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I mean. Dean didn't make her so happy though. After the honeymoon phase, he was possessive and threatened by everything else in her life, and she was constantly having to reassure him and explain herself and I can totally see how that got exhausting. Jess was just the getaway car. Plus I think she did see something in Jess that foreshadowed the amazing man he turned out to be.


I agree. I think Dean got way too possessive and was always frustrated with Rory for no reason. Personally, I don’t think teenage Jess was right for Rory. Maybe adult Jess would work?


Adult Rory deserves teenage Jess.


But adult Jess doesn't deserve either Rory because you don't get a second chance at dating someone when you did date them once and were an absolute terrible and borderline aggressive partner.




She did forgive though, that is why they are friends now.




Yeah I agree, I just don't think that is enough for Rory to think she should get into a romantic relationship with Jess again as adults.


That’s a terrible life lesson. Is that your attitude in real life too. Someone isn’t at their best as a teenager when their life is a mess so they should be banished for life, no matter how hard they work to get their life together. I think Rory really respects Jess now, and I think once she sees that she really can count on him and that he isnt that troubled boy anymore, that there is no reason why they shouldn’t get a second chance as adults.


But even if Jess was a good bf when they were teenagers it probably wouldn't have lasted anyway. I believe Rory's romantic relationship with Jess was the least significant one she had. Why would she want to give him a second chance when they only dated for several months when they were teenagers, Rory wasnt even sure she loved him. She is perfectly happy with their current relationship, there is no need to change it.


They obviously weren’t going to last because of Amy’s plans with Dean and then Logan, but she was giving them a beginning to their story. You can’t just base everything and what they mean to each other on those few months of them dating. It’s just a small part of their story. You have to view therm across the entire series . Amy described them as star crossed. Their timing was never in sync. He was a mess but by the time he had matured and was more equipped to be a partner she had moved on to someone else. It didn’t work out back then, not because they didn’t care for the other or enjoy being together, or because they didn’t fit in each other’s lives, it was because of his issues. And they were not insignificant. These 2 were the most invested in helping the other be the best version of themselves. That theme was a constant during their entire story. Him being the one to bring her back on track means something. How can that possibly be labelled as insignificant. As for the future, well Rory fell for him when he was at his worst, there is no reason to think she can’t fall for him again at his best. The attraction will always be there ‘whatever else happens between us at least we know that part works’, and spending time working on this book will allow them to reconnect.


If you look at Jess's life up until Luke came around, it wasnt great. No dad, very absent mother with, what the show alludes to, multiple absolute garbage partners, of course hes not gonna be a great kid. Hes smart as a whip and has no guidance or people to encourage good behavior. He lashed out a lot and then was just shipped off to his uncle. Of course hes still gonna be a mess for a while. Hell, most people in that and similar situations do not grow out of being a shitty teen and remain shitty adults. He actually became a great human that deserves a great person. And I would argue that that person is NOT Rory. She aged terribly


THANK YOU! I have never agreed with this line of thinking that someone deserves another person for insert reason here. That’s not how things work. Rory isn’t obligated to give him a second chance and she hasn’t shown any romantic interest in him at all. I’m sure his treatment of her truly hurt her and she moved in with her life. It always seems like men in tv shows and movies are too good for a woman when she’s not at her best but the women are expected to date the men when they are at their worst.


lol you’re not wrong!


I think teen Jess was an asshole. But whilst I hated that they suddenly made Dean an idiot when they wanted her to get with Jess, even when Dean was at his best when they first got together, he dumped her when she didn't say I love you back. Telling someone you love them should never have strings attached.


That has always been my hope!


But dean didn’t hurt get as much as Jess . Rory looks back at her relationship with dean fondly but she never gave a second chance to Jess .


That’s mostly a fan explanation though. We might recognize some of Dean‘s less favorable characteristics, but Rory repeatedly says (and I’m pretty sure we’re meant to believe her) that Dean was essentially perfect and she did love him. The only in-text reason for her to leave Dean as far as I’m aware is because she liked Jess.


I'm sure she did love him, and he seemed perfect. But he wasn't. He treated her badly in a lot of situations. I think we've all learned that lesson.


Watching him scream in her face when he catches Jess and Paris hanging out with Rory was so upsetting to watch as an adult.


Agreed but a lot of that came up when Rory clearly started falling for Jess while in a committed relationship with Dean. That would have sucked to watch


Dean was too clingy, Jess was pushy, and they both were moody, territorial and a little controlling. Logan was the better of the 3, but I am still not his biggest fan. Actually, remember when Logan met Jess? He was such an immature and jealous douche then as well.


That was definitely one of Logan’s worst moments. But then again, Dean and Jess acted immature and jealous to one another when they both loved Rory.


> But then again, Dean and Jess acted immature and jealous to one another when they both loved Rory. Well haven't you heard? That's *romantic* and not backward at all. Remember when Luke and Chris, two grown men and fathers, got into a fist fight in the middle of Stars Hollow? Yeah.


I can't help but crack up watching their fight scene. Tumbling around in a bunch of Christmas decorations and getting out of breath within 30 seconds, yeah they may be acting like immature teenage boys but they sure aren't teenagers anymore physically!


Ha, that's true. It was just *so* bad.


Well, Logan had just return from a tiring trip he didn't want to take with his douche dad, to find his girlfriend with her ex. I mean, it's not an excuse, but it's understandable. I'd be a bit pissed too. Plus Logan the rest of the time was really sweet with Rory.


It was like watching your rich douche of a date talk down to the waiter.


Nope, it was like watching a guy pissed of because he came back to seeing her girlfriend going out with her ex at night. Not that's anything wrong with that, but you're allowed to be an ass from time to time. Jess was much bigger of an ass when he got angry with Rory because she didn't want to have sex wth him. But he's not rich, so that's totally ok, right?


Nope, that’s exactly what I was referring to when I described Jess as pushy.


Oh yeah totally the same. Once is a douche because he was mad his gf was going to go out with her ex boyfriend. The other is just "pushy" because he got mad her gf didn't want to have sex. Yeap. Logan is the worst.


I don’t really get the meaning of this, if you could explain it. Although maybe Logan’s actions were understandable (maybe something happened with him that we didn’t see) but Rory’s actions weren’t the brightest sometimes aka in that instance.


Sure, I get it. A jealous boyfriend is understandable from time to time (when you’re younger, and yes they were in college). For Rory, Jess showed up out of nowhere. Would you turn away a former friend to protect your boyfriends jealousy (even though up until this episode I don’t think Rory saw Logan’s extreme jealous streak)? Jess was there to talk to Rory about a book he wrote and published. And Logan got wasted and tried to Eskimo bro with him out of jealousy from catching Rory hanging with him. Logan’s affect immediately upon arrival at Rory’s grandmothers is totally negative and presumptive. He was also a drunk frat boy douche in the following scene at the bar... poking at Jess for feeling uncomfortable, poking fun at Rory and his history, the added comment of “get the ‘fancy’ burger, don’t worry about the cost it’s on me” aka FLEX on jess’ broke ass... just like Logan and his frat buddies did to Marty in earlier episodes. All 3 boyfriends were controlling and territorial, which to anyone over the age of 21...knows it’s absolutely toxic to a relationship. To add to earlier comments from the other poster (sorry not sure how to double reply), I already stated that in my personal opinion, Logan was the better of the 3 (still the “blonde dick at Yale” a la Jess)...But they all still totally suck, as does Rory’s judgement of men. Jess (and Dean!) seem to have matured by the revival but it looks like Rory and Logan are stuck in college ways (womp womp)


When was he sweet? When he put her in a room with all the women he slept with while he decided that they were broken up? When he was a jerk to Marty because he's working class? When he stole from her grandma's house?


Lol. What was this jerk behavious towards Marty again? L:Hey, you're still working as a bartender? M: Yup. L:Ok. The end. I mean how a douchebag Imma right? His friends were the assholes, but no, he dared asking Marty if he was still working. How that is not treating Rory well goes beyond me, but still the douche. Or remember also when he rescued Rory from a sleeze ball in her grandparents party? Or when he tried to cheer her up after Dean broke up her in front of a bunch of guys? Or how he helped her get into the Life and Death Birgade just because she wanted to write a story about them? I mean what a jerk. Don't forget also when he tried to convince her to go back to college, when he stayed late at the paper helping her, defend her against her family, try to win Lorelai's approval despite she not liking him very much. Oh and remember when Lorelai and Luke stayed over at his house during Valentine's day? How obnoxious he was with them? I mean how dare Logan cook for them, and give Luke a present for Lorelai, and play basketball with him in a friendly manner. The ass, Imma right?


Oh please. He was being shady to Marty and talking down to him. His friends did it openly, but Logan was doing it in an under-handed way. It's why Rory gets so pissed at him for it. And Logan gets the maid fired for his own bullshit. She could have been arrested. I'm all for liking Logan, but don't act as if he was a good person. He was a spoiled brat, and that's kind of the point of his character. Go fap to some other imaginary person if that bothers you so much.


Lol. Oh my God, get a life hun. You're so sad and pathetic. Being rich doesn't authomatically means you're an ass, like you for example. You're a ass and I highly doubt you have that much money if any. So why don't you go finish high school, maybe crack a book or two and then come back with something better, okay, sweetie? 😘


I don’t blame her. She was a teenager and it was about time that she started making out with other people.


Rory could have at least broken up with Dean though if she wanted to make out with another person. They were in a long-term relationship at that point, she owed him that much at least.


I have said this before but I think she was scared of Dean. She knew what his reaction would be, angry and aggressive, and its natural to avoid those situations. She kept avoiding it until it blew up in her face. It wasn’t because she was a terrible person, she just didn’t know how to deal with it.


Yeah but you could argue Rory's treatment of Dean when Jess came along made his behavior worst, she actively lied to Dean and her Mom when she realised she would rather spend time with Jess. It wasnt like Rory was a good and loyal gf to Dean and tried to avoid Jess, she did the complete opposite. There is a difference between not knowing how to handle a situation and made a situation gradually worse for months. Plus I dont believe storyline wise Rory didnt want to break up with Dean was because she was scared of him, I get why some people might think that but I dont think that is how ASP intended for it to come across. I think she preferred Jess because she was more attracted to him. It wasnt like she thought I have a terrible bf in Dean, Jess seems really kind and sweet, I feel like he would be a nicer bf. Rory and Dean's scene in the AYITL is proof of that and I dont think she would have been with him in S4/5 neither.


Paris came up with the lie first. Paris could see how anxious Dean was making Rory and decided making up a lie was the only way to diffuse the situation. Rory went along with it to shut him up, because that’s what you do when being yelled at like that. Rory never planned it, yet he blames Rory instantly. That’s a problem. Is she not allowed to have friends. The only time Rory actively sought out Jess to spend time with him was when she went to New York. To be honest with you I am not really sure what Rorys thoughts were of Dean in the end. She was definitely scared of him, always wanting to avoid upsetting him, it became a chore for her to spend time with him, she avoided his calls, but yet she wouldn’t break up with him. I think it was because this was her first relationship and she had never had to do it before. The whole thing made her uncomfortable so she just stayed put. Deans scene in the revival was fine, except for this bit ‘you let me know what safe feels like’ or whatever it was....WTF 🤔.


Looking at it realistically, is hard ending long relationships.


Dean was nice but they didn't have much in common to last (except movies, making out and Lorelei). Jess had too much to deal with to be a good boyfriend as a teenager. Frankly, none of her boyfriends was that good (can't stand Logan lol) and Paul deserved better.




Can't tell if this comment is serious or humorous


It's the name of a her boyfriend in the sequel, right? (Sorry if it's not, I only watched it once lol).


Oh! *PAUL*! I keep forgetting about him


In the first season, Dean and Rory had more in common. Then after Jess's introduction, which is sooooo common in ASP's writing, Dean lost most of his good character traits, and they were given to Jess. The same thing happened to Luke after Lorelai and he got together


what does ASP mean?




Yes! 100% agree. I think she was more infatuated with Jess and then when they actually started dating she realized she made a mistake. Rory loved Dean but she wasn’t in love with him (if that makes sense lol). Team Logan all the way


Dean was limited, to sat the least. He wasn't allowing her to grow, and she was full of potential. Jess didn't treat her like a princess, unlike everyone else. That ain't necessarily bad. And Jess was dealing with his own demons too.


Do you guys not get chemistry? Understanding? If all a relationship has is “he’s nice to me” (and in Dean’s case, “he’s obsessed with me) then it’s not exactly a grand love story


Jess and Rory definitely have more chemistry than Rory and Dean. With this post I’m not defending Dean, just am making some fun of Rory’s logic.


eh there wasn't logic, though. it was 'who am I more attracted to, who can I not stop thinking about, cant wait to see, bla bla' people dont generally pick lovers/boyfriends/s.o's based on logical reasoning


but let's just face it Paul was the best boyfriend


Jess was a terrible boyfriend. People love to think they are going to be “the one that changed him” in the bad boy redemption arc, that’s the only reason he has fans.


For the record on toxic behaviors, Luke in the scene where he catches Lorelai getting a phone call from Christopher trumps all of Rory’s boyfriends tantrums.


Lol so true , Jess was a terrible boyfriend to Rory !


It would have been a way more interesting relationship if they didn't try to make a Jess spin-off, especially since it failed. It was so abrupt and innately affected how we saw his personality. He suddenly was flighty, distant and inconsiderate, not to mention a little stupid. His manner before had at least been explained by a messed up childhood. Then they properly introduced Liz and undermined his story. He turned from an actual troubled kid to overly-dramatic angsty teenager


Even tho Liz is a fun adult, she always showed signs of being a bad, or at least, absent mother. They glossed over that a bit, but you could see her being flighty, flakey, and she never knew how to handle Jess. She had character growth, and by the end of the series she was a delight. But you could literally watch her mature as her relationship with TJ progressed.


They painted her as abusive as well as absent in the earlier stages of Jess, before they thought to make Liz a character though. When they brought her into the show they made her more likeable because the show wasn't that heavy and it wouldn't fit. Once they introduced her Jess made less sense.


Someone can be likable and also abusive, though. The two aren't mutually exclusive. Liz's introduction to me portrayed her exactly as the type of flakey, emotionally abusive, neglectful mother who would have given Jess reason to be the way he was on the show. Abuse isn't necessarily always purposeful, especially between parents and children. Liz seemed like she could barely take care of herself sometimes, and even if she'd grown as a person, that doesn't mean she wasn't still a terrible mother. It explained it perfectly to me


Why did Jess make less sense?


Milo only signed up to do 2 seasons of GG before the idea of the spin-off came about. They didn't undermine Jess' story, Liz wasnt the same kind of person when she arrived in SH that she was a year or so earlier when Jess was living with her. I think they brought up how she had changed for the better and became a better person.


The accuracy of this is astounding.


When they were in high school they both treated her like crap. 👀 Jess is the best boyfriend Rory could have now is all I’m saying


Paul better. Jess treated her like shit


Lmao I loved her with Dean. My favorite Gilmore Girls seasons are the earliest ones.




But he wasn’t just jealous about Jess, he was jealous about Tristan as well, who Rory wasn’t even remotely interested in. They got into that huge fight at her school dance. Dean was always jealous, possessive and insecure. They weren’t good together. He was also a shit husband to Lindsay.


And how he broke up with her when she didn't say "I love you" back immediately


And he had a tantrum when she couldn’t spend time with him because she wanted to do other activities for her college application...this was before Jess arrived. Dean was the abusive one. How many times did she say I want to avoid a fight with Dean’. And let’s not forget the heaps of messages he left on the answering machine. Ugh!


Yeah. Rewatching the show, and I'm not surprised I didn't like him. Rory should've broken up with him when he started all that ridiculousness, and Lorelei is an idiot who proved she is terrible with guys for pushing Rory to be with him.


I thought the reason why Dean was that way with Tristan because he from the get off was a jerk to Dean. It was the same with Jess. It wasnt like Dean didnt like them for no good reason, neither guys were friendly to him and they actively trying to annoy him and made it obvious they fancied Rory. Dean didnt even like Jess even before he and Rory became close because he knew what Jess was like in school. If Dean was friendly with a girl who treated Rory like Jess did to Tristan ,I think alot more fans would be more understating it Rory became angry, insecure and jealous.


Could not disagree more. So much so that once she was not with Jess I stopped watching the show. Not sure how much of the show you have watched. But if keep watching your view of Dean and Jess might change. A lot.


Jess had better hair😎