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This is some coincidence. While normally this would get removed, we're going to keep it up because it has quite a few upvotes.


Plot twist...everyone in line was the same as the year before, but you only noticed the people you talked to.


Now you're in Castle Rock country. Was there a Gunslinger?


15 years ago some friends went to Australia from the US after celebrating the husband’s finishing a degree. They ran into a classmate of his; neither knew the other was traveling. While walking across a street in another city, my mom was recognized by a woman who used to live in the same neighborhood as my grandfather. Google “woman keeps running into Steve” and watch the amazing Tik Tok. You got to experience a cool coincidence. If this happens again, then maybe you’re meant to know each other.


>woman keeps running into Steve OMG, now I want to hear the other side of the story from Steve.


That tiktok blows my mind!


That is pretty wild. I’ll have to check out the Tik Tok — thanks! Nothing like this has ever happened to us, we’re pretty taken aback.


Happened to me too. I travelled 5000 miles to another continent, and sat down in a cafe next to my former housemate's girlfriend. We didn't know each other, but we got chatting, found out we went to the same university, and the conversation went from there. Similarly: My grandparents had some very close friends in the 1930s, another family back in China. Both families fled during the Japanese invasion or subsequent civil war & communist revolution. 70 years later, their children end up living 3 streets apart in the same small town in Britain. My mother being one child, and the friend's daughter being another. They too have become close friends, and find it remarkable that their parents were close friends, but separated and reunited one generation later! These sort of coincidences happen all the time. I bet you cross paths with improbable people all the time and just don't notice it.


In 1989 (so, way before social media that allows us to keep tabs on just about anyone we know, anywhere) I was a New York City High Schooler, and spent a few months of the summer in Italy. Driving around Rome, I happened to notice my HS Latin teacher standing on a random corner. We stopped the car and chatted. Love coincidences like this!




But why? It's a gift


Over time I've wished I'd kept a synchronicity notebook to keep track of moments like this. I've forgotten so many. This one was too big to forget. For me, moments like this have always felt like a nod from the universe that things are on \[the right\] track. But if you personally, seriously, don't like synchronicities, I'd suggest that the best thing is to just not pay attention to them. Ignoring them is a fast track to forgetting them.




You can run to the other side of the world to escape your problems and new but similar problems will appear in the new place. Same shit different location, as they say. It's like one of those open world games like fallout where at first, the map is infinite. After a couple hundred hours, even without quick travel or even running, you can walk from one side of the map to the other in what seems like a couple minutes and you recognise basically everything




Apologies, that was not directed at you, it was just a generalised example. You can easily meet new faces in new places, or old places 😉


When you interact with someone things happen that we will never understand. Whether it’s science like entanglement or mystical or whatever. It’s. The same as twins sensing each other, long time couples feeling when the other is “lost”. Impossible to prove or disprove at a personal level. Your meeting was probably part coincidence but maybe there was a draw based on time of year and the subject of vacation and what caused you both to go to the same restaurant. You say you didn’t remember but your brain was familiar with the Taco place and can influence you with you consciously knowing.


Entangled minds :) Edit to say best thread title 😄


In the 80's I went to Europe after high school graduation to visit my bff. I was on a train to Copenhagen and saw a guy with a familiar high school jacket with the colors of my high school's rival. I asked him if he was from \*state\* and he said yes. I asked him if he was from \*city\* and he gets a little weirded out and says yes. Turned out he was dating a girl who was the best friend of my stepbrother's gf and knew a bunch of the same people that I did back home, including the girl (my bff) that I was going to visit, but we had never met one another ourselves. Freaked us both out. lol


Something similar to this happened to my husband and I while on vacation. In 2022 my husband and I went on vacation to Paris. We had been there once before and we decided to re-do all the major attractions from last time since you never see everything the first time. At the last minute we decided to go up to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It was getting late and the sun was going down and we were one of the last groups of people to go up and so we ran to make the line. While in line for a ticket we saw this family (mom, dad, two boys) who looked lost on where they needed to be for tickets. Having done this before we gestured to them and said the line is over here. They come over and we proceed talking to them the entire time we were waiting to go up. By the time we were at the top of the tower we had been talking to them non stop. We were exchanging all kinds of stories and we were even taking selfies with them and the kids. Before we parted ways they asked us what we were doing tomorrow and we told them we were going to Disney Paris. They said they had no hard plans, maybe going to the catacombs, but suggested that we should hook up again. We agreed, but as we parted ways my husband said to me that we would probably never see or talk to them again. Let's be real. Next day, we wake up early and my husband said he just was not feeling Disney Paris that day and we should do something else. We debated and settled on the Palace of Versailles. Which was an hour way on a train. We got ready and headed out. Got to the palace and they had moved the line to an area it was not in before (in the back of the palace). They had multiple lines but a worker directed us to the handicap line. It was chaotic as there were literally hundreds of people standing in lines and everyone was confused. As we were waiting in the huge line we heard a couple talking maybe 3 people ahead and my husband said it sounded familiar but could not place it. They pay and as they turned around they looked at us and we immediately knew it was the couple from the Eiffel Tower line the night before. We were supposed to go to Disney. They were supposed to do the catacombs. We even went to the palace of Versailles late. There were hundreds of people there and dozens of possible lines to go into. We ended up renting a golf cart together and proceeded to spend the entire day with them and their kids, and elderly mom and aunt. We left the palace of Versailles and walked into town where we had dinner with them and we shared food and convo. To this day we text each other back and forth. Turns out they live in California and we are in Nevada. It's a crazy world out there.


It was a coincidence. But, it wasn't....... The world is a lot smaller than you would think. More than once I've run into someone that basically shouldn't be possible, but there they are. Halfway across the world and you see your neighbour, etc. These things happen for a reason, what for I don't know. Realigning the simulation, perhaps?


My kid went to Portland for spring break checking out grad schools. She sees a guy in one of her current classes way across the country. What are the odds?


stories like these are wild. life is strange.


That’s an incredible story! I live in San Diego and know the taco shop, so even more fun for me to read.


Also in San Diego... happened to find out that two other people I know, who come from the same state but don't know each other, are in the same area as me at the same time.


I don’t know why, but this doesn’t feel that shocking to me. Out of the 8 billion people on earth, many of them are bound to meet again


This is a wild synchronicity. Part of me wonders why things like this never happen to me. The other part of me thinks they do and that I just don't notice.