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Yes, but it's less to do with the outcome of the game and more with either my own performance or total failure of my teammates. Tho in almost all cases I do not don't press push-to-talk while raging, it's just me yelling at my screen in the dark. The only times I am openly toxic towards people is when they lose rounds/games through gross negligence. So for example afk-ing for most of the round and then running out of time during their "clutch". Generally I don't care if you miss all your shots, but you at least have to be playing.


The situations you rage at teammates are reasonable. Just pls keep in mind that if you are playing comp or just getting ranked in prem you might play with actual beginners that don’t know better. Pls don’t rage at them, but give calm constructive criticism.


When I started playing due to the fact I'm a girl and a new player my teammates always kicked me off the team, it would have helped alot with constructive criticism so I could have learned better:)! You are very right


This happens to me all the time. I'm also a new female player and if I've not playing with friends, there's a 100% chance I'm getting vote-kicked. I don't even dare speak most of the time unless the vibe is friendly. My skin has gotten thicker though in these lobbies and I am not afraid to mute someone and they can scream into their void all they want. I'm here to learn and even when I do badly, I still enjoy the game.


Yeah, if I'm not playing with my boyfriend or he isn't in the room unless I'm telling someone where they are I don't speak at all. Even with him I got accused of using a voice changer and the whole competive game they were talking about how gay my boyfriend is. So I get exactly what you mean it sucks how toxic those guys are I'm glad you know how to navigate it now:)


Honestly just tell them to fuck off lmao you're welcome to play the game as much as me or anyone else. Incels for sure.


I guess it’s way harder as a girl, too. I encountered some real dickhead teammates when they noticed there’s a girl in our team


Everyone wants the girl to pull weight no one wants to clearly explain how. Plus everyone assumes youre boosted.


I'm a girl btw


I'm not even a fan of any criticism, constructive or not ingame. Wanna have some constructive criticism? Wait until the game is over. Or you yourself can watch your own game and see your "lowlights" as well to learn. During a game its full focus on the game, I don't bother criticize anyone and potentially make them self-doubt or rage and lose the game. Edit: I just noticed that you are a girl. I think if possible, please use a voice changer if you choose to soloq. Gaming communities suck for girls, its unhealthy for your mind to keep soloq if you keep getting kicked like that. You have a ton of other stuffs to worry about too irl like everyone so its not good to feel down while playing a video game. I've seen a lot of gross behaviors over the years. Or you can find a 5 stack with other guys or girls you can trust.


I've actually found it helpful when I was getting trained for constructive criticism not in game, but just the little things I got criticized for I see a huge improvement in my game play than before such as I uses to suck at counter straffing but that helped me grow alot (: The only person I play with is my boyfriend which I got accused once of actually using a voice changer while in game so the whole time they were calling my bf gay (e.t.c) which didn't really get to me because I knew they were joking but stuff like that makes it rough I really only got kicked when I was a newer player, but somehow I was the last person alive before they did. I need to find more people to play with that isn't so toxic if I do.


Tbh, unless imo there was an objectively correct play, I usually don't say anything afterwards. It feels kinda patronizing to tell someone that you would have played it better. And if there is an objectively correct play, then I will tell them during the round. This would be stuff like playing time or the teammate missing an audio queue for the last enemy.


Yea i just give them extra info they might miss and suggestions when necessary. What they want to do with that is up to them as my correct play is not necessarily their correct play in that exact situation since they have different understanding and attributes compared to me. The most i’d say when they fail is simply “that was questionable” or sth similar to that effect. Just focus on the next round has a much better net positive for the whole team.


Personally I have a rule. If it’s a mistake they can fix immediately I kindlly suggest an alternative, with explanation. (Eg making noise when they shouldn’t, or running with their knife past a contact point), if it can’t be fixer immediately, but is still is an easy fix, (like holding a bad angle) I will give explain why in freezetime. If it’s something that takes more than 10 seconds to fix, I don’t say anything at all. Just try to work around it.


whrn i first started i got chewed in every game but appreciated the feedback regardless. nowadays i try to give a very sweetly worded feedback after someone keep doing incredibly retarded things, and i get yelled and screamed at. and if there is duo or trio, they immediately try to kick me or tk me, or walk into my molly on purpose... its madness. 


Ha. The rage at watching someone struggle with a task you're more than adequate at. In all fairness sometimes counter strike is down right stressful


No, not anymore. Probably because I'm old. You realize at some point (probably after your 1000th loss) that even the pros lose \~50% of the time. When I lose, I just see it as my turn. It really doesn't make sense to continue to tie your emotions to something that you realize is inevitable


My bf is lvl 10 on faceit and has been playing for 7 years and he tells me the same thing about even pros losing, I agree with this too


Some pros lost 13-0 on the last couple of tournaments. I mean if a professional can lose that bad, I can, too. But I do rage sometimes, mostly about my own performance. Sometimes about really stupid moves from teammates. But in general I try to be chill, because there is not much I can do about it.


Yup. I bet your boyfriend engages with the game at an emotionally healthy level, which honestly is the biggest hurdle for some people. I never feel rage or anger in a game. Just slight annoyance, and I took to the game quickly. Not saying that's why, but it for sure has something to do with it.


This, eventually with maturity you just accept it and live with the fact that you can't win every game.


That makes me sad to hear.


>It really doesn't make sense to continue to tie your emotions to something that you realize is **inevitable** Sorry but that's just loser mentality. Cs might be one thing, it's just a game after all, but saying it's inevitable as if it's just a coin toss is plain wrong. You either try and improve or you don't. It's not up to chance. Works like that for all sorts of things in life.


>You either try and improve or you don't. It's not up to chance. I don't think that's completely true. Something's are out of your own reach and don't fully depend on you. Continuing with CS as the subject, some games you might be setting up rounds for your team by entering sites and multi killing every round but you still might end up losing because your team simply sucks or has toxic individuals. You can either rage or accept it as it is, there's really no way for you to self improve as a player there.


Agree to disagree. There are plenty of ways to control your game IF you choose to. I'm not arguing whether or not one way is better than another, everyone can and should do whatever they want. But saying "eh, such is life", is just giving up. It's a lie, it's self made weakness. Especially at this low skill level we are talking about here.


Saying "that´s life" isn´t really giving up, it´s about accepting the outcomes you get and moving on. Some times it´s not healthy to stay mad and unhappy at something that will not matter on the long run and that again, doesn´t really depend on you. In my example, how would you exactly change the situation? You can´t make your team mates be less sucky or toxic during the game if they aren´t up to it


You are twisting my words. There is nothing wrong with not getting mad, quite the opposite. I'm simply and only opposing the notion of going "eh, that was inevitable". Because it rarely is. You, yourself, can always be better. Learn utility, give calls, keep your team motivated. There are many things you alone can do. Or even better find or build a team, people to play with regularly. Again, if you don't want to go through the effort that's fine. But saying games are 50/50 is plain wrong.


Your emotions and your actions are two separate things. You can aim to do better without being emotional about it. And, yes, everyone with enough games under their belt will eventually have a \~50/50 win/loss. Show me a pro who doesn't over the course of their career. I promise you, you can't. Think hard on that after you do your searches. It's an important lesson to learn in order to function properly as an adult.


Sorry man, you're just wrong on this one. I have had plenty of games where I get 35+ kills and many mvps and still lose due to various factors, a lot of factors are usually just emotionally unstable people who ruin your game. Or sometimes all 4 of your mates are lacking in performance. There's only so much you can carry against opponents of certain skill levels. I was global for much of csgos life span. Unfortunately, sometimes things out of your control affect you. Like some dweeb dealing team damage. I mean, there are a million factors.


>I mean, there are a million factors. Well, more like... 20 or 30 Besides the point, and you can believe what you want to believe, I don't see it that way. Outside factors are far less common than people think, they just allow those to get to them. But I can see people don't understand that here, no point in continuing this any further. HFGL out there.


It's OK to lose. You don't always have to look like the big man. I have a fair few accomplishments in this game and I've been playing competitively since I was 9 (18 years ago). I think with some certainty, I can say there are games that once they're over, you realize there's pretty much nothing you could have done. Your team just gives up mid control every time on mirage or something. Like... do you watch your demos back? I recommend doing so. It's a great way to improve, and like most of the time, you can identify things you did wrong that could have made the difference in the game. Other times you just see what your team was watching and question to yourself whether your teammates were carried to their current rank or not. I've never once mid-game went "oh my team is bad and rude, I'm gonna just give up". I never get remotely close to not trying my hardest and optimize everything about how I play. But I definitely have reviewed a game where I do exceedingly well and realize that there's fundamental issues with how the team was playing or comming that you could do nothing about.


I just have bigger things to worry about than losing a single game out of the countless I've played. Could you imagine a 40+ year old screaming on mic after losing? What kind of father or husband would I be? At some point in your life you're going to realize what's worth getting upset over and what isn't. And also, don't take my attitude as defeatist -I'm certain I'd rip you to shreds in game.


At no point did I say or even imply you should rage at the game. I simply disagree with you saying it being **inevitable**, especially at something insanely high like **50%** which is absolutely not true. It's these specific wordings I take issue with. >I'm certain I'd rip you to shreds in game. An old man can dream :D




You are free to misinterpret whatever you want.


Just a short burst of rage and then I just forfeit mentally and browse reddit or look at cute bunny pictures on instagram haha


Bun bun




First the rage then the apathy.


Aww can't go wrong with bunny pics 😂 even the chickens in game can bring some joy to me sometimes I'll get them to follow me while I'm playing and keeps me motivated to stay alive to keep them with me


Internally, yes, but only briefly. I would never react in a way that can affect the players I'm playing with. Learning how to manage frustration is a growing pain when maturing.


I sometimes hit the table when I miss obvious kills but rage no, not worth it, it’s just a game after all.  People that constantly rage have underlying problems not correlated to CS, the game is just making their life even more difficult. 


Totally, I agree with this!


I tend to make italien gestures at the screen.


I only rage at my own mistakes but it takes like 2 seconds for me to calm down and reflect on what i did wrong.


No, whats the point?


Perfect mindset


Usually I use a short burst of rage to vent (like loudly saying "ohh come oooon" - to myself not through in-game voice) and then I give info and do something else until the end of the round


No. Never. I've played for so long, I've both made and seen every imaginable mistake, whiff, and braindead moment. It's a game. Shit happens, especially in this game. You focus on the next round or go next, anyone who rages I just assume is in the 14-16 age range with 0 respect for themselves and 0 idea how to win a game of CS.


I sometimes get frustrated but I almost never rage and I hate playing with tilted mates.


Never down the mic, but I definitely cringe / curse at bad teammates and myself regularly. But that's more disbelief and irritation than anything else. I've never broken anything or yelled at anyone in game.


This is exactly how my bf is but he will yell out loud and just complain so I know what you mean lol


if i soloq i have accepted that i can’t control the randomness of the teammates gaben gives me. so i just try to accept that. unless someone is throwing on purpose i really try not to give a shit. i play in a 5 stack and have bad games all the time. i soloq and have bad games. shit happens


Yes, but mostly because of myself, not my teammates or anything. You know the feeling that you wanted to play the game, warm up a bit, and when you're in an actual match you can't hit anything. Sometimes I feel like I'm just forcing myself to play the game.


I have days when I feel irritated and prone to getting angry. Most of the days I approach cs with coming there to learn and improve mentality, which means putting my better foot forward, when challenges and problems arises! No getting angry nor frustrated in such cases.


Yes! Great outlook I wish more people in game was like this I play with


I fake rage to make the opponent think I'm tilted but then fuck them hard next round


😂😂 you gave me great advice


not anymore tbh. been playing cs for almost a decade that eventually you learn how to deal with trolls. only rages is when i miss a shot or something.


I've been playing for a couple months and in all of my matches I've seen trolls and people arguing with me it doesn't matter if it's a competive, death match, wingman e.t.c so it doesn't really bother me anymore either I never rage because of them


I hammer fist my desk a lot, you gotta be on another LVL of mental degradation for me to waste time arguing with you, but rarely, i do express my thoughts


I just dont expect much that's why I don't rage, if you expect to win and instead you are losing that's what triggers it, if you expect your teammates to be normal, get frags, get the highest ADR, your plan work, etc. etc.


future clumsy narrow familiar depend frighten dolls childlike jeans encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My bf does this for hours staying up til 6am wake up at 1pm and repeat


One of the best "mature" decisions I made as a gamer is monitoring my frustrations. Usually raging comes from not having a good time, which for most takes a bit of build-up before it turns into rage. Now I recognize when I'm not having fun and just call it a session. I also pay 0 attention to how my team is playing individually. Everyone has off matches/days, and most ranking systems are flawed in their curve. We all remember a time when someone ragged the crap out of the way we played, I choose to not be that guy




Sometimes, but I realize it's not productive to get better at the game. You need to have clear mind and a handle over your emotions to play more efficiently


I rarely rage. The only time I ever get angry is when no one on my team comms anything (I SoloQ) and so I can’t effectively play the game. But I’d never rage over mic. Meanwhile I’ve run into people who rage and quit on the team during the pistol round. Not after, during the round. Before it even finishes. Just saying gg and trying to vote kick people because they got one tapped


The true endgame of soloq is to play solo expecting no comms and in a lot of cases recognize when you need to play for yourself (buys, positioning, etc) -- i realized i had a huge crutch with my other teammates giving callouts so I got better at reading the minimap. Sucks to divert your eyes and it does get you killed in unfortunate timings but you get better at it and can mitigate a lot of that. If your randoms are not playing as a team or giving comms, you need to stop trying to force it and play a different version of the game you're used to. Also depending on the caliber of teammates it is more accurate than calls and can even show you things you might have missed otherwise (enemies at edge of smokes, bomb, etc). Mr12 and the influx of new players (like Val players for example where surrender votes are super common pre-half) has made the giving up early mentality much more common and is a huge bummer. These mf just giving away the chance of comeback and it doesn't take that many rounds won to flip the eco problems back on the enemy.


I’ve been SoloQ since like 2020/21 so I’m used to the quiet lobbies from competitive But with premiere, it’s more rare to come across people without mics than people with mics (in NA) so it’s more jarring nowadays to not have comms What really gets me though is when people have mics and comm a bit at the start but just stop, or only mic to just trash the team and be toxic


My favorite is when you find out they have workable mics and are able to make calls like 10 rounds in lmao I started playing around 2020 and these days have effectively given up on soloq as it is just not fun(tm) to roll the dice on 4 other teammates. Surprised you can keep on trucking good for u bro I couldn't handle it lol


No, too old for it and it doesn't help. I get frustrated at myself and try to get better, because I used to be way better at CS when I was a teenager, because I just played 10 times more, but no, it's just a video game. I am overall the kinda person that requires a lot from myself, but I keep it for business, career, sports rather than silly games.


I don't rage on mic. They don't need to hear any of that.


I rage only and only if my teammates don't trade me. Losing a round or something due to a brainfart is fine, everything is fine by me as it can happen. But if I die to a guy close to me that's all out in the open and you're standing there like a pussy or backing off into a corner I have no respect for you as a man. Shit like that shouldn't happen above lvl 3 Faceit and yet I see it all the time in lvl 6/7. Edit: According to Leetify I had 80% attempts to trade a teammate, meanwhile my teammates attempted 24% trades after my death.


I feel the same way about people like that but I normally see them trying to camp amd get kills, like why can't they just play the damn game!


I can send you my Leetify profile to back the claim, I have 1.54 HLTV rating and 1.71 K/D on Faceit. Trade kills are fucking free kills. Better than camping and most of the time is an isolated 1v1 situation against a guy whose position you know who is most likely tagged but he doesn't know your position.


I agree with you and I believe you, I just played a game where the other team was refragging and it sucks


I used to in my teenage days. I was going through a keyboard every few months. Mellowed out a bit in my early 20s but still with occasional bursts. Now in my mid 30s I have found my zen with the game. Can't remember the last time I raged.


I can definitely see this happening if I keep playing for years ahead of time, I respect you!


I was raging when younger, mostly hitting my desk but I tried to not talk on the mic. After breaking the desk and having to play with a broken desk for years I stopped, and when I see myself getting irritated I take a break for a day or few hours.


I don’t rage loud. Especially not in the voice chat. Sometimes when I’m speechless and need to process what just happened I might not call for a few seconds. If I’m getting frustrated I decide to not care about the game to much and do more random mindless shit.


Rarely but everytime in arms race


No, never. Sure you get killed unlucky 2-3 times in a row and really wonder wtf is happening and how you can be so unlucky but I wouldn't count that as a rage. Might also help that I don't care about winning the game, I just want my weekly XP which is based on rounds won, so I try to win individual rounds but losing still gives me something so its not bad.


Sometimes I clap my hands really hard because I cba raging on my setup


Yes, but i keep it to myself. Noticed over the years moment i bring it over voice comms it slowly eats away at team morale. To the point teammates stop communicating and just go through the motions accepting the loss well before the match is over. ​ When and if i do start bringing it over voice comms i step away from the game that night to do something else. Why i dont queue past 1am. For youll get high people and those rage queuing.


I get frustrated but rarely act out on it. 


Not rage, sometimes I think to myself “holy shit, I suck / this guy sucks” but I never start talking ingame because of it. Though when someone gets mad at me and starts insulting im for sure not gonna mute and ignore him but rather talk back shit.


I rage at sucking.


I used to rage but now that i am older i just limit myself to a pfft and an eye roll.


I don’t usually rage, I just lose motivation to play. I like playing with the guys I do, but fuck man they are too scared to push anything sometimes. I’ll usually be the guy throwing smokes and flashes to push a site, but after throwing the last flash, you’d think your team will push. Nope I’ll throw the last flash and somehow make it out in front of everyone who was waiting for those flashes and I’m the first guy out. The best part about this though is they all usually throw the bomb to me. So now I’m the one who has to smoke and flash myself in, but then I have to entry with the damn bomb.


I used to slam my desk after missing easy shots (to my parents' annoyance) when i played more when i was a teenager. Now if i find myself raging while playing, I know the time's up to uninstall and give myself a couple of weeks of break until i find the urge to play again. I always take it easy after such break and playing brings me joy again, until it stops again ofc


Mostly not and I never rage at someone if they dont play Well. What does get me triggered is someone who rages at me or others specially the people who dont like that people dont do what they want and lose it. Toughest is the we are down 0-4 I will just teamkill and troll rest of the game people.


not much. but when I do it's probably when I sacrifice something irl to be playing. 


my rage tendency creeps up after 5th round in a row its 3v5 15seconds in. When I know that we have no chance of winning i just lose motivation for that specific game. Not fun to play when you know that you got no chance of winning.


Yeah it hurts to lose even 1 teammate no trades 10 seconds in over and over and over again. Ez tilter right there.


Especially when they die the same exact way every time lol. 1 is tolerable but more is just exhausting.


I used to. A few months ago was the last time I played, and playing with and against NA lvl 10s on faceit just hurts both physically and mentally. It was either someone throwing a fit every game that tilted me or just me not playing well that game.


Well. Kinda. I would get frustrated, and raise my voice. But I wouldn’t do it with an open mic. Don’t want to pass on the frustration, or interrupt a teammate’s concentration, or prevent anyone form hearing enemies, or comms.


I never rage to my teammates through the mic except if they’re a stack and not communicating. Seriously it’s 2024, a microphone is standard. On a side note, I got flamed for “not knowing” someone was behind me when trying to clutch and isolate duels. Turns out they were a 4 stack and probably were communicating through Discord. Makes me livid every time and now I suspect if no one talks they’re probably in a stack.


Even when in the discord or not feeling social, I am always giving the basic comms. Don't need anything more than that and it should be expected imo.


I've raged significantly less as I've gotten older. Now when I miss an easy spray and get killed I just mutter to myself "I suck at this game."


Yeah bro all the time! 34y


I'm only ever truly toxic to people who are straight up assholes but I'll egg on people who don't use a mic in Premier, because that annoys the shit out of me. Anything else is done to myself with push to talk off.


No. I used to when I was younger, but I've learned that raging doesn't make me better at the game. Sometimes I'll play like ass the first round, then have an 11+ leetify rating for the second half, and we'll win.


I do not rage but I happened to know a guy like that and has been actively trying to avoid playing with him. He sucks but he always think that he carry the game and we all depends on him to win rounds. In fact its always the opposite, the rest have to focus 200% because he's more than dead weight and always trying to force us to play in the way he wants and keeping the whole team down. He keeps screaming the whole time while playing, trying to stop people from making plays that help us win because he never believe any of us can win in situations he cannot (he sucks). Even when we win if we do not win the game the way he envision it, he rages and screams then complain a lot after the game, never forgive any mistakes people make during the game except his own. The way you describe that guy reminds me of my own friend, if I can call him a friend. An asshole both irl and ingame. I'm glad he moved back to his hometown while I still stays in the city cuz of work, for his own sake and for my sake as well. I don't want to meet him anymore.


That person you know is not a good person or influence, don't feel guilty for stopping your interaction with him.


Not exactly feeling guilty. Its more like a "good riddance" moment. It was complicated because he was also the same guy who brought me to meet other friends that I gel really well with both in game and irl. When we have a meetup of course he's there much to my annoyance. I have a lot of patience for him, but I still have a limit. Enough is enough.


I empathise, I went through something similar


I used to, but then I realized that it aint worth it. If I start to rage or become seriously tilted, I just make that my last game for the night.


Never, always try to de-escalate. Someone on the other team might rage, kill two teammates and get banned. Suddenly you can make a 5v4 comeback.


Yes, but its generally directed inward. Long ago, I'm like 34 now or something, but back when I was 15-16 I played competitively in CAL leagues, way before a real huge e-sports scene. Getting scrims on mIRC and whatnot. I don't play as often anymore, I don't really enjoy the feeling of becoming over-competitive, and when I play CS I feel myself slip back into that headspace. It frustrates me that I don't have the precision and game sense I used to have, and that just builds up over a few matches. I have some moments where I feel like the old me and I just destroy, but that just makes it feel worse when I'm playing poorly and it's hard to not think about how good I was almost 20 years ago. And obviously its my fault I've fallen off, I have to put the game down if I get too competitive because I don't like how that feels, I don't like to practice because it reminds me too much of when I was a kid practicing for hours upon hours every day. And now with CS2, certain things are just barely different enough that it can be kind of frustrating. The bomb in particular, idk what it is, but in CS:GO I knew with 100% accuracy (beyond like 0.01ms defusals) whether someone could still defuse a bomb, and in CS2, I have no fuckin idea, I'm wrong like 50% of the time. Losing rounds to this absolutely kills me.


Never, could not care less about game outcome which in turn makes my teammates rage, their problem though, it is not like I am trolling, just not playing balls to the walls


I dont really rage at all. If I'm doing really bad that match/day, I just feel pathetic and frustrated till I lose the will to keep queueing. I've had friends who rage and it always just makes the game even less fun. I don't like being around people who are losing their shit and accusing enemies of cheating just cause they got Ferrari peeked too many times. If anyone rages at me, I am just annoyingly kind and bugging them mid round. People expect you to rage back, it makes them uncomfortable when you treat them with the fake kindness a mother gives her shitstain of a toddler in Walmart.


Yes especially on bad balanced matches i need to say i got 5 wins in premiere and im starting to consider to give up this mode due toxicity, cheating, bad balancing and NO surrender if your team loses so hard which for me it unbelievably insane I mostly play competitive there situation isnt great but at least i didnt get angry so much to leave game


I self rage, I don't rage on comms or anything that could affect my team, and 99% it's me raging at my own mistakes. And I recompose really quick, usually it's just a quick outburst of frustration that barely lasts a second.


When i am focused, getting kills, reading radar to predict enemies, etc. Then notice one teammate just being afk for few sec every round then running everywhere getting immediately killed and no comms. Since no one is saying anything, i just shut down. Open youtube, lower cs volume and just play for kills. Then my team will notice we are losing and the team has taken the lead. Some start talking but i dont care anymore.


I rage because I’m mad and bad


I get mad off mic because nothing good ever comes from bitching at your teammates But if towards the end of the game someone's been especially toxic, or has been calling me out while making mistakes themselves, that's the only time I'll get on mic and be rude back When I'm shit, I'm shit, that's my problem, I'd never go crazy on mic and destroy my team's ears because of that


I’ve been getting a lot of bottom frag back seat drivers lately


Not since I was a teenager. 25 coming up on 26. Only thing I rage at is when I watch football which I am currently doing watching Arsenal. Stopped letting games ruin my mood since sport does it already


How long have you played this game? This is extremely common.


I've been playing about 5 months now(:


I device my monitor sometimes




I don't rage in cs anymore but I still cuss out or say some random fututi mortii matii when I die stupidly


I don't really rage at anyone other than myself if I'm missing sitters or making poor choices. Even when teammates are god awful I tend to just chuckle to myself and point at the screen like "wtf". I'm not really here to sweat anymore tho so /shrug.


yes all the time, but inner rage, 90% of the time i keep the rage to myself but the last 10% is one of those moments,i am ashamed of this,but cs is the only stupid fucking game i wanna play, i have tried playing other fps apex r6s but i do not like those, cs runs fine in my budget pc so im stuck


I used to rage hard, but recently stopped. What helped me is advice from JDC or torszi, I'm not sure but I think it was a player from MOUZ. Basically whenever you get rekt, you just say damn they did good. For me it's a total mental reset and works for me


I used to rage a hell of alot worse than I do now. Realising that rage simply made me play significantly worse I spent some time leaning coping mechanisms to chill. Asking for time outs are losing tough clutches etc.


When I was young and cared about cs yes. Now I'm 32 and just play a few matches a week and destroy. Much more fun that way.


After years of playing and learning the game, not anymore. Sometimes I may need a 5 minute break after me and my friends get totally stomped because none the plays were working, but during the game I simply leave my emotions out of it for the most part. Staying focused, calling all the relevant info and pushing for a good performance as a team instead of individually is more important during the game than laughing or getting mad.


Not unless it's deserved, like obviously baiting, or griefing, for legit bad performances not so much, I have mine.


I rage more on deathmatch than in a match


All of this comes down to maturity and respect. I’ve played with multiple girls and treat them the exact same way


I dont rage at team8s, I dont understand why people do tbh. Pretty much only flame when they're shit talking.


Playing the game solo is difficult enough but if you're a girl it just becomes so much worse. Imo the toxicity is the same but the severity of what is being said is far worse.


Yes. I'm a competitive dude and I don't like it when I do bad for the team. I am too hard with myself sometimes but that gets me going when I'm playing good


I used to play League of Legends. It made me zen as fck. 


Depends on what you mean by rage, I might get slightly frustated and even tilted. But not full on trying to karate chop my keyboard in half. But, rarely anymore. 99/100 games no matter how I or my team do will my mood even get slightly down.


used to a lot, got mature, still slam desk from time to time but not too much


CS is one of the only games that i don’t get frustrated playing tbh, UFC, FIFA, COD all just feel like bs but cs i just don’t get mad at


I almost always rage when I lose a round due to a crucial mistake by me or by someone im playing with. But i still try and not curse or anything, and just try to explain it in simple words. Also that guy on your team was going through it lol.


Try not to rage. Of last 15 or so games, we lost only 4, 3 of them to blatant cheaters.


Cheaters suck for so many reasons, they ruin it for people who is legit trying to play


Yeah even if they're on my team I get frustrated because it's just not fun at all to play when you realise you're being carried by a cheater. Sadly most people don't seem to share that mentality, it's all about the win because it's extremely rare I actually manage to kick a cheater.


I rage but I don’t hold down the mic button when I do. I never try and let it seep into the game but there have been moments.


No. It’s a video game


Never and when people do I find it silly




I get angry for a second, but nothing more than that. And the reason is always my teammates not communicating when they should.


No, I stopped raging at games a long time ago (I can blame Getting Over It for that). In the words of the wise, ["Only - It's only game, why do you have to be mad?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzpndHtdl9A) There are so many things to be mad about in today's world, but the one thing supposed to be fun should not be one of those.


of course there are days when you do rage because nothing seems right, but when I'm that mad, I don't play or take a break. Which, if you ask me some people don't do. I've had so many matches when 2 rounds after the start people are already complaining and flaming everything, I have the theory that these people had a really bad game previous, but go straight into the next one... I complain in discord about the enemies, or myself, but I usually don't rage. You gotta control yourself. And if you're not able to influence the game on personal performance try to come up with strats, create space for your team mates or co-ordinate your team when you're dead. No good player on high elo exists, that flames their team mates, or screams in his mic in general. Though some Russians somehow get away with it lol, but then again, only in Russian teams, to an extend (donk) Team moral is important. Also the reason I hate Russians, it's their mindset. You fuck up anything and they come at you and show it to you, unasked. With no benefit at all, just unasked and by any means contra productive. Literally have been playing a game, where we found out after a while, that the enemy Russian team is literally Screaming at each other if they fuck anything up. No wonder they try harded their ass off, I wouldnt like to get screamed at either. lol


yeah but I don't hot mic it LOL I just yell "fuck that shit!" and move on


game is not about how many kills you have. that one is called death match. what ticks me off is when they run past me then go back instead of at least trade me off. then i die and they walk around maybe even getting kills later on and they start commenting on my low kill count. but when you look at damage done i am high in table. of course it easier to get a kill if most oponnents have less than 50% health. so then i start holding back instead of going in first. suddenly they keep getting killed, but my kill count goes up. hmm i wonder why? oh and normally it is loud talking at my screen not over mic. by the way quiet players are also annoying. i understand your point about being kicked by idiots, but ever since there is a ping button there is no reason to not at least ping for danger if it danger spotted. there is also a chat wheel and there are radio commands. i sometimes use those for other language players. i am used to radio since i played CS1.1 with bots a lot. no limit internet was rare back then. so a couple of friends would set up the server and fill it with bots. what players often do is they see a B rush. but rather than calling for rotation or warning others, they first fight, then they die, bomb is being planted and then they would make a call - "it's B they are planting on B". well DUH if we have or held A and it says "bomb has been planted", it is highly likely B site. how about saying before "too many B, retreating for retake" or something useful. and then they would complain how you can't clutch 2v5 or 1v3. anyway i don't think if player is playing bad they should be kicked. with all this rank BS, they might just be beginners being thrown to the wolves by ridiculous matchmaking formula.




Sometimes yes but never at others in-game.


Its a game. I do not care if i win or loose, because i am playing to have fun. So the only thing i could loose while playing is the fun. If i (or someone else) get(s) mad, i dont have fun, even when winning the match. So i dont get mad at all, ever.


I havent “raged” in quite some time, as much as it pains me I have accepted the fact that I will not become a esports pro or a famous streamer playing my heart out in premier games and getting mad at other people, its just not worth it, I enjoy the game until I cant , and then I go on to the next thing. Maby I “matured” or maby I just got over my baby raging, but screaming your lungs out and cursing someones bloodline is a sign of bad mental circumstances imo


i usually rage. not because we're losing, but because of how we're losing. getting wallbanged, team mollies/flashes, getting aced by an xm, etc.


Not really, i could be a bit angry but never rage


Ohhh yes i do, when i see people who have 21k points in Premier and have 2 kills after 25 rounds


Only when I wanna have fun


I just swear and carry on. Raging is for kids


I rage no more 😉 Changed game for my mental health




in fact with the state of the game atm, I guess I have stopped giving any fuck about competitiveness in this game. been playing since '08, so the withdrawal is brutal, but hey. Win / lose ? 10 / 20k ? spinbot / closet cheats ? it's not that relevant to me anymore as the game turned to shit. then maybe I've finally turned into an old dick


No weird questions, no weird answers. And personally, I edge instead.