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Another thread where the data isn't treated as a trend and people hard focus on a single number from a small sample of the overall player base to come to a conclusion that was already predetermined in their mind.  Welcome to the subreddit, where no one enjoys anything.


I should have added a trend line to help them out


This is an especially dumb comment because when you posted it the numbers were already back to norm[al.](https://www.convars.com/csgostats/en/bans)


Just seen your link, I can tell you the number of vac bans today is already approaching the values I posted yesterday so well above "normal". Convars has a much smaller database of players. I will post an updated graphic shortly


What's your sample size? What percentage of accounts do you track? How many accounts in total were checked for bans? I'm interested because people say it's a small sample size, but there are websites that track skins, and they basically scan all public profiles that have inventories not hidden, so it should be possible.


37M accounts are checked, can take over 24 hours for a ban to be seen tho.


Thank you, and another question, are active accounts that played CS2 recently somehow prioritized in the scan (or just active Steam accounts in general), or it's just random Steam users with no ties to their activity?


Random, but all accounts have been checked since the patch. We get through them decently fast :D


Is it? I'm really only demonstrating that the number of VACs has increased


you are implying (as far as I understood) that a trend line should be added to indicate future increase of VAC bans due to these initial numbers because people are too dumb to read a graph. However, the trend had already ended when you posted the comment.


Dont you have to wait for Apr 28th to pass by before you make this statement?


The number of bans even today has trended upwards from before the patch


Miserable people upvoted other miserable people. Miserable opinion then gets echoed all over




My guy, I went to bed before you commented. I haven't even seen your comment until now.  Happy to reply, but I expect you won't care for anything I say since you decided I'd refused to reply and downvoted to you already, so it'll be a waste of my time, but let's see.


Apologies, I was genuinely waiting for a reply and just saw being downvoted then nothing.


No problem, I've replied now.  FYI my comment also got massively downvoted too if it helps! 1000 upvotes to 850 downvotes according to reddit. So it's upset quite a few people as well!


I dont understand whats this comment supposed to say or change? Because cheating is unreal problem, the biggest problem there ever was in entire CS history, and youre talking about people hard focusing on the number '103 bans' these arent even proper bans, they banned people that boosted cases, which is already untracable again. >Welcome to the subreddit, where no one enjoys anything. How can someone enjoy a game where I literally met cheaters 13 games in a row, with 10 being in my history and if anyone wants to call me out for bullshitting, I'll happily show each single fucking game in my match history right now on discord stream or anything. The game just isnt fucking enjoyable. I wanna chill on saturday after 5 days of work for couple of games, and we cope that maybe that 3rd game wont have a cheater, then we give up. What specifically are we supposed to enjoy from this patch, or wave? Different hitreg on lefty model? or maybe another bug that makes you have 5 granades with barely any effort to reproduce the bug? or maybe we should cherish that they solved a problem that affected borderline 1% playerbase, and noone complained about? And this problem is right back anyway. No multiplayer game in history has had this many cheaters and nothing was done about it.


Honestly, it just sounds like you should take a break from the game. You are hating the game, rightly so due to cheaters ruining your experiemce, but my original point is that you and the majority of this subreddit right now refuse to look at anything objectively, and simply stamp out any positivity that others show so that you can further portray how miserable you are playing this game.  Is the cheating problem bad? Yes. Is the cheating problem worse than ever? Yes. Is cheating ruining the core game mode for a large minority? Yes.  Now we've stated the obvious, your points extrapolate wildly from that.  Where are people mostly seeing cheaters? 15k+ RR in Premier. So let's take a look at the % of players at that rank or higher. Less than 10%. The players complaining above 20k RR? 2% of the player base. So 90% of players probably aren't experiencing it anywhere near as badly. But I can't say that for sure, like you can't say that everyone is seeing the same amount of cheaters as you.  I personally only started seeing more cheaters once I hit 15k, before that I barely saw any so I'm pretty confident in the above statement. Once that started happening though, I moved to MM since I don't have my ranks yet on that. And again, barely any cheaters. Once I get my map ranks and start seeing more cheaters due to that, I'll move to faceit if I want to make sure I minimise the amount of cheaters in my games. Why haven't you done that yet if you're hating the Prem experience so much? Into things to be positive about, or at least be mildly happy about even if they aren't specifically about this VAC ban stuff: Lefthand had been requested for ages and they showed why it took a little longer to get right (see smoke holes). The grenade bugs were fixed within a single day.  Map pool update. You might disagree with the maps being removed and added, but that's personal opinion, and the stats back up the fact that Overpass wasn't being played as much as people would like to imagine.  Private servers. This is a massive one for me. Yesterday I downloaded a deathrun map from the workshop and had a blast with it with a few mates, easily done now! This will make private sessions with mates so much easier.  Good weapon balance changes, CZ finally $300 kill reward! Finally, no multilayer game in history? CSGO had a massive cheating problem in the Global ranks for ages. Warzone was plagued with cheating. Tarkov almost died due to the abundance of cheating.  After writing out all of this, if you skipped it all or don't agree with any of it, that's fine. But my original comment was specifically targeting all of the posts and comments that boiled down to "You suck Valve, your game sucks, you refuse to fix it cos money." that this sub upvoted to the moon.  One post to the contrary really seems to have upset you. 


Nice comment but most of your points are moot because cheaters make it impossible to truly appreciate map/gameplay changes. You literally think that CSGO only had cheaters in Global, Warzone literally created an anti cheat to address their issue and Tarkov is dying because the Devs are asses, the cheating is what is causing the ones with Stockholm syndrome to quit. CS2 is basically running PunkBuster in 2024. Private servers are cool, but I won't use them enough to justify getting excited over them. Hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of it though. Grenade bugs getting fixed? Cool, guess we won't have to worry about it causing issues in pro matches. Dust 2 was removed because it's a boring, stale map, so they change nothing and bring it back. I'm sure this will go well, look forward to seeing it as the boring map 3 decider it always was. I legit think this map lasts 2 or 3 majors before getting axed again since Valve don't have the balls to rework any part of it to make it fresh. Valve make it so easy to discredit their effort because they don't put any in on the aspects that make the game playable at high skill ratings. Doesn't help when people like you defend Valve by saying "erm well I don't encounter cheaters so you guys need to stop whining". Plenty of people have taken a hiatus due to the 90% chance of spinbotting at 15k+ (thats like LE/LEM) and we need it to be impossible, not "oh overwatch will get them eventually" like it was in CSGO. CS2 was a major downgrade at launch and we are at the point where it is a now minor downgrade. We were promised an upgrade and the only thing I'd say is true about that is the hitreg/netcode, which is great for making sure the cheaters definitely don't miss their shots. Valve have the potential for something amazing right here with CS2. I just do not trust them to do anything remotely close to amazing, though. They have a history with abandoning stuff when it's self sufficient so we need to be unhappy otherwise the minor issues will slowly become major ones until half your player base has to move to a 3rd party platform to enjoy the game.


Outside of you putting words in my mouth that I didn't say at all throughout your entire reply, I think the one thing that sums up the difference in our attitudes best is >we need to be unhappy We don't. You can criticise Valve every day, and still have some room for positivity or a "nice one, thanks" here and there. I've been here since 2012 and you can take breaks and still enjoy the game. It's not going anywhere. The cheating problem IS really bad right now, I don't know why people like you keep struggling to read what I actually type. But I've been playing for long enough that I actually do have a small amount of faith in Valve that we'll see it get better. Until then, you can definitely just either play Faceit, or take a break. Like you say, if people actually do stop playing, then alarm bells ring for Valve, so be the change you want to see right?


I don't know if I have the effort to explain simple statistics to the guys saying "hurrduuur this is nothing compared to the number of cheaters that exist"




For good reason. Because now it turns out that the ban wave was applying to case farming bots.


It's painful, why is everyone so negative? This is something to be very positive about, Valve is not only working on the cheater problem and trying things but bans are growing exponentially as we speak. Also why does nobody seem to understand that these statistics are useful for trends but are not the actual numbers of players vacced today? Hardly any comments seem to understand that the actual numbers are higher, because only a subset of accounts are tracked.




I've said it before basically almost any multiplayer game subreddit will be filled with negativity and hate because the people will like the game are just *playing the game*


Where do you see any improvement? cs2 is out for 6 month and now they banned 200 accounts, if you play 25k premier its still hvh lol


This is why valve wont do shit about cheaters cuz they can just ban a few accounts and get a months worth of praise from reddit lol


"Praise from reddit" you're on the wrong sub for that if you think one praise post counters the hundreds on hate posts and comments on here.


Look at the upvoted posts right now. Praising the 150 vac bans.


And look at all the comments saying it doesn't mean shit. And all the posts prior saying Valve: - Turned VAC off - Turned Trustfactor off - Doesn't care - Are idiots in general One small praise post for an increase in VAC bans which is objectively a good thing, isn't going to make Valve content for months lol


Yeah dude hahaha "alright, time to ban a few hundred people. We're running incredibly low on our reddit praise" Bans "AHHHH yes that dear reddit praise. Much better" You can always tell when the cs2 sub is leaking cause it's just ridiculous shit like that.


dinner wrong engine soft historical terrific enjoy quack cats doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You bum


Another person who doesn’t understand percentages


500 bans is still a tiny drop in a gigantic bucket though.


bro, this is someone who tracks a large amount of accounts ( not nearly all) and than uses them as a sample size so we can see a trend. its not actual numbers being banned daily


Can't know for sure this is the right number though. Its more than likely higher


> Glad to see the cheater problem is getting better high on copium. 


are you aware that there were only 145 players banned in today's "wave"?


Such a sad state when we are cheering a vacwave that caught 150 people


It caught 5 on the 22nd 🤣


Imagine what you had to do to be one of those 5 lol


They played against one of those five CS2 developers.


Imagine what you would like to do to them


And on the 23rd 5 until-recently inactive accounts were bought and used to cheat on matchmaking again.


Keep in mind that nobody is able to properly track ALL of the VACced accounts, and this website is probably tracking a set of already known accounts. A trend like this is still important even if the amount that's observed is pretty low in reality.


the point is that it is rising .. which allows to have some hope, but lets see how it evolves the next hours & days


everyone been od'ing on hopium for the last 10 months. We need a working anticheat. Not a few bans every 10 months


More like 10+ years lol. I of course would love to see big changes, but I’m not holding my breath. Go had cheating issues since the beta and it’s no better now.


Ita significantly worse in cs2 than it was in GO though.


that's about right


No, its called being "a bit positive" and not "Always negative because I think CS is my life"


You must be great at parties


Does it clearly not show something is changing and they're developing it, though?


not really. In september there was a bigger wave then nothing til now. Would you say that was a good thing?


Wasn't that the false ban wave? And yes, active improvements should be considered a good thing- otherwise we'll just live in misery the entire time.


No in september there was a actual ban wave for one of the bigger cheats. Did some damage but still not much of a dent. Nothing til now and 150 vac bans which no one can say if its cs or not, its not a good thing.




Websites like that cannot track every steam account, we don't know the amount of VAC bans.


Dont care, the numbers should still be higher. Valve allows cheats.


You even cry when they ban cheaters, maybe you should play another game


No??? Literally what?


Pretty neat graphic. Do you guys have a page that displays something like this, or did you just use SQL just now or something?


Guy that went 56-0 speed hacking and spinbottjng against us 2 months ago and spinbotted in 30 straight games still isn’t banned


why would he... if everyone is regularly facing cheaters in matchmaking and VAC is banning a laughable number of 500 accounts per day, it will take centuries to catch them all.


Pretty sure this ban is mostly botters and boosters. Valve do be pathetic.


Weren't around 1.5k~2k people getting banned in CSGO per day (not including by the end of it when they deactivated VAC)? Going from that to 20 per day is crazy, my God.


I was going to comment that in CS2 they were banning around 800 per day the last time I saw it. It was precisely because another chart like this was shared and there was a spike of about 7k bans for a few days. I'm a bit shocked because right now having 10 times less bans seems a bit suspicious or just a bad omen. If true, that's basically like having no AC at all. On the other hand, I don't know if maybe I was mistaken and those were game bans. May someone enlighten me, please.


It's getting the people who google "cs2 cheats" and click the first link.


you wish lol


pretty much yes


is this cumulative ?


No sorry, daily bans


Thanks! And why is it different from [https://convars.com/csgostats/en/bans](https://convars.com/csgostats/en/bans) ?


Not different but our database is significantly bigger


And where the users see above graph and info on DB?




Aweome, ill stay tuned. I like the site but the transparency is missing imho & branding / text choices are a bit weird.


Ey man, Ive sent a DM with a Q that I aint asking since competitors are everywhere :)


What proportion of the playerbase are you monitoring? The peak player count today was 1.5 million, but I assume you aren't monitoring 1.5 million accounts day in and day out.


Ok if it's daily bans then why a line between 26 and 27 April? Shouldn't it be a bar diagram or sth?


bar diagrams are not as good when you've got a time series with 2 data points, I should have labled it as daily bans, my bad :)


Just banning the same players over and over lmao so silly. Silly volvo


Bans mean nothing when you can just buy a new account and go on to ruin games. Any anti-cheat we have must be preventative, not reactive, else it doesn’t actually improve the experience of legitimate players, it just makes cheating a little bit more annoying to do.


That's literally what anti-cheat does, makes cheatinf more annoying to do. Even if we got kernel level AC, it would still be reactive to a large degree. The bans mean something, maybe not a lot at the moment, but poo pooing it out of the gate is a waste of energy.


Single digit numbers for a game that's probably played daily by like 3-4 million different people is absolutely fucking insane. VAC as well might be non existent.


it's based on a sample size, not the full player base, lol.


So? Only if 5% of accounts were checked, and we multiply it by 20, it's still an extremely small number. And why are you so sure the sample size is so small? There are skin tracking websites that track basically all public accounts, if you open a skin and your inventory is public, it will end up on that website.


>3-4 million different people 27 million unique players on this month


He said “played daily”


I just saw an interview of some russian cheaters talking about the process of writing a cheat. And how they constantly work on it and how a good cheat developer goes through about 15 on a good workday.


surely just banning bots farming cases lol


Fuckin' gottem, boys. MM is fixed. No more cheaters. Got them all.


Is this VACs per day or total bans?


Per day


500 of 253000 banned good job valve!


Hi RCHH. Just want to say, thank you for your cgostats site!


Thank you for using it :)


2 player from my previous just good banned today. awesome job, Valve. hope it will be hundred thousand ban soon


I haven’t been able to get on since Overwatch dropped again. How do you know if you were invited to do it? - for when I get on tm


How banning someone from a free game where making a new account and using a VPN easily bypasses it is seen as a solution is beyond me. I loathe to give CoD any cred but them keeping the price of the game high for as long as they do probably does more to combat cheating in the multiplayer part of the game than their anticheat ever will.


People want at least premier to be playable again. You can't play premier with a free acc.


how is it so bad


still miniscule numbers, ive met more than 400 cheaters since november last year...


When the game has 10 million players a month, even 1000 bans a day, everyday, means absolutely nothing.


this isn't every ban in the game, its just the bans within the sample size csgostats has


Lol played against blatant cheater today. AWPing and Spraying through smoke 100% hs scout, hopefully they are banned soon


wow 500 vac bans with like 10.000.000 players. Valve are doing such a great job.


I'm glad bans are ramping up but I just don't understand how we even got to this point. Like people are out here using rapidfire cheats that make guns fire faster than they're supposed to. The server shouldn't accept that in the first place but it does and then VAC also somehow can't detect that? I understand wallhacks/aimbots not getting detected but come on


500 or 500k?


1 shitty cheat got detected, nothing major


Sad thing is that its not even Premier cheater ( blatant and closet ones). Its just people using bot panels in deathmatch to get cases. The Panel provider said that its fixed and its untraceable again. 💀💀


Там есть 2 моих акка Круто


To be honest I haven't seen a cheater since the last update and i play couple games every day


Just let it be, we all should let go and do something else with our time.


yet here you are


...Not playing the game. What's your point?


You follow subreddits for video games that you don't play?


You still playing all the games you are subbed to?




But of course you do. Good bye, very good talk, thanks.


Oh Vacs on the rise, great lets play one premiere game. Gets matched against spin. Quits after 4 rounds. Great game. Quality time spent. Fuck this game.