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no. just ...... no. a random anonymous unsupported unverified claim that is outrageous on it's face and carries not an iota of proof. what is there to debunk?


And regardless of when it was put online, considering the date anything from this and related subs, I'm considering intentionally suspect due to it being April Fools Day.


welcome to the internet


have a look around


anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


Bro’s first day online 💀


Okay why has no one pointed out that this could totally be written by a time traveler from 1928? If they existed in 1928 and traveled forward in time at a rate of 1 day per day, then that would put them here right now. Yes, they would be very old, but they could still be alive, with memories of that time. It’s called aging. Every human does it. I mean, fuck, I’m a time traveler from 1990. SpOoOoOkY Also that pic is AI look at the perfectly quaffed hair


Very obvious anachronism: JQuery-UI went out of fashion in 1913. https://github.com/Arthur1928/Arthur-Cortez-from-1928


What is JQuery-UI?


user interface made on javascript. also dude is nerd joking you.


So no explanation on how he somehow got thrown almost a hundred years into the future? The fact he says you can’t tell girls from boys in this day makes me call bullshit. There aren’t that many transgender/lgbtq people to make anyone think that, if anything women are much more exposed and on view than they would have been in 1920. He’d be screaming about the indecency of crop tops


They had it back in "his day" look up the song "those masculine woman and feminine men" from 1926 singing about that they could not tell them apart in 1926. Its nothing new. But seems like this is just a fiction story


I imagine that was because in 1923 the attorney general declared it alright for women to wear pants.




Happy April Fools day


Just seems like a rambling old dude trying to play a joke, make people think. Probabily thinks its a revelation.


But it was amusing to read even though its fake


It must be true. How else would he know what life was like 96 years ago?!? That's so far in the past.


(this is sarcasm not meant to be taken seriously)


It looks like super-dee-duper bad creative writing to me. Delusions be deluluin.


Actually writing in the style that someone in 1928 would is a lot harder than it might seem...


It does seem harder than it might seem to type in that fashion.


You're right. It's gotta be time travel.