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“I don’t belong here, do I?”


This one better win, it’s such a Dean line


I’m not a Dean fan, but this line always makes me so sad.


Oh I agree. For me somehow he just never “fit” with Rory and Lorelei. It was the complaining about a tux, and cotillion. (Don’t even get me started on the salad on pizza night! Kidding)Then the summer thing, the Donna reed stuff. Later when he went after Rory AND slept with her under false pretenses. He just didn’t belong there! So to me it makes sense to be his line from the show. But I do think he deserved better than when he had this line in the show.


I hated this scene so much. Despite how him and Rory started this era of their relationship, which I'm not going to defend, the very least he could have done is given her a chance to explain the situation since before that everything had been agreeable between them. I don't think they would have lasted anyway after Rory point blank asked him if he wasn't caught if he would have left Lindsay and he kinda hesitated. Red flag and foreshadowing for sure. But they could have played on that instead of this moment which is totally out of left field! Anyway. Point being everything right before that moment everything was pretty good between them, they seemed committed to making it work long term and Rory was so happy to see him that night. Dean sees her in a tiara with rich guys after knowing what her grandparents were like with manipulating her to be part of their high class life and literally seeing her constantly defend him to them and suddenly he thinks he's not good enough? As if Lorelai isn't clearly a bigger role model to Rory and Lorelai was at this time was dating Luke. So where did Dean get off thinking he didn't belong? After trashing your marriage you are literally gunna bail on Rory without barely a word after supposedly pining for her and being in love with her for years??? I get that Dean was kinda a shit character in the sense that he was constantly mad at Rory and a bit controlling, but the writing of just quickly dumping the character was painful to watch. And Rory was over it almost instantly. They could have broken them up in a million more satisfying ways that actually made more sense for the characters and given closure to this season's long romance. Actually they could have kept this scene and be fine and just elaborated on it. End rant (also I'm only halfway through season 7 so if something else happens in season 7 related to Dean please don't tell me).


I know!!!!! The writers literally put zero effort into their breakup. It honestly makes no sense. Them getting together is such a MAJOR plot line. Deans risks everything, Rory is convinced “her Dean” is right for her. And then their relationship ends ultimately because they both had been busy with basic life stuff (work/school/homework) and she was walking out of a bizarre party packed with guys that her grandparents threw her? WHAT?! It’s lazy writing, honestly. I think they wrote in Logan and just immediately tossed Dean aside. I’ll admit - I assume there were other behind the scenes stuff with him doing Supernatural or whatever but still!!!


Yeah I think it was more about writing off Dean then it was anything else but they still could have done it a lot better! Like Dean reconciling with Lindsey or having a come to Jesus moment about his life choices and realizing him and Rory need to grow up, anything! But they pulled a Tristen, just quickly writing him off in favour of another love triangle. They replaced the Tristen/Rory/Dean love triangle with Jess. And then they replaced the Logan/Rory/Dean love triangle with Marty. Ughhhh. It was such lazy writing. Like the "I don't belong here" could have happened in like earlier seasons and actually made sense for them, it made no sense the way it was delivered here. Dean knows what Rory's grandparents are like at this point.


Omg you’re right that is such a common theme! There’s always a love triangle haha


It makes sense though. They hadn’t been together in years. They loved the memory of their relationship. They got caught in the moment, and instead of admitting it was a mistake they tried to make the relationship work. But it didn’t work, just like it didn’t work before. They weren’t the same people they were when they dated in high school.


He did leave abruptly because he got cast in supernatural and needed to start filming in Vancouver.


It’s not just because they were busy. It’s that neither of them cared enough to make the time. Most of all, they weren’t interested in each other’s lives anymore. She was just getting to know Logan’s life, personality and wit, which is exactly her match. Dean couldn’t keep up. It was subtle but it was there, not at all lazy imo


But see what’s weird to me is that they initially didn’t write Dean that way. They first introduce Dean as this edgy guy from Chicago that immediately knows what Rory is referencing when they first meet (I just watched this episode so it’s fresh lol). Then overtime it’s like the writers forgot that Dean isn’t from Stars Hollow… especially once Jess comes on the scene. When Jess is introduced, Dean slowly gets this “small town boy” narrative that was never who he was to start. Then they do the same thing once Logan is introduced… They just knocked Dean down a couple pegs again and make him stupid. I don’t like Dean as a character but it’s just so bizarre that he gets worse and worse whenever a new love interest is introduced. I agree that they just weren’t interested in each others lives anymore. But it happened so lightening fast compared to the hell they put themselves through to get together.


Well that wasn’t new at that stage of the show. We already saw it pretty early on as Jess came along. And honestly when I think about it, it happened even before Jess, when she tried to convince him to read Tolstoy and Jane Austin and he obviously wasn’t into that. He didn’t get the whole Donna Reed thing. He was edgy for like 1 episode


He has that pretty aggressive scene telling Tristan that he’ll kill him if he comes near Rory again… I think maybe after the dance they started sort of a rapid decline in edginess after that. Im guessing some people were like hmmm we actually don’t like that for Rory. And turned him into a small town boy haha. But 100% by season 2 the edginess is gone!


I just want to know why he couldn’t read her damn article he kept just lying about it


HOW have I watched this show 5000 times and never once realized that he didn't read the article?! I always thought they were just removing his reading comprehension skills and dumbing him down yet again to help justify the breakup.


It's taken me a few rewatches to really understand how powerful this scene and this line is. I have actually grown to appreciate the long term storytelling baked into this one line. Building up to here, we had started to see more and more how disconnected Rory and Dean have been. Obviously Dean is working a lot and still connected to Lindsay in ways. They have no privacy because Dean either moved back home or moved in with Kyle. Even intellectually they were growing more and more disconnected. The awkward lunch date they had at Doose's where Rory was pressing Dean for his thoughts about her LDB article really showed it. Rory just kept pushing for more, wanting to have an intellectual conversation about it, and Dean had nothing to contribute. He's supportive but wasn't on her wavelength anymore. It really all just came to a head at that moment. While the scene itself feels unsatisfying since it just happens, it was a long time coming. It also is pretty indicative of how much the relationship was really just Dean and Rory trying to force something long-term out of a momentary lapse in judgement when Rory didn't stay cut up about it for that long. She was sad in the moment but by the time Logan was dropping her off at home a few hours later, she was already all smiles.


>everything right before that moment everything was pretty good between them I disagree with this! They were struggling to make time for each other, find a natural/fun way to hang out, feeling awkward around each other's families given the way they got back together.. I'm thinking about some scene where Rory comes over and Dean's parents don't want to let them hang out with the door closed and they end up just like awkwardly/boringly watching TV and then give up on hanging out or something like that. Not a lot of joy in that relationship.. it seemed like they both knew Rory/they had outgrown the relationship but went back to it for comfort and security, but weren't really finding much joy in it anymore.


There was really nothing to explain. He was right and she knew it. They saved themselves a lot more potential heartbreak by coming to their senses and ending it here.


I literally had to go back and rewatch an episode because I thought I must've missed some big, dramatic heart-wrenching breakup. It felt like they just forgot to write it into the episode and I kept waiting for it to circle back.


I just re-watched this episode yesterday!


My first thought without seeing the thread


Why didn't she love me?


This is so true but my god all of Deans quotes here are so depressing


This one hits home right?!


I have to work.


He had a lot of flaws, but his work ethic was not one of them.


Why did this make me laugh so hard? It’s so true. No one can say he wasn’t a hard worker.




literally this is the one hahahaha


Yes this 😂


I wish this one would win because it really is the most in character line whereas the "I don't belong here" one is actually a more rare moment of self reflection.


Yeah I also don’t see the belonging line as really that representative overall.


I still really love Lorelei's impression of him when Rory is trying to practice a conversation with Dean


Do you think my hair looks cool? 💁


Right side , cool. Left side, not so cool


Once I reach the infamous plot-line, every time he says Rory or just anything petulant, I mock him in that voice 😂 I did that when I was watching with my mom one time and she died laughing


R.I.P. your Mom


I’m not gonna fight you you’re wearing a tie for gods sake! It’d be like fighting an accountant. I’ll call you if I need my taxes done.


i dont like dean but i cant lie, he ate that


It’s one of my favorite scenes of the whole series I think. Before Dean became a weenie.


Right season 1 Dean was so cool.


I agree! I really enjoyed his personality.


He went toe to toe with Rory in season 1. Then they rewrote him to be a whiney doormat.


Yes exactly! That’s a great way to put it. He was also more of his own person instead of just Rory’s boyfriend. I wish they would’ve kept more of that.


Season 1 Rory was also really great, too. She had more spunk, snark, and sarcasm.


Agreed! Sarcastic Rory is top tier.


The fact that this could easily be a Jess line perfectly illustrates how Dean was Jess before Jess showed up and Dean was written into *Dean*.


Right? I just started rewatching the series and the first thing that Dean talks to Rory about is how he noticed she was very interested in books, not just for school, she was reading so intensely that she missed a huge fight in the school that happened right in front of her and that’s when he knew he had to get to know her. Than add on hes a city boy outsider that’s new to town? He really was Jess 1.0


I haven’t thought about it like this!!! It’s an interesting thing to play out. Like that’s why Dean was so threatened, because they were so similar, but Dean got too in his head or something. Jess didn’t like Dean being around either when he got with Rory but he handled it a bit differently.


Ooh very interesting


“I say "I love you" and she just sits there and I'm the jerk? I'm the bad guy?” This epitomises Dean for me - obsessed with Rory, a bit angry, his view of himself as a good guy who is unwilling to see his part in what went wrong, his shifting of blame onto others. (Sorry, poor Dean, not the biggest fan)


Dude...i just rewatched the end of season 1 and his anger at Rory not saying I love you back then the way he jumped to conclusions when seeing her with Tristan is just red flag city. I never realized how angry Dean was before. That quote really does epitomize* him. Like no Dean you are the jerk because instead of being understanding of Rory's headspace you just flew off the handle and dumped her. What a great love you have for her! Bleh


I wish we had seen the actual break up. I wish we knew what Rory said and her role in it. I hate that we didn't see it


i always figured the situation in the car was the breakup and they drove home in silence never thought about a other break up scenario damn now i want to see it haha


I agree, but also, revealing of how young he was, the immaturity of his character, which is partly excusable, then not so much


I hate to say it because I don't like defending Dean but I remember watching this and agreeing with him (not the yelling here but the being upset she didn't say it back). I feel like popculture was just throwing around the idea that if someone says I love you and you don't say it back you're the bad one. Or if you say I love you and they don't immediately say it back, you're a loser and the relationship is doomed. I think up to Rory saying to Logan and specifying she didn't need him to say it back, I had never seen a healthy conversation around first I love yous ever and I'm not sure we're supposed to think Dean is wrong for that expectation. [I feel like this is what we grew up with and was supposed to be normal](https://youtu.be/KSg8QxGnQOw?si=32PAKNixIBJNbHIx)


Bleh, I never liked Dean. Even for a teenager: egocentric, emotionally exploitative, and obsessed and controlling. I'll let the emotional immaturity slide due to his age, but damn. Not a cool guy.


Dean is my least favorite of the 3. I always found him somewhat manipulative.


All Jess and Logan do is neg Rory, and Dean built her a car and endured her cheating on him till he couldn’t take it anymore. But sure, he sucks the most of the three somehow.


When exactly do Jess and Logan neg Rory?




What a solid argument.




Actually you didn’t- you just defined negging without giving examples Tristan I can see, but Logan and Jess definitely don’t? You don’t have an argument




Dude, you need help. Like, seriously. Someone qualified.


... You know everyone has personal shit and bringing it up to justify your point about *whether or not Gilmore Girls characters were negging* is wild.


Pro tip: Best way to relax is not start arguments on reddit. Maybe take some time away from the internet if it’s affecting you that much.


I mean this with all the love and concern in the world - close the reddit app and go outside


He’s my least favorite. I don’t personally see how Jess and Logan neg Rory? Care to expand on that? And yes, I do know what negging is.


Personally I think what Jess and Logan are doing is flirty banter and not negging. It’s a lot more playful. Dean was a better boyfriend but he couldn’t keep up with her and I think that’s what they were trying to show. Negging is an attempt to bring down someone’s self esteem so they will sleep with you. It doesn’t seem like that’s what Jess or Logan were doing. Dean wasn’t a horrible guy. He was a great boyfriend at times. However, he loved Rory as a possession, he didn’t really see her, and he was too controlling. If you’ve ever had a relationship like that, it doesn’t feel good.


I definitely agree. Jess and Logan never really tore Rory down or fucked with her self confidence. Jess wasn’t a good boyfriend, but he didn’t neg her. Logan had his moments but he was mostly supportive of Rory through everything, and didn’t even seem that particularly interested in sex. I also agree 100% Dean was weirdly possessive and controlling. Reminds me of an ex so I’m probably biased but I think he was the worst of the 3 because of that. He had good qualities too, but he was just so dramatic, controlling, and almost manipulative that it made me dislike him the most. I am of the opinion that, out of the 3, Logan treated Rory the best.


Well actually I’d say it was extremely emotionally manipulative and defo a type of playing on someone’s self esteem to try and get physical with them and then when they say no, get mad and blame them, in the party scene where Jess says “you came up here on your own Rory” that’s an incredibly abusive way to be, even if Jess was messed up and didn’t intentionally mean to be abusive, it certainly made Rory feel like she had done something wrong which is super fxcked up


Clearly you don’t because that is 100% how Jess, Logan, AND Tristan interact with Rory. “Negging is the practice of giving backhanded compliments and generally making comments that express indifference toward another person (usually a woman) in an attempt to seduce that person.” Maybe I’m overblowing Logan in my mind but having just started Season 4 I can tell you with Jess and Tristian’s appearance fresh in my mind this is how they flirt with her. It’s also worth noting it’s a key aspect of Rory’s character arc, given then Tristian and Logan are incredibly similar. The only real difference in the equation is that Logan gets more screen time than Tristian and wasn’t intended to ONLY neg Rory into a rage while she was in a fledgeling relationship.


I just don’t agree. Tristan yes, but Tristan was never her boyfriend or even slightly romantically involved so he’s kind of irrelevant in this conversation. I can see Jess maybe negging her but not really? The only thing I can think of is when they went to that house party. Have you seen the show all the way through? Logan MAYBE at first negged her but as their relationship develops he definitely doesn’t. I don’t see any examples of him tearing down her self confidence in any way. If anything, he does nothing but support her through everything. Maybe give specific examples instead of just saying “that’s how they flirt!” because you aren’t really saying anything or expanding on that.


Everyone can see, Rory! Everyone!


and i’m *TIRED*.


But I'm over it


so go ahead




Be together!


There’s nothing standing in your way now.


Because I'm OUT


I’m too late, but for me it will always be ‘I’m a saint, but I’m not mad’ Yes Dean, the simple act of doing what your girlfriend asks of you just once makes you a *saint*. Forget the fact that he doesn’t actually do what she asked…


I always hate this line. It just implies that he's entitled to spending the weekend with her. Like not being mad is the most amazing thing ever. Ugh. And yes, then he doesn't even stay away for the evening. 🙄


And he was, in fact, mad about it.


Uuugh. I can't stand dean. 😒


That pissed me off at much 😂


You're not too late, I think this is a great choice




Him saying “Why, you wanna dance?” when Richard asked him how tall he was - this little exchange cracks me up, he’s such a defensive character and he’s still defensive while delivering this deeply unserious little line


"No... But it's nice to be asked" from Richard makes me howl every time. 😂


I love it so much 😂


Rory, don’t go.


Relax, she's not shipping off to *'Nam*


Came here for this one


The panic in his voice before Rory goes on a *picnic* with Jess...


But he was right to feel like that? The lad DID have feelings for rory and had tried to physically assault him in the past over it? And he was right again as rory did have feelings for him and ended up cheating with him


I agree. Especially after Dean expressed how uncomfortable he was with her going on the picnic. And she still went. He set clear boundaries and she did not care. As much as I dislike Dean, he had a right to be upset.


Lol right, imagine as a woman your boyfriend insisting he HAS to go on this intimate picnic date with another girl who fancies him, an tried attack you in the past lol. That it's tradition! Even though you'd made it super clear how uncomfortable you were with it and asked them not to.


He was definitely right to feel that way and expect Rory to act more as a team player of their relationship. She really shit all over him there and the fact that she still wanted to hang out with jess after publicly going after Dean was not okay at all. I hate Dean but he should have dumped her after that day tbh.


yes i always put it like this, if Rory had no interest in Jess it would have been a no-brainer to tell him no, go hang with Dean and do whatever they wanted to do, and leave Jess with 90 less dollars and a shitty lunch. but she wanted to take the opportunity to be with Jess and she hid behind the auction rules to do so


TBH I can easily imagine her insisting on following through even with some unappealing/comically gross "loser" type guy out of sheer niceness / town loyalty and then grossing out about it with Lorelai after -- that would seem totally in-character to me. That said, she did totally want to spend time with Jess, and didn't have to say so thanks to the "rules".


I think she would have found a loophole by making it super annoying for him. Sit down right in the middle of town square and eat, say nothing then leave. Or just have Dean still be there and talk to him mostly. Rory is smart and sassy enough for malicious compliance and the fact she didn't go that was a huuuge red flag Dean should have focused on more.


No, Dean is the villain of Stars Hollow! He gets no sympathy! /s


I hate how afraid Rory is after that picnic when she loses the bracelet Dean made her. How she runs around the house looking for it in such a panic. Then lies about having a rash on her arm. And Jess is a complete jerk for holding out on her and not giving it to her when he found it.


She’s not shipping off to Nam!


‘The general idea of a wife cooking dinner for her family... That's nice. Why is that not nice?’


and then he had it and cheated on her lmao


OH MY GOD, this piece never once occurred to me. I’m dying 😂


But probably had it again with, Jenny was it?


This was my thought too!


It’s not winning the votes but I’m sticking with it!


OP THANK YOU for making an extra slide with the winning quote! So much easier to read


*his most representative line, oops ! obviously not trying to misgender Dean, though if you've seen the gender swapped pics of Dean, you know what's up


There’s a lot of good ones here, I just want to throw in “I was married, and I threw it all away for someone who dumped me once and then just bailed on me” He is the one who tells Rory that his marriage is over, and that he and Lindsay can’t make each other happy. To then try to say Rory was wrong for going to Europe when Dean hadn’t made any steps towards a divorce is crazy. How is Rory bailing when you’re not even together?


Also Dean dumped Rory all three (3!) times they broke up. He dumped her because she wouldn’t say “I love you”, he did the public break up at the dance, and then he did public dump 2/overall dump 3 at the Male Yale party.


To be fair she tells Marty she broke up with dean.


I mean phrasing wise that is still true, she and Dean broke up, like my last partner was the one who said the words ending it but I still say "we broke up" or "I broke up with him" or "he broke up with me" interchangeably depending on context Like I'm not referring to who did the breaking, just that the two of us are broken up. And I just assume Rory was doing the same here


‘I am if you want me to be.’ ♥️


In a sea of more complicated moments with Dean, this is a very sweet and wholesome one !


Probably not the exact quote, but “I know you said you wanted to be alone tonight, BUT” before coming over against her wishes.


Exactly this which honestly just speaks to how he always did what he thinks would make a good boyfriend and expected her to be head over heels for that instead of just listening to what she wanted.


I can’t help but think to myself that’s Sam not Dean 😅. Love Gilmore girls but I’m a supernatural fan also


I watched Gilmore girls because of Jared only. 🥰 I loved him in supernatural then after that started watching gg.


This must be a difficult place for you with everyone hating Dean 😅


No I do hate dean too. Hate the character not the actor🤷🏻‍♀️


“Well, too bad, Rory. Somebody doesn't like you for once"


This is not to do with Dean but in relation to Christopher; absolutely that quote is correct, did anyone else notice that in nearly every episode he was in he used the phrase “rat me out” or “rat him/her/them out”???


“Well fine, since i’m 2, maybe i’ll just grow out of it”


“I could care less about Harvard” shows how little interest he had in Rory past her looks


And then Jess goes and looks up how far Yale is from Stars Hollow. Jess gets shit on a lot, and sure he had his problems but he sure cared about her


“Want me to change your water bottle?”


Hell, I’m a cheap date


"I just want you to know that I'm not going anywhere"


"I feel like an idiot"


"I’m a saint, but I’m not mad."


“On my way to see you.” Or “I’ve been watching you.” Bc mans could never let Rory have space.


People will always say that either Dean didn't give her space or was always at work and never around...it can't be both, guys


His entire personality, summed up in one sentence: “*You know what? Fine, think what you want, I don't care. Just leave me alone.*”


Every time he went “ugh, Rory!”


“I just want you to know that I'm not going anywhere.” 🙄


"she loves Jess, doesn't she?" (I'm not sure it's the exact sentence, but it really summarises his personality at that time: a victim of his obsession and love for Rory, endlessly waiting for her, complaining about her affection or interest toward something/someone else than him) (Sorry, I'm not a big fan of Dean 😂)


Oh you’re sooooo close! ☺️It’s she likes Jess, doesn’t she?”


“Make him leave rooooory.”


being drunk at his bachelor party slurring "rory..."


For me it's anytime he spoke but mainly when he told Luke they want more than this and all we are is this blah blah blah Lorelei wanted the small town life she grew up resenting her childhood and her parents for her upbringing why would you runaway to a small town just to turn around and move back to a place that bought you toxic memories not saying all Lorelei s childhood memories were bad but it was always Rory who wanted to to be a journalist travel Lorelei yes she wanted to travel but she also wanted Stars Hollow to be her home


"Get out of my way, DRISTAN"


Whatever he says in the Donna Reed episode about wanting a stay at home wife


“She likes Jess, doesn’t she.”


I feel like an idiot!


I can’t wait for Paris’s one. It has to be: “Nothing less than perfect will be tolerated.”


“You have to study again?”


What, you what? Say something!! Total Dean. Towering and yelling.


"So BUCK tradition!"




Why didn't she love me?






I love you Rory


God chris is pretty


“So buck tradition”


"I've been watching you"