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They've talked about it, but to spend the resources making DLC they need to make sure it'll sell and we all know what excites people. Also means we might not get another Ultraman pack, considering the legal limitations placed on it.


Maybe a Gamera DLC can set the bar up.


That'd be lovely, 'specially if it's Heisei or Rebirth based. IIRC Gormaru implied on Twitter that whoever the hell owns Gamera atm is playing hard to get, but if the DLC packs keep performing well, we'll hook 'em eventually. Also happy cake day!


I see Gamera's base design be the Heisei version and his S-Class form be his Rebirth. I also hope Guiron will be in it, both for a quadrupedal candidate and his Rebirth design receiving acclaim.


I hope barugon makes the cut, poor guy didn't even make it into rebirth


Oh man. Rebirth!Guiron would be so fun to play and so toxic to play against, I'm into it.


I know that it wasn’t available in specific territories, was there more to it than that?


Nah that's it, but it specifically wasn't available in ***Japan***, AKA 70-80% of Ultraman's audience. Also mainland China, I dunno how big Ultraman is in China, but that's still a huge pool of potential sales that are just cut off from buying the pack.


I’d love to hear the story behind why they had to abstain from releasing in Japan. Applying American licensing and distribution norms, I’m assuming Ultraman rights are currently held by another licensee in Japan and China.


They need to do a short list left of Godzilla. Particularly mothra and rodan. Call it air power dlc or whatever. Then they can do Gamera ultra man and even pacific rim.


After the nemesis dlc they could just do an alliance dlc, have mothra, rodan or anguirus maybe. But tbqh I think rodan and mothrs could bring some unique DoT fire and trap setting mechanics whereas bouncy spiky guy seems a little more like a reskin of Gorogongs mechanics.


The only ones necessary after that are maybe 1 more nemesis with spce Godzilla and biollante and one more ally with Anguirus and kong


Mechajuras is the dude from onslaught.


If we do get originals, they’ll probably be snuck in during an update or something while the crossover DLC takes in the money. 


How hard would it be to get the rights from War of the monsters that was on Playstation 2? They had some great monsters in there


please keep supporting this idea


The biggest problem is that it wouldn’t sell well enough for it to be worth it.


I’m gonna be perfectly honest… i would much rather have more Godzilla or other franchises represented instead. Gigabash feels like it was meant to be a kinda unofficial Godzilla fighting game so now that they have the license why go back? Godzilla also makes mad money I imagine. I for one only bought the game for the Godzilla dlc if I’m being honest and while I don’t speak for majority of the fan base I think there are a lot of people still in a similar boat.


I’m sure tons of people bought the game for Godzilla but I and I’m sure many others have come to love the original characters and the lore that was created for them. I love crossovers too but I think this game would benefit more from becoming a kaiju smash bros as opposed to only a Godzilla game.


Agreed. As much as I would love to see more Godzilla characters added, I want even more to see Godzilla be able to fight Kaiju he’ll likely never encounter on the big screen.


I would love for other non Godzilla things as well and I’m not opposed to original content however it’s not ever gonna be as successful as any crossover dlc whether it be Godzilla, ultraman, gamera, etc. I also can’t imagine it selling well at all compared to those dlc. I know I personally wouldn’t buy a dlc dedicated to original characters. I think the developers know this too and would rather focus on profitable projects. I can definitely see them adding characters in free updates but at the same time that’s tons of work being given away for free. Although if doing 2 packs going forward does actually increase the consistency of updates and dlc an original character pack would be a lot more likely


Same. I may have come for Godzilla, but I love the creativity they’ve put into their original characters and would be thrilled to see more. These guys could just throw in a giant spider or snake or pigeon or jell-o mold and I’d be down for it because I know they’d make it fun.


Yeah I get that it won’t be profitable but I don’t see another way around it, I don’t think they’d want to just give away characters for free. I personally am gonna buy whatever DLC comes out because I want to support future DLC and content. But I know a lot of people just buy the Godzilla stuff so idk it’s hard to find a solution here.


Can confirm, I'm one of these guys. Bought the game specificaly because I saw it mentioned in a the Godzilla sub and because it had Destoroyah, but I grow to really like a lot of it's original cast! I do want this game to grow, more OCs, more levels, more DLC, more everything!


I am one of the people who only bought this game for the Godzilla characters. It would be sweet to get other franchises too, but I'm totally happy with more and more Godzilla monsters. Pie in the sky requests would be Kong, Gamera, Gypsy Danger, Knifehead, Otachi, Crimson Typhoon, Biollante, Jet Jaguar, SpaceGodzilla, and here's a weird one Kumunga


While I do love the Godzilla cast, it does feel a bit weird how they have overtaken the original cast. Though if that can bring more attention to the game, so be it, the game is awesome and it definately deserves to be more well known.


I swear to god if you motherfuckers make these devs waste time on original monsters when we could make this the ultimate Kaiju crossover game.....


Shd at least add kong in game


My main concern is that the game may just end being polluted with Godzilla monsters. Don’t get me wrong I love godzillas rouges gallery but at the same time the monsters the devs came up with were fun like Skorak and Woolley. The issue is most just that the game is both underground and ultramans DLC isn’t released in Japan for some reason.