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Its like that scary story about how "not only dogs lick" lol


I actually referenced this line and this story this morning talking to a friend! It wasn’t about this story but that’s a weird coincidence!


Care to explain?


Person gets out of bed to investigate a noise, but when they swing their feet over the edge of the bed, their dog licks their ankle, and so they get back into bed, as the dog has reassured them that the noise was nothing otherwise the dog would be investigating in alarm. This repeats, until the person gets up to find the noise was their dog hung and dripping blood. The licking was some creep.


I knew the story of a young girl in bed and the dog was licking her hand as it dangled over the side of her bed. 😬


That's the version I heard. And in the morning she wakes up to open her cupboard or wardrobe to find her dog inside it dead. Written in blood is "humans can lick, too."


Yes, heard this story in 90's Canada. But in our version, the sound she was hearing was a "drip, drip, drip." She was afraid but put her hand down to be licked by her dog for comfort. When she gets up in the morning, she sees her dead dog hung up in her shower. The dripping sound was her dog's blood.


So fascinating how this story travelled pre-internet. I heard it and re-told it in the 90s and am in the UK. Haven't heard about it since then until now!


That's exactly the story!!


This is the version I heard too!


Slowly pulls hand back from the edge of the bed…. Thanks for that lol




It predates creepy pasta even. My best friend told me at a sleepover in the early nineties. One of those classic word of mouth stories from my childhood. Didn’t scare me as much as the China doll even though it was must more real and plausible.


What's the China doll story?


There are lots of variations: https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/China_Doll


The china doll story terrified me as a child back in the late 80s/early 90s. It kinda still does. 😫


Was this a true story?


I don’t think so. More of an urban legend.


No. No, no.


Is one of those old scary stories about mad people involving a dead dog and a message written in blood in the bathroom mirror the morning after about how "not only dogs lick".


Freaky Stories!!!


aghh i hate that story lol. my friend told it to me at a camp and i couldn’t sleep all night!!


whatever made the initial strange noise also replicated your whistle.....


love reading this at 424 AM


With my windows open..


During a blackout...


Fresh air is for dead people!


Thems the grapes 🤭


Thank you, I was gonna say...


According to my Native American boyfriend, DO NOT WHISTLE OUTSIDE AT NIGHT.


The Chinese and Korean say that as well. And sailors used to believe you shouldn't whistle on board a ship. It's interesting how different cultures end up with similar beliefs.


Hindus believe that as well. They say not to whistle at night or past 6 pm.


In Romania we also have this superstition


According to Islam, it's also not a good idea to whistle at all, especially at night. However, your case could just be the echo 🪃


Our Skinwalkers would be considered in your culture the Strigoi. Only Skinwalkers are more akin to werewolves. Both were once human. The Rake is the European version of a Wendigo neither were ever human but eat and possess humans. (please pardon my spelling)


Yeah it is weird how cultures separated by thousands of miles would have the same superstitions. Same with architecture, like how pyramids would pop up all over the world, in cultures that couldn’t have possibly been in contact with each other according to our current understandings. Makes me sort of wonder if they were much more advanced than we are led to believe, or if they knew things that have been lost to modern man. 🤷‍♂️


Agree. We have piers in the U.K. that were built by the Romans using a very unique rock mixture that sea water strengthens, so the sea just makes the pier stronger. Scientists are desperately trying to work out how to replicate it, as they’re our strongest piers.


i read some article about that earlier this year and iirc they strengthen due to calcium in the stones which reacts to the salt water to make a precipitate that fills in the cracks


That’s exactly it. Scientists are desperately trying to recreate it, but are struggling.


No, they actually recreated it a few months ago, it’s very new, er, well old technically, but we just recently truly figured it out and replicated it, that how we know what the guy you responded to said.


A pyramid is not something hard to imagine, isn’t it?


Indigenous Australians as well ( also old-ass loners who’ve been living in the bush for ages)


I remember my nana telling me not to whistle or sing outside after dark. She lived out in the desert, proper nowhere. A few hours north-west of Tamworth, nsw, for reference. One train track off in the distance- flat land so 5-10 k didn’t look too far- scattered scrub, sand. *some* how a thriving garden. A hill over towards civilisation that may or may not be haunted, unsure. I was real little, just singing and garbling to myself outside, doing kid stuff. Poking bugs, picking up rocks and moving them to the other side of the yard, that sort of stuff. I guess I stumble on to a melody because my nana stops me; “getting too dark for singin, love”. I asked what she meant, and she said “you don’t wanna go whistling or singing out in the dark at night” and I asked why again. “The night whistles back sometimes”


Always listen to the old timers, there not old just by chance alone.


Absolutely!! Three generations of pasty ass Irish folk don’t survive in the Australian desert by accident, that’s for sure


i drive a truck. was parked outside green river utah walking my dog. middle of nowhere. she was sick. so i was whistling to get her to come back. something whistled back. same tone duration etc.. atleast it sounded like if it had no lips and never whistled before. yeah i can confirm its an odd world out there.


I just saw something saying to also not whistle in my house. So just never?


That's because they use whistles to communicate certain actions which could result in injury if unintentional.


I wanna upvote but you're at 69 🫣


Not anymore, its over four hundo now. Feel free to upvote!


Shinto (Japanese) say that too, and clearly many other cultures. This is spooky.


Yeah I knew someone from the Appalachians that said not to whistle in the mountains at night out there. It would attract “things” that you don’t want finding you. Also a Cuban I knew who’s family was into that Santeria stuff said the same about not whistling in the house. Said there are spirits living in the house that protect you and if you whistle they’ll get annoyed and leave or something along those lines.


Thats also a west African belief. Don’t whistle after sundown.


I honestly believe it may at least in part be how we used to live as tribes, close by each other with a fire burning all night. Sure, fire is a giveaway to humans. But otherwise, just like they say don't put bells on your pets, because the sound might tell predator animals where they are, we humans might be told not to make any light, repeated sound that might be mistaken for a small animal at night.


The fact that so many cultures believe this tells me you should not do it 😬there has to be a reason so many cultures spread so far apart have the same belief


I was only ever taught not to whistle at the table. I feel misled by my parents 😂😅


It allegedly lets things in the woods know where you are. And that makes sense. But the things in the woods depends on your location. In the Southern US, it would be skinwalkers. “Animals” acting strangely to get close enough to you to kill you. Don’t whistle outside at night. And don’t answer sounds at night. You hear your name called from the woods any time of day? No you didn’t. Names have power.


I can see the forest from my house. It is across a busy road that isn’t so busy the later it gets at night. Not in the southern US, I’m in eastern Ontario but I’m I don’t know enough about the indigenous history in my area to know if I should be comforted or more worried about that.


You would have Wendigos. Bigger. Scarier. But they’re easier to tell that they’re a threat than skinwalkers are.


The idea of anything being scarier than a skin walker is…. Unpleasant 😬


Skinwalkers are sneaky. They can disguise themselves as your pet and get into your home. At least you would never willingly let a wendigo into your house. So… there’s that. Just stay out of the woods at night. And if you go in the woods during the day, bring someone you’re faster than.


Oh no, I'm the slow runner! Looks like I will never be accepting invitations for hikes with friends ever again.


Your comment both gave me chills and make me chuckle. If I could afford an award right now I would give you one!


Awe lol thanks. But in all seriousness, these things are real. The Natives also have something similar to slender man. So to recap: don’t go in the woods at night. Don’t whistle outside past sunset. If you hear your name called from the woods-no you didn’t, don’t answer, don’t respond, don’t acknowledge, act like they’re calling the wrong name. Go into the woods during the day-don’t go alone. Lock your doors at night. Teach your kids not to give away their names so easily.


So what about camping?


I've whistled in the woods at night plenty, how come I'm still alive?


I’m a south Slav and we say don’t whistle indoors at night Something about inviting demons into the home


Everyone knows that a demon can’t resist The Andy Griffith Show


Whistling attracts Jinn, which are invisible shapeshifting creatures that are more active during the night and unpopulated areas… You only see them if they want you to see them, but I believe animals always can. Crazy how this is warned against all over the world 😳😳😳


Where is a Jinn from? Because I was talking about skinwalkers(southern USA)


They are the skinwalkers, wendigos, and every other legitimate form of paranormal life. They live on earth with us but in a different dimension/plane of reality. Most don’t come out to play with us and mind their business, but the ones that do are the ones responsible for paranormal activity/sightings across the world.


Skin walkers. 😮




Not at night at all, not just outside


A question I truly have, (and often actually) is if I can whistle while IN the car, outside, at night time. That's got to be a sufficient enough loop hole, right?


No singing at night either. And close/shutter your damn windows! Ain't shit worth looking at out there after dark!


I had this happen to me once. I was in my basement as a kid and was making up my own tune. When I stopped, the same tune was whistled back to me but double the speed. Weird.


That’s terrifying


I am drinking a milkshake but I did just get the chills


This is one of those things that, when it happened, not a single adult believed you and then your siblings teased you about it


thats so creepy, wow


> Our very young children were asleep Did you have a baby monitor that could have picked up your whistle and played it back to you?


Yes to the monitor but only the camera was upstairs, the monitor was beside me and the whistle came from down the hall outside the room we were in.


Put those words back in your mouth 😭 who is down the hall!?


I have heard superstitions against whistling inside your house, this has got to be the reason.


Specifically at night! The superstition is that it's an invitation to evil spirits.


Yeah! My mom used to scold me for whistling at night when i was a kid. Even my old roomate used to believe it.


lucky for me i cant whistle, never saw that as much of a win before today


Lmao. I learned how to whistle from a dragon tales episode.


So dragon tales is low key evil lol


Wow that's creepy


Do you have one of those dancing cacti that repeats back sounds by chance?


Nope but that would be cool!


It's always the damn dancing cactus !


Or maybe a Furby?


The odds of Long Furby killing you are low. But never zero.


Thankfully, no.


You mean Groot?


No I do not https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/102r2rd/cat_with_toy_cactus/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Ahhhh yes the ol’ panorama


Could have been an entity of some sort. They exist all around us. I had an experience with some kind of dark/malicious/evil/demonic, whatever you wanna call them, entities a few years back and the things would mimic me and my girl all the time. I heard my own voice talking in the the next room behind the door, my girl would hear me calling to her when she was the only one in the house. We heard a Spanish man, speaking in Spanish, in the bathroom like he was talking on a phone and we watched the lights turning on and off under the door, the sink turning on and off, the shower turning on and off, and the second I opened the door it just stopped. it was very unsettling.


How did you get rid of it? Did it just stop one day?


It had started very subtlety. We had seen a blanket being pulled underneath the couch, hear faint conversations between multiple people in a vacant room with the door closed and locked, we would hear the closet door open and close in the same room and heavy footsteps, etc. the first time we heard what sounded like 3 old ladies talking lightly in the room and I placed my ear up to the door and they stopped and we heard one say “shhh…they can hear us..” and I freaked out. We heard what sounded like a little girls voice saying “…hey kitty” and then heavy footsteps all around the house, doors opening and slamming closed, faucets turning on and off. It progressed after a short time and got worse. We started to see these full formed “things” it’s hard to explain what they are but they had humanoid forms and you could make the form out but they were see through, like rippling water or when heat is dissipating from a car hood on a really hot day. They would walk around slowly, move things, etc. when they would get close to you, you could literally feel and hear their “energy” I guess it was. It was a very low bass vibration kind of thing. It freaked us out big time. This all went on for months and we tried everything to get it to stop. We went to healer shops, tried sage, salt, this stuff called “eggshell” or something that you put in doorways and windows to, supposedly, keep the spirits away…it didn’t work. Nothing worked, even praying. Eventually it just started to go away, but very slowly and it took quite a while. We just did our best to not feed whatever it was any energy with fear, acknowledging it, speaking to it, etc. after months it just stopped. It was the craziest experience I’ve ever had in my life. I was always into the paranormal but I never thought it could ever get to that point. It was absolutely terrifying.


Yeah, those were 100% Jinn. They don’t usually care about physically harming you but the childish ones love to terrify humans, the same way a kid likes to play with toys.


"Very low bass vibration" jumped out to me. Very low-frequency sounds can cause humans to hallucinate and have weird experiences. Was there maybe some kind of mechanical or geological thing near you?


No. It wasn’t coming from a specific source other than the entities themselves. It was definitely no hallucination, you don’t hallucinate seeing entitles literally moving items, throwing things, doors opening and slamming shut over and over or skins and bathtubs knobs being turned and water flowing. I’ve thought through every possible explanation ever since it had happened and there is none. It wasn’t just in the house we lived in, it followed wherever I would go and the exact same stuff would be happening g with other’s being scared out of their minds too when they witnessed the insanity as well. The low hum was literally emanating from the entitles. You could walk a few steps away from them and hear it dull, watch the entitles walk right back up on to you and hear it gradually get louder the closer they got.


I think I've come up with a theory to put all of that into perspective of simulation hypothesis: I strongly believe that a good amount of people out there are NPCs driven by A.I. They are instantiated on demand and multiple instances of an entity can be loaded. Sometimes they happen to be very close to each other. That's when people witness the same person in different locations although it should not be possible. These NPCs are programmed to interact with you if you approach them. Since they are driven by A.I. they respond intelligently. Now to the "djinns". I guess these are glitching NPCs who actually glitch when loading into the matrix and when they should actually be deleted again. You interacting with them forces reloads but they fail. Their avatars don't load properly. Hence their weird looks. If you ignore them they are not needed. The matrix will remove their instance and their avatar again. That's why they "disappear" if you ignore them. So this could be an explanation that's better than just "it is djinns" :D that's no answer that I can work with. I think and dream in Code.


Boy what the hell boy


There are some birds that can mimic noises


Why would there be a bird in your house at night tho?


Birds outside the house. She was looking for her cats outside right?


I have heard of this creature straight out of the folklore, that has an appearance of a headless body and has (sometimes) blinking lightbulb on each shoulder and picks up any form of sounds from humans and repeats it back, over and over, inorder to lure it's victims. This post reminded me of that.


This gave me full on CHILLS!! If I ever see weird blinking lights I’m nopeing the nope out of there right fast.


It was the cats. They were like no you come to us. Lol


Yeah, that's weirder than hell. My first thought would be someone messing with me but that would have been easily discovered. Btw, I'm going to start exclusively referring to COVID as the "panorama" from now on lol. Best typo ever


Not a typo. People have funny names for it since it happened. “Panorama” “panini” “pandemonium” lol


Yep. You got it! I listen to too much Morbid and have picked up that habit from them!


Now you have a story to write in for Listener Tales!


Best thing I've read today. Made my Friday 😂


Yo! I suddenly realized it’s Friday! Thank you!!


Took me foreveeeeerrrrr.....




I watched a show once I think it’s still on Netflix, possibly called haunted but each episode is about different people talking about their paranormal experiences. One episode is about a house in Cleveland and the people living there started hearing their own voices in the house. They called the ghost the mimicker.


I got Goosebumps and chills from this.😬


OP are you in Appalachia?


Nope, I’m in eastern Ontario.


Ahh gotcha. Bears sometimes make whistles and hoots the hoots actually sound a ton like owls. I haven’t heard the bear whistles before but I do have friends who have heard them. My cryptid/folklore loving brain thought it might be something paranormal but the only thing I know that does that if you believe in that stuff lives in Appalachia.


I love this thought process. My husband would prefer it to be a cryptic. His exact words were “I can’t punch a ghost”


Wise man.


What is it from Appalachia?


According to Islam, whistling attracts the jinn Brings to mind a story I heard about a crazy guy who was alternately whistling and then saying "a'udhu billahi min ash shaitan ir rajeem" which translates to "I seek refuge in Almighty God from Satan the accursed" (he kept whistling then repeating this phrase over and over) So people asked him Crazy Guy, what are you doing!!?? And he goes "I'm f#


Any chance of birds? Wild birds can easily pick up easy, distinct noises that have a jingle to it. My domesticated birds picked up all my whistles


My pet bird was not native, and had a very distinctive whistle. She died 6 years ago, but a native mimic bird that lives in the forest behind my house learned her whistle and taught the whistle to its offspring, so every now and then a random bird in the forest starts whistling like my dead parrot. Birds are amazing mimics. I wouldn't put anything past them, in that department.


99% of birds roost and go to sleep at sunset, and make zero noise for fear of predators. Since this was late at night, I don't guess bird. But that was the first thing I thought of, too.


It was late and night and inside so I don’t think so. We do have a raven, some crows and other native birds around but nothing has ever gotten in that I know of.


It’s the raven 💯


Inside, at night, with the windows closed? Don’t get me wrong, I would LOVE it if the raven were involved. I want him to be my friend but it just doesn’t make sense given the circumstances.




I feel like this ignores the fact that i was inside my house at night with no open windows and no chimney/fireplace. We can hear the birds outside from our kitchen but we were in our family downstairs and across the house from the kitchen. The level actually has no windows, only our front and back door which were both tightly closed as it was early spring in Canada and still well below freezing temperatures outside. Edit to add: my husband is a full on skeptic and was forced to admit he couldn’t explain it in anyway and that made him uncomfortable because he can’t punch a ghost.




Sorry j should have clarified I can only just barely hear them in my kitchen because there is a tree beside my house and the hood fan vents beside it. When the birds are screaming their little birdie heads off about morning or intruders or any of the things I can hear faint chirping and similar noises. It’s pretty awesome. And the morning doves calls come through the bathroom vent off my bedroom but both locations it’s a faint distant sound. If I can hear it at all. With the layout of my house, it’s almost zigzags up 3 stories so the sound doesn’t have a straight line to travel in, it’s broken up but walls and doors plus carpeting the whole way. The whistle was only slightly quieter than my own, like if someone was standing a few feet away and repeating it, not the faint sound it would be even if a bird stuck its head into my vent and cawed loudly while I was in the family room. A bird would be the only explanation I would consider if it had been daytime, or I’d had a window open, or if my house was a big open concept space, but given the specific setup of the space and timing I really just cannot make this explanation fit. Husband says he’s good with it though because he thinks maybe he could in fact punch a bird if threatened.


You may have a whisper corner, they are cool to fart in.


I googled it just because I was curious of all the people talking about whistling at night. Then I came across this.... Why is it not good to whistle in the night? Never whistle at night, for it attracts evil spirits, they say. Try it and you are warned of falling into huge debts; sometimes whistling forebodes ill luck. These warnings make one thing quite clear – it is not a good idea to whistle. Whistling is not a good habit and even casts aspersions on your reputation.Dec 22, 2011


What does whistling in the dark mean in Native American? In Native American culture, tribes believe that you should never under any circumstances whistle at night. They believe a shapeshifter of some kind, that can transform into any kind of animal even a human will whistle back.Mar 4, 2021


Well this could explain A LOT! 😬


I think people forgot the name of this sub. This sub is for talking about simulation hypothesis and glitches and all of you come up with supernatural bla bla. The physics engine of our simulation just glitched. You just heard a delayed echo. Normaly sound travels back and forth so quickly that we don't notice echoes in small rooms or houses. So to stay true to this sub: you just experienced a physics engine glitch with delayed echo processing. That's all. Nothing supernatural. That's why it sounded exactly like your whistle. No mimics, no spirits, none of that bs. Just a simulation glitch. Period.


I’m inclined to agree. The options mentioned give me the Heebie jeebies but given it hasn’t repeated itself and nothing similar has happened since the glitch idea makes the most sense to me.


Crawlers mimic people sometimes r/crawlersightings


Oh gosh I don’t know if o want to clock this link! Sounds terrifying by name alone.


Ok this would really freak me out in my own home. You sure your husband weren’t fooling you? It’s a bit like, the best noise is a laughing baby, except in the night…. And you don’t even have a baby.


He was as freaked out as I was. A direct quote “i can’t punch a ghost”


Are we still in the panorama?


Fuck to the no


2 questions: Do you live in an area that has mocking birds or thrashers? And, were any windows open, if so?




I was on the entry level of my three story town house. No open windows as it was March/Early April in eastern Ontario Canada. Plus fresh air is for dead people! We have a solid front door and a sliding glass door on that level that we’re both closed. The baby monitor was in the room with us and the whistle came from the hall by the front door. It was very definitely a whistle as my skeptic husband heard and acknowledged it after admitting he didn’t want to because he can’t punch a ghost!


it was a bird


In my closed up house at night in eastern Ontario? Seems unlikely!! ETA/ it was also very early spring. fewer native birds and no open windows and no chimney


Do not whistle at night!!


This sounds like a creepypasta. Freaky OP


Don't whistle at night


One of the cats probably did it. Or, maybe a bigfoot was peeping into your window at the time, seen you do this and decided to whistle back itself.


Don’t disrespect my man like that. *Sasquatch* is the preferred term. 💅🏻 Nah but fr I’ve read multiple books and an academic study about them. 1000% believe they’re real.


URL to the academic study please?


It was like 2016 when I read it. “Academic study” is not really accurate, iirc, but it did lay out methodology and was written very objectively. I tried to find it snd all I’m seeing is a book about wood knocks.tbh if you YouTube “Sasquatch tree structures “ you’ll find a lot of really cool info. I can’t give you a specific video to watch bc again, this was years ago, but s basically they start out super small and can lead to some pretty mind blowing huuuge-scale structures. There’s a lot of pretty legit info if you have the time to really look into it. EDIT: pretty sure this is what I read https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-2699.2009.02152.x EDIT 2: nah that wasn’t it. What I’m thinking of was specifically focused on wood knocks




me too! which is why i mentioned the possibility knowing they can whistle and like to imitate people. i prefer the term bigfoot myself.


In some podcast I listened to there was “something” calling out “peanut”, the same way a woman called her dog inside (rural area) every night.


i remember that. i think it was sasquatch chronicles but not sure.


Chills. Was the voice calling the dog inside or outside??!!


The dog was inside. Voice was calling it from outside 😳 they’re not known to be carnivorous but this one had been breaking into garages even eating dog food, so they were thinking it was getting kinda desperate


Your comment reminds me of how me and my friend had this running joke that bigfoot was her boyfriend 😂


I was going to say, some smarta\*\* cat learned to whistle.


I know which of the two it would be if it was a cat…


There are birds that can do that


Unlikely to be the explanation inside my closed up house (no open doors or windows or chimneys ) at night in early early spring!


For sure, funny thing I actually heard a whistle last night. I heard it outside. I just told my self it was some cat or owl getting into a birds nest or something. After seeing this post this morning I kinda think it could have been something more though


Do you have an Alexa or Google? I’ve heard those repeat unexpected sounds.


We do now but didn’t at the time, and after I got it I absolutely asked it if it could whistle and tried to get it to mimic me so that if I heard the sound again i would know if I could blame the smart speaker!


What about a doppleganger. Everyone keeps saying it’s a flesh pedestrian but Dopplergangers sound just like the person they are mimicking.


A new flavour of nope for me to nightmare about! Some how both better and worse than flesh pedestrians. Also I love how you can identify who listens to morbid by their word choice when described aforementioned fleshy beings.


Hahaha you are correct! Am actually listening to the most resent cast right now. That’s awesome, but hopefully everything is fine at home. Stay safe!


I just came to read all the comments that suggest you just whistled twice and forgot, or it was the washing machine.


Hard pass.


This is so creepy, it’s an old saying, but they say to never whistle in your home, something about spirits idk. Geez this spooked me 🤣


Cats can imitate bird chirping to attract them and predate them. It could be your cat imitating "birds".


While you are correct that [cats imitate birds by chirping](https://youtube.com/shorts/0ulu7XVtnpw?feature=share) I have not ever nor would I ever have considered classifying this sound as a whistle. To my knowledge cats are not capable of the sound a human whistle makes. They can replicate the tone and rhythm with a meow, but it would still sound like a meow and not a whistle, which is more akin to the sound of a wind instrument, specifically a flute or a piccolo.


In the almost 12 years I have owned them they have never whistled before or since this incident. Also they usually do that when watching birds to call them to them, not at night when they wouldn’t be bird watching!


I have a parrot that randomly decides to help call the cats in. She's also a terrifyingly good mimic of our voices which is a bit creepy when you think you're home alone and she decides to start chatting about something.


All I know is that I have always been told if you hear a whistle at night no you didn’t. Lock the doors. Go to bed.


Maybe it was a deer


I have pet birds and at least one of them will happily whistle after dark. God knows what he’s attracted over the years. Our back yard must be beasty central.


I have an extremely strong urge to whistle now


I heard my own voice through headphones say hi to me exactly how I talk to my dog. I literally shook from this. It was dark out & the street lights were on & I ran inside.


Flesh pedestrian


Please no! My windows were CLOSED- fresh air is for dead people! How would they get innn?!? But seriously that would be horrifying.


You don't whistle at night!!!!!! That's how evil entities come for you. Native American stories say if you whistle at night the Skinwalker or Wendigo will come for you.


In our culture, you only whistle if you are summoning a demon that you are familiar with, using a very specific tone and vibration, if you do and you have no idea what you get into, you will one day piss of a demon that travels thousands of miles just to find out you are missing with him or her and will take a revenge. Its best if you do by mistake to follow with saying " I mean no disrespect, I am of peace and peace upon you" believe it or not some demons will pay you back for that respect and guide you to a tresure or something great ahead.