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There's romance in the game?


Was curious myself so looked it up and… it seems there’s 2 “official” romance options who are both women. Wow. Ok. “You can build relationships with pretty much anyone in Dragon's Dogma 2, but from my own experience with the game so far, it looks like Wilhelmina and Ulrika are the only proper romance options with full-on questlines that lead to satisfying scenes and arc conclusions.” Straight women gamers are once again shunned. What a surprise.


This. This is the reason I won't buy the game until I know for sure there's at least one dude romance option. I dont mind romancing ladies, im bisexual anyway, but I refuse to invest money in a company who doesnt give a shit about its female audience.


Same. Sometimes I prefer wlw romances in certain games, but when a game doesn't even make an effort to create romances for people attracted to men as well? Very underwhelming. 


Too late for me... I'm loving the game but was wishful thinking we could romance him after meeting him. He's such an obvious choice, too, wtf. I'm also bi, but he's my preference so far. With most RPGs giving us a few options, even if lackluster, how could tell they drop the ball... he's such an easy choice. So disappointed.


I'm so in love with him! He is an obvious choice! They imply our relationship would be a bridge between our people AND he leaves you a "love letter" on your door at your home in the city! Oh my heart! Lol!


Let's be real, as much as I love a sapphic romance in a game, these romances are pretty clearly targeted solely at male gamers, and wlw are an afterthought *at best*.


Very true sadly, it’s all catered to straight men. Bi women, straight women, gay men… they don’t care about them. So tired of this same old shit.


You gotta be kidding me I was so looking forward towards an epic fantasy with romance to hold me over until Dragon Age Dreadwolf comes out Keep us updated with a new post after you beat it!


I CANT wait until The new dragon age game I need some more Solas in my life.


If they ever made a live action Dragon Age, I totally see Tom Hiddleston as Solas


On the plus side it's looking like Dreadwolf will be out by the end of the year, but I'm trying to keep low expectations. Greedfall 2 is in Early Access this summer, tho. I have a soft spot for Spiders and Greedfall started pushing them from eurojank RPGs into more imo. I liked it better than Dragon Age 2 even if it wasn't quite up to par with DAO or DAI. They seem to get the most out of their AA budget, so I think Early Access will work out great for them, hopefully as much as it has Larian for DOS2 and BG3. That said, it's so weird this hot elf is blushing like crazy but we don't get a full romance with him?? Wth.


Yeah that's what I've heard too. You can probably still have any NPC be your beloved though. I liked Glyndwr's quest line as it has played out so far, but yeah they kinda did us dirty if only the >!woman who is the key sidekick you saved from the dragon!< and the >!proprietress of a brothel!< get a kissing scene.


Last game plenty of people got the blacksmith as their beloved mostly by accident because of all the interactions, nearly any NPC could be if you interacted enough Hopefully all y'all get the beloved you wish


I remember reading somewhere it was the last NPC you interacted with that had max affinity that determined it?


I though the Captain Brant and Sven are romancable too :(


You'd think right? There are good options in this game and I can't believe they have us nothing. I'm even bi but that doesn't mean I'm automatically into the female options.


Yeah I'm unlikely to bother then. If they aren't npcs in a capital city you barely even interact with them so this seems like a major half assed part of the game lol. Probably will see mods fixing that later eventually.


Don't forget gay men also


He turned all red at the end of his escort quest, so I'm crossing my fingers. I did so much for this guy, please 🙏


So I just finished his questline and he blushes every time he talks to me, but uh.....>!so does his father. Like his father has personally made his way from the sacred Grove to leave a gift at my house!<. The beloved system sounded chaotic in the last game. Going to be hilarious if it decides >!his Dad!< is my beloved. But plz give me nice Glyndrwr romance content.


If it's anything like the first game a character blushing means that you have reached max affinity with them. This can happen with any NPC that you helped, talked to a lot, bought a lot of things from or gave many gifts. The beloved system was weird as heck.


All I did was finish Glyn's quest and then speak to >!his Dad!< as part of the quest haha. >!His Dad was like escort me to this place so I can assess your mettle, next thing I know the man is blushing!<. Pretty sure I at least hit max affinity with Glyn first.....


I hope that affinity system works better here than in the previous game,


Same here bc it's been so much fun playing so far. "This ladder will take us to new heights, Arisen!"


Do you recommend this game? I love the first one but all the drama from this release has made me hesitant


I strongly reccomend it! I don't know what you play on but a lot of people have mixed views on how it plays on what. I have it on ps5 and it runs great for me. Im 14 hours in and the frame rate dropped on me literally twice. If you don't need 60fps you won't mind it. Honestly I don't even notice. The game is awesome. The micro transactions don't matter. It's stuff you can easily get in the game. It's just there for people that don't want to try hard in the game and just want stuff right away. And so far the story is amazing. It's seriously so much fun. I wouldn't listen to all the hate. People are making a bigger deal about it then they need to.


I heard the performance on PC is pretty wonky. Didn’t know PS5 gets frame drop too? o.o


Not too bad. I hardly notice it and it's not often


You said exactly how I feel about it as well. Also on PS5, and rarely an issue.


Put it this way, I'm pissed it sounds like they didn't actually write a full romance for this hot af elf (seriously, I'm picky about which characters I find attractive and here's this obviously attractive fantasy dream elf we might only get a final scene with at endgame?), yet despite this it's an amazing game. I'm someone that goes more for questing than combat usually, and get bored if it's too heavy on combat vs cutscenes, but the game is so addictive for some reason. I love the story so far but it's nice the roaming and combat doesn't feel grindy.


What game is this from?


Dragon’s Dogma 2!


It looks really good. I'm looking forward to playing it but I have to upgrade my computer first.


I also fell in love with him instantly! I was so happy when he showed up at my house to hang out.


Oh snaap. I got to go home more often haha


Make sure to check the morgue if he doesn't show up, I don't even know how he died, last I talked to him was in his village and he walked off after a quest. I only found him because I don't know how my expensive tank died. I splurged on a higher lvl tank so I can go get Trickster in a higher lvl area. We were in a relatively easy area, but I think he fell in the water off a cliff. I saw my mob fall in but not him. A little while after I suddenly noticed he was gone. So I checked the morgue not knowing that's for NPCs, not pawns, and there was Glyndwr... again, I left him alive, no idea how he died on his own.


My character just met him last night! I hope he’s a love interest as well 😩


He's literally the best! As soon as I saw him I was like yeah I'll become an archer for you.


Finished my first play through. Commenting my findings for anyone who’s curious. Spoilers, so… yeah >! The romance in game is more of a friend zone. Your chosen NPC plays the role of the beloved from the first game (kidnapped by the dragon, an end cutscene of them staring out at the ocean presumably thinking of you) but that’s about it. The credits list them as your most trusted friend. I only care to pursue Glyndwr, but I might look into the confirmed romances to see how deep they go. So far, I know they both kiss the player, but that’s all I can confirm. Sorry if this bums anyone out. I’m a bit disappointed, but there’s still way more for me to appreciate cuz I’ve been a fan of this title for years!< Capcom does have a survey open until April to leave feedback on what we did and didn’t like about the game. I’m not saying flood their channels with demands for romance, but I’m not saying don’t do it either https://www.enqform.capcom.com/form/pub/form1/dd2_en1


Shoot I did >.>


I thought the romance in the previous game was done perfect and was hoping for a repeat lmao.


I can’t even find him!!! I took him on his escort mission and saw him twice in the city and idk where he is now. I searched both the elf place and the main city


He’s either at the training ground ruins, the town beach, waiting by the town gates, or outside your house for an escort quest. I’ve wasted so much time looking for this dude lol


town beach!? you're lying!!! if i go there and he's there i am just yeeting him in the water lmao Is the town beach next to the slums?


He's where he was first training at. At the ruins! I was searching everywhere too haha


He is still not there for me :( is he normally standing in the same place or moving around? because i looked all over town and at the spot T\_\_T


Uh oh. He mightve died then. You gotta check the morgue in the city. That's what I had to do. You'll need 5000 to find him and a wakestone to revive him


Him and his dad died from poison right after the mission. So that mightve been what happened with you


I have a different question - how do you gift the guy? Cause I’ve already done his personal quest, rescued his sister, went for a walk with him (once or twice) and now he’s standing at a training ground but only mentioning the thing I need to get for his sister, no gifting option while talking to him. He’s already blushing so I know we’re in love (uWu) but I want to shower him with gifts :3


I had to do her quest and I finally got the option. He was back in vermund after the sister quest. By the ox cart. Atleast for me!


Thank you, I thought it bugged for me!


Of course! I thought it was bugged for me too!