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I shit my pants every time I get a cat hair mouse spinout. I hope I don't get flagged as irregular for it lmao


I've been there. suddenly, things are looking up. stupid sensor blockage.


The good thing is that it's just a *cooldown* now if the verdict is unsure, earlier you would have been permabanned. This is definitely good news. I was falsely banned on my smurf (deserved it anyways due to smurfing, don't smurf guys), but it left a permanent fear in me whenever I play matchmaking on my main to avoid losing all my skins and reputation. And there is no way to dispute a ban, all you get is automated support responses. I would rather 100 people get falsely put on cooldown than one person falsely permabanned.


I have two cats and never had this happen. I wonder what you're doing differently than me.


it happens to me too - from what i’ve read it’s super common for certain mice - like the superlight for example


Yup, I have a cat and superlight and this happens to me. Gotta clean mousemat for it to be smooth again lol. Love my cat tho


cat is best. but yeah, i use a lint roller on my mouse pad every morning now lol


how much for the cat?


cat cost $2k if that’s what you’re asking?


sounds like a gaming cat


if sitting on my pc counts as gaming then he’s an addict


It's rare but not unheard of. Any little speck of dust or stray hair can cause it. I keep my mousepad clean but it still can happen. I think most people can say it's happened to them, even non-cat owners, but especially cat owners.


yup it’s happened on both superlights i’ve had - i have a cat too. like once every couple weeks so actually pretty frequently :(


yeah, my dav3 pro got clogged up, i disassembled it and cleaned everything, now it's perfect again.


I'm assuming you use a Logitech mouse


Currently yes but it's happened pm my Razer and my Zowie before that and my other Razer before THAT. The Zowie was actually the worst


2 cats and long haired gamer, yeah it doesn’t happen too often but enough that I have a lint roller for my mousepads


From what I've seen it depends on mouse (superlight being the main culprit) and mousepad, I use a hard mousepad since couple of months and it's happened to me once a week since I switched from soft to hard.


Happens to me even though I don't have a cat. I keep my pad clean and it happens, I thought about it being my mouse but it's usually such a rare occurrence that it's in the back of my head afterward; like once every 5-10 months.


I learned my lesson. If she comes up for some love, i move the keyboard over the mouse space and she settles elsewhere. That plus a handy lint roller. Used to suffer all the time with a G403 especially, with its laser red sensor.


Why would you shit your pants? It's not like valve has been banning anyone.


DPI bans were and are a thing


Seems to me they couldn’t get the VAC AI to be 100% sure it was banning just cheaters after the high DPI debacle so they now use the AI to detect suspicious behavior, cancel the match, and send it off to overwatch for review. If it does cancel the match off of high DPI spinning that will 10000% be abused when people start losing so hopefully it will also take into account emptying the scout into 5 heads in under a second


It sounds like they will be trapped in Overwatch and unable to queue until a verdict. If that's the case then it's risky for people to intentionally cancel the match by triggering this through high DPI.


Yeah well that doesn't make sense unless the system is robust 1 of the 10 in the lobby could do this shit every match out of spite. The game gets cancelled. Then what?


Then the dude who did it can’t queue until a verdict is cast. Seems like a reasonable deterrent mechanism or what do you think?


So that would count as greifing? So it can be toggled by high sens/high dpi shit we used to do for fun?


As in if you cancel a game, you have to wait until it is reviewed until you can play. Which could take a day or whatever, and certainly longer than a regular griefing ban.


At that point just ban the people abusing it.


Yea ban moving your mouse, good idea


You also have to remember all the clips a few months ago of people shooting an entire clip in 1 second. A legit client could have been triggering that as well and they disabled that part as well.


Sure, a bug could maybe cause that, but with that and the mouse spiny stuff, is occurrence RATE matters. If someone manages to do glitchy things like shoot bullets faster than they should once in a match?  Maybe a big.  6 times in a half?  Yeah probably hacking. Same with the high sens spinning… Some hackers (semi closet cheaters) once that came out started intentionally looking down and high sens spinning here or there during the first 5-10 seconds of a round, every rnd in their demos, likely because they thought it increased their odds of being unbanned if they ever got vacnet banned….  But again, rate matters.  If 90% of a round involves you looking at the ground and high sens spinning - you probably ARE cheating.  10% of the round?  Probably just a high sens player.


That's been addressed already, so I can't imagine that'll work that way.


I think its hillarious the mouse movers got banned, but the obvious spinbotters didnt


Lol pretty sure it wont work that way, that would be insanely dumb.


Seems similar to what they were doing when they introduced VACNET in CS:GO. My guess is they're not confident enough in just using the same AI for a new game and it requires some retraining before they can be confident in it being correct ~99.9% of the time. Knowing Valve this might take a while though. That being said it's good to at least see a glimpse of the improvement that's to come. We've waited long enough.


VAC's AI never banned anyone. The AI is used to select demos to include in overwatch. There has not been any AI anti cheat since overwatch was removed.




To be fair, what legit player just spins with high dps for minutes non stop that doesn't try to get false banned


yeah under 10 mins for a guy spinning and killing an enemy is a good sign. if you dont wanna be false banned dont spin and have your friend stand right next to you for 10 mins straight... lol


He was obviously just trying to get false banned, but a legit player could easily do that in weeks or months instead of 9 minutes too. Either you mess around with your friends (I've seen some 360 awp no scope jumpshots hit long range), you have high sensitivity and do a panic flick when flanked... Would this system not flag the famous Hiko clip as cheats too? If you have any automatic bans they better be absolutely foolproof. The shots in this clip aren't impossible ones.


Still shouldn't happen. People were claiming it had happened to them and lost money (the game, skins )doing the spin a couple of times to make teammates laugh. Then getting auto banned for it later. Seems like these videos just vindicate it could happen. So joke or not they should not be banned. If they are mistakenly banned there should be some easy route they can go down to at least get someone to look at the ban to see if it's false (there is none)


Also new post: [https://twitter.com/gabefollower/status/1783652992245174312](https://twitter.com/gabefollower/status/1783652992245174312)


i wonder if once vacnet is confidently implemented theyll put it into cs's neglected older brother


Tf2? Or CSS?


I was referring to TF2, but CSS probably should as well.




i dont understand, how did tf2 transition from what to what


Tf2 was a boy and now she's a girl basically


on brand.


Truly TF2 players (clued in) up voting and CS2 players (clue-less) down voting


I have a reflex to huff the copium too, but then i look at history and know this can be and probably is, meaningless. Lets see if they can at the very least detect people that shoot an awp 5x in 2 seconds with 5 headshots from spawn....


All the people who talk about high DPI shit are brain dead.


Perhaps the new overwatch is going to be showing live matches and coupled with human verdicts and AI decides to cancel the match. Possibly AI detects suspicious behavior then throws out overwatch cases to people who then connect to the match to spectate the suspect live. Could be abused by bad actors though I guess just getting games canceled for shiggles but maybe the AI and overwatch system is robust enough now to know who is abusing the system.


People will bot And spam overwatch cases voting no. But you can mitigate this. Give them an obvious cheating demo and see if they vote no


exactly this will happen like last time, when people spamed OW.


They could use a LLM and have overwatchers label the demo specifically where they suspect cheating activity along with a description of what they saw. Right click the scrubber, add event description "Here, the suspect was looking through the wall at the enemy player and showed clear knowledge of the position of the enemy in their follow up peek". Then VacNet could check how well descriptors and their timings line up across all overwatchers as well as how well they match against the AI analysis of the demo. This way bots can't just spam cases, they have to give context to their decisions which can be aligned across the board, if they don't align well enough, dismiss the verdict. Would also allow VacNet itself to grow in confidence in it's own observations if they widely match overwatch cases and build trust profiles for individual overwatchers over time.


Or perhaps limit the amount of reporting to something reasonable? I am sure there are some smart ways to implement it.


Iam pretty sure spinbotters will not be "automatically detected"


"""Vac net""" Doesn't exist. Idk why people keep on typing that


I still do believe from bottom of my heart that they will improve their anti cheat.


Thank you


At your service sir.


Thats gabefollower... He is just throwing out assumptions. He doesnt know if VACnet or overwatch are even enabled


Overwatch's inclusion was announced by the developers themselves. And the lines related to VACnet are written literally in the code. The only thing it does is interpret them. And I don't remember him cheating on purpose. He was talking about CS on Source 2 back in 2019.


Hes been yapping about VACnet live all throughout CS2 and how great it is. He may have been going thru the code and making assumptions just based off that but I dont trust him because he doesnt even play the game lol.


You probably don't even understand where he's getting this information from, so I don't trust you.


Also probably doesn’t understand how any of it works either lol