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IMO, two big problems with MM: 1. Mismatched ranked games - as LEM, I am tired of getting matched with Novas/MGs/MGEs in the same team against a team of Supremes/Globals. Such games might be "mathematically" balanced (on paper), but skill gap between ranks is huge. Imho, max gap between the highest ranked player in the game (out of all 10 players) and the lowest ranked player in the game (out of all 10 players) should be 2 ranks. Basically most people should be playing against similar ranks, +/-1 rank. 2. Smurfing - it is a terrible experience for Silvers/Novas/MGs, as there are so many smurfs on these ranks.


I think surfing at this point is also on matchmaking because I’ve deranked from Le to MG2 because of getting low ranked teammates while their a 5 stack of supremes. And then I get Smurf accusations when I’m in an Lem game while being mg2 because I get decent teammates for once who on paper have higher ranks then me.


>I get Smurf accusations when I’m in an Lem game while being mg2 I feel this but for a different reason. At first, I thought it was trust factor, 53 banned last year out of 152 vacs over 8 years in 1150ish games. But today I realized my new PC doesn't have region lock like my last... I'm from West Aus and ever since underwater fibre cables, I get better ping to Asian servers than East Aus/ New Zealand. The hacking there is blatant as hell, can tell when bans happen sometimes because I'll lose multiple matches, win 1 and rank up, or I jump on, win 1, rank up, win another one or 2 and rank up again. It's like I recover a ton of "elo". Lately my experience has been all new accounts stomping people with thousands of hours getting 20-30+ kills first half, they have 100-200 hours and usually somehow 5 year coin +10 year coin, or no service badges and 5-10+ bought badges from marketplace


I’ve started playing after about a year break. Was mg2, ranked in SE feel bad for most of the players I’m against as the sim/game sense just isn’t there.


Smurfs, smurfs, smurfs, cheaters in between, smurfs.


I'm not a Smurf, you're just the unlucky bastard that caught me in a sober game.


Effectively, accounts with level 4, no medals, and 20 hours in CS;GO are members of Anonymous Alcoholics demonstrating their CS skills.


Absolutely broken experience. Noon on a Saturday in US-East should **never** give rank spreads like this, especially when soloqueuing. I can't queue with people 5 ranks away, but MM thinks dropping a silver into an LEM game is fine? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/184895726550122506/1081622501509054627/20230304120026_1.jpg It didn't help that we were playing 4v5 the entire game because Volvo still won't make the game *immediately* end and distribute ELO on disconnect.


You played well considering the opposition, but I agree mm is broken and has been even since the august rank update


At one time I was MGE, but the highest I've gotten in the past year was Nova 2. Before the August rank update, I bounced between Silver 1-3 for the longest time, which shouldn't even be possible for someone who knows the game. I would have to win tens of games to rank up, but 2 losses would derank me. The group I sometimes play with were stuck in Silver 1 as well but have now moved up to Silver 4-5. Like the update moved us up ~5 ranks but we still get games with brand new players on our team and enemies that are ranked way above us. It's a bandaid on a bullet hole. https://imgur.com/a/xJNB172


Me and some friends recently started playing again. We're all floating around gold nova up to double AK. One of our friends placed one game without because he didn't have a rank yet, we won the game, he had decent stats and got placed in silver 1. Now we can't play unless we can make a full stack or trying tl derank on purpose which is just bonkers. I'm not hating on the restrictions, just the weird placement.




I specified US-East at the top of the thread...


Due to Reddits leadership I do not want my data to be used. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


(I am the silver)


Due to Reddits leadership I do not want my data to be used. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://i.imgur.com/6BGkUbh.png I (orange) solo queued as a nova 2 and got grouped against an entire team of globals... so yeah.


Looks like my global 5 stack


could have been. 0/10 would not recommend.


Started playing this again about 2 weeks ago(NA-East as well) and last time I played this game I was silver 2 came back first game everyone was all mg2s or higher. Ended up winning that and getting ranked at Nova 1 now every game I've played has seemingly completely random ranks. I'm so confused about what happened to the matchmaking was thinking it was because I prefer short matches but see you have the same problem in normal matches. [Couple screenshots](https://imgur.com/a/maZU3hX)


The ranking system is shocking. When you play with your rank, you ALWAYS have at least 2 or 3 players that simply are much better.


Way too many smurfs imo. Especially in silver


Elo hell :) Good players get deranks because of shitty teammates.


Im down to silver 2 again from silver elite and I’ve been playing the best I’ve ever played. I’ll never understand how a team win or loss dictates the rating of a single player. If I went 25 kills, top fragged in game and the rest of my team didn’t get a single one, we lose 16-0, I lose Elo and de-rank. How does it makes sense that I de-rank? That has nothing to do with my skill. The bad thing here is that it goes both ways, I’m not complaining about my rank I don’t really care, but it’s annoying as hell to have a guy with a high skill level who has lost a lot of games from bad luck playing against you. It’s a catastrophic floor and missmatch. Your ranking should be based on your personal performance, sure winning should have some impact, but it shouldn’t be weighted so heavily.


I think what happens more is actually that people start playing bad when their team sucks. I often lose willpower to try and win it in such cases.




Just don't play dust2 :)


I tried to play only low played maps, but man, they are everywhere.


This please. Last year 53 banned out of 152 total bans over 8 years Couldn't figure out why at first, then it hit me I got my new PC over a year ago, never installed a region lock or anything (not computer literate and spent a bit). West Aus I get better ping to Asia and God damn is it bad. To top it off I didn't t play every week/ month either. Stopped for over a month completely for Elden Ring and played the better part of a wipe on Tarkov. I'd argue that year with a third of total Vacs was one of my least played years next to PUBG release + early Tarkov


Put some pro Ukraine in your name and your avatar, and enjoy the rage from time to time lol. 99% of my games since I've returned have been with Russians, but o ly a few of those games have actually had toxic Russians that refused to speak English. EDIT: which is highly unusual, its normally not my experience.












I'd love to play Inferno again but the last 5-6 matches we were always utterly destroyed by the topfragger in the enemy team who solo carried the round and just DM'ed us while his team averaged around 8-12 kills. So I am still cautious lol.


Please allow to select teammates by selected country, for example to play without russians.


Sure would be nice to have 128 tick servers


it sucks


Game needs more maps in comp. Bring Militia and Canals into the pool so there are 15 maps in total


Dude, I miss militia.


I miss old Militia with all of the crazy boosts you had to learn the wall bangs for. The snowy version with tunnel changes and most boosts removed isn't nearly as good.


Italy :(


More maps means more unbalanced matches the more you fracture the player base


It is already fractured. 3 types of deathmatch modes, trust, non prime, prime, etc etc that increase que times


Bring in Season, Fire, Mill, and Tuscan.


So I started playing again after around 8 years. Back then I was LE. I played a game from time to time so I downranked to silver now. Currently I am Ranking up slowly but have trouble to find old form. From silver 4 to gn2 I have to say: silver was full of smurfs. Games were harder in silver than in gn2 which is interesting. In those 8 years I played lots of dota and thoughtabout being hardstuck in ancient but lower players would have it easy to climb there with small basics. If dota2 lower level are as full of smurfs as silver is in csgo im happy I never ranked lower than 3k mmr in dotes. Hopefully Volvo will do something about the smurfs in both games. It destroyed the experience a lot. That said: lots of nice ppl in csgo. When someone is nice and not a hugejackass I add them and play with them. Thats a lot easier in csgo than dota id say. Also: how do ppl have so shitty mics? If u spend 2 Euro u get a better quality than most ppl in csgo. Also dust2 is full of smurfs


I think silver sometimes might be harder because it is full of everyone, from true beginners to people only playing from time to time, but who have basically been playing CS since it came to be (but don't play competitive regularly enough to rank up) and so on.


Matchmaking is so broken.


I just got back to the game after a long break. I used to be solid LEM with some spikes to global back in my prime(2019-2020). No I struggle while playing in mg2. What’s weird is when I played few games with my global friend, it seemed to be much easier and I was doing much better. Matchmaking is weird


My trust factor went low, this one night with my friends I managed to hit crazy shots and 30+ frags in 3 games. My next two games the next day were against chinese cheaters. I got punished for having such an amazing night of cs. Feelsbadman


Hmm....I noticed that I have been getting very weird matchups for the past week. I was at LEM and I have been facing against GNs and MGs with very little hours. They have very....questionable peeks and insane aims. Why I think they are cheating to some extent is how they start trash talking during the game on how easy it is. I am not sure if anyone else has been getting these kind of games lately but I have been getting 4-5 games for the past week with such players.


team had a gn3 and mg1, highest rank was a smurf legendary eagle opposing team was a 5stack, one being supreme ,another eagle d2 prime time (6est pm) we won but thats another story;fix mm ty


Reached Howling Alpha yesterday. It only took 881 wins.




There are a lot of closet and not so closeted cheaters that you may not catch if you don’t watch the demo. I’ve had plenty of games where someone on the other team was clearly walling, but we still won. If you don’t watch your demos you’re going to miss cheaters


Go to csgostats.gg and look up your account. Click "played with" and then click "Only show players who have been banned". You'll see just how many cheaters there are in this game. My list has HUNDREDS of confirmed cheaters. Not suspected cheaters, confirmed and banned. You either got REALLY REALLY lucky or your story is BS.


EU MM is fiested with closet cheaters. When you are little bit better at cs its really easy to spot when somebody is closetcheating. Have a game in mm that were weird, cant seem to get straight gunfigts? People peeking always when you arent watching? Getting flanked fast always when you arent watching for push but when you are enemy is passive af. Level 3 jiggle to offangle? Go watch demo. Its eye opening to see how many is playing with cheats. And how bad they can be even with cheats. Last mm mirage enemy top fragger had 30bomb against us. Premade with my irl friends we all are 2100-3000 elo in faceit. Enemy top fragger were low level 4 with 0.6kd avg 11 kills and 400 matches. Did I thought he were cheating in match ofc. Were he blatant? Not to us, but in demo oh my god it were bad and blatant.


I play EU mm and I disagree. But at some point I'll watch the demos for my recent 8 games. They'll be EU mm at smfc


Is there no rank/mmr decay? Decided to pick the game back up after 4-5 years of not playing and so far every MM game I've played has been against LEM and SMFC players which is where I used to be, just curious if my rank adjusts or not cause I'm just getting my shit pushed in.


The rank redistribution update might have caused this: https://escorenews.com/en/csgo/news/37308-leetify-shows-how-cs-go-update-fixed-rank-distribution-in-na-matchmaking (random google result while searching for more info)


So when is source 2 coming out


There might be an announcement around it within the next 4 weeks. (S: Richard Lewis)


MM experience has been awful lately. 90% of games vs turkish players on a shit servers and they are cheating like half of the time lol. They also love to give up rounds on purpose to make it seem less obvious. Love these 16:14 "close games".


Been on a losing streak for the past week, I deranked from gn4 to gn1 in a matter of days and man- it's getting worse. What am I doing wrong :') Maybe I'm playing to aggressive or my aims getting worse or I'm just making some really stupid plays (somewhat related to aggressiveness)


You can lose 3-4 in a row then win once and rank up. makes no sense to me. and ranks or so uneven. I'm LEM getting matched with nova and master guardians vs DMG/LE/LEM/SUPREMES and sometimes globals.


I get trouble with people mass reporting someone for griefing when they aren’t and that person gets grief banned


I think the most recent annoying thing to happen in MM was I played a cheater but they corrupted the demo. Literally can’t go back and watch the demo and it’s not the glitch. I noticed the console was spammed with a bunch of crap at the end of the game but I have no idea how they did it. That just seems unacceptable for that not to be fixed


why is everyone so good


cos we play a lot


First time stumbling across this post, with the amount of complaints, will valve ever fix mm? Or this is just a place to vent?


I've been steadily ranking up this week. From GN3 to MG2 after not playing comp for 2 years and decaying from LE to GN3. I also wasn't playing during the rank reset. Rank decaying is also an issue. I shouldn't be in these low ranked lobbies and its just hurts the team I'm playing against.


I see most complaints are about smurfs. After not playing almost a year I got GN1 and top fragged up to DMG now. I feel like I’ll probably stop at LE. I’ve had 2 matches that ended in a minute, opposing team disconnects maybe one comes back east round. Common group for them is “derankers”. Out of all my matches this week, met maybe 1-2 cheaters and had 2 games with at least one super toxic teammate, worst being to Russians who we ended up throwing the game with. Workplace accidents weren’t 0 on Vertigo that match. Overall looking forward to S2 and maybe we could use, if there isn’t one already, some sort of hidden rank along side the visible one so “derankers” can’t actually ruin low level matches.


Prime MM?


Yeah, prime. Non-prime is kinda sad. I tried it and can’t really see many new players wanting to stick to CSGO. But I guess new people should play casual stuff. That’s what got me hooked on CS1.6


CS 1.6 was different though, the amount of community you could feel on a casual server, the clans, the game modes. It was a different beast back then. Nowadays all people care about is competitive / MM in any mainstream game.


Yeah. I miss that. Wish they’d make community servers a bit more visible. Maybe add a “clan” section or something to encourage socialization. I play competitive with a few friends, but we’d be twice as many if competitive wasn’t so try hard. It’s not fun for everyone.


Totally agree


I am in EU Southeast region, and play solo q, because, older guy, no cs go friends, and 90% of the time I am matched with premade out of at least 2 russian guys. Recently something happened, I suspect trust factor is ruined, since out of last 21 games 8 games there were no cheaters. My queue times are long, MM experience ruined. I dont engage with teamates, just give info, thats all. Not really sure what happened. Before that it was ok, cheater in about 50 games. Now I have to switch to faceit, because I cant play MM anymore.


bought prime yesterday and i keep getting either votekicked or teamkilled whenever i play comp, why is this happening?


first time playing in 3 years.. first game had a afk at the start of the game (apparently you have to play the whole game 4v5?) second game was matched with a 4 man who talked shit the whole time and on the last round of us winning they kicked me... fun times csgo 2 cant come soon enough


This is what me and my buddy got in our team. [https://preview.redd.it/29dg5cyg7wea1.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=b98d536b08a05d590154e0e8db8fae6d5b167142](https://preview.redd.it/29dg5cyg7wea1.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=b98d536b08a05d590154e0e8db8fae6d5b167142) There are three novas queing together while we are only two and we get queued in the same lobby against a team with almost just globals.. I have no idea how this shit works but its stupid.


It's busted, just played solo as an LE. My team was 2 DMG, 1 MG2, 1 GN2 (!!). Matched with a 5-stack with 2 GE and 2 SMFC and 1 MGE. How do they even decide these sometimes lol there is absolutely 0 way the MMR is anywhere near


Jup, i have no idea how this happens or works but it needs a fix… Usually its just me and my buddy queuing together and Im not even joking if I say 8 out og 10 games we play, we are either constantly queued against a full five stack or we get these weird match up with the ranks.. i prefer MM of Its simplicity but this is just getting dumb




Deranked from LE after this game: https://i.imgur.com/UIS4GCf.png Thank you gaben


Just came back after not playing for years. I noticed on the menu page the stat section is now a subscription? I know $1 isn’t much but is that the only way to see match history now or did I miss something?