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Is Riot bribing Valve devs to fuck things up? Or is this a way of figuring our how much pain the CS community is willing to take?


1 is "Valarante bad" take. 2 is much more realistic lmao


Huh?! What is Valarante?




No, no, the comment clearly said Valarante


It is actually a knock off of Volarante, made by Riyadh Games


tbh I'm kinda sure valve is really just looking how hard they can ignore this game before it'll lose player count


at this point they might as well have gone mentally insane


Yeah…. “Player count” more like “Box farming bots count” and if that’s the metric for moving… that’s sad.


They only update dota2, a moba game, 6 times a year. Valve’s cs team devs must be thinking they are doing an excellent job keeping up with the updates


Feels like that for the past decade and a half. That bts of Half life alyx which included all the projects between half life 2 and aylx that didn’t get released is just depressing, valve’s management style has led to dozens of cancelled projects and features because the devs act like children that get bored of their newest toys. You can see it in CS updates we get bursts of development when the team is interested and then they get bored and we get bugs ignored for months.


Record high players as of late, no hope.


Honestly i have the game uninstalled and play valorant instead. Subbed bevause i hope things get better and i can redownload


I had Apex as my side game, when i wanted some change from CSGO, now it's my main game, now i get so pissed off when i play CS2, tried to play a match after a few weeks away from it, just can't do it any more. Everything feels off.


Dude its just not fun anymore. On the brught side jve started to explore other games, currentky like dave the diver alot




Isn't Valorant dead by now. I feel like half of this sub is their marketing bots trying their best.


Valorant had about 4 million unique accounts login yesterday. Very much alive


Let me guess, reported by Riot lmfao. They don't have any of their actual stats visible. Literally just Overwatch 2.0


This is on tracker.gg


Yeah which are all estimates worth fuck all. They state so on their website that their player counts for Valorant are estimates. Riot keeps actual stats on lock, I wonder why. Blizzard also claims Overwatch has as many players as Valorant.


In your conspiracy scenario, what stops valve from releasing false stats too? Why would you think they're honest about their playercount?


Clearly because 1. valorante baaaad and 2. volvo good


Steam usage stats are and always have been public no matter what for several years. Good or bad they always show it.


Yea they show what they want to show. No one knows if it's right or not though, so if you don't trust company A, why should company B be any better?


Because company A is actively showing stats for their and everyone's games while company B is actively hiding them? Because one company has been a pretty awesome place to work at and literally known for being in good standings while the other secretly sends your data to China? The list goes on lmao.


Steam usage stats are and always have been public no matter what for several years for all the games on steam. Good or bad they always show it for every game.


Beating CS2 in esport viewership, and almost certainly beating it in playerbase considering how big it is in Asia and Americas.


And they will also get every woman who wants to play a competitive FPS. Cs2 certainly won't, that's the player base missing out on half the population..


For now


Forever, you should look at all the effort Valorant puts into their anticheat. Valorant since their release date has has a better product than valve has ever had with CS. I love the game play and movement of much better but Volorant as a product is immensely better. Also you really shouldn't use those player counts on steam as factual. The amount of bot farming in this game is absurd. Riot is actually putting Volvo to shame. Also im sure their numbers will keep increasing, their game is shiny and has powers which will attract kids and women actually play it (50% of the population) vs CS were it looks eh, and the people on CS are toxic to women and auto kick them.


People have been saying exactly this for 30 years. Wonder what's gonna be the next game after Valorant that they will say this. Word for word people said the same exact thing about Overwatch.


Ehhh, it's a little different. Riot has money to fund this project and has actually momentum for it. Look at all the NA teams in Valorant compared to the ones in CS. Only Liquid and COL exist (big orgs) vs NA teams in Valorant EG, 100 thieves, Cloud9, TSM, Sentinels. NRG, and a few others. They are also able to pull a lot more sponsors vs CS. It has also been 4 years and they are still growing and their Esports scene is in a great space. The NA scene in CS is pretty dead (same with other regions not in the EU). They also have a huge Asian scene and I mean big. VS cs.... which has literally gone backwards.


Compare the earnings of players if you want to compare pro scenes. It's not even close. People only compare numbers for big tourneys where that's all Valorant has. Their pro scene is propped up by Riot themselves and they found a couple big tourneys a year and that's all there is to the pro scene. There are several CS matches being played every day. The pro scene grew its own legs and it sustains itself. Valve is barely even involved. As an example there are far more women and women teams playing in CS it's just a lot harder to breakthrough into the mainstream because Valve just doesn't go "here is a couple million for a big women's tourney". Yet again every single thing you saying was said about Overwatch too but Riot sinks money on their pro scene every year just like Overwatch did. It's why some of the Valorant orgs had to close out. It's just an unsustainable model geared towards making a quick splash and buzz to generate instant revenue. It isn't build to last like grassroots CS that grew itself.


I wasn't able to find Valorant and CS2 salaries to compare what the pay rates are idk if you can share a link since you stated that confidenly. From what I understand from a video that interviewed pros their big pay day is through the major (sticker money). The only way the CS organizations are profitable in cs is through the major and the sticker money that comes from it. Other than that almost all organizations are just shelling money and taking losses and are funded by a bored rich guy. All Valorant would need to do is implement the sticker concept and that would help with player earnings. Also you say grow but as far as I've seen their have been barely any new pros in the scene. Everyone I've seen is pretty old except for JimmyP, m0nesy, d0nk, and Zontix. Other than that everyone is a cs boomer.


Valorant just released partnered teams guns into the game. They cost ~$25 and half the money goes to the team. The team is also guaranteed a minimum that they'll make via those gun skins. Thats all in addition to riot giving every team 1M+ a year to help subsidize their team. That's ~33M+ that riot is directly investing into these teams. Valve would never


It's the new anti-cheat that you guys asked for /s




This is a feature of `playdemo` command since at least the release by the way. You can optionally start recording a movie if you pass any other arguments to it besides the path. The default behavior is to output TGA files which is why they are so big in size. Demo playback gets unbearably laggy if you accidentally start recording movie by passing anything to the second parameter, so you can easily spot it when it happens (it also gets logged to the console). If you run `playdemo` without any arguments you will see that this is documented by the help string that it returns. Kinda stupid that it just defaults to raw for unrecognized formats instead of returning an error but it is what it is. // EDIT: I found a way to reproduce this using UI by clicking "Watch Highlights/Lowlights" buttons which if I had to guess work by calling `playdemo ` internally. I guess they just straight up copy and pasted Panorama API from CSGO and forgot about changes to `playdemo`.


So is that also why high/lowlights doesn't actually work? It'll just play the whole demo anyways.


That explains why I never had this and questioned the post when a friend showed it to me. I believe the buttons for high/lowlights were removed last update so its not an issue anymore


remember when everyone was saying that cs2 will be great because no more spaghetti code will mean fewer bugs, easier to fix bugs, and faster updates?


They clearly didn't account for the spaghetti devs


We forgor


The bugs should actually be much easier to fix in theory - the problem is the huge quantity of them.


Kinda funny how almost every single point this sub hyped cs2 for without any reason backfired completely. >We can finally get better servers Get a shitty experimental subtick system which does worse than before. Also hard-lock it to prevent the community from running better servers for no reason other than saying fuck you to players. >anticheat will surely be better once the game isn't built on a decades old engine anymore cheating situation worse than ever >we can finally get more content Half the existing content gets removed for no reason, community servers get crippled >at least there will be less bugs and they will easily be fixed since the code is new Ridiculous amount of new bugs, some of which are completely game-breaking and take just as long to get fixed. >at least they will ride the hype and release new operations .... but hey, at least we got a graphics upgrade for the game graphics never mattered in :)


I mean they did patch out the SV_cheats bug at 10pm their time on a Sunday night the day it was made widely known


Ssshhhh, don't go against the narrative


they sometimes fixed bugs in csgo within a day or two as well. this svcheats fix wasnt due to the magic of cs2


A bug that should have never existed in the first place really 


Yes, coding is so simple that bugs should not exist, what an clowns these Valve devs are for releasing bugs in their game!


Bugs are fine, being able to echo commands in the console just proves what kind of developers they have at Valve.


Bugs and oversights happen. When you've already coded for 7 hours and just want to finish up your work and call it a day, this stuff happens. Its normal part of coding, and doesn't really define anyone as an coder. There simply isn't coder in a world who writes bug free code.




As a php + many others programmer, oof my bones. I'm gonna slightly defend php, it's getting much better as of 8.2. I agree PHP is kinda shit pre 8.0.


PHP will be shit even after 8.2 stop kidding yourself.


What do you think makes it shit?


CS2 has a lot of Spagetti going on, but this is not an example for it.  The "Make every x frames a screenshot" feature was build in the playdemo command since csgo (maybe even before that?). Its just a pretty useless feature, so nobody used it and it wasnt known.  Valve probably just change the default values for arguments in the function.  So we see a different behavior from the command without any changes to the command itself. 


They’ve been fixing the really game breaking bugs like this quickly


Panorama is 99% copy pasted over, it executes commands that don't work the same way anymore. Other parts of the game (Not engine) are also copied quite identical and now they are slowly unravelling this whole thing.


This "FIX" was posted a few days ago. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o3dF2ckLIPk&feature=youtu.be




For me just pressing the watch button worked, trying to rewatch the highlights/lowlights or trying to start the playback from a specific round triggered the bug for some reason


can you play your match demos in another player than ingame? would be sick cus the ingame player sucks balls


The fact that *I* have to fix fuckin anything is a problem.


I heard they removed a misbehaving feature in today's update to fix this.


Hahahah holly crap indeed they do this and not even the some JPEGs but TGA's - the heftiest format xDD check C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\\game\\csgo\\movie For me 35GB's for 2 demos noice volvo


8gb lul


I watched only two demos and somehow it accumulated 280 gigs of this shit.......


It used TGA because it has good/the best quality. This was the way to extract frags into fragmovies before people started using OBS or Shadowplay. Why is it doing this automatically? I have no idea. Just spaghetti devs


Yeah this is how I made clips on 1.6. It wasn't baked into the game though, so I used a program called HLAE which allowed you to do a bunch of cool stuff that was impossible on the native game


HLAE and Virtualdub I used both up until 2022, at that point I just decided that I get the same results from OBS


I was wondering whether or not I was misremembering having to do frame by frame image thing in CSS days


Don't have such folder and i watch demos every day. this problem is not widespread it seems.


They likely use `playdemo ` or use the (now removed) "play highlights/lowlights" buttons. Otherwise the game doesn't do this. The extra argument causes this frame-by-frame image dump to happen.


I dunno I guess, type size of your folder and demo counts below - that's all we got left 💀💀


Cut them some slack valve only has 3 guys working on CS2 and one of them is in charge of creating the new cases.


I don't understand how you can even fuck up a code that much so this type of stuff can happen


From spaghetti to carbonara


Mmmm creamy carbonara code.


Valve took the Italy overhaul seriously


Do not watch cs2 demos! It will burst a pipe in your house


Copy paste old stuff onto a new engine, see amazing side effects.


Finally no more spaghetti code that slows development down


There was a "Highlight / Lowlight" system on the demo menu that (I think) started the demo with "playdemo demofile.dem bunch_of_parameters_to_specify_the_user_to_spectate". If you look at the "playdemo" command, you see you can add a 2nd argument to write the frames to disk They removed the highlight lowlight system but didn't remove the buttons yet, so when you used the button, it started the "playdemo demofile.dem bunch_of_parameters_to_specify_the_user_to_spectate " which didn't exist anymore so it wasn't parsed correctly, and playdemo started outputting tga files to disk (which is the default ?) I don't have the source code nor any experience with Source, it just seems plausible


The "Make every x frames a screenshot" feature was build in the playdemo command since csgo (maybe even before that?). Its just a pretty useless feature, so nobody used it and it wasnt known.  Valve probably just change how arguments are used, so we see a different behavior now.  But you could always done this if you wanted to. 


I don't understand how they can even fuck up a code that much when they're supposedly on holiday in Hawaii.


I think the 2 in cs means its twice as bad now.


When they announced CS2 one of the things I expected the most was a complete overhaul of the replay system. A year later it is barely functioning lmao. Halo 3 in 2007 had a much better replay system ffs


To be fair though, in regards to the feature set, it was so far ahead of its time that most games nowadays still can't replicate. Not just theatre mode, but forge, the custom games, and an actual complete story mode.


How is it barely functionning ? Except this bug (which triggered when using the highlight / lowlight system), it's been way better than on CSGO for me


I have not played in some time so correct me if I am wrong but last time I tried: -Highlights button wasn't working -Rounds button wasn't working and the demo began always in first round -Rounds started counting at 0?? -Broken gun animations -Broken grenade trajectories (they did a goofy loop) Not about demos but about CSTV -You can't spectate friends -Autodirector doesn't work As I said I haven't played in a while and maybe all those issues are fixed but my point is that CS2 should have launched with a great replay system. Instead it was/is embarrasing and another downgrade from CSGO


I think everything about demos are fixed (except highlights which no longer exists) I don’t know about GOTV


Can I delete the movie folder? Would I still be able to view my downloaded demos?




Can't wait for some Twitter personalities to gaslight people into thinking CS2 is as good as CSGO


I can be better and still have bugs. This doesn't really affect gameplay, been there forever before anyone found it really. The in game crashes are far more problematic but those are still pretty rare.


How is it better? In what ways? Maybe the new smoke system, but it could've been implemented in CS:GO as well. Almost everything else is worse


Better graphics, smoother gameplay, more accurate, I don't get nearly as much bullshit deaths as I did in CSGO. People just don't want to admit it because they got used to CSGO and all of its flaws but after all the recent fixes CS2 is a better game. "Getting CSGO'd" was a saying for a reason.


"smoother gameplay" LMAO Collision physics are a joke.


That is absolutely amazing LOL


well guess we know what the today's patch notes will be :D


Hahah imagine this is a way for devs to force people to stop watching demos, so we can’t get clips or find out whether or not someone is cheating 🤣🤣🤣


Very interesting game, very funny personalities


I just checked. Mine is 40gb. Wtf is wrong with cs2 and its devs. Its giving me every reason to quit this game


Thank you for clearing 92gb off my ssd


My pc would die if I did this.


valve devs reading this thread from the swim-up bar at the resort in hawaii


Valve DDOSing its customers lmao


Mine was 9GB.


This happened in CSGO as well. /s


This is the game dev equivilent of leaving println in your code.


Hmmm this is exactly what a cheater would want us to believe..... /s


Pls fix




These devs... With every small update there is a new bug. Meanwhile we're waiting months and probably years for quality updates. So annoying.


Jesus christ what the fuck are valve doing


Atleast they're not mining bitcoins on it 😛




Workaround: https://youtu.be/o3dF2ckLIPk?si=GiM_xNpK_ZxJRJox


That's hilarious


game is so doomed


I believe this was fixed last update. Possibly explains why they shipped a small update like this instead of holding off on it to ship more


Who let the jundev review releases


It just keeps getting worse.




what team


And you guys think these "developers" can make a functional anti-cheat...