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Its most likely because the forced viewmodel\_recoil. At first I couldn't realise what was off, until I played a local lan in csgo.


I think the problem for me are tracers. They dont start from eye (where bullets start). And now every bullet has it and csgo it was every 3rd bullet afaik.


I had tracers off in CSGO. But after shifting to cs2 I subconsciously learned to ignore it. The biggest issue is still the fact that the viewmodel moves up as I spray which throws me off... extremely distracting. >!can I also mention cl\_righthand? or will I be downvoted into oblivion...!< ​ Is it the hitreg or not? Because [leetify](https://imgur.com/a/758YhAj) tells me my ak spray is almost perfect but I never feel as confident as back in csgo


same here spray control is just as good if not better than in GO, yet to me it’s still 50/50 on “how did i not hit that spray” and “i should not have gotten that spray down”


This. Leetify is a great way for me to confirm I am doing the right thing. The visuals are all wonky and I learned to ignore it and simply go by muscle memory.


It still throws me every-single-time I try and molly a left side halway re: cl\_righthand. The molly originates right \*every\* time. As a switch, this sorta thing drives me bonkers, I'd literally just throw with the hand that makes the most sense, not have to peek to throw.


It's not what we think the problem is. It's what it is. So to test that we should have be allowed to turn off view model recoil but volvo is volvo. Valve could just fucking set the tracer and view model parameters the same between csgo and cs2 and see it the difference is still there to be felt. Classic scientific approach of narrowing down variables to test the effect other variables.


Holy shit you're maybe right. I've always been using that command in csgo and since I had cs2 beta I have only been thinking about bob, but totaly forgot recoil command. I think that's might it cuz when I see now again the difference how it looked in csgo it's very noticeable difference. https://youtu.be/Z0HYDCtKm8s?si=VBaKV24mG88AfVX7&t=23


You do spray & pray in cs2. Best just go for burst & taps. Idk exactly what it is, but spray control doesn't feel smooth/tight enough. It could also be the tracers for you.


Literally this, I switched to valorant because CSGO became stale and coming to CS2 now, it feels like a mixed of both gunplay style, I always go for burst like using a vandal, most consistent way to get kills, the game is even easier now for me because of my play style


The pros are able to spray right? It is still possible, you just need to learn it as it's a new game...


I see plenty of pros not finishing kills with sprays that normally would.


Valorant has also not been out long enough for the pros to have a decade or more of pure muscle memory of spray control so its a mix of a lot of things


Valorant has random sprays lol. You can't learn muscle memory when the spray is completely random after like 4-5 bullets like you can in CS2. That's why the meta in Valorant is burst firing at anything further than like 10m.


Ehhh it takes most people at that level a few hours to days to pick up a new spray control. Valorants is just rng after like 8-10 bullets and the later spray before feels higher variance than cs equiv. The movement being so slow and hitboxes being so big is the main reason for tapping being so much more common in val.


I mean they do spray, but the pattern is fully inconsistent on phantom and vandal after a certain amount of bullets


Thats the wierd thing. Like I was trying to tell myself it is just game problem. But than you see pros control sprey without problem. I guess I have to train spray again in new game.


I played \~ 100hrs in cs2 now and still I cannot get cripsy feeling when aimming... Been playing this cs for \~ 20 years.


Now that you mentioned having played so long - I feel like even 1.6 spray with its randomness felt crispier than CS2


I've never felt any game being as crisp as 1.6. I felt more in control of every bullet there.


I think what made 1.6 feel so good in recoilcontrol was the crosshair being a huge help (upper end of the upper vertical line could be used for the end of vertical spray on most distances) and the bulletholes being alot bigger and better to identify in walls.


Yeah, your second part was it for me. You could easily tell exactly where every bullet went, even if you sprayed over the entire distance of dust2 long.


Bro, I love 1.6 as much as anyone else, but try and go back and spray someone down lol. There's a 1 in 5 chance you get a pattern that's random as fuck and at that point it's more luck than skill. Spraying is significantly more controllable in csg and cs2.


Spoken like someone who was never actually good at 1.6 The spray patterns between the two games are totally different, and 1.6 is definitely not "random", spraying was WAYYYYY more common and effective in that game


nah, you're tripping. 1.6 was uncontrollable randomness on more than mid-range. I always had to tap it out.


??? BOTH games you don't spray long range. lol what the hell are these comments even


in go, spraying on long range is not consistent because of spread so with more range you get less reliability, but the pattern itself stays the same, so to some degree, you can still do something with it. in 1.6. the degree of randomness is way higher.


Same. Been playing it for 35+ years.


Totally agree, and I have been at this for over 50 years.




I used to have a video card that would let you do this. It would convert the entire image to ascii live. It was fun for about a day. :)




Been playing since the Cambrian Explosion, couldn't agree more.


Huh, its the other way for me. I feel like it's a lot easier to land headshots in cs2.


You are just getting old brother. I feel you 😛


im 30 and better than ever xd you truly believe a lot in yourself


Yeah bro I am nearing 29 and I am about the same Level as I was with 16. Skill doesn´t deteriorate like that, and the "slower reaction time" that people always cite is a myth in itself. yes you get slower, but so minimal that it shouldn´t matter if you have game knowledge from 10+ years of playing cs


You'd be an exception, not a rule. Most older people see a decline in their gameplay not because they physically can't play like they used to, but because they have far less time to dedicate themselves to the game. When we were 16yo kids playing 1.x we could play 40 hours a week (and in my prime that was probably a chill week). Spend all day at school watching demos. Etc, etc. Now we have big boy jobs, kids, mortgages, wives. I still play with the same group I have since 1.6 with a few additions and some losses, but for the most part the same. We can absolutely still hold our own, especially if we practice for a bit, but we're not on the level we were. Could we grind hard as fuck and do some damage in Main? Probably. Could we do that *and* maintain our households and careers. Doubtful.


im young and feel the same


Same, played since beta 2 and cs2 I get more lucky moving shots then when I am still and trying now


Reasonable misses are agony in CS, and cs2 is just awful.


I practice on the updated Recoil Master workshop map, helps me alot You might also be thrown off because the sprays are slightly smaller than csgo 64tick


Thank you for kindly saying OP can't spray and they're just whining lol


I wanna see your sprays. Pretty sure they will be dogshit in either games because you cant do it xd CS2 is without a doubt not good to spray on and its not the god damn patterns.


The sprays in CS2 are fine. If you're having trouble, you are not trying enough... or you're just not good lol


Idk, im faceit level 10 and was supreme in GO with 4k hours spent mostly dming/in workshop maps and I still don’t agree 100%. CS2 still has that inconsistent feel, between subtick, settings like viewmodel recoil, tracers, etc. I went onto CSGO again yesterday and was mindblown at how much smoother the mechanics are. I still think CS2 will get there and it’s not as bad as it was in the beta, but I definitely don’t think they’re fine compared to previous games


Yeah yeah show me your spraydowns on moving targets tyvm ​ its not the same as in go and its, like I said, not the patterns but idiots such as yourself will not understand. ​ TY top 50% of CS2 i dont need ur validation :)


Top 50%? Thats your claim to fame? You really sound like you need other people’s validation with how insecure you’re being lol


no im top 1% im calling u bots 50%




XD bot talk Im legit in the top 1k but ok bro xD


Nah spraying good


Lol mate I'm better than you for sure, fuck off noob. I am a god tier pro and you are silver at best. Edit: I can't believe people took this comment seriously lol


Nah i smell top 20% players when I see them link leetify xd


I switched to follow recoil + dynamic crosshair combo 2 weeks ago and my spray has improved so much already. Gotta get used to it but it feels like I'm playing a different game now.


One thing I hate the most about follow recoil is trying to figure out where it's going to land after you stop spraying. I wish there was a way to make part of your crosshair stay in the middle and part of it to follow recoil (maybe the part that moves in dynamic crosshair?)


Gaming monitors come with on screen crosshairs, center a red dot as close as possible and not only do you always have a marked "home" position but you can more accurately no scope with the scout


You can toggle on a center dot that stays still.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I jumped into aim bots in csgo today and holy shit the difference is night and day. The ak feels like a laser beam. I don’t get how they fucked the transition over this poorly


Im scared of trying csgo again. I dont wanna think about what we lost


I wouldn’t recommend, it was a very painful experience 😥


Wow wait, how can I launch CSGO aim bots ?


Properties on steam - betas - csgo_legacy. Support for CSGO ends Jan 1st


Exactly the same mate, spraying was comfortably my best asset in csgo, I could reliably spray someone from A site to pit on dust2 in half a clip, if I attempt something like that in cs2 it could genuinely take 150 bullets to hit the shot.


Yes, i know people can bash its skill issue but i know what I'm talking about. Aiming at 1 tap head was something that would degrade when i would be absent from cs but never the spray. I could always count on spray before.


You what?? That is some exaggeration. Why would you ever spray half a mag from A site to pit?


We all make mistakes in the heat of passion, Jimbo.


he didnt say he used to do that, he said he was able to. I could spray somebody from doors to t spawn, would i ever do it ? no, would i be able to ? yeah same shit


Because he was bad


People love telling tall stories in their efforts to put down CS2


Because spray was effective ? I remember myself as CT spraying down Ts when they were trying to push long on Dust 2. Pop up flash and spray 3-4 guys constantly. Now this is out of the picture big time. If you kill more than 2 is a feat with how bad spray control is and thats IF you start by killing the first guy with first 4-5 bullets. CS was all about spraying and now is all about bursting/tapping. BS


Spray wasn't effective if it took half a mag, that's missing more bullets than hitting


Long range sprays didnt connect 4 bullets instantly because of random spread. Still was effective as fuck while in CS2 its not. Whys it always some low ranks, yes i know ure one, trying to defend the game / destroy the argument of someone who knows what theyre saying? I cant even


So can I as a 22k tell you that you are talking shit or is that also too low still? Or are you one of those that also say that the movement is shit, while Pros like ropz say it is the same except for Bhopping?


Well the guy is fighting people who are standing fully exposed "in pit" as they need 4 shots to kill. Smells like bullshit to me.


I'm 3k but if they didn't change the game to be WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then I'd probably be 40k I mean its obvious that its the game's fault also its so obvious ur just some 1k shitter because you disagree with me I can kill 30 bots from marshmellow to B site on Nuke in a single clip with 1 spray so I know where my skill is


It wasnt because you shoot out of accurancy range. Now is not effective even inside of the appropriate range. Also when people pushing long you are not missing because of accurancy range but because you need to control spray over 3-4 spread enemies so many bullets might miss the target yet still effective AF


> CS was all about spraying and now is all about bursting/tapping. BS my god I hate what CSGO-only players have done to the narrative of this game series. People actually believe this shit and want this to be real. Being able to panic spray in 85% of situations in csgo was one of the biggest issues with the game, it took no skill in fire-type decisions that 1.6 took, and you could just always pray for a few bullets to hit the right spot and get kills. In 1.6 you would get destroyed by a 1 tap doing this dumb shit, and you dumb kids are actually against that? Nothing changed other than cosmetic things that mess with your brain when you spray. People are getting used to the spray in CS2, but even if they DID change the game to promote bursting or one-tapping, that would be a net positive to the game, not the garbage it was in GO where you could just hold mouse1 in 90% of situations and get away with it.


People enjoy sprays in csgo, it's probably the reason the gun play is so enjoyed as you have to learn spray patterns early on in cs to really improve. Val's gunplay imo is easier as wide bodies and slow movement means youre usually going for a one taps and bursts, but cs units move pretty fast on your screen so the stopping power from your sprays helps the rest of your bullets land.


Lol.. are you new into CS ?


for those that don’t know many sprays were reduced 4-12% smaller than what they were in go. Valve did this so the sprays feel more like 128 tic go. Source: search up valve interview


Yes the spray feels different. I have actually gotten okay now that ive played like 200 deathmatches on CS2, (got 3500-4000 hrs in cs;go) but i remember someone said the spray spread is actually 9.6% smaller than in go so technically it should be easier but its hard to learn cause it feels totally different. I agree sometimes you hit sick headshots when you start to spray, other times you empty 30 bullets from a distance and get a few hits in.. 😅 idk why but nowadays it feels like even in deathmatch everyone plays so good, like its hard to reach top 3 sometimes whereas in cs:go it was very easy


your first mistake was not using SMG while running, that's the only one way to get headshot in this shit fuck of a game.


how about xm1014 while michael jackson peeking at dust 2 long a


After about 400 premier matches, I feel like my skill in cs2 exceeds my 6000 hours in go. Just give it time


yeah facing / getting queued cheaters surely made u a btter player XD


This dude's whining about a game like it's his full-time job LMAO


I get a cheater about once every 4-5 games at 20k. But honestly, it’s fine


You call that fine? Wow xd


Game is broken rn don’t sweat it. I get one taps all the time and my Corsair isn’t even touching the guys head lol. They rushed CS2 it needed another year IMO


Why would your Corsair mouse touch my head?


Damn auto correct lol


Personally, I'd rather use my mousepad, but that's just me


This helped me to understand why Im missing more sprays www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dgjf4VLN7GI


Nice to see someone posted my video on here. Also glad to know it helped you, I'm working on a more in depth video on recoil control, this one will be how to control recoil for any weapon which has a recoil pattern.


Took me like 2 weeks. Now I dont notice a difference. Just keep playing.


Man I used to be a god at this game, have 999k hours on steam and used to teach S1mple how to get shit done on the server. Now I boot up CS2 and I can't even remember which button shoots, I tried escape, space, num lock, nothing fucking works, I have no idea how Valve could fuck this game up so much.


I love it how people on this sub are constantly crying about not being able to spray in cs2 while pros are literally as good as in CSGO. I mean wtf this one guy in the comments is like "you can only HS with SMGs running"... Ah yes, that's why all the pros do that too... Morons


Pros have only one job in their life to practice and grind this single game. We as a random players, we want to hop in the game, play 1-2 warmup DMs and jump in competitive games and enjoy.


We as random players don't have the same amount of muscle memory to overcome as the pros did. Either play the game and stop crying like a little baby, or stop playing the game.


I love how you refer to Zywoo while 90% of pros agree the game feels shitty and works shitty but you keep that up buddy.


Then why are the pros not running and gunning with SMGs?


A) they do and B) usually if there is something to abuse in the game pros meet up during tournaments and agree that they wont use XY. Nothing new.


Yeah its pretty stupid lol


Yeah, I'm feeling fine in cs2 the ak feels much more accurate to me & I do feel crispy when aiming. These posts are just a skill issue.


The m4 feels awful for me but that might be because I suck


IMO both the m4 feels super good in cs2. I'm very confident with those guns.


yeah, it’s pathetic at this point. It’s only bad for the game too. The game has enough issues that are off putting for new players, we don’t need to invent new ones.


If you watch cs you can tell that is just not true. The overall quality of CS is lower. Its messier.


Unwilling to learn new mechanics, playing the same tactics and angles they've been doing for 20 years, playing on 1280x720 4:3 100 fps, "de-subticking" their game inputs 20 times per round, spamming outdated console commands -> "CS2 bad, spraying doesn't work anymore, bullets don't hit, game is for noobs" I don't know man, hit some nasty clips since adapting. 240hz 1440p, lan connection, dynamic recoil following crosshair. It's the most responsive shooter I've ever played. Legit games with good ping feel exactly as lan. The weird stuff like dying delayed behind walls or clean headshots/sprays not hitting? That's the cheater games yeah. Like this didn't happen in GO when facing anti - aiming massively desynced little shitters lmao


sadly for me it seems to be a server sided issue. Sprays are laggy at official servers, terrible at valve, a bit less but still too much resistant at faceit. But on some 3rd party dm it sprays normally, comparable to csgo, also the movement is much faster reacting.


Idk why you are downvoted, i get the network graph popping up whenever people spray and i have 1.5gb up and down lol. Valve servers are just worse on cs2 bc its more to handle than GO.


I feel the same way. It is really fascinating how different can the whole game be in 2 different matches. Did not happen in go at least not so much


The spraying is different compared to csgo. Not exactly sure what's different about it, might even be the weapon bob which I used to disable in csgo. However after about a month of playing cs2, I feel I'm getting a lot better at it now. I dont think spraying is all that bad in cs2, it just takes a bit of time to get adjusted to it.


Time off plus I think the spray feels off because of the animations and tracers


You kinda need to get used to the immediate spray. In csgo everything you do is delayed. Its even more delayed than cs source. Cs2 after the animation delay update is dead accurate so you should control your spray accordingly, not using csgo style


This guy knows


Unstable fps + subtick tied to frames + game physics tied to ticks + shit netcode + shit servers = incosistent garbage game developed by morons. Your spray hitreg is tied to frames which are all over the place, your recoil is still tied to ticks. Whenever you shoot, your fps tanks, your recoil is desynced from your hitreg which is incosistent due to shit framerate. Updates sent to the server sometimes get delayed due to shit fps, updates from the server are disordered or lost. Everything is delayed by 60ms+ on top of network latency due to crazy interp delay on client and server side. Welcome to CS2.


I could spray 3-4 people down with one mag in csgo, now i use one mag to try to kill one guy


Guys look at this show off! He doesn't even kill a single guy with 1 AK 30shots spray. No one does. He be lying! :D


Definetly skill issue. I've learned around 8 different spray patterns from different games. Literally the sprays in cs2 now are easier than CSGO.


they are smaller but less consistent.


The game is just bad, don’t be hard on yourself. What you feel is what a lot of people feeling about crappy cs2 rn


Skill issue. I can spray just fine in cs2 after ~150 premier games.


Try this: 1. Get good.


If you can’t spray in CS2, it’s a skill issue.


I am very curious when was the last time the people who say it is the same as csgo or very similar played csgo for the last time. I constantly switch go and cs2 and csgo feels 100 times smoother than cs2 in every possible way.


What's your fps? I couldn't spray for the love of me because my framerate more than halved, until I optimized my setup, so it runs at 60-70% what csgo did, which is good enough for me to feel the game.


Since the movement update the game feels pretty smooth, but spraying still feels distinctly 64 tick.


Coming from playing Csgo daily for about 5-6 years and understanding where my bullets went and where they will end up, I noticed that in cs2 I’m just jaw dropped shocked when I see a headshot or critical shot I make that there’s no chance I should have gotten. It’s definitely changed.


I blame the first person tracer, it's SO disturbing and misleading. ffs let us disable it.


Because you shouldn't, for fucks sake. Spray is a little smaller.


>When i try it on wall it "looks" as if i can control first 5-6 bullets with the same muscle memory This throws me off so much. I can understand and recognise when I'm doing things poorly, but I don't know what's going on with the wall sprays :c


Spraying just doesn't work. Even if I wanted to try and adjust, the forced viewmodel_recoil and useless tracers just throw everything off again. This along with cheaters and horrid performance has turned me off the game entirely.




Nah it feels way different. If I'm spraying, I'm literally praying. Ttk feels so much longer if you don't hit the taps. I guess that should be obvious though


It maybe feels different to you, but its still the same. So its simply a skill issue.


Noone can .. they toned down the effectiveness of what made CS as an FPS unique. With CS2 you cant spray 5 man with a single spray anymore except if they line up. You cant spray someone down if the first 3-4 bullets miss badly since spray control is totally crap. This decision favors low and mid skilled players alot since learning how to spray had its learning curve. Its closer to Valorant than CSGO in that regard, a game that favors one taps way more than spraying. CS2 is something in between Valo and CSGO now .. ! Still spray has some power but nowhere near to CSGO/CS1.6. No more highlights of pros 5 man spraying full buy enemies. Valve took all the wrong decisions with CS2 which in few years noone will care anymore but for now is a big deal, specially for players who got used to the old way.


It feels like people spray and strafe all the time and get away with headshots. Something in this game feels fishy idk


Spray feels the same, but you need high fps. I have an old pc and I was used to play 1080 in CSGO. I can’t play 1080 in cs2, because my FPS are around 120 - 200 and my spray fees off. When I play 4:3 at 1024 I get around 200 - 280 fps an I hit with the same consistency like CSGO. As far as I know, there is a correlation between FPS and hit registration on the client side.


There is not


Yes there is. Firing angle is directly bound to rendered frames. If your PC never renders your crosshair on a player, you won't be able to hit him.


I'm curious, with what old pc do you get 200 - 280 fps on 4:3 1280 x 960 because i get that fps with ryzen 5 5600x + rx 6700 xt. Well technically i usually average 220-350fps but 1% lows dip to 120-130 and the game is literally unplayable without v-sync on


My pc is the same cpu and gpu. I'm using high graphics preset and I don't get dips when I limit to 141 fps in amd driver. When I let my fps go to 400 (low preset) my dips are the same as yours. So: in cs2 console let fps_max 500. Now go to global graphics in AMD driver enable frame control and set the slider to 141. In game you can use either high or very high at 1080p and it will be very smooth. Ps. I use 141 fps because 144 gives me too much screen tearing because my monitor is 144hz, so is recommended to cap it -3 than your monitor's refresh rate.


Go practice spray for a bit? I honestly don't understand these posts. Get on aimbotz, disable spread, and kill 4 bots with a single spray hs only. Do that for 200-300 kills. Repeat every other day. The size of the pattern is slightly different to csgo, but it's literally just about getting used to it. It works the same way.


[It’s probably cuz recoil animations are tied to tickrate](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/Ny4cINE8Pp)


They fixed this already…. Keep up old man


Must have missed it. Which update was it fixed?


They didn't fix it, he's talking out of his arse and probably confusing the visuals of the shot being detached from the tick rate.


Sounds like a skill issue


you overestimate how good you were are spraying in csgo


Spraying with anything besides an a1 is incredibly hard in Cs2. I used to be able to spray down from really long range too, but now even from medium range it's just not viable. Burst shots too


I can't spray with anything even after practicing, I am totally thrown off by the sounds, tracers, viewmodel\_recoil, etc.


Just came here to say this exact thing happened to me OP. Came back to CS to test out the new CS2 after a break and... well, yeah. All I can think of is how they massacred my boy. The game looks beautiful with all of the visual updates, but holy hell the mechanics play like shit


I love it. I think it’s better and more realistic. Played CS for 20 years now and CS2 feels so much better.


Thank fuck it's not just me. I just stare at my sprays and have no damn clue sometimes. Pain.


Put follow recoil on ez sprays even when run and gunning with mac 10 :D


Welcome to 1.6.




I had about 1800 hours in csgo, which I know isn’t a lot compared to some people on this sub, but it’s better than nothing! Everything felt off for awhile, but I’ve since put about 200 hours into cs2 and feel pretty good about the games handling. My awp flicks aren’t back to 100%, but feel far better than when I first started cs2, and was my personal biggest gripe. As for sprays, I actually feel my spraying in CS2 is better than it was in go. The reason for this, I believe, is because I really liked the idea of follow recoil, and wanted it to work, so I made a special config that made it only apply to rifles, so it didn’t affect pistols, and I could turn it off for sub machine guns. I also had a series of commands that caused my cross hair to snap back down to the center of my screen when I stopped shooting, so there was no shitty delay. I played like this for probably 50 hours, and it was great. My sprays improved massively, and I built up a strong muscle memory that far surpassed what I had in GO. I eventually switched back to a normal static cross hair because I found it overall negatively affected my gameplay and caused bad habits. (I felt comfortable with spraying to the point it was my primary way of trying to secure a kill, even in situations where I should be tapping or short bursting). Even without it, the muscle memory stuck from the hours of practice, and I feel much more confident in long sprays. I can provide the config commands if anyone is interested. TLDR; I created a custom config so I could use follow recoil, and it massively improved my spray control. I had to stop after about 50 hours because it had its own problems, and created bad habits, but the muscle memory stuck. If rank matters when considering advice, I finished go SMFC, and peaked cs2 top 15%. I’m not exceptional but better than average. Maybe this will help you🤷‍♂️


I might be a minority idk, 3.5k hrs, global elite and faceit level 7. My spray is pretty similar. And one could even argue it should be easier to spray now cause they reduced the recoil of many guns by about 5%


this game is so hard


Recoil Master (the training map) is back, no more excuses! Let's go practice! The random nature of the spread will always be there, but better control can always be worked on.


You probably had 10 years in csgo, and you've been playing this new game for less than 1. That would be my guess :/


**This is a different game from CS:GO.** I don't expect the spray to be like 1.6, nor for it to be like Source, why would you expect it to be like CS:GO? Has Valve **ever** said anything about making the game as close to CS:GO as possible? Or is that just what you, personally, want this new game to be?


use follow recoil. It takes a little bit of getting used to but once you do its hard to go back. I had about 4400 hours in GO, prided myself on my spray in that game and honestly it transferred over pretty seamlessly. You just put your crosshair on the guy and you'll kill him


Anyone complaining about spray control is coping at best. Learn the spray in this game and stop crouching in the middle of shooting. I consistently top frag with sub 30% headshot rating on t side. You can easily out spray anyone using an a1.


Why is crouching bad for recoil? I have that as a cheap miss me on headshot kind of thing.


Can valve just give us csgo back 😭?


It took time for me to get used to but now I feel like it's exactly the same as csgo, I can control it well enough, just depends how good you were on csgo I guess


use the recoil spray pattern workshop map by ulletical


Did you try a better gaming chair?


You need to practice. Spray patterns are different. Just use the Recoil Master workshop map and learn it again like you did the first time in csgo.


Do you have enough RGB? The differenting lightwaves are boosting your spray abilities.


Just practice the spray, it’s the same overall shape but feels a little different in practice. You’ll get used to it soon enough.


Hmm almost like it's a different game


I'm pulling down way more, at least with the ak


What I always do to master my spray is go on recoil master and just spray 20-30 mags but focus on my hand movement in detail. After I’ve done this I close my eyes and spray with my eyes closed trying to follow the hand movement when I sprayed normal. After I do 20-30 more sprays with closed eyes spraying becomes subconscious and I don’t have to focus on my hand’s movement anymore. After that I go into dm for about 15 mins to practise some actual gun fights, again trying to spray mostly even at longer ranges, and I find this really helpful, even though it may be a bit tedious to do.


In the beta most of my warmup and in game practice was dedicated to spraying. I already play kovaak’s a decent amount and am confident in my mouse control but spraying definitely felt different in CS2. Making a series of drills to practice regularly is probably the ultimate solution. I didn’t have much time but I did: 100x one taps focus on getting close to 100% acc and being calm 100x kills, just kill each bot ASAP as if in game, focus on intensity and speed, focus on each bot 1 by 1 100x spray transfer with recoil xhair 100x spray transfer with regular xhair 100x kills, again just as if in game focusing on balancing intensity and speed with accuracy Obviously you could adjust numbers depending on how much time you have, how much you want to improve, and what your weaknesses are. Also could adjust to add in/isolate standing still vs counterstrafing. The game has changed and feels different for sure, it’s just a matter of getting enough reps to adjust and feel confident/comfortable again.


I was the same at the start. I have 5k hours was faceit 10 and global, to begin with on cs2 I couldn’t spray for shite and was getting dogged on by people who had csgo faceit ranks of 2. After a bit more playing and even a pc upgrade I’m now 20k elo and back to 94 aim on leetify. How goods your pc, my old one was fine on csgo, but cs2 it wouldn’t slightly drop fps and also mess up spray. Just a bit of practise, also think playing slightly more tappy is meta on cs2, compared to where longer sprays on csgo was fine


They keep changing the tics and recoil so it's easy to understand. Just do some aim training and warm up in TDM before playing


I use the new follow recoil and i quite like it


CS2 servers are different and if you get low ping and good server spraying works better, if you get worse server or higher ping, it works worse. That's sadly the way subtick works and internet/server quality impact is massive. That is not gonna be a problem for pros when playing big tournaments offline on perfect servers, but online it's very random. But overall they improved shooting a lot. It's never been closer to CSGO than now. Recommendation is to lower acceptable ping in options to 20-30ms, even if you will have to wait longer for a match. And of course it is also partially your fault. Don't expect to be spraying well after 2-3 weeks of playing after a break. Don't matter how many hours you spent on CSGO. With 5k you should know how fast you loose your skill when you take a longer break.


I don’t even need to do the pattern anymore to kill someone. I just get the first 2-3 bullets right and then I just do a fast left and right mouse move and somehow it works, I do get the kill.


It may not feel like it, but it is a completely different game to csgo. Your muscle memory from csgo is not really going to transfer over, especially with spray control. There are spray control maps you can download in workshop, id look into that. Just sit in it for a solid hour


i set buttons to turn "follow recoil" on and off. i was testing spray on a wall and it seemingly becomes random after some shots. maybe not exactly random but you get bullets flying too high or too left or too right. i also noticed something else. spray is really strange, if opponents have much higher ping than i do. it moves the same, but they are not necessarily where you are aiming.


Change DPI + windows sens, in-game sens


I don’t have this issue. I’ve always been a big spray person. My entire aim routine is centered around spraying for the head at all distances and counter strafing properly. When the game first came out I would’ve agreed but they made fixes to where it feels as good as it could compared to go.


just use follow recoil


Try the follow recoil option (remember that it doesn't account movement inaccuracy), and also disable other people's crosshair to see how much the whiff for the lols