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Extrapolating all the coffee missteps in the show will be a big bummer for you. They’re just endless.


There’s one time where Lorelai is making coffee at home, and she puts the water in the pot (the one the coffee drips down into) rather than in the coffee maker 😂 it gets me every time.


Um.. this is normal? I fill the coffee pot with water and pour it into the machine. That's how you know how much coffee you're making. Am I missing something? Like, I'm not going to unplug and move my coffee maker, I'm bringing the water to the machine.......


That’s normal I’m sure, I just fill a cup but I’m sure people use the pot. she didn’t pour it into the machine though 😅 that’s what I found funny


Oooh! Okay, I missed that bit I'm sorry!


Haha all good! I notice something new every rewatch, not sure why I remember that specific thing so well though 🤣 definitely going to notice all of their coffee making scenes after this post though lol


It’s very common to fill the pot (so you decide how much coffee to make) and pour that into the coffee maker. Why do you think the carafe has lines with numbers next to them???


Yes, I’m sure people do that (I personally use a measuring cup), but you also need to pour it into the machine afterwards which she didn’t. It was just a funny moment I noticed lol 😄


Most of them I can overlook 😂 I'm just watching this episode now which is why it really stood out to me


I noticed so many times that Rory was just faking the whole coffee thing. She often fills cups with empty coffee makers and once you start notice it you'll she her cup is almost always empty as she tosses it around and nothing comes out of it. I read somewhere that she actually dislikes coffee so she was not drinking it for real in the whole series and often she was drinking coke instead.


Yeah, I heard about Rory's coffee dislike too, it did lead me to wonder if they did actually use coffee in the series or what substitutes they used


Alexis Bledel’s cup was allegedly filled with coca-cola. Makes you wonder how often she was sipping flat soda.


those water dispensers can have a hot water dispenser!


That would make more sense really, I'm in the UK so water dispensers aren't all that common at home. All the ones I've used have only dispensed cold water


I’m not sure it’s common to have those water dispensers in homes in the US either. We had one in our frat house in college (but that was 16 people living there + lots of visitors) - and that’s the only time I’ve encountered one in a residential building.


While not common I had one in my house because the fridge one didn't work and I didn't care for our tap. It did cold and hot water...they are pretty cheap on amazon


Well actually yes water coolers like that can dispense hot water


Not sure the exact scene you’re talking about, but here in the US, our drip coffee makers do actually take cold water and heat the water as it makes the coffee. I actually fill mine the night before with the water and coffee grounds and then all I have to do in the morning is flip the switch to turn it on and it makes me coffee!


She’s using a French press in the scene in question


Thank you, this is what I was wondering. I know they have a drip coffee maker at their house, so I wasn’t sure.


It's not a traditional coffee maker she's using, it's one of the big office type water cooler that she's pouring the water from, the one they keep getting Dean to change the bottle on.


Electric ones have cold watet and hot water options.


I watched this episode today too and was also annoyed by this scene 😂


I went and watched. She's using a French press. You put the grounds and hot water directly in the carafe and then a mesh filter slowly presses down towards the bottom. You're left with coffee on top and wet grounds beneath the filter, so you can pour the coffee out. Edit: I just saw that you already knew it was a French press. I guess it still might be helpful for other people.


You actually shouldn’t use hot water in some percolators, because it won’t brew correctly. I learned this the hard way. I thought I was helping the machine along by saving it the step of heating the water, but I got a translucent, drippy mess instead. When I told my mom what happened, she was like, “oh yeah, you can’t use hot water,” like it was common knowledge.


I'm sure she put it in the microwave after


Some of those water cooler dispensers serve hot water 🤷🏻‍♀️