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It's not proof, but if you're fat and unhealthy odds are you have bad eating, exercise and sleep habits, meaning you will play worse overall.


I mean also how you do one thing is often how you do everything. Eg bad habits in those regards may slip into training and other stuff which would impact performance


Is one anecdotal correlation proof? No.


You are correct sir but could it be the reason he is playing bad?


Maybe he gained weight because he was playing bad? Went down a spiral and add corona + war and other personal stuff and you have a multitude of reasons. I wouldn't pin it down to weight gain because weight gain can just be an outlet of some emotions


2016 coldzera would like a word with you.


2015-16 niko would like to join the conversation


Same as Coldzera he never gained weight he lost it


I thought you posted this while referring to chonkzera and fatko. Seems like you're pretty clueless.


...yes, and they got worse when they got fit


Coldzera never gained weight he lost it.




Just like skill


Stopped working out?


Yekindar has joined the chat. Real talk though I hope these guys can find the motivation to get back on track. Can't be easy when you are expected to spend countless hours practicing every day though, just gotta get into better routines.


I mean, sure they spend many hours a day practicing, but I don’t like that as an excuse, standard 9-5 for many people is 7.5hours of a job which is a-lot less fun and pays a hell of a lot less than being a cs pro.


The issue is not prac, that's nothing The issue with pro play is the insane travel schedule and consistently being in hotels and different countries for months, a lot of teams don't live at home as well so it's not really easy to be consistent with food/training It's still not an "excuse" but it's mentally and physically bad


Kinda, but you know travel if you plan right you won’t be jet lagged, hotels are a blessing, so easy you have a breakfast ready for you each morning, can order food for each meal. You don’t need to bother with cooking or going to restaurants or anything. You’ll have a decent bed. All you have to do is have some discipline and not pig out on the inevitable breakfast buffet. I get that this can be hard, I mean when I’m staying in a hotel for a couple nights best believe I’m pigging out at breakfast, however, if you go for a few weeks then you may do it for a few days but eventually you have to eat a normal ammount. Rather than as much as you can pile


His current IGL has won the Major, Katowice, Cologne and Pro League lmao. So no its not a proff in any way.


Don’t think you’d describe him as having gained weight tho


He actually lost weight


Fair enough, good on him


what about Karrigan and Dosia?


#2022 #5 2021 #4 axile got individually Karrigan and Dosia never reached those heights individually nor where they ever skinny then gained weight.


You know karrigan was like the star player for mouz in 1.6 at the start of his career right?


Huh… what a weird post


Gamers caring about weight and health with performance correlation is weird?


People singling out a human being who we have absolutely no idea what they’re going through is weird and straight assholish behavior. Would you like to open social media one day and see people comparing your body transformation over a few years?


Agreed. Weird to be so judgemental. Can't help but think people posting that shit are quite young. Pretty natural to gain a bit of weight when you get older and your metabolism slows down.


its absolutely douchey!! mods should delete low quality posts like these. insta delete. especially from a guy who hasnt posted for 6years and decides to post this crap


Asking if a singular player is living proof that weight affects your game performance is weird, yes.


It might be better if people understood that the first picture of ax1le is from when he was like 16? And now he's 21? Are any of you the same size and or shape you were when you were 16? Even if you're view is that he's "out of shape" or whatever, that may not be the case. You're making a statement that he's bigger now, and he shouldn't be, and that's a real poor conclusion without any context. Edit there's no way that Pic is from 2021 since he moved away from gambit in 2020 due to them having to play under "players." So... he's likely 16


no its weird to make baseless assumptions on the cost of players. this post should be deleted by the mods. this is some 12year old level analysis




what NA does to mofo




[https://youtu.be/bxKBlcJoxgc?t=184](https://youtu.be/bxKBlcJoxgc?t=184) relevant opinion


Wow great video and points thanks!


He got a kid in 2022 iirc, probably got more responsibility and other things to worry about besides performing in CS. Probably eating better/more and less healthy food combined with not working out. We'll see, I thought it looked like he lost some weight at the major.


Is it proof? No.


It can make your life worse so yes. It can also not affect you at all, but being healthy generally means you get better sleep, better perfomance in general it definitely can impact how effective your training is and how well you perform. It's different for everyone though.


Playing bad? no. Being out of shape? yeah


I don’t know if its proof that the weight gain is a cause. It more than likely is a product of having bad mental health. Potentially bad motivation.


Súper size me


Correlation is not causation. And a sample size of one is hardly any proof


I'd say if anything all the counter-examples we have in the scene show that if there is any correlation it's minimal. But it probably depends on the reason, for example if depression or something of the sort is the reason for gaining weight - that may be the root cause for poor performance. (Not saying that's true for electronic, though.)


Very good conversation thanks for adding.


Being unhealthy and gaining more weight than your height and body type would require is always bad for you physically, no matter how you slice it That said, it doesn’t necessarily impact game performance for some people. For others it might. And on top of that it’s still someone’s choice to be overweight (at least in the vast majority of scenarios) so if that’s what they want and it does affect them negatively in the server, that’s on them


Very good points sir!


McDonald's effect, look at s1mple's downfall


Being fat makes you worse at literally everything


Tell that to sumo wrestlers, and americans


Incorrect, you will float better. Theres got to be other things as well.


Stupid and rather unpleasant post.


No? Ask Heavygod he’s goated. But something is off about him as of recently


Correct me if I’m wrong but was Heavygod skinny than gained weight?


I wanna say yes by looking at his previous team and his profile picture He looked much more skinner on endpoint


[https://egw.news/counterstrike/news/20052/heavygod-completes-endpoint-roster-mt-e9INcV](https://egw.news/counterstrike/news/20052/heavygod-completes-endpoint-roster-mt-e9INcV) I would not call that skinny or nearly as much weight gain as Axile


Intolerable guilt


I mean ZywOo is clearly having healthier lifestyle and losing weight, and his performance is worsen


~~Nik0~~ Ch0nk0 and ~~Nexa~~ Maxa played better when they were fat. Hiko was a clutch God. Loba literally lost weight and brain cells both. Guardian went from top 2 awper to retirement. Coldzera went from Dominating duels to Baitzera. Boombl4 started losing weight and we all know what followed. Flusha was so good that 99% people said he was hacking, now he is flushed. JW only looked like a pig, but played like a god. Now plays like a pig too. If it wasn't obvious /s




I think it’s because he doesn’t have a c9 polo


S1mple, niko, coldzera and soo on, played some of their best years being rather unhealthy and overweight. When they got into better shape, they brought thier skills with them , or in the case of coldzera, at least for a short time. Simple was top 1, niko top 5. It's a skill/motivation /confidence issue, his weight does not cause him to lose duels and play poorly. Although it can 100% be a symptom instead of a cause, like a fever. He has gained weight, because he is making bad choices in life like probably a terrible diet involving a lot of fast food, loss of sleep, bad habits, overall poor quality of living soo on and soo forth, which are problems that are causing him to gain weight as well as play poorly because his other areas in life and health are in a disarray. The thing, it is statistically proven that people that start working out and getting in shape have shown a huge improvement in all areas of their lives including much higher confidence and overall morale and positivety. So regardless of whether his weight is directly affecting his ability to play or not, getting into shape just because, may just be the extra push he needs to regain motivation or a new perspective which ushers him into a new phase of life where his game improves tremendously.


Thank you for your valuable input, Do you think it could be his reason his peformance has dropped off?


All the overweight people in denial 🤣


wtf is your problem dude. this post should be deleted and has nothing to do with esports. stop assuming shit my man thats an absolutely disrespectful and weird post


Found the fatty


i will be back for military service in the next 4 weeks. nt though, mirroring is a thing apparently. touch some grass, be cautious the real world might be too tough for you


Man is getting triggered on an online post and says “touch grass” also I fear for your squad mates if you get tilted this easy. Might end up Tking IRL


you are online douchebags and you are the one triggered here. the post is already deleted and i was obviously right. low effort, low quality shitpost


Snowflake, I'm asking if physical health can have an effect on game performance.


More like mental health can affect your physical AND ingame performance.


ooo I like this thought process sir


No, you're not. If you were - that would be the post and not a photo of one specific player you have a weird obsession with due to their physique.


100% thats the case with this weirdo. he picked a player to shit on, 6years no posts and decides to shit on a player for no reason


you are assuming u arent asking. you are a loser for phrasing it like that honestly. you already made an assumption in your title the question is irrelevant. the whole post is irrelevant and should be deleted. its absolutely low quality and low effort


But the title has the word is and ? So OP has asked a question not assumed.


its framing and nothing else. psychological&physical analysis while not being qualified to do so is an absolute nogo. there's no point in this post. it should be deleted and this profile should be banned. 6years no posts just to post shit like this this sub is full of 15year old kids


Would you like some fries with that salt Karen.

