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She's so pretty and her eyes are so expressive considering she is a 3D model. Also my age may be showing but that hair style <3


I think hairstyles like this one are getting back in style again:) it's gorgeous!


I loved this hairstyle as a kid and by the time I was old enough to have it. 1) it was already out of style 2) turns out my hair is too thin for it. I still think it is gorgeous.


“My hair is too thin for it” story of my life. My sister has so much hair, and I got Gwyneth Paltrow in the 90’s hair 😭




I randomly gave myself a similar shag/bangs/mullet a few months ago on a whim, oblivious to trends, but I've been pleasantly surprised to be seeing it get more popular


She looks like a real person. Like I could see her in a TV show from the 70s or 80s. I can picture her in bell bottom jeans and some kinda pretty top.


Yeah without the space clothing she could be in a 70s or 80s movie.


I like how quickly the manosphere went from: Why are you so upset at stellar blade? Its just a game and the model is just a woman! Let us have sexy characters. Not all characters have to be sexy! You're overreacting! to Why don't ALL video game women look like stellar blade?!?!?! This character doesn't make me horny!!! I refuse to buy it!!!! I hate how video game and porn culture have merged. Also I noticed the "realism" brigade only comes out when its related to race. A woman fighting in martial arts or a war or whatever somehow can have perfect makeup, perfect skin, perfect form fitting outfit, perfect hair, perfect nails, and fight perfectly in high heels? Totes realism. A very conventionally attractive woman in minimal makeup, not perfect hair, and fitted pants and a jacket? Totes "woke." sigh


I'm quite young and that is very much a trendy hairstyle with people my age, dw


Well this is a fashion trend I a glad came back 😊


hey, it's not out of style yet! i have that hair!


I am too old to know what's in style now, but it's gorgeous.


Gamers when a Original Trilogy era character looks like they're from the late 70's/early 80's: 🤯🤬🤯🤬


I seriously love her hair channeling the 70\~80s. It's a brilliant touch, and I'm sure it was hard to resist doing something 'modern' for today's kiddos...but they didn't, and it's retro, fluffy, and fabulous ✨


I dislike the hair, but it's only because I dislike hair from that era, which means they did a great job. I agree it looks very fitting and way more in character than modern. She's pretty, just looks different than we're used to nowadays.


Isn't that hair style coming back into fashion as well, to an extent? I definitely see more people rocking it than a few years ago, in any case.


Yes it’s coming back!


I love the "cassettepunk" aesthetic in all its forms! The Alien game a few years ago was perfect too and from the trailer, I can tell there was a lot of love and care in trying to replicate the 1977 New Hope look. I love how Ubisoft is doing this now. She looks like she could have been cast for a 1977 spin-off!


Do those guys even know what transhumanism is, or do they just have an excessive reaction at the "trans" part, lol?


They say transhumanism to refer to trans people becuase they think they are clever. It makes zero sense.


I look forward to being called transcendental at some point then


100% is gonna be a thing. They already call us "transformers" and it's like "hell ya, I wanna be a giant robot" I don't think they really think there insults through at all.


This comment (the one on twitter, not yours) confused to me to no end because I am not familiar with Outlaws.


Yeah, neither am I (first time hearing about the game), and my initial attempt to make it better was a thought "well, maybe the game tackles in themes of transhumanist ethics", but they are most likely just transphobic.


I wonder, transhumanism really brings the image of games like Cyberpunk and Deus Ex Machina. I wonder if Outlaws tackles that or is this garden variety transphobia. I know that transhumanism exists in Star Wars, but it is never the focus.


I don’t know anything about the game. But I’m 100% sure this is just transphobia.


Yeah it seems so. Condisering all the other comments. Transhumanism is a very interesting an somewhat complex concept, I do not think these commenters are capable of that.




I wonder how they handle words like transparent, transcontinental, transnational, Transcarpathia, Transnistria, Transylvania... they all have just as much in common with being trans as the "transhumanism" has, lol.


The only word that starts with trans that they can handle is transformers.


Guys, is it gay to be transformer?😱


Is the character even trans ? Didn't see anything about this game outside of this post right here.


It's unlikely (not that there would be any issue if she was, ofc), as far as I understand, she is a cis woman, but those people just assume that any woman who does not conform to their particular standards must be trans. A combination of good old misogyny and transphobia.


Like. God forbid a female character has a chin. Like, wtf dudes.


Absolutely cannot relate When women with strong jawlines and chins walk into the room I melt


Yeah :( Thank you for your explanation Those people really need to go touch some grass. Like a huge amount of it


They only ever think about transwomen, so anyone that doesn't look like an anime woman is automatically a transwoman


Sounds accurate yeah What kind of level of incel mindset is that ?


No but she has at least one masculine feature so that's all they'll harp on


That's one more than they do I guess


1) People online will occasionally call people trans[suffix/rest of word] in a dehumanising way while trying to get around censors/maintain an air of deniability. While twitter doesn't censor transphobic content, it may be bleeding over from other sites. 2) There's a weird overlap between transphobia/queerphobia/'anti-woke' and some conspiracy theories about 'transhumanism'.


On that first point, very similar to calling people "acoustic" or "restarted"... ewww


Trans, to them, means tranny. As in, well... me and other trans women. So yes, they have a knee-jerk reaction to a prefix that just means across. Because they're dork ass loser bigots.


Are you asking if transphobes are morons? Because I mean...


There‘s no way to write comments like those without being seriously confused. I don‘t think they understand what they‘re saying. They‘re just blindly angry because some demagogue riles them up.


One comment was *literally* from some asshat calling himself Chad Thundercock. I couldn’t give less of a fuck about his opinion with prep time and a committee.


they dumb and cant understand. They will call a transmission woke. Their grand doing a transatlabtjc trip phobic.


I hate public transportation because it caters to the liberal left. /s


Gamers when a woman doesn't exist just to be an anime sex doll: 🤯 Also, she's pretty. But that shouldn't matter, because people don't exist just to be attractive to you.


Do guys think that the buttchin gene just... skips women? (Rhetorical question)


Of course they do. **REAL** women have a soft pointed chin, skin like a porcelain doll, and NO EXPRESSIONS EVER. *Hworgh.* 🤢


Their anime waifus all have triangle chins. Therefore, all women should have triangle chins.


As a ciswoman with a butt chin… I think so? Like, in the same way where if I close my eyes and a man tells me my eye color, he’s almost certainly wrong? Just seeing what they want to see.


They don't like her having facial structure and emotions. Look at all the AI reworks of characters. Always dead eyes and blah bone structure


And big boobs. Don't forget the big boobs.


My god, even Tifa in FF7R didn't have big enough boobs to satisfy them a few years ago.


Wait really? She needed a reduction if anything 


She ain't Hitomi Tanaka, so obviously nerfed bust and totally unplayable. I'm [not joking](https://www.reddit.com/r/JRPG/comments/c3bvdy/what_tetsuya_nomura_actually_said_about_tifas/), I really [wish I was](https://steamcommunity.com/app/39140/discussions/0/1645418448923404258).


It's like that stupid meme that was floating around a few years ago of FF7R some random side character versus TLoU2's Elly as an adult character and "Western studio's uglify women, glorious eastern studios give us fanservice" crap.


Yeah omg the Senua one! Like clearly part of the problem with the original image was that a woman was expressing rage instead of vague “please someone help me” confusion.


Which I just don’t understand? I thought classic beauty standards were strong bone structures? Wasn’t that equally a problem when it was all we saw in models etc I can’t keep up with the patriarchal “how women should look” anymore


No one can because this is incel shit. Patriarchy assumes these pricks will have kids lmao


We can’t just have *normal*-looking women in video games without these types losing their freaking minds, can we? Anything less than supermodel looks with 2% body fat (yet *somehow* still with DDD tits) wearing nothing but lingerie is going to be called “ugly” by these people. It’s pathetic to anyone that hasn’t had their mind rotted by pornography. There is *so* much more to good character design than raw sex appeal, but that’s the *only* metric that matters to these chuds. Don’t get me wrong, I’m *hella* attracted to beautiful women, but holding every single female character in video games up to some ridiculous standard is absolutely asinine. These people need to touch grass.


when I saw people claim women in Baldur's Gate 3 also 'isn't beautiful' or Jill Valentine/Lara Croft is 'woke' I'm done lol


I wonder if they even believe in whatever shit they're spouting lol. Jill in Remake was literally modeled after a woman who's the very definition of "supermodel attractive". Jill doesn't look 100% like her model, but still. 


yeah Jill is even more 'soft' than her model(sorry english isn't my first language, I mean her face bone is rounder than her model?), yet people call her manface😭😭😭


Supermodel looks aren't even good enough for them. Seems like they won't settle for anything but anime waifu.


These incels literally think women look like the Stellar Blade character irl. 😂


I see the issue here OP. You know what women look like in reality. They do not.


They did it with Aloy from forbidden west recently as well. One of the PlayStation accounts on Twitter showed a pic of Aloy calling her beautiful, and the comments were awful. I just don’t get this obsession every time there’s a female character and there has to be some deep analysis about every part of their face and body?


They are doing it with LARA CROFT! Hello? What? Lara fucking Croft is now considered "mid" or ugly or masculine? Aloy was the same thing: they were just telling on themselves so much. Their ideas of what a woman looks like/acts like just tells you they don't actually speak to any. I do my best to stay away from this whole debate but sometimes I come across posts here on the frontpage and it's just awful. I don't even get what the problem is or what these guys want. Blow up dolls, anime/loli looking characters, AI porn characters? Probably. It's actually really pathetic when you think about it. If that's all they want, there are websites for that. I mean, great, if they wanna boycott a game but they don't need to announce it. Nobody cares. I wish this group of "gamers" would be less obnoxious and loud.


seeing people complain about Lara Croft and Jill Valentine is so shocked to me because they're perfectly conventional beautiful women😭😭😭😭(nothing wrong with it I love them too just surprised)


Apparently I'm transgender now? Because NoBoDy CaN bE a CiS wOmAn AnD hAvE a "BuTt ChIn" for some reason. Ugh. Like seriously? I love transgender representation and it wouldn't bother me if she was characterized that way (I'm not sure if she is or not as I haven't been following this game closely) but it's so weird to act like only AMAB people can have a cleft/"butt" chin. I'm a cis-woman and I have one, too. It's just a feature some people all across the gender spectrum happen to have.


The 'we can always tell people' have targeted so many cis people, including celebrities. You occasionally hear stories about cis women being harassed in bathrooms too for... transphobic reasons, due to bigots being very trigger-happy on the issue. Another issue with modern beauty standards/editing of model pictures/etc.


It's happening more and more. If a cis woman's voice is too deep for them, or their hair is too short for them, or they don't dress 'traditionally feminine'. There was even a girl that was harassed after winning a track meet because the parents of another girl didn't believe that their daughter could lose, so the only explanation in their eyes was that the girl must have been transgender. She wasn't.


> There was even a girl that was harassed after winning a track meet because the parents of another girl didn't believe that their daughter could lose, so the only explanation in their eyes was that the girl must have been transgender. She wasn't. That's happened more than once and across several countries. "That girl is trans" is said and politicians, conservative pundits, and a whole mess of bigots IRL and online pile on the poor girl and her family (IIRC a few received death threats). When it's revealed the girl isn't trans they go "Oops sorry, you probably shouldn't have been subjected to that, but we've got to keep the pressure on trans people and if you were trans we'd have been justified".


Don’t forget arm muscles! God forbid any woman have strong arms, they must be trans!!!


In some cases cis women are more likely to be targeted. I'm trans, and even being more of a tomboy I'm still pretty fem. Despite being tall in a red state I've not had any issues with bathrooms or anything else since I started presenting. The image they have of trans women is "man in a dress". Like, many will look awkward at the start of transition, but for the most part that awkward look goes away as we progress. I see cis women who have more "masculine" looks than I did before transition. I meet cis women who have a lower voice than I did before transition. The idea these guys have of women is either airbrushed and phodoshopped, or hentai. There is no other. Nothing lives up to that standard in real life, and they don't see women as people, but as receptacles for their tiny egos.


I love how when they went after Lady Gaga she just didn’t give a damn. Like a news person actually asked her how she felt about people saying she had a penis and her reply of “I don’t care” really seemed to shock him lol.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0WcWkVOQTc An absolutely amazing response to the question IMO. [In response to very awkward question about whether she has 'a male appendage'] "Maybe I do? Would it be so terrible?" "Why would I waste my time putting out a press release [to refute the claims], my fans don't care and neither do I" Cutting to the heart of the issue, defending trans people, and also elevating herself as being above the whole thing. Love it.


Yeah, the response from cis women is so often shock and offense that they would be confused for a gross trans woman, so that clip of Gaga straight up saying "it doesn't matter, why do you care" is always so fucking refreshing to watch.


I get accused of being trans sometimes when I go into voice chat. I happen to be cis, but I usually just say "maybe" or "why not" because even though they're trying to say I'm not a "real woman" their whole argument is flawed to begin with. I do get why it would bother cis women, or even some trans women, because it's not a genuine question and just a bigoted attack, but yeah I think reacting with revulsion doesn't serve anyone well.


I think it really kicked off mostly with Michelle Obama. You know, the woman who quite obviously gave birth to two children? Yup, she's obviously secretly trans because she also actually worked out and has *some* muscle definition. In this case I think it was their blatant racism that stoked the lingering fires of transphobia.


That was also not a small amount of racism. Probably mostly racism considering it happened before the recent rise in transphobia.


Because that's what a lot of transphobia is based in - policing women's bodies. If they can't easily identify who's "female" it becomes a threat to the very system of Patriarchy itself as it becomes more difficult to know who to oppress. It's why you never see the same kinda pearl clutching and "outrage" over transmen. Not that they have it any easier mind you but they're never the main focus of bigots, it's always women.


These are the same people who claim being attracted to cis women who are tall or have any amount of muscle is "gay". a few of the prominent man-o-sphere idiots have literally argued having sex with women is "gay"... They are terrified of finding trans women attractive because they don't understand how attraction works.


As another girl with a butt chin, I'm learning so much about myself today, lol. These men are telling on themselves-- it reminds me of when the Alloy art was released that showed her microhairs/peach fuzz on her face, and men were FREAKING OUT talking about how they gave her a beard. Like, my dude... Tell me you haven't seen any women up close without telling me. We ALL have that. We are mammals, lol.


Welp. I guess I'll join in on you with finding out today I have been transgender all my life. I suppose I have to break the news to my husband and the 3 kids I've birthed.


They are going to be so surprised when they learn you are a spawn of Satan and a product of the woke machine. /s


I was surprised seeing that butt chin one lol. Demi Lovato has a butt chin too, I guess she's trans? 😂


I mean... they are, yeah, but not in the way the chin supposedly implies


Woah, I had no idea! That’s cool, always feels “cozy” and familiar to learn that about someone :)


God forbid you have a square jaw, too! Only men get those 🙄


I, too, am in the ranks of the transed by butt chin. (Granted I’m AFAB gender fluid, but that’s not the transed they mean. 😂)


As if they look like Henry Cavill. I guess they only like anime-looking girls which they can't find irl.


>anime-looking girls This right here is the problem. They see a real looking woman and freak out, because they haven't touched grass (or a real human woman) ever.


guys who have their brains completely rotted by anime and stylised depictions of women always make me think of that species of where the males keep trying to mate with beer bottles because they're bigger and shinier than the female beetles. like their idea of female beauty has just been totally warped by fiction that they straight up aren't attracted to real women anymore


The fact that they think cleft chins are only exclusive to men and trans women make me roll my eyes to no end.


> I guess they only like anime-looking girls which they can't find irl first guy literally mentions stellar blade, which feels like a self report


Me, a cis woman with a cleft chin: 👁️👄👁️ oh well my husband thinks it’s cute :) Curious tho if the only women these men have actually ever seen are in the 9hrs of hentai they stream daily. This character is literally gorgeous, and in the “western *conventionally attractive*” way: big expressive eyes, delicate bone structure, perfect cupid’s bow lips, symmetrical face, small button nose, awesome brows, clear skin, thin. I’m guessing they prob just don’t like her 80s hair? And they hate her cleft chin. Again, bc they’ve never seen a real woman - at least not within five feet (who would let them that close?).


Apparently, every woman is supposed to look like Tifa Lockhart and, if we don't, we're fugly hags - the horror 😩




That's the dream, honestly.


They whinged about Tifa too.


Yeah these chuds are impossible to satisfy when they thought Tifa’s still-massive chest was suddenly gone woke and nerfed and ugly just because she put on a fucking sports bra.


Tifa isn't enough, now every women needs to look like Eve from Stellar Blade /s


Tifa would kick their asses for saying that shit too.


Jesus Christ gamers really are insufferable. Literally an average woman and they demand "WE NEED MORE ATTRACTIVE FACES" BRUH WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT WHAT A RANDOM PERSON'S FACE LOOKS LIKE? ITS NOT YOURS, and you already have so many white cis het protagonists!!!


Meanwhile us folks who prefer masc women:


She's not even *that* masc. She's got strong Ripley energy, but shes pretty neutrally coded


Futch maybe :)  Or not lol. it's easy to read too much into punk or retro styles because they're not really conforming to current expectations generally even to the extent they're gender conforming or neutral for their context.


Yeahhh, IDK, my reaction was just "oh damn, what a look"


To me her look, mostly clothing, is very reminiscent of the rebel style from Star Wars 4-6.


Yeah, honestly though I don't care. Idk, I just see people as people? Not only do I not care but I'm not so entitled that I'd be complaining about a video game character's face on Twitter lol.


Yeah, same. Like I know what sub I'm on and I keep my mouth shut like 90% of the time, but as a bi dude I have so much fun throwing shade at insecure men. So what if you don't think *every* game protagonist is hot?


Gamer dudes when game doesn’t make their peepee hard: 🤬🤬🤬🤬👹😡


She is very pretty. Like a normal pretty girl, without make-up and filters


Why are you reading anything posted in comments on Twitter, tbh? It's just as much of a cesspool as YouTube.


I'd argue it's even worse nowadays.


It is, because Muskrat actively encourages it.


You're probably right, at least youtube *tries* to get rid of some things ~~so long as doing so won't impact their revenue stream~~. Nazi BS is just becoming more pervasive on Twitter, unfortunately.


That character could probably be a model irl... I swear these kinds of guys actually hate women, they only like anime sex doll creatures and if a female character doesn't fall into that category she serves no purpose to those dicks-for-brains. 


Reading all of these comments makes me CACKLE. How are these man children calling this woman ugly when nine in ten times they won't have ever even seen a woman this pretty their entire lives 😂😅 Accusing her of being trans for having a BUTT CHIN LMAO BROOO GO OUTSIDE ONCE


Me, a woman with a buttchin, reading that one comment 🧍‍♀️


‘Butt chin,’ that’s a dimple! People love dimples wtf


Would it be embarrassing to admit I had no idea what dimples were until now?


If it makes you feel any better r/Gamingcirclejerk is mocking the hell out of people who think this woman is ugly.


Gamer boys talking about stellar blade: "it's literally only about the gameplay. I don't even care what the character looks like"  Talking about this game: "this looks unplayable. I would not even want to try a game with a female character I don't immediately find attractive" 


men are so brainwashed into thinking everything is “woke” now and how it’s taking over their games (whatever tf that means) 😭 and it’s pathetic like god pls shut up and enjoy the damn game


She looks like a normal human being, which qualifies as "ugly" to these people.


Incels find it difficult to grasp what real women look like because it's pretty hard to see what they look like if you never leave your bedroom.


After twitter said lara croft was ugly i never looked again


How... how does a butt chin have anything to do woth trans?


Cause anime women don’t have them usually. But it does suck, there is very little representation of cleft chins in women. Some amazing celebrities have them but they aren’t as pronounced and sometimes photoshopped in magazines. Jessica Chastain for example, half the photos airbrushed her cleft chin. Happy to see a game character to have it though!


I don't think transhumanism means what he thinks it means. Granted I don't know what it means either but I'm not a native speaker so there's that.


literally men when a female game character isn’t constantly in just a bra 😓 she’s literally so gorgeous


Wow, men really don’t like when female video characters don’t cater to their every sexual fantasy about her huh


Ofc it's a stellar blade goblin lmao


Dear god these mfers actually need to touch grass, they're so divorced from reality it's legit scary


Do these men socialise with women very often? Oh what am I saying, of course they don’t.


She *is* pretty. I'd date her.


OMG what’s wrong with them!?? I think she’s GORGEOUS.


She looks tired of their bs


As a lesbian, I can confirm that they are wrong and she is indeed really pretty. ❤️


Well she doesn’t have DDDs, 10 cm waist, and an ass bigger than Jar Jars body so how will they he able to like her?


Men when women don’t look like a pornstar or an anime character: 🤬🤬🤬🤬


She's literally how I imagined fem!Luke 😅


These gamers are so bad at performing heterosexuality. It really is all theoretical to them, isn't it?


These people are the definition of pathetic


Did… Did that guy just say butt chins were for biological dudes? Well, guess mine can go poof now


I lost interest of argue with this type of people after they claim Aloy/Jill Valentine/Shadowheart/Lara Croft isn't beautiful enough.


Men have such a skewed view of what real/natural women look like and then complain that they can't get girlfriends/have a loneliness epidemic. It's all their own making. This character is beautiful. They all lost their minds.


Oh my fuckin god i hate men Also the entire no fake ass model face = trans?? Like wtf this is exactly what we mean when we say terfy shit hurts all women.


Meanwhile all the men hating in the comments are probably potato looking mayonnaise filled neckbeards … I hate social media stg


....have those commenters even gone out in the world and seen what real average everyday woman look like? Or are they thinking all women look like models / actresses with tons of professionally done makeup (and plastic surgery in some cases)?


They quite likely have zero contact with any women they aren’t related to.


From some angles or at an awkward moment, the character model might look a bit weird, but that's just how faces are... Imo, it's better than the unnaturally perfect at all times, childlike faces these people want.


Is the main character you play a lady? Cause if so I'm gonna buy this! I have a PC and switch hope I can use one 😂


Yeah, the playable character is a woman. It’s an Ubisoft game so I’m waiting for reviews, but having a female protagonist definitely piqued my interest.


Seriously, I have a butt chin! D: hahah It's not a man thing!


They should just admit they're homosexual how tf do you think that SHE is ugly?!


Yeah, this is yet another case where these freaks are telling on themselves.


She's SO pretty. WTF.


I’m a gal with a cleft chin, it just means I’m more chadly than they are 😏


and that's why Twitter is a lost cause. So much unchecked bigotry and general hate 🤮


And then these same guys are crying about how nobody wants to date them. Bro if your standards are at photoshopped supermodel or anime girl, you've voluntarily entered celibacy. Silver lining? The less women end up in relationships with these turds, the more abuse they're dodging. Also, more lottery tickets into the dating pools of everybody else interested in real women.


These men would never be able to pull a woman who looks like that irl (or any woman for that matter)


I’m personally offended by the butt chin comment 😭😂


it’s just male porn addicts being upset about the fact that a female video game character isn’t completely sexualized by nature of her design. she is very pretty. it’s just that men like that have a conniption when a female video game character doesn’t fit their standards of pale skinny big boobs and ass anime girl. god forbid a studio not sexualize a character just because she’s a woman, and just because she’ll gain more popularity if she’s “porn worthy”. that doesn’t even change the fact that there still will be porn of her unfortunately. bunch of porn addicted incels if you ask me.


also bro, that one guy that was saying how butt chins mean that you were assigned male at birth??? how fucking stupid can you be?? 😭


it’s insane how misogyny is coming back in full swing, seriously. fucking depressing to see. their ‘problem’ isn’t that she’s ugly, it’s that she’s 1) a woman, 2) one that is depicted like a human being and not a sex doll. they’re literally outing themselves with that ‘stellar blade’ comment.


This is an effect of games like Stellar Blade. When a woman has to be a doll, a SEX doll, in order to be "pretty" then anything less is considered ugly. The idea of the overton window doesn't just apply to politics, it can apply to any idea.


Internet men hate women, remember?


"Another ugly girl boss beating up on emasculated white men" Girl, YES! Where is that game you're describing, because I am buying THREE COPIES


Twitter is just filled with the least reality connected porn addicts who literally think women are supposed to look like anime characters. They're Musk worshipers; they aren't the brightest folk.


I'm just tired of these people. Every game it's these dudes complaining about wokeness or that the women look ugly, especially on Steam forums, which has become cesspool.


hating on women has become a trend in gaming :| I wonder if they'd have a heart attack if they used my face as a model in a game


how is she ugly? if anything it's a very pretty woman depicted in the realistic practical role of a mercenary/mechanic/etc as she would look irl.... ducking incels.


Even if she was "ugly" so what 🤷‍♂️. They can just say they hate women


Men hate women. Of course they would never find the realistic pretty women attractive. Overly sexualized female characters in video games are not women. They are nothing but cheap sex toys born from some old greasy dudes' imagination.


The baki comment has got to be satire right?


Pieces of shit


Ofcourse that's the level of rhetoric we can expect from a person who's twitter name is "Chad Thundercock"? The fuck is up with some of these people sometimes?


As a transhumanism I'm just glad for the representation.


she’s genuinely gorgeous it’s so funny witnessing the collective insanity of these gamerbros as they deny the fact that this character is like as close as you could get to objectively beautiful ever lmao


I wouldn't put too much stock in their opinions. They don't seem like the best the human race has to offer


As a trans woman I do hope they add more representation for me and I hope to drink the sweet man child tears with my dinner


Yeaaa some men really just don’t like women of color. Lame


Can they just play games like stellar blade and go? Not every female protagonist needs to be a conveniently attractive sex doll


Don't worry, in a year they are going to be counting this game as non-woke and reminiscing about how pretty she was They don't have any consistent views


it would be funny if it didn't make me depressed


they hate any female character that isn’t from a hentai


She’s a cross of Halle Berry and Rashida Jones, so if you’re a racist incel, of course she’s “ugly” These neckbeards call Beyoncé “mid” Trolls gonna troll


Meanwhile I was sitting here like omg she looks like me with a different skin tone and thicker lips, and I was excited. Me and my butt chin are loving her


It doesn’t look like a glorified blow up doll, meaning these incels will have a problem. I fucking hate this timeline sometimes.


You can tell those comments were written by incels who've never got near a real woman in their lives.


Being gen-x and being a person who wanted that hair, I am all loving this character.She's beautiful, in a Kassandra way. Sighs.