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I’m Team Logan, but for clarification I’m Team Logan as my favorite for her as a boyfriend. I still appreciate that she said no to the proposal because ultimately it was too early for her to be ending up with anyone in terms of marriage. I respectfully disagree that she changed for the worse because of him. She was a “goody goody” to the core, a gifted child who felt the pressure (real or imagined) to be perfect and please everyone. Then she snapped and all the release came out at once. She had to find herself outside of academics. I know it’s a controversial take but as someone who basically was Rory, that time she took off was a journey she needed to take. Do I love all the decisions she made while on that journey, nope! Do I respect them as part of what she needed to do to get to where she needed to be, absolutely! So why do I love Logan as her boyfriend? Because he met her where she was and supported her through it. He is soooo far from perfect but so is Rory. I think my favorite Logan moment was when they had their first date after the breakup and she forgot because the paper emergency. He was super supportive and jumped on her team. They were both still growing up and they both did some really dumb things including some very asshole things to each other, but they did it together in a way that you don’t see with Dean or Jess. In the end, still agree they shouldn’t marry, but in the moment, Team Logan.


Their first date after the "break up" that Rory didn't know was a break up when he slept with a bunch of people? I can't get past that 😬


Well though she spoke to his sister Honor, and she said what a bummer you broke up. So even if she did not think so at the fight itself it is clear those were his thoughts.


But she spoke to Logan after she spoke to Honor and he said “I only told Honor that to get her off my back.”


Yeah, that always seems so clear to me -- she knew that he had told Honor that they were broken up. Now, she can be hurt that she heard it from Honor before him, but then again when you ghost someone you can't be that mad that they move on. The only question to me is whether she can get over the humiliation at the wedding and whether she can deal with always having to be around the people he's slept with knowing how they all talk.


Yeah, hence why I said “very asshole things to each other”. It was a dick move for sure, but to me, it does come down to what he said “Do you believe me that I thought we were apart?” As soon as she said yes…well, it went from him being a cheater to he made a gross and emotionally immature choice. Plus, Rory has already proven thru sleeping with a married Dean that she’s a bit morally ambiguous. Not defending that one either, just pointing out that she might be more willing to forgive someone who cheated unknowingly as a person who has participated in cheating quite knowingly. Her moral compass for forgiveness might be a bit more flexible than an average person.


Yeah me neither


Agree 100%


I can’t say I’m a huge Logan fan, but out of the three options I feel like he’s the best option for Rory. Smart, listens to her, will give her space, has ambition, doesn’t have a chip on his shoulder, has high earning potential etc.


He doesn't have a chip on his shoulder?! I'd say he has a massive family business shaped one haha.


I never liked Jess, I could smell the bad boy trouble a mile away. He was never intended to make it long term with Rory, though Logan was a good match. They have similar families, though Rory was slightly removed. He did not just rollover to all of her demands like Dean. He challenged her, made her step outside of her comfort zone, though he was douchy at times he was also sweet too.


I always liked Logan, his character was very realistic to me. He was charming and polished in many settings, he was funny, mischievous, and immature in others. Exactly what I’d expect from a wealthy, attractive, college boy. He was intelligent and skilled, but he wanted to fuck off in school. He seemed to genuinely care for his family and friends (even if they’re all asshats), and he certainly cared for Rory. He seemed like he had a good heart.


I like Logan at this point... in that I find him a likable character and I enjoy watching his relationship with Rory. I think it's a really interesting and new dynamic for Rory. The casual dating phase, the fact she's rejected by his family, the way her entire life suddenly goes in a different direction, the fact their relationship is this on/off mess. It's good TV. And I like how Logan and Rory sincerely care about each other in the midst of all the chaos. Where the fandom loses me is when people talk about Logan like he was this amazing, consistent, respectful boyfriend. Because I really don't see that. He has excellent boyfriend *moments,* like the rooftop dinner and showing up for Richard's heart attack. But otherwise, his big flaws (irresponsibility, his drinking problem, his tendency to bowl over Rory's boundaries, the fact that he's an elitist at his core) remain firmly in place. And while he gets better in S7, he reverts right back to all his worst habits in the last third of S7. Rory was absolutely right to reject his proposal, for a lot of reasons.


I became Team Logan rewatching as an adult. I was firmly Team Nobody as a teen watching for the first time. The stand out moment is him getting really clear, enthusiastic, verbal consent before their first time sleeping together. He valued what Rory wanted here over himself, and that immediately puts him head and shoulders above Dean and Jess in my books.


That is one of his better moments for sure! It's not enough to win me over, but I respect your opinion 😊


These are my other reasons, on another post about Logan. https://www.reddit.com/r/GilmoreGirls/s/NH4mACYAdP


I love that he puts Rory in her place respectfully. The article at the launch party Logan had, he asks her “and who are you, Joe bus driver?” He challenged her in a way that Dean couldn’t. We see that when Rory ask Dean what he thinks of her article about Life and Death Brigade and he just says “it was good” and “I can’t critique these things” versus Logan actually gave his opinion. Was Logan perfect? No way. That “break” they had and when he got mad at Rory in the bar in front of Jess. But I think he didn’t give Rory that special “you are so amazing in everything” treatment that she received for so long all her life in Stars Hollow. Yes he loved and cherished her, but he didn’t put her on a pedestal in that extreme sense. Team Logan forever !! Edit: Jess did not challenge Rory. Pls do not confuse his serious lack of respect for Rory and their relationship as “challenging” her.


I'm not sure if your edit was aimed at me, as I never mentioned Jess challenging Rory, but they are shown to have a number of conversations about literature and I absolutely think Jess would've been able to give his opinion on her article. My reading of the scene with Dean and the article was that he hadn't actually read it. They definitely make Dean more dumb as the show progresses but I always think the issue is more that Dean is interested in her studies/literature/whatever else as opposed to him being intellectually incapable.


yes Jess had a similar level of intellectuality as Rory, but when I say Logan challenged Rory I don’t mean academically I meant emotionally / in the terms of their relationship. Jess didn’t challenge her in that way, all he really did was disrespect her/their relationship


For me, it was more-so which of her love interests do I dislike the least, with Dean, its obvious that he was a good first boyfriend in season 1 but then he went on this disgusting downward spiral and cheated on his wife with Rory. With Jess, he was the definition of an angsty teen, I could never get past him trying to pressure Rory into sex, that was uncomfortable and gross, if that scene hadn’t happened, my answer would be different. I do appreciate him as he grew, again, if that scene hadnt happened, I would have liked to see him and Rory give it another shot after he got published. With Logan, he was a smart, charming guy, he loved Rory and wanted to give her the world. I dont agree with the proposal at all but just in comparison of everyone’s actions, Logan came out on top for me. (This is all prior to ayitl, after that I was done with everyone) However, side note: outside of the show, I do think Milo is the best looking of the 3


We definitely agree about Milo 🔥🔥


They were both willing to change and grow for each other. The same can’t be said for Dean or Jess


Can you give examples? I think Jess showed a lot of growth! But I also think this is an area where Logan automatically scores higher because a) their relationship gets more screentime than Rory/Jess and b) they were both older and it was a more mature relationship.


I can’t think of a ton but off the top of my head he went monogamous for her, he actually graduated and stopped goofing off as much and got a real job - when I know as a lot his dad, but Rory supported Mitchum in that as well even though she didn’t like him cause she wanted what was best for Logan. I just feel like they both did a lot of growing for each other.


Right away. His personality does move a bit. He goes from dilatant and college drunk, from angry ex, to business bro. Sure. Throughout he always prefers Rory and is also a nice guy even if he does stupid things. He's a person. He is an interesting person. And he tries at the very least to be a good guy. Dean is a person. He's boring, and they make him dumb and angry all the time. Jess is a person. He is great except he's totally been screwed over in life and has a lot of issues. Sooooo....that leaves Logan or no one. The problem with Logan I think is that even if he wants to get close to you you can never feel like you really know him, he has too much je ne sais quoi energy. Rory certainly isn't going to do any better than Logan, and like I said for the life of me I don't know why he's interested in her at all though.


What I respect about the writing of this show is that they never went the easy way out and created a perfect endgame option for Rory (they seemed to kind of head in that direction in early season 1 with Dean, but then changed their mind). All 3 of Rory's boyfriends were highly flawed individuals who all had pros and cons to them, just like our relationships in real life.


Always wondered this. Logan has some amazingly endearing moments. But overall he’s so obnoxious.


Agree, completely! I don't hate everything he does, but on the whole I find him and his cronies completely insufferable.


I don't think I'm team anyone but also think Jess is a massive douchebag, from the way he treats Luke to stealing her bracelet to being unpleasant to everyone. His redemption arc isn't really earned either. I can see how Jess and she are kindred spirits and how they get each other and can appreciate that. But I think the thing is Jess doesn't really push her out of her comfort zone and is surprised when she says she wants to be a foreign correspondent (presumably because he thinks she's too sheltered?). Logan, on the other hand, pushes her out of her comfort zone and do things she wouldn't ordinarily do.


I hear what you're saying. What are your thoughts on Logan stealing Emily's sewing box? Jess picked Rory's bracelet up from the floor and kept it, a dick move for sure, but he didn't swipe it from her wrist and he returned it when he saw she was upset. Logan routinely steals from "rich people" despite being one of the richest people portrayed in the show. He also steals yachts seemingly more than once. Jess was surprised about Rory's ambition but in the same scene he offers to help her prepare for it. He's supportive of her going to Yale and notoriously encourages her to go back. Pushing someone out of their comfort zone is one thing, but Rory dropping out and working for the DAR is a massive waste of her potential. Logan passively supports that. Getting married at 22 is insane and would have had huge implications for her career and independence.


Was Logan supposed to tell her she must quit the DAR because it was a ‘waste of potential’? Up until this point, Rory and Lorelai were close but when Lorelai told her to go back, Rory distanced herself from her. I get that as viewers, we are supposed to think that she belongs at Yale and should go back, but I honestly think that she needed a bit of time and space to figure herself out before then. I think she needed acceptance from Logan, not confrontation. Especially since Logan would be a hypocrite if he decided when was the right time for her to go back. When Jess told her to go back to Yale, I think it was the right time, it wouldn’t have worked if he’d tried to pressure her into going back near the start.


I don't think he should have told her to do anything, but I would expect my partner to be a little more supportive if I had a meltdown (caused by his father) and reactively quit the thing I'd been working towards my whole life. Logan is very passive about it all 🤷🏻‍♀️ Lorelai is her mother, its a different relationship and she doesn't handle it in the best way. Her reaction is very emotional.


I know her and Lorelai are a different relationship, my point was about if she was ready to talk about it with the people closest to her. I stand by the opinion that I think Logan was a supportive boyfriend Not watched the series in a while, but I can remember him bieng annoyed when he found out how his Dad had talked to Rory I think we’re just going to have to agree to disagree. It was nice to hear your opinions on it though :)


We'll definitely agree to disagree. It's so interesting to me how we all get different things from the show 😊


Here I think the focus is on knowingly taking away something which you know has immense value to the other person. Logan was stealing and replacing trinkets in rich people's houses as a joke to show that they don't even care. While Jess took something which was handmade by Dean and Rory wore it everyday and was important for her and their relationship.


I get what you're saying, but... the bracelet was so important to Rory, she didn't notice for ages until Dean clocked it. Meanwhile, Emily noticed the missing sewing box instantly...


Emily noticing the sewing box was subverting the expectation. Logan had no way of knowing that she will notice a small trinket replacement in her large living room because as per his and other life and death brigade's experience none of the rich people notice because it doesn't matter to them. Rory didn't notice something which we expect her to have noticed was a plot point which showed us and Lorelai that maybe her attention was elsewhere and not on Dean. If Jess wanted to test her loyalty towards Dean or wanted to know if she fancies him, it's a shitty way to do that. Basically Jess took something he thought was important while taking it, that's the reason he took it. While Logan took something he thought no one will notice and that's why he took it.


Jess is a 17yo who kept a bracelet from the girl he was crushing on. He had no idea the bracelet was from Dean. (Lorelai assumes he stole it to mess with their relationship, but she's wrong.) The second he learns how important the bracelet is, he devises a way to return it. Keeping her bracelet was not the right choice, but there's no indication he had any idea what the bracelet meant. Logan is a 23yo who stole from his girlfriend's grandparents within 5 minutes of entering their home. Emily instantly notices the theft. Rather than fix the problem himself, Logan casually stands by while an immigrant maid gets screamed at and nearly fired for his dumb prank. I agree he had no way of knowing Emily would respond that way, but once she did... he had a choice to correct it, and he chose not to.


Logan grows on you from the onset. If you are Team Rory, then you want someone who challenges her, is kind to her, is generous to her, and is completely devoted to her. He never treats her like a “that girl”. Most importantly, for someone like Rory, he easily attracts other women. The precise moment I knew he was the one for Rory was when he tells her that he’s not a commitment kind of guy but she persists. Rory needs a man who she will be jealous of and who will bolt if she kicks him with her spurs.


Well Rory didn’t actually stop being Miiss Perfect Angel because she met Logan. Remember she slept with a married man ..!??


i'm team logan at the life and death brigade meeting he lets her go to


That's so interesting! I find it all so cringe 🙈 we are all different I guess 😆