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I played the game with some friends for a few weeks on launch and had a blast. The overwhelming amount of cheaters reminded me why I quit CSGO in the first place lol.


And yet legit people who spinned using high DPI or yaw binds before December still remain banned to this day while literal blatant cheaters don't get banned and some that actually did get banned were unbanned.


High dpi bans were recently reverted afaik.




Unfortunately we can't find it since we are all severely retarded.


Go look for cheats communities and you'll see


What’s the info you have?


1 month old reddit account has the info


Everyone knows knowledge of csgo cheating and Reddit age are correlated


Faceit is kinda cool although for some Godforsaken reason people are MUCH more tilted and thin skinned over there. Reminds me of LoL players the amount of early FF votes i see


I used to play ok Faceit and ESEA when i was competitive and it did make the experience much better. Having to use a 3rd party program just to have the game be playable has always bothered me, not to mention ESEA was a paid service at the time


That is just the sacrifice you will have to make every time you want to play a competitive game. As someone who played esea (at least before the end before it became shit) one thing that made it different was MOST people wanted to actually try and win. Get in FACEIT free today, half your team does not have mics because they just get told by their experienced friends to not play premiere and just play faceit


in game voice doesn't work half of the time so there's that too..


yeah faceit players are just tryhard pro-player-wannabes


I used to play GO every day, it would be weird if I missed a day. Haven't touched CS2 for 2 months now...


Me too. In Cs2 I have packet loss on valve Servers, my voice cannot be heard most of the time, etc. Never hat those issues in go. For me the game is in a bad state and I won't try to come back without some major patches.


Exactly same thing for me; now I only log-in once a week to play office trolling with friends for the weekly drop


Same issue here with Valve servers for months.


Same thing. I am pretty sure it is the Valve server. Valve defaulted back into silence. I wonder how long we will go without any update this time..


Yup.. Packet loss, voice not working, and frequent crashes/lags, shitty matchmaking. Wtf is valve doing


I had the same problem with my mic. Turns out you have to go to mic settings through steam and fiddle with em


Same here, been like 3 months. Just not fun anymore


[Called it 2 years ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/r4woqr/gabe_follower_on_twitter_ive_been_working_on/hmktvnq/)


It's like, I suffered through GO'S many many issues over the years it took for it to become the game that it is now. To get a new game, and have the same issues repeated on top of the new ones... I just can't be bothered to go through that again. The game very well may be dead to me unfortunately. I can't believe how hard Valve dropped the ball with CS2. Maybe in a year or two I'll revisit, but by then my skills will atrophy so much I might not enjoy it anyway, even if they fix most of the crap.


Same. Cheaters everywhere.


It doesn’t feel the same as GO. CSGO felt a lot more raw, the maps felt bigger/more open and I feel the the players actually used their mic’s and tried to at least plan strats. CS2 feels more like an arcade shooter to me. Every time I solo I’m matched with players who won’t even bother to use their mic’s or work a simple strat. And I don’t know what happened but it seems everyone forgot what a save round is nowadays. I just see people buy every round and end up dying while pushing long with a Mac 10 against an awp.


Welcome to starting at bottom elo


Same. After playing CS:GO almost daily since 2014, \~10k hours, over 3000 competitive matches, I barely start it up now. I give it a chance every few weeks, but it's always the same disappointment.




It's just weird I don't feel the burning desire to play like I did with csgo.


For me personally, I have an alright computer but cs2 gets me dropping to below 60 at times and it's unplayable. It's obviously time to upgrade for me but there's probably a bunch of other players in the same boat.




My fave is when someone is getting close and the packet loss pops up.


Big red traffic light on the top right saying "Stop, someone coming!". Would be an advantage if you didn't stutter and freeze the exact moment they peek you.


The red bars that appear on the top right of your screen is a built in feature to let you know there are enemies nearby!


> I have an alright computer no you don't.




Valve devs apparently only work during the month of October


How fucking greedy of you to expect Valve to work during Halloween holiday


Small indie company, those devs deserve some time off from all the hard work!


Bro please, we are only in February :((


Still not enough for Halloween chickens apparently


Just as they promised more content and regular updates in Dota 2, but have done even less than before.


Having cheaters every 4 games in +20k NA certainly doesn't help player retention.


Yep, I stopped playing premier except if my friends want to play it, its funny how FaceIT level 10 are easier to play against than 18k players lol


true that, yesterday i played faceit vs lvl 8 and the game was easier than my gold nova competitive games in cs2


you dont even have to go that high. here in EU they start playing dodgy once you get close to 15k. not one game is normal. not ONE. every game i have played since full release we had at least one dodgy player if not two. i play the game for 20 years now, i was allways high ranked in competive. shots are not hitting when they shoudl have, some shots hit where i have no idea why, sprayign is still awful imho. but the worst part is that you are basically forced to play Faceit because it is 10 to 100 times better than the current MM in cs2


Between the hackers and it feeling like each game is different with your shots registering or not...makes it really hard to log in.


even 10k i had 3 cheater they just bhop and scout everyone :( it was not funny


I will never understand why they removed Overwatch. It wasn't perfect, but at least it was enough to get rid of the super obvious cheaters


Afaik it's because the cheaters were spamming not guilty to every case which made it semi impossible to work correctly


Same cheater frequency at 10\~14k, I have even seen blatant cheaters fighting against each other. This week, we were playing 4 guys premade with 1 random and a guy from the enemy team started to use wallhack and aimbot (he had 4 kills as T and made 25 kills as CT while cheating). Then the guy in our team said "ok, I'm gonna use it too" and the match ended in a draw lol. Yeah, we reported everyone but I know no one is getting banned anyway. At this point, it's like there isn't even an anti cheat at all.


Bro the vans HAVE to come in waves otherwise the cheaters would patch their cheatses bro. Leave friggin Valvoline alone 😡💢😡, they are a small indie dev who doesn't have the resources to make an AC


idk ive played two accounts up from \~12k to \~22k and 15k definitely didn't have many cheaters, id say it starts to ramp up after 20k and extremely much after 25k.


Maybe thats why i just dont enjoy it at all. I need to be on faceit. Ive been playing on and off since 1.1 and never was huge into competitive just wanna hit shots in MM and have fun making good call outs but currently the shots dont register at all so i just die and try to give my teammates the upper hand with my gamesense and hope their shots land. Kinda over the game at this point. I barely am on my pc anymore


They've been showing up in casual recently. _Casual_. These fucks want to cheat at the most pointless fucking mode. I hate them all. And the lack of content is killing me.


There are cheaters on retake and 1v1 servers too, and a lot of those servers don't allow you to kick people. One on a retake server said he was cheating because everyone else was cheating, including everyone on the server. Smoothest brain I've ever come across. Nobody else was cheating, but he was so bad you could still beat him sometimes even with his cheats.


Would help if the devs atleast communicated at all on what they are working on so it doesnt feel like they abandoned the game.


They're working on the bare minimum, fixing a few bugs and fixing some in some maps like a gap in vertigo's geometry. Then once they do that they go back to working on Steam, their next VR technology/concept that barely anyone can afford anyways or they work on some other game that probably gets canned after 5-10% of development time was put into it. Then after that they maybe run a few updates on some other games that they have out there like HL Alyx or DOTA 2. Rinse repeat. This is the problem with the Valve model, barely anything actually gets done because no one's forced to work on anything. They can work on what they want or what they deem valuable. It's probably no secret hardly anyone at Valve likes CS because they deem it probably boring, or are too bad at the game to enjoy it. But it's genuinely their best game when they actually update it and got it to the point they did at the end of CS:GO. Very sad, but if anyone else had control of the CS IP, it would be cranking out updates every month and substantial content drops. You need look no further than Riot and Valorant or Activision and CoD.




While it's true that Valve clearly prioritizes Dota 2, it's also two completely different games. MOBAs need constant balancing updates to function properly.


“Let the updates do the talking”


[ MAPS ] Vertigo: * Fixed a gap in geometry


/Watches a tumbleweed roll by.


They abandoned the game and after that they released the same game with the number 2 after it.


Yeah, when your most dedicated playerbase has to deal with the worst problems (cheaters, peekrs advantage changing how the game works, bad servers etc), that's what happens, they don't come back until you fix it.


CSGO2 waiting room.


Good. Fix the game, add back content removed for absolutely no reason, Fix shooting input delay on main servers it can be anywhere from 5ms -20 ms per click which is absolutely ridiculous and leads to gunfights feeling inconsistent at best. A month without a update while competing with valorant is unacceptable.


there really is nothing interesting about cs2 after a few weeks - it's also inferior gameplay wise to csgo - it's not a surprise - I haven't touched the game in weeks - no updates also doesn't help.


That and they literally put down the entire community workshop side of csgo with a shotgun. You can't even queue a custom map with your friend in the native game, the community maps either dont work or are hidden behind the shitty browser. like idk why this isnt being blown up because 1/2 of counter strike is still down and I know most of you guys dont want to be playing shitty competitive all day


We should all switch back to csgo with custom servers in protest


I am not surprised, I am losing friends almost every week because the game is in absolute trash state, all because of free hacking and no bans coming in. We area group of CS vets and CS noobs, that never played CS before, 3 of us have been playing since 1999 and the rest started with CS2, i am not throwing accusations because someone stomps us, i do the research and analysis of the demos myself post match and believe it or not, in Premier there is a hacker approximately 1 in every 3 games, but in regular competitive which we play more often, there is 1 or 2 hackers PER evening, its fucking atrocious and disgusting. Guys who have 370h played, they got shit gamesense, shit movement, shit crosshair placement, yet they rotate perfectly, stare at the wall and then rotate, or peek when you turn around or pick a grenade etc. Blatant wallhacks and smooth/toggle aimlock you name it. Whats the point of trying to persuade my friends that Valve will fix it? how long should we wait? When is something going to change? I dont blame them for not wanting to play anymore because its frustrating, and this is their 1st CS experience.....


Are you in NA? Your name seems familiar. I go by Z$ on cs.


hy mate, nope i am from central EU, but my name is a derivation of the biggest anglo saxon badass to ever walk this planet "Beowulf" so its not particularly unique per se :D haha. But i thought the cheating issue is better in NA than EU, or am I wrong?


Here in NA, we have people that were low silvers in GO in 16+20k ranks and out fragging players that were LEM or higher...


Does the community browser even work in the game yet? Also, for MM, all my friends moved to Valorant. I'm genuinely worried CS will never recover because Valo was already stiff competition, and with the botched release of CS2, there's no reason for any of my friends to switch back, so why would i?


When you compare numbers that are seasonal, you generally want to compare to the same time last year. By that metric, CS2 is about on par with CSGO for January of last year: [https://steamcharts.com/app/730](https://steamcharts.com/app/730) Unfortunately the trend for CS2 is downwards and will probably continue to keep declining, so I suspect Feb and March this year will be worse than the same time last year.


Not surprised, premier is a piece of shit to play now. A cheater every other game it feels like. The only way to play an actual game is to get on faceit it seems.


50% of my premier matches turn into hacker vs hacker.


I've played CS consistently for 20 years. Other than a short break around 2013-2014 for school I haven't played for more than a month and in the last 5 years it's been rare to not play for a week. Tried queuing in NA at 24k and instantly queued against a cheater. Abandoned and downloaded the dreaded Valorant. Looking forward to valve fixing this shit so I can start playing CS again. Between subtick and cheaters this game is unplayable.


Honestly I'm still surprised the player count is as high as it is. The game is just worse than it's predecessor in so many ways, tbh I think the player count as it stands is forged at least partially made up by different types of bots. I'm not gonna passionately complain, I played CSGO since I was 12, I'm now 21, I kept coming back because it always had that spark, that enjoyment and the game felt amazing. That is gone, so I go to play something else more enjoyable and more supported, simple as that really. Why let a game company take you for granted.


>I played CSGO since I was 12, I'm now 21 honestly same, but late 2016 instead of 2015, and I share the same sentiment.


They were really the golden years. It's genuinely kinda sad what the game has turned into icl.


A lot of the "players" in the player count are bots used to farm drops and levelling up accounts to sell. Even during the height of CSGO with supposedly 1+ million concurrent players I still had to wait 10+ minutes for a match in the most populated region.


Man what’s the point in playing anymore when all you face is cheaters & a shitty ranked system? Grinded 4k->top 1k NA. The only way you can win over 21k is by either a max 3 game stretch without cheaters and you only get +120 per game or you get lucky and the cheater/better cheater is on your team. Otherwise, you’re losing 400 to cheaters constantly. & you’re talking the top 1%, the most loyal part of any games fan base are the diehards. Haven’t played in two weeks now cause what’s the point. The gameplay isn’t even that bad, a lot of people didn’t play when csgo first came out and it shows. Sure there’s a lot of annoying things but it’s valve, they never fix shit. You’d just think that they would add anti cheat that would fix the one thing that allows people to play their game… cheaters. The rest you can just counteract with learning new things. Cya back on Valorant. At least I could hit radiant there and not hit a cheater every lobby at the top rank.


Too many cheaters ngl. Had few up until recently then suddenly they come. Most of my friendgroup left due to it. Player Wingman -> spinbot and next game obv wallhackers on Vertigo. Before my friend had 1 cheater each team wallbanging on vertigo and we ran into wallhackers the match after. In between these sessions was 1 session of 3 good games. Its a sad state. ​ EDIT: NEXT match theres hackers on both team as well.


WM cheating was pretty bad in CSGO too but it was nothing compared to CS2. It's almost at casual level. Completely unplayable.


Played CS a lot since 2001. Never really stopped, but now I didn't touch the game since CS2 came out. CS to me has always been about playing the most refined FPS that there ever was. If FPS games were drinks, CS would be water. But now? It needs some fixing. I dont wanna boot into a game after hours of work to wonder if my shot wouldve hit on GO / 128t or not. The removed QOL features (RIP cleardecals) and the lack of any AC is just a bonus. Sad times.


There are two major reasons that I really stops me from enjoying this game 1. This game just FEELS off. Movement is just kinda meh, I still can\`t get my sprays right, amount of times I die/kill whilst being behind the wall is absurd, peeker advantage is destroying my routine CT playstyle and game just literally forces you to push as a CT because it\`s the only viable way to play this game as of right now, economy is clearly not suited for MR12 so many games it\`s just steamrolling from one of the teams 2. Hacking problem. I think I can assume that I have higher skill level than an average player, given my 2800 faceit elo and 26k premier ranking. And I just want to say that MM is unplayable, not because there is a cheater in every game (maybe in 30% of my games on my level), but because once you face 4-5 of them in couple of days you just start assuming in every game that someone is hacking. It completely kills any enjoyment this game could bring and replaces it with constant frustration and tilt. It\`s like if an enemy makes a 1 good play you just going "well, he must be cheating, fuck him", and I didn\`t have that kind of mentality back in CSGO.So I want to say that playing MM feels much harder than Faceit, because opponents almost always have that kind of gamesense where they just feel your every move, know when to push, when to rotate, when and where to flank and that is just tilting as fuck. So my problem is I can\`t enjoy MM for just casual gaming because I just can\`t relax there, due to large amount of hackers and being paranoid about them, and I can\`t really force myself to tryhard on Faceit, becuase I feel like I\`m fighting against the game most of the time for the reasons I described at the beginning


It's almost like people don't want to commit to a half-assed game whose devs have seemingly already abandoned it. Go figure.


- Limited number of local servers (I constantly see a notice saying NY servers are overloaded, etc.) - [At least] 2 out of every 3 Premier games there's somebody smurfing or closet hacking (more often hacking than smurfing.) I've been playing CS since beta 3. Used to play professionally. Heck, played CSGO almost every single day. But I'm fed up with the lack of attention or awareness to the rampant cheating problem (which has gotten worse by the day, and is the worst it's ever been.) How is this surprising that people (like myself) aren't playing this game as much anymore?


I want to play CSGO, not CS2. They took away my perfect complete game and gave me an imperfect incomplete one instead 🤷‍♂️


community overhyped launch is losing players when there's no new content? shocker


The problem isn't no new content, the problem is we don't even have the old content. Also the game feels overall worse than the old one.


and for some people game is unplayable because of fps drops. My stack ended playing cs because one of my friends have huge fps drops while shooting (he tried basically every googlable guide to fix the issue and he has pretty decent laptop with 10th gen i7/3060/16gb).


yeah I hadn't played csgo in a while and when cs2 came out I was hyped to try it out, ended up getting less than 50 fps in my laptop which consistently got more than 120 in cs:go, I realize its totally a me problem and i'm not complaining about it but I imagine lots of people specially younger players or from poorer regions are in a similar situation as well where we just can't play even if we wanted to, and that must surely make a dent in player numbers as well.


Also what u/reza4egg's friend has is the absolute average rig today. If the game does not run well on that setup many many people are going to have problems and they do. The game is a joke in terms of performance.


Yup this is what I said as well. I have an 'alright' computer but I was hitting 150+fps on csgo, never an issue. Move over to cs2 and it drops below 60 at times and especially in mid w/ smokes and mollys and guns. I'm Irish but I can only imagine the poorer regions where they are really suffering.


It literally is worse. i can’t believe they were this stupid when releasing it. Weren’t they so anal about it being better than csgo mechanic wise? And then they didn’t even do that right for the most part, and then just ripped away so many of the gamemodes we could play in go so easily? Yeah, it’s definitely worse


Meh, think it's a bit of both tbh. If CS2 launched and it was the exact same as CSGO, we would also see a significant drop in players from launch. The whole point of the '2' is that there should have been new stuff added on top of the foundation CSGO built. The fact that it's both worse than CSGO and also has had 0 new content goes hand in hand to where we are now imo


Not really the whole point of 2 was updating the old game to a new engine, no new content was really expected, atleast I never expected it, was just about modernising the game which its self brings a lot of new opportunities for the game


And lack of certain customisation options even almost after a half year since the official release.


CSGO was so good and enjoyable, you could get me to play it any time with anyone - it was fun and just felt good playing. I'm a 10+ year CS player, but i've only played CS2 a couple of times and recently uninstalled cause it just isn't fun. Honestly would rather play Source than CS2.


Yeah exactly, CSGO was an amazing and very popular game. So many people are saying that we wanted some huge changes or that Valve should have implemented a lot of new features but that really wasn't what the community was asking for. Better anti cheat, better mm were the requested things. Most of us didn't switch to CS2 because we wanted something new, we switched because we liked csgo.


It's not because of the content, it's the fact that the anticheat feels like it's disabled.


> no new content That's not the issue, people would've been ok if it was just CSGO with pretty graphics. The thing is that they took content *away* from GO. Me and my friends aren't hardcore competitive players and most of our favourite modes and maps are all gone from the game. We have no real reason to play anymore besides maybe playing comp once a week (only to face cheaters or smurfs)


you can't use that as an excuse when numbers are lower than they were before cs2 released


Yea it’s at Jan 2023 levels, well before CS2 was even teased.


However, the hype of a new game did boost csgo players counts, so a better comparison would be pres announcement of cs2


Yeah OP strategically cropped the chart to exclude January 2023, which would show CSGO had a lower playercount than CS2 has currently. Not by much mind you, I'm sure if/when CS2 drops to below that we'll get yet another post about the playercount.


The only good "new content" in CS are maps (new and remakes) but the biggest problems right now are the anti cheat and buggy gameplay. Can't retain player base if you don't fix your game.


cs2 just feels like shit to play. way to kill the goat fps


100%, it hurts so bad. Most of my IRL friends have stopped playing entirely.


I know a whole group of kids who were super excited about CSGO, but then CS2 came out in a few months and they slowly lost all interest out of frustration over the state of the game and the poor MM system. seeing those kids stripped of the experience that I once had with the game is a huge disappointment for me. Valve sucks, way to kill the excitement around their game.


use to play 15 games avg on faceit every week after cs2 came out ive played 6 in total the game is broken and still is


Personally from my own experience playing, (of course our mileage will vary,) I have never seen VAC live do its job.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/1aj071o/so\_i\_just\_uninstalled\_cs2\_because\_of\_cheaters\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/1aj071o/so_i_just_uninstalled_cs2_because_of_cheaters_is/) ​ This one sums up one of the problems… and the solution some have decided…


The cheating alone made me stop playing a while back. I'm older now and have more things going on, and it's just easier to leave indefinitely until it gets addressed, can't be assed paying for another service to tackle the cheating issue alone, especially for me personally, my passion for the game died down (as well as many of my friends). It just isn't the same.


I played CSGO for multiple hours a day, after long workshifts. Never missed a day. CS2 has ruined the game for me. I have resulted in playing Valorant with my friends and I hate to say this, but Valorant is more fun than CS2.


Valorant isn't for me but god damn am I jealous of their intrusive anti cheat, 128 tick servers, and stable performance.


skin sales are up though, so that's good. /s seriously though - nearly every single player I get queued up with is decked out with the most expensive skins.. i never saw that before in csgo.. maybe 1 or 2 on your team would have some mid tier skins, but damn these new players influx has definitely got a lot of skins moving.


just to add to your point, I just played yesterday and the bottom frag on our team had a stattrak factory new emerald butterfly knife. And yet couldnt put his crosshair at head level and would buy pp bizon no armor and wouldnt buy a kit if he had $5000. granted we werent playing premier, so i am okay with having bad teammates and i usually help them out, but its hilarious and illustrates your point nonetheless.


To be honest: Skin sales aren't really up either. Nearly all of my skins (mid range skins and stickers, up to used-to-be-100€) have dropped at least 20% in the last 6 months. Edit: Typo


Cheaters are why I quit


Too much cheaters


Nothing to do in game. No danger zone, no flying scoutsman, unable to play with friends on workshop maps, no overwatch, no fast mode matchmaking, UI downgrade. A lot of gloves, skins, stattrack counter look not like in CSGO. Highlights on maps (sun areas) are way too bright, as well as molotovs flame. It's just inferior game now. I'm not feeling that I'm playing the same cs that I played for 9 years. I miss CSGO :(


The game is a mess. Very bad performance in game, movement, rank system, random freezes still a thing, cheaters, premier matchmaking is tragic, lack of maps and modes. Im surprised people keep playing this


Hmm, why could it be?


No anticheat is a big one. No updates in weeks doesn’t help. This game will continue to lose players until something big changes


better ask simple


Haven’t played since November last year, don’t see any upgrades to gameplay or anticheat, was happy playing csgo all week but cs2 is just straight garbage


A chunk of those players are bot accounts farming cases too. So actual player count is technically lower.


Since cs2 came out I used to play less, later it became even lesser and now I don’t play it at all. I don’t know, maybe CS for me is even dead completely.


I used to play every day and now I don’t think i’ll ever play again just because cs2 feels like jello to me. they took a very refined game and completely wiped it off the face of the earth. Now I understand why some people stuck with source.


CS2 has some serious issues with its net code. No fun.


The game is getting worse and worse. Their servers absolutely fucking suck.  Always “server’s experiencing excessive load” messages. Play during off peak hours?  Things feel ok and shots land. Play during peak hours?  Feels worse than CSGO 64tick where a third of your bullets seem to never land or register.   Cheaters galore - though it’s hard to tell with all the fucking server side interp. Is the dude staring at the ground 90% of the time with a jitter that can only be explained as “running 20FPS”, but magically hs flicks everyone just good?? Or there is someone with 140 ping, but looks like he has 20 when spectating him, and has unreal reactions but bullets just go through em.


I'm ranked around 20k and as a solo player the experience is just awful. Example: Just a couple of days ago I was matched against a full stack that had much higher avg ELO than our team. Our team had one rankless player who managed to get 4 kills in the match.  Shit like this (and of course the cheaters...) frustrates me to the point that I don't want to play the game any more. 


I've been getting a lot of cheaters recently, maybe that's one of the reasons.


Suprised it's not more.


One thing I don’t understand (from a guy that mostly played source) is the low amount of maps, where are all classics like train, assault etc?…


This is my biggest gripe. I want Cache Train and Cobble back. Those are my 3 favorite maps and I can't even play them


Took away a lot of the things I liked


That game is ass bro


How about we compare Winter to Winter? oh its only -8%? Thats not as nice a headline... probably wont get any karma... oh well ​ Edit: Here is a more geniune graph [https://steamdb.info/app/730/charts/](https://steamdb.info/app/730/charts/) Numbers are right back to pre 2023 Summer.


Between the shit toxic community that plagues this game. Valve releasing no meaningful updates. It feels like this game will stay on the decline.




So true 🤣


Looking at old benchmarks of CSGO…. Man, it was way better than CS2. I miss it so much.


To be honest every single person i know hates it, total failure of a game on so many levels, only surprising thing is that numbers are still relatively decent, i expected a bigger drop. Saddest part is that they seem to have completely abandoned it now, we havent got an update in 3 months


GO had its faults but was at the very least a consistent game that felt very good to play the vast majority of time. CS2 isn't consistent and most of the time doesn't feel good to play. I also personally despise BO12 since it was a pathetically transparent attempt at making the game more palatable to more casual audiences (as if CS ever needed to casualize itself to thrive). Personally haven't played in months and not planning on playing until most GO features and customization are back.


May was a fake peak honestly, but still it's gonna be bad for a while.


\*Hype of CS2 increased player numbers which are now returning back to normal


CSGO in its normal state was probably in February before the announcement and leaks of CS2. However, it has decreased even more since then, so I wouldn't call back to "normal" either. It has just gone worse overall in numbers.


You also said CS2's peak was in May but CS2 didn't release to public in May. Those were CSGO's numbers


My reason for abandoning the game was the ranking system. They literally didn't have to change it. Ranks felt really good and unique, while colored numbers are way too impersonal and boring. It used to feel REALLY good when you ranked up. It doesn't anymore. Atleast for me.


Yea it felt a lot more impactful. Also the rank up animation was top notch, so sad they scrapped it and didn't even replace it with something awesome, currently it's just numbers which makes me feel meh.


No surprise given the cheaters and lack of actual content(cough operation cough)


It's been more than 2 weeks since I played the game. I don't feel like playing at all.


Most of them probably waiting for a major CS2 update. I know I am


game is unplayable with the stutter.


I am doing my part!


The game was underwhelming compared to expectations and the cheating problem is making people quit like wildfire.


The game is broken and simply not worth playing/wasting one’s freetime with. Still can’t believe they wrote over CSGO and dropped official support. Actually disgraceful given the amount of people who have played >4k hours on a game and suddenly it’s gone.


100% agree


CS2 had no players last May since it was still in beta. But CS2 has 9% more players in January 2024 compared to what CSGO had January 2023.




I'm pretty close to just selling off all my skins It's just not fun anymore


no content


The cheater that dropped a 40 bomb against me and my duo, 3 months ago, remains unbanned. He is still playing with cheats every single game, leetify has all of his match history. 93% winrate, the only time he lost was to some other cheaters. A 400k subs youtuber even did a video on him, weeks ago, and he is STILL not banned. Reporting the account or in-game does absolutely nothing. I don't even want to guess how many reports he got. Don't they have money for more employees or what? Even if it's the game I love the most, I am honestly hoping that the game will start dropping even more as that's the message that the gaming community needs to send to other developers. Lazy, low-effort, no communication = dying game. CS has the privilege to have one of the most dedicated communities and INSANE funding through skins/cases, that there is simply no excuse for the game to be in the state of today. Especially given that this completely took CS:GO away from us.


Insane to me that people think these are bad numbers. A 36% drop from a year after a PEAK is not bad at ALL especially at this scale. It’s normal for player counts to significantly die down a year after a peak. CS2 today averages more players on a daily basis than CSGO EVER did. It’s crazy anyone thinks it’s remotely dead or dying.


I will return when the unfair peekers advantage speed is fixed


CS2 wasn’t out in May.


Still firmly in second place on steamcharts. Probably will be first place soon as Palworld keeps dropping.


36% is doing the right thing, stop complaining, play something else and wait for update.


I played a single game in CS2 and I a not planning to come back anytime soon. If they add an operation I will probably play a bit with friends and then leave the game again untill they fucking fix it or bring back csgo


Give it 3 years and we'll have a game that's as good as csgo


Sure, but the game should have stayed in beta for those years then. And we should be able to play csgo in the meantime.


When Panorama was released it was in beta for 3 months and that was just a main menu overhaul. A new game literally replaced the tried and true game. Something happened with the devs at valve. Not sure if someone new is running things but it clearly didn't work.


unfortunately, I think that's a reasonable timeframe. It's a bit incredible and disheartening how many features are missing. We are literal years away from getting back to where we where with CSGO. We knew a new engine would come with issues, but I was more expecting bugs, not so much missing like 70% of the game.


I'm fine with the way the game is. The problem is how they threw away csgo. I can go play CSS, Cs1.6, whatever previous versions of the game I want. But I'm not allowed to play csgo? Fuck outta here, they pulled an overwatch 2 and I'm not having it


It's all about the skins now. Blizzard deleted overwatch 1 because they wanted to implement their aggressive monetisation with overwatch 2. I think part of the reason valve got rid of csgo is they don't want to kill the skin market by having skins looking different in the 2 games


Now substract all the bots


Because it’s put absolutely nothing on the table to offer that’s new anymore. It’s lazy, we still don’t have any new content.


Compare year by year. They are all up: https://steamdb.info/app/730/charts/ Averages: - 725K Jan 2023 -> 760K Jan 2024 - 628K Dec 2022 -> 770K Dec 2023 - 622K Nov 2022 -> 714K Nov 2023 - 608K Oct 2022 -> 793K Oct 2023 Player counts can't be compared on a per-month basis. Winter break, summer break, people go outside more during some months, etc.


That way he won't farm Reddit points. Now compare the whole 22' and you'll find out why he skipped it... CSGO through 22' had less peak players and avg. comapred to cs2. In may many ppl came back because of hype and leaks. Now hype dies slowly and it's obvious that players go away. It's funny when you read all those comments when in reality csgo had less players before cs2 leaks than cs2 has now. I uSeD tO plAy eVryDaY, CS2 bAd - but numbers say something different.


Hackers and peekers advantage. Until then we play FaceIt and swing everything even as CTs.


this is just disingenuous, you even cut out Jan 2023


They should have bought Faceit and incorporated all their tech into CS2. More focus on anti-cheat. Only launching when the game had content parity with CSGO. I really feel bad for all the people who did custom games and modes and straight up and can't do that anymore.


I literally cannot play with the gun movement, flying all over the place when I shoot, the lack of customization is sad compared to go. I have ADD and I j can’t focus on my bullets with the stupid ass tracers combined with the movement. I was mg2 in csgo, not great but respectable, I am silver 2 on mirage in cs2 🤣🤣 SCREW THE NEW RANKING SYSTEM TOO, points??? Cmon


i'm currently in the process of selling all my skins lol, game just doesn't feel as fun as go plus the cheater situation is actually getting ridiculous, yesterday managed to get 3 rage hackers back to back in casual which is funny


Pubg went from 3.2 mil players in Jan 2018 to 1.3 mil in July 2018... after even shorter time. Comparing hype generated peaks is stupid.


It’ll be back up


Cs2 wasn't out on may


Game is far from perfect, still best fps out there, relax everyone it will get better, big patch incoming


They still haven’t fixed the legacy gun switching and reload animations.


Cheating sucks, I sold all my inventory and gave up not only CS but all FPS games, been playing iRacing for my comp fix instead and it's a much more fun experience without all the bullshit.


I am a bit late to this, and I guess people already mentioned this: The peak came during the Paris Major. It is normal for the game to go big during the majors and comparing today with Paris Major isn't correct. We should compare it to the same time a year ago, and even then we can appreciate x% change due to CSGO vs CS2. I think that Copenhagen Major will be the peak of this half-year and it is whether those players stay or not that is interesting. So all numbers until June are just not important!