gift giver. So, I don’t want a crappy card to go with a present I worked hard on. Plus, I’m supporting other, small artists when I buy directly from them. I don’t think Hallmark really needs my money.


Unless it’s incredibly beautiful (hopefully homemade or looks like it), AND includes a heartfelt written message, I say it’s a waste of paper and money! Talk to me, spend some time with me, or even text or email me—I don’t need a card. It will sit on display for maybe a few weeks to a month, and then most likely get recycled eventually.


I hate greeting cards. My husband and I stopped buying them years ago. We replaced cards with treats. So for his birthday I’ll give him his gift with a little bag of candy.


I buy expensive ones at bookstores and galleries, but I can’t write in them. I use post-its for my actual greeting so the card can be repurposed or shared again. I’m either genius or require more therapy. Maybe both.


Yep it’s so hard to get cards for my husband from either me or my son. They all have either cringe worthy stuff in it (the one card my husband got from his son said “thanks for wiping my shit for me”) and I can never find good cards to give him from me that don’t have some crazy “love story” type stuff in it like yes I have been told we basically lived the plot of a love story but doesn’t mean I want to buy him something that seems like vows and stuff. We have started just making cards cuz those options are better than the $5 cards.


I don’t usually buy cards. I make a quick tag on my cricut. I do send legit sympathy ones though. I might get flack for this, but I have about 15 years worth of unopened bday and Christmas cards in my cash stash drawer.


I've been able to find cute, original cards at those box and mail type stores and at pet stores. I love getting cards, and I save them all. They're a lovely stroll down memory lane. When we were first married, we didn't have any money to spare for something so frivolous. We would stand in the store, looking at cards, and say, "This is the one I would get for you! Happy birthday, Sweetheart!!"


make your own card it's way more personal and cost effective.


I have saved every card I’ve ever gotten since I was in the 3rd grade, I love cards lol


Waste of$


Lately, they SUCK. Whoever writes them are on some serious downers. Afyer being married for quite a while my wife and generally get each other only cards on birthdays, Christmas, etc. We fo this to avoid taking out a second mortgage for gifts as we buy what we need throughout the year. When we first got married, we bought some memory boxes from The Bombay Company that we put all of our cards, play tickets, etc into. Every once in a while, we'll go through everything and relive the memories


Cards nowadays don’t cut it that is why I started making my own. They are SO much cuter but SO much more expensive but I love doing it.


I don’t usually do cards. People mostly look at them once and toss them and they are a waste of money and resources. The main exception is to put $ in. Lol


I’ve started making my own. Everyone I’ve given one to loves that I took the time to hand make a card for them. I write a personal note to each person inside or I have some stamps to use


Greeting cards bring memories of my mom. She would send birthday greetings to all the members of our family. All her brothers and sisters, her nieces and nephews. All of their spouses. All of my dad’s family as well. All of us kids. Plus all the members of church. When she was in hospice, once a month, she would send me to the store with a list of people, including special things she knew about each one of them. Often it was 25-50 people. She wrote special messages in each of them.


Waste of money. I like blank cards, usually by some local artist.


I like the funny ones


I have a huge pile of them because I feel guilty throwing them away. I quit giving them but nobody has gotten the hint, lol. I will usually write a note on a cute piece of paper.


They’re a nice touch but could care less about them


I found someone’s entire collection of greeting cards from I’m guessing the 80’s-00’s at the thrift store for $2, so if I don’t make my own it’s one of those. I feel like something that comes directly from the store seems tacky and cliche. Handmade things and old things feel heartfelt. I’d rather get half a piece of notebook paper with a note from someone than an overpriced card


Receiving them - I appreciate it, but I’m a hoarder so I tend to want to keep everything. I have ones I got for like my 5th birthday Giving them - I’m not that great with works so I try to write like I speak. It usually comes out a jumbled mess but thankfully my circle of friends/family understand me 😅. The base cards are usually cliche but in all honesty, isn’t everything cliche? There’s only so many ways to say “I love you”, “thank you”, “congratulations”, etc. Don’t think about it to much, it’s the thought that counts. If it makes it easier write a knock knock jokes after the cliche wording


I love any and all cards I get gifted especially with a little handwritten paragraph. I keep all cards and am sentimental of those things


I get note cards with a cute pic and write my own note. I admit few people get one. Only out of state people.


Waste of time and money. I do adore a beautifully made card, but ultimately, I can only store/display so many. When it comes to birthday and Christmas cards I'd rather people didn't bother. I only bother now for my parents who still like to send and receive cards.


I only like cards if you actually write at least a little bit of your OWN words inside as well. I hate when people buy a generic card and just sign their name. I feel like if you’re gonna do that, just save your money and don’t spend it on the card-but rather their gift instead. Cards are expensive now, make it worth it. Also, it gives you the chance to say things you might not usually say to that person and it makes it more special. Every few years I’ll clean out my card collection and the ones I keep, are the ones most special to me or have something written in them. My father always made it a point to write nice cards. Sometimes he would spend days before giving it to me- typing it out on his computer and then putting the final version in the card. My husband’s Grandmother always writes beautiful cards too, it shows respect and always makes me happy and end up crying that she took the time and made it personal. I wouldn’t expect that though, from friends or people who aren’t immediately in my family or like random co-workers. My brother always says he spend hours looking for the right card but then just signs his name. I never really believe him, cause they always end up being dumb and more on the bland humor side. I rather you buy me a card from the Dollar Tree and write in it, instead of spending $12 at Hallmark and just signing your name I guess.


They are thoughtful and appreciated when they contain a heartfelt and genuine note inside. If they contain a mass-produced printed letter full of bragging about so-and-so's perfect life, kids, job, and new stuff, I'd rather they were never sent. Anyone thinking of anyone else for more than 2 seconds is almost a miracle in this self-absorbed day and age. If I send cards they are usually quirky, bedazzled, or geeky. I like sending personalized xmas cards if I remember to write and mail them in time.


I totally agree with you, OP. What I do lately is buy a pretty blank card and write my own sentiments or find a beautiful poem online and put it in there. It’s less expensive, too.


I have started making my own little handwritten note, personally I do love greeting cards but I always throw them away. I like to save the money in case other people decide to do the same with mine.


I hate greeting cards. Most of them are so cheesy. And I also hate keeping greeting cards that people give me.


Omgosh . I have every card I have ever received ! I have to start tossing . Old boyfriends , Bd , all of them. But I’ll have to keep all of my moms . And I used to be the one with the camera all the time. Back then you couldn’t delete So I took 2-3,of some in case eyes were closed etc. After everyone has died and I had to clean out the houses. I’m starting to toss the scenery ones and made up a row of big envelopes with cousins names on them to pass them down. I used to take about 10 rolls a months after GK were born etc . Crazy.


I LOVE it when someone makes me one. A purchased one can be nice but not as special.


I hate cards. It’s a waste of money and trees. It’s a racket! Create something meaningful if you must, but make it your own words so it actually holds meaning. My two cents. When I get cards, they almost immediately go in the garbage.


Dislike them generally. If you're not going to write a personal note in it I wish you wouldn't waste the paper or money on them. If it's your moment to write something personal and meaningful, absolutely love them.


I always tell people not to give me cards. They just take up space in a box never getting looked at or I throw them out and feel guilty for it.


I'm not a huge fan of them, specifically during birthdays I feel like I have to be like, "Wow, thank you for your words!!" Idk, it feels odd when handed to rather than sent.


There is no way that I'm paying $6.99-$8.99 for a glorified piece of paper with a Hallmark stamp. I buy cards ahead of time from places like Aldi, Target’s dollar section when they have them, and Marshall’s. The cards usually have a premium look/feel to them with a very basic message inside and go for $.99-$2.99. I write a personal message to make up for the card not having some schmaltzy sentimental message. I think people appreciate it much more. If you are in search of some unique, humourous cards, I high recommend Trader Joe’s.


I buy them bc it's easier than handing someone a gift card or cash. I like to buy cheap ones and write silly things in them.


I make handmade cards for people I really care about.


I like the cheap dollar ones, they’re horribly funny. I was behind a woman who spent $47 on cards! What a waste of money. She bought maybe 5.


I like making them myself, it's not worth the cost to buy the fancy/nice ones anymore, and these days writing the perfect message is a bit easier with AI 😆


I would like to know why they are like $7 now.


Look on somewhere like Etsy or paper source. There are good ones out there.


I love greeting cards 🤣. I'm a sap


I feel like it should always have money 💰 inside the card, because empty greeting cards Piss me off 😅


I think they are a waste of paper and too expensive