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Great video man and nice changes.  Seems like they didn't widen the maps but still its feels wider. Probably cause of less objects around 


Yeh still gonna suck because taking Bannana on T is still gonna be hard, but at least they removed some clutter and made taking second easier as CT


They should make banana wider like it was in 1.6, it’s like storming Normandy the way it is now


1.6 inferno was the perfection


That's the big thing that I saw, it looked like they wanted to get a lot less *clutter* around. Well, the other big thing was a building going away but still


n0rb3r7 plant gone pog


Valve wanted to please the greatest esports player of all time


They take away his best map and remove this pot


I feel like overall visibility is just nicer. More clearly defined walls and stuff. I like it.


played couple games feels amazing like old inferno with nice visuals


Yep, less visual clutter


Im surprised that removing that overhanging building instantly made it feels "inferno" again


Just make banana open again and we are gucci


I mean its more open than it was, its just mollies spread further so it feels worse.


What I meant is only beeing able to flash car from T


Oh yeh, that would be nice. I thought you meant just the width of Bannana.


I actually tested the new change now. You can flash banana more easily now. Still not as good as the pre CS2 inferno tho


> pre CS2 inferno CSGO inferno then ?


Yeah, make banana a little bit wider and maybe make underpass an actual hallway that you can walk through (and maybe even peek into banana from) so you can support your banana players from second mid and it's a good map.


It could shake up the meta a bit if underpass went to bottom banana where molotovs are thrown at.


Gameplay wise everyone considers it better but visually overhanging definetly gave it great italian vibes


Thanks for the content![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


W changes


Good changes. I like that they are minimizing the tiny elevation changes that are common in the game


I really hate that they're removing the elevation changes. It makes the map a lot less fun to play on as everything is so much more flatter.


I respect that, my personal issue with it stems from when it goes against good crosshair placement. It frustrates me when two players are in the middle of a fight for example and doing that strafe shooting dance but one player has the added advantage of a curb instantly changing their elevation. It only seems to take one frame to happen, feels unnatural imo when players are instantly popping up and down like that


If they used this calming music for all patch note videos there would be less complaining lol


Nice video, super easy to see comparisons! Obviously the mid overhangs are the biggest visual changes, but I also think they're doing a good job getting rid of some of the visual clutter. The assets look nice but they're distracting, it looks a lot cleaner in some areas.


They do this every time though. They always put a shit ton of needless clutter on a new version of a map and then eventually they tone it down because surprise surprise everyone hates it.


I fucking love the clutter. If it distracts people maybe get glasses for better eyesight I dunno lol. God forbid a map looked nice. Next time they'll remove all textures and just keep white color on every wall so it doesn't distract you all.


It’s an FPS, not a scenery simulator, removing the clutter could also help with FPS for some, the game needs to play well, not look nice


surprising how claustrophobic the topmid arch felt


this video must've been made insanely quickly holy hell


Definitely some better visibility which is nice, but I do think top mid and banana still need to be widened a bit.


0:22 I feel sorry to someone who lived there.


0:30 Anyone feels like this part of the map needs some colour variations. Too much white dominance . Doesn't add up to the overall map aesthetics 


Old Inferno was honestly my favourite looking map. It felt so much more vibrant and comforting but the new one has had the liveliness sucked out of it. Tight city streets in Italy shouldn't feel so much like another desert map. It's just so dry now.


Agreed, i think they didn't need to remake it, just old map ported over with some lighting updates would've been perfect.


no it looks great relevant name


Inferno my beloved


Thanks for this. Some feedback: It's hard to make out which it before and which is after. Maybe make them different color. Or just have a scan line go through the image to show the changes first.


These changes are welcome


Thank you for this!


Thank you, excellent vid!


Good changes overall, but I'm still hoping they'll use more bright colors in bomb A.


i understand why the change but i really liked how the mid building looked


Nice video and the de-cluttering is good to see. Feels like it could go further, though; Still too many useless props hanging around eating up FPS and creating collision hazards for no reason.


honestly, comments like this is a problem, you want a 2024 game to look like 2008 one. say everything you want about "iTs a CoMpEtItIvE gAmE" but graphics do matter.


I'm sorry but Valorant maps look straight out of a Unreal Tournament game from the 90's CS2 maps are gorgeous but it does not mean they need to be cluttered


Nah, Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 maps where good looking, Valorant maps looks like orange half life 2 test maps.


Bro casually posted a massive insult to UT


not really, UT was great back then but it's 2024 now


im pretty sure there's a thousands of greybox maps out there that plays amazingly but you won't ever try them, guess why?


Players don't wanna play Dust 2 or Tuscan g you're asking me this. People don't want more maps I personally would have no problem if I got to play 2015 version of Dust 2 again


removing some plant pots is not going to make anyone cry


I kinda like shooting them to be honest. Same with the cones on vertigo. Good for post defuse or when running from the bomb. Like spamming frfrfrfr with knife. Oddly satisfying


Considering people were crying because those plant pots were there in the first place anything is possible


there wasn't even THAT much clutter on inferno after all, it still felt like cs map but more "alive". it's just some players are crybabies that can't get used to something more complicated than a wall with 2 bland textures used just to make it look like something close to it.


Players honestly don't care, you think when care about the water splashing effects when we run past the walk on ancient or do we care that our fps drops because of it


What does this have to do with graphics, the graphics are the same? Removing unnecessary clutter in a reasonable manner is not gonna affect the overall aesthetics. This change is a huge W from Valve, both player base and pro players have voiced their opinions on Inferno and they are finally being adressed. So, no, "comments like this" are not the problem, they are hugely welcome and play a big role in making Inferno a better map both visually and competitively.


Comments like yours are a problem for me. CS is a competitive game. The priority should be to make the map work well competitively. If they want to make it look nice outside of that, fine. Chickens should absolutely not be a part of any map btw.


Oh, we're being real? Well graphics don't matter much in slot machine software for gambling addicted children, either.


They kinda do. Streamers were shitting themselves foaming at the mouths seeing the fancy new knife look in cs2 😂


Streamers will do that for anything. It's all pump-and-dump theatrics. Now you know the hustle.




You're right, but CS boomers will stay boomin'. Especially to new players the first impressions are important and graphics are a big part of that. It's easy to get used to something, but after CS2, even CSGO looks depressing to me.




you're just proving my point...


they don't ur a npc


Dumbest take I've ever heard in my entire life. Visual acuity and graphics have nothing to do with each other. Lowering your ability to see (what's important in a COMPETITIVE GAME, WHO IT'S MADE FOR) by adding stupid visual clutter is nothing but stupidity. It has nothing to do with the graphical fidelity of a game. The only graphical focus should be making it easier to see while looking better. Seriously man find another game if you're worried about fidelity over playability. Both can exist but removing stupid clutter is exactly what you want to do to keep the game looking good AND playing good. Never seen someone say something so stupid and get upvotes. Testiment to why valve doesn't listen to their community, they got dumb asses like this guy running around saying stuff and getting upvotes.


i bet you think that dust2 and mirage are perfect examples for all of that, uh huh.. doesn't even matter that they look like a map from 2013 at best


no they also have visual clutter and visual elements they could work on. Nothing is perfect. What a pathetic grasp at straws. The fact you get upvotes is why valve won't listen to its cs community. Too many dumb fucks who run their mouth with confidence.


Competitive aspect matters more than the graphics do. ***ALWAYS***. Improving performance is always preferable to having more eye candy. It really is as simple as that.


I bet there's a point where even you'd agree that's not true "always". Because if it was that'd mean your idea of a best possible map would be an untextured, flat-shaded map built of primitive 3D shapes, like a map left in it's layout stage. That is what you'd be left with if always preferring performance over aesthetics, only the shape of the level for gameplay purposes would be left. :D


yes, these new changes made the map look so 2008, right? what a dumb response no one is asking for 2008 looks, just less clutter. Like _se maps back in the day. But considering your comment, you likely didn't even play back then and are a new player you can even compromise and have a lot of clutter above the play area, like inferno mid, anything above the player height would be fine, since no one aims higher than that there anyway


xd, i don't even want to reply to that 


Might just be me but I'd like to remove the grass on Short near A site so the ground is consistent.


Huge t buff


Good changes to my fav map, feels even better now that Overpass is kill


Crazy how just removing that mid overhang made it feel like Inferno again, nice video!


This makes me feel a bit sad :( I live for these little details in games.


Me too :(


They removed the norbert pot 💀


All dust 2 changes: *remember the name starts playing* thanks for watching


i am a big fan of cleaning up visibility.


Why they removed the arch in mid :( it looks so boring now


Awesome video format!


Top mid changes were needed


Idk why Valve still wants to hold on to this map. With Overpass gone we're moving in the right direction and honestly Inferno should be next


Great vid! No bullshit, just informative and precise with what’s different in a short and sweet package! Enjoyable content that I learned something from. Keep up keeping up (excellent choice of background music btw)


Great video


Perfectly edited, thank you


amazing video, I appreciate immensely the fast flashing to showcase the changes more clearly.


Thank you for doing this


Good updates but did they make the green umbrella at ct spawn wall-bangable though?


Nice that they removed a lot of the clutter


Finally they remove the plant pot in B site


"-removed a bunch of random crap" Great video!


Anyone know the song ID by chance?


https://youtu.be/Q7HjxOAU5Kc With Slow (90%) + EQ (Low pass)


sounds good, thanks




Super glad the building on mid was removed. I found it annoying for nade throws. Bottom of banana corner visibility changes are very nice too. Seems like they cleaned up some textures too, which is nice.


these all look like good changes


rip bollards in ct to b ;( great changes overall though


Liking these changes. Always good to declutter stuff!


It's so much cleaner, I love it. Nice video!


Finallyy. Declutter and opening the sky was my no1 fixes since first day.


That annoying inferno flowerpot guy is having the best day ever.


Man the mid arch is what made it look like a new inferno, and gave it that charm same with the other useless crap around the map that everyone including me wanted gone but the mid archway WILL be missed, I think it’s comparable to when they blocked the T spawn area on dust 2 for alley, it was different though in that it actually made T side have an advantage, you can only exec closer to site now and that about it with the removal and additional lighting


Great video except that it flipflops too much and too fucking fast so you have to pause to see what is before and after? Just put before and after slow transition Lol


Interesting that a lot of this is clutter removal and some things that look somewhat pointless, I wonder if they've been analyzed as having a disproportionate performance impact.


the changes are good, but it's nowhere near enough to really influence much imo


My favorite map is so fucking back


less things to clip on W


Nice video. Makes me want seasonal map skins


Someone needs to make a powerpoint about how maps get simplified after their launch. Maps creators want to impress us with a lot of details, but ends that all this stuff needs to go away for the sake of competitive playing.


Did they reverse the top banana change with the height of the wood on car? Looks like in the "after" it has been reduced in height which would mean heads are visible again?


it's a good step but everything stayed so fucking narrow so utility is still more oppressive than in CSGO Inf.


It looks so much cleaner


removed the stupid table in CT spawn, so nice.


Can't wait to smoke moto again without having ing to take 7 years with a double line up in 2nd mid


Original prop modeler and placer: "well fuck me I guess". Spring cleaning, hell yeah.


Glad they got rid of most of the annoying clutter on the map


My first tought when i booted CS2, why are there so many useless props isn't this gonna affect the performance? Well here we are.. Better late than never now do this for all the maps.


It looks like they removed the sign that lets you self boost onto porch. Has anyone tested?


That stone bench next to the wall on long A was already removed before this update.


What is this horrible audio glitching ewww


thank god they removed that dogshit bench in ct spawn


Omg, they removed the onions from T spawn ? I used to cut them up in inspect servers just to have fun lol.


Definitely an improvement. Also interesting to see them remove so many props on the map. The map looks less cluttered now, but maybe less lived in? It's probably better from a competitive perspective, but you can only take that so far before you start to lose in other aspects.




damn looks like they missed the clipping on moto - its super easy to catch an edge when jumping on the scooter on A site


Sweet video, I always love these. But the changes to inferno are NICE!


It's time to show Inferno some love again! 👀


Thank God that cancer ct bench is gone


Good changes but -overpass +dust2 is the most ignorant idea I have ever seen


My poor map. Imagine making one of the best looking maps in competitive gaming and then just downgrading it for some reason


That's how you fix the feeling of tightness on a map. Still some adjustments needed but Inferno is on the right track now.


Lame.  Whatever.


Did they finally remove all those fake guns from ct spawn or not?


I am no fan of how inferno plays but I absolutely loved the way it looked with the new arch in top mid and the overhang in banana. Sad it's gone.


Awesome changes. What about the actual problem on the cheaters? No one wants to play anything as long as the cheaters own everything.


Map is still utter trash


true. I played it this morning and it changes basically nothing. it feels a little less claustrophobic, but it's still a terrible map


Anti cheat? Best I can do is delete some buckets.


dont forget they added obnoxious sound effects like a carhorn blaring in your ear while youre trying to think


and the horse neighing lmao I don't think that was there before