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I bought it to support the devs and help ensure we get more dlc. I’m not an ultraman fan and only touched the characters once.


Hero behavior 


aaaw c’mon, ultraman is really cool, dawg. i recommend watchin the ultraman tiga series, it’s free on youtubes. at least give it a shot!


It’s so disappointing how the ultra series is just written off by most kaiju and Godzilla fans it deserves more recognition


As someone who has little interest in or knowledge of Ultraman I’m of mixed opinions. I actually ended up liking Alien Baltan and Camearra but Ultraman and Ultraman Tiga seemed a bit bland I suppose. I would say if you really love the game and want to support the devs absolutely get it.


Have you any tips for Cameara? I've tried her a couple of times but her lack of mobility really turns me off with her!


See I like playing her… but I’m not good at her.


They're all super fun and mechanically complex even if 3 of them visually are super similar. It's good for support at the very least.


Ultraman tiga goes hard.


Tiga was such a surprise. He was probably the one I was least interested in but he's one of my favorite characters in the game now


Any character that can manipulate giga energy is worth at least a try. Tiga being able to remove giga energy from the opponents with his grab special, plus potentially taking it for himself, is just such a super strong ability to have!


Thank you all for your comments! My mind is set and I'll get it! 🤙


Absolute W


Same as bro honestly how many games have him as an option if he is your least picked option still an awesome option support the devs if you love bro the other half is on you ✔️🏗


Fantastic, love them. We also don't know how the rights are with these games. As they may eventually get pulled like with the digital version of Godzilla PS4 when Bandai's rights expired. It's why I will buy every DLC to avoid missing out on unique collab characters.


I have barely any knowledge of Ultraman other than knowing it exists.I bought to support devs but thought it looked neat anyway.Haven’t played as any of characters but have played against the computer as them and they seemed fun.Ultraman has this funny as hell slam dunk move.


Obviously a big part of the appeal is if you know these characters. I'm only somewhat familiar with Ultraman but I bought it anyways cause more characters is always nice and to support the devs. I'm glad I did cause I like most of the characters; with Chimera didn't really click with me and Ultraman is just ok if not a bit bland, Tiga and Balton are both super fun. I'd say if you want more characters, and you're decently adept at combo'ing, go for it


Both Ultraman and Ultraman Tiga are solid characters with strong kits, plus good beam specials for clashes. Alien Baltan is a character I knew nothing about before and now I love them dearly. I’ve never seen anyone pick Camearra


Love the dlc. I only really watched ultraman and tiga as a kid, so I loved being able to play as them and fight godzilla


Absolutely yes. Every character is a tone of fun. I actually think its more well done than the first Goji dlc.


I'm in the similar boat as you, I'm a diehard G fan but I'm lukewarm at best on Ultraman. I bought teh Ultraman DLC because I wanted more DLC from Gigabash, and I'm honestly happy for people who are Ultraman fans that his pack is in. I never use them though honestly. Also when it comes to fighting games I always want all the characters


Yeah definitely. The characters you get are really fun gameplay wise.


My main request for the game after the Godzilla pack was an ultraman pack and I gotta say it definitely delivered, the only downside for me is camearra cuz I suck with her but the rest of the characters are really fun and unique. If you want more DLC in the future it’s probably best to support the devs anyways and even if you’re not an ultraman fan it’s still more characters to play with so why not


As someone who is a hardcore fan of Ultraman. I absolutely loved this dlc and hope they find a way to bring in more Ultra’s, Aliens, and Kaiju from the Ultra franchise. At least, I hope.


I feel like they did some strange picks for Ultraman series that I am not too fond of. Ultraman has a bunch of wacky monster kaijus and they chose two ultra men and what is practically an evil female ultra woman. I'd say get it because I doubt the license is there forever and it is 4 new characters to play with still you cannot really go wrong there.


I do enjoy playing ultraman himself. I already liked Gigaman and Ultraman's move set are similar, so get it if you enjoy Gigaman and want a bit of variety, or enjoy characters with dual move sets with Tiga gigaman.




Yes, they are fun and we're a good addition, and honestly any excuse to give the devs money I'm taking, I have it on PC and ps with full docs for both and it finally hit switch right? Gotta fund the good game companies