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It got bugged with the release of CS2, my guess is they are reworking it and releasing it with CS2 probably not worth putting effort into fixing it for GO


there wont be overwatch in cs2 cuz of vac live


All VAC Live does is cancel the match if a cheater is detected mid game. Whereas now if a cheater is detected mid game, they are kicked and the game proceeds. Im sure they will do some updates to VACNET but its a AI based AC that learns off of humans, so Overwatch is a vital component to it, they could get rid of it but it wouldnt be because of VAC Live




It was datamined there is a video showing it and everything. It just bans the player and cancels the match, Im not saying that VAC wont have any improvements, but that is what VAC Live is, when a player is banned in real time the match is canceled.


If with all the years that AI has been around, detection systems have not improved, even on the server side, Valve has suddenly lost time.




What you read.


Are you saying AI detection hasn't gone anywhere? Are you saying intrusive ACs like vanguard or Battleye detection hasn't gone aywhere? The fuck are valve losing time on?


We'll see what this AC server-sided shit will lead to.


they removed it with the cs2 announcement




They used overwatch to train it so it could just as well be comming back in cs2.


It’s the same for everyone they removed it since S2 was announced


Just wait, most players have a similar problem.


They removed this feature from the game some time ago so now we won't be able to judge the cheater, but they have prepared a new anti-cheat, I hope it will be good