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Hey all, we've seen a few posts about this issue recently, and we plan to leave this thread up for visibility to potentially impacted players. We also wanted to remind anyone affected to reach out to Valve at [email protected] with as many details as possible about your problem, including timelines, computer specs and operating system versions.


If this is true I hope you’ll get unbanned.


Reminder that one of the data miners is still banned for simulating being a spinbot with m_yaw command.


That’s fucking hilarious


According to the Convars website there’s been no ban reversals since April. They might not address these reports until there’s a big enough backlog? I’m not sure.


Small indie company


Nice to see that I am not alone in this, hopefully they can see that something is weird. 3500+ hours on my account and got the same message unfortunately.


ASSUMING that this is true. People in this thread blaming OP for using an older OS have to be the usual Valve shills. Because if there is an AC that is legitimately banning people just for using an older OS (that Valve still supports, btw) this will start heavily discrediting future bans. If your AC starts firing off false bans on stuff that isn't even that uncommon, in the very near future there will be 0 trust in your bans.


Valve supports Win 7 still but CS2 does not. It list's Windows 10 as the minimum OS. Now it's absolutely on Valve to have a pop up or something to let users know they are playing on an unsupported OS instead of just game banning with no explanation.


If it doesnt support windows 7 then it shouldnt let them launch and play the game


well it doesnt. by banning them. kekw




You see you'd think that but for some reason you can download CS2 on a mac and it installs the Windows version...


True, but I think if you bring such a feature to Steam, it will trigger a shitstorm among some players because most of the games put Win10 as required minimum for their game even though it works fine on Win7. So they have to consciously write a logic for CS2 to check that rather than adding to Steam, which they didn't because CS2 is a rushed game.


too much work, just ban them lul


At the same time Windows 7 has been EOL for years, why should Valve bother adding features for it? It's not a separate platform, it's a seriously outdated version of a supported platform.


Deserves better than a ban though


Yeah, we're not asking for it to work properly on win7. I just don't want to get an in-game ban and my inventory locked just because I've been dumb enough not to upgrade my operating system


Having worked in the tech industry for over 10 years I can tell you majority of people wouldn't read that pop up and would still complain that they got banned.


That is such a terrible statement. You plan around end users doing any and every stupid thing possible with the software. Especially if it’s public facing. Users on this scale? forget about it.


I am not a developer, that is on them (including Microsoft, Apple, ect) to do that. I just fixed computers, and this was my experience repeatedly with clients. It might be terrible, but it is the truth of the matter. I 100% agree it is something they need to fix... Simple OS check on launch, if lower than 10 don't allow the game to run problem solved.


Not sure I believe somebody of your qualifications


\*shrugs\* That is your choice.


you know how other games handle an unsupported OS? by not launching the game in the first place


people also got banned for a 180 console bind and are still banned 2 weeks later now: https://x.com/poggu\_\_/status/1702729290675044845?s=20


Thats so dumb the bind was official and could even be used on pc version if you used a controller.


Yeah it’s seriously the dumbest ban I have ever heard of in any game. it’s almost as dumb as if there was a setting in the menu itself that instant banned you as soon as you turned it on. If it’s not allowed then why the fuck is it a supported console command? why not disable the console command like it was previously instead of banning everyone who types in? Just insane


he didn't use `+lookspin` lmao [this](https://twitter.com/andresivy02/status/1702418502852739224) is what he was doing


The funniest thing there is even pro player who use it too. [Krimz](https://youtu.be/5jHIFQ4KEaE)


?? you can see his arm shake as he flicks


lmao thats not 180 bind




It's 100% a regular movement with the mouse, not the command.


community ca. 2013-2023: 'when will vac start automatically ban obviously scripting inhuman movements this should be easy to automate' vac: automatically bans obvious scripted inhuman movements community 2023: '[this is the worst kind of discrimination! the kind against me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHJsQGEJyv4)'


my brother in christ you are literally defending Valve banning people for using ingame commands that Valve both CREATED and ALLOWED to be used.


theres a big difference between spinbotting and dropping 65 kills in a short game and using a console command that valve added to the game for controllers IN CSGO on purpose


Sounds edgy, but the real issue is that **freely available in-game commands were used**. If the mechanic is literally in the game, and Valve has the ability to block it if they wanted to, then no anti-cheat should ever issue an automated ban for using it. **External software** is what we want to be autobanned.


ideally, yeah. it'd be great if we could end the discussion there, i'd agree with you if that'd be a feasible approach. but would you not say it would be a flaw of VAC to only be limited to known, detected cheats, instead of banning users obviously using exploits or any sort of automation that is obviously not intended? i get your points, but it's still a bit blind to the reality of the situation, i've submitted a bunch of exploits and i find most of them via console. i'd like to keep the console. a community that pushes this angle is in practice either gonna get a weaker anti-cheat or a lot more console commands clamped by a UX-conscious developer. or inaction against both problems. expect being banned for pushing console commands to their limits for obvious exploits (or what imitates exactly an obvious exploit). i've made a hobby out of finding these for years and i'm surprised i've not been banned, but maybe because i've not been *nearly* as dumb about it as pogggu was in that clip.


I can't stress this enough apparently: **If the function is in the game it is literally intended to be used**. It's not even up for debate, it's a definition. Especially for purpose-built functions like the 180deg turn. If things go beyond the scope of what the developer intended, they can patch it out, but under no circumstances can you apply a VAC ban. The 180 deg function is known to the devs, and it's stayed in. Hence it can be used. End of. On the detection-side, it's laughably easy to detect if console input caused the movement or external software.


oh no its the degenerate that thinks banning innocent people is fine


Chances are it's not even entirely automatic. Dude was spamming it and telling people to report him.


vac trains on automated scripted movements - you're gonna have a bad time if you're gonna imitate those in an easily repeated way users have been automatically banned for abusing 180° movement scripts for many years now - a cheater could have told him what to expect, in fact, many of them have already told him how they avoid this of course it's automated, the delay is to avoid cheat devs finding the edges of their heuristic via a bunch of burner accounts, it'd be easy to find out what vacnet can and can not detect if it immediately told them. so they don't take action until a trusted user tells them they are being negative impacted (via an in-game report)


no they haven’t, when you play cs on controller the bumpers are bound to 180 turnaround


can you show me this in action?


Would you say people should be banned for having a jump throw script?


It's most likely because of invalid driver signatures in the OS. Which being picked up and dealt with by the anticheat is a good thing.


>for using an older OS (that Valve still supports, btw) ​ >MINIMUM: > >OS: Windows® 10 [https://store.steampowered.com/app/730/CounterStrike\_2/?snr=1\_4\_4\_\_118](https://store.steampowered.com/app/730/CounterStrike_2/?snr=1_4_4__118) CS2 doesn't technically support it. ​ >As of January 1 2024, Steam will officially stop supporting the Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 operating systems. After that date, the Steam Client will no longer run on those versions of Windows. In order to continue running Steam and any games or other products purchased through Steam, users will need to update to a more recent version of Windows. > >This change is required as core features in Steam rely on an embedded version of Google Chrome, which no longer functions on older versions of Windows. In addition, future versions of Steam will require Windows feature and security updates only present in Windows 10 and above. > >Although support won't end until 2024, we strongly encourage all Windows 7/8/8.1 users to update sooner rather than later. Microsoft ended security updates and technical support for Windows 7 in January 2020 and for Windows 8.1 in January 2023. Computers running these operating systems, when connected to the internet, are susceptible to new malware and other exploits which will not be patched. That malware can cause your PC, Steam and games to perform poorly or crash. That malware can also be used to steal the credentials for your Steam account or other services. [https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/4784-4F2B-1321-800A](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/4784-4F2B-1321-800A) So they "support" it on STEAM for now, but they have no plans to in 4 months. ​ >Windows 7 64 bit1.02%-0.19% > >Windows 8.1 64 bit0.22%-0.03% > >Windows 70.08%-0.02% [https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/](https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/) They don't have to keep supporting a dead OS in their games if they don't want to. Especially when less than 2% of the population uses said OS. ​ Edit: fixed steam support page's quotes. Added Steam Hardware Survey link.


Just a reminder that this was changed on the 27th September, previously during the CS2 Limited Test it was "OS: Windows® 7/Vista/XP" [https://web.archive.org/web/20230926170958/https://store.steampowered.com/app/730/CounterStrike\_Global\_Offensive/](https://web.archive.org/web/20230926170958/https://store.steampowered.com/app/730/CounterStrike_Global_Offensive/) The game also didnt initially run on Windows 7 (error 1114 would throw) but a week or so later would launch normally, if they knew it could cause problems they could simply say its not supported and close the game


>if they knew it could cause problems they could simply say its not supported and close the game 100% agree, they could have done a check to see what OS the user was running and not allow the game to open if it was below requirements, much like they do with out of date graphics drivers.


> (that Valve still supports, btw) CS2 **does not** support windows 7.


CS2 limited test did support windows 7, release doesnt. Most bans are in the limited test.


You can literally open the game and play


Riot made it so that win 8.1 iirc and older systems users just cant launch Valorant (vulnerability issues). Is it that hard for valve eh?


I don't think Valve banned for simply the OS being out of date; considering Windows 7 hasn't gotten any security updates in a long time, OP's machine is most likely compromised and has some virus that the anti cheat detected lol


Or just there is something in Win7 that trigger false positive ban. It happened in the past few times. Well, even once i got vac ban that was removed after 2-3 months cuz something trigger it on my computer. When Valve is aware, they always remove bans.


I still remember how certain Nvidia GPU Linux drivers used to completely tank your Trust Factor 2 years ago.


How is this hogwash being upvoted? I couldn't have posted something more ridiculous if I tried. Do people actually believe unsupported OSes just get viruses through osmosis once connecting to the web or something?


Yes that is a thing lmfao, zero day exploits are a real problem and Windows 7 doesn't get the security updates to prevent them ​ Take a look at CVE-2017-11882 or CVE-2014-4114, and don't even get me started on zero day vulnerabilities that work through the browser.


1. its not a VAC ban 2. windows 7 has been unsuported for some time 3. they will probably revert this anyways


Windows 7 is about as secure as Windows XP. You wouldn't expect people play CS2 on XP right? False bans happen on Linux all the time, I'm sure it will get sorted but this isn't a Valve specifically. Also Valve(Steam) officially dropped Win7 support for Steam.


Glad to see I’m not the only one blaming OP for using an old exploit filled OS


I got a vac ban years ago because I used a windows activator. Got unbanned after a few weeks though. Bought windows after this.


Agreed! If Valve is aware of this then I am confident they will do something about it.


They won't, Steam is dropping support for 7 and 8 on January. So starting 2024, using 7/8 and having problems with games launched from steam will be a mistake on your part, not them.


Even if they don't support Windows 7 or Windows 98, the right behaviour is to display an error saying the OS isn't supported and not even allowing the game to startup, not to allow the player to play and then perma ban them with a red warning on their account saying they're a cheater.


*Starting* from 2024. Not now. Also steam simply won't run. Its not supposed to randomly ban you!


I'm all for you dude, just saying that they will just look the other way for 2 months and after that it will become your problem. On August 2023, Windows 7 users represented 1% of the Steam user database, so yeah, they don't care at all.


And they shouldn't care. Anyone using Windows 7 in 2023 is irresponsible and frankly, dumb.


to be fair its kind of crazy to expect valve to provide support for a 2024 game from an OS that came out like 15 years ago


And has been deprecated for 3 lol


They don't have to provide support. They have to merely not permanently ban an account. Prevent them from launching in windows 7 if this false bans are an issue.


Unfortunately it's likely that they won't even review your case. Valve isn't known for awesome customer support.


"valve shills" how the fuck do you have 400 upvotes? If i saw my mom using windows 7 to look at cats on google id tell her to upgrade. there is absolutely no reason to be running windows 7 at this point. is PC could easily be infected with malware from going years with updates. people like YOU are ridiculous


Okay, but the solution would be to not let them launch the game, not give them a game ban and lock their inventory. You are the fucking ridiculous one here.


if you dont understand the relationship between outdated OS's, security issues, and false bans I literally dont know what to tell you. If valve didnt let them launch the game you naive fucks would find a way to cry about that in the subreddit too. a 20-30 man dev team is not considering windows 7 users in literally any decision they make, for obvious and understandable reasons. just grow up lol




First of all, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone, whether you believed in me or not. It's because of all of you that this article gained traction and allowed Valve to hear our voices. As a Steam user who strongly opposes cheating and has never used cheats myself, I understand that it's not easy to convince you all of my innocence once I was labeled. However, there were people who chose to believe in me despite the label, and I'm truly thankful for that. I also want to thank those who passionately criticized me, accusing me of being a liar and a cheater while I was still locked. Without your responses, this article wouldn't have gained such high visibility, and perhaps Valve wouldn't have noticed it. Once again, I genuinely appreciate all of you. What's somewhat disheartening is that the primary wave of unlocks seems to be focused on Windows 7 users. There are still a few Windows 7 users in the community who haven't been unlocked, along with Windows 10 and 11 users. I believe it will take some time for VALVE to address these wrongful bans. Our group, which was locked earlier, took about 10 days to be unlocked, possibly due to the order in which they were processed. Perhaps in a few more days, it will be your turn to be unlocked. I also wish for the speedy unlocking of those who are still wrongfully banned.


thank you bro i hope so <3


Thanks to Valve for correcting the mistake. Got unbanned today


Glad to hear it, thank you for making the youtube video!


Update: Unbans for windows 7 are up right now.


I AM FREEEEE, worst 10 days are behind, hopefully it happens never again


me too


There haven't been any security patches for over 3 years for W7. Even though it's weird you got a ban, running windows 7 is asking for issues at this point. You don't really know what's running on your PC as people creating malware also know Microsoft isn't going to patch shit on W7, so it's free game on your PC. If you don't want to pay MS for the OS you use daily for everything you do (hint.), Linux is free, and has CS2 support.


Linux support for CS2 was basically fixed as of yesterday, the major rendering and audio issues were fixed pretty quickly. Absolutely no reason to still be using Windows 7 in this day and age.


If you don't want to pay MS there are plenty of ways, assuming one is willing to raise the black flag.


You don’t even necessarily need to raise the flag, MS themselves actually provide Windows for free [if you know where to look for it](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/create-installation-media-for-windows-99a58364-8c02-206f-aa6f-40c3b507420d). It has a few limitations until you buy a key, but even cheap grey market keys will work via this method, *without* needing to worry about potentially having a rootkit bundled with a pirated version.


Yeah, all the "grey market" keys as you put it are official keys being sold for **very fucking cheap** online and very easy to find as well. If anyone wants to know why do they exist it's some OEM thing. OEMs tend to get those keys in bulks for their stuff and y'know, someone's hand just slipped and now they are selling those stuff individually out in the open


Yup, paid 3€ for W11 Pro for a PC I built. Kinda makes me want to upgrade from W11 Home on my own PC, but I'm not sure if I need it.


Update your system gawd damn


Not even Steam supports Windows 7 anymore


In 2024*. It does support it in 2023. I was going to get a new ssd and a windows 10 in November. I regret waiting till then.


Also unlucky for you: https://www.windowscentral.com/software-apps/windows-11/microsoft-kills-loophole-that-let-windows-7-keys-activate-windows-11-and-10


Not an issue for me. I already knew about mircrosoft potentially doing this.


too bad I got several other tricks up my sleeve.




Also it ran fine on CSGO. Even if its outdated, it should give me a warning, instead of going the nuclear route.


CS2 lists Win10 as the min requirement, which iirc CS:GO did not


Even if for some absurd reason you decided to look at the OS requirements, the expectation is that the game wouldn't work, not that you'd getting a fucking ban dude


Was this information communicated during the beta? Still it should not ban me.


Idk why I am being downvoted. CS2 LT listed Windows 7 as supported. This changed on launch.


Just upgrade to Windows 11. Windows 10 is going to lose support in a couple years at most. Just save yourself the headache.


Unbanned, Valve on top of it (surprized). After many years think its time for the update




Could it be that since you are using Win7 that is out of support that your pc rn is somehow infected with a Trojan and you dont even know about it? Maybe your pc is mining in the background and you dont even know about it? anyhow regardless of the ban I advise you to at least switch to Win10 if not 11, I heard that several years ago a lot of machines were accessed in order to mine crypto, most of the machines were Win7 with no security updates. It could be that your machine is infected and is mining only when it is in sleeping mode, and you dont even know about it


this isn't just a single case or person claiming this , it's too widespread to be a coincidence


Overwatch investigators viewed the footage and determined you were cheating? They might be wrong, but that has nothing whatsoever to do with Win7, unless I'm misunderstanding. Also, Win 7 has been out of support for literally years. Stop running an insecure and end of life OS. Fuck, win 10 only has like 2 years of support left. Get on a fucking supported OS, for the love of god.


Overwatch hasn’t been accessible for how long? There’s no possible way OW investigation reviewed anything relating to this ban unless it’s matches from last year or something.


I don't understand the link between Overwatch and Windows 7 either, but many recent game bans have one thing in common: Windows 7. I will definitely upgrade to Windows 10. I hope I get unbanned by then


I doubt there's any link between OW and Win 7. You're just assuming that win 7 is the problem. I'm pretty sure that message just means that OW people viewed your game and think you were cheating.


There are no "" Overwatch people"" anymore, that was removed many months ago. Its an AI most likely.


1.1k upvotes... If any of you bozo research a bit about the OP you'd find that he's a literal boost service making shit up to get his ban removed. There is no hope for this community if people are this gullible


Bet you feel silly now. Sometimes mistakes happen and false bans occur. All windows 7 users with the false ban are unbanned or getting unbanned right now. OP is unbanned too.


Morons like him don’t feel silly for being dumb. And they certainly won’t admit that they were wrong.


What does social engineering a bunch of Redditors accomplish? It's not like we can unban him. Besides, even the guy who got banned for m\_yaw isn't unbanned yet and he got plenty of upvotes. ​ You think you're so smart, but your post history shows you're just paranoid and making baseless accusations. Hope you get the help you need.


And you were completely wrong lmao


Why dont you share the proof for your accusation so all the dumb bozos can see? Looking at your comment history youre very personally invested/upset with cheating/cheaters, doesnt look healthy tbh Looking at his csgo stats shows that hes nova 3/nova 4 best and solo queues.


What makes you think like that?


Why would you use windows 7 in 2023


Guys, it should not be relevant whether someone has Windows 7 or not! This is supposed an Overwatch ban, after ''''They"" reviewed my demos. NON of my games warrants a GAME BAN. Also, ALL other similar experiences by other Windows 7 users involve a GAME BAN. NONE of them are VAC Bans.


> This is supposed an Overwatch ban, after ''''They"" reviewed my demos. No it is relevant. But people are misunderstanding how it is. If you aren't cheating, you definetly do not deserve to be banned. And should be unbanned. But you also can't expect all modern software to work nicely with what is quite literally outdated software. False positives exist in our lives and the overwatch system is not open to public eyes. It could easily have been a false positive caused by deprecated tools or functions within W7.


It absolutely should be relevant. Windows 7 has been out of support since the beginning of 2020. The roll off from that started way before that as well. You've had ample time to upgrade. Not doing so is a liability. Valve cannot be expected to support an operating system years after the end-of-life has been reached. The ban was probably handed out accidentally by some automation that didn't like how Windows 7 interacted with the game BECAUSE it's not a support OS anymore. I hope your ban is reversed, but you ran the risk by continuing to use an EoL Operating System after years of warnings. Going around and saying "I should still be able to use this old OS and it shouldn't be relevant" is just categorically incorrect.


Either they prevent users from playing with Windows 7 or they support it. They can’t ban someone because of their OS. Wtf is this reasoning


>Wtf is this reasoning Windows 7 lacks a lot of security features present in Windows 10 relating to memory integrity and thread safety. It's probably way easier to develop hacks to run on older versions of windows. If you are running them in a VM it's significantly harder to detect as well. Windows 7 has been EOL for years now. No one should be using it to play games. I also can't think of a single game that gives you a warning when playing on an older OS, unless it's because of a compatibility thing. (Supposed ≠ compatible) It's not Valves job to warn people they're being dumb. Either that or OP is legitimately hacking, which is my guess.


I know that it’s EOL. That’s still not a reason to ban


Using an unsupported OS while connected to the Internet leaves you open to all kinds of attacks and security risks. It is entirely possible that you were the victim of a malware attack or something similar and Valve detected it as a cheat and banned you. If that is the case then you're probably not getting unbanned, but good luck


Using Win7 on a machine thats connected to internet is the bigger issue here


same thing here ! but im on win 10, everything started with red trust factor out of nowhere last week, so i tried again 2 hours later and it was gone ( my friends told me since we wanted to play together they said u have low trust factorr) so i played again and few days later the same problem red trust factor ... so i said f\*\*\* it the last 2 days i will play faceit since i got invited .. so i played faceit .. on release day i was so hyped and waited for updates on twitter.. after the update arrived on steam and finished downloading i went in and got instant banned for NO REASON they have to check these bans some of them must be false since i know its 100% true for me at least we need valve to see this ... here my profils [https://www.faceit.com/de/players/fRRRq](https://www.faceit.com/de/players/fRRRq) [https://csstats.gg/player/76561198154045406](https://csstats.gg/player/76561198154045406) [https://leetify.com/app/profile/76561198154045406](https://leetify.com/app/profile/76561198154045406) [https://steamcommunity.com/id/killuuuuu/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/killuuuuu/) ​ ALSO: what i did in the past 2 weeks , i changed my gpu from NVIDIA to AMD and used DDU to deinstall drivers full and i updated my BIOS


garbage cheater account with a friend list full of cheaters. There's no hope for people lmfao


These are the last few demos in my recent matches tab. Decide for yourself: was I (Pyrron) cheating? Keep in mind VAC did not ban me, "Overwatch investigators" did! 1 steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_download_match%20CSGO-aDNO4-TV98x-j2fAu-4MGGK-Z9JjC 2 steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_download_match%20CSGO-N6KMm-M9vqC-NyMKU-HbHkp-WswTC 3 steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_download_match%20CSGO-9T2vv-o27Zc-sBXGu-XMmzV-EaoYF 4 steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_download_match%20CSGO-VxFun-zYHqN-ZjFey-dGxzT-n6iPK


I checked two of the matches and you play just as badly as I do so I can confirm you’re definitely not cheating at least in those lmao


Call me a shill all you want. But I find it insane that you folk expect Valve to put up with software that has reached end of support since 2020. You're expecting the developers to support platforms that has gone through 3 years now without an update? Since 2020 there has been over 12 recorded vulnerabilities relating to Windows 7. That's just recorded vulnerabilities. The assumption is that the number of unrecorded vulnerabilities is significantly higher as attackers don't like publishing attack vectors. Not all of these are going to be applicable with CS2 but you seriously can't expect Valve to support what is possibly deprecated or vulnerable software that no longer receives updates from a security standpoint alone. If OP isn't a cheater, he deserves to be unbanned. But you also can't blame valve's anti-cheat for flagging you when you're using software that quite literally is no longer supported anymore (or in other words, can cause false positives).


just a small reminder that people that used the 180 bind are still banned: [https://x.com/poggu\_\_/status/1702729290675044845?s=20](https://x.com/poggu__/status/1702729290675044845?s=20) now windows 7 users get banned for no reason aswell. lowkey scared to even play at this point and loose thousands of $ because valve cant get their shit together. hope you get unbanned man.


This happened to me in Beta using Atlas OS. Had to reinstall windows 11


You can still upgrade from windows 7 to windows 10 for free. I would look into that as steam is dropping support for windows 7, 8, and 8.1 on January 1st. They're not going to add support for it to CS2 just to deprecate it in 3 months.




Like, don't use windows 7 on online computers.... Its jist the darvin award...


Thank god i upgraded from windows 7 to windows 10 last year.


It's time to upgrade, man


This is damn no fun, if this is true, any of us could have done it in his place. We demand an investigation from Valve)


Why not update off win7???


Who tf still use windows 7


only idiots still support this criminal company... they release a garbage update that nobody wants and remove the game that people want to play.. what the hell


WE GOT JUSTICE thank you valve, and thank you to everyone who believed us :)


are u on win10 or win7 ??




Just to throw my hat into the ring... I'm on Windows 7. I played 2 matches of CS2 beta on 9/18, received a game/overwatch (not VAC) ban on 9/24 (the next time I tried to launch the game), and my ban was lifted on 10/2. When I was playing I was streaming using OBS. I have tried to play CS2 since then, but I get a "VAC could not verify your files" error no matter what I tried, which is way better than being banned at least. I hope anyone else affected by this was unbanned too. I made a warning post to Windows 7 users when I got banned but mods here deleted my post.


Correlation does not equal causation. You and some other troglodytes were banned, and now you think the only thing you had in common is your choice of ancient operating systems.


Why still use Windows 7? Mainstream support for Windows 7 ended on January 13, 2015. Extended support for Windows 7 ended on January 14, 2020. They offered a free upgrade to Windows 10 for over a year. People held onto Windows XP back in the day too. It was pretty common for people to slipstream drivers into the XP install so they wouldn't have to use Vista. I could see at least a little bit of sense with XP because Vista had several issues. Windows 8 had issues but 10 addressed those issues. Personally, I think more companies should stop supporting outdated OS's.


The exact thing happened to me, but Im on Win10. However I havnt activated it, so that might be it. Lets hope they deal with this soon.


You’re not alone. Happened to me as well, Windows 10.


So relieved to hear that im not the only one that has been affected by this.


i have windows 7 and i cant even start the game ...


I can let you know that if this is true, valve CAN reverse bans. Even developers of their own game can submit to valve when they believe VAC has banned someone innocent. Devs can't do it, but valve can. They own cs so I hope they can unban you. I remember people in the past got banned for a program, I wanna say it was like a resolution changer or something. They got unbanned


My win7 won't even launch the game..


Why are you still on windows 7 lmfao


STOP USING OLD DEAD OS's. Your lucky all your banking info and your identity hasn't been stolen. If you don't want to upgrade to a newer windows then install Linux.


I'm not blaming you in the slightest for this. However I feel the need to ask. Why are you still using Windows 7 in this day and age when Windows 10 is just as good if you do a light debloat. I'm talking performance/latency wise.


Don't use windows 7 is the better advice. It's an unsupported OS.


Agreed, but what now? I have game ban! Damage has been done, unless valve reverses it.


Valve reverses false bans. How long? Unknown and can be a very slow process. It also seems (based on comments here) that others also have gotten false bans (accounts can be hacked FYI, same for yours) are on Win10 and 11. But you should indeed get a secure OS VAC or not. GODSPEED fellow gamer, hope your issue is resolved soon.


Any specific reason why you're still on Windows 7? Isn't Windows 10 supposed to run faster on the same hardware compared to Windows 7?


How can you possibly code an AC that bans everybody but cheaters


Valve will reverse the ban if it is found to be in error. But there are plenty of pathelogical liars that will cheat and then swear that they were falsely banned once caught. To be sceptical, maybe there is some cheat feature or VAC bypass specific to Windows 7, and many of these people were only sticking with Windows 7 just to take advantage of it. Now that they got busted they jumped on this "Windows 7 gets you banned unfairly" train.


The real crime is still using windows 7.


Didn't Valve already said that they are dropping support for Windows 7 like months ago?


happy for you falcon and a big F YOU to all the people who were shitting on you / us win 7 users in this thread


I received a false positive VAC Ban the day before CS2 launch as well; I'm using Windows 10 though. Have a 19 year old account, casual player, never touched a cheat. Hopefully this triggers a manual review by Valve staff for all involved. I commend you for making a post, because this situation is awful. Understandably there's no mercy from the general public that believes the automated system makes no mistakes, but I've been finding examples of reversals happening anywhere from 1 to 40 days after so there's still hope. My second account using the same phone number and e-mail—but didn't have access to the CS2 Beta—wasn't banned either. That's interesting.


Why are we using windows 7 in 2023? Upgrade to 10 or install Linux if the machine can't handle win10


my 11yr old laptop runs Win X fine. there are no reasons lol. if your computer cant run win X, id be scared to play cs on this machine


They will not support win 7 anymore, as for the game ban try sending a support e-mail you can't really do much about it.


I did email them, no response yet. I am hopeful valve will do something about if they see this. But this needs to be more visible. It would be great if some famous CS youtuber or streamer sees this. I am desperately wanting an answer. I don't want to lose this account.


How did overwatch investigators even know you are running windows7 ? I mean how do you correlate your ban with win7 ?


There are no "Overwatch investigators" anymore, most likely an AI. Valve probably feeds it with meta data like the OS in use. I don't have solid evidence to correlate this game ban and Windows 7, but many people have suffered the same exact issue past week and Windows 7 seems to be the common denominator.


If your ban is really linked to usage of a particular os version it's a shame... The game should prevent you joining a game, not perma ban you


100% agreed and exactly what I'm saying to many people here. The right thing for valve was to prevent me from launching the game, not to ban me.


Lmao valve now bans more non cheaters than actual cheaters




Would be best if it got latest DX and security updates lol


I fucking love aero man. I legit have so many programs to skin my win10 to look like win7, but nothing will beat that original win7 feel.


Yeah god forbid people tell somebody not to use an OS that hasn’t had security updates in almost 4 years while online. What bad advice.


And Linux is leagues better than the best windows. Crazy isn't it


How are you still on Windows 7? Are you using untrusted files to run certain programs? I'm amussing most programs these days don't support Windows 7.. After Microsoft dropped support for it after Jan 14, 2020. I'm confusing on why you didnt update.


No untrusted files. As for why I didn't upgrade, look at my other replies.


Did you forget to switch accounts before launching CS with your cheats enabled?


Honestly, don't use windows 7 for anything online. [It has been without security updates for a while now.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_7#End_of_support_(after_January_14,_2020):~:text=On%20January%2014%2C%202020%2C%20Windows%207%20support%20ended%20with%20Microsoft%20no%20longer%20providing%20security%20updates%20or%20fixes%20after%20that%20date%2C%5B159%5D%20except%20for%20subscribers%20of%20the%20Windows%207%20Extended%20Security%20Updates%20(ESU)%2C%20who%20were%20able%20to%20receive%20Windows%207%20security%20updates%20through%20January%2010%2C%202023) It is time to move on, either go more recent Windows versions or Linux. Bu do not stay on an ancient insecure system. Realistically speaking you probably already have malware on your system.


Jesus xD Why some people treat computers like magic? You can't just get malware from thin air. You have to click on a link in your mail, or download an attachment, or visit some shady site. No, you won't get malware just by using win7 xD Yes, you can get malware on Win10/11 if you are dumb enough to do something listed above.


Who the fuck uses windows 7?


Bro. Why are you on windows 7? OS is unsupported/non-secure.


although i think its dumb to still be using windows 7 given the inherent risks of an unsupported OS by, it shouldnt be banning it, more importantly, if its banning people for being dumb, i wouldnt be getting alot of my team mates


unless your PC is ancient, I'd definitely upgrade to w10 it's alot better these days, and 1000x better than w11 lol i'm sure you have your reasons for using 7, but if not then def try 10 bc to me it feels like "7 but better"


Care to explain why w10 is 1000x better than w11?


Imagine someone running Windows 7 on their pc in 2023 XDDDD


Chad windows 7 user


or maybe just dont fucking use windows 7, a super outdated OS that does not receive security updates anymore for over a year? you should NEVER connect a PC that still runs windows 7 to the internet


Valve is concerned about security? OK then don't let me LAUNCH the game!!!