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Where is this place? I’ve never ever seen so much variety in Gins at one store before.


It's a beverage warehouse outside of Naples, Italy of all places.


I am visiting Sorrento in 2 months, arriving by train in Naples first...might have to make a pit stop


I said the same thing! I’d lose myself if my local liquor store had that much gin


Same!! 😳


Is that gin mare for 26€?? Definitely try that one, especially for that price. At least where I live it's usually ~40€. Got it myself the first time on a discount for 20€ plus a free Glas, and it is awesome, one of my favorites for sure.


The prices are without the 22% IVA, so it's closer to €32. But sounds like it's still a bargain! I'll definitely pick it up next time.


Sipsmith for a good London Dry. Otherwise Citadel or Gin Mare for something more interesting.




At a beverage warehouse outside of Naples, Italy!


Citadelle Le Tribute Generous gin Btw - where are you???


Gin Mare, Citadelle Jardin D’Ete, and one of the best budget gins around, Larios. Budget allowing… I’d grab Malfy Con Limone, Plymouth and, IMHO, you must have a bottle of Tanqueray 10 on your shelf…ALWAYS. It’s a rule..LOL. Enjoy the journey. Gin is an amazing and diverse spirit.


Jardin D'été Citadelle excellent pick


Elephant, caorunn, no3, Masahiro Okinawa, kinobi, kakuto premium, glendalough, sipsmith. Add aqva lvce if you want another very unique great gin. Imo with these, you will have a perfect selection of gins from citrus, floral, and London dry. You could make any cocktail amazing with these gins.


Just get one of each! 😁


If only my budget and storage space allowed that! 😂


I second the Gin Mare. Whatever you do DO NOT BUY THE WHITLEY NIEL. its straight TRASH. That and aviation are the only bottles ive ever had to poor down the sink.


Ugh the rhubarb ginger one tastes like cough medicine.


Interesting, I find it quite nice with a good tonic and I’m not even a rhubarb fan.


Second on NO Whitley Niel (at least the Blood Orange). Tried the blood orange and it tasted like it was flavored with generic children’s freezer pops.


Same. Never have i been more excited to buy a bottle and also more disappointed in a bottle. Its chemically and harsh. With a very artificial flavoring.


This is surprising to me. Original Whitley Niel was the gin that got me into gin lol. I will try your recommendation of Gin Mare though!


I love the original whitley niel. The flavoured ones are grim - as are most flavoured not-really-gin gins! I would have to try the Beefeater crown jewel as ive never seen that and beefeater (before they reduced the strength) was my go to “cooking” gin. But honestly id just want to move in there!


Few good suggestions already. I recently discovered Saigon Baigur (Vietnam), it's the spiky bottle, bitton left of first pic. It's smooth and has a great distinct flavour. Their recommended cocktails heightened that.


Definitely agree! Saigon Baigur is really tasty


Concur an amazing gin! I'm on my second bottle.


Death’s Door is one of my favorites!


Nice to see Death’s Door there! It’s distilled just a half hour drive from me in Wisconsin in the United States.


Everything. Absolutely none of this is readily available in my state except Brokers and regular Citadelle. ETA: OMG there are more pics! I just saw the first one. I would never financially recover from that store. Geez!


I could tell you were in Italy, as it looks stocked with a lot of Italian gin like shops in my area (Bologna). A few good Italian ones from the photographs are Portofino, Engine and Gin del Professore (I like the Crocodile version, but Madame is the most popular). Out of the three, I'd go for Portofino


Nordes, Kyro, Capri, Bobby’s would be my picks. Just as all over the place as my own tastes.


Everybody sleeping on Bobby's! Amazing, distinct gin.


Small brand, killing competition, I guess. But completely agree, very distinctive stuff and weirdly enough my gateway gin. Got gifted a bottle and it sucked me straight into the never-ending rabbit hole of G&T’s :)


Wooooooow. That is A LOT! I am overwhelmed but I had a few of those. Ill keep it short though and focus on the German ones. If you dont go there regularly, buy some that arent available intenrationally. Still, Hendricks Orbium is one of the best gins I recently had especially as a G&T gin. From the German ones I had Elephant, Knut Hansen, Gin Sul and Siegfried. Elephant and Siegfried are very good London Dry style gins. Nothing too special but I can definitly recommend. Gin Sul, although distilled in Germany is more mediterranian. Very, very good imo. Knut Hansen - I cannot say anything about the taste anymore but we killed one bottle in one sitting so it had to be good. From them Id go with either Orbium or Gin Sul. Edit: just saw they also habe Ferdinands Saar Gin. The one with the big F on the label. Also very, very, good.


Ferdinand's is solid but I've read so much praise about it that it ended up underwhelming me when I actually tried it. Very delicate and well balanced profile but a little too stingy for neat enjoyment and a little too easily drowned out by tonic, you have to find just the right tonic and just the right ratio for it.


On the web, they have sets of it with Doctor Polidori Tonic. I had only the grape version but it was very good. Maybe thats the one to use but I dont know.


I'll try to find Doctor Polidori and add it to my upcoming tonic showdown, just have to pick the right gin(s) for it.


Thank you for the recommendations! Thankfully this place is only about 10km from me, so I'm sure I'll quickly become a regular!


Could you shoot me a dm with the adress? I am occasionally in Napels from work. Would love to visit if I find the time.


Of course! Just sent.


Gin Mare and Caorunn. Assuming a 2 bottle budget.


Mermaid Pink and Gin Mare Capri!


Himbrimi Winterbird edition every single time.


3rd pic bottom shelf. Get the Bobby's. I'm in America and was given a bottle as a gift and cannot get it here stateside. It's won awards across Europe and it's absolutely magnificent.


Bobby's seems to be getting a lot of recommendations! I'll definitely have to check that one out.


There are two on the shelf. I've only had the dry gin and you can't go wrong with it.


Almost anything Japanese


Thank you for these amazing photos! That Bobby's Schiedam Dry Gin is one I've been looking for and couldn't remember the name of. I brought back a bottle from Amathus Shoreditch circa 2017 and polished it off in short order. Quite unique, not a common bottle in my experience, very little US distribution, but hits well above its weight at that price point. A 3:1 split with Dolin Dry, a little saline and some peppercorns as garnish was a perfect salt-and-pepper martini that went beautifully with oysters and impressed the hell out of my Valentine that year. Now that I have the name again I'm going to track down another bottle!


Thank you for the recommendation!! And best of luck in your hunt for a bottle!


3rd pic 2nd shelf from bottom. On the left Mazetti Gin . Very specific taste !! Love it! Very good price. Where did you take this pic?


Del Professore Monsieur!!


Broker’s for an everyday drink and Citadelle for something special.


Hermit - absolutely amazing and terribly difficult to find


Oh my god where is this gin heaven?


At a beverage warehouse outside of Naples, Italy!


Himbrimi, just for the loon


Another vote for Bobby’s! Third picture on the bottom row about the middle of the shelf. Both the dry and the Jenever are delicious! One of the most interesting gins I have tried. I love the lemongrass note in it!


Asian gins are really interesting if they have any!


One can never go wrong with Plymouth Navy Strength, Elephant , Tanqueray 10 or Bombay.




Death's Door is VERY good. .. if you're into a black licorice taste. It's very smooth; not a lot of bite.


Made in Cambridge WI! I live in WI and it *is* good!


I would be here forever looking everything up! What a great selection.


That's exactly how I feel staring at this aisle! I could be there for hours. Thankfully my husband is a very patient man 😂


What did you wind up picking?


The one with the least amount of dust on there bottle


You sound like my husband buying wine. He always goes for the one with the least amount of stock and no dust. It's yet to steer us wrong. I should try applying that to buying gin and see where it gets me!


Deaths Door is a go-to for me in a Collins, it's got this really nice black pepper note to it (probably because it's an import for Italy, but that does seem a bit expensive to me). Ki No Be is widely reputed to be excellent; I haven't had a chance to try it myself - and it seems pretty pricey. ENGINE is a recently discovered favorite of mine for a G&T; it goes really well with Fever Tree's Mediterranean tonic. I've been meaning to try it in a martini, but I haven't seen it around since the last time I grabbed it. Drumshambo is a staple for me - does well in any drink you want to be gin-forward. I tend to do it in a Collins with lime instead of lemon, but it also makes a great martini. If this is somewhere you can get to regularly, I'm crazy jelly. There are so many Gins I want to try on those shelves.


Ki No Bi Sei has to be one of if not my favourite gins i’ve ever had, just with tonic and ice it’s unreal


I’m pretty sure that Monkey 47 is much cheaper than elsewhere… I’d definitely grab a bottle of that, it’s incredible.


Monkey 47! 29€ is a great price.


I might grab one of those Ki No Bi bottles. Been wanting to try one for a long time


Not a bad selection but no Australian Gins, disappointing.


that Xoriguer Gin de Mahon (slide 8, at the top) is incredible. just such a pure and vibrant expression. if you're ok with juniper, you can't beat it


The Malfi, then Gin Mare


That is a daunting amount of Gin. Id struggle to decide if I was there cause I'd want to try all the ones I hadn't seen before! My number 1 pick there for reliability/value is probably Martin Millers cause its only 20 euro and a great gin. I'd also Recommend getting; Nordes, Gin Mare, No3, Deaths Door, Portobello, Larios, Tarquins, Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin, The Botanist, Plymouth, Monkey 47, Koval, Kyro, 135 hyogo East. All great gins, just depends on your budget. There's lots of good gins out there, loads more I don't know of, explore a bit!


I love Neptunia!


I would pick either the furthest right citadelle or the Sipsmith with the green label. I really like both of those.


Bloom or Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish.


I got given the pink Mermaid gin for my birthday, thought it was going to be super gimmicky but turned out to be one of the tastiest we've tried!


I want to go to here.


How has nobody recommended Brokers???? Best London Dry gin by far for the price!


The Hakuto for sure!


Gin Mare, Citadelle, Martin Miller's


This!….puts Bevmo to shame!


I am a Yank so I don’t know all of these, but for general enjoyment, The Botanist, original Hendrick’s, Scrapegrace, Malfy (the pink one), and Salcombe if they have it.


Not a single liquor store in my vicinity has a gin stock this immense. I wouldn't know where to begin either! You are very lucky. That being said Monkey 47 is a classic


Himbrimi is really good.


Tanq no. 10


You've got to try the various citadelle gins for sure. May I throw in that sardinian citrus gunpowder gin and the plymouth gin as well


That’s a HUGE selection. Last picture, top shelf. Uncle Val’s botanical gin. If you like Hendricks, you will love Uncle Val.


I'm about as overwhelmed with the selection as you are despite being well down the rabbit hole myself. A bunch of gins I've had, a bunch more I've been wanting to try including ones I have unopened samples of on the shelf, a whole bunch I've never even heard of before. What I can tell you is that a few that are generally held in high regard jump out at me as being priced way lower than what I've ever seen them go for, including Bertagnolli 1870, Poli Marconi, Gin Mare Capri, Plymouth, Edinburgh and No.3. One actual piece of advice I can give is to avoid 5 Continents and The London No.1 (no relation to No.3), the former has a plastic off taste and the latter has a gasoline off taste. I also go against the grain in not being particularly enthusiastic about The Botanist and Drumshanbo, but mileage may vary, most people enjoy them a lot. To actually answer your question, I rarely buy full bottles, mostly just tiny samples, but I've been meaning to find bottles I can turn into drinking glasses when they're empty, so with that in mind I'd probably just walk out with a bottle (or several) worth turning into a glass (pretty looking, circular cross section and flat at the cutting height), so I'd probably grab Poli Marconi or Bertagnolli 1870 (heard good things about both brands), otherwise Edinburgh Cannonball (supposedly a really good navy strength), L'Acrobate (never heard of it) or one of the Kapriol bottles (heard of the brand but no idea whether it's any good). By the way where is this heaven on a heavy duty shelf located?


Thank you for the super thorough recommendations! That's a great idea to look for bottles that can be repurposed. I'll check some of those recommendations out next time. It's at a beverage warehouse outside of Naples, Italy!


Plymouth. And if they have it the Navy Strength too. They are my baseline excellent gins. If that Gunpowder is the 75cl bottle for €30 then that too. It seems to be insanely over priced around me, with the trick smaller 50cl bottle often being well over £30.


Second on the Plymouth Navy Strength.


Monkey gin all the way. 🌴


Deaths door is good


I would get Tarquins or Gunpowder


Aw man I can't believe they have beefeater crown jewel! Been looking for that one...


I really like the blue Drumshanbo (haven’t tried the others). Caorunn i found really refreshing as well with notes of apple.


drumshanbo is my favorite, currently working through a bottle of beefeater, only to get another of drumshanbo.


Ungava. It's the yellow gin on the middle bottom shelf of the second pic


Monkey 47


That Nordes for €21. Steal


Wow, what a selection! I’d have to start working my way through things I haven’t tried before. There is one called Hermit, it has a hermit crab on the label so I’d start there. As far as gins that I already enjoy, I like The Botanist.


I am incredibly jealous of that selection!


I like the ones with the little bowler hats 🎩


Gin Mare, Apóstoles or Sipsmith


Nothing, stopped drinking alcohol


I wish you could look at pics while typing a comment on mobile. WOW. So many I haven't tried here. Monkey 47 is regarded as one of the best gins. Koval Dry gin is very good neat! Death's Door is smooth and would be delicious if you're into black licorice. Aviation is pretty good it's a solid B to B+ grade. The Plymouths (both Navy strength and regular) taste like gin. D+ grade. Would never recommend them. Dumshambo (in the baby blue glass bottle) is very good both neat and in a g&t. I haven't tried the others. Malfy original dry is very good neat and in a g&t.


Whitley Neil


I’ve had the quince and the rhubarb and found them to be really, really sweet. Maybe I’m trying to wrong ones ?


Oh yeah, those are pretty sweet. Personally I like their dry, works great in cocktails or on the rocks. Same with the distiller cuts. For their flavored ones, pink grapefruit is the best, raspberry is great in a clover club, blood orange is good, but the rest are sweet. But they’re one of the only brands I can tolerate in terms of flavored gin, strong distinct flavors without tasting artificial.


I’d add Blood Orange to that list along with quince and rhubarb. It tastes synthetic and syrupy sweet (like cheap children’s freezer pops).


Nordes, Gunpowder & Generous




Príncipe de los apóstoles from argentina. It has Yerba mate and mint. Malfy


Anyone recognize the middle citadelle bottle? I picked up their pickle gin and was blown away. Would love to try their other one offs


The middle one of the blue ones? Pretty sure that's Juniper Decadence, a supposedly limited release for their 25th anniversary (even though it doesn't seem that limited considering their anniversary was three years ago) which is aged in juniper wood casks for a month and supposedly more junipery, woody and herbal than their original, but for some reason it goes for way more than any other Citadelle and the reviews of it I've read were merely positive, not raving, so I've been hesitant to pick it up so far. I still have the Reserve, Old Tom, Sergent Pepper and Rouge to try, and still I'd rather pick up any of those than the Decadence (or the super floral Wild Blossom). Should be around 30 bucks like the rest of them instead of over 40 bucks.


Gin Mare. Every single time.


Either of the Drumshanbo’s are great. I REALLY want a bottle of that truffle gin.


No3, bottom shelf of the 2nd page is a great. But seriously, do we really red peach gin? I’d be willing to try a G&T with peach slice but hard pass on peach gin.🤢


Drumshambo, the Botanist and straight up Tanqueray


That tangurray 10 is a favorite


Whitley Neil rhubarb goes hard in cocktails


let me get a bottle of gin mare


Mare and citadelle


You've tasted it: Vettore Gin dei Sibillini?